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Showing 251–300 of 855 results

  • Breaking New Ground


    Korey Bontrager and Savannah Zook are just pretending to date–but could their feelings turn into something more?

    Korey Bontrager knows he’s been an immature dummkopp. When his widowed dad remarried, Korey was unwelcoming to his kindhearted stepmother. Then he became estranged from his older brother. But after fourteen months in Ohio, God called Korey back to Pennsylvania.

    Easier said than done. Back home, Korey feels left behind by his family and friends, who want to see him also happily married. Instead of looking for a new relationship, he finds himself spending time with Savannah Zook: the most outspoken maedel he’s ever met. She’s also confident and brave, having raised her younger brother from a young age. And she’s a natural beauty. But, hard as her friends try to convince her otherwise, she has no interest in dating. Her priority is looking out for her bullied brother.

    So when Savannah suggests they pretend to date as a way to get her friends–and his family–off their backs, Korey readily agrees. Soon, he can’t imagine life without her. But could Savannah ever truly be part of his future? And after feeling betrayed by his brother and his last girlfriend, Korey isn’t quite ready to trust another woman with his heart.

    Set in the faithful Amish community of Lancaster County, Breaking New Ground gives the most stubborn Bontrager a chance to redeem his story.

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  • When Tomorrow Came


    They Waited Their Whole Lives for Their Papa to Return

    Nan and Heath Duncan, siblings abandoned by their papa and abused by their guardian, have no choice but to survive on the London streets. When a kind gentleman rescues Nan from such a life, the siblings are separated and raised in two vastly different social worlds.
    Just when both are beginning to flourish and years have healed some of their wounds, their long-awaited papa returns and reunites them–bringing demands with him. Nan is expected to marry a rich suitor she’s never liked, and Heath is expected to forsake his gentle spirit and become the hardened man his father always was.

    Dangers unfold, secret love develops, fights ensue, and murder upsets the worlds Heath and Nan have built for themselves.

    They’ve waited their whole lives for their papa to return, for tomorrow to come–but now that it has, will they be able to see through to the truth and end this whirlwind of a nightmare before it costs one of their lives?

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  • Rebecca Suena – (Spanish)


    En el segundo cuento de la Serie Jovencitas Valientes, la protagonista es Rebecca, de 11 aos y cursa el sexto grado. Tiene los ojos grandes color cafe claro, cabello lacio de color marron claro, y largas y abundantes pestanas. Es comica, piensa creativamente y hace amigos con facilidad. Aunque es buena en el momento de resolver cambios inesperados, hay cambios que la bloquean y le afectan mucho, y tiene que aprender a seguir instrucciones y a callar un poco lo que piensa y siente. Puede liderar sin problemas, pero tiene un miedo atroz a equivocarse en publico, y que la gente se burle y se ria de ella. Tienes alguna amiga como Rebecca?

    In the second story of the Brave Young Girls Series, the main character is Rebecca, 11 years old and in sixth grade. She has large light brown eyes, straight light brown hair, and long, thick eyelashes. She is humorous, thinks creatively, and makes friends easily. Although she is good at dealing with unexpected changes, some of these block her and affect her a lot, and she has to learn to follow instructions and shut up what she thinks and feels a bit. She can lead with no problems, but she is terribly afraid of being wrong in public, and of being mocked and laughed at. Do you have any friends like Rebecca?

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  • Mariana Se Valora – (Spanish)


    Valorarse a si misma, soar, crear y emprender son etapas que cada mujer debe vivir para auto realizarse. Por eso es tan importante que las nias y jovencitas aprendan a desarrollarlas desde temprana edad. La Serie Jovencitas Valientes, nuevo proyecto de la autora Omayra Font, surge de querer cumplir ese proposito. Los personajes de esta serie fueron creados con la participacion de las cuatro hijas de la autora, junto a su propia experiencia de vida y lo que ella conoce como necesidades de las nias en la preadolescencia. Los nombres de las protagonistas aluden a las mujeres que han colaborado con ella en la realizacion de su sueo de ser escritora.

    El primer cuento de la serie es Mariana se valora. Mariana, una jovencita de 12 aos, estudiante de septimo grado, tiene cabello rizo largo y negro, ojos claros y grandes, y pecas. Aunque siempre quiere ayudar a los demas, su mayor miedo es que nadie la acepte tal cual es. Teme decir lo que piensa, se deja llevar por otros y es testaruda. Ama a las personas, las hace sentir bien, y sabe escuchar. El compararse con todo el mundo, sus amigas y hermana ha causado inseguridades en ella donde no se siente bonita, no se atreve a expresarse, y la timidez le impide hacer cosas que le gustaria hacer. Conoces alguna “Mariana”?

    Valuing herself, dreaming, creating and becoming an entrepreneur are stages that each woman must live in order to fulfill herself. That is why it is so important that girls and young women learn to develop these stages from an early age. The Brave Young Girls Series, a new project by author Omayra Font, arises from wanting to fulfill that purpose. The characters in this series were created with the participation of the author’s four daughters, along with her own life experience and what she knows as the needs of pre-teen girls. The names of her main characters allude to the women who have collaborated with her in the realization of her dream of being a writer.

    The first story in the series is Mariana values herself. Mariana, a 12-year-old seventh grader, has long black curly hair, large, light eyes, and freckles. Although she always wants to help others, her biggest fear is that no one will accept her as she is. She is afraid to say what she thinks, she gets carried away by others and is stubborn. She loves people, makes them feel good, and knows how to listen. Comparing herself to everyone, her friends and her sister has caused insecurities in her where she doesn’t feel pretty, she does

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  • Jakes Fortune : A Novel


    After witnessing the cold-blooded murder of his father, Jake’s life would never be the same. Step back to the nineteenth century Wild West as he wrestles through suspense and intrigue to unravel the mystery. Will the saloon girl with the golden eyes be the key? A compelling novel of mystery and romance that breathes with greed over gold, overwhelming bitterness, abiding faith, romantic love, abuse, blackmail, secrecy, and intense personal struggles. Will Jake find his fortune after all?

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  • Hopefully Ever After


    In the third and final novel of Beth Wiseman’s Amish Bookstore series, two young people must find the courage to defy expectations and become who they’re meant to be.

    Sixteen-year-old Eden Hale doesn’t want to be defined by her current circumstances. Her mother is in prison, she doesn’t know her father, and she’s had her own run-ins with the law, but Eden refuses to become what people expect. When she is sent to live with an Amish cousin she’s never met in Montgomery, Indiana, she welcomes the chance to become the person she wants to be without the burden of anyone’s judgment. Her hopes are confirmed when she meets Samuel, a young Amish man who seems to like her for who she really is.

    Samuel Byler has grown up with strict Amish parents, and they aren’t happy that their only son is choosing to spend his free time with an outsider. As Eden and Samuel grow closer, assumptions close in around the young couple. It isn’t long before Eden starts to doubt herself and wonders if she is doomed to follow in her mother’s footsteps, whether she wants to or not. Meanwhile, Samuel finds himself slipping further and further from his faith–to Eden’s dismay.

    Both Eden and Samuel’s futures hang in the balance as they face decisions about who they are–both as individuals and together.

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  • Weaving Of Life


    The first in a new series about an independent Amish woman and her struggles in career and romance.

    Susan Lapp is a hardworking Amish woman in her early twenties. She enjoys the financial independence that working two jobs–as a housecleaner and at the local deli in Lancaster–affords her. And based on her sisters’ tumultuous experiences with their husbands, she has no interest in dating or marriage. She’s perfectly content with her life as it is, thank you very much.

    When Susan’s best friend Beth begins to date Susan’s brother Mark, the couple is determined to play matchmaker for Susan. Susan begrudgingly agrees to humor them and soon finds herself caught between an undeniable attraction for one of Mark’s coworkers and her unflinching commitment to staying single. Soon, her complicated feelings take her in directions she once couldn’t have imagined. She experiences hardship like she never has before–homesickness, miserable weather in a place that feels so foreign, and an incredibly challenging job. And despite her attempts to escape romantic entanglements, she finds herself longing for the stability and familiarity of a committed relationship back home. Still, she wrestles with fear and uncertainty. How is she to know God’s will for her life?

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  • Year Of Jubilee


    The Year of Jubilee is a lyrical coming-of-age novel set against the backdrop of the turbulent South in the early 1960s.

    The Mockingbird family has always lived peacefully in Jubilee, Kentucky, despite the divisions that mark their small town. Until the tense summer of 1963, when their youngest child, Isaac, falls gravely ill. Middle sister Grace, nearly fourteen, is determined to do whatever it takes to save her little brother. With her father and mother away at the hospital, Grace is left under the loving but inexperienced eye of her aunt June, with little to do but wait and worry. Inspired by a young teacher’s mission for change, she begins to flirt with danger-and with a gifted boy named Golden, who just might be the key to saving Isaac’s life. Then the unthinkable happens, and the world as she knows it shifts in ways she never could have imagined. Grace must decide what she believes amid the swirling, conflicting voices even of those she loves the most.

    From gifted songwriter Cindy Morgan comes this lyrical, tender tale of a girl standing at the threshold of adulthood, learning the depths of the human heart and the bonds of family that bend, break, and bind together over and over again.

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  • Bachelors Bargain : A Novel


    For fans of Regency romance in the vein of Sanditon or Bridgerton comes a marriage of convenience story that will keep you smiling long after the last page.

    Housemaid Anne Webster will stop at nothing to save her family from their dire circumstances. Even if it means accepting the proposal of the roguish Marquess of Blackthorne, who just returned to England from the Americas under a veil of mystery. Both have their own agenda-she to use his riches and he to use her lace-making skills-but neither could have dreamed what they would discover on the other side of their scheming.
    As always, society tattler Miss Pickworth has a thing or two to say about this scandalous union. Unless they want their plans aired in her column, Ruel and Anne must keep their banter to a minimum and play the role of the happy couple.

    He’s handsome and arrogant; she’s smart and obstinate. But can Anne and Ruel put their differences aside to fend off an unexpected foe?

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  • Homesick Horse


    In Homesick Horse, Winnie’s Aunt Betty comes to stay, bringing her barn sour horse. Buck is too anxious to spend much time outside the barn, always running for home at the first chance. Winnie takes on the challenge of helping Buck acclimate to being outdoors. But Winnie herself is anxious about leaving home to go to Tamson’s sleepover, while Aunt Betty misses her home in California. Winnie and Aunt Betty both learn that they are at home with Jesus, wherever they are.

    Winnie: The Early Years is a prequel series to the popular Winnie the Horse Gentler series by the same author. Winnie: The Early Years takes place on the same ranch and even includes Winnie’s mother (who passed away in the original series). The hope is that young readers will enjoy Winnie’s early adventures and as they grow up, they’ll advance to reading the original series.

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  • Windswept Way : A Hope Harbor Novel


    Buying a haunted house was never in Ashley Scott’s plans, but when an intriguing opportunity drops into her lap after a major setback, she finds herself trekking cross-country to Hope Harbor on the Oregon coast to launch a new life.

    Wounded warrior Jonathan Gray isn’t sure what to make of the attractive woman on his reclusive older neighbor’s isolated property, but her presence is none of his business–until she enlists his help with an ambitious project. When Jonathan finds his interest in the new arrival becoming more personal than professional, however, his defenses go up. There’s no room in his life–or his heart–for romance.

    Yet, as these three hurting people join forces to restore life, laughter, and love to a historic estate that has known too much sadness, they may also find healing, hope, and happiness for themselves.

    Bestselling author Irene Hannon invites you back to Hope Harbor, where hearts heal and love blooms.

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  • Record Keeper


    “Because you’re worth rescue.” The unrelenting third installment in the Murphy Shepherd series from New York Times bestselling author Charles Martin.

    Murphy Shepherd’s last rescue mission very nearly cost him his life. He’d like nothing more than to stay close to his wife and daughters for a while. But Bones’s nemesis must be stopped, and there are so many who still need to know they are worth rescuing.

    As the cat-and-mouse game moves into the open, Murphy is tested at every turn–both physically and mentally. Then the unthinkable happens: his beloved mentor and friend is taken. Gone without a trace.

    Murphy lives by the mantra that love always shows up. But how can he rescue Bones when he has no leads?

    With heart-stopping clarity, The Record Keeper explores the true cost of leaving the ninety-nine to find the one.

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  • Edge Of The Galaxy


    Edge of the Galaxy combines action-packed science fiction with faith-filled lessons that readers can apply to their own lives. It is a unique science-fiction devotional where you follow the exciting exploits of Gavin and his family through his star log entries. There are beautiful color illustrations throughout the book that bring this interplanetary adventure to life!

    The year is 2095, and 12-year-old Gavin Greystone is on the space station Provider above the Saturn moon of Titan. In Edge of the Galaxy, Gavin and his family work and live as space explorers. Life in space is certainly not easy, or even all that safe, but it’s definitely an exciting adventure. From Provider, Gavin’s family will work with other families to create a life on the surface of Titan as they expand humankind’s footprint and prepare for more settlers. Through many trials, Gavin will learn who he is and the plan God has for him.

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  • Hunt For Edens Star


    A coming-of-age teen is thrown into a world of ancient secrets when he discovers a supernatural artifact that protects a weapon of mass destruction. With the help of a diverse group of friends, he embarks on a global adventure, seeking the truth about his sister’s death, and uncovers two clandestine, supernatural societies waging an epic, hidden war that threatens the future of civilization.

    D. J. Williams’s suspenseful, page-turning style whisks readers into a wildly exciting, supernatural adventure that grabs hold of the imagination and never lets go. As Jack races to collect ancient artifacts critical to the survival of the world, readers are transported to incredible locales across Asia, including the lush jungles of the Philippines and the high-energy streets of Hong Kong. Themes of addiction, revenge, faith, and friendship emerge as Jack battles literal and psychological demons, and even his own friends and family members, on his quest to thwart the forces of evil.

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  • Tree Street Kids Set


    A new family favorite all in one pack!

    The Tree Street Kids live on Cherry, Oak, Maple, and Pine, but their 1990s suburban neighborhood is more than just quiet, tree-lined streets. Jack, Ellison, Roger, and Ruthie face challenges and find adventures in every creek and cul-de-sac–as well as God’s great love in one small neighborhood. Join them as they discover lessons about themselves and God. Your kids will love this set, including Jack vs the Tornado, Lions to the Rescue, Mystery in the Crooked Creek Woods, and The Hunt for Fang. This four pack of books makes a thoughtful and entertaining gift!

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  • Remember Me


    From the Yukon to Seattle, the hope of a new beginning waits just around the corner.

    Addie Bryant is haunted by her past of heartbreak and betrayal. After her beau, Isaac Hanson, left the Yukon, she made a vow to wait for him. When she’s sold to a brothel owner after the death of her father, Addie manages to escape with the hope that she can forever hide her past and the belief that she will never have the future she’s always dreamed of.

    Years later, Addie has found peace in her new life as a photographer, training Camera Girls to operate and sell the Brownie camera. During the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Expo in Seattle, Addie is reunited with Isaac, but after the path her life has taken, she’s afraid to expose the ugliness of her former life and to move toward the future they had pledged to each other.

    When her past catches up with her, Addie must decide whether to run or to stay and face her wounds in order to embrace her life, her future, and her hope in God.

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  • Poison At The Pump


    Over 1 million sold in series!

    When kids step into the Imagination Station, they experience an unforgettable journey filled with action-packed adventure and excitement. Each book whisks readers away on the adventure with cousins Patrick and Beth to embark on a new journey around the world and back in time.

    In Poison at the Pump, Patrick and Beth travel back in time in the Imagination Station to London, England, during the cholera epidemic of 1854. The cousins join Dr. John Snow, Florence Nightingale, and Curate Henry Whitehead in a thrilling scientific adventure to discover why this disease was killing people around Broad Street. In their quest for truth, Patrick finds himself a prisoner in a workhouse. Will he escape? Can the cousins help Curate Whitehead put together the clues to keep this deadly disease from spreading?

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  • Broker Of Lies


    The man who knows all our secrets has a secret of his own.

    When Travis Brock, a high-level Pentagon redactor with an eidetic memory, finds a clue to solving the tragic arson that took his wife from him, he risks everything to find the truth and chances losing himself in the process.

    With a terror attack looming on the horizon and a pair of assassins on his tail, Brock drops off the grid and joins forces with a disavowed Homeland Security operative. Together they race to stop the attack before Brock is neutralized by the people he trusts the most.

    From critically acclaimed, bestselling novelist Steven James comes a smart, wire-tight, and emotionally resonant thriller that asks just how far across the line we might go to see justice carried out.

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  • Red Rock Mysteries 3 Pack Books 1-3


    Watch out! The Timberline twins are on the loose. Bryce and Ashley are ATV-riding thirteen-year-old twins from Colorado who unearth action-packed mystery and adventure wherever they go. From clearing the name of a local miscreant to thwarting a gold-stealing heist, the twins’ growing faith and the strong example of their parents guide them through even the most life-threatening situations. With the trademark page-turner style used by Jerry B. Jenkins and Chris Fabry in the Left Behind: The Kids series, these fast-paced books will keep even reluctant readers on the edge of their seats. Readers will definitely be hooked! Perfect for ages 8-12.

    This set includes the first three books in the fifteen-book Red Rock Mysteries series:

    *Haunted Waters
    *Stolen Secrets
    *Missing Pieces

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  • Ladys Mine : A Novel


    A delightful new western romance from the New York Times bestselling author of Redeeming Love

    New York Times bestselling author Francine Rivers returns to the California frontier in this sweeping, romantic tale of a displaced New England suffragette, a former Union soldier disinherited by his Southern family, and the town they join forces to save.

    1875. When Kathryn Walsh arrives in tiny Calvada, a mining town nestled in the Sierra Nevadas, falling in love is the farthest thing from her mind. Banished from Boston by her wealthy stepfather, she has come to claim an inheritance from the uncle she never knew: a defunct newspaper office on a main street overflowing with brothels and saloons, and a seemingly worthless mine. Moved by the oppression of the local miners and their families, Kathryn decides to relaunch her uncle’s newspaper and then finds herself in the middle of a maelstrom, pitted against Calvada’s most powerful men. But Kathryn intends to continue to say and publish whatever she pleases, especially when she knows she’s right.

    Matthias Beck, owner of a local saloon and hotel, has a special interest in the new lady in town. He instantly recognizes C. T. Walsh’s same tenacity in the beautiful and outspoken redhead and knows all too well how dangerous that family trait can be. While Kathryn may be right about Calvada’s problems, her righteousness could also get her killed. But when the handsome hotelier keeps finding himself on the same side of the issues as the opinionated Miss Walsh, Matthias’s restless search for purpose becomes all about answering the call of his heart.

    Everyone may be looking to strike it rich in this lawless boomtown, but it’s a love more precious than gold that will ultimately save them all.

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  • Loves Dwelling


    God always had a plan. But how could falling in love with an Englischer be God’s plan for one young Amish woman?

    Young Cassie Weaver only wants what is expected of an Amish woman: a good Amish husband and a large family. But she’s happy as Job and Dinah Keim’s housekeeper, helping Dinah, who is losing her sight due to diabetes. For two decades the Keims have prayed for the salvation of their two children who left the community in a cloud of shame and mystery.

    Mason knew there was more to his mother’s past than she let on, but nothing could have prepared him for learning about his Amish roots upon his mother’s sudden death. Even more surprising, his mother named her Amish parents, Job and Dinah, as guardians to her five children. Now Mason has to trust that this couple, and their pretty housekeeper, can take care of his younger siblings, even when all he wants is to take care of them himself.

    As the children adjust to this new lifestyle, Mason finds himself pulled back to the Keims’ home. Yes, he wants to see his siblings, but it’s the conversations with Cassie that keep him coming back for more. Is there more to this Amish faith and how does it play into his own past? Cassie guards against her growing feelings for Mason, because there can be no happy ending for a Plain girl in love with an Englisch man . . . right?

    Bestselling and award-winning Amish romance novelist Kelly Irvin is back with a heartwarming tale of the power of love to heal all wounds.

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  • Leapin Leopards


    A massive mess, a leopard on the loose, and the arrival of new life–it’s just another day in the life of the Mulligans. From bestselling author Bill Myers comes a hilarious, warmhearted, and action-packed adventure starring the Mulligan family.

    Neither Michael nor Traci Mulligan had intended upon a large family, let alone one of such diversity. But God had other plans. After their second child, Lisa, was born blind, they began to see their gift for reaching out, connecting, and laughing with special children with special needs–all while raising their family among the many creatures living at the animal park that they operate.

    Are there trials? You bet. There’s no way to keep the boat from rocking with so many children from such diverse backgrounds and in such an incredible environment. But their faith in Christ, commitment to one another, and ability to laugh at themselves keep them digging in to make it work.

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  • Buckle Up : 6 Stories On Growth And Maturity (Audio CD)


    Adventures in Odyssey audio dramas release the imagination of both young and old as listeners follow a host of characters through adventures in the town of Odyssey. Geared toward kids ages 8 and up, these high-quality audio dramas teach biblical truths and moral foundations for children to make decisions from throughout their lives.

    Lower the lap bar and buckle your seat belt. There’s a wild ride ahead for everyone in Odyssey!

    Renee and Horus have a scientific breakthrough of monumental proportions. But there’s a catch: the technology is based on Mr. Whittaker’s Imagination Station and he didn’t give them permission to use it! Will Renee risk her friendship with Whit in the name of science? Meanwhile, Olivia gives her testimony at church and big questions are raised that she can’t answer. Elsewhere in town, friendships are at stake when Buck and Jules hit a rough patch that could endanger theirs, Morrie and Suzu try to find a healthy path toward making new friends, and Wooton faces a courtroom struggle that may pit him against an old friend.

    It’s a time of next steps-both forward and backward-as the folks in Odyssey face all sorts of twists and turns. Keep your hands and arms inside the car at all times and Buckle Up!

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  • Novel Proposal


    From the bestselling author of The Convenient Groom (now a beloved Hallmark Original movie) comes a sweet and sizzling story of a romance writer surprised by her own happily ever after.

    When novelist Sadie Goodwin is forced to stop writing westerns and charged with penning a contemporary romance novel to rescue her lackluster sales, there’s only one tiny problem: She’s never been in love.

    Desperate to salvage her career, Sadie begins devouring romance novels. Knowing she must devote herself to this confounding genre, she accepts an invitation to hole up at her friend’s beach duplex for the summer. Where better to witness love in bloom than on the beautiful North Carolina shore?

    However, once ensconced in the charming ocean-front home with her sweet maltipoo Rio, she finds many ways to procrastinate. First there’s the beach, right outside her backdoor, with all its interesting visitors (research). Then there’s the free library she decides to build and set up by the back deck (She has to do something with all those romance novels). To say nothing of Sam Ford, the grumpy neighbor on the other side of the duplex . . . who she can’t seem to stop annoying.A social butterfly by nature, Sadie soon gets to know all the beach regulars-sunbathers, walkers, and surfers alike. The free books draw a crowd right up to the house for nice little book chats, which further irritates her reclusive neighbor, to break up her “writing.” But things take an unexpected turn when Sadie opens a recently-placed novel to find a secret compartment-and tucked inside is a beautiful engagement ring. To whom does the ring belong? Sadie is convinced she needs to find the owner and save the man’s proposal from certain doom.

    She draws a reluctant Sam into the project, and slowly their connection begins to develop. Are these weird fluttery feelings the first stirrings of love? Has Sadie managed to stumble upon the very subject about which she must write-and wouldn’t Sam make the perfect alpha hero?

    Will Sadie find the ring’s rightful owner? And will she manage to pen a career-saving romance novel by summer’s end?

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  • After The Shadows


    A brighter future awaits–if she can escape the shadows of the past

    Emily Leland sheds no tears when her abusive husband is killed in a bar fight, but what awaits her back home in Sweetwater Crossing is far from the welcome and comfort she expected. First she discovers her father has died under mysterious circumstances. Then the house where the new schoolteacher and his son are supposed to board burns, leaving them homeless. When Emily proposes turning the family home into a boardinghouse, her sister is so incensed that she leaves town.

    Alone and broke, her family name sullied by controversy, Emily is determined to solve the mystery of her father’s death–and to aid Craig Ferguson, despite her fears of men. The widowed schoolmaster proves to be a devoted father, an innovative teacher, and an unexpected ally. Together they must work to unmask a killer and escape the shadows of their own pasts in order to forge a brighter future.

    Bestselling author Amanda Cabot transports you to 1880s Texas Hill Country for a brand-new series that will have you flipping pages to solve the mystery and get to the happily-ever-after you long for.

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  • Brighter Dawn


    Ivy Zimmerman is successfully navigating her life as a young Mennonite woman, one generation removed from her parents’ Old Order Amish upbringing. But when her parents are killed in a tragic accident, Ivy’s way of life is upended. As she deals with her grief, her sisters’ needs, and her Dawdi and Mammi’s strict rules, Ivy finds solace in both an upcoming trip to Germany for an international Mennonite youth gathering and in her great-aunt’s story about Ivy’s great-grandmother’s visit to Germany in the late 1930s.

    As Ivy grows suspicious that her parents’ death wasn’t, in fact, an accident, she gains courage from what she learns of her great-grandmother’s time in World War II Germany. With her great-aunt’s encouragement and the inspiration of her great-grandmother, Ivy seeks justice for her parents, her sisters, and herself.

    From the talented pen of bestselling author Leslie Gould comes a powerful and evocative dual-time story partly set during World War II.

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  • Lucky For Winnie


    In Lucky for Winnie, Winnie finally gets the opportunity to gentle her own horse. While she hopes it will be the beautiful Arabian, she instead gets stuck with Lucky, a headstrong Mustang. Meanwhile, Winnie feels tempted to submit a traced drawing for the school art fair because she doubts her artistic skills. Winnie learns that the love and support of her family is better than being a good artist. Plus, when she pushes past her first impression and shows Lucky that she loves her no matter what, their bond grows.

    Winnie: The Early Years is a prequel series to the popular Winnie the Horse Gentler series by the same author. Winnie: The Early Years takes place on the same ranch and even includes Winnie’s mother (who had passed away in the original series). The hope is that young readers will enjoy Winnie’s early adventures, and as they grow up, they’ll advance to reading the original series.

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  • 2nd Time Around


    When empty nester Mallory Farrell inherits her grandmother’s run-down tourist shop in Seaport, Oregon, it seems the only sensible thing to do is to sell it. But when her former secret crush, Grayson Matthews, wants to buy the property in order to complete his plans to redevelop the funky town’s business district into a soulless, cookie-cutter outdoor mall, Mallory digs in her heels and decides to renovate the property herself.

    With a lot of hard work and a little bit of help, Mallory makes incredible progress turning the store into an eclectic home decor shop called Romancing the Home–all while trying to ignore the depressing and decrepit apartment she’s living in on the second floor. When the shop catches the eye of a popular renovation TV show producer, Mallory is thrilled–until it becomes clear that her apartment is to be part of the segment as well.

    She’s tempted to abandon her dreams and the town under a cloud of shame. But perhaps there’s more to Grayson than meets the eye. Can he swallow his pride, change his plans, and help Mallory romance her own home–and possibly her life?

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  • Letters Of Trust


    Friendship Letters Series — Doretta Schwartz has always enjoyed writing letters and feels her letters can be a bit of a ministry to her friends. In this series, exchanging letters that contain open and honest feeling and struggles helps Doretta and two of her best friends through the darkest challenges of their lives.

    A Simple Letter Carries Inspiration for Healing

    Life is good on their Pennsylvania Amish farm for newlyweds Vic and Eleanor Lapp–until the day Vic’s youngest brother drowns in their pond and Vic turns to alcohol to numb the pain. Things get so bad that Vic loses his job and their marriage is coming apart. Eleanor is desperate to help her husband and writes letters to her friend, Doretta, living in Indiana for advice. The trust Eleanor places in her friend and the gentle words she receives in return are a balm for even darker days to come in this first book of The Friendship Letters series by New York Times Bestselling Author Wanda E. Brunstetter.

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  • Code Name Edelweiss


    “What I am looking for what I desperately need, Mrs. Weiss is a spy.”

    Adolf Hitler is still a distant rumble on the horizon, but a Jewish spymaster and his courageous spies uncover a storm of Nazi terror in their own backyard.

    In the summer of 1933, a man named Adolf Hitler is the new and powerful anti-Semitic chancellor of Germany. But in Los Angeles, no-nonsense secretary Liesl Weiss has concerns much closer to home. The Great Depression is tightening its grip and Liesl is the sole supporter of two children, an opinionated mother, and a troubled brother.

    Leon Lewis is a Jewish lawyer who has watched Adolf Hitler’s rise to power and the increase in anti-Semitism in America with growing alarm. He believes Nazi agents are working to seize control of Hollywood, the greatest propaganda machine the world has ever known. The trouble is, authorities scoff at his dire warnings.

    When Liesl loses her job at MGM, her only choice is to work with Leon Lewis and the mysterious Agent Thirteen to spy on her friends and neighbors in her German American community. What Leon Lewis and his spies find is more chilling and more dangerous than any of them suspected.

    Code Name Edelweiss is based on a true story, unknown until recent years: How a lone Jewish lawyer and a handful of amateur spies discovered and foiled Adolf Hitler’s plan to take over Hollywood.

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  • In Spotlight And Shadow


    A Gem of a Mystery Takes Center Stage
    Walk through Doors to the Past via a new series of historical stories of romance and adventure.

    Elise Malvern has a habit of letting people down. Her former boyfriend who hoped she’d be his bride. Her grandfather who hoped she’d take over the family’s auction company. But mostly she’s disappointed herself. What’s the point of pursuing her passion as a violinist, if she is too scared to audition for a seat in the Pittsburgh Symphony? Her internship at the elegant Heinz Hall places her in the wings of the stage, but never on it. By accident, she discovers an old stage prop. Her instincts tell her there’s more to the paste necklace than meets the eye. Whether a good idea or not, she accepts help from a childhood friend, who happens to be country music megastar–Pierson Brooks. Pierson and Elise share a history; one she doesn’t care to repeat. The more involved they become in the mystery, the more things get tangled, including her heart.
    A century earlier…

    Sophie Walters longs for center stage, her name on the marquee, and all that jazz, but climbing her way into an acting career is more difficult than she imagined. Having spoiled all her chances in Hollywood, she returns to Pittsburgh, accepting an insignificant role in a popular production. She watches her dreams pass by from behind the curtain at the illustrious Loew’s Penn Theatre. She finally gets the coveted spotlight, but not for her talent. No, her surge to fame is all one terrible mistake. Somehow, she’s suspected to be a notorious jewel thief known around Pittsburgh as The Mirage. The man she pleads for help is none other than the man she jilted at the altar five years before, Sterling Monro

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  • Mercy Tree : A Novel


    It’s 1955, when scandalous affairs are never talked about, divorce is rare, a wife is a “homemaker” more often than not, and every Christian home displays its family Bible front and center. Certainly, a well-respected pastor in the conservative city of Muskegon, Michigan, would never be caught in the middle of a heinous secret that could ruin his career and break up his beautiful marriage and family. Or would he?

    When Henry Griffin was stationed in occupied Japan in the mid-1940s, he met Rina Hamada, a Japanese woman who fell head over heels for him. Despite having a young wife and baby daughter waiting at home in the States, Henry had too much to drink one night, and one thing led to another… He knew it was wrong. He struggled with guilt and expressed his resistance, but she professed her love and continued to pursue him.

    Now, ten years later, a letter from Japan arrives and threatens to upend Henry’s world. What to do and how to tell his wife are just the beginning of his troubles. Tough questions about faith, redemption, and preserving his reputation bring us here, under the shade of The Mercy Tree.

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  • Between The Lightning And The Thunder


    Why are those closest to you the last to believe?

    In this fictional account, James both looks up to and is perplexed and annoyed by his older brother, Jesus. Throughout his childhood, James witnesses amazing things but wonders why Jesus can’t just follow the rules like the rest of them. Why does Mama indulge him, especially after he begins leading that group of religious malcontents?

    After Jesus is arrested and crucified, James stands at the foot of the cross in disbelief. In a moment of panic and regret, he flees and is thrown into a whirlwind of fear and confusion. As darkness descends on the city and lightning illuminates the heavens, James maneuvers through the chaos of Jerusalem and the Passover celebration. A mosaic of faces from the past reminds James of God’s love and grace–and the role Jesus played in getting them there. As James flees from doubt and uncertainty, could he be running into Jesus’s waiting arms?

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  • Love Through The Seasons


    Bestselling author Tracie Peterson celebrates 30 years of writing with a collection of both old and new stories.

    Four short contemporary romances take readers to the author’s native state of Kansas.

    Spring – Stormy Weather

    Gina Bowden, a young widow, fights city council to regain funding for her son’s Boy Scout troop. Something better than lightning hits, though, when she teams up with the equally tenacious troop leader.

    Summer – King of Hearts

    Elise Jost is a non-traditional student just one credit short of graduating. A hard-working woman determined to establish herself in the business world, she enrolls begrudgingly in a Renaissance appreciation course that will complete her credit hours. Her life’s direction takes a different course when she makes a high grade with Professor Ian Hunter.

    Autumn – Falling for Love

    Karen Armstrong Jacobs has been widowed five years and taken in her mother to live with her. When she learns her mother’s three sisters need a place to live, she opens her home up to them as well. Now there are a lot of repairs that need to be made to the house for safety’s sake. Enter Dan Polk, a widower with a contracting business and a heart for ministry, who makes over the house and Karen’s lonely heart.

    Winter – Silent Nights

    Lynn Murphy always dreamed of having the perfect marriage, and for a while she delighted in her dream come true. But Frank’s job has gradually overtaken their lives. When their plans for an anniversary trip at Christmastime are ruined by yet another business obligation, Lynn decides she’s had enough. She runs away to her grandfather’s house looking for answers. Only there does she begin to glimpse the surprising ways that God will satisfy the desires of her heart.

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  • Shepherds Collection 1


    This collection features the first three thrillers in The Shepherds series by Andrews & Wilson.

    Dark Intercept
    On the eve of his medical retirement, Navy SEAL Jedidiah Johnson receives a frantic call from his estranged childhood best friend David Yarnell, whose daughter has been kidnapped. Police have no suspects and no leads. Jed reluctantly agrees to help, but soon dark memories and strange abilities he thought he’d put behind him resurface. To save the missing girl, he must take a leap of faith and embrace gifts he’s denied for years.

    Dark Angel
    When former Navy SEAL Jedidiah Johnson begins training with the Shepherds, he hears whispers of a name raising fear and anger among them. After years in prison, Nicholas Woland, who betrayed the Shepherds and joined their enemies, has been freed to execute a sinister plot causing hundreds of deaths and inciting worldwide religious warfare. As Woland and the Shepherds race toward a collision, Jed must rely on his untested team, never realizing a secret servant of the enemy is growing closer to him.

    Dark Fall
    As a new Shepherds team leader, Jedidiah Johnson’s tracking rumors of an energy-based weapon able to incinerate a human target without warning. With help from the Watchers, Jed discovers the Dark Ones’ leader plans to use the weapon to wreak untold damage and destabilize the faith of millions. While Jed and his team race to find and disable the weapon, secret plans for another attack unfold . . . and this target is much closer to home.

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  • Architect


    There’s a golden rule in Phantom City: “No one about when the Zeppelin is out.” But one night, twelve-year-old Charlie Crane comes face-to-face with the Zeppelin, and instead of finding trouble, she is awakened.

    Determined to find the truth in a city plagued with lies, Charlie, along with a quirky band of unlikely heroes, works to free the people of Phantom City from the clutches of a shadowy, evil villain. Helped by a mysterious Architect who only communicates over radio and telephone, Charlie wrestles with two big questions: Can she trust a guide she can’t see? And is the truth actually worth the trouble?

    Filled with sinister schemes, bumbling superheroes, unexpected friendships, and plenty of humor and plot twists, The Architect keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Boys and girls alike will be fascinated by the unique world of Phantom City, with its steampunk and Gotham City type elements and will quickly find themselves cheering for our heroes in their fight against evil.

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  • Forged In Love


    In 1870, Mariah Stover is left for dead and with no memory when the Deadeye Gang robs the stagecoach she’s on, killing her father and brother. As she takes over her father’s blacksmith business and attempts to move forward, the old-fashioned townspeople meet her new occupation with disdain.

    Handsome and polished Clint Roberts escaped to Western Wyoming from the painful memories he left back east. In the hope of a new life, he opens a diner where he creates fine dishes, but is met with a harsh welcome from the townsfolk who prefer to stick to their old ways.Clint and Mariah are drawn together by the similar trials they face in a new town, and Clint is determined to protect Mariah at all costs when danger descends upon her home. As threats pursue them from every side, will they survive to build a life forged in love?

    Mary Connealy steals you away to the atmospheric American West with an adventure-filled, charming nineteenth-century tale.

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  • Son Of Man


    Experience the Bible come to life before your eyes as New York Times bestselling author Charles Martin uses his storyteller’s imagination to present the life of Jesus in a way that will engage your faith in new ways. This collection of more than twenty short stories, compiled from Martin’s books What If It’s True? and They Turned the World Upside Down, draws you into a deeper understanding and love for the Savior.

    Son of Man presents key moments from the life and ministry of Jesus Christ and explores the lives of His followers in descriptive, novelistic words. This unique collection:

    *Fosters a stronger appreciation, love, and respect for Jesus
    *Covers themes including rejection, service, unconditional love, and forgiveness
    *Uses the lives of the disciples as inspiration to be the light in a dark world
    *Shows how the disciples’ same world-changing faith is still around today

    Son of Man is perfect for someone who loves Christian fiction. Known for his beloved lyrical style, in this paperback edition Martin illuminates key moments from Scripture with stories such as Where the Father’s Love Found Him, Betrayed, and The Borrowed Tomb. Martin’s writing offers a way to see how Jesus’ life and the lives of His disciples revealed an unwavering confidence in the power and presence of God.

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  • Cold Light Of Day


    Police Chief Autumn Long is fighting to keep her job in the quiet Alaska town of Shadow Gap when an unexpected string of criminal activity leaves her with a wounded officer, unexplained murders, and even an attack on her own father. Despite her mistrust of outsiders, she turns to Grier Brenner, a newcomer who seems to have the skills and training Autumn needs to face this threat to her community.

    Grier is in Alaska for the same reason so many others are–to disappear–when Chief Long enlists his help. He emerges from the shadows and proves his mettle, but his presence in her life could be a deadly trap for them both. If his secret is exposed, all will be lost. And he’s not sure even Autumn could save him.

    As the stakes rise and the dangers increase, Autumn and Grier must rely on each other to extinguish the deadly threats.

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  • Double The Lies


    In the cold and dangerous spring of 1924, amateur detective Annalee Spain races the clock to solve the murder of a white barnstorming pilot before the clever Black theologian-a target of the ruthless Colorado Klan-is framed for the crime, and before she is lured by the risky flirtations of the victim’s dashing twin brother.

    As this second installment of Patricia Raybon’s critically acclaimed mystery series opens, Annalee Spain offers her fancy lace handkerchief-a gift from her complicated pastor boyfriend, Jack Blake-to a young woman crying in a Denver public library. But later that night, when police find the handkerchief next to the body of the young woman’s murdered husband, Annalee becomes the number one suspect, and her panic doubles when she learns that Jack has gone missing.

    With just days to solve the murder before the city’s Klan-run police frame her for the crime, Annalee finds herself hunting for clues in the Colorado mountain town of Estes Park. She questions the victim’s wife and her uncle, a wealthy Denver banker, at their mountain lodge, desperate for leads. Instead, she finds a household full of suspects and even more burning questions. Who keeps threatening her, why can’t she find Jack, and will a dangerous flirtation be her undoing? Her answers plumb the depths of the human heart, including her own, exploring long-buried secrets, family lies, even city politics-all of which could cost the young detective her fledgling love . . . and perhaps even her life.

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  • Della And Darby


    Known for her humor and genuine Southern voice, Susannah B. Lewis brings readers the heartwarming story of two sisters learning to love who they are and face the world-alongside their charming, wise grandmother.

    Della and Darby Redd are twins, but they couldn’t be more different. Della is outspoken and eccentric, and Darby is introverted and avoids conversation when possible. As they approach their 30th birthday, they’re single and living with their grandmother, Birdie. Della wants nothing more than to find love and be accepted by her former schoolmates in Clay Station, Mississippi, but Darby couldn’t care less. She is content coming home from her factory job each day to curl up on the couch and watch Murder, She Wrote with Birdie and write poems in her journal.

    Della falls in love with her boss, Dr. Brian Faulkner, and Darby finds unexpected friendship in her goofy coworker, Cliff Waters. Because of her friendship with Cliff, Darby uncovers terrible truths about Della’s crush. Will Dr. Brian Faulkner’s secrets push the different sisters even further apart or bring them closer together? The sisters will both need to face difficult questions about who they are . . . and who they want to be.

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  • Every Good Gift


    During the most difficult season of her life, how could she know whether their meeting was a gift from God-or another temptation?

    Maisy never expected that a Plain girl like her could have her heart stolen by an Englisch boy. But when her rumspringa ends and Maisy realizes she’s pregnant, the reality of their choices-and their differences-sets in.

    Maisy knows she will never leave her faith to marry her baby’s father. But she also knows the road to acceptance as an unwed mother in an Amish community will be long and hard. To protect her family from the scandal, she goes to live with her cousin in Haven, Kansas, where she will have some solitude to figure out what kind of future she might have.

    In Haven Maisy begins to find her way-thanks in no small part to Joshua Lapp, a Plain man who’s made it clear he isn’t bothered by her situation or ashamed to be seen with her, despite the bishop’s warnings. But Joshua has struggled with his faith ever since the death of his twin brother, leaving Maisy to wonder: How can two people who are so lost ever help each other discover Gott’s plans for their future?

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  • Songs Of A Warrior


    This dramatic retelling of the accounts of the first two kings of Israel follows the intertwining stories of Jonathan, Saul, David and Michal documented in 1 and 2 Samuel.

    In this imaginative yet biblically faithful book, readers will find themselves immersed in the hearts and minds of the key players as they experience battles, intrigue, plots, betrayal, love and friendship.

    This resource is a great way to help kids aged 8-12 engage with God’s word. They’ll be left thinking about what it means to trust God and realizing that only Jesus can really be the king God’s people need.

    Makes a wonderful gift for children aged 8-12. Includes a Bible-reading plan for the life of David and notes that differentiate the known facts from the imaginative parts.

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  • Amons Secret : A Family Story Of The First Christians


    Best-selling author of family-tailored Lent and Advent books is back with a new adventure

    Adding to his widely popular Advent and Lent series, well-known author Arnold Ytreeide revisits the Jerusalem of Jesus in this captivating follow-up to Amon’s Adventure. This time, Ytreeide takes families into the life of one of the founders of the church.

    Thirteen-year-old Amon has just watched Jesus ascend into heaven. What will Christ’s followers do now? In the midst of Amon’s confusion, the apostle Peter hands him an assignment: invent a way for the new Christian church to communicate and meet in secret. It must not be noticed by the penetrating eyes of Jesus’ enemies who are still looking for anyone who dared call him the Messiah.

    Amon’s task quickly turns dangerous. The Sanhedrin, led by Saul, begins hunting down believers in The Way, even stoning some to death. Now Amon must walk a treacherous line between finishing the job he was given and working safely around those who would kill him if they knew his secret. Can he dodge cranky Romans and angry Pharisees and find a way for the new church to survive?

    With short, action-filled chapters, reflections for family devotions, and a foundation of archaeological evidence, Amon’s Secret is a fun and powerful way to connect to the church’s beginnings.

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  • Everything Is Just Beginning


    Michael Sullivan is a talented lyricist and a decent guitarist, but since he was kicked out of his band (and his apartment), he’s not sure he’ll ever get a record deal. Living with his loser uncle in a beat-up trailer and working a dead-end job, Michael has little reason to hope for a better future. Until the invitation for a swanky New Year’s Eve party shows up in the mailbox. It’s for his uncle, with whom he shares his name, but his uncle is going out of town . . .

    On the effervescent night of December 31, 1989–as the Berlin Wall is coming down, the Soviet Union is inching toward democracy, and anything seems possible–Michael will cross paths with the accomplished and enigmatic young heir to a fading musical dynasty, forever altering both of their futures.

    Award-winning novelist Erin Bartels enchants with this story of two lonely souls who have exactly what the other one needs–if they could simply turn their focus from what is ending to what is just beginning.

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  • Amish Quilting Bee


    Three charming stories of cozy quilting circles and budding romance

    Patchwork Promises by Amy Clipston

    When Colin Zook and his beloved grandmother lose everything in a fire, their greatest loss is a beloved family heirloom quilt that helped keep her dementia at bay. When Joanne Lapp hears about the loss, she decides to re-create the quilt. Colin soon feels himself developing feelings for her, but he’s held back by the knowledge that a future with him would involve care of his grandmother and his farm. Will Joanne look past his list of responsibilities and see him for who he truly is?

    A Common Thread by Kathleen Fuller

    Susie Glick returns from a shopping trip laden with beautiful fabric for her quilting group. On the bus ride, Alex Lehman–her crush from three years ago–sits next to her. Alex left Middlefield to explore the country, and now he’s back and ready to join the church. Susie was just a kid when he left, but now she’s a woman–and she definitely has his interest. The women in her quilting circle aren’t as excited about Alex’s return, assuming that he’ll leave again in search of adventure. Susie is convinced they’re wrong, but just as they start dating, Alex tells Susie he has to leave. He says he’ll return, but Susie must decide whether or not she can trust the man she fears has captured her heart.

    Stitched Together by Shelley Shepard Gray

    Rosie’s joy is her yearly project for the Pinecraft Mennonite Quilt Sale, and she dreams of being the top earner. But she’s worried that she’s bitten off more than she can chew with her latest entry. To make things even more confusing, after coming to terms with her single state, she’s recently formed a friendship with Tim Christner. He’s only in town for a month, but he has Rosie wondering if she’s found love at last. Now all she has to do is figure out how to get the quilt done so she can concentrate on him. But with her once very organized life in total disarray, everything comes to a head just before the sale. Rosie is forced to reexamine her priorities before she loses not only her place in the quilt show but everything else she’s ever wanted.

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  • Courtship Plan


    Finding a husband is serious business. And serious business requires serious planning.

    Charity Raber is one of many single women who came to Birch Creek, Ohio, with one goal in mind: secure a husband from among the desperate bachelors a newspaper advertisement claimed inhabited the town. Even though that claim proved to be nothing more than a cruel prank, Charity is still hopeful that her happy ending might be within reach when she’s set up on a date with Jesse Bontrager. That is until Jesse not-so-gently shares that he has no interest in a relationship with anyone–and especially not with her.

    One year later, Charity is working as a caretaker for a kind, elderly English woman in the nearby town of Marigold. She’s also working hard on a brand-new courtship plan. A plan that absolutely does not involve Jesse Bontrager. But when he moves next door and is made aware of her scheming, Charity vows to prove that her plan is foolproof. Meanwhile, Jesse’s is sure she’ll make a fool of herself. And for some reason he’s not willing to let that happen.

    This stubborn bachelor and determined bachelorette will soon learn that their plans rarely work out as expected–but God’s plans always will.

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  • Dear Henry Love Edith


    He thinks she’s an elderly widow. She’s convinced he’s a grumpy old man. Neither could be further from the truth.

    After a short and difficult marriage, recently widowed Edith Sherman has learned her lesson. Forget love. Forget marriage. She plans to fill her thirties with adventure. As she awaits the final paperwork for a humanitarian trip to South Africa, she accepts a short-term nursing position in a small Midwestern town. The last thing she needs is a handsome local catching her eye. How inconvenient is that?

    Henry Hobbes isn’t exactly thrilled to have Edith, who he assumes is an elderly widow, dumped on him as a houseguest for the summer. But he’d do almost anything for his niece, who is practically like a sister to him given how close they are in age. Especially since Edith will be working nights and Henry works most days. When he and Edith keep missing each other in person, they begin exchanging notes–short messages at first, then longer letters, sharing increasingly personal parts of their lives.

    By the time Henry realizes his mistake–that Edith is actually the brown-eyed beauty he keeps bumping into around town–their hearts are so intertwined he hopes they never unravel. But with her departure date rapidly approaching, and Henry’s roots firmly planted at home, Edith must ultimately decide if the adventure of her dreams is the one right in front of her.

    Reminiscent of the beloved classic You’ve Got Mail comes a delightful new romantic comedy about mistaken identities, second chances, and finding love in unexpected places.

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  • Critical Threat


    FBI Special Agent Grace Billingsley tracks serial killers, using her skills as a psychiatrist and behavioral analyst to get dangerous people off the street and safely behind bars. But prison psychiatrist Sam Monroe knows that just because a killer is incarcerated doesn’t mean they’re not a threat. His own father, Peter, is a serial killer–in prison but certainly not out of Sam’s life, as much as he wishes he was.

    When bodies start showing up with Peter’s MO, Sam and Grace are both called in to consult. They’ve met before–and though Grace thought they’d made a real connection, Sam ghosted her. They’ll have to get past the awkwardness and mistrust to solve this case–especially because it’s about to get personal.

    USA Today bestselling author Lynette Eason doesn’t give you time to catch your breath in this breakneck race to stop a serial killer.

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  • Kentucky Brothers : 3 Amish Romances From A New York Times Bestselling Auth


    An Amish Journey to Hope, Healing, and New Beginnings

    Join New York Times bestselling author Wanda E. Brunstetter in the complete Kentucky Brothers series as three brothers seek fresh starts in the land of tomorrow. . . .

    The Journey
    a*?Until Titus Fisher learned woodworking skills, he’d never been able to stick to a job. Now living in Kentucky, life has a whole new outlook, but can a heart once torn by love’s rejection find new life and choose between two women who are as unique as night and day?

    The Healing
    Single father Samuel Fisher is still grieving over his wife’s untimely death when his brother Titus convinces him to make a fresh start. Samuel packs up his kids and heads to Bluegrass Country, but can he find hope in tomorrow when burdened by yesterday’s memories?

    The Struggle
    Timothy Fisher has moved his wife Hannah and daughter Mindy to Kentucky, the land of tomorrow. But when a tragic accident occurs, their marriage seems splintered beyond repair. What drastic measures will God take to salve their grief?

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