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Showing 51–100 of 947 results

  • Wiser : 40 Decisions To Grow Daily In God’s Wisdom


    Wisdom Isn’t What We Think We Know, It’s What We’re Willing to Learn

    You make over 30,000 decisions a day. Some are natural reactions, like hitting the brakes when you approach a stop sign. But others can be difficult and keep you up at night. How do I resolve this conflict? Should I quit my job? How do I know what I’m supposed to do?

    Sometimes these decisions stack up, leaving you anxious or confused.

    But what if you could make intentional decisions to bring you closer to God, the source of all true wisdom?

    Join bestselling author and speaker Nicki Koziarz for a 40-day devotional journey. Each day you will discover encouragement and a new decision to help you:

    *Surround yourself with God’s wisdom when you don’t know what to do
    *Pursue a daily devotional practice that will help you feel confident to overcome struggles
    *Learn how to discern God’s daily direction for your life when you’re unsure about the next step

    Scripture says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him” (James 1:5 esv).

    Let these devotionals draw you close to God, helping you make decisions and become wiser each day.

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  • Stress Less Pray More Devotional Journal


    What do you stress about most? . . .

    No matter your age, there’s likely one thing (probably more!) that stresses you to your very core.

    Whether you stress about piles of laundry, troubles at work, difficult relationships, finances, or something more, this devotional guide will help alleviate your anxiety-inducing thoughts as you learn to live in the freedom of Almighty God, who offers tranquility for your stressed-out soul. As you read and reflect on the devotions and prayers, you’ll grow ever closer to the Stress-Reliever Himself, who will transform your tense heart into a heart of serene faith.

    Inspired by this promise from God’s Word: “Make sure that you don’t get so absorbed and exhausted in taking care of all your day-by-day obligations that you lose track of the time and doze off, oblivious to God. . . . Be up and awake to what God is doing! God is putting the finishing touches on the salvation work he began when we first believed.” (Romans 13:11-12 MSG)

    Read on. . .and discover the stress-free life today.

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  • 3 Minute Prayers For Moms


    Got 3 Minutes? . . .

    Take a few moments of your day to pause, reflect, and grow your faith with these 3-minute prayers.

    You’ll find just the inspiration you need for your busy life in 3-Minute Prayers for Moms. This practical book packs a powerful dose of inspiration into 3 short minutes.

    *Minute 1: scripture to meditate on;
    *Minute 2: a just-right-sized devotional prayer;
    *Minute 3: a question for further reflection.

    Each day’s prayer meet you right where you are and is a great way for you to begin or end your day.

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  • Quirky Critter Devotions


    Quirky Critter Devotions is specially designed for curious minds interested in God’s animal kingdom.

    Formatted to look like an explorer’s field journal, this book will encourage kids to embark on their own expedition and discover wildly weird animal facts with full-color snapshots, record their thoughts in the journaling space, and gain hands-on experience with zoo-tastic activities. They’ll discover a wide range of crazy-cool critters spanning seven animal categories-mammals, insects, amphibians, birds, fish, reptiles, and spiders. From familiar faces like turtles and honey bees to quirky creatures like the Goliath bird-eating spider, this devotional is sure to cultivate a passion for God’s Word and his creation. Each devotion features:

    *Fast facts highlighting the animal’s scientific name, animal family name, size, and diet
    *An animal-themed devotional bursting with astounding discoveries and spiritual truths
    *Journaling space to unpack real-life applications
    *A memory verse and sample prayer to connect with God
    *A wild wonder fun fact with a humorous animal doodle
    *A creature connection activity like a craft, game, or snacks

    The perfect blend of Scripture and science, this exciting and informative devotional will expand the minds and grow the curiosity of your young ones. A fantastic gift for the little animal lover in your life.

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  • 100 Days Of Strength In Any Struggle


    What if you could see God clearer and know Him deeper in the middle of your struggles? You don’t have to keep trying to muster up more grit, willpower, or wisdom on your own. You can tap into the source of true, unfailing strength. How? In this 100-day devotional, you’ll discover where strength really comes from?Jesus, who holds everything together. As you experience pain, move through daily challenges, or get bogged down by anxieties big or small, you’ll learn to find Him right in the middle of it, ready to strengthen you and give you rest. You are stronger than you think because God is closer than you know. (in)courage is an online community of women who seek Jesus together. Each day we meet you right where you are, as one of our writers shares what’s going on in her everyday life, and how God is right in the middle of it all. They bring their unique experiences – joys and struggles equally – so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives. Founded in 2009 by DaySpring, (in)courage comes alongside women through daily devotions, podcasts, books, and Bible studies.

    *This Devotional Journal by (in)courage offers genuine support amidst life’s challenges, reminding us that God is with us when life doesn’t go as planned.

    *Each day, readers can dive into authentic stories, empowering Scriptures, and thought-provoking prompts, providing the guidance needed to harness strength and resilience regardless of changing circumstances.

    *Perfect for those seeking to navigate life’s challenges with faith and strength, or a thoughtful gift for loved ones.

    *This devotional journal is brought to you by the (in)courage community, an online community of women who share their everyday life and how God is right in the middle of it, so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope of Jesus.

    *This paperback journal features an elegant gold foil design, contains 208 pages of inspiration, and measures 6.5 x 8 inches. It also includes a ribbon bookmark for easy tracking and a beautiful 4-color interior.

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  • Resting In Jesus


    A 30-day devotional on the art of letting go of daily chaos to find perfect peace in Christ.

    When our phones are pinging, children are crying, emails are pouring in, and the refrigerator is empty, finding time to rest in Jesus can seem like a near impossible task. If we aren’t being productive, we feel like missing out and falling behind. But Christ invites us to sit at His feet, especially in the midst of our daily chaos. The example of Mary and Martha offers us a picture of how God understands not only what we’re going through, but where our priorities really need to be. Resting in Christ is not a luxury, it’s a necessity… and it informs everything else that we do. This devotional will guide readers in the journey to discovering the art of being still before God – and releasing their cares to the One who cares for them.

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  • Pure Joy : 90 Devotions On The Book Of James


    A 90-day devotional exploring the mystery of attaining joy through suffering.

    In the book of James, we’re told in no uncertain terms that the testing of our faith will result in perseverance, bringing us to a point where we “lack nothing.” But how can we really treat our trials with a spirit of “pure joy”? In this 90-day devotional, readers will embark on a journey through James’ enigmatic appeal, encouraging them to witness the profound transformation that unfolds when we embrace Christ’s power amidst our anguish, bewilderment, discontent, and hardship. Readers will gain a new perspective so that when life comes crashing in, they will experience a greater willingness to rejoice and trust the One who uses all suffering to make us mature and complete in Him.

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  • Light For Today


    God is always with you.

    When you’re feeling overwhelmed or lost in the dark, it can be tough to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

    In Light for Today, Lauren Green offers 365 days of hope and encouragement to ground you in God’s saving grace and unending faithfulness. Combining stories and wisdom found in Scripture with true stories from Green’s personal life and illustrious journalism career, this devotional will inspire you to:

    *strengthen your spirit,
    *find silver linings,
    *persevere through turbulent times, celebrate peaceful seasons, and
    *become a shining beacon of Christ for those around you.

    God promises that he will never leave or forsake you. Let these daily messages from his lighthouse brighten your days and open your eyes to see him fulfilling that promise every moment of every day.

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  • True Sweetness : Growing In The Fruit Of The Spirit


    A devotional that showcases the power of God’s Spirit within us.

    From a day-to-day perspective, it can be difficult to see how God is at work in our lives. Through stories and uplifting quotes, this devotional reveals how the Holy Spirit changes us and brings forth fruit that gives life -?the virtues of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. New experiences, challenges, and even the smallest decisions reveal the state of our hearts. If we pay attention, we can see how far we come, and where we’re still hindered. This book will help readers learn to identify how the Spirit is at work, inspiring them to dig their roots down further so that they can experience greater richness in Christ (and share it with others)!

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  • God Calls You Blessed Girl


    In a culture that fills your head and heart with lies about your value in the world. . .there is One who calls you blessed.

    And He can be trusted. His Word is truth.

    This delightful devotional–created just for you–will encourage and inspire your young soul with deeply rooted truths from God’s Word. Each devotional reading and heartfelt prayer will assure you that you are truly blessed–because God says so. . .and His Word is unchanging! Each of the 180 readings in God Calls You Blessed, Girl will help you to grow in your faith and increase your self-confidence as you become the strong and courageous young woman the heavenly Creator intended you to be!

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  • Praying With Saint Patrick


    Learn to pray with Patrick of Ireland and to find your story in his own

    One of Ireland’s most beloved figures, St. Patrick was a man who lived a life soaked in prayer. A risk-taker in the service of others particularly women, slaves, and the poor Patrick spent years enslaved, in which he found himself praying all the time praying for freedom, for a warm place to sleep, or to return home. He never stopped. It was something he did with great intentionality, but also in the breath between one task and the next.

    Praying with Patrick takes us on a journey through Patrick’s life, allowing us to pray alongside him using his story and his actual prayers to deepen and enrich our own prayer lives. Each reading features a quote from Patrick, a scripture, a devotion, and a prayer such as:

    *A Prayer for Times of Trouble
    *A Prayer for When We Feel Helpless
    *A Prayer for HopeA Prayer for Freedom
    *A Prayer for When You Don’t Fit In
    *A Prayer for the Presence of Christ
    *A Prayer for God’s Salvation
    *A Prayer in Times of Grief

    A perfect gift for anyone who is fascinated by Ireland, the heroes of the faith, or prayer, Praying with Patrick will draw you deeper into conversation with a God who cares deeply about you and your needs, concerns, and worries. Just as Patrick experienced God’s presence in the rugged wilds of Ireland, may you experience God’s presence in a powerful and vibrant way.

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  • He Calls Me His Child


    You are a child of God.

    Christian counselor and author Marie Chapian takes you on a new adventure of self-discovery and spiritual empowerment in He Calls Me His Child. Its one hundred inspiring teaching meditations and over six hundred Christian affirmations are daily gifts to give to yourself. Read them again and again to:

    *embrace the power of speaking the truth aloud,
    *build your faith to new heights, and
    *live a transformed life as a child of God.

    Don’t doubt yourself or God any longer. Be strengthened with the power and assurance found in the promises of God.

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  • Power Of Gratitude


    Gratitude is a powerful weapon against toxic emotions like envy, resentment, and frustration. Being grateful also improves physical and relational health, helping individuals boost self-esteem and decrease self-pity. When people focus on the things they are grateful for, their satisfaction in life increases. Comparisons cease. Unnecessary pursuits pause.
    And they begin to notice things that truly matter. Life. Breath. Generosity. Beauty. Grace. This is where deep connection with God is found.

    As you read these devotions and Scriptures, be inspired to live with gratitude in your heart and praise on your lips. Meditate on things that produce life and peace. Evaluate each day in the light of God’s truth and stand in awe of a heavenly Father who gives abundantly more than you can ask or imagine. As you quiet yourself before him, experience the goodness of his presence and be refreshed with his life-giving joy.

    Choose to be thankful today and watch how it changes your perspective for the days ahead.

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  • Count Your Blessings And Stop Stressing


    Overcome stress and dwell in God’s abundant peace.

    Stress can be relentless, overwhelming our thoughts and emotions–but God has a better plan for his children. It’s possible to experience so much peace and joy that they overflow to those around you.

    In Count Your Blessings and Stop Stressing, Ray Comfort shares devotions that empower readers to replace anxiety, fear, and worry with assurance, gratitude, and strength. Steeped in Scripture and filled with wise counsel and encouragement, this book will:

    – soothe your heart with God’s promises,
    – lift you above daily stressors,
    – renew the power of your faith, and
    – comfort you with the depths of God’s great love.

    Rejoice in the knowledge that every blessing comes from God.

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  • Bloom And Grow


    Growth begins in the garden.

    In this fast-paced world, our souls wilt without a place to pause and take root. It becomes easy then to overlook the many reminders of God’s abundant life and transformation evident in creation.

    Inspired by her garden, Laurie V. Soileau shares how to find mindful rest and fruitful flourishing in the Creator’s faithful hands. Through 365 devotions entwined with Scripture, reflections, practical tips, and prayers, Bloom and Grow will help you:

    *find peace amid seasons of chaos and decay,
    *steward relationships with people and nature,
    *seek the steady presence of the Creator, and
    *thrive where and how God has planted you.

    Pull on your gardening gloves and discover the strength and renewal revealed in God’s breathtaking creation.

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  • Everyday Courage : 50 Devotions To Build A Bold Faith


    It takes courage to live out your faith boldly, especially in the face of hostility or suffering. What gave Joshua and Caleb the courage to follow God’s commands despite fear? What gave Esther the courage to risk her life and trust God’s plan for His people? What gave the disciples the courage to live out their faith, even to the point of being martyred? They leaned into a greater fear, one that conquers all others–the fear of the Lord.

    The fear of the Lord gives believers the power to live with uncompromising faith–a powerful reality we see played out in the pages of the Bible as well as in our lives today. In Everyday Courage, respected Bible teacher, speaker, and bestselling author John Bevere reminds us through Scripture, devotions, and examples from the fathers and mothers of the faith that we, too can live with courage because the fear of the Lord swallows up every other fear in our lives.

    Each entry offers:

    *A Bible passage to help you discover how to fear God–and why the fear of the Lord is your ultimate source of strength

    *A thoughtful reflection on the day’s Scripture

    *Stories of biblical figures and other heroes of the faith who lived courageously

    *A powerful prayer to seek courage every day

    As you rediscover the power of holy fear in your life, you will step bravely into courageous living and bolder faith–every single day.

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  • Word For Your Day


    66 words, one from each book of the Bible. This 5-minute daily devotional highlights one relevant, perhaps unexpected, word to ponder from beginning in Genesis to new in Revelation. Well-loved author Lori Hatcher helps you stay in the Word through truth-packed, simple–but never simplistic–readings and reminds you that every part of the Bible is applicable for today.

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  • 365 Devotional Prayers For Women


    A Year of Inspiring Prayers for a Woman of God

    The almighty God we serve is interested in what you have to say! . . . This daily devotional prayer book is a powerful reminder for women to courageously bring any petition before their heavenly Father. 365 just-right-sized prayers will help you cultivate courage and confidence while growing stronger in your faith and relationship with God. Each prayer is perfectly paired with a relevant scripture selection–a fabulous way for you to begin or end your day in quiet fellowship with the heavenly Father.

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  • Daniel : A Strong Man Is Faithful – A 30-Day Devotional


    Daniel was only a teenager when he was taken captive in Babylon. For the next 70 years, he lived far from home in an unfamiliar culture, suffering under an enemy king who worshipped false gods. Yet Daniel was faithful to God.

    In this 30-day men’s devotional, author Vince Miller asks: Do you want to be a man who is faithful all the years of your life, no matter what persecution or circumstances you face? Every devotion in Daniel: A Strong Man Is Faithful includes a verse from the book of Daniel and a thoughtful reflection that motivates you to stay strong in difficult times. This in-depth book also includes:

    *Insights from the New Testament about living as a man of God
    *Challenging application questions and action steps
    *Prayer prompts focused on turning to God for guidance and strength

    For any man who wants to learn from someone who was faithful even when society pushed him not to be, Daniel: A Strong Man Is Faithful is an accessible yet hard-hitting devotional that reminds us that faithfulness to God is possible even in a faithless world.

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  • Faith Over Fear


    Drive fear and worry from your heart and mind as you place your focus on the Word of God and embrace the peace that surpasses all understanding with the true stories, Bible verses, and prayers found in this uplifting devotional from Guideposts.

    How can you transcend your darkest moments in order to move forward? How can you overcome worry and anxiety? Simply put, you can do this through faith. Faith over Fear offers 100 heartfelt and inspiring messages of strength and peace from God’s Word that you can hold on to during times of anxiety and worry.

    This thematic devotional from Guideposts–a beloved and trusted source of biblical encouragement for nearly eighty years–will remind you that you are not alone, that God is with you, no matter what challenges you’re facing. Every entry helps you:

    *Meet God in the midst of the chaos and uncertainty
    *Find confidence in God’s goodness and His plan for the world and your life
    *Overcome your daily worries as you immerse yourself in God’s truth

    Each of the five-minute devotions in Faith over Fear includes:

    *A timely, inspirational verse from Scripture
    *A true, first-person story about ways God speaks to us in the ordinary events of life
    *A thoughtful prayer designed to help you apply the day’s theme
    *Additional Bible verses for further study and reflection

    God does not promise there will be no trials or heartache in life, but He does assure you that He will comfort and soothe you, whatever situation comes your way.

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  • Garden To Garden


    Discover God’s redemptive plan for humanity as you embark on a journey from garden to garden–from Eden to eternity.

    The Bible tells a singular and unified story. While it contains sixty-six individual books written over thousands of years, it reveals one unified message–the story of how God redeems humanity from sin and death and makes all things new. Scripture is God-breathed. Opening its pages, we discover who we are, why we are here, what happened to us, our eternal destiny, and how we live and breathe from day to day through God’s redeeming love and His unconquerable grace.

    In Garden to Garden, readers discover how God moved through human history–from the garden of Eden to the promise of eternity–to restore us to His presence. Marian Jordan Ellis, the founder of This Redeemed Life Ministry, walks alongside readers as they journey through the Bible in an entirely fresh and unique way through this collection of short devotional readings that lead the reader through the story arc of God’s great redemptive plan. Readers will come to understand that although the weeds of sin, shame, and blame grow wild in the human heart, our longing for Eden–our true home–always remains.

    A holy invitation to know and be known by the Living God, Garden to Garden will enhance your knowledge of God’s Word, provide you with a greater understanding of how to flourish in His grace, and reveal how Jesus makes all things new! While echoes of Eden fill the human heart, Garden to Garden points us home, to abide in the glorious and beautiful garden distinguished by the Presence of God.

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  • Too Blessed To Be Stressed


    Ready to be rescued from the joy-sucking dully-funks?

    Too Blessed to be Stressed: A Morning & Evening Devotional Journal for Women offers up a daily dose of devotions (and humor) for a woman’s heart.

    Hundreds of thousands of women have been encouraged by the wit- and near-wisdom-filled books from beloved inspirational humorist Debora M. Coty. Now, be ready to be rescued from the joy-sucking dully-funks…

    In this morning and evening 365-day devotional featuring just-right-sized, truth-filled readings (gift-wrapped in humor) for your heart. Too Blessed to be Stressed: A Morning & Evening Devotional Journal for Women touches on everyday life topics like relationships, love, boundaries, hope, brokenness, and praise, while helping you to arrive at healing, refreshment, and revitalization of spirit, body, and faith. Read on, and be blessed!

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  • Self Care Devotional


    What’s the very best prescription for self-care? . . .

    Daily quiet time in the heavenly Father’s presence, of course!

    Better than a bubble bath. . .more rejuvenating than an expensive spa treatment. . .these 180 calming, comforting devotions and prayers are just the nourishment your weary soul needs to rest and recharge. Six months of daily readings touch on topics important to you, including –Understanding Your Feelings, Protecting Your Schedule, Nourishing Your Soul, Finding Joy, Shining Your Light, Pressing Pause, Making Time for Rest, and Being Kind to Yourself.

    When you’re in need of some serious self-care, this delightful devotional is your perfect companion!

    “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me–watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
    Matthew 11:28-30 MSG

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  • 365 Bedtime Devotions For Pre Teen Girls


    Just for the pre-teen girls in your life, these 365 perfect-for-bedtime devotional readings and prayers will encourage and inspire their young hearts.

    In just 3 easy steps–1) meditate on a brief, but powerful, scripture selection; 2) read through a relevant devotion; 3) start a conversation with God by reading a heartfelt prayer–girls will be encouraged and motivated to grow in their faith. Bedtime will become peaceful and comforting–the very best time of the day!–with these truth-filled devotions and prayers!

    After snuggling in with this delightful devotional, girls will be well on their way to a sweet, peaceful sleep every night of the year!

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  • 365 Bedtime Devotions For Pre Teen Boys


    Just for the pre-teen boys in your life, these 365 perfect-for-bedtime devotional readings and prayers will encourage and inspire their young hearts.

    In just 3 easy steps–1) meditate on a brief, but powerful, scripture selection; 2) read through a relevant devotion; 3) start a conversation with God by reading a heartfelt prayer–boys will be encouraged and motivated to grow in their faith. Bedtime will become peaceful and comforting–the very best time of the day!–with these truth-filled devotions and prayers!

    After snuggling in with this delightful devotional, boys will be well on their way to a sweet, peaceful sleep every night of the year!

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  • Letters To Grief


    Grief and loss touch each of us in a unique way. In the Letters to Grief Gray Faux Leather Gift Book, Kate Motaung draws upon her own experience with grief to offer readers encouragement and hope.

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  • Mini Devotions Meaningful Moments With God


    Take time to reflect on God’s goodness when you read the devotions in the Meaningful Moments with God Mini Devotional and experience the blessing of time spent in His presence.

    The teal cover of the mini devotional is decorated with luscious red and orange flowers. The title is presented in the middle of the front cover in white lettering.

    Meaningful Moments with God

    The interior of the book is printed in a dusty teal font. A presentation page at the front can be personalized when the mini devotional is given as a gift. This page features teal floral corner designs that are repeated on the interior pages.

    With 180 short and insightful devotions that invite you to grab a cup and settle in to spend some quiet time with God, this little devotional will become your go-to morning devo. Topics include God’s love for you, His endless grace, and much more.

    The Meaningful Moments with God Mini Devotional is small enough to fit in a handbag or backpack and makes an excellent stocking stuffer for Christmas. Give the Meaningful Moments with God Mini Devotional to the women in your small group or Bible study as an economical Christmas gift.

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  • Look Up Girl


    When the weight of life’s circumstances feels too heavy to bear, the Look Up, Girl! Pink Faux Leather Devotional will be your cue to look to God for help and comfort.

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  • Incomparable : 50 Days With Jesus


    Whatever you think about Jesus, He is more.

    Incomparably more.

    Get to know this Jesus by joining beloved author and Bible teacher Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth on a fifty-day journey, inspired by J. Oswald Sanders’ classic volume, The Incomparable Christ, to explore His one-of-a-kind story. From heaven to earth. From birth to death. From resurrection to right this minute. From before time to all time.

    In these meditations, you’ll spend time reflecting on the person of Christ–His humanity, divinity, childhood, adulthood, and more. You’ll consider the work and words of Christ. And you’ll contemplate His preexistence, prayer life, majestic silence, anguish, atoning work, post-resurrection ministry, and promised second coming.

    Find in Jesus–fully God and fully Man–everything you will ever need. He alone is able to save you to the end and understands you to the core. Able to forgive and befriend you, challenge and change you.

    This book can be used at any time of the year but serves as an ideal devotional companion for the season leading up to and immediately following Easter.
    As you walk through these days, you will be reminded that there is no one else like Jesus. He is quite simply . . . Incomparable.

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  • Daily Devotions To Nurture Your Faith


    Daily Encouragement and Bible Wisdom to Grow Your Faith!

    This beautiful daily devotional collection will engage your spirit with Bible wisdom and encouraging devotions. Each day’s reading includes a scripture, faith-nurturing devotion, and prayer–all designed to draw you closer to your Father God through daily quiet time.
    This women’s devotional is perfect for personal use or makes a thoughtful gift that will be cherished for years to come.

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  • Daily Hope For The Empty Nest


    The Daily Hope for the Empty Nest Dusty Teal Faux Leather Devotional is written for moms with grown children. This inspirational devotional offers a year-long journey to help empty-nest moms navigate the unchartered waters of loving and parenting adult children so that moms will find joy, meaning, and renewed purpose in this new season of life.

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  • Legacy Of Leaders


    The Legacy of Leaders Gray Faux Leather Devotional highlights the stories of 40 heroes in the Bible. The devotional will reveal that God did not choose superheroes. Instead, He used broken men the world often ignored and overlooked.

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  • Sword And Sheild


    The Sword and the Shield Saddle Tan Faux Leather Devotional is designed to encourage, inspire, and challenge men to be leaders for Christ in their families, workplaces, and circles of influence. Drawing on the offensive and defensive qualities of swords and shields, this devotional focuses on spiritual growth and moral protection for men.

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  • 3 Minute Devotions For A Thankful Heart


    3 Minutes to a Thankful Heart. . .

    Got 3 minutes to spare? You’ll find the spiritual pick-me-up you need in 3-Minute Devotions for a Thankful Heart. Take time to pause, reflect, and rejuvenate by reading scripture, encouraging words, and a prayer starter to begin a dialogue with God. This delightful devotional packs a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, and thanksgiving into just-right-sized readings. Minute 1: scripture to meditate on; Minute 2: a short devotional reading; Minute 3: a prayer to jump-start a conversation with God. This beautiful book makes a fabulous any-occasion gift for every woman.

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  • Easter Changes Everything


    Families learn all about the Easter story and everything leading up to it in the weeks before Easter, but what happened after Easter?

    Easter Changes Everything: a 6-week Devotional for Easter & Beyond is a launching pad for families after Easter. For Jesus’s friends, the resurrection wasn’t the end of their stories–it was the beginning! Jesus went to heaven, and they were left to share the good news that Jesus’s death paid the price for our sins!

    Each week, families will read one vibrant, illustrated Bible story about how Easter changed everything for Jesus’s followers. Then, families will complete three devotions together throughout the week where they will read the Bible together and answer questions about how Easter changes their own lives.

    After six weeks of story and discussion, families will be challenged to keep reading the Bible together and ask the most important question: if Easter changes everything, how does it change me?

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  • Praying Through Infertility


    Weary of the long path to become a parent? Whether you or a family member is battling infertility, this trusted, encouraging 90-day devotional will comfort and strengthen you.

    Written by men and women who have faced infertility themselves with various outcomes, this book reminds you that you are not alone and will help set your heart free from fear.

    Compiled by acclaimed writer, speaker, and broadcaster Sheridan Voysey, Praying Through Infertility is written to let you know that you are:

    *Not alone in your sadness, anger, or confusion
    *Not alone when you feel jealous of parents who have what you want
    *Not alone when a giggling child brings not delight but grief
    *Not alone in wondering who you’ll be if you never become a mom or dad

    Praying Through Infertility doesn’t offer advice on treatments or give spiritual formulas for miracle conceptions. Instead, it offers an empathetic and hopeful accompaniment through the long dark night you are walking through.

    Each daily devotional includes:

    *Scripture verse and prayer

    *Inspirational story where fears and anger are transformed into confident expectation and pure worship

    *Intentional tip of the day to help you personally encounter God

    *Prayer references for encouragement

    Some of the contributors have been blessed with biological children, some have formed families through fostering or adoption, others are walking forward childless, and a few are still on the path. They have experienced many of the medical options available, from IVF to donor eggs and sperm. What they share is an experience of infertility’s dark depths, and a faith that’s held strong through the testing.

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  • Waking Up To The Goodness Of God


    For those who have been disappointed when the good life let them down or discouraged by life’s struggles, the goodness of God is trustworthy, life-giving, and everlasting. Jesus wants to lead you on a healing path to redeem your story and to make you whole.

    The words we say and the things we pray matter to God and to our health. Where we rest our gaze and how we think about God directly impacts the condition of our souls. Proverbs 14:30 states, A heart at peace gives life to the body. God is well able to restore and renew us even when culture swirls around us. The world needs healing. But we can’t impart what we don’t possess.

    Scripture highlights the significance of 40 days as a kind of pilgrimage or spiritual journey toward a deeper dependence and reliance upon God. Science highlights how 40 days of practice (of a habit, a renewed thought, a healthy discipline, etc.) directly impacts our brain’s structure and physiological health.

    Join best-selling author, popular radio host, and Bible teacher Susie Larson on a 40-day pilgrimage to explore God’s invitation to flourish, heal, and know His peace in a way that changes us forever. Through this journey, readers will discover how to:

    *Retrain their brains and renew their minds to notice God’s goodness and to make that their default setting

    *Revive their faith by immersing in God’s promises, saying and praying them more than ever

    *Restore a right view of God’s character based on His Word and stop drawing wrong conclusions about Him

    *Redeem their story and renew their strength by following the Healer

    Do you still believe God is good? Do you believe He cares about the condition of your soul? And that He still answers prayer? Are you ready to position yourself on the path of His promises and see what He might do in and through you?

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  • Savior Is Risen


    Do less. Connect more. This beautiful 40-day devotional for the Lenten and Easter season offers biblical reflections and full-color springtime photography to take you from burnout to burning a little brighter as you celebrate new life, fresh starts, and everyday redemptions.

    It’s a distracted world out there. Maybe you find yourself scrolling more than savoring, texting more than resting, and rushing instead of taking a deep breath. The things you thought would bring connection make you feel more disconnected than ever, with a good dose of exhaustion thrown in. It’s time for a reset.

    A Savior Is Risen is a 40-day journey from Ash Wednesday to Easter morning, a call for you to quiet your mind and soul as you focus on Jesus and His resurrection.

    In this gorgeous devotional, you are invited to:

    *Experience the Easter season with fresh eyes and an expectant heart
    *Practice a modern-day fast from the things distracting you from God
    *Reflect on Jesus’ life and Resurrection
    *Draw closer to God through silence and reflection
    *Let go of stress and embrace grace

    Each day’s entry includes:

    *A word that embodies the spirit of Easter
    *A brief reflection on integrating that word into your life
    *A Scripture passage for meditation
    *A prayer to bring peace to your mind
    *Bright springtime photography that captures the beauty of new life

    A Savior Is Risen is ideal for anyone wanting permission to slow down, as a gift for someone looking for spiritual renewal, or as a beautiful book to display as a reminder of God’s promises. So grab your morning coffee or afternoon chai, and feel your spirit settle as you immerse yourself the ultimate new beginning God has given us all.

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  • Bible Recap Kids Devotional


    A Fun Way to Help Children Read, Understand, and Love the Entire Bible.

    Reading Scripture can be exciting and engaging for kids and adults alike! A great place to start is with The Bible Recap Kids’ Devotional, which follows the 365-day chronological reading plan of The Bible Recap book and podcast.

    Designed for children ages 6 and up, this interactive devotional is their personal tour guide, pointing out key verses and important, fascinating things to learn about God–from Genesis through Revelation. Along the way, your child will also enjoy word puzzles, coloring pages, and other fun activities that reinforce essential truths and facts.

    You don’t have to be an expert to give your children a solid biblical foundation. Whether they read through this devotional on their own or you enjoy it as a family, being in God’s Word is transformational because He’s where the joy is!

    Use with Any Print or Audio Bible

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  • 3 Minute Devotions Bold Men Of Faith


    3 Minutes of Encouragement: Scripture, Devotion, and Prayer

    You’ll find powerful lessons in courage from Christian history in 3-Minute Devotions: Bold Men of Faith. Written especially for today’s Christian man, this devotional packs challenge and encouragement into just-right-sized entries for guys of all ages.

    *Minute 1: scripture to meditate on
    *Minute 2: a short devotional reading
    *Minute 3: a prayer to jump-start a conversation with God

    Each reading highlights a worthy Christian leader, someone who demonstrated courage in his service to God:

    *St. Augustine
    *Dietrich Bonhoeffer
    *Frederick Douglass
    *Billy Graham
    *Jim Elliot
    *John Bunyan
    *Watchman Nee
    *George Mueller
    *and many more

    These 180 entries are a perfect way to begin or end your day!

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  • Read And Pray Through The Bible In A Year For Boys


    The All-in-One Devotional Experience for Boys!

    This cool devotional, created especially for you, includes a simple plan for reading and praying through the Bible in one year alongside both 3-minute devotions and prayers for morning and evening.

    Each day of the year, you’ll be invited to read a passage from:

    *the Old Testament
    *the New Testament
    *and the Psalms or Proverbs

    Along with a thoughtful devotional and a heartfelt prayer starter. With each turn of the page, you’ll discover practical truth for everyday living.

    It’s a perfect way to spend a year in God’s Word!

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  • 180 Devotions To Hush Your Inner Critic


    Devotions and Prayers to Hush Your Inner Critic–180 Readings Rooted in Biblical Truth for Women

    This lovely devotional, created just for you, is a beautiful reminder of your value and purpose. 180 “glass half full” devotions and inspiring prayers, rooted in biblical truth, will reassure your doubting heart.

    In each encouraging reading, you will encounter the bountiful love and grace of your Creator, while coming to understand His plan–for you and you alone.

    180 Devotions to Hush Your Inner Critic is a wonderful, quiet-time devotional guaranteed to help you see yourself–and your place in the world–in a more positive light!
    Let the positive self-talk begin!

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  • Daily Strength For Women


    You can walk in confidence with God as your strength.

    Flip through pages of encouragement every day of the year with this inspirational perpetual calendar. Short devotions, Scriptures, and thought-provoking questions help you start your day the right way–filled with peace and hope!

    You are radiant and strong with God on your side. Take courage in his love for you and be ready to conquer every day!

    Content Benefits:

    A year of inspiration through daily themes that help women find peace for anxious moments, joy in life’s blessings, confidence to face each day, and strength to persevere in hardship.


    *High-grade faux leather exterior provides durability and exquisite tactile appeal.

    *Heat debossing gives a two-tone appearance and creates indentation, showing off the intricate design and varied texture.

    *Foil finishing touches enhance features, capturing attention and adding class.

    *Built-in stand creates its own display, causing the product to sit nicely on all flat surfaces–work desk, table, or nightstand!

    *Durable, complementing coated metal coil offers long-lasting use.

    *Perpetual style calendar means it can be used year after year.

    *Beautifully designed full-color interior creates an appealing addition to surrounding decor.

    *Uncoated, wood-free paper of premium quality and thickness lends itself to long-lasting vivid coloration and durability.

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  • Daily Strength For Men


    Find your daily strength in the promises of God.

    Flip through pages of encouragement every day of the year with this inspirational perpetual calendar. Short devotions, Scriptures, and thought-provoking questions help you start your day the right way–filled with peace and hope!

    Time spent in God’s presence empowers you to lead, model integrity, and provide foundations for wise decision making. You can be everything God intended you to be when he is your source of strength.

    Content Benefits:

    A year of inspiration through daily themes that help men find wisdom for daily challenges, peace in uncertainty, gratitude for life’s many blessings, and strength to persevere in hardship.


    – High-grade faux leather exterior provides durability and exquisite tactile appeal.

    – Heat debossing gives a two-tone appearance and creates indentation, showing off the intricate design and varied texture.

    – Foil finishing touches enhance features, capturing attention and adding class.

    – Built-in stand creates its own display, causing the product to sit nicely on all flat surfaces–work desk, table, or nightstand!

    – Durable, complementing coated metal coil offers long-lasting use.

    – Perpetual style calendar means it can be used year after year.

    – Beautifully designed full-color interior creates an appealing addition to surrounding decor.

    – Uncoated, wood-free paper of premium quality and thickness lends itself to long-lasting vivid coloration and durability.

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  • Twas The Season Of Lent


    ‘Twas the Season of Lent is a 40-day devotional and storybook that explores the life, words, and works of Jesus and encourages families to draw closer to God during the Lenten Season. From beloved author Glenys Nellist, this book focused on Jesus’s mission to the least, the lost, and the lonely, with each story and accompanying prayer prompt encouraging children to try to be more like Jesus and to do what God calls them to.

    Written in both prose and poetry, this gorgeous picture book shares the true story of the days leading up to Christ’s death and resurrection. The read-aloud rhymes and stunning illustrations by Elena Selivanova make this a perfect read for the whole family during the Lenten season. With an eye-catching cover decorated in shining foil and embossing, this book is designed to be a treasured tradition for families and church ministries for the Lenten season for years to come.

    ‘Twas the season of Lent, when for forty whole days
    The people were trying to think of new ways
    To be more like Jesus–to love, care, and give,
    In hopes that they’d choose the right way to live.

    ‘Twas the Season of Lent:

    *Is written by Glenys Nellist, author of the beloved The Wonder That Is You, and the Snuggle Time and Love Letters from God series

    *Is told in the lyrical style of Clement Moore’s iconic poem–“‘Twas the Night before Christmas”

    *Explores what the season of Lent is all about and how we can draw closer to God during this time

    *Features a familiar rhythm and rhyme that children ages 4-8 will love

    *Brings to life the story of Jesus’s ministry and the days leading up to his death and resurrection through Elena Selivanova’s beautiful, rich illustrations

    *Is the perfect way for adults to share the powerful meaning of the Lenten season with the little ones in their lives leading up to the Easter holiday

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  • Walk Out Of Your Mess


    Daily Encouragement to Stay Strong as You Wait for Your Miracle

    Inspired by the story of the blind man in John 9, pastor Samuel Rodriguez shows that sometimes Jesus makes your situation a muddy mess first–and out of that mess emerges a miracle.

    Helping you navigate the messy season of waiting for breakthrough, Pastor Sam takes you deeper into the life-changing biblical truths from the bestselling book Your Mess, God’s Miracle. Each entry in this 40-day devotional immerses you in God’s promises, daily infusing you with hope–and the audacity to replace fear with faith, wash away the mud of the past and walk through your mess into God’s miracle.

    Your pain and struggles are not punishments to endure. They’re opportunities to showcase God’s glory.

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  • Jesus Among Us Walking With Him In His Ministry And Miracles


    In Jesus Among Us: Walking with Him in His Ministry and Miracles, you will travel with Jesus as He clarifies His true mission to John the Baptist, teaches vivid parables about the kingdom of God, feeds the 5000, heals the sick, gives His disciples authority over disease and Satan, and ministers to people’s needs in a variety of settings, from the Sea of Galilee to the temple in Jerusalem. Each day features a Scripture reading, a “Life Lessons with Jesus” segment, questions for reflection, and a prayer.

    The more closely you walk with Jesus, the more you will be convinced that nothing is impossible with God.

    Jesus Among Us is the second book in the Life Along the Way Series, which takes you through the life of Jesus in all four Gospels and the first chapter of Acts. In four 90-day devotionals, you can travel with Jesus for a full year if you wish–from His birth, to His ministry and miracles, to His relationships with the people around Him, to His death, resurrection, and ascension. The three other devotionals, which you can read either sequentially or in any order, are #1, Jesus with Us: Meeting Him Where He Began, #3, Jesus Through Us: Following His Example in Love and Service, and #4, Jesus in Us: Living Wholeheartedly the Life He Intends.

    As you journey each day with the Savior, you will learn to love Jesus and love like Jesus. Where are you on your walk with Jesus?

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  • Our Radiant Redeemer


    This devotional looks at the transfiguration of Jesus in depth, giving readers a glorious lens through which to view Jesus during Lent and Easter.

    Tim Chester says:

    “The transfiguration is a light that illuminates the meaning of the cross and resurrection. As we look deeper, we’ll discover that it’s not just Jesus who is transfigured. His promise is that we, too, can be transfigured by the light he brings to our lives.”

    As we see Jesus in all his glory, we will be reminded of how marvellous he is and how brilliant our future with him will be. We will be moved to worship Jesus with our whole lives, giving thanks for all that he is and all that he has done.

    Each of the devotions includes prompts to reflect and pray.

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  • Read And Pray Through The Bible In A Year For Teen Guys


    The All-in-One Devotional Experience for Teen Guys!

    This cool devotional, created especially for you, includes a simple plan for reading and praying through the Bible in one year alongside both 3-minute devotions and prayers for morning and evening.

    Each day of the year, you’ll be invited to read a passage from:

    *the Old Testament
    *the New Testament
    *and the Psalms or Proverbs

    Along with a thoughtful devotional and a heartfelt prayer starter. With each turn of the page, you’ll discover practical truth for everyday living.

    It’s a perfect way to spend a year in God’s Word!

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  • Overthinkers Devotional : Meditations, Scripture And Prayers For Refocusing


    Overthink much? . . .

    Our minds spiral out of control sometimes. . .often carrying on running conversations in our heads all day (and all night!) long. And when our thoughts become too much for us to manage on our own, God alone offers much-needed comfort and guidance.

    This delightful devotional for overthinkers features 180 inspiring, yet practical, meditations and prayers to help you redirect your anxious thoughts, ushering in the peace, comfort, and rest your soul craves. With each turn of the page, you will connect with biblical truth as you enter the calming presence of your heavenly Creator.

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