Mon-Sat 8:30am - 5:30pm, Closed Sunday | 800 N Main St, Shelbyville, TN | (931) 684-8878



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    Children's Ministries

    • Verdades Biblicas Eternas – (Spanish)


      Verdades biblicas eternas: El Catecismo Menor ilustrado presenta las enseanzas de Martin Lutero con ilustraciones brillantes y atractivas en un estilo de novela grafica. Este libro le da al estudiante, una nueva y divertida manera de aprender la fe, y enseanzas basicas como el Padrenuestro y los credos.

      Timeless Bible Truths: The Illustrated Small Catechism features the teachings of Martin Luther in bright, engaging illustrations in a graphic novel style. This book gives students a new and fun way to learn faith basics such as the Lord’s Prayer and the Creeds.

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    • Mis Amigos Visuales Mar-Ago – (Spanish)


      SPANISH EDITION. Flannelgraph for each lesson.

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