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Showing 51–100 of 131 results

  • Parents Guide To Body Positivity


    When movies and media flash airbrushed models across our kids’ screens, it’s hard for them not to compare themselves negatively. Gain valuable insight into the body positivity moment how it began, its pros and cons, and why teen mental health is so deeply influenced.

    Features answers to questions including:
    *Where does body shame come from?
    *What does the Bible say about body image?
    *How can I help my kids have a healthy view of their bodies?
    *And more!

    Plus, enjoy discussion questions and advice specific to fathers and mothers to help curb teens’ body negativity.

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  • Parents Guide To LGBTQ Plus And Your Teen


    Today’s teens rely on the Internet, dislike labels, and love their LGBTQ+ friends. How can you discuss this hot-button topic with compassion when you don’t understand what the letters mean or how it’s become normal? Features:

    *Bible references about sexual identity
    *Ways the church has responded poorly to the LGBTQ+ community
    *Practical tips for preparing to discuss the topic with your teens
    *Discussion questions to dive deep into your teen’s understanding of sexuality
    *List of terms and definitions (asexual, cisgender, queer, etc.) and triggering phrases to avoid

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  • Parents Guide To Teen Identity


    “I am who I decide to be.” Teens strongly believe in a world where self-expression, uniqueness, and differences are welcome. Dig deep into Gen Z’s identity formation by uncovering false beliefs and steering them toward a healthy sense of self. Features:

    *Lies culture tells you about identity formation
    *Biblical truths about finding your real identity
    *Practical ways to live out your true self
    *Self-reflection questions for parents
    *Engaging discussion questions for teens

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  • Raising Healthy Teenagers


    Our kids are experiencing an unprecedented sense of isolation, interacting virtually in a world that seems ever more fearful with each news cycle. They absorb and internalize the stress and anxiety they see on their parents’ faces and on the phone, laptop, tablet, and TV screens that are ever before their eyes. Not surprisingly, their mental and physical health are suffering. As parents, we want to know how we can help.

    Practical and encouraging, Raising Healthy Teenagers helps you understand the mental, physical, and social toll the past couple years have taken on your kids. Then it offers proven strategies to help your teen get back onto a healthy path by:

    – reducing screen time and increasing green time
    – learning how to be a social being again
    – developing strategies to deal with disruptions in schooling
    – reclaiming a structured day
    – breaking the cycle of anxiety and depression
    – and much more

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  • Raising Amazing : Bringing Up Kids Who Love God, Like Their Family, And Do


    Raising Amazing combines years of research with personal stories and step-by-step, practical advice to equip you to raise kids of godly character and deep faith who love their parents and remain close to their siblings for a lifetime.

    Parents love to imagine their children growing up to be exceptional adults. But for many, raising exceptional adults seems a daunting task. Perhaps you’re a new parent and don’t know where to start, or maybe you’re a parent of teens and feel like you’ve made a mess of it all. Or perhaps you’re somewhere in between and just don’t think you’re good at the whole parenting thing.

    Wherever you are in your parenting journey, there’s hope for you. As a mom of four boys, Monica Swanson–also the author of Boy Mom and host of the popular Boy Mom podcast–knows firsthand the challenges and struggles of parenting and the kind of help that parents in the trenches are looking for.

    In Raising Amazing, Monica gives you the tools and techniques you need to:

    *Raise countercultural kids in the midst of a crazy world
    *Train your children in the biblical character qualities you value most
    *Find ways to help your kids navigate technology, sports, and dating
    *Introduce your children to a vibrant life of faith that will draw them closer to God
    *Cultivate strong sibling bonds and mend those that may already be struggling
    *Develop healthy relationships with your children that will lead to friendship for a lifetime
    *Encourage dads with a note to dads at the end of each chapter written by Monica’s husband

    This isn’t just a book; it’s a fresh perspective on parenting that may just change the trajectory of your family forever.

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  • Parenting : Getting It Right


    Am I getting parenting right? Most parents, at any and every stage, find themselves asking this question.

    Whether you’re sleep deprived with a colicky newborn or navigating the emotional roller coaster of a teenager, parenting has its ups and downs, its confusion and clarity, its big blowups and small victories. And no matter our family makeup or our children’s personalities, many of us experience anxiety over our children’s futures and often fear making a mistake.

    Andy and Sandra Stanley are no strangers to this feeling. As parents of three grown children and cofounders of North Point Ministries, they are seasoned experts on faith and parenting. Together they have spent decades counseling countless families, mentoring others, and learning from mentors of their own, all while leading one of the largest churches in the country.

    In Parenting: Getting It Right, Andy and Sandra combine their experience and wisdom into a guide that helps readers understand and live by essential parenting principles. In an inviting, conversational approach that is both informative and accessible, the Stanleys help readers understand the most important goal in parenting and learn the steps to pursue it by:

    *Learning the four distinct stages of parenting

    *Clarifying the primary goal of parenting and developing a parenting orientation around that goal

    *Identifying and adapting their approach–not their rules–to their children’s distinct personalities

    *Deciding on their shortlist of non-negotiables and learning to stick to it

    You don’t have to constantly doubt if you’re getting it right as a parent. Start here and feel confident about raising a healthy and happy family.

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  • Parents Guide To YouTube


    Dive into this social video-sharing platform and find out why teens can’t live without it. Enjoy explanations of YouTube’s various offerings (YouTube Premium, YouTube TV, YouTube Kids), tips on how to navigate the platform, and advice about parental controls and building healthy online habits.

    Easily discuss the pros and cons of YouTube with 15 engaging questions meant to spark meaningful conversation, including:

    *Have you learned new things on YouTube?
    *What makes it hard to stop watching a video once you’ve started?
    *What’s a reasonable amount of time to spend on YouTube?

    Axis is a team of Gospel-focused researchers creating culturally relevant guides, videos, and audios that equip parents of teens to have deep conversations about faith.

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  • Parents Guide To Instagram


    Teens thrive on validation from friends and followers. It’s no wonder that this image-saturated app tempts teens to crop their lives to perfection and create a polished online persona. Gain valuable insight into how Instagram affects teen mental health, body positivity, self-esteem, and more.


    *An explanation of the app’s key features
    *Vocabulary list of terms including home feed, finsta, hashtag, DM, and more
    *Suggestions on how to talk about the impact of Instagram with your teen

    Axis is a team of Gospel-focused researchers creating culturally relevant guides, videos, and audios that equip parents of teens to have deep conversations about faith.

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  • Parents Guide To Influencers


    Teens trust online influencers to teach them what to buy, what to wear, and how to live–sometimes to their detriment. Dig deep into influencer culture, understand teens’ desire to follow or become social media influencers, and learn how to discuss it without sounding condemning or ignorant.

    Explore topics like:

    *Gaining wealth and fame as an influencer
    *Engaging with name-brand sponsors
    *Weighing the pros and cons of building a platform
    *Comparing Christian vs. non-Christian influencers
    *Learning what the Bible says about being a “follower”

    Axis is a team of Gospel-focused researchers creating culturally relevant guides, videos, and audios that equip parents of teens to have deep conversations about faith.

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  • Parents Guide To Teen FOMO


    Teens want fun, meaningful experiences with friends and family, but FOMO (fear of missing out) can become a stressful burden that robs them of joy. When social media creates the illusion that everyone else is living a better life, depression and anxiety can creep in. This pocket-size guide is packed with explanations, tips, and discussion questions to help parents guide their teens to live FOMO-free.


    *5 side effects of FOMO and why Gen Z is affected so intensely
    *Bible verses connecting FOMO to fear, idolatry, judging others, etc.
    *Practical tips to create healthy boundaries
    *Discussion questions

    Axis is a team of Gospel-focused researchers creating culturally relevant guides, videos, and audios that equip parents of teens to have deep conversations about faith.

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  • Parents Guide To TikTok


    Imagine gaining international fame by lip-syncing or dancing to your favorite songs. TikTok’s short video format allows users to create and watch content ranging from ridiculous and fun to graphic or even dangerous.

    Dive into this entertaining app and learn:

    *How it works
    *How to create an account
    *How to set up parental controls
    *How to teach teens to use it wisely

    Plus, enjoy a list of discussion questions to foster conversation before and after your teen downloads the app.

    Axis is a team of Gospel-focused researchers creating culturally relevant guides, videos, and audios that equip parents of teens to have deep conversations about faith.

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  • Building A Family Of Faith


    A fun-to-do, easy, family-friendly devotional that brings the whole family together for Bible stories, interactive discussion, and engaging physical activities.

    Whether your family has been doing devotions together for years or this is your first time introducing them, Building a Family of Faith is just what you need to help your family connect with one another, grow in faith, and learn how physical activity can influence your relationships and your faith. Who better to guide you than Andy Dooley–a passionate leader, pastor, social media influencer, fitness professional, and father of four who has worked with families for more than eighteen years through sports, fitness, and ministry.

    In this family-friendly devotional, he will help you simplify yet enhance your family’s quality time with devotions that children of all ages will enjoy and learn from. As you read through this devotional each week, your family will . . .
    *Engage in meaningful conversations through the powerful stories and guided questions about God’s Word

    *Enjoy physical activities to get your family moving and having fun together

    *Value a vibrant prayer life and learn to pray together as a family

    Take the weight off your shoulders, and let this devotional help you to build a family of faith.

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  • Power Of Praying For Your Adult Children


    Keep Parenting Them Through Prayer

    Even though your relationships with your children may change once they enter adulthood, you can still impact the direction of their lives by asking your heavenly Father to shape them for His glory.

    This powerful book from bestselling author Stormie Omartian offers you encouragement and support as you continue to love, influence, and minister to your now-grown kids. You’ll learn how to ask for God’s divine intervention in the lives of your children as you pray that they will:
    *develop hearts hungry for God, His Word, and His ways
    *flourish in their relationships, careers, and health
    *stand strong against temptations, stumbling blocks, and worldly distractions

    No matter how old your children are, you can find peace knowing they are in God’s hands. The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children is an inspiring reminder to turn all your hopes and dreams for your family over to God, confident that He hears and answers your every request.

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  • Who Are You And What Have You Done With My Kid


    So you have a Tween! What now? Dr. Amanda Craig knows what it’s like to watch your child go from sweet elementary student to moody tween in the span of just a few years and she’s here to help navigate you through it!

    How do we keep our kids close while cultivating the confidence they’ll need to grow up? How do we navigate the inevitable dips, divides, and potholes? Where do we find the strength, self-awareness, and wisdom that amount to a path forward?

    Despite the parenting opportunities in the tween years, we often spend time focused on academics and the social concerns of elementary school then quickly pivot to worries about safety, drugs, sex and the rebellious behavioral issues of the teen years. We think we’re connecting but we’re not. We miss the neurological explosion that is taking place before us as tweens experience four significant changes that shake them (and us) to their core.

    *Their brains are changing.
    *They feel and experience emotions they do not recognize.
    *They’re hyperaware of themselves.
    *They do not know how to express themselves.

    Most importantly, parents still have a “seat at the table” to make positive impressions on their tweens as they prepare them for the teenage years.

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  • Whole And Healthy Family


    All parents want their children to thrive, but what does that actually look like? And what does it take to get there? In The Whole and Healthy Family, Jodi Mockabee shares her parenting philosophy, one that encourages the equipping of each unique child to be able to function as a whole person so that they can enter adulthood as physically, spiritually, and mentally healthy individuals. Developed over years of research and personal practice, Jodi’s whole-person and whole-family approach shows you how to:

    – understand your personality and those of your spouse and children
    – create a simple, wholesome home environment
    – make healthy and nourishing meals
    – stay active as a family
    – prioritize spiritual growth and serving together
    – affirm and bless one another
    – and more

    Whether you’re just starting your family or have been in the parenting trenches for a while and are looking for a fresh alternative to the way you’ve been doing things, Jodi can help you create a family culture that allows for the flourishing of every family member in mind, body, and spirit.

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  • Why Did God Give My Kids Free Will


    Do you sometimes wonder about God’s plan, specifically why He gave our children free will to do the things they do? More thoughtful and holy thinkers have tackled the question.

    It’s a mystery, mostly, but in its raw form, parental mishaps help us get closer to God. Consider:

    *Learning patience while spitwads land in your drink
    *Embracing the absurdity of teens wearing shorts in the winter
    *Practicing gentleness as you explain (again) why it is important to restock the toilet paper

    Regret, humiliation, control … you can let go of these when you laugh and make peace with the idea that God may just have a sense of humor after all.

    With anecdotes, prayers, devotionals, and reflections, Why Did God Give My Kids Free Will? shows readers the hilarious, spiritual journey of life with kids sure to inspire and unite Christian parents.

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  • Write It On Their Hearts


    Family life is often very busy! There are so many things competing for time and attention. Kids are also influenced by many different things. How can we make sure that we are making the most of our time with our children to lead them spiritually? And what is the best approach?

    This practical guide gives parents a systematic approach to discipleship that goes beyond rote memorization. Author Chris Swain applies to the family context the principles of discipleship that Jesus teaches in Scripture to help you make the most of the time you have with your kids, to both lead them to Jesus and to encourage them to be like Jesus.

    “Discipleship happens when we spend intentional time with our children. It is in these moments that God writes his word on their hearts. He does the writing, but we help create the atmosphere for this to take place.” (From the introduction to Write It On Their Hearts.)

    Write It On Their Hearts features:
    * a model of discipleship developed by Replicate Ministries that is based on Jesus’ encounters with his disciples
    * a discipleship plan that you can tailor to each child
    * practical help and advice for Christian parents on how to disciple their kids

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  • Signals : How Brain Science And The Bible Help Parents Raise Resilient Chil


    Would you like to improve the emotional intelligence of your kids? Signals offers a simple, relational approach to help you become aware of your emotions, their impact on others, and how to implement this technique in your home, school, or ministry.

    While we can’t see the brain, it sends signals to us and those around us. Just as the colors of a traffic light send drivers a signal to go, slow down, or stop, our brains signal to our emotions and affect our behavior toward others.

    In Signals, Cherilyn Orr introduces a common language and imagery to help everyone manage their emotions. Rooted in neuroscience and the Bible, this approach has been used around the world because its spans across all cultural contexts. Learn how to read these signals, become more aware of your emotions as well as your child’s, and understand how to respond based on the signal sent. For parents and educators, this approach is an easy-to-understand way to evaluate what’s going on with your child, mentally and emotionally, at any given moment to determine an appropriate response.

    Signals is also useful for kids with special needs, including those with autism. Applying the technique can transform the relationships you have with your kids and set them on a lifelong trajectory of ever-increasing emotional intelligence.

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  • Famous At Home


    No one wakes up and decides, “I’m planning to ruin my marriage, neglect my kids, and cause mistrust in my family.” Yet our personal pursuits and busyness can lead us there. In this book, marriage and leadership coaches Dr. Josh and Christi Straub show how seven core decisions can help us put what’s most important center stage in our lives.

    Famous at Home is Josh and Christi’s realistic, grace-filled look at the struggles families face in a culture that competes for their time, attention, and identity. Whether you’ve found yourself putting more effort into becoming famous on stages outside the home, or your stage is the home, Famous at Home offers guidance and inspiration to help you give your family the best version of you instead of your leftovers.

    Famous at Home will help you and your spouse:
    *Be on the same team–fighting for each other and not against each other
    *Stay emotionally connected even if work, distance, or busyness are in the way
    *Deeply invest in the emotional lives of your children

    You really can be famous at home, showing up in intentional and meaningful ways for your biggest fans. All it takes is realizing that the greatest red carpet you’ll ever walk is through your front door.

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  • When Anxiety Roars


    According to the American Psychological Association, today’s children and teenagers are anxious about many things. In addition to the stressors common to any generation–family issues, financial instability, pressure to perform in school or sports–these young people also worry about gun violence, social justice, the state of their divided nation, the fate of a warming planet, and much more. To top it off, recent global events and resulting restrictions have added significant stress even as they have stripped away support systems.

    For parents, teachers, counselors, and youth leaders longing to understand and help the young people in their lives, When Anxiety Roars unpacks the biological, psychological, social, and spiritual factors that influence anxiety in children and offers specific practical steps to take together to tame that anxiety. Integrating faith with best practices to reduce anxiety, it also teaches coping skills that will help children live more confidently today and into the future.

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  • 8 Secrets To Raising Successful Kids


    Want children who are patient, kind, humble, thankful, and respectful? Who have a good work ethic, strong character, and a healthy self-image? Who succeed in all areas of life–personally, professionally, and relationally–to the best of their ability?

    You can’t force your kids to be grateful for everything you do, but you can raise successful, responsible kids who grow into adults you can be proud of. With his signature wit and wisdom, international parenting expert Dr. Kevin Leman reveals eight no-nonsense strategies that build on the foundations of character, good behavior, respect, discipline, and a winning attitude.

    He shows you how to:

    – expect the best to get the best
    – minimize friction and optimize solutions
    – put your relationship first
    – and much more

    It is possible to raise a successful child in a “whatever” generation. Dr. Leman shows you just how simple it can be.

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  • Dishing Up Devotions


    Homeschooling is a challenging journey that’s often misunderstood. The thirty-six weeks that parents have to educate their homeschooled children don’t just come together magically. There are lessons to plan and oversee, records to keep, routines to follow, and kids to motivate. It can feel overwhelming as the teaching parent–usually Mom–tries to tackle both the educational and spiritual aspects of the children’s lives while also keeping up with household tasks such as cooking and laundry.

    Dishing Up Devotions: 36 Activities for Homeschooling Families infuses faith and fun to strengthen family relationships while nourishing the teaching parent’s soul.

    It features thirty-six weekly devotions, faith-building activities for the whole family, and baking recipes connected to the weekly character theme.

    Author Katie Trent’s goal is to take the stress out of homeschooling with a devotional that the whole family will love through:

    *Encouragement from other homeschooling parents
    *Biblical lessons even toddlers can understand
    *Interactive family activities
    *Delicious baking recipes related to the weekly theme

    Homeschooling just got easier–and deliciously fun!

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  • Grandparenting Teens : Leaving A Legacy Of Hope


    Three million kids have grandparents parenting them. Are you one of those grandparents? Are you in need of some help? Are you in a crisis with your teen that you’re not sure anyone has an answer for?

    There are natural communication barriers between grandparents and their teenage grandkids:

    – new and old cultures collide and the relationship sometimes flies out the window

    – hurtful words stab at a grandparent trying to help

    – memories are missed and arguments explode in a family

    Both grandparents and grandkids face these triggers, but from opposite sides. And sometimes they result in teens getting into drugs, kids smoldering in unexpressed anger that deepens into depression, and kids even harming themselves. The teenagers want attention and relationships; grandparents want to help.

    Help is available from author and well-known family expert Mark Gregston who has worked in teenage and family ministries such as Young Life and his own program, Heartlight, for over forty years. For Gregston, it’s all about relationships. Teens need to find out why they think no one understands them. And they need help to guide them through this contradictory world. Grandparenting Teens is a valuable resource that helps grandparents love their teens and relate to them in genuine, honest, life-changing ways.

    This book gives practical tips on how to start grandparenting teens in a way that fosters connection. Mark teaches skills such as getting everyone to listen–really listen. As a grandparent, you can help your teen learn to paint their honest, big-picture perspective, so no one’s left out of their world. They will learn gratefulness instead of giving grief. They will recognize when their grandparent understands their troubles and becomes their role model for life when everyone else turns away. And both grandparents and teens will find their point of contact–their bond. Gregston’s stories will entertain you. They will teach you. They will move you. Some will even change your life.

    This book is a must for every grandparent who wants to continue to have an influence on the life of their teen grandchildren. In this ever-important role, grandparents can offer something to their grandkids that they can receive from no one else.

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  • Impossible Kid : Parenting A Strong-Willed Child With Love And Grace


    You Can Raise a Strong-Willed Child to Reflect the Character of God

    In The Impossible Kid, relationship coach and pastor’s wife Lucille Williams writes an exceptionally honest and funny account of parenting a strong-willed child. Through 11 entertaining chapters, this book provides practical tools for parents to sow seeds of encouragement in their kids as they aspire to raise adults who reflect the nature and character of God. Endorsed by Dr. Gary Smalley, The Impossible Kid is an encouraging and informative read, covering topics including family dysfunctions, feeling like an inadequate parent, creative and effective discipline, parenting with integrity, the dreaded sex talk, learning to laugh together, and keeping God as the focal point in the home.

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  • Raising Resilient Kids


    With so many “experts” touting different approaches to raising thriving children, how do you know which is the best one?

    Dr. Rhonda Spencer-Hwang, professor of public health at Loma Linda University and mom of three, had the same question. As a member of a community known worldwide for its health and longevity, often referred to as a Blue Zone, she decided to study the area’s many centenarians to find out what they-or their parents-did right in childhood to make them so resilient to stress, disease, and the adversities of life.

    In Raising Resilient Kids, Dr. Spencer-Hwang reveals the intriguing findings from her research and offers eight principles for raising happier, healthier children who are equipped to flourish despite life’s inevitable adversities. Readers of Raising Resilient Kids will learn how to:

    *Empower children with determination, motivation, and empathy
    *Win over picky eaters and others who resist new routines
    *Reduce negative stress and boost happiness
    *Instill the values that motivate children to serve and help others
    *Enhance academic performance through healthy habits
    *Help kids begin to explore their passions and purpose.

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  • 10 Time Saving Tips For Busy Parents


    Get excited! You are about to learn how to make your life easier. No matter how hectic your schedule, there is a way to optimally arrange your time so you can be happier and more productive. None of us is perfect. There will be days when we get off track and don’t accomplish all that we would wish to. But by consistently applying these time-saving tips, your life will run much more smoothly. You will feel like your world is under control even when so much around you seems out of control. The benefits are enormous:

    * Achieve success in your home life.
    * Experience less stress.
    * Streamline your tasks.
    * Balance your job and household responsibilities.
    * Maximize your output.
    * Feel more in charge of your own time.
    * Distribute the household workload more evenly.
    * Enable your family to thrive within a pleasant structure.

    We all want to leave behind some kind of legacy. The choices we make, especially decisions about how we spend our time, determine the course of our life. We must maximize our days to impact our world. For many of us, our biggest impact is the influence we have on our spouse and children. Therefore, spending quality time with them is more than just important-it is crucial. Getting our tasks done more effectively gives us a greater opportunity to be a positive role model, share life experiences, and make memories with our loved ones.

    Here is the parent’s guide to a happier and more productive life.

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  • Bible Promises And Prayers For Children


    Parents have the privilege and responsibility to partner with God to release their children’s divine destiny. Biblical wisdom, God’s promises, and the passionate prayers of caretakers of children are change agents in the lives of these young giant-killers.From Bethel Church leaders and parents Bill and Beni Johnson comes this practical 31-day prayer resource for those who want to receive God’s passionate heart for their children, pray daily for them, and model prayer with them.

    Each day includes:
    – an insightful, instructive reading to inspire Spirit-led parenting
    – relevant Bible promises for meditation and declaration
    – a related Scripture-based prayer
    – activations to do with your child, including a question to discuss, a short prayer to pray, a decree to declare together, and a practical action step of faith

    God places children in families for a reason–so parents can fan into flame all their children are to become. Your child has big battles to face. This book will help equip you to be the strength and encouragement your child needs.

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  • How To Listen So Your Kids Will Talk


    Good parenting depends on good communication. The problem is, we parents tend to over-talk. Not only is this ineffective, it discourages children from sharing what’s on their hearts. In this immensely practical book, communications expert Becky Harling shares the best listening practices to transform your family’s relationships and set your children up for success, including how to:
    – help them express their feelings in healthy ways
    – listen to affirm their strengths
    – model how to navigate conflict with grace
    – listen to God, knowing that he “bends down to listen” to us (Psalm 116:2 nlt)

    Whether your son or daughter is in preschool, grade school, or high school, intentional listening will help them feel heard, valued, and empowered to find their unique voice. The practices you put into place now will set a foundation for strong relationships into adulthood.

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  • Family Discipleship : Leading Your Home Through Time, Moments, And Mileston


    The most important disciple a parent will make is within their own home, and yet this is the most difficult disciple to make. Family Discipleship by Matt Chandler and Adam Griffin helps readers develop a sustainable rhythm of gospel-centered discipleship through a guided framework focusing on moments of discipleship in 3 key areas: time (intentional time gathering your family around gospel activities or conversations), moments (leveraging opportunities throughout the day), and milestones (celebrating significant life events). Each section provides parents with Scriptures to consider, questions to answer, structures to implement, and ideas to try out as they seek to see Christ formed in their children. Here is a book that begins with the end in mind, offering ideas and examples of what gospel-centered family discipleship looks like, helping parents design their own discipleship plan as they seek to raise children in the love and fear of the Lord.

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  • Practical Guide For Praying Parents


    Instead of an Anxious Parent, Become a Praying Parent

    Any Christian mother and father, or grandmother and grandfather, desires what is spiritually best for their children. However, knowing how to pray for them can often be as challenging as knowing what to pray. Without proper guidance, our prayers are prone to become dry, repetitive lists of requests.

    With the help of Dr. Erwin Lutzer, you can learn how your best, loving intentions can become enriching, effective intercessions for your children or grandchildren. Trade your lists of requests for Scripturally-based prayers that will immerse you in God’s promises and will. In A Practical Guide for Praying Parents, Dr. Lutzer addresses:

    -How to pray when children have hardened hearts
    -How to pray for children who have become wayward prodigals
    -How to become a prayer warrior who prays in the face of spiritual warfare

    This small guide will help you pray scriptural prayers that both bring you closer to God and bless your children. You’ll also find daily Biblical prayers crafted by Dr. Lutzer himself to help you begin your prayer journey. With your love for your children, your desire to help, and Dr. Lutzer’s guidance, your prayers can become effective ministry in the lives of those you care for the most.

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  • Countercultural Parenting : Building Character In A World Of Compromise


    How can I raise them righteously in a fallen world?

    Maybe you caught your child in a web of lies. Perhaps your kid is repeating the bad language she hears on the playground. Or he’s picking up the lazy habits of his peers. Have you ever wondered how to raise your kids to change God’s world when filth and folly get all the air time?

    While the moral tide of our culture is sweeping virtue, hard work, integrity and godliness out to sea, raising a child with godly values is countercultural. But it’s not impossible. Change starts with you. You can reject passivity and equip your kids to reflect Christ to the world.

    Author Lee Nienhus offers guidance to every struggling parent. As you work on building your own character and confidence, you will learn to model a life of discipline and integrity for your children and become the kind of countercultural parent your kids need.

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  • Take Authority Over Autism


    A Grim Diagnosis, Miraculously Reversed!

    At age 4, Londyn Giles was diagnosed with autism. Doctors said that she would never talk or function normally. But by the power of God, Londyn was miraculously healed! Today, she is happily functioning in a normal classroom, has lots of friends, and loves to share her testimony of supernatural healing!

    In Take Authority Over Autism, Londyn’s mother, Angeletta Giles shares the story of their journey, equipping you with the natural and supernatural tools necessary for overcoming autism.

    Through Biblical teaching and miraculous testimonies, you will be empowered to stand in the name of Jesus against anything that hinders your child’s destiny.

    You will also receive practical insight on how to advocate for your child, and build a community of people who are committed to their success.

    With wisdom and insight, Angeletta journeys with you and your child to…
    *Overcome speech and language barriers
    *Understand and communicate their emotions
    *Navigate social and behavioral issues
    *Adapt to changing environments
    *Master education and learning setbacks

    It’s time to appeal to the God Who brings healing, deliverance, and restoration to every area of our lives! Take Authority Over Autism today!

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  • 7 Traits Of Effective Parenting


    In today’s complex world, parenting is a tough job. Beyond the difficulties of the changing world we live in, there are also the daily frictions of imperfect people sharing a home together. However, Daniel P. Huerta, Focus on the Family’s Vice President of Parenting, offers hope and help for you to become an effective parent.Based on exhaustive research, Huerta presents a collection of seven powerful character traits designed to help parents grow and thrive as they take on the task of raising children. Parents will be encouraged to navigate family life with grace and love so their children ultimately see God’s transformative power, love, and influence.

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  • Talking With Your Kids About Jesus


    Christian parenting is hard work–and it’s getting harder. Parents have a deep desire to pass on their faith but fear that today’s increasingly skeptical and hostile world will eventually lead their kids to reject the truth of Christianity. This practical and timely resource gives parents the confidence of knowing what to discuss with their children and how to discuss it in order to facilitate impactful conversations that will form the basis of a lifelong faith.

    In a friendly, parent-to-parent voice, Natasha Crain identifies 30 specific conversations about Jesus that parents must have with their children. Chapters are sequenced in a curriculum-oriented way to provide a cumulative learning experience, making this book a flexible resource for use in multiple settings: homes, church classes, youth groups, small groups, private Christian schools, and homeschools. Every chapter has a step-by-step conversation guide with discussion questions and tips, and content is readily adaptable for use with kids of any age (elementary through high school).

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  • Moment In Time Book 1


    Is a 365 day devotional that was written with parents in mind. After four decades of ministry to children and youth, it is obvious that parents need encouragement as they seek to raise their children to honor and live for the Lord.

    Each day a passage is applied to that God honoring task of raising Godly children; with a teaching moment concluding each day. It is Carl’s prayer that as each day is read that you will receive a word of truth that will assist in the life of your children or grandchildren. God’s Word is as alive and relevant as it was when your parents read you these same verses. Let’s live by it.

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  • Facing The Facts


    Your body and its sexual nature are beautiful and exciting gifts from God that He wants you to understand and appreciate. Reading Facing the Facts and talking about it with your parents will give you a better understanding of God’s perfect design.

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  • Whats The Big Deal


    One Million Copies Sold in Series!
    Christian Book Award: ECPA Medallion of Excellence

    Your kids know about sex. But what they’ve gathered from TV, other kids, or the internet doesn’t tell them everything or answer all of their questions. What’s the Big Deal? was written to help parents provide the answers to their 8-to-12-year-olds. This book explains the basic facts about sex and related issues such as:
    Why God made adults so that they want to have sex
    What God actually says in the Bible about sex and why it’s designed for marriage
    The amazing changes ahead of you during puberty
    How to respond when you feel sexual pressure from friends, TV shows, movies, and magazines

    Your kids can read this book with you so you can discuss it together. This provides them the safe space to ask hard questions they might find embarrassing. The book will help kids understand what a beautiful and exciting gift from God sexuality is meant to be.

    Now revised and updated with:
    Separate chapters on puberty for boys and girls
    A chapter on the dangers of pornography

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  • How And When To Tell Your Kids About Sex


    A vital tool for building the kind of Christian character in kids that will enable them to stand on their own and make the right decisions, this guide offers parents a lifelong approach to shaping their children’s sexual character.

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  • Before I Was Born


    Before I Was Born emphasizes the creational goodness of our bodies, our existence as men and women, and our sexual organs. This book introduces new topics as well, including the growth and change that occur as boys and girls become men and women. It includes a tactful but direct explanation of sexual intercourse between a husband and wife.

    Before I Was Born explains in age-appropriate language the basic nature of sexual intercourse between a husband and wife and discusses conception, fetal development, childbirth, and breastfeeding. For children ages 5 to 8.

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  • Story Of Me


    This book is designed to help parents answer difficult or embarrassing questions about sex comfortably and truthfully (in age appropriate terms), and to encourage healthy communication between you and your child.

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  • Mom After Gods Own Heart


    Mom, You Guide Their Hearts

    You feed them, bathe them, hold them, kiss them, and pray for them. Your days are spent love and caring for your children. In all the distractions of life and the demands of being a mom, how can you know if your children will grow to follow after God?

    Bestselling author, Elizabeth George has journeyed through the ups and downs of mothering children into adulthood. In A Mom After God’s Own Heart, she offers encouraging advice and practical tips to help you raise children of all ages in the knowledge of the Lord.
    Here you’ll find . . .
    *Easy-to-apply principles for effective parenting
    *Specific tools for teaching your children about God’s love for them
    *Biblical insights to encourage you along your parenting journey

    Mom, as you meet your children’s daily needs, know that God has given you a privileged position of influence over their lives–you guide their hearts! No matter what their ages, you can help them experience His love, blessings, and provision when you become A Mom After God’s Own Heart.

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  • Terrific Kids : Practical Principles For Raising Kids With A Strong Moral C


    Do you ever wonder, “Am I really ready to be a parent?” or “Who will my child grow up to be?” Maybe you’ve even doubted that you will be a good parent to your children?

    Parenting is not easy. There is no simple “follow this rule” technique. No child is born with a manual that answers every parent’s question about how to raise them. But it is helpful to hear what has worked for other parents.

    In Terrific Kids, you will find some simple insights and anecdotes from one parent to another. This book offers some guidance as you make your way through the complex world of parenting. It does not decree rules that are written in stone, but suggests tools that can be adapted to fit each child’s needs and the circumstances of the moment.

    Some of the topics touched on in this book include:
    *The importance of chores
    *The benefit of family outings
    *How to encourage good hygiene
    *What part the grandparents play in the raising of children
    *Dealing with our own childhood pain and how it affects our parenting

    It’s time to learn about raising truly Terrific Kids!

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  • Crayons Crumbs And Christian Growth


    Parenting children is a wonderful blessing that comes with great challenges. As you navigate these waters, it can be easy to feel disconnected from life and your faith. But these years can be the greatest of your life-years in which God shows you how real He is, how faith actually works, and how you can enjoy the blessings He’s given you.

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  • Bringing Up Girls


    The ultimate guide to raising our daughters right-from parenting authority and trusted family counselor Dr. James Dobson.

    Peer pressure. Eating disorders. Decisions about love, romance, and sex. Academic demands. Life goals and how to achieve them. These are just some of the challenges that girls face today-and the age at which they encounter them is getting younger and younger. As a parent, how are you guiding your daughter on her journey to womanhood? Are you equipping her to make wise choices? Whether she’s still playing with dolls or in the midst of the often-turbulent teen years, is she truly secure in her identity as your valued and loved daughter? In the New York Times bestseller Bringing Up Girls, Dr. James Dobson will help you face the challenges of raising your daughters to become strong, healthy, and confident women who excel in life. (This new edition is part of Dr. James Dobson’s Building A Family Legacy initiative.)

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  • Gender : A Conversation Guide For Parents And Pastors


    PART 1:
    Foundation 1: Preschool And Young Children
    Foundation 2: Elementary (5-10)
    Foundation 3: Middle School (11-13)
    Foundation 4: Teens And Beyond (14+)
    PART 2:
    Toolbox Of Resources For Users

    Additional Info
    The world around us is changing quickly, and it’s difficult to keep up with the debates about some of life’s most important issues. Whether you are a parent, mentor, pastor, or friend, this book will help you get clarity in a world spinning in confusion.

    This book seeks to help families teach the Bible’s view clearly and consistently throughout a child’s life. It contains two major sections. Part one focuses on what is most critical during three major foundations, or stages, in a child’s life. Part two is a toolbox of resources to help you better understand and articulate various topics surrounding gender.

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  • Parents Guide To Understanding Your Childrens Dreams And Nightmares


    A child with regular nightmares can easily be dismissed by professionals as just overly imaginative or too sensitive. But for any parent at their wits’ end over their child’s suffering from dreams and nightmares, a deeper understanding is needed. Is it possible that a spiritual dimension is at play? //
    A Parent’s Guide to Understanding Dreams and Nightmares by Recie Saunders offers help to concerned parents. With a clear, easy-to-read style, it is an invaluable resource for all parents who want to help their kids know whether a dream is from God, interpret their nightmares, find security in God’s control, and hear God’s voice in the night season as well as the day.

    Drawing on his extensive research on the prophetic, visions, and dreams, Recie also peppers this practical book with stories about his own kids and their dreams. He differentiates between dreams and visions, provides creative ideas for encouraging kids’ faith, explains lucid dreaming, and lists the most common images and symbols that come through dreams. Throughout this approachable book is Recie’s tender, fatherly passion that the kingdom of heaven belongs to the “little children.” Includes dream journal, descriptions of twenty common dreams, and a dream symbol dictionary.

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  • On The Go Family Devotions Journeying Together Family Devotional


    On The Go Family Devotions: Journeying Together takes the framework introduced in Deuteronomy 6 and applies to the daily life in the modern family. Each devotional gives parents ways to share their faith at home, on the road, when they wake up, and before they go to sleep. Each week, parents will engage in a devotion that centers them in Scripture and creates habits of engaging in casual conversations about God that will propel their child forward in their spiritual journey.

    Each of the 52 weekly devotions includes:
    *Encouraging Scripture
    *Real life stories and heartfelt devotions
    *Optional reflection questions (with journaling space)
    *Meaningful parenting insights and interactive suggestions to grow your child’s faith
    *Geared toward active families with preschool and elementary children
    *Easy, enjoyable devotions
    *Creates spirit-filled moments in a busy family
    *Equips and supports busy parents

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  • 101 Conversation Starters For Families


    One of the signs of a healthy family is open and meaningful communication. But how do you find something the whole family can talk about together? Marriage and family experts Gary Chapman author of “The 5 Love Languages” and Ramon Presson bring you 101 questions to facilitate this process. 101 handy conversation cards are ideal for sharing around the table, on a trip or just about anytime, anywhere.

    These 51 double sided cards ask questions and prompt conversations. They are the perfect way for school-aged children and teenagers to engage with parents and siblings. The cards can be used as a game during dinner, on a long drive, before bedtime or on vacation. Have fun with these questions and enjoy improved family communication.

    Size: 3.57″ (L) x 1.21″ (W) x 4.7″ (H)
    51 Cards
    Glossy Card Stock
    Packaged in Sturdy Lidded Box

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  • Sacred Parenting : How Raising Children Shapes Our Souls


    Parenting is a school for spiritual formation, says author Gary Thomas, and our children are our teachers. The journey of caring for, rearing, training, and loving our children profoundly alters us forever…even when the journey is sometimes a rough one.

    Sacred Parenting is unlike any other parenting book on the market. This is not a “how-to” book that teaches readers the ways to discipline their kids or help them achieve their full potential. Instead of a discussion about how parents change their children, Sacred Parenting turns the tables and demonstrates how God uses children to change their parents.

    Stepping beyond the overly-tilled soil of method books, parents can learn a whole new side of parenting. They’ll be encouraged by stories that tell how other parents handled the challenges and difficulties of being a parent – and how their children transformed their relationship with God.

    The lessons the author writes about are timeless. But in this edition, Thomas adds in some additional insights and stories that he’s learned and lived over the past fifteen years of his own parenting. Gary has found that the lessons have remained much the same but there are new applications for the readers in this generation who are just now coming to his book.

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  • On The Go Family Devotions First Steps Together


    Start strong, start early! Building a healthy family and growing your child’s walk with God doesn’t have to come “later.” The first two years of a child’s life provides countless possibilities for pointing them to Christ. Nurture your child’s faith and your spirit with this 52 weekly devotional for families!

    On The Go Family Devotions: First Steps Together serves as a roadmap for a parent’s spiritual journey with their baby or toddler while also equipping your with the tools you need to share your faith with your little one. First Steps Together removes the obstacles holding parents back from spiritually parenting their children by presenting 52 simple, structured, and easy-to-follow devotionals. The peaceful tone and honest stories will create an atmosphere parents want to return to and continue. Parents will feel equipped and well cared for on their journey, as they develop a strong sense of confidence in their ability to guide their child to God and listen to the Holy Spirit.

    Each of the 52 weekly devotions includes:
    *Encouraging Scripture
    *Real life stories and heartfelt devotions
    *Optional reflection questions (with journaling space)
    *Meaningful parenting insights and interactive suggestions to grow your child’s faith (Features Baby Steps and Toddler Tips)

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