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    Love and Marriage

    • Happily Ever After


      Harder than you imagined. Better than a fairy tale. Marriage between sinners has its inevitable messes. If you’ve been married longer than a week or two, you know how the hard realities of life in a fallen age can come crashing in. Perhaps you had a season of “once upon a time,” but soon enough you realized that this marriage, in this world, is not yet your “happily ever after.” We want to help. We believe that God designed marriage not as a trial to be endured, but as a pointer to and catalyst for your greatest joy. God didn’t design marriage to be your storybook ending, but a fresh beginning, to help get you ready for the true “happily ever after” when together we see our great Bridegroom face to face. The thirty devotional readings in Happily Ever After have been assembled to shape, challenge, and inspire you and your spouse’s (or fiance’s) vision of marriage.

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    • Esposo Que Quiere Para Mi Hija – (Spanish)


      Un hombre integro, amable, considerado, dispuesto a obedecer la voz de Dios.
      !Ese es mi yerno!
      Una mujer generosa que camine a su lado y le honre con su amor incondicional.
      !Esa es mi nuera!

      Los primeros pensamientos sobre el espinoso o delicioso tema del matrimonio de los hijos surgen cuando vemos casarse a los hijos e hijas de nuestros amigos. No dudamos en preguntar: y que tal tu futuro yerno? Como ves a tu proxima nuera?

      Asi empiezan hondas conversaciones donde un completo escaneo de los candidatos es el menu de todos los dias. !Que delicia conversar sobre el matrimonio de los hijos de los demas! Pero cuando empezamos a pensar en el esposo que queremos para nuestra hija o la esposa que deseamos para nuestro hijo, todo cambia. Todo.

      Es valida esta preocupacion? Deberiamos mantenernos al margen, y guardar una razonable distancia con este tema? Cuanta es la medida correcta para involucrarnos? Querido prospecto de suegro, estimada casi suegra, Guillermo y Milagros Aguayo creamos este libro para contestarte esas preguntas y todas las demas. Te armaremos de valor para intervenir con inteligencia y sagacidad en esa seleccion, desde antes de la edad casadera de tus hijos.

      Al leer este libro provocador, preguntate lo siguiente:
      *Son mis hijos los candidatos ideales para ser yernos o nueras respetables?
      *Ya preparo a su descendencia para ser aquella persona que usted quisiera para la suya?

      Entonces, estas listo para lo que vas a encontrar aqui:
      *Sus roles como padres en la seleccion del yerno y la nuera
      *Como observar el reflejo familiar en los candidatos
      *El arte de guiar a sus hijos en el cortejo y el noviazgo
      *El proceso de identificar al verdadero amor en sus hijos y los otros
      *Conductas que revelan honra, cobertura, entrega, valoracion y respeto de los candidatos hacia sus hijos

      Exploremos juntos los conceptos que nos permitiran definir un estandar ideal de esposo y esposa, y decidir cual sera nuestra participacion en esta seleccion que se puede convertir en nuestra mayor bendicion.

      English version
      An honest, gentle, respectful man, willing to obey God’s voice
      That’s my son-in-law!

      A generous woman who walks by his side and honors him with unconditional love
      That’s my daughter-in-law!

      Our first thoughts on the scary theme of our children’s marriage come out as we watch our friends’ children getting married. We doubtlessly ask: “What about your future son-in-law?” or “How do you see your future daughter- in- law?”

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    • 30 Ways A Wife Can Bless Her Husband


      Easily strengthen your marriage with the affirmation and relationship that your husband needs and desires in 30 easy, affordable, and practical ways.

      Based on biblical elements, “The Blessing” isn’t just another marriage tip or formula-it’s a powerful, yet simple, biblical concept that will strengthen all your relationships.

      Your husband’s deepest longing is for you to affirm his value and worth. Find out how you can give your husband the unconditional acceptance the Bible calls The Blessing. With 30 Ways a Wife Can Bless Her Husband, encourage and empower your husband with real and practical ways using the 5 Elements of the Blessing.

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    • 5 Love Languages For Men


      Falling in love is easy. Keeping the sizzle in your marriage? That’s more like grilling the perfect steak-it takes time, attention, and some secret spices. Mastering your wife’s heart doesn’t have to be complicated, but it will take a little effort. Good intentions alone will not get the job done.

      Gary Chapman gears this edition of his #1 New York Times multi-million best seller to your needs, challenges, and interests as a husband. What really fills your wife’s love tank? (It may not be what you think.) How can you let her know what you’re thinking and feeling? What can you do to make sex more meaningful and pleasurable for you both? This book offers a straightforward approach that will equip you for relational success.

      Discover the secret that has already transformed millions of relationships worldwide. As you learn this simple, yet profound, concept for communicating love, you’ll be more confident and courageous in the ways that matter most. Really!

      “When you express your love for your wife using her primary love language, it’s like hitting the sweet spot on a baseball bat or golf club. It just feels right-and the results are impressive.” -Gary Chapman

      Includes an updated version of The 5 Love Languages(R) personal profile.

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    • Haga Guerra Espiritual Por Su – (Spanish)


      Una batalla espiritual en el frente del hogar

      El indice de divorcio en Estados Unidos ronda el 52 por ciento. Casi la mitad de todos los nios nacen fuera del matrimonio. Algo va muy mal. La Biblia declara que la ilegitimidad produce una maldicion sobre una familia por diez generaciones. Si eso es cierto, las familias americanas estan inmersas en una batalla espiritual y ni siquiera lo saben.

      Casado durante casi cincuenta aos, Richard Ing ha aconsejado a cientos de parejas y es tambien un experto en guerra espiritual. Ha identificado las maneras en que Satanas y sus demonios atacan el matrimonio mediante batallas en comunicacion, intimidad, rechazo, y el equipaje que llevamos de nuestro pasado.

      Este no es un libro sobre psicologia cristiana y consejeria, sino mas bien un contraataque directo contra el reino de la oscuridad y los deseos de la carne. Va al grano al identificar la verdadera fuente de la mayoria de nuestros conflictos en el matrimonio y el modo en que nuestras actitudes se llevan casi a todas nuestras relaciones, tanto dentro como fuera del matrimonio. Saca a la luz los espiritus malignos que Satanas usa para destruir matrimonios y como podemos ser liberados de ellos.

      A Spiritual Battle on the Home Front

      The divorce rate in America is around 52 percent. Nearly half of all children are born out of wedlock. Something is very wrong. The Bible declares that illegitimacy brings a curse upon a family for ten generations. If this is true, American families are engaged in a spiritual battle and don’t even know it.

      Married for nearly fifty years, Richard Ing has counseled hundreds of couples and is also an expert at spiritual warfare. He has identified the ways in which Satan and his demons attack marriage through struggles in communication, intimacy, rejection, and the baggage from our past.

      This is not a book on Christian psychology and counseling, but rather, a direct counter-attack against the kingdom of darkness and the lusts of the flesh. It cuts to the chase by identifying the true source of most of our conflicts in marriage and how our attitudes carry over to almost all of our relationships, both in and outside of marriage. It exposes the evil spirits Satan uses to destroy marriages and how we can be delivered from them.

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    • Warfare For Your Marriage


      A Spiritual Battle on the Home Front

      The divorce rate in America is around 52 percent. Nearly half of all children are born out of wedlock. Something is very wrong. The Bible declares that illegitimacy brings a curse upon a family for ten generations. If this is true, American families are engaged in a spiritual battle and don’t even know it.

      Married for nearly fifty years, Richard Ing has counseled hundreds of couples and is also an expert at spiritual warfare. He has identified the ways in which Satan and his demons attack marriage through struggles in communication, intimacy, rejection, and the baggage from our past.

      This is not a book on Christian psychology and counseling, but rather, a direct counter-attack against the kingdom of darkness and the lusts of the flesh. It cuts to the chase by identifying the true source of most of our conflicts in marriage and how our attitudes carry over to almost all of our relationships, both in and outside of marriage. It exposes the evil spirits Satan uses to destroy marriages and how we can be delivered from them.

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    • Uncommon Marriage Bible Study


      A marriage gets stronger when you invite God into it.

      A companion study to Tony and Lauren Dungy’s popular book Uncommon Marriage, this 5-week guide for couples or small groups delves into Scripture to explore the blessings and challenges couples face today. Drawing on biblical truths and their own personal experiences, Tony and Lauren share the importance of making time for each other, resolving conflict well, staying strong and committed through difficult times, coping with changes and big decisions, praying together, building a spiritual foundation for your family, and more. The Uncommon Marriage Bible Study will help equip your marriage to survive tough issues and flourish with joy, purpose, and partnership-in other words, to be a marriage that is truly uncommon. The book also includes icebreakers for groups, a leader’s guide, and links to free resources for churches.

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    • Gospel Centered Marriage (Workbook)


      Finding Your Way Around
      Part One: Gospel-Centred Marriage
      1. Marriage And The Passion Of God
      2. Marriage And The Purposes Of God
      3. Marriage And The Kingdom Of God
      4. Marriage And The Submission Of God’s People
      5. Marriage And The Loving Authority Of Christ
      Part Two: Gospel-Centred Relationships
      6. Grace
      7. Love
      8. Conflict
      9. Reconciliation
      10. Forgiveness
      Part Three: Gospel-Centred Sex
      11. Enjoying Good Sex
      12. Pursuing Good Sex
      13. Transforming Bad Sex
      14. Gospel-centred Beauty
      15. Marriage Is Not Forever
      Further Reading

      Additional Info
      Most of what the Bible has to say about marriage does not come flagged up under a heading of “marriage”. It’s not just the famous “marriage passages” that shape a gospel-centred marriage, but the whole Bible-story of God’s good creation, humanity’s wicked rebellion and God’s gracious redemption.

      To understand why marriages struggle-as they all do-we need to understand the nature of our sin. To make marriages work, we need to understand how to apply the truth about God and His salvation.

      This study guide on Christian marriage focuses on how the Gospel shapes the practical realities of everyday life. Author Tim Chester lifts the lid on many of the common pressure points that modern couples face, and shows how a proper understanding of the Gospel can shape a response.

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    • Beyond Ordinary : When A Good Marriage Just Isnt Good Enough


      How safe is your marriage? The answer may surprise you. The biggest threat to any marriage isn’t infidelity or miscommunication. The greatest enemy is ordinary. Ordinary marriages lose hope. Ordinary marriages lack vision. Ordinary marriages give in to compromise. Ordinary is the belief that this is as good as it will ever get. And when we begin to settle for ordinary, it’s easy to move from “I do” to “I’m done.”Justin and Trisha Davis know just how dangerous ordinary can be. In this beautifully written book, Justin and Trisha take us inside the slow fade that occurred in their own marriage-each telling the story from their own perspective. Together, they reveal the mistakes they made, the work they avoided, the thoughts and feelings that led to an affair and near divorce, and finally, the heart-change that had to occur in both of them before they could experience the hope, healing, and restoration of a truly extraordinary marriage.

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    • This Momentary Marriage


      The chasm between the biblical vision of marriage and the common human conception is-and has always been-gargantuan. Reflecting on over forty years of matrimony, John Piper exalts the biblical meaning of marriage over its emotion, exhorting couples to keep their covenant as a display of Christ’s covenant-keeping love for the church. He aims to lift the church’s low view of marriage to something infinitely greater, namely, a vision of Jesus’s unswerving allegiance to and affection for his bride. This Momentary Marriage unpacks the biblical vision, its unexpected contours, and its weighty implications for married, single, divorced, and remarried alike. Now available in paperback with a freshly redesigned cover, Piper’s book on marriage holds even greater appeal.

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    • Ceremony Of Marriage (Reprinted)


      The marriage union is the closest relationship that can exist between two human beings. When a man and woman decide to join together in marriage, they should do so with full realization of their responsibilities. Marriage is serious business.

      This booklet contains the wedding ceremony that Kenneth Copeland uses as a minister of God. It is based totally and completely on the Word of God.

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    • Friends And Lovers


      Neither a comprehensive marriage manual, nor a complete exploration of the theological significance of marriage, Friends and Lovers focuses on two key ingredients in a vital marriage, friendship and sexual intimacy. Drawing from the wisdom of the Bible, especially the Book of Proverbs, Joel Beeke shows you how to grow closer to your spouse both emotionally and physically.

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    • Keys To Compatibility


      No matter who you are, you can always increase your ability to become compatible with someone else. This is particularly true for the marriage relationship – differences in temperament, outlook, and background often result in conflict between husbands and wives. If seeming incompatibilities are keeping your marriage from being all you know it can be, this book is for you.

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    • From Ashes To Beauty


      Jeff Colon’s marriage stands as a testimony of God’s power to restore any marriage, even one that has been ravaged by sexual sin and drug addiction. Christian marriages are under attack as never before. Couples are suffering more than ever under the same despair that once gripped Jeff and his wife, Rose – Is there really hope for my marriage?

      THE ANSWER IS A RESOUNDING YES! …but the answer wasn’t the typical fare found in Christian marriage books. Jeff and Rose had to go to the heart of the problem… they needed something more than outward alterations; they needed an inner transformation. Like every couple facing serious marital strife, they needed to discover the power of the Cross to bring them into the Beatitudes of Christ. Jeff’s personal journey and his subsequent experience counseling men and couples at Pure Life Ministries has uniquely qualified him to share the biblical truths that will restore any marriage From Ashes to Beauty!

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    • What He Must Be


      All parents want their daughters to marry godly young men. But which qualities, specifically, should they be looking for? What will you say when that certain young man sits down in your living room, sweaty-palmed and tongue-tied, and asks your permission to marry your daughter? What criteria should he meet before the two of them join together for life? What He Must Be…; If He Wants to Marry My Daughter outlines ten qualities parents should look for in a son-in-law, including trustworthiness, a willingness to lead his family, an understanding of his wife’s role, and various spiritual leadership qualities. Author Voddie Baucham follows up on his popular book Family Driven Faith with this compelling apologetic of biblical manhood. By studying the principles outlined in his book, parents who want their daughter to marry a godly man-as well as those who want their sons to become godly men-will be well equipped to help their children look for and develop these God-honoring qualities.

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    • Marriage Covenant


      Is your marriage less than what you envisioned? Are you suffering in a bad marriage, but don’t want to be the next divorce statistic?
      If you find yourselves divided as a couple while you focus on who is at fault rather than what can be done – here is the answer!
      In Marriage Covenant, Derek Prince unravels the principle of covenant and how we can build “a cord of three strands” that cannot be broken.
      By following God’s plan for marriage, you will build a relationship that faces difficulties, overcomes them, and emerges stronger than ever.
      Discover a cherished love the most people only dream about.

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    • Sheet Music : Uncovering The Secrets Of Sexual Intimacy In Marriage


      246 Pages

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      Get ready to make beautiful music together! Dr. Leman’s practical guide will help any couple stay “in tune” for an active God-designed sex life. Addressing a wide spectrum of individuals—with positive, negative, or no experience—his frank descriptions, line drawings, and warm and friendly tone will help couples find greater harmony through intimacy.

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    • Exemplary Husband : A Biblical Perspective (Revised)


      The official companion book for The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace is a biblical blueprint for the mandate God has given to husbands in the covenant of marriage to love their wives, even as Christ loved the church. Dr. Stuart Scott has respoonded chapter by chapter to the biblical teaching put forth in Marth’s popular book. It is suitable for men’s small group Bible studies, or for couples prayerfully seeking God’s very best in marriage.

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    • Excellent Wife Teachers Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      24 Chapters

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      The Excellent Wife was proven seaworthy on its maiden voyage and now the Revised Edition is impacting lives and marriages in an even greater way. Here is a scripturally based blueprint for the woman who really wants to be the wife God intended her to be. This book is based on Proverbs 31:10, “An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels.” Thousands of women have already discovered the worth of this volume and testify to lives and marriages changed because of a commitement to the principles presented here. If this is a commitment you have made, or want to make, The Excellent Wife answers the difficult questions facing you today.

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