Mon-Sat 8:30am - 5:30pm, Closed Sunday | 800 N Main St, Shelbyville, TN | (931) 684-8878





    • 9780785207498 2 Corinthians : The Epistles

      2 Corinthians : The Epistles


      13 Chapters

      Additional Info
      The Scriptures come alive with America’s best-loved Bible teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee. Whether you are a new believer or a longtime Bible student, Dr. McGee’s Thru the Bible Commentary Series offers sound biblical scholarship and practical, down-to-earth suggestions for applying the principles of Scripture to everyday life.

      The studies in the series have been taken from Dr. McGee’s “Thru the Bible” radio messages. With his familiar, anecdotal style and lively approach, Dr. McGee makes biblical truth understandable and Bible study more enjoyable.

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    • 9780785206231 Malachi : The Prophets

      Malachi : The Prophets


      Dr. McGee’s Thru the Bible Commentary Series offers sound biblical scholarship and practical, down-to-earth suggestions for applying the principles of Scripture to everyday life.

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    • 9780785208815 2 John - Jude

      2 John – Jude


      The Scriptures come alive with America’s best-loved Bible teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee. Whether you are a new believer or a longtime Bible student, Dr. McGee’s Thru the Bible Commentary Series offers sound biblical scholarship and practical, down-to-earth suggestions for applying the principles of Scripture to everyday life.

      The studies in the series have been taken from Dr. McGee’s “Thru the Bible” radio messages. With his familiar, anecdotal style and lively approach, Dr. McGee makes biblical truth understandable and Bible study more enjoyable.

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    • 9780785205739 Jonah And Micah

      Jonah And Micah


      Dr. McGee’s Thru the Bible Commentary Series offers sound biblical scholarship and practical, down-to-earth suggestions for applying the principles of Scripture to everyday life.

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    • 9780785204893 Ecclesiastes And Song Of Solomon

      Ecclesiastes And Song Of Solomon


      20 Chapters

      Additional Info
      The Scriptures come alive with America’s best-loved Bible teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee. Whether you are a new believer or a longtime Bible student, Dr. McGee’s Thru the Bible Commentary Series offers sound biblical scholarship and practical, down-to-earth suggestions for applying the principles of Scripture to everyday life.

      The studies in the series have been taken from Dr. McGee’s “Thru the Bible” radio messages. With his familiar, anecdotal style and lively approach, Dr. McGee makes biblical truth understandable and Bible study more enjoyable.

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    • 9780785203322 Numbers : The Law

      Numbers : The Law


      Dr. McGee’s Thru the Bible Commentary Series offers sound biblical scholarship and practical, down-to-earth suggestions for applying the principles of Scripture to everyday life.

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    • 9780785203292 Leviticus Chapters 15-27

      Leviticus Chapters 15-27


      Radio messages from J. Vernon McGee delighted and enthralled listeners for years with simple, straightforward language and clear understanding of the Scripture. Now enjoy his personable, yet scholarly, style in a 60-volume set of commentaries that takes you from Genesis to Revelation with new understanding and insight. Each volume includes introductory sections, detailed outlines and a thorough, paragraph-by-paragraph discussion of the text. A great choice for pastors – and even better choice for the average Bible reader and student! Very affordable in a size that can go anywhere, it’s available as a complete 60-volume series, in Old Testament or New Testament sets, or individually.

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    • 9780785203155 Leviticus Chapters 1-14

      Leviticus Chapters 1-14


      The book of Leviticus, was written by Moses. It is a part of the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible. The book opens and closes at the same geographical spot, Mount Sinai, where God gave the Law.

      Dr. McGee’s Thru the Bible Commentary Series offers sound biblical scholarship and practical, down-to-earth suggestions for applying the principles of Scripture to everyday life. With his familiar, anecdotal style and lively approach, Dr. McGee makes biblical truth understandable and Bible study more enjoyable.

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    • 9780802407580 Titus



      This New Testament commentary series reflects this objective of explaining and applying Scripture. The dominant thrust of John Mac Arthur Jr.’s ministry is to help make God’s living Word alive to His people.

      Titus – Paul’s authorship of this letter has never been seriously questioned, nor has the identity of Titus. It seems probable that Titus came into Paul’s life during the apostle’s second missionary journey, although for some reason Luke makes no mention of him in the book of Acts.

      Because Titus has been associated with Paul for many years before beginning his ministry on Crete, it is unlikely that any of the doctrines and standards mentioned in this epistle were new to him.

      The duty to build churches in Crete that could effectively evangelize the island demonstrates Titus’s commitment to reach the unconverted with the gospel.

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    • 9780785204442 Psalms Chapters 1-41

      Psalms Chapters 1-41


      The Scriptures come alive with America’s best-loved Bible teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee. Whether you are a new believer or a longtime Bible student, Dr. McGee’s THROUGH THE BIBLE COMMENTARY SERIES offers sound biblical scholarship and practical, down-to-earth suggestions for applying the principles of Scripture to everyday life.

      The studies in the series have been taken from Dr. McGee’s “Thru the Bible” radio messages.. With his familiar, anecdotal style and lively approach, Dr. McGee makes biblical trust understandable and Bible Study more enjoyable.

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    • 9780785206859 John Chapters 11-21

      John Chapters 11-21


      Radio messages from J. Vernon McGee delighted and enthralled listeners for years with simple, straightforward language and clear understanding of the Scripture. Now enjoy his personable, yet scholarly, style in a 60-volume set of commentaries that takes you from Genesis to Revelation with new understanding and insight. Each volume includes introductory sections, detailed outlines and a thorough, paragraph-by-paragraph discussion of the text. A great choice for pastors – and even better choice for the average Bible reader and student! Very affordable in a size that can go anywhere, it’s available as a complete 60-volume series, in Old Testament or New Testament sets, or individually.

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    • 9780785205562 Amos And Obadiah

      Amos And Obadiah


      Amos presents God as the ruler of this world and declares that all nations are responsible to Him.

      Obadiah is a prophet who wrote one of the great prophecies of the Scripture. Obadiah is like a ghost writer in that he is there, but we do not know him.

      Dr. McGee’s Thru the Bible Commentary Series offers sound biblical scholarship and practical, down to earth suggestions for applying the principles of Scripture to everyday life. The studies in the series have been taken from Dr. McGee’s “Thru the Bible” radio messages. With his familiar, anecdotal style and lively approach, Dr. McGee makes biblical truth understandable and Bible study more enjoyable.

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    • 9780785205081 Isaiah Chapters 36-66

      Isaiah Chapters 36-66


      66 Chapters

      Additional Info
      The Scriptures come alive with America’s best-loved Bible teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee. Whether you are a new believer or a longtime Bible student, Dr. McGee’s Thru the Bible Commentary Series offers sound biblical scholarship and practical, down-to-earth suggestions for applying the principles of Scripture to everyday life.

      The studies in the series have been taken from Dr. McGee’s “Thru the Bible” radio messages. With his familiar, anecdotal style and lively approach, Dr. McGee makes biblical truth understandable and Bible study more enjoyable.

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    • 9780785204305 Job : Poetry

      Job : Poetry


      42 Chapters

      Additional Info
      These are popular messages, prepared originally for a radio audience. They should not be considered a commentary on the entire Bible in any sense of that term. These messages are devoid of any attempt to present a theological or technical commentary on the Bible. Behind these messages is a great deal of research and study in order to interpret the Bible from a popular rather than from a scholarly (and too-often boring) viewpoint.

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    • 9780785207214 Romans Chapters 9-16

      Romans Chapters 9-16


      16 Chapters

      Additional Info
      The Scriptures come alive with America’s best-loved Bible teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee. Whether you are a new believer or a longtime Bible student, Dr. McGee’s Thru the Bible Commentary Series offers sound biblical scholarship and practical, down-to-earth suggestions for applying the principles of Scripture to everyday life.

      The studies in the series have been taken from Dr. McGee’s “Thru the Bible” radio messages. With his familiar, anecdotal style and lively approach, Dr. McGee makes biblical truth understandable and Bible study more enjoyable.

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    • 9780785204923 Isaiah Chapters 1-35

      Isaiah Chapters 1-35


      35 Chapters

      Additional Info
      The Scriptures come alive with America’s best-loved Bible teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee. Whether you are a new believer or a longtime Bible student, Dr. McGee’s Thru the Bible Commentary Series offers sound biblical scholarship and practical, down-to-earth suggestions for applying the principles of Scripture to everyday life.

      The studies in the series have been taken from Dr. McGee’s “Thru the Bible” radio messages. With his familiar, anecdotal style and lively approach, Dr. McGee makes biblical truth understandable and Bible study more enjoyable.

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    • 9780802407573 2 Timothy

      2 Timothy


      In the face of spiritual warfare and the daily bombardment of worldly evils, you need a message of encouragement to “fight the good fight.” The ammunition? MacArthur’s motivating commentary on doctrinal truths and church life armed with a bibliography and subject, Scripture, and Greek word indexes.

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    • 9780785206545 Mark : The Gospels

      Mark : The Gospels


      Radio messages from J. Vernon McGee delighted and enthralled listeners for years with simple, straightforward language and clear understanding of the Scripture. Now enjoy his personable, yet scholarly, style in a 60-volume set of commentaries that takes you from Genesis to Revelation with new understanding and insight. Each volume includes introductory sections, detailed outlines and a thorough, paragraph-by-paragraph discussion of the text. A great choice for pastors – and even better choice for the average Bible reader and student! Very affordable in a size that can go anywhere, it’s available as a complete 60-volume series, in Old Testament or New Testament sets, or individually.The Scriptures come alive with America’s best-loved Bible teacher Dr. J.Vernon McGee. Whether you are a new believer or a longtime Bible student, Thru the Bible commentary Series offers sound biblical scholarship and practical, down-to-earth suggestions for applying the principles of Scripture to everyday life.
      The studies in the series have been taken from Dr. McGee’s “Thru the Bible” radio messages. With his familiar, anecdotal style and lively approach, Dr. McGee makes biblical truth understandable and Bible study more enjoyable.

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    • 9780802407566 1 Timothy

      1 Timothy


      This New Testament commentary series reflects this objective of explaining and applying Scripture. The dominant thrust of John MacArthur, Jr.’s ministry is to help make God’s living Word alive to His people.

      First Timothy, along with 2 Timothy and Titus, belongs to the group of Paul’s writings known as the Pastoral Epistles. Timothy was in charge of the church at Ephesus.

      The Pastoral Epistles yield valuable insights into the heart of the beloved apostle. They show a different side of him than do his other epistles, revealing his personal relationships with his intimate friends and associates. The Pastoral Epistles are also important because of the wealth of information they contain concerning practical matters of the church life and organization.

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    • 9780785207184 Romans Chapters 1-8

      Romans Chapters 1-8


      Radio messages from J. Vernon McGee delighted and enthralled listeners for years with simple, straightforward language and clear understanding of the Scripture. Now enjoy his personable, yet scholarly, style in a 60-volume set of commentaries that takes you from Genesis to Revelation with new understanding and insight. Each volume includes introductory sections, detailed outlines and a thorough, paragraph-by-paragraph discussion of the text. A great choice for pastors – and even better choice for the average Bible reader and student! Very affordable in a size that can go anywhere, it’s available as a complete 60-volume series, in Old Testament or New Testament sets, or individually.

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    • 9780785206712 John Chapters 1-10

      John Chapters 1-10


      Radio messages from J. Vernon McGee delighted and enthralled listeners for years with simple, straightforward language and clear understanding of the Scripture. Now enjoy his personable, yet scholarly, style in a 60-volume set of commentaries that takes you from Genesis to Revelation with new understanding and insight. Each volume includes introductory sections, detailed outlines and a thorough, paragraph-by-paragraph discussion of the text. A great choice for pastors – and even better choice for the average Bible reader and student! Very affordable in a size that can go anywhere, it’s available as a complete 60-volume series, in Old Testament or New Testament sets, or individually.

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    • 9780785203469 Deuteronomy : The Law

      Deuteronomy : The Law


      Radio messages from J. Vernon McGee delighted and enthralled listeners for years with simple, straightforward language and clear understanding of the Scripture. Now enjoy his personable, yet scholarly, style in a 60-volume set of commentaries that takes you from Genesis to Revelation with new understanding and insight. Each volume includes introductory sections, detailed outlines and a thorough, paragraph-by-paragraph discussion of the text. A great choice for pastors – and even better choice for the average Bible reader and student! Very affordable in a size that can go anywhere, it’s available as a complete 60-volume series, in Old Testament or New Testament sets, or individually.

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    • 9780785204756 Proverbs : Poetry

      Proverbs : Poetry


      The scriptures come alive with America’s best-loved Bible teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee. Whether you are a new believer or a longtime Bible student, this book offers sound biblical scholarship and practical, down-to-earth suggestions for applying the principles of Scripture to everyday life. The studies in the series have been taken from Dr. McGee’s radio messages. With his familiar, anecdotal style and lively approach, Dr. McGee makes biblical truth understandable and Bible study more enjoyable.

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    • 9780785207665 Ephesians : The Epistles

      Ephesians : The Epistles


      6 Chapters

      Additional Info
      The Scriptures come alive with America’s best-loved Bible teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee. Whether you are a new believer or a longtime Bible student, Dr. McGee’s THROUGH THE BIBLE COMMENTARY SERIES offers biblical scholarship and practical, down-to-earth suggestions for applying the principles of Scripture to everyday life.

      The studies in the series have been taken from Dr. McGee’s “Thru the Bible” radio messages. With his familiar, anecdotal style and lively approach, Dr. McGee makes biblical truth understandable and Bible study more enjoyable.

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    • 9780785209140 Revelation Chapters 14-22

      Revelation Chapters 14-22


      Radio messages from J. Vernon McGee delighted and enthralled listeners for years with simple, straightforward language and clear understanding of the Scripture. Now enjoy his personable, yet scholarly, style in a 60-volume set of commentaries that takes you from Genesis to Revelation with new understanding and insight. Each volume includes introductory sections, detailed outlines and a thorough, paragraph-by-paragraph discussion of the text. A great choice for pastors – and even better choice for the average Bible reader and student! Very affordable in a size that can go anywhere, it’s available as a complete 60-volume series, in Old Testament or New Testament sets, or individually.

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    • 9780785208501 1 Peter : The Epistles

      1 Peter : The Epistles


      These are popular messages, prepared originally for a radio audience. They should not be considered a commentary on the entire Bible in any sense of that term. These messages are devoid of any attempt to present a theological or technical commentary on the Bible. Behind these messages is a great deal of research and study in order to interpret the Bible from a popular rather than from a scholarly (and too-often boring) viewpoint.

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    • 9780785207979 1-2 Thessalonians : The Epistles

      1-2 Thessalonians : The Epistles


      The Scriptures come alive with America’s best-loved Bible teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee. Whether you are a new believer or a longtime Bible student, Dr. McGee’s Thru the Bible Commentary Series offers sound biblical scholarship and practical, down-to-earth suggestions for applying the principles of Scripture to everyday life.

      The studies in the series have been taken from Dr. McGee’s “Thru the Bible” radio messages. With his familiar, anecdotal style and lively approach, Dr. McGee makes biblical truth understandable and Bible study more enjoyable.

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    • 9780785206682 Luke : The Gospels

      Luke : The Gospels


      Radio messages from J. Vernon McGee delighted and enthralled listeners for years with simple, straightforward language and clear understanding of the Scripture. Now enjoy his personable, yet scholarly, style in a 60-volume set of commentaries that takes you from Genesis to Revelation with new understanding and insight. Each volume includes introductory sections, detailed outlines and a thorough, paragraph-by-paragraph discussion of the text. A great choice for pastors – and even better choice for the average Bible reader and student! Very affordable in a size that can go anywhere, it’s available as a complete 60-volume series, in Old Testament or New Testament sets, or individually.

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    • 9780785206378 Matthew Chapters 1-13

      Matthew Chapters 1-13


      The Scriptures come alive with America’s best-loved Bible teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee. Whether you are a new believer or a longtime Bible student, Dr. McGee’s Thru the Bible Commentary Series offers sound biblical scholarship and practical, down-to-earth suggestions for applying the principles of Scripture to everyday life.

      The studies in the series have been taken from Dr. McGee’s “Thru the Bible” radio messages. With his familiar, anecdotal style and lively approach, Dr. McGee makes biblical truth understandable and Bible study more enjoyable.

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    • Placeholder

      Daniel : The Prophets


      Radio messages from J. Vernon McGee delighted and enthralled listeners for years with simple, straightforward language and clear understanding of the Scripture. Now enjoy his personable, yet scholarly, style in a 60-volume set of commentaries that takes you from Genesis to Revelation with new understanding and insight. Each volume includes introductory sections, detailed outlines and a thorough, paragraph-by-paragraph discussion of the text. A great choice for pastors – and even better choice for the average Bible reader and student! Very affordable in a size that can go anywhere, it’s available as a complete 60-volume series, in Old Testament or New Testament sets, or individually.

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    • 9780785203001 Exodus Chapters 1-18

      Exodus Chapters 1-18


      Radio messages from J. Vernon McGee delighted and enthralled listeners for years with simple, straightforward language and clear understanding of the Scripture. Now enjoy his personable, yet scholarly, style in a 60-volume set of commentaries that takes you from Genesis to Revelation with new understanding and insight. Each volume includes introductory sections, detailed outlines and a thorough, paragraph-by-paragraph discussion of the text. A great choice for pastors – and even better choice for the average Bible reader and student! Very affordable in a size that can go anywhere, it’s available as a complete 60-volume series, in Old Testament or New Testament sets, or individually.

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    • 9780785202967 Genesis Chapters 34-50

      Genesis Chapters 34-50


      The Scriptures come alive with America’s best-loved Bible teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee. Whether you are a new believer or a longtime Bible student, Dr. McGee’s THRU THE BIBLE COMMENTARY SERIES offers sound biblical scholarship and practical, down-to-earth suggestions for applying the principles of Scripture to everyday life.

      The studies in the series have been taken from Dr. McGee’s “Thru the Bible” radio messages. With his familiar, anecdotal style and lively approach, Dr. McGee makes biblical truth understandable and Bible study more enjoyable.

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    • 9780785202820 Genesis Chapters 16-33

      Genesis Chapters 16-33


      Radio messages from J. Vernon McGee delighted and enthralled listeners for years with simple, straightforward language and clear understanding of the Scripture. Now enjoy his personable, yet scholarly, style in a 60-volume set of commentaries that takes you from Genesis to Revelation with new understanding and insight. Each volume includes introductory sections, detailed outlines and a thorough, paragraph-by-paragraph discussion of the text. A great choice for pastors – and even better choice for the average Bible reader and student! Very affordable in a size that can go anywhere, it’s available as a complete 60-volume series, in Old Testament or New Testament sets, or individually.

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    • 9780785202790 Genesis Chapters 1-15

      Genesis Chapters 1-15


      Radio messages from J. Vernon McGee delighted and enthralled listeners for years with simple, straightforward language and clear understanding of the Scripture. Now enjoy his personable, yet scholarly, style in a 60-volume set of commentaries that takes you from Genesis to Revelation with new understanding and insight. Each volume includes introductory sections, detailed outlines and a thorough, paragraph-by-paragraph discussion of the text. A great choice for pastors – and even better choice for the average Bible reader and student! Very affordable in a size that can go anywhere, it’s available as a complete 60-volume series, in Old Testament or New Testament sets, or individually.

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    • 9780802407597 Acts 1-12

      Acts 1-12


      The Book Of Acts is the story of the new Church, young in years but mature in faith and purpose. In this passage-by-passage study, MacArthur focuses on the powerful lessons the new Christians were learning—through the experience of Pentecost, Peter’s sermon, and the persecution they faced—as they began to transform the world with the Gospel. MacArthur’s trademark clarity, a bibliography, and Greek, Hebrew, and Scripture indexes make this an invaluable study tool for leaders and laypeople.

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    • 9780802407689 Romans 9-16

      Romans 9-16


      This New Testament commentary series reflects this objective of explaining and applying Scripture. Some commentaries are primarily linguistic, others are mostly theological, and some are mainly homiletical. This one is basically explanatory, or expository. It is not linguistically technical, but deals with linguistics when this seems helpful to proper interpretation. It focuses on the major doctrines in each text and on how they relate to the whole of Scripture.

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    • 9780896938472 Wiersbes Expository Outlines On The Old Testament

      Wiersbes Expository Outlines On The Old Testament


      Even the most difficult Scriptures come alive as Warren Wiersbe leads you book-by-book through the Old Testament and helps you to see the “big picture” of God’s revelation.

      In this unique volume, you will find:

      *Introductions and/or outlines for every Old Testament book.
      *Practical expositions of strategic chapters.
      *Special studies on key topics, relating the Old Testament to the New Testament.
      *Easy-to-understand expositions that are practical, preachable, and teachable.

      If you have used Dr. Wiersbe’s popular BE series, you know how simple and practical his Bible studies are, with outlines that almost teach themselves. If not, you can now discover a wonderful new resource. This work is a unique commentary on every book of the Old Testament. It contains new material not to be found in the BE series.

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    • 9780802407610 Colossians And Philemon

      Colossians And Philemon


      This New Testament commentary series reflects this objective of explaining and applying Scripture. The dominant thrust of John Mac Arthur, Jr.’s ministry is to help make God’s living Word alive to His people.

      Introduction to Colossians – From whatever angle one views our age, Colossians is up to date. Although written nearly 2,000 years ago, its timeless message speaks to the dilemmas facing us today. To the problem and crises of our age, it presents Jesus Christ as the answer.

      Colossians gives us God’s perspective on the push for a one world church. It tells us there is but one church, whose head is Christ. Colossians gives us Jesus’ true identity.

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    • 9780802407672 Romans 1-8

      Romans 1-8


      John Calvin wrote of Romans, ”When any one gains a knowledge of this Epistle, he has an entrance opened to him to all the most hidden treasures of Scripture.” In this new commentary, John MacArthur opens the treasures of Romans to pastors and laypeople alike. Moving passage by passage through the text, he offers not merely careful exegesis but life-changing applications—all in a clear format and straightforward language.

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    • 9780802407658 Matthew 24-28

      Matthew 24-28


      In this long-awaited final volume of a four-part series on Matthew’s Gospel, Dr. MacArthur follows Jesus’ last parables, the plot against Him, the Last Supper, and His trial, crucifixion, death, and resurrection. Throughout, the style is clear, simple, and to the point. MacArthur weaves apt illustrations with careful exegesis to produce a practical application of the text that pastors and laypeople alike will appreciate.

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    • 9780802407641 Matthew 16-23

      Matthew 16-23


      This commentary features the insight and expositional skill of John MacArthur on Matthew 16-23. MacArthur describes the commentary in the preface: “Some commentaries are primarily linguistic, others are mostly theological, and some are mainly homiletical. This one is basically explanatory, or expository. It is not linguistically technical, but deals with linguistics when that seems helpful to proper interpretation. It is not theologically expansive, but focuses on the major doctrines in each text and on how they relate to the whole of Scripture. It is not primarily homiletical, although each unit of thought is generally treated as one chapter, with a clear outline and logical flow of thought. Most truths are illustrated and applied with other Scripture. After establishing the context of a passage, I have tried to follow closely the writer’s development and reasoning.” The non-technical, clear, but still in-depth style makes this commentary great for all students of the Bible.

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    • 9780802407627 Galatians



      Dr. MacArthur explores the themes of Christian liberty and freedom in Paul’s letter to the Galatians. Practical illustrations and clear, simple exposition make this volume indispensable for pastors and laypeople alike!

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    • 9780802407634 Matthew 8-15

      Matthew 8-15


      This commentary features the insight and expositional skill of John MacArthur on Matthew 8-15. MacArthur describes the commentary in the preface: “Some commentaries are primarily linguistic, others are mostly theological, and some are mainly homiletical. This one is basically explanatory, or expository. It is not linguistically technical, but deals with linguistics when that seems helpful to proper interpretation. It is not theologically expansive, but focuses on the major doctrines in each text and on how they relate to the whole of Scripture. It is not primarily homiletical, although each unit of thought is generally treated as one chapter, with a clear outline and logical flow of thought. Most truths are illustrated and applied with other Scripture. After establishing the context of a passage, I have tried to follow closely the writer’s development and reasoning.” The non-technical, clear, but still in-depth style makes this commentary great for all students of the Bible.

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    • 9780802423580 Ephesians



      This commentary on Ephesians forms part of the MacArthur New Testament Commentary Series and is basically explanatory, or expository. It is not linguistically technical, but deals with linguistics when this seems helpful to proper interpretation. It is not theologically expansive, but focuses on the major doctrines in each text and on how they relate to the whole of Scripture. It is not primarily homiletical, though each unit of thought is generally treated as one chapter, with a clear outline and logical flow of thought. Most truths are illustrated and applied with other Scripture. After establishing the context of a passage, Dr. MacArthur follows closely the writer’s development and reasoning.

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    • 9780802407559 Matthew 1-7

      Matthew 1-7


      This New Testament commentary series reflects this objective of explaining and applying Scripture. Some commentaries are primarily linguistic, others are mostly theological, and some are mainly homiletical. This one is basically explanatory, or expository. It is not linguistically technical, but deals with linguistics when this seems helpful to proper interpretation. It is not theologically expansive, but focuses on the major doctrines in each text and on how they relate to the whole of Scripture. It is not primarily homiletical, though each unit of thought is generally treated as one chapter, with a clear outline and logical flow of though. Most truths are illustrates and applied with other Scripture. After establishing the contest of passage , I have tried to follow closely the writer’s development and reasoning.

      My prayers is that each really will fully understand whet the Holy Spirit is saying through this part of His Word, so that His revelation may lodge in the minds of believers and bring greater obedience and faithfulness-to the glory of our great God.

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    • 9780802407542 1 Corinthians

      1 Corinthians


      These study guides, part of a 16-volume set from noted Bible scholar John MacArthur, take readers on a journey through biblical texts to discover what lies beneath the surface, focusing on meaning and context, and then reflecting on the explored passage or concept. With probing questions that guide the reader toward application, as well as ample space for journaling, The MacArthur Bible Studies are invaluable tools for Bible students of all ages.

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    • 9780840749772 1 Corinthians Through Revelation

      1 Corinthians Through Revelation


      5 Volumes

      Additional Info
      Taken from Dr. McGee’s Thru the Bible radio messages, this volume (the last in a series of five) includes comments on the New Testament books 1 Corinthians through Revelation. Specifically written to meet the needs of lay Bible readers as well as clergy. An introductory section presents guidelines for Bible study and a detailed outline prefaces the discussion of each book. Each chapter is examined through a careful, paragraph by paragraph discussion of all significant verses.

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    • 9780840749765 Matthew Through Romans

      Matthew Through Romans


      A complete reference edition of the 60-volume Thru the Bible commentary series, this five-volume set is an excellent choice if you need a complete Bible commentary in durable hardcover bindings. It includes Dr. McGee’s insightful study of each book of the Bible with in-depth, paragraph-by-paragraph discussions of key verses and passages. Purchase the entire five-volume set or collect them individually as your study progresses.

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    • 9780840749758 Proverbs Through Malachi

      Proverbs Through Malachi


      A complete reference edition of the 60-volume Thru the Bible commentary series, this five-volume set is an excellent choice if you need a complete Bible commentary in durable hardcover bindings. It includes Dr. McGee’s insightful study of each book of the Bible with in-depth, paragraph-by-paragraph discussions of key verses and passages. Purchase the entire five-volume set or collect them individually as your study progresses.

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    • 9780840749741 Joshua-Psalms



      A complete reference edition of the 60-volume Thru the Bible commentary series, this five-volume set is an excellent choice if you need a complete Bible commentary in durable hardcover bindings. It includes Dr. McGee’s insightful study of each book of the Bible with in-depth, paragraph-by-paragraph discussions of key verses and passages. Purchase the entire five-volume set or collect them individually as your study progresses.

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