Bible Studies
Showing 101–150 of 432 resultsSorted by latest
1 Corinthians : The Grace-Changed Church – 8 Studies
$8.99Add to cartAndrew Wilson guides groups through the book of 1 Corinthians, showing how Paul’s encouragements and challenges to that church are to shape us as Christians today, both individually and as members of a local church.
Features close attention to the text, a focus on real-life application, and questions that really open up discussion, plus a comprehensive guide for leaders in the back.
Church : Enjoying Gods Masterpiece: 8 Studies
$8.99Add to cartThis Bible-study guide explores the different images that the New Testament uses to describe the church, exciting every church member about what it means to be part of God’s people–his masterpiece to show his glory to the world and beyond.
Each study is designed to last between 1 and 1.5 hours, but can alternatively be split into two sessions. It contains ideas for starter discussions and activities, optional Explore more sections that draw links with the Old Testament, and a focus on practical application. A substantial leader’s guide is included in the back.
Living In Gods True Story
$14.99Add to cartWe all need a reminder of the true story at the heart of the gospel.
In the face of false teachers and skeptics, Peter wrote his second epistle to remind his readers of God’s true story. They needed to be reoriented to the truth of their identity and status in Christ. Christians continue to experience similar challenges to our spiritual foundations today.
In Living in God’s True Story: 2 Peter, Donald L. Morcom shows that remembering the truth is the core theme of Peter’s second letter. In the midst of false alternatives, he encourages believers to live faithful lives that demonstrate love and wisdom. Though it may be short, 2 Peter is an impactful letter that explains how we can order our lives in accordance with God’s true story.
Transformed In Christ
$14.99Add to cartIs your faith countercultural?
When he wrote his first epistle to the church in Corinth, Paul wanted to address two cultural issues that the Christians in the city were wrestling with: prosperity and entertainment. He urged the young believers struggling in the midst of Graeco–Roman society to live lives shaped by Christ. Believers today are not immune to these same worldly temptations the Corinthian church was facing.
In Transformed in Christ: 1 Corinthians, Ron Elsdon and William Olhausen show us how Paul uses the cross to define the distinctive patterns of life and behavior which Christians are called. The transformation that comes from cross–shaped wisdom is not a singular moment in a believer’s life, but a continual process of refinement. The result is a living, countercultural faith marked by discernment, wisdom, and love.
Walking In Gods Wisdom
$14.99Add to cartGet wisdom, get insight (Prov 4:5)
The book of Proverbs is an invitation to get wisdom. But wisdom isn’t so easily defined or found. Without discernment, we can be swayed by teachers or sayings that sound wise, but true biblical wisdom is rooted in the fear of the Lord.
In Walking with God’s Wisdom, Benjamin T. Quinn calls us to hear and obey God’s wisdom found in Proverbs. These ancient words reveal a way of life exemplified in Jesus Christ. Quinn shows how even the most ordinary aspects of life are packed with importance for wise living before God.
Hebrews For You
$17.99Add to cartApplied expository guide to Hebrews-a book that shows us how and why Jesus is better than anything else.
We are all tempted to drift away from Jesus, but in the book of Hebrews God gives us an anchor: a detailed understanding of how and why Jesus is better than anything else.
Seminary professor Michael J. Kruger unpacks this rich book verse by verse. He explains the Old Testament background, gives plenty of application for our lives today, and shows us how Jesus is the fulfilment of all God’s work on earth. He encourages us to live by faith in Jesus-the only anchor for our souls.
This expository guide can be read as a book; used as a devotional; and utilized in teaching and preaching.
Hebrews And Anchor For The Soul
$8.99Add to cartEight Bible studies which explore the book of Hebrews, stirring us to live by faith in Jesus.
Michael J. Kruger helps groups to unpack the rich book of Hebrews, section by section. He shows us how Jesus is the fulfilment of all God’s work on earth, encouraging us to live by faith in him-the only anchor for our souls.
Features close attention to the text, a focus on real-life application.
Freed To Be Gods Family
$14.99Add to cartFamily provides community, identity, and shared values.
In the book of Exodus, God frees Israel from slavery to Egypt. But they are not left as orphans. Rather, the redeemed are made into a new family–God’s family. In Freed to be God’s Family, Mark R. Glanville argues that the central motif of Exodus is community. God wants a healthy, dynamic relationship with the redeemed. As family members, Israel is called to learn God’s ways and reflect God’s character to the world.
Freed to be God’s Family is a concise and accessible guide to the message and themes of Exodus. Each chapter keeps the big picture central and provides probing questions for reflection and discussion.
What Does It Mean To Be Chosen
$17.99Add to cartThis eight-week Bible study is the official complement to season 1 of the Chosen, the groundbreaking series about the life of Jesus. What Does It Mean to Be Chosen? works in tandem with every episode of the show, bringing the Bible to life in a brand-new way.
Insights On The Book Of Daniel
$24.99Add to cartFor more than four decades, Alan Stringfellow’s Bible studies have brought greater insight into God’s Word to thousands of believers. Now, the author of Through the Bible in One Year and Great Characters of the Bible leads readers on a 12-lesson, verse-by-verse study of the book of Daniel. Stringfellow’s in-depth teaching will bring clarity and understanding to one of the most misunderstood books in Scripture. With this study, readers will learn…
*How to identify the major themes
*How to memorize key verses
*How to recognize God’s central message
*An overview of various interpretations of the book’s imagery
*The role Daniel’s prophesies play in the entire biblical story
By embarking on this journey, believers will discover the influence that Daniel had on the life and literature of the Jewish people throughout the biblical period and all the way to the writers of the New Testament, including Jesus Christ Himself, who often quoted from it. But nowhere is that influence seen as thoroughly as in the writings of the apostle John and parallels that exist with the book of Revelation. As in John’s prophetic work, the book of Daniel describes in beautiful and marvelous language the glorious coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Like John, Daniel was sure and certain about the final triumph of the kingdom of God.
Ruth : The Lord Provides
$8.99Add to cartSeven studies for small groups to explore the book of Ruth together and learn how God provides for his people.
Ruth is one of the best short stories ever written. We are drawn to the characters: grieving Naomi, loyal Ruth, and compassionate Boaz. The setting is also intriguing, as it takes place during the time of the judges.
The plot is a story of redemption which is part of the grand story of redemption. And at the heart of the resolution is Boaz, a figure who points to David’s greatest son, Jesus.
Features close attention to the text, a focus on real-life application, and questions that really open up discussion.
Ruth For You
$16.99Add to cartApplied expository guide on the book of Ruth: a story of redemption that points us to Jesus.
The book of Ruth is a love story. Like all love stories it has twists and turns, tension and resolution, and a happy ending.But it’s far more than that because it reveals to us a God who is deeply committed to caring for his people. In Boaz, God provides Ruth with a loving husband to free and provide for her, pointing us to the Bible’s grand story of redemption and David’s greatest son, Jesus.
Tony Merida’s compelling story-telling and Christ-centered insights make this both an accessible and absorbing expository guide to the book of Ruth. It can be used for personal devotions, or for leading small-group studies, or for sermon preparation.
John 1-12 For You
$17.99Add to cartJosh Moody helps those new to John to dip their toes in its waters, while also showing new depths to those more familiar with this Gospel. Jesus came to bring life to the full–and in showing us his seven signs, John pictures the fulfillment that comes from living life as a follower of the Word become flesh.
This Expository Guide takes you verse by verse through the text in an accessible and applied way. It is less academic than a traditional commentary and can be read cover-to-cover, used in personal devotions, used to lead small group studies, or used for sermon preparation. There is an accompanying Good Book Guide for small group Bible studies.
Proverbs For You
$8.99Add to cartEight studies exploring how Proverbs’ ancient wisdom should shape our lives today.
If there’s one thing we need for navigating life in the 21st century, it’s this: wisdom. But God hasn’t left us guessing as to what that looks like. He’s given us a whole book of wisdom, Proverbs, which points us to Jesus – wisdom personified and exemplified.
Discover how to enjoy living in line with God’s wisdom as you walk through Proverbs in these eight engaging and practical Bible studies.
Proverbs For You
$17.99Add to cartIn the Proverbs, God offers us wisdom for real life and he shows us Jesus, who was wisdom personified and exemplified.
This accessible, absorbing expository guide to Proverbs by Kathleen Nielson brings these ancient sayings to life, helping ordinary Christians to see what it can look like to enjoy living in line with God’s wisdom in the great multitude of everyday situations and decisions we face.
This book gives an expository rather than topical treatment to the book of Proverbs, so it can be read as originally intended. It also has more application than a typical commentary, making it a great resource for personal devotions, as well as useful for leading small-group studies or sermon preparation.
Talking To Our Father
$8.99Add to cartSeven studies examining the Lord’s Prayer in detail and how it should shape our prayers and lives today.
In these studies, Tim Chester helps small groups to examine the Lord’s Prayer line by line, exploring other passages in Matthew’s Gospel along the way.
As we learn more about the prayer Jesus taught us, we’ll get to know God better and seek to live according to his purposes.
Each study is designed to last between 1 and 1.5 hours, but can alternatively be split into two sessions. Contains ideas for starter discussions and for personal and group prayer as well as a focus on practical application. Substantial leader’s guide included.
Moving In Glory Realms Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)
$19.99Add to cartA Blueprint for Revival!
Many believers today yearn for an encounter with the supernatural. They hunger to experience the glory of God they’ve only read about in the Bible.
In this companion study guide to Moving in Glory Realms, Joshua Mills reveals that all Christians are intended to live, move, and operate within what he calls “glory realms.” Joshua opens up God’s glory by explaining the different realms, spheres, and dimensions of the kingdom. He systematically builds a faith framework in which the reader can begin to move into the glory of God with ease.
Joshua breaks down our understanding of God’s glory into three parts: first, moving in the Spirit, which is about understanding the different dynamics of faith, anointing, and God’s glory; second, moving in the supernatural by recalibrating ourselves to heaven’s frequency, working with angels, and accessing the highest power of God’s glory so that the miraculous dimension begins to manifest; and third, moving in the heavenlies, dealing with spiritual travel and prophetic encounters, manifesting divine abundance, and living in heavenly revelation. Throughout, Joshua shares many unusual and extraordinary testimonies of God’s glory working through uncommon signs and wonders, heavenly experiences, angelic appearances, and other manifestations of the miraculous, Through this dynamic companion study guide, Joshua will not only help you understand God’s glory, he’ll also guide you into experiencing and walking in the glory every day. Suitable for groups or individual study.
John 13-21 Part 2
$12.00Add to cartPublisher Marketing:
We all long for a full, rich, satisfying life. But how do we fill up the empty places in our souls? How can we quench our thirst for something deeper, more lasting, more meaningful?In this thirteen-session LifeGuide (R) Bible Study on the second half of John, Douglas Connelly urges you to take a fresh look at Jesus. Here is the opportunity to establish–or renew–your faith in the One who offers true meaning, true belonging and true life. LifeGuide Bible Studies feature questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection. Also included are leader’s notes with information on study preparation, leading small group discussion, and additional insights into specific Bible passages. Presented in a convenient workbook format and featuring the inductive Bible study approach, LifeGuides are proven and popular guides for digging into Scripture on your own or with a group.
Images Of Christians
$12.00Add to cartScripture offers various metaphors and motifs for God’s people: sheep, salt and light, branches, clay jars, friends, disciples, and more.
This ten-session LifeGuide (R) Bible Study explores some of the images that can form and shape our life with God. For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and raised thought-provoking questions–making for a one-of-a-kind Bible study experience for individuals and groups. This series has more than 130 titles on Old and New Testament books, character studies, and topical studies.
John 1-12 Part 1
$12.00Add to cartWe all long for a full, rich, satisfying life. But how do we fill up the empty places in our souls? How can we quench our thirst for something deeper, more lasting, more meaningful?
In this thirteen-session LifeGuide (R) Bible Study on the first half of John, Douglas Connelly urges you to take a fresh look at Jesus. Here is the opportunity to establish–or renew–your faith in the One who offers true meaning, true belonging and true life. LifeGuide Bible Studies feature questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection. Also included are leader’s notes with information on study preparation, leading small group discussion, and additional insights into specific Bible passages. Presented in a convenient workbook format and featuring the inductive Bible study approach, LifeGuides are proven and popular guides for digging into Scripture on your own or with a group.
2 Corinthians : The Gospel In All Of Life – 8 Studies
$8.99Add to cartEight accessible and flexible Bible-studies in 2 Corinthians by Gary Millar.
Like the church in Corinth, we sometimes need to hear the hard truths that Paul sets out in this deeply personal letter. But we also need to know Paul’s heart for Christ’s wayward children that this letter reveals–one filled with the true love of Christ.
The challenges and encouragements in this letter are great to study in small groups.
Kings Choir : Singing The Psalms With Jesus
$8.99Add to cartChristopher Ash takes us through examples from all five books of the psalter in these seven Bible studies for small groups. He shows us how they were sung by Jesus and fulfilled by Jesus.
This transforms how we read them, enjoy them and sing them ourselves, as we join the King’s choir.
Features close attention to the text, a focus on real-life application, and questions that really open up discussion.
5 Minute Bible Study For Men
$6.99Add to cartDo you find it hard to make time for Bible study?
You intend to do it, but before you know it, another week has passed and you haven’t picked up God’s Word. This book provides simple tools for you to open the Bible regularly and dig into God’s Word–even if you only have five minutes!
*Minutes 1-2: Read a few verses pulled from a lengthier passage. If time allows, read the full passage listed for you in each Bible study.
*Minute 3: Understand. Consider thoughtful questions designed to help you apply the verses from the Bible to your own life. Consider these throughout your day as well.
*Minute 4: Apply. Read a brief devotional based on the scripture you read. Think about what you are learning and how you can apply the scriptural truths to your own life.
*Minute 5: Pray. A prayer starter will help you to begin a time of conversation with God.The 5-Minute Bible Study for Men will help you establish the discipline of consistent study of God’s Word. You will find that even five minutes focused on scripture and prayer has the power to make a huge difference in your daily life. Soon you will be making time for more!
Ezekiel : Visions Of God’s Glory
$12.00Add to cartEzekiel was a fascinating man who wrote a fascinating book filled with strange and powerful visions. At first glance, Ezekiel seems a little eccentric and difficult to get close to, but he is worth the time and effort to get to know. Ezekiel, perhaps more than any other biblical prophet, wanted to know God–and God revealed himself to this prophet in mysterious and mighty ways. In this ten-session LifeGuide (R) Bible Study, you will catch something of the awesomeness of God. You will see God in his transcendent glory like in no other part of the Bible. You will come away stunned–and changed–by God’s majesty. For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and raised thought-provoking questions–making for a one-of-a-kind Bible study experience for individuals and groups. This series has more than 130 titles on Old and New Testament books, character studies, and topical studies.
Pursuit Of Holiness A 12 Week Small Group Curriculum
$17.99Add to cartHoliness. The Christian’s Joint Venture with God.
“Be holy, for I am holy,” commands God to His people. But holiness is something that is often missed in the Christian’s daily life. According to Jerry Bridges, Christians are often confused about their role in bringing about holiness. In this classic, Bridges helps us see clearly just what we should rely on God to do–and where we need to accept responsibility.
Whether you are just beginning your pursuit of holiness or continuing your journey, these timeless principles and guidelines will challenge you to joyfully obey God’s command.
This small-group edition includes:
*12 sessions
*the full text of The Pursuit of Holiness
*discussion questions for each session
*wide margins for taking notes
*a leader’s guide -
Invited To Know God
$12.99Add to cart“Goodness like a fetter.”
The hymn “Come Thou Fount” reminds us that God’s laws were created to draw us closer to him. But reading the law is intimidating. Deuteronomy is a long and ancient book full of speeches and laws for a wandering people on the cusp of entering a land filled with hostile nations. What could Deuteronomy have to say for modern readers who face vastly different issues?
Invited to Know God shows that Deuteronomy is simply about knowing God. The book is a divine portal, drawing people into the ancient presence of God. To understand God better, we need to understand Deuteronomy better. Rather than being a dusty book of ancient laws, Deuteronomy calls those who love God to know Him better, choose the path to life, and flourish under His loving wisdom and guidance.
God’s laws bind our wandering hearts to him.
Seeking Him : Experiencing The Joy Of Personal Revival – A 12-Week Bible St
$21.99Add to cartPopular women’s Bible study on personal revival If you were asked about your spiritual progress, what would you say? Would you admit that there are areas where you feel stuck? That there are ways you’ve wanted to grow for a long time but haven’t made progress? That deep in your heart you’re aching for something more, and you’re tired of the back and forth? Seeking Him is a women’s Bible study that helps you move forward in the faith by casting your gaze upon God-the key to personal revival. When you encounter God, the revival that comes is not just an emotional touch; it’s a complete transformation, one that happens in your heart and spills out into your home, church, and world. In this 12-week interactive study on personal revival, you’ll move step by step toward true joy in the Lord. Each week covers a critical concept or step for spiritual transformation, including:Humility: coming to God on His termsRepentance: the big turnaroundGrace: God’s provision for every needHoliness: a heart like HisObedience: the acid test of loveForgiveness: setting your captives freeThe Spirit-filled life: God’s power in youand moreSeeking Him is grounded in the gospel and gets you into Scripture, moving you through the portions verse-by-verse. Each week includes five days of individual study, questions for group discussion and interaction, testimonies of changed lives, and ‘Making it Personal’ questions and exercises. God says that if you seek Him you will find Him. Don’t wait. Lay hold of the promises and instruction He provides and find that His grace sustains you to know Him, love Him, and have true and abundant life in Him, starting today. Order Seeking Him and begin taking those steps as soon as you can.
Acts 13-28 : Part 2: God’s Power At The Ends Of The Earth
$10.00Add to cartDo you ever feel powerless? The people of the early church discovered what true power looks like. Jesus transformed their lives-and they changed the world!
Acts is the extraordinary record of what these early Christian disciples did. The power that you see in action in this book is the same power that can transform your life. As Phyllis J. Le Peau leads you through the second half of Acts in this twelve-session LifeGuide Bible Study, you will begin to understand what the Holy Spirit can do in you and in the world.
LifeGuide Bible Studies is an inductive Bible study in convenient workbook format with questions for starting group discussions, for meeting God in personal reflection and digging into Scripture on your own or with a group.
Acts 1-2 : Part 1: God’s Power In Jerusalem And Judea
$10.00Add to cartDo you ever feel powerless? The people of the early church discovered what true power looks like. Jesus transformed their lives-and they changed the world!
Acts is the extraordinary record of what these early Christian disciples did. The power that you see in action in this book is the same power that can transform your life. As Phyllis J. Le Peau leads you through the first half of Acts in this twelve-session LifeGuide Bible Study, you will begin to understand what the Holy Spirit can do in you and in the world.
LifeGuide Bible Studies is an inductive Bible study in convenient workbook format with questions for starting group discussions, for meeting God in personal reflection and digging into Scripture on your own or with a group.
Fearless : Ordinary Women Of The Bible Who Dared To Do Extraordinary Things
$17.99Add to cartWhat do Jochebed, Rahab, Abigail, the woman at the well, the woman with the issue of blood, and Priscilla have in common? Find Your Fearless in Their Stories.
It’s not easy to find our voice in a loud world. We wrestle with nagging questions that chip away at our worth, uncertain if we’re up to the challenges around us. It’s exhausting carrying pain from the past, pressure from the present, and fear of the future. Is it possible to rise above the doubts that kill our courage and move forward into God’s call on our lives? We might just be surprised to hear what these women have to say about the complex dilemmas we face today.
You’re invited to discover what happens when uncommon faith has an unexpected encounter with an extraordinary God. Stop the cycle of comparison and overcome the barriers to fearless living as you ground your worth in the Word instead of the world.
This 6-Session Bible Study will help you to:
*Stand Up: Develop God-confidence to step into your unique calling
*Stand Out: Seize God-moments to make culture-shaping choices
*Stand Strong: Embrace God-sized dreams to become a catalyst for changeWhether you’re longing to realize your purpose, fighting for a God-given cause, or kicking fear to the curb, you will find your fearless in the inspiring stories of ordinary women of the Bible who dared to do extraordinary things.
Acts 13-28 : The Church Multiplies
$8.99Add to cartAlbert Mohler guides groups through the second half of the book of Acts, showing how the missionary journeys of Paul, and his arrest, trials, and journey to Rome shape our lives and witness today.
Features close attention to the text, a focus on real-life application, and questions that really open up discussion. Plus a comprehensive guide for leaders in the back.
Depending On Jesus
$12.00Add to cartIn this ten-session LifeGuide study, you’ll explore instances of biblical people learning that they could rely on Christ to see them through, even when all other avenues of help failed. They encountered every kind of obstacle: hostility, loneliness, injustice, failure, and other seemingly impossible difficulties. Just as they discovered that Christ is sufficient for any and all circumstances, you will be encouraged to discover the same. For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and raised thought-provoking questions–making for a one-of-a-kind Bible study experience for individuals and groups. This series has more than 130 titles on Old and New Testament books, character studies, and topical studies.
John 13-21 : The Place Of Greatest Glory – 8 Studies
$8.99Add to cartWhere is God’s glory most clearly seen? And how are we changed by glimpsing that glory?
In these eight Bible studies for small groups, Josh Moody brings groups to gaze at the place of greatest glory?”???”the wooden cross and the empty tomb.Featuring close attention to the text, a focus on real-life application and questions that really open up discussion. Plus a comprehensive guide for leaders in the back.
There is an accompanying Expository Guide available to help you lead these eight studies in John.
Mission Your Place In Gods Plan For The Nations
$8.99Add to cartThese seven studies chart the unfolding of God’s plan for mission in the Scriptures. See God’s loving concern for a lost world, align your priorities with his, and get ready to play your part in God’s exciting plan for the nations.
Featuring close attention to the text, a focus on real-life application and questions that really open up discussion. Plus a comprehensive guide for leaders in the back. -
1-2 Timothy : Guard The Gospel (Student/Study Guide)
$8.99Add to cartWhy Study 1 & 2 Timothy?
1. Positive And Negative (1 Tim 1:1-18)
2. The Church Of The Mediator (2:1 – 3:13)
3. The Mystery Of Godliness (3:14 – 4:16)
4. The Great Gain Of Godliness (5:1 – 6:21)
5. Guard The Good Deposit (2 Tim 1:1 – 2:13)
6. Work And Life In The Last Days (2:14 – 3:17)
7. I Charge You… (4:1-22)
Leader’s GuideAdditional Info
Phillip Jensen takes us through Paul’s letters to Timothy in these seven bible studies for small groups.Listen to the apostle, nearing the end of his life, exhort and equip his protege to continue the gospel work. In every generation, we need to heed this call to guard, live out and pass on the gospel.
Features close attention to the text, a focus on real-life application, and questions that really open up discussion.
Sweeter Than Honey Richer Than Gold
$16.97Add to cartThis is the second of a projected six-volume series called Reading the Bible as Literature (the first volume being How Bible Stories Work). An expert at exploring the intersection of the Bible and literature, Ryken shows pastors and students and teachers of the Bible how to appreciate the craftsmanship and beauty of biblical poetry and how to interpret it correctly. Dr. Ryken goes one step further than merely explaining the genre of poetry-he includes exercises to help students master this rich literary treasure.
James : Biblical Commentary
$20.00Add to cartInternationally renowned Bible teacher Joyce Meyer provides in-depth commentary on James, and offers valuable lessons in Christian behavior and putting your faith into practice on a daily basis.
James has so much to say about living a successful Christian life. The book addresses a variety of topics important to growing your faith, and teaches that you not only need to read the Word of God and know what it says, but you also need to act on it. In this comprehensive study tool, Joyce Meyer takes a deep dive into the principles of James, identifying key truths and incorporating room for personal reflection.
Part of the Deeper Life series, Joyce’s commentary on James will stir your faith in God, and inspire you to live righteously in practical ways because of your love for Him and desire to glorify Him in your life.
Risen Christ : Jesus Final Words On Earth
$12.00Add to cartJesus’ words from the cross are not Jesus’ last words on earth.
Jesus appeared to his fearful and questioning disciples, encouraged them, and gave them his final instructions after his resurrection from the dead. In various settings and at different times, Jesus interacted with many of his followers to show them he was alive. His postresurrection dialogues with these women and men truly are Jesus’ last words!
In this eight-session LifeGuide Bible study, you will meet the risen Jesus Christ and hear his words. May he encounter you in your life situations, encourage your faith and trust in him, and excite you about engaging others in discussions about Jesus.
For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and raised thought-provoking questions-making for a one-of-a-kind Bible study experience for individuals and groups. This series has more than 130 titles on Old and New Testament books, character studies, and topical studies.
Preparing My Heart For Easter
$16.99Add to cartPrepare your Heart for Easter during the season of Lent! How can you see Easter anew? By walking with Jesus alongside women whose lives He changed. Preparing My Heart for Easter is a celebration of Christ’s amazing love in the form of an eight-week Bible Study for women. Preparing My Heart for Easter focuses on the women who followed Jesus during His life and death and how He worked in their lives. Meet Mary Magdalene, Mary and Martha, Jairus’ wife and daughter, Salome, the woman at the well and others. By focusing on the life and death of Jesus and the lives of the women who were eyewitnesses of his miraculous ministry on earth, readers will learn how Jesus changed the future for all women. Like the women of His time, our eyes will be fixed on Him as He journeys to the cross and beyond. Dedicate this Lenten season to prepare your heart for Easter, and watch Jesus transform your life. Relive the Passion, renew your passion, recharge your faith, and REJOICE!
Revelation : Heavens Perspective (Student/Study Guide)
$8.99Add to cart1. The Lord Who Reveals (chapter 1)
2. Seven Dangers Facing Your Church (2 – 3)
3. A Higher Throne (4 – 5)
4. The Chaos Of History (6 – 11)
5. Who Do You Worship? (12 – 16)
6. The Justice Of The Lamb (17 – 20)
7. The Reign Of The Lamb (21 – 22)Additional Info
Many Christians are confused by the book of Revelation. And yet the message of the final book of the Bible is both clear and simple.Despite everything that is going wrong with our world, God remains in control. And when we see history, our present, and our future from heaven’s perspective, it will encourage us to trust God and remain faithful to the end.
These seven insightful studies will help ordinary Christians see how John’s message is just as relevant and applicable to our lives today as it was 2000 years ago. Perfect for use in small group Bible studies.
Accompanying expository guide available to help you lead small groups.
Questions Jesus Asks (Student/Study Guide)
$12.00Add to cartGetting The Most Out Of Questions Jesus Asks
1. What Do You Want? (John 1:29-42)
2. Who Are My Mother And My Brothers? (Mark 3:20-21, 31-35)
3. Do You See This Woman? (Luke 7:36-50)
4. Why Do You Call Me, “Lord, Lord,” And Do Not Do What I Say? (Luke 6:46-49)
5. What Do You Want Me To Do For You? (Mark 10:35-52)
6. Were Not All Ten Cleansed? Where Are The Other Nine? (Luke 17:11-19)
7. How Can You Believe Since You Accept Glory From One Another But Do Not Seek The Glory That Comes From The Only God? (John 5:31-47)
8. You Do Not Want To Leave Too, Do You? (John 6:60-71)
9. Why Are You Bothering This Woman? (Matthew 26:6-13)
Leader’s NotesAdditional Info
“What do you want?”“Do you see this woman?”
“Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?”
These are just some of the many questions that Jesus asked throughout the Gospels. Jesus invites us to inquire, reflect, and discuss. This nine-session Lifeguide is designed to help us dig into some of the questions that shape our view of Jesus and ourselves.
For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and raised thought-provoking questions-making for a one-of-a-kind Bible study experience for individuals and groups. This series has more than 130 titles on Old and New Testament books, character studies, and topical studies.
Study And Meditation (Student/Study Guide)
$12.00Add to cartReading the Bible is one of the most important spiritual disciplines we can engage in. Why is Bible study so significant? How can our attitude and approach affect what we get out of our reading?
The way we approach the Bible affects our interaction with God. Learning to immerse ourselves in God’s thoughts through study and meditation allows us to go deeper into God’s Word and live in a more Christlike way. This six-session LifeGuide from Jan Johnson helps us do just that.
For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and raised thought-provoking questions-making for a one-of-a-kind Bible study experience for individuals and groups. This series has more than 130 titles on Old and New Testament books, character studies, and topical studies.
How Bible Stories Work
$16.97Add to cartThis is the first of a projected six-volume series called Reading the Bible as Literature (the second volume being Sweeter Than Honey, Richer Than Gold). An expert at exploring the intersection of the Bible and literature, Ryken shows pastors and students and teachers of the Bible how to appreciate the craftsmanship and beauty of biblical narrative and how to interpret it correctly. Dr. Ryken goes one step further than merely explaining the genre of story-he includes exercises to help students master this rich literary treasure.
Insights On The Book Of Revelation
$24.99Add to cartFor more than four decades, Alan Stringfellow’s Bible studies have brought greater insight into God’s Word to thousands of believers. Now, the author of Through the Bible in One Year and Great Characters of the Bible leads readers on a 25-lesson, verse-by-verse study of the book of Revelation. Stringfellow’s in-depth teaching will bring clarity and understanding to one of the most misunderstood books in Scripture. With this study, readers will learn…
-How to identify the major themes
-How to memorize key verses
-How to recognize God’s central message
-An overview of various interpretations of the book’s imagery
-The role Revelation plays in the entire Bible storyBy embarking on this journey, believers will recognize how the entire Bible narrative that begins in Genesis finds its concluding climax in John’s miraculous vision. Even though Revelation may seem largely focused on the future, knowledge of its themes and central message have great importance for our present lives, leaving us better prepared to meet life’s daily challenges.
Parables : Portraits Of Gods Kingdom In Matthew Mark And Luke
$12.97Add to cartAlthough Jesus’ parables may seem simple on the surface, they convey deep and complex truths about God’s Kingdom.
The parables Jesus uses in his teaching aren’t merely illustrations or moral tales. They are intricate stories that reveal the mysteries central to the kingdom of God.
In this volume of the Not Your Average Bible Study series, John D. Barry unravels the many layers of Jesus’ parables, showing us the radical truths contained within. With an eye toward practical application and personal reflection, this Bible study is the perfect way to study the teachings of Jesus on your own or in a group.
Finding Joy When Life Is Out Of Focus
$17.99Add to cartWe all walk through seasons when joy plays an unwelcome game of Hide and Seek. Disappointment, worry, and adversity blur our lens on life, sabotaging our ability to develop the meaningful relationships we long for and realize our worth in Christ.
Finding Joy When Life is Out of Focus will help you choose contentment regardless of circumstance, transform faulty thought patterns through the truth of God’s Word, and persevere when life is unraveling.
Experienced individually or in small groups, this Study of Philippians for Joy-Thirsty Women includes dynamic teaching, inspiring personal stories, opportunities for life-growth, and a guide for leaders.
Joy-thirsty women, are you ready to pull your joy out of hiding? Start looking through the grace-crafted lens of God’s perspective – you’ll love the life you see!