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Showing 1–50 of 334 results

  • Good Morning God


    Good mornings are guaranteed when you start the day off in prayer.

    Nearly 200 faith-building devotional prayers are accompanied by inspiring scripture selections and journaling space–just for you.

    Featuring just-right-sized readings to fit into your busy morning routine, you’ll start your days off right with Good Morning, God!

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  • Bedtime Devotions For Peaceful Sleep


    200 Nighttime Devotions for Your Heart!

    Inspired by Proverbs 3:24 (NIV): “When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet,” this delightful nighttime devotional will encourage your heart. Nearly 200 devotions will comfort and refresh your weary spirit as you unwind at the end of your busy day. You’ll relax as you spend much-needed quiet time. . .to reflect on and end your day in peaceful conversation with the heavenly Father.

    It’s a beautiful way to a peaceful night’s sleep!

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  • Joy In The Morning


    Joy in the Morning is designed to enhance your spiritual journey.

    Featuring 200 biblically based meditations designed to enhance your positive outlook, Joy in the Morning offers a powerful blend of inspiration, encouragement, and motivation no matter your age or stage of life.

    Touching on topics like beauty, blessings, family, faith, patience, prayer, relationships, rest, and more, each refreshing reading will draw you ever closer to your heavenly Father as you meditate on each truth-filled page and open your heart and mind to God’s Word.

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  • Power Of One Prayer


    If you’ve experienced the power of prayer. . .you know that just one single little prayer goes a very, very long way. . .resulting in a bigger, bolder faith!

    You’re invited to grow your faith alongside these 200-plus prayer-themed devotions, where you’ll be challenged and inspired to pray–every day–with more courage, more love, more hope, more joy, more patience, more trust. . .and all of your heart.

    With each turn of the page, you’ll be drawn closer to the heavenly Father as you meditate on each truth-filled devotion and open your heart and mind to His very best for you!

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  • Diva Principle : Divine Inspiration For Victorious Attitude (Revised)


    Deep inside the heart of every woman is a diva just waiting to be released. It lies underneath all of the other things she has supposedly “learned” about herself–truth, fiction, deception, or just the superimposed bad feelings of others who’ve tried to smother the diva within.

    Although the word diva now evokes the image of a vain or undisciplined person, author Michelle McKinney Hammond takes diva back to its original meaning. It comes from the word prima donna or “first lady” and was used to describe the principal female singer in an opera or concert organization, who was the best of the best.

    The DIVA Principle: Divine Inspiration for Victorious Attitude shines a spotlight on fourteen women of the Bible who displayed diva-tude, including Deborah from the book of Judges, the Queen of Sheba, Wisdom, Ruth, Jacob’s wives Rachel and Leah, Esther, Rahab, and more. In the process, Michelle encourages women to embrace their God-given qualities and assets with the understanding that they are fearfully and wonderfully made.

    With solid, practical advice, Michelle suggests ways for women to get their head, heart, life, and act together so that they will emerge happy and victorious as divas in the best sense of the word.

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  • Discover Your True Strength



    Do you ever feel like your dreams are on the cutting room floor and your hopes are going down the drain? Have circumstances made you feel powerless or unable to move forward?

    In Discover Your True Strength, Lindsay Roberts shares examples of powerful women who applied their faith and found their true strength by trusting in God’s Word. She uses three key strength-building Scriptures and her own life experiences to show how you can have the courage and determination to overcome life’s obstacles and find your vision for the future.

    As you come to understand and embrace your true, God-given strength, you can live each day to the fullest and pursue what you love and are called to do.


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  • But God Can


    Tired of trying to be enough? The truth is you were never meant to be, no matter what culture might tell you.

    Christian women today are bombarded with confusing messaging-they are supposed to do and be it all but also die to themselves. They are supposed to believe that women can do anything and also surrender everything to God. Adding to that pressure, many women feel stuck in their current reality-spinning on the hamster wheel of life. They scroll past images that tell them everyone else has it together and is experiencing a purpose-filled, adventurous, fun, loving, and God-honoring life. Overwhelmed and at a loss, most women go one of two places: defeat or self-help empowerment, even Christian self-help.

    In Becky Kiser’s But God Can, women realize this truth: on their own, she was never meant to be enough–that is the gospel message, that is why Jesus came. But God Can get her unstuck and find a purpose she has never known! She will identify the lies she’s internalized, replace those with new truths, and find freedom through realistic, practical, and life-changing strategies.

    Becky Kiser will use her foundation as a Bible teacher and unique skills as a life coach to take women on a journey to:

    *find freedom from lies as she changes how she thinks,
    *identify what God says is actually true,
    *remember that God is more than capable of doing anything,
    *discover how He has uniquely created her, and
    *propel her into the abundant life of deep purpose.

    But God Can will show you that you don’t have to be enough because God is more than enough! On your own, you can’t, but God totally can!

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  • 101 Devotions On Powerful Prayer For Women


    You know that prayer is important. . .this book provides the biblical insights you need, plus the encouragement to really, truly pray.

    God wants to hear from His children. At any time, in any circumstance, you have the privilege of talking with the almighty Creator of the universe. And according to Jesus, the “default setting” of prayer is that His Father will hear and answer: “Ask, and it shall be given to you. Seek, and you shall find. Knock, and it shall be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it shall be opened” (Matthew 7:7-8).

    Perhaps that has not been your experience with prayer. Or maybe you’ve enjoyed success in prayer, but would like to be even more effective. Whatever the case, the Bible offers many insights, and this book distills them into 101 principles such as:

    *Prayer Can Be Learned
    *Prayer Gets God’s Attention
    *Prayer Blesses Others
    *Prayer Is the Answer to What You’re Seeking

    If you make prayer a priority–by studying its biblical basis and then putting those truths into practice–you’ll find yourself in a deeper, more intimate relationship with God.
    Isn’t that what life is all about?

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  • Daily Devotions To Conquer Anxiety And Depression


    Where should you turn when you’re struggling with anxiety and depression? . . .

    To God and His Word!

    Each of the meditations and prayer starters in this reassuring daily devotional will remind you that you’re never alone in your struggles.
    With each turn of the page, you’ll encounter a memorable scripture, a truth-filled reading, and a prayer that promise to encourage, inspire, and strengthen your faith.

    As you read every heartfelt word, trust in and lean on the one who “is with you in this” (1 Chronicles 28:20). . .the one who’s with you in all things.

    With the heavenly Creator by your side, you’ll be well on your way to conquering your anxiety and depression.

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  • Grace Not Perfection


    Let God’s Grace Renew Your Heart

    Here is a delightful women’s devotional that reminds Christian women of all ages that God provides daily grace to His beloved daughters. Thoughtful readings will speak to your heart, and lovely prayers, memorable quotations, and scripture passages add to the rich spiritual depth of the book. It’s the perfect book to give as a gift or for personal quiet time.

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  • Pray And Never Give Up


    Blessings Abound for Women Who Pray Persistently

    This lovely devotional for women is a beautiful reminder that Jesus tells us to pray and don’t give up (Luke 18:1). Each page features an encouraging devotional reading rooted in biblical truth and a heartfelt prayer to help you begin your daily quiet time with the heavenly Father. You will discover all the ways God blesses you every single day as you grow closer to Him and wrap your soul in His unconditional love. This delightful package is a great gift for women of all ages!

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  • Pastors Wives Tell All


    In a world that expects near perfection from people in ministry, it is hard to be honest about struggles of being a pastor’s wife or a woman in ministry–let alone have a sense of humor about it! In their popular podcast, Pastors’ Wives Tell All, Jessica Taylor, Stephanie Gilbert, and Jenna Allen create a safe place for pastors’ wives and women in ministry to be their most authentic selves. Now they’re bringing their wit and wisdom to women through the written word.

    Addressing topics such as how to smash stereotypes, deal with marital issues, make friends, and overcome parenting anxiety, they remind pastors’ wives (and the people in their congregations) that God doesn’t expect them to be superhuman. They show women how to:

    * establish and maintain healthy boundaries
    * seek wise counsel
    * confess their sins and shortcomings aloud
    * shed the persona of perfection
    * and much more

    If you’re a pastor’s wife–by calling, by choice, or by circumstance–you’ll find relief, renewal, and refreshment in the pages of this book.

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  • Embraced


    Embraced is the beautiful new devotional from Lisa TerKeurst, the president of Proverbs 31 Ministries and the New York Times bestselling author of Uninvited, The Best Yes, Unglued, and Made to Crave. Embraced features 100 devotions that will resonate with women in all stages of life.

    Lysa’s Most Powerful Insights
    Together for the First Time
    in a Devotional

    Lysa TerKeurst is one of the world’s most influential Christian authors and speakers. She is president of Proverbs 31 Ministries and the New York Times bestselling author of more than 4 million books, including Uninvited, The Best Yes, Unglued, and Made to Crave.

    Favorite themes from Lysa’s bestselling books have been brought together for the first time in a beautiful new devotional. The 100 readings were chosen for their relevance to the issues women face in matters of faith, marriage, motherhood, career, and church.

    The devotions include Lysa’s trademark “sticky statements” on a variety of topics such as:

    personal identity
    our gifts and God’s glory
    intimacy with God
    cleaning clutter from our lives
    negative thoughts
    the Holy Spirit
    feelings of isolation
    making good decisions

    A handy topical index gives you the freedom to flip directly to areas of interest, or you can read chronologically each day. Lysa’s hope is that with every devotion, you will know God’s love exactly where you are, no matter where that may be.

    With an exquisite cloth cover, highly designed interior, ribbon marker, and stained page edges, Embraced will be a treasured keepsake for you as well as a meaningful gift for those you love.

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  • Courage For Today


    Unlock your courage within.

    Many of us go through life pretending everything is perfect. Driven by fear, we hide behind a mask of confidence while secretly wrestling with self-doubt, anxiety, and isolation. But we don’t have to live this way.

    Courage for Today guides you on a 365-day journey exploring the challenges, choices, and perseverance of inspiring men and women from the Bible who overcame fear and stood firm in their faith. Draw insight and encouragement from their stories, knowing God stands beside you, too, eagerly waiting for you to take hold of his guiding hand. Learn to:

    *grow in self-confidence,
    *incorporate God’s Word into everyday life,
    *live with purpose and intention,
    *lean on God for hope and guidance, and
    *develop a spirit of boldness.

    God has given you all the courage you need to step into the authentic, abundant life he created for you. Rise each day inspired and empowered to overcome any obstacle and walk confidently in your faith.

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  • Courage And Confidence


    It’s time to stand confidently in your created identity and become the woman you were created to be.

    Have you ever felt like you’re living a subpar version of yourself? Have you given God your yes, but still struggle to step into your full potential? If so, it’s time to tap into your God-given potential, embrace your unique identity, and live a purpose-filled life.

    In Courage and Confidence, Nicole Salmon provides the tools you need to evict yourself from your curated comforts, which have resulted in silence, compliance, and dumbing down your capabilities. You’ll discover how to stand confidently in your created identity-affirmed, decisive, and clear about your purpose.

    Discover how to:

    *Reclaim your voice and become reacquainted with the voice of Holy Spirit

    *Interrupt the cycle of second guessing who you are so you can operate more confidently in your purpose

    *Replace old thought patterns and habits with a thought life that leads to overcoming guilt and achieving more results

    Embrace your unique identity, operate confidently in your purpose, and be the best version of yourself according to God’s design.

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  • Power Moves : Ignite Your Confidence And Become A Force

    Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $17.97.

    Unleash the superpower of being yourself. Sarah Jakes Roberts, bestselling author of Woman Evolve, will help you craft a language toward your issues with intentionality.

    Stripping our minds of the expectations that inundate our world has never been more difficult. One quick scroll of our phones and we’re consumed by other people’s projections of how we should be feeling or responding.

    The ability to determine your truth without judgment is the beginning of harnessing authentic power in Christ. When we do the work of embracing where we are, we create space for God’s love to meet us in our most raw form and then polish us to shine like never before. Power does not lie in success, achievement, or performance. Power rests in humility, honesty, and the commitment to continuous growth.

    Power Moves will help you to qualify whether you’re living life authentically or if you’ve found a way to maintain status quo. It will reveal the principles required to tap into the most powerful version of who you are, then lead you in how to introduce your authentic self to the world around you. Sarah will help you:

    *give language to your changing needs,
    *acknowledge and applaud your growth,
    *refuse to bear the weight all at once or all alone, and
    *release your power.

    Open your eyes to the way that God sees you and awaken your boldness to effect change in the world by living out the truth of who God says you are with confidence.

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  • I Want To Matter


    We all want to matter, right? We want to love people well and be loved in return. We want to have made a difference before our life is over. We want to have lived a full life without any regrets. In I Want to Matter, New York Times bestselling author and former Today show host Kathie Lee Gifford shares stories about her life and encourages you to remember your self-worth and never give up on your dreams.

    In this beautiful two-color 60-day DayReader(R) each day features a:

    *focal topic,
    *story from Kathie Lee Gifford’s life,
    *and reflection questions to help you apply the message to your own life.

    I Want to Matter is inspired by a song written by Kathie Lee and includes content from her New York Times bestselling book, It’s Never Too Late. She wants to help you feel seen and heard. This daily reader is great for:

    *birthdays, Mother’s Day, Teacher Appreciation Day, Hanukkah, Christmas, or as a just because gift to anyone needing encouragement.

    *morning and night reading routines.

    *anyone searching for an inspirational message.

    This DayReader(R) is a way for you to relive the moments that shaped you into who you are today and will allow you to revive your ability to wonder because you truly do matter.

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  • 1 Prayer Away

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $11.97.

    Find hope when you need it the most with this gorgeous 90-day devotional for women who need a reminder that God can bring you past your broken beginnings, through the messy middles, and into a faith-filled future.

    When you’re at the edge of what your heart can handle. When you can’t see the road ahead. When you wonder if the hurt is beyond healing. One Prayer Away by Lauren Fortenberry is for every moment of the journey.

    Each day invites you to begin with your brokenness. To speak to God about what keeps you up at night. To know that in every single thing you carry today, you do not need to carry it alone. One Prayer Away includes:

    *90 meditations of hope and encouragement in Lauren’s signature poetic style
    *Prayers to receive for yourself or to pray for others
    *Bible verses relevant to each day’s needs like hope, mercy, and surrender
    *Inspirational quotes and soothing photography to create a place where your soul can rest

    This beautiful devotional is a thoughtful gift for:

    *A friend who needs encouragement in times of uncertainty, anxiety, loneliness, and loss
    *Women’s prayer groups or Bible studies
    *Mother’s Day, birthdays, or simply to say “I’m thinking of you”
    *Any woman who desires to grow spiritually

    Whether you are struggling or seeking, flying or failing-God is with you. You can trust Him to hold you through it all.

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  • 3 Minute Reset Devotional For Women


    Allow God to Reset Your Beautiful Spirit

    Every day brings its own troubles that challenge and tests our hearts, but God’s Word offers real, rejuvenating peace! Within the pages of this daily devotional, you’ll find the refreshment and recharge you need to live a beautiful life in Christ. This lovely book packs a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, and inspiration into brief readings that provide wisdom from scripture, a heartfelt devotion, and a prayer starter–all of which you can apply to everyday life. It’s the perfect pick me-up for morning quiet time, evening unwinding, or a much-needed moment of refreshment throughout the day!

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  • Moms At The Well


    Motherhood is hard. Really hard.

    Tara Edelschick and Kathy Tuan-MacLean know this personally. As moms who have spent decades working with and encouraging other moms, they know the struggles real moms face in our real world. Their survey of more than seven hundred moms revealed that moms experience worry, anger, comparison, escapism, a desire for control, and even heartbreak while raising children. And moms long to connect with God in the midst of it all, but even that can feel like a challenge.

    That’s why we need a well. For centuries, women met daily at neighborhood wells to draw water for their families, meeting a very significant physical need. But these wells were also gathering spaces, providing much-needed community and relationships.

    This seven-week Bible study offers a modern-day “well” for mothers-a gathering place to encourage one another, take an honest look at the challenges we face as moms, and experience the God who invites us into a process of spiritual transformation.

    Meet with moms, meet with God, and find much-needed refreshment at the well.

    A New Bible Study Experience From IVP

    These Bible studies offer you a fresh opportunity to engage with Scripture. Each study includes:

    *weekly sessions for a group of any size
    *access to weekly teaching videos
    *five days of individual study and reflection each week

    The refreshing, accessible, and insightful content from trusted Bible teachers will encourage you in your faith!

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  • Tired Of Being Tired Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    It’s time to quit the unsustainable pace of life we find ourselves in and receive God’s gift of realistic rest.

    In Tired of Being Tired, bestselling author and speaker Jess Connolly offers good news to soul-weary women: there is a better way, and it is yours for the taking. In this companion study guide, you’ll discover practical ways to apply the biblical truths that will change your life.

    You can break the cycle of living like you’re constantly on the hook and come to Jesus to find rest for your weary and burdened soul. This study guide will show you how to implement new rhythms and relational patterns so that you can experience the abundant life God intended for you–in your life today, not just some unreachable future.

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  • Tired Of Being Tired


    If you’re a woman, chances are you know the cycle: You start the day already exhausted and end it defeated, all the while telling yourself things will get better if you can just power through this week. But then the weeks turn into months, and you start to believe you’ll never be able to stop, slow down, or catch your breath. You wouldn’t even know how if you tried. And yet God has made you for a life of abundance, not a life of exhaustion. It’s time to quit the unsustainable pace and receive God’s gift of realistic rest.

    With relatable stories and eye-opening insights, bestselling author and speaker Jess Connolly offers good news to soul-weary women: There is a better way, and it is yours for the taking. She shows you:

    * how to find the source of your fatigue
    * scripts for saying no and strategies for protecting your peace
    * practices for bringing realistic rest into your daily and weekly rhythms

    You can break the cycle of living like you’re constantly on the hook and come to Jesus to find rest for your weary and burdened soul. This book will show you how to find new rhythms so that you can experience the abundant life God intended for you.

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  • Peace In The Waiting


    Your call to love those who don’t know Jesus does not mean you need to save them.
    Through real-life guidance and encouragement, Peace in the Waiting helps us navigate the grief, confusion, and urgency we feel for loved ones who have rejected or wandered away from God.

    Is your heart weary from praying for someone you love to know Jesus? Peace in the Waiting offers a hope-filled path as you turn from your own doubts and frustration to God’s sovereignty and comfort. Drawing on her experience with a close friend, author June Chapman explores:

    *How to name and process our sorrow over friends and family who don’t know God
    *Our confusion about some people being saved and not others
    *Our questions about unanswered prayers
    *Why we need to remember that a loved one’s salvation is not up to us
    *How we can embrace peace even in the longing we have for others to follow Jesus

    Peace in the Waiting calls us to take the focus off ourselves and trust in God’s promises so that we might have a renewed sense of hope for those we love most.

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  • Devotions And Prayers For Warrior Women


    Are YOU a warrior woman? . . .

    *A warrior woman is strong and secure in who she is–BECAUSE SHE WAS CREATED (AND IS LOVED) BY HER HEAVENLY FATHER.

    *A warrior woman has an unbreakable faith–BECAUSE SHE FULLY TRUSTS IN GOD.

    *A warrior woman praises God with a grateful heart–BECAUSE SHE KNOWS HE PROVIDES.


    *A warrior woman doesn’t give up–SHE PERSISTS AND RELIES ON GOD’S STRENGTH.

    *A warrior woman has hope for the future–BECAUSE SHE KNOWS GOD IS IN CONTROL.

    Tap into your beautiful inner warrior with these 200 challenging, courage-building devotions.

    With every turn of the page, you’ll encounter a strength and confidence that are only possible through an intimate relationship with the heavenly Father.Each relatable reading touches on important-to-you topics like security, peace, trust, confidence, persistence, hope, strength, faith, and more.

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  • Moments Of Hope


    Connect with God in a new way and find the hope in every moment.

    As women, we deeply desire wisdom, encouragement, and hope amid the busyness and distractions of our everyday lives.

    In Moments of Hope we are encouraged to redirect our thinking to understand ourselves, our world, and our God accurately. Complete with Bible verses, helpful stories, and practical application, these short daily devotions are designed to move us further along that path of having our hearts refreshed, our lives transformed, and our hope restored.

    Moments of Hope will encourage women to discover biblical wisdom and purpose so they can see how God’s love, kindness, and compassion for them is where true hope can be found.

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  • You Matter Mom


    Devotions and Prayers to Encourage Your Heart, Mom–180 Readings Rooted in Biblical Truth for Women

    ?This devotional for moms is a beautiful reminder of your purpose. . .your worth. . .your importance in the world. 180 encouraging readings and inspiring prayers, rooted in biblical truth, will help you see yourself through the eyes of your Father God who created you to fill the important role of mom. In each devotional reading, you will encounter the bountiful love and grace of your Creator, while coming to understand His plan–for you and you alone.

    You Matter, Mom is a wonderful gift for women of all ages. . .for those new to the faith and long-time believers alike!

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  • Bible Promise Book For Women Barbour Simplified KJV Prayer Edition


    God promises–
    especially for women.

    Here is an expanded edition of the bestselling The Bible Promise Book, especially for ladies. Featuring hundreds of promises of God, encouraging prayers, and inspiring quotations to strengthen your faith, The Bible Promise Book for Women–Prayer Edition will be a source of strength for every Christian woman.

    Need to know what God says about Comfort? How about Duty? Or maybe Encouragement, Hospitality, Perseverance, Prayer, or Strength are your concerns today. If you need to know what the Bible says about dozens of key life topics, turn to The Bible Promise Book for Women–Barbour Simplified KJV Prayer Edition.

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  • 3 Minute Prayers For Moms


    Got 3 Minutes? . . .

    Take a few moments of your day to pause, reflect, and grow your faith with these 3-minute prayers.

    You’ll find just the inspiration you need for your busy life in 3-Minute Prayers for Moms. This practical book packs a powerful dose of inspiration into 3 short minutes.

    *Minute 1: scripture to meditate on;
    *Minute 2: a just-right-sized devotional prayer;
    *Minute 3: a question for further reflection.

    Each day’s prayer meet you right where you are and is a great way for you to begin or end your day.

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  • Resting In Jesus


    A 30-day devotional on the art of letting go of daily chaos to find perfect peace in Christ.

    When our phones are pinging, children are crying, emails are pouring in, and the refrigerator is empty, finding time to rest in Jesus can seem like a near impossible task. If we aren’t being productive, we feel like missing out and falling behind. But Christ invites us to sit at His feet, especially in the midst of our daily chaos. The example of Mary and Martha offers us a picture of how God understands not only what we’re going through, but where our priorities really need to be. Resting in Christ is not a luxury, it’s a necessity… and it informs everything else that we do. This devotional will guide readers in the journey to discovering the art of being still before God – and releasing their cares to the One who cares for them.

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  • Colossians : Fullness Of Life In Christ


    A 10-Week Study for Women on the Book of Colossians

    Christ is the ruler of all things and sufficient for our every need. While Christians profess these truths, they sometimes struggle to apply this knowledge to their everyday lives. Thankfully, the book of Colossians offers a practical guideline, exalting Christ as the Lord of everything and showing believers how they share in his life, death, and resurrection in their lives now and for all eternity.

    This 10-week Bible study for women explores Colossians verse by verse to help readers understand how the Christian life is meant to be lived through the risen Lord Jesus Christ. Written for individuals or groups, author Lydia Brownback provides conversational teaching, practical application questions, and additional recommended resources to help women live Christ-centered lives focused on the hope of the gospel and the person of Jesus Christ.

    *10-Week Bible Study for Women: Offers an in-depth, exegetical look at the book of Colossians

    *Quick, Engaging Weekly Resources: Helpful reading plans, sidebars, timelines, and more to help busy readers get the most out of Scripture

    *Perfect for Individuals or Small Groups: Includes discussion questions and additional verses for further reading

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  • Unique Woman Workbook (Workbook)


    There are opportunities everywhere for women who have the courage to seize them! You have more than you think you have. You can do more than you think you can. You alone are responsible to use the intelligence, talents, abilities, and gifts God has given you.

    Ed and Nancy Cole took the truths and experience gathered from over half a century of marriage and ministry together to write Unique Woman. In one of Christianity’s modern classics, the Coles furnish tools to help women achieve the image God holds for them.

    In the same upfront and honest style that made Ed Cole an internationally known minister to men, he learned with his wife Nancy to answer the heart’s cry of women around the world who said, “Write us a book!”

    Although Unique Woman is addressed primarily to women, male readers have gained new insights and greater understanding of the issues faced by their wives and other women in their lives. Men will discover how the complementary nature of women can lead to greater fulfillment in their own lives.

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  • Prayers To Help You Thrive


    Life doesn’t always go your way, and during those times you may feel let down and unhappy. The world is full of cancelations, changes, and a great deal of pain. But, if you rely on God, put your faith in Him, and go to Him in prayer, you can thrive.

    Prayers to Help You Thrive is a beautiful mix of devotions, Scripture, prayers, and prompts that will help you develop and strengthen your time with God. Inside you’ll find:

    *gorgeous full-color pages with art, callout quotes, and room to write.

    *entries written by New York Times bestselling author Shauna Niequist, Chike Chukudebelu, Katie Hardeman, Margaret Hogan, Denise Hildreth Jones, Tsh Oxenreider, Rachel Randolph, and Alece Ronzino.

    *relevant topics of discussion such as social justice, economic equality, social media addiction, mental health, balance, prayer, relationships, and decision-making.

    You can read individually or invite friends and family members to join you. This book is perfect to use as a daily devotional or as a small-group resource. Work through each entry at whatever pace works for you–daily, every other day, or weekly.

    After completing Prayers to Help You Thrive you’ll:

    *have a deeper relationship with the Lord and a more consistent and meaningful prayer life.
    *learn how to thrive no matter what season of life you’re experiencing.
    *better understand how to handle sensitive topics with grace and hopefulness.

    Thriving can feel difficult in our day-to-day, especially when life’s curveballs come. But God’s purpose for you includes thriving in His goodness and living with joy and confidence–through a relationship with Him. Come to Him today and thrive in the life and hope that is yours in Christ.

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  • Life Is Messy God Is Good


    Cynthia Yanof knows how sloppy, slippery, and downright hard life can be. But as she reminds us through her laugh-out-loud stories and heartfelt companionship, God’s not surprised when we drop the ball, lose our cool, or struggle to put our Spanx on in the morning. He can use our ridiculous messes and even the really difficult I-didn’t-sign-up-for-this losses to shape us.

    In Life Is Messy, God Is Good, Cynthia invites us to reframe our perspective on the challenges we face so we can see God at work–and laugh more along the way. Join her in discovering how:

    *We can be faithful to God’s purposes right where we are–baseball carpool, dog groomer, and even chaperoning the dreaded zoo field trip.

    *We come to realize one of life’s greatest blessings is a handful of crazy, godly friends (who aren’t afraid to tell you to retire your outfit).

    *When we let go of who the world says we should be, we are free to become who God created us to be.

    Whether you are navigating a difficult new season, working late on another deadline, or simply horrified that your morning routine now includes plucking chin hair, Life Is Messy, God Is Good offers an encouraging and hilarious reminder that God is at work in you–even in the mess.

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  • Unique Woman : Understanding Her God-Given Qualities


    There are opportunities everywhere for women who have the courage to seize them! You have more than you think you have. You can do more than you think you can. You alone are responsible to use the intelligence, talents, abilities, and gifts God has given you.

    Ed and Nancy Cole took the truths and experience gathered from over half a century of marriage and ministry together to write Unique Woman : Understanding Her God-Given Qualities. In one of Christianity’s modern classics, the Coles furnish tools to help women achieve the image God holds for them.

    In the same upfront and honest style that made Ed Cole an internationally known minister to men, he learned with his wife Nancy to answer the heart’s cry of women around the world who said, “Write us a book!”

    Although Unique Woman is addressed primarily to women, male readers have gained new insights and greater understanding of the issues faced by their wives and other women in their lives. Men will discover how the complementary nature of women can lead to greater fulfillment in their own lives.

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  • Sugarcoated : Finding Sweet Release From Cravings That Control Us


    All around the world, women yearn for a perfect life they can never grasp. They want to be successful, attractive, sexually fulfilled, and free from distress.

    Rather than turning to God, too many try to feast on everything under the sun–diet pills, pornography, shopping sprees, one-night stands, and social media–anything to hit that sweet spot.

    In the end, they are left with a deep sense of shame that can draw them further down into a spiral of bingeing, hiding, and emotional self-flagellation. They totally get Paul’s woeful lament, “I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing” (Romans 7:19).

    Consequently, these women build a wall between themselves and God. They fear divine retribution for their chosen form of gluttony while simultaneously operating under the false assumption that God doesn’t want to have anything to do with them.

    As author Angie Haskell notes, “This dangerous form of beratement worms its way into every facet of women’s lives. It burrows into their psyche, making them believe that demeaning treatment from others, as well as themselves, is perfectly normal. And if they dare throw caution to the wind, stepping out in their stilettos to stand up for what they need, it is often met with assumptions from others that their morals and values have flown out the window.”

    These women feel alone, unseen and unsatisfied, but Angie wades into their despair. With disarming wit and boldness, she empowers readers to take a hard look at their secret cravings, understand where they are coming from, and get on a path that leads to emotional and physical health.

    In a society that has become dangerously divisive, Angie reassures women that they’re still deserving of a relationship with God while also standing up for themselves and their needs.

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  • Unshakable Moxie A 6 Session Womens Bible Study With Video Access


    See God’s faithfulness through the lives of other women and understand how your identity in Christ can strengthen your faith. Combined with the Unshakable Moxie video series, this powerful study explores biblical lessons around the themes posed in each episode. Hosts Moriah Smallbone and Toni Collier press deeply into the tough topics–forgiveness, disillusionment, hardship–with notable guests to reveal how they have grown their faith during challenging circumstances.

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  • 365 Devotional Prayers For Women


    A Year of Inspiring Prayers for a Woman of God

    The almighty God we serve is interested in what you have to say! . . . This daily devotional prayer book is a powerful reminder for women to courageously bring any petition before their heavenly Father. 365 just-right-sized prayers will help you cultivate courage and confidence while growing stronger in your faith and relationship with God. Each prayer is perfectly paired with a relevant scripture selection–a fabulous way for you to begin or end your day in quiet fellowship with the heavenly Father.

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  • Lords Mercies Are New Every Morning Journal With Scriptures


    The New Mercies Every Morning Purple Floral Wirebound Journal, with its positive sentiment and happy design will turn your gloomy days into a grateful celebration when you use its pages to document all the ways God has cared for you.

    The hardcover journal has gold-toned wire binding and a delightful purple cover adorned with scattered lilac and orange flowers. Bright green foliage adds even more life to the design that attest to new beginnings. The sentiment is found in an opening in the middle of the design in white and gold-foiled letters.

    The LORD’s mercies are new every morning
    Lamentations 3:22-23

    192 creamy white, lined pages each feature an additional Scripture verse at the bottom. These verses may be used as journal prompts, prayer prompts or meditations.

    The New Mercies Every Morning Purple Floral Wirebound Journal is part of the New Mercies Purple Meadow Collection, designed to celebrate God’s great mercies. This collection includes a magnetic bookmark set, a ceramic coffee mug, ceramic teapot, a notebook set, a faux leather Bible case and a wirebound journal.

    Give an uplifting yet practical gift when you give the New Mercies Every Morning Purple Meadow Wirebound Journal to a grandmother or mother as a Mother’s Day gift.

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  • She Is Clothed With Strength And Dignity


    The Strength & Dignity Indigo Rose Large Wirebound Journal is designed to honor the women who have been pillars of support in your life. Express your gratitude to a mother, mentor, or friend for the wisdom she has shared with you by wrapping this journal as a thank-you gift.

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  • Daily Devotions To Nurture Your Faith


    Daily Encouragement and Bible Wisdom to Grow Your Faith!

    This beautiful daily devotional collection will engage your spirit with Bible wisdom and encouraging devotions. Each day’s reading includes a scripture, faith-nurturing devotion, and prayer–all designed to draw you closer to your Father God through daily quiet time.
    This women’s devotional is perfect for personal use or makes a thoughtful gift that will be cherished for years to come.

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  • Be Still And Know Journal With Zipper Closure


    Be filled with the peace that comes from knowing God holds the world in the palm of his hands when you open the Be Still and Know Midnight Blue Floral Faux Leather Classic Journal with Zipper Closure. Pour out your heart on the pages of this beautiful journal and put your fears to rest.

    The classic journal showcases a midnight blue faux leather cover enlivened with a stunning array of pink, burgundy, and blue flowers. The sentiment is elegantly presented in gold-foiled letters in the lower right-hand corner.

    Be still and know
    Psalm 46:10

    A gold metal zipper pull featuring a cross engraving keeps the journal’s blue zipper securely closed, protecting its pages. To enhance durability, the cover has rounded edges reinforced with topstitching. Plus, there’s a handy ribbon marker included to help you keep track of your page.

    Dive into a world of inspiration with the extra Bible verses printed at the bottom of each page. In all, there are 336 lined pages to record thoughts, prayers, or personal reflections. A dotted line in the top right corner of every page is perfect for noting dates or titles.

    The Be Still and Know Midnight Blue Floral Faux leather Classic Journal with Zipper Closure is part of the Be Still Midnight Blue Floral Collection, which centers around themes of God’s grace and our submission. This collection features a three-piece notebook set, a ceramic coffee mug, and a zippered faux leather journal.

    The Be Still and Know Midnight Blue Floral Faux Leather Classic Journal will encourage your friend on her birthday and allow her to pour out her thoughts and find solace in its pages. When you want to express your love and encouragement to your mother, Be Still and Know Midnight Blue Floral Faux Leather Classic Journal will encourage her to rely on God for all she needs.

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  • Strength And Dignity Jounal With Zipper Closure


    The enchanting hummingbird design of the Strength & Dignity Hummingbird Purple Faux Leather Classic Journal with Zipped Closure evokes a sense of wonder at the beauty of God’s creation. This image, paired with the text from Proverbs 31, is a fitting tribute to honor the mother or mentor in your life who faces life’s challenges with courage and grace.

    The cover is wrapped in smooth purple faux leather that starts on the back and wraps around the spine. It is heat-debossed with a quatrefoil floral design as it extends around the spine. The purple panel seamlessly connects to a pearlized white front panel, elegantly secured with a double row of topstitching. On the white panel, a multi-colored hummingbird soars gracefully against a pale blue sky. Below this enchanting image, the sentiment is captured in elegant purple-foiled lettering.

    Strength and Dignity
    Proverbs 31:25

    The entire verse is captured in a heat-debossed frame on the back cover.

    She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
    Proverbs 31:25

    The pages of this flexcover journal, along with any loose notes, are securely protected by a smooth-closing purple zipper closure with a silver metal zipper pull. Its 366 pages are the perfect weight to minimize the risk of bleed-through from writing instruments. Quickly locate your last entry with the attached satin ribbon marker, and draw inspiration from the Bible verse printed at the bottom of each page. For a thoughtful touch, this journal also includes a presentation page, making it an ideal choice for gift-giving.

    The Strength & Dignity Hummingbird Purple Faux Leather Classic Journal with Zipped Closure is part of the Persevere Hummingbird Collection, designed to celebrate wise mothers, grandmothers, godmothers, mentors, and friends. This collection includes ceramic mugs, faux leather bookmarks, a magnet set, faux leather journals, wirebound journals, and a gift bag.

    The Strength & Dignity Hummingbird Purple Faux Leather Classic Journal with Zipped Closure is a thoughtful gift to show your mentor or mother how much you appreciate her godly advice and unwavering support, making it an excellent choice for a thank you gesture or a Mother’s Day present.

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  • Trust In The Lord With All Your Heart Journal


    The Trust in the LORD Purple Bloom Wirebound Journal’s reassuring message will remind you that God is a trustworthy and ever-present guide on your journey through life. Use the pages of this journal to record the instances where He cared for you.

    Large purple blooks with teal leaves decorated the covers of the wirebound journal. Gold foil-outlined flowers add a subtle sheen to the design, and the sentiment is presented in purple foil on the front cover.

    Trust in the LORD with all your heart
    Proverbs 3:5

    Gold-toned wire coils bind the covers and the 192 pages together. Each page is lined and features a Bible verse to use as a prayer prompt or for meditation.

    The Trust in the LORD Purple Bloom Wirebound Journal is part of the is part of the Purple Bloom Like the Flowers Collection with artwork by Stephanie Ryan. This collection includes a note block with pen, a faux leather luggage tag, a magnetic notepad with pen, a magnetic book set, two ceramic coffee mugs, a gif pen, a wound journal, a large notebook set, a classic zippered faux leather journal, a stainless steel water bottle, and a gift bag.

    Inspire a friend recovering from illness or a sister weathering life’s challenges to express her worries and gratitude in the Trust in the LORD Purple Bloom Wirebound Journal. It’s an excellent tool for her to talk with God and document the prayers He has answered, helping her navigate her journey with faith and resilience.

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  • She Is Clothed With Strength And Dignity Journal With Zipper Closure


    The Strength and Dignity Indigo Rose Faux Leather Journal with Zipper Closure provides a secure space to keep your musings, notes, and cherished memories.

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  • 3 Minute Devotions For A Thankful Heart


    3 Minutes to a Thankful Heart. . .

    Got 3 minutes to spare? You’ll find the spiritual pick-me-up you need in 3-Minute Devotions for a Thankful Heart. Take time to pause, reflect, and rejuvenate by reading scripture, encouraging words, and a prayer starter to begin a dialogue with God. This delightful devotional packs a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, and thanksgiving into just-right-sized readings. Minute 1: scripture to meditate on; Minute 2: a short devotional reading; Minute 3: a prayer to jump-start a conversation with God. This beautiful book makes a fabulous any-occasion gift for every woman.

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  • Kind Words Are Like Honey Sweet To The Soul Journal


    The Kind Words are Like Honey Wirebound Journal serves as a beautiful reminder that kindness is a choice we make daily. While our world may not always feel friendly, choosing to be kind can positively impact your life and those around you. This journal offers an opportunity to reflect on your day or week, record instances of kindness you’ve encountered, and brainstorm ideas for showing kindness to others.

    A faint gold-foiled honeycomb design adorns the creamy white front cover of the journal. The sentiment is presented in navy and gold-foiled letters that are framed by a yellow and blue floral swags at the top and the bottom. A gold-foiled bee crowns the design.

    Kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul
    Proverbs 16:24

    The back cover features an intricate navy blue honeycomb design filled with yellow, white, and gold-foiled flowers. Gold-toned metal wire binds the covers together.

    A presentation page in the front of the journal can be personalized when you give it as a gift. The 192 lined pages in the journal are all lined, and each page features a Scripture verse at the bottom. These verses may be used for mediation or as Scripture memory verses.

    The Kind Words are Like Honey Wirebound Journal is part of the Kindness is Like Honey Collection. This collection includes a wirebound journal, a paper bookmark set, a magnetic bookmark set, a Box of Blessings, a stainless steel travel tumbler, and a gift bag.

    The Kind Words are Like Honey Wirebound Journal pairs beautifully with the coordinating stainless steel travel mug, creating an ideal teacher appreciation gift. You can also consider giving the Kind Words are Like Honey Wirebound Journal as a heartfelt token of gratitude for a neighbor’s kindness. To go a step further, you can assemble a thoughtful gift by combining the Kind Words are Like Honey Wirebound Journal with other complementary items from the collection as an encouraging gesture for a sister or friend.

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  • Abortion Survivors Break Their Silence


    How many survivors will it take for us to see the life behind the abortion?

    Today’s culture would have us believe that abortion is simply a choice, a right, a controversial argument, and a religious and political issue of pro-life vs. pro-choice. It has become easy to think of the unborn as disposable products of conception-medical waste. But all of that changes when that “product of conception” defies the odds and arrives into this world as a living, breathing human being.

    In Abortion Survivors Break Their Silence, we hear the true stories of abortion survivors whose resilience and courage humanize this discussion of “choice” and life emerging from the womb. They are flesh and blood people who, against all odds, survived abortion attempts and have dramatic, touching stories of their own. These stories often begin in shame and secret, but emerge to become inspiring dramas of hope, love, and forgiveness.

    This book includes:

    *Stories of ten abortion survivors
    *A compassionate look into the pressures many women feel to abort
    *Accounts of medical personnel who worked in the abortion industry

    Abortion Survivors Break Their Silence stirs the heart, challenges readers, and humanizes the sanctity of life in concrete and transformational ways.

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  • Behold And Believe


    7-Week Women’s Bible Study from the Gospel Coalition Explores Jesus’s “I Am” Statements in the Gospel of John

    Seeing is believing. If we want to know who Jesus is and why he is important to our lives, we need to take a closer look at what he said about himself. Jesus describes himself as the bread of life, the light of the world, the good shepherd, and more. His bold words invite us to behold him-and then to trust him.

    Whether you’ve never read the Bible, have followed Jesus for years, or find yourself somewhere in between, this 7-week Bible study will help you explore the question, Who is Jesus? Using the “I Am” statements in the Gospel of John, authors Courtney Doctor and Joanna Kimbrel demonstrate how to observe, interpret, apply, and reflect on key Bible verses about Jesus’s identity. Weekly prayers, memory verses, brief commentaries, and discussion questions help women to see Jesus, trust him alone for salvation, and proclaim his goodness to others.

    *Inductive Bible Study: This 7-week study teaches individuals and groups how to observe, interpret, and apply key Bible passages about Jesus’s identity

    *Explores Jesus’s “I Am” Statements: “I am the bread of life”; “I am the light of the world”; “I am the door of the sheep”; “I am the good shepherd”; “I am the resurrection and the life”; “I am the way, the truth, and the life”; and “I am the true vine”

    *From the Gospel Coalition: Studies correspond with sessions from TGC Women’s 2024 Conference (video access will be available after the event)

    *A Great Resource for Women Ages 16 and Older

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  • Daily Strength For Women


    You can walk in confidence with God as your strength.

    Flip through pages of encouragement every day of the year with this inspirational perpetual calendar. Short devotions, Scriptures, and thought-provoking questions help you start your day the right way–filled with peace and hope!

    You are radiant and strong with God on your side. Take courage in his love for you and be ready to conquer every day!

    Content Benefits:

    A year of inspiration through daily themes that help women find peace for anxious moments, joy in life’s blessings, confidence to face each day, and strength to persevere in hardship.


    *High-grade faux leather exterior provides durability and exquisite tactile appeal.

    *Heat debossing gives a two-tone appearance and creates indentation, showing off the intricate design and varied texture.

    *Foil finishing touches enhance features, capturing attention and adding class.

    *Built-in stand creates its own display, causing the product to sit nicely on all flat surfaces–work desk, table, or nightstand!

    *Durable, complementing coated metal coil offers long-lasting use.

    *Perpetual style calendar means it can be used year after year.

    *Beautifully designed full-color interior creates an appealing addition to surrounding decor.

    *Uncoated, wood-free paper of premium quality and thickness lends itself to long-lasting vivid coloration and durability.

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  • Warrior Of Eden


    There’s a reason you’ve always known God has big plans for you–He’s created you with great purpose.

    In this transformative, biblically based book, Beth Guckenberger draws on God’s original intention for women to embolden us to use our gifts as full participants at church, at work, and at home. Warrior of Eden explores twenty-seven thought-provoking questions such as:

    *What does “suitable helper” in Genesis 2 really mean?
    *Are we made in the image of a male God?
    *How did the early church treat women?
    *When have I joined men in battle, and when have I picked one instead?
    *Why is the church lagging in this conversation instead of leading?

    With reflection questions and journal prompts, Warrior of Eden reminds us that God directly empowers women to do His work–not because one gender is superior, but because we’re each worthy of His calling.

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