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Showing 601–650 of 818 results

  • Not A Fan Updated And Expanded


    This expanded and updated version of Not a Fan adds a new introduction and an entirely new chapter about how to practically live out the message of this mega bestseller. Are you a follower of Jesus? Don’t answer too quickly. In fact, you may want to read this book before you answer at all. Consider it a “Define the Relationship” conversation to determine exactly where you stand. You may indeed be a passionate, fully devoted follower of Jesus. Or, you may be just a fan who admires Jesus but isn’t ready to let him cramp your style. Then again, maybe you’re not into Jesus, period. In any case, don’t take the question-Are you a follower of Jesus?-lightly. Some people don’t know what they’ve said yes to and other people don’t realize what they’ve said no to, says Pastor Kyle Idleman. But Jesus is ready to clearly define the relationship he wants with his followers. Not a Fan calls you to consider the demands and rewards of being a true disciple. With frankness sprinkled with humor, Idleman invites you to live the way Jesus lived, love the way he loved, pray the way he prayed, and never give up living for the One who gave his all for you.

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  • 10 Commandments : The Ten Commandments Are The Only Messages To Men That Go


    The Ten Commandments are the only words that God wrote to man with His own hand. In fact, He wrote them out twice, and even spoke them aloud in the hearing of Israel.

    In The Ten Commandments, Moody devotes a separate chapter to each commandment, with a concluding summary. His fervent belief was that the commandments are still God’s measure of obedience today. But they are more than a measuring stick; they are a signpost pointing fallen mankind toward the only One who was able to keep God’s law.

    Moody’s teachings are still relevant to this day. His words still resonate just as they did in his large evangelical meetings where thousands of converts fell to their knees. He reminds us that Jesus came not to abolish the law but to fulfill it, and to become righteousness for all who believe.

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  • Pray Your Way To Breakthroughs


    Mountain Of Fire And Miracles
    Pray Your Way To Breakthroughs is to give the user’s prayer life a sharper focus. The Word of God says: “And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the tree: therefore, every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire” (Matthew 3:10). Those things that have seemed resistant to prayers may be so because the axe has not been laid to the root. Also, those recurring and stubborn problems that subside only to come back after a while may be because the axe was laid at the branches but not unto the root.

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  • Take Heed : Strategies To Endure In Life And Ministry


    Written to catch our attention, Take Heed exposes the schemes of the enemy. Believers today are deceiving themselves and planning how to sin and be clever. Then they are shocked when everything falls apart. The foundation laid by our forefathers has been left behind as we claim to have knowledge and information yet the devil still comes and eats our lunch. Pastor Rathod uses examples from the Old Testament such as Samson, Saul, David, Daniel and Joseph to reveal the bait used by Satan to attack each of these men in a specific way based on their area of weakness. He also uses the example of Jesus who was able to resist the schemes of the devil and overcome the enemy. The devil is like a roaring lion at the waterhole. He knows us and our weaknesses. But like a splash of cold water in the face – it’s time we take heed.

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  • Grace Of Yielding


    If God asked you, as He did with Abraham, to sacrifice your “pride and joy,” your “Isaac,” could you do it? From the Scriptures, Derek Prince shows that God will give back to you abundantly when you are willing to yield to Him. Discover how you can please God in all you do, become mature in your faith, and receive your inheritance as a child of God. You can be confident that, as you yield to the Spirit of Christ, you will learn to walk in the abundance of God’s power and blessings.

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  • Every Waking Hour


    Most people spend the majority of their waking hours at work. We must therefore consider how we may glorify God through our vocations.

    In Every Waking Hour, Benjamin Quinn and Walter R. Strickland II offer a theological framework for understanding the intersection between the Christian life and the various ways we spend our time. Christ-followers are not merely chaplains on the job site-we are ministers in God’s world. We are to join our work with Christ’s work of making all things new.

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  • Pause With Jesus


    Think of reading the biblical stories of Jesus as a written travelogue. Each verse, story, chapter, account stands alone as an example of the exquisite life of Christ as each snapshot from a vacation individually reflects a unique experience of life. Unless surveyed as a whole, the completeness escapes and leaves us grasping mere fragments. The totality of a vacation, missed when viewing individual photos, can be seen by observing the album containing all the pictures, or a video showing the story in motion. Places and people. Good days and bad. Events comprising the entire trip come into focus, accurately portraying a journey that would appear out of balance when only certain pictures were noticed. This biblical travelogue presents description, like snapshots of a historical person. Knitted together, stories from Christ’s life bring into focus a true and astounding picture. More than a portrait of a movement, it is representation of the Man Himself. A Man who loved all the characters of the drama. The lonely? He loved them. The misfits? He loved them. The legalistic, religious, gotta-do-it-our-way-or-we-will-kill-you folks? He loved them. Demonstrations of that love differ with each scene, but uniqueness merges with unity; the same pure, profound love shines in every sighting. What I’ve offered here is an awareness, a glimpse, of what the Gospel writers were telling us. And what life seems to be revealing. These stories have caused me to see Jesus in fresh ways. I am more aware than ever of both my imperfections and His love for me in spite of my frailty. Watching Him with sinners in Matthew’s house, seeing Him gaze at the impish Zaccheus while certainly grinning, hearing His powerful words stifle the storm: such scenes moved me despite my familiarity with them. Moments of study offered me the impossible task of laying aside my preconceptions long enough to live through the events unfettered by prematurely drawn conclusions. Along the way, I met Jesus. Again. And He is very real, very alive. And He seems to think we are all important. May we refuse to think lightly of Jesus. May we refrain from closeness to Him that merely leaves us callous to His majesty. May we refuse to be ordinary. May we not work so hard to rise above others. May we pause. May we pause with Jesus.

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  • Shattering : An Encounter With Truth


    A paranormal encounter with a psychic relative convinced Jessica of a spiritual reality outside the bounds of her Christian upbringing, projecting her on an intense quest for spiritual truth. As the mysterious realm of energies and meditation opened before her, she expanded her practice by seeking in-depth training at a Buddhist Center in California, a meditation retreat in South America, and an ashram in India. After a decade of passionately pursing spirituality, she became a certified yoga teacher and a master level Reiki practitioner. Jessica then moved forward with her dream to share these teachings with others, but strange things began to occur. Before her business plan for an instruction center was completed, a terrifying and profound spiritual encounter shattered not only Jessica’s goals, but the very lens through which she viewed the world.

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  • Give Me 40 Days


    Do you need a manifestation of the healing power of God in your life? If so, Give me 40 Days for Healing could quite possibly be the tool the Lord will use to teach you how to bring forth what you already possess. Jesus did it all for you on Calvary. Healing in every area of your life – spirit, soul, and body, has already been bought and paid for by Jesus Christ. Total health is a part of your covenant in God, but it will not come to you automatically. You must learn how to appropriate what already belongs to you.

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  • Supernatural Deliverance : Freedom For Your Soul Mind And Emotions


    Is There More to Your Problem Than Meets the Eye?

    What’s the most difficult problem you face? Have you been struggling with an issue for months-or even years-without finding a solution, even though you have prayed about it? Perhaps you have an underlying sense of fear or anxiety, a cycle of failure, an inability to forgive someone, crippling feelings of guilt, a struggle with addiction or sexual immorality, uncontrollable anger, or some other persistent problem.

    You may think you understand what you’ve been dealing with, but perhaps there is more to it. Most believers love Christ but, for lack of knowledge, are still living under some form of bondage by the enemy. Demonic spirits are the main cause of many emotional, spiritual, and physical problems we struggle with.

    The answer, as you will discover in this book, is the precious ministry of deliverance.

    Through biblical examples, his personal experiences in ministry, and powerful testimonies of people who have been delivered, Apostle Guillermo Maldonado clearly explains that deliverance is part of the finished work of the cross, on which Jesus won the war against sin, sickness, death-and all the power of the enemy.

    Deliverance is available for every child of God. Whether you need deliverance-or desire to help set others free-Supernatural Deliverance provides solutions for defeating the enemy, enabling you to enjoy peace, freedom, and a fruitful life.

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  • Power Of Prophetic Prayer


    Prayer releases the atmosphere of heaven into the earth.

    If prayer can alter the course of history and reshape the world, then why don’t believers pray more? Perhaps because they don’t understand the power of prophetic prayer! Kynan Bridges leads readers in a spiritual discovery of what prayer is and how much power it holds by exploring the relationship between “prophecy” and “prayer.”

    Prophetic prayer is more than a religious exercise; it is actually the supernatural catalyst that enables us to experience the power and presence of God in every area of our lives. If believers only knew the power of prophetic prayer, they wouldn’t struggle to bend the knee.

    This book will answer your questions about prayer, including:
    *What is the power and significance of prayer?
    *Is every believer supposed to pray prophetically?
    *Can I really manifest the miraculous through prayer?
    *What do I do when nothing happens after I pray?

    The Power of Prophetic Prayer will forever alter your prayer life.

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  • Pride Versus Humility


    There are universal spiritual laws that govern the success of our lives, and Pride Versus Humility explores one of those vital laws that is often overlooked: “For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted” (Matthew 23:12 NIV).

    With candor and biblical force, Derek Prince confronts central issues concerning pride and humility. As always, what he shares is not only insightful but also immensely practical. Ranging from the vital role of humility as we draw closer to God, to the absolute necessity for humility in any position of leadership, to the indispensable role of humility in our relationships with others, the contents of this book can have a life-changing impact on you as you learn the hazards of pride and discover God’s perfect pattern for humility.

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  • Awaken : Letters From A Spiritual Father To This Generation


    Words of Wisdom for the Next Generation of Ministry

    We live in a time when the church is failing to live up to its own standards. It has tragically been losing the respect of those it tries to win to Christ because it has succumbed to sin, pride, and corruption. In the past, a lost world looked to the church as the example of hope and integrity; today, many people laugh or roll their eyes when the church is mentioned. It has largely lost its relevance in the world.

    In Awaken, best-selling author Terry Nance has composed a series of letters to younger and newer believers, aiming to help them avoid many of the sins and mistakes of their spiritual fathers as they hold high the standard of the kingdom of God with which they have been entrusted.

    We the church must realize that we are called to be kingdom leaders for Jesus Christ, not empire builders for ourselves. We must awaken to the understanding that we carry Jesus to this world, and His spirit within us must be reflected in everything we do.

    Nance’s challenge is clear: Set a standard of holiness in your own life, endure affliction as a good soldier of Christ, run your race with patience, and persevere until you come to the finish line. As you do, you can leave behind an army of leaders in the next generation who will take up your banner for Jesus and carry it forward with honor.

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  • Heritage Of The Saints


    The heritage of the saints is the presence of the Holy Spirit.

    The Heritage of Saints delves into Jesus Christ’s mighty gift to mankind: the Holy Spirit. As Lockyer eloquently explains, every believer is rich with the abundance of the Spirit in His sevenfold manifestation: the baptism, the gift, the indwelling, the anointing, the sealing, the pledge, and the in-filling.

    Although an understanding of the Spirit and His work is essential for spiritual growth, His presence throughout the Scripture can be overlooked by the believer. To remedy that, Lockyer traces the Spirit’s presence, role, and activity in the Bible and practically guides the reader in how to do the same.

    Believers who are eager to learn more about their inheritance will appreciate Lockyer’s timeless insights on the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.

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  • 1 Minute After You Die


    One minute after you die, you will either be elated or terrified-and it will be too late to reroute your travel plans.When you slip behind the parted curtain, your life will not be over.

    Rather, it will be just beginning-in a place of unimaginable bliss or indescribable gloom. One Minute After You Die opens a window on eternity with a simple and moving explanation of what the Bible teaches about death.Bestselling author Erwin Lutzer urges readers to study what the Bible says on this critical subject, bringing a biblical and pastoral perspective to such issues as:
    *Channeling, reincarnation, and near-death experiences,
    *What heaven will be like
    *The justice of eternal punishment
    *The death of a child
    *Trusting in God’s providence
    *Preparing for your own final moment

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  • Embracing God As Father


    Jesus said, “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father” (John 14:9). He and the Father are one in their love, joy, and desire to bless.

    In Embracing God as Father, Daniel Bush and Noel Due show us what God has done, is doing, and does every day as he speaks his Word into our hearts. God searches for the lost and weary to save us, adopt us into his family through Christ, and make us sons and daughters of the one and only Father. This theologically rich and deeply personal book helps us see God as he truly is and see who we are as his sons and daughters.
    “Reading Embracing God as Father was not dissimilar to my first reading the words of Jesus about the true nature of a Father who ‘gives good things’ to his children. As I read, I was overwhelmed again by a heavenly Father who revealed himself to us in Jesus. I found myself sometimes moved to tears and sometimes laughing the laughter of the free and loved. Read this book and rejoice in your Father!”

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  • Kingdom Woman : Embracing Your Purpose Power And Possibilities


    A kingdom woman gives the devil as much reason to fear as a kingdom man. She lives confidently in the knowledge that Christ died and rose for her so that she can experience the significance of the destiny to which she has been called.

    In Kingdom Woman, Tony Evans and his daughter, Chrystal Evans Hurst, remind women of their calling from God to be free, delivered, healed, and hopeful. The authors bring insight that encourages women to correct distorted perceptions and understand who they really are in Christ-never settling for less when connected with the One who gives them hope. All believers are covered by God’s covenant with Abraham. Evans and Hurst want women to know these rights and confidently claim and live by them. The new covenant offers more than a life of mediocrity. A kingdom woman is called and empowered to live a life of victory through Christ!

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  • Kingdom Man : Every Mans Destiny Every Womans Dream


    When a man follows the principles of biblical manhood, those around him benefit from his leadership and care. Kingdom Man challenges and equips men to fully understand their position under God as well as their position over what God has given them. The biblical definition of a man is one who has learned to operate under the authority of Jesus Christ while carrying out responsible and legitimate leadership within the sphere of influence that God has placed him. Kingdom Man provides concepts men can follow that will help them to actively pursue ways to maximize and develop the character qualities of biblical manhood in their lives.

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  • Man After Gods Own Heart (Expanded)


    Would you like to have a real and lasting impact on the world around you? God knows what it will take for you to experience the satisfaction that comes from living a life of purpose–His purpose. In A Man After God’s Own Heart, you’ll discover God’s perfect design for how you can make a difference in all the key areas of your life:
    *your marriage–what it means to love, lead, and protect your wife
    *your children–the keys to training them up and shaping their hearts
    *your work–modeling integrity and diligence in the workplace
    *your church–discovering how and where God can use you
    *your life example–letting others see God in your words and actions

    Commit now to becoming a man after God’s own heart–you’ll find it the most rewarding pursuit ever!

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  • Resurrection In Your Life


    1. He Is Not Here
    2. Was It Not Necessary?
    3. The Peace Of Certainty
    4. The Parting
    5. Leaving To Return
    6. A New Witness
    7. Like Tongs Of Fire
    8. The Clock Is Ticking
    9. Because Death Could Not Hold Him
    10. Devoted

    Additional Info
    Christians often spend time arguing that Jesus rose, but we forget to appreciate why it actually matters.

    In the follow-up to his brilliant book on the cross, Passion, US pastor and well-known author Mike McKinley considers the revolutionary consequences for each of us of Christ’s resurrection, ascension and the sending of his Spirit.

    Walk through Luke 24 and Acts 1-2 and discover how the reality that Jesus lives can and should change every aspect of our world.

    Whether you’re a new or a mature Christian, let the joy, peace, confidence and purpose of the resurrection flood into your everyday life.

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  • 30 Day Detox For Your Soul


    Hurt, disappointed, messed up, and dried out-that’s how many of us feel in life as we carry on the best we can. 30-Day Detox for Your Soul is more than a devotional-it is a spiritual “deep clean” or “health spa” that gently but effectively uncovers the issues of the heart (both old and new) that negatively affect the way we live and act, allowing God to heal us and set us free, spiritually and emotionally.

    Writing from her own experiences with heart-piercing honesty, author Jo Naughton provides an easy-to-follow daily journey that will ignite a new fire in our relationship with God, leading to renewed purpose and the fulfillment of our true destiny in life.

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  • Life Of Worship


    As a pioneer in the production and recording of songs for worship, Asaph Borba has been teaching on worship for more than three decades throughout his native country of Brazil and in more than fifty other nations. Asaph’s message is that true worship is not based in music but in the life of the worshipper. Many people think that what God desires from us is a collection of dogmas and actions-music, festivals, and celebrations-that will be exchanged for His blessings. God wants so much more than that.

    To the Father, the most essential thing is being rather than doing. Worship is a way of life, not a musical style. God is interested in our heart and its motivation far beyond any action or practice. Love is the language and essence of God. Worship occurs when one’s faith is transformed into love. Only then do we become truthful, authentic, and transparent before the One who sees all. And that is true worship.

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  • Kingdom Authority


    Ever since Kynan Bridges was a young boy, he understood that he was not alone in this world. He sensed the presence of God, but when he rededicated his life to Jesus in 1996, he encountered the dark side of the spiritual realm firsthand. For several months, he was tormented by nightmares, demonic attacks, and the spirit of fear. Little did he know that such demonic attacks on the mind and body were not unique to him. Many people in the church battle with the realm of darkness, yet they remain silent and therefore stuck in its throes, with no knowledge of how to achieve victory.

    One night, feeling suffocated in his sleep, Kynan called on the only name he knew to call upon, the name of Jesus. Instantly, he was set free from the tyrannical grip of the devil. In that moment, he realized that he had authority over the enemy because the name of Jesus is more than a word used casually in Sunday school-it is the embodiment of the sovereign power of the kingdom of God.

    Kingdom Authority provides deep biblical insight into the authority that you posses as a child of God. You will discover how to invoke God’s Word and the name of Jesus to gain victory over the enemy and take dominion over the powers of darkness and their torments, finding freedom from fear, depression, lust, sickness, poverty, and bondage of all types.

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  • Esther Anointing : Becoming A Woman Of Prayer Courage And Influence


    Be inspired by Esther, an incredible woman of God. Esther was willing to risk her life for the welfare of her people and the furthering of God’s plan. Strategically positioned by God in a place of influence, Esther is a powerful biblical example of how God can use anyone. She answered God’s call and went through a season of preparation physically and spiritually to get ready.

    Just like in biblical times, God is positioning women today and giving them divine opportunities to influence the culture for His glory. The Esther Anointing gives you the keys to Esther’s success, including the qualities that make women great, the power of influence, and the key to finding God’s favor for your assignment.

    It doesn’t matter where you came from or what skills and talents you have; if you let Him, God can use your life for His glory!

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  • Hit List : Taking Aim At The Seven Deadly Sins


    Pride, envy, wrath, sloth, greed, gluttony, lust. Early church fathers warned of them. Advertisers play to them. But doesn’t Scripture teach that all sin is equally damning? Is there any reason for modern Christians to study the seven deadly sins?

    According to Brian Hedges, there is. “These sins were considered capital sins not because they were the worst, but because they were gateway sins. These seven nest deeply in our hearts and engender whole broods of further sins.” In Hit List: Taking Aim at the Seven Deadly Sins, Hedges gets to the root of these vices. He also shows how the gospel is the only solution to these age-old problems.

    We may recognize these sins by their names, but we are often misled by the subtlety of their methods. In Hit List, Brian Hedges helps us take aim at the seven deadly sins by providing detailed dossiers for each one and equipping us with rich gospel resources for replacing vice with the virtue of Christ.

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  • Plain Account Of Christian Perfection


    “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”
    -Matthew 5:48

    In his classic book A Plain Account of Christian Perfection, John Wesley offers a comprehensive teaching on the doctrine of Christian perfection. In it, he describes the evolution of his own theological reasoning, telling the story of how he came to understand and to preach this doctrine in his own life. In this work that is part autobiography, part spiritual contemplation, and part scriptural exegesis, Wesley shares tracts he wrote on the topic of perfection, describes the conflicts that sometimes arose over his ideas, reveals his own developing convictions, and offers probing queries for all believers to consider. Included at the end is an account of Wesley’s personal experience of “entire holiness.”

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  • LifeQuest : Navigating The Gap Between Your Current Reality And Your Future


    Moving from Unconscious Living to Wide-awake Destiny!

    Are you stuck in an unfamiliar place where nothing looks or works the way it used to? Do you feel stranded on strange seas without a map or compass? Are you drifting rudderlessly through life without meaning and direction?

    Welcome to the gap-a messy but miraculous patch of real estate that lies between your current state of reality and the location of your destiny. Traversing that gap is a vital step in every human journey. But how does one navigate the unknown?

    Many Christians have been taught that God controls everything about their lives. He doesn’t. God never handed you a script to memorize and follow. Instead, He created you with the capacity to invoke, evoke, and provoke your personal destiny. That’s right-you have all you need to call your destiny into being.

    Through LifeQuest, pastor and life coach Mark Chironna will guide you to chart a course for your life’s journey by helping you to ask the right questions, encouraging you to explore the perilous gap, and showing you that change is not your enemy. This is your journey, and you get only one. Don’t waste another minute of it. Get started on your quest today!

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  • Spiritual Gifts For Spiritual Warfare


    What are spiritual gifts, and why are they important? Perhaps you have never heard of spiritual gifts outside of their few appearances in the New Testament, or perhaps you are wondering how a concept to seemingly ancient is still applicable to you today.

    Spiritual gifts are important tools in battling and overcoming Satan, and God freely gives them to His followers. The church need not be ignorant any longer. In Spiritual Gifts for Spiritual Warfare, Tom Brown presents the spiritual gifts and describes their uses in spiritual warfare, equipping you to…
    *Recognize the various spiritual gifts
    *Receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit
    *Activate the spiritual gifts in your life
    *Appropriate the gifts of revelation, power, and speech
    *Become wise by discerning God’s will
    *Impart wisdom and other spiritual gifts to others

    You are not alone. You have a Helper, the Holy Spirit, who wants to assist you in overcoming temptation and defeating the enemy in your life. Don’t be alarmed by Satan’s work. The Spirit who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. (See 1 John 4:4.) So, stand up and use the tools you’ve been given to walk boldly in the way of truth!

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  • Passionate Pursuit : Getting To Know God And His Word


    “You were created with an internal void that only God Himself can fill.”

    “The depth of your hunger for God is the length of your reach to Him.”

    “You can be as close to God as you want to be.”

    Many of us have heard these statements-or similar ones. Are they mere cliches? Or do they point to a truth that is so profound it should be the main focus of our life?

    The mighty God of the universe is also your heavenly Father who loves you deeply. He understands you inside and out, and He desires for you to know Him personally, too. Author James W. Goll joyfully guides you past the cliches and into the spiritual reality of knowing God’s heart through an intentional, ongoing relationship with Him.

    Passionate Pursuit shows you how to open your heart to encounter the living Lord. As your discovery of God unfolds, and your relationship with Him deepens, you will be surprised and delighted to hear His voice, to learn from Him-and to touch His heart. You will be filled with the life of God, and you will always desire to come back for more. In the process, you will gradually be transformed to become like Him and to reflect His image to others.

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  • Real Salvation


    “I believe that God is putting the question of the text to every man and woman, to every Christian, and to everyone who is not a Christian. ‘Where art thou?’ Where do you stand as regards spiritual and eternal things? Where do you stand as regards God, as regards heaven, as regards righteousness, as regards Christ, as regards eternity? ‘Where art thou?’ Every wise man will be glad to face and answer that question. Every truly intelligent man desires to know just where he is.”

    Discover why what you believe is so important. In Real Salvation, R. A. Torrey explores what God has revealed to us of the afterlife-heaven, hell, and eternity. Join him as he endeavors to answer many of the questions that are still grappled with today, such as:
    *What does it mean to be saved?
    *Who can be saved?
    *What can we expect heaven and hell to be like?
    *What are the characteristics of an effective soulwinner?
    *How can we find true rest and joy?

    In this thought-provoking book, Torrey challenges readers, even those who have not yet decided what they believe, to wrestle with age-old questions of faith, redemption, and salvation. His lucid, cogent writing is sure to compel both Christians and non-Christians to seek the truth.

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  • Going On With Christ


    This booklet provides the format for telling others about salvation and the Christian life. Topics include putting Christ first in your life, relying on the Lord’s strength, the importance of the Bible, and love.

    Originally sold as a 10-pack (9781600061707), this is sold as a single copy.

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  • Whole Soul : Rescripting Your Life For Personal Transformation


    Transform your life as you change your thoughts. A key to wholeness is found in this simple yet profound truth. The Whole Soul offers simple solutions to earth-shattering, overwhelming, every day life crises. Transformation has never been easy, yet we have the solution to every issue we encounter. Imagine living a lifestyle where you literally have the power to walk over every circumstance, every obstacle, and every challenge. A lifestyle where you have authority to take captive every debilitating thought and toxic mindset-changing your life permanently. Eternity is in the hearts of men/women (Eccl. 3:11) giving dominion over every thought. You see, the circumstances we face every day are simply the result of our perception and how we navigate our thought life. In the pages of this book you will find the opportunity to choose victory over defeat.

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  • Forget Not His Benefits


    SKU (ISBN): 9781629112251ISBN10: 1629112259Roberts LiardonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2014Publisher: Banner Publishing

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  • Spiritual Disciplines For The Christian Life Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    This updated companion guide to Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life (see description below) takes you through a carefully selected array of disciplines that will help you grow in godliness. Ideal for personal or small-group use.

    Drawn from a rich heritage, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life will guide you through a carefully selected array of disciplines. By illustrating why the disciplines are important, showing how each one will help you grow in godliness, and offering practical suggestions for cultivating them, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life will provide you with a refreshing opportunity to become more like Christ and grow in character and maturity. Now updated and revised to equip a new generation of readers, this anniversary edition features in-depth discussions on each of the key disciplines.

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  • Spiritual Disciplines For The Christian Life


    Drawn from a rich heritage, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life will guide you through a carefully selected array of disciplines. By illustrating why the disciplines are important, showing how each one will help you grow in godliness, and offering practical suggestions for cultivating them, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life will provide you with a refreshing opportunity to become more like Christ and grow in character and maturity. Now updated and revised to equip a new generation of readers, this anniversary edition features in-depth discussions on each of the key disciplines.

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  • If You Want To Walk On Water Youve Got To Get Out Of The Boat


    Winner of the 2002 Christianity Today Book Award! You’re One Step Away from the Adventure of Your Life. Deep within you lies the same faith and longing that sent Peter walking across the wind-swept Sea of Galilee toward Jesus. In what ways is the Lord telling you, as he did Peter, ‘Come’? John Ortberg invites you to consider the incredible potential that awaits you outside your comfort zone. Out on the risky waters of faith, Jesus is waiting to meet you in ways that will change you forever, deepening your character and your trust in God. The experience is terrifying. It’s thrilling beyond belief. It’s everything you’d expect of someone worthy to be called Lord. The choice is yours to know him as only a water-walker can, aligning yourself with God’s purpose for your life in the process. There’s just one requirement: If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat.

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  • Just Do Something


    Why won’t God reveal his special will for my life already?

    Because he doesn’t intend to… So says Kevin DeYoung in this punchy book about making decisions the godly way.

    Many of us are listening for the still small voice to tell us what’s next instead of listening to the clear voice in Scripture telling us what’s now. God does have a will for your life, but it is the same as everyone else’s: Seek first the kingdom of God. And quit floundering.

    With pastoral wisdom and tasteful wit, DeYoung debunks unbiblical ways of understanding God’s will and constructs a simple but biblical alternative: live like Christ. He exposes the frustrations of our waiting games and unfolds the freedom of finding God’s will in Scripture and then simply doing it.

    This book is a call to put down our Magic 8-Balls and pick up God’s Word. It’s a call to get wisdom, follow Christ, be holy, and live freely. To just do something.

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  • Gates Of Redemption


    In God’s redemptive plan, one’s heart is the center of one’s being. Actually, it is designed to be the dwelling place of God. “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you…I will put My Spirit within you…” (Ezekiel 36:26-27). God has designed the heart as the gateway to one’s mind, will and emotions. By opening a single gate into the heart and letting the Spirit of the Living God come in, we start a domino effect of massive proportions. Through opening all the gates into the heart, we allow the Spirit of the Living God to dwell and abide in us.

    As we rebuild and restore these gateways, we will find that not only are we a people who God wants to bless, but that these ancient gates literally FLOW with the blessings of God-blessings of purpose, understanding, and rest for the weary soul. These gates, when properly aligned, are the entrance/exit places for God’s Glory!

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  • Guys Guide To God Girls And The Phone In Your Pocket


    The Guy’s Guide will encourage your faith, challenge you spiritually, and give you real-life advice how to live out your faith in today’s highly secularized culture, with distractions lurking around every corner. . .and just a click away.

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  • Power Of Gods Names


    In his exciting new book, bestselling author Dr. Tony Evans shows that it’s through the names of God that the nature of God is revealed to us. Who is God in His fullness? How has He expressed His riches and righteousness? How can you trust His goodness?

    As you get to know the names of God and understand their meaning, God’s character will become real to you in life-changing ways.

    You will explore the depths of God as
    Elohim: The All-Powerful Creator
    Jehovah: The Self-Revealing One
    Adonai: The Owner of All
    Jehovah-Jireh: The Lord Who Provides
    El Shaddai: The Almighty Sufficient One
    El Elion: The Most High Ruler
    Jehovah Nissi: The Lord’s Banner of Victory
    Jehovah Shalom: The Lord Our Peace
    Jehovah Mekadesh: The Lord Who Sanctifies
    Jehovah Rophe: The Lord Who Heals
    Jehovah Tsikenu: The Lord My Righteousness
    Jehovah Robi: The Lord My Shepherd
    Immanuel: God With Us

    By studying and understanding the characteristics of God as revealed through His names, you will be better equipped to face hardship and victory, loss and provision, and all of the challenges life throws at you.

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  • Ultimate Security : Finding A Refuge In Difficult Times


    Where do I find security?

    Discovering the answer to that question is a universal quest. Mankind has addressed the basic human drive for security through such avenues as the police, the military, insurance policies, investments, and governmental social programs. These efforts cost billions of dollars each year.

    Yet, in spite of our best attempts, in most instances, we are ultimately powerless to achieve real security. In fact, our only hope of attaining genuine security is to first come to grips with the fact that any man-made agency is powerless to provide it in the end. Many circumstances remain totally outside our control.

    Thankfully, there is another source of security we can turn to-one that is completely different in nature and in the type of security it offers. This alternative source can provide both total and permanent security. What is it? It is the wisdom of God.

    Legendary Bible teacher Derek Prince explores various ways in which God provides security, highlighting the conditions we must meet in order to qualify for His protection in each area of our lives-spiritual, physical, financial, and so forth-as well as be protected from fear and worry, discouragement and depression, and criticism and lies.

    We must have a solid foundation that can endure the pressures and difficulties we inevitably face. That foundation is the Word of God and the wisdom it provides. God’s wisdom reveals His eternal nature, contains His everlasting counsel, and shows us the way through the shifting sands of time to the Eternal Rock upon which we can all build with absolute confidence.

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  • Eternity Changes Everything


    1. Your Future In Your Present
    2. Everything New
    3. He Will Dwell With Them
    4. The Future Is Certain
    5. Your Future Is Certain
    6. Tightrope Walking
    7. Restlessness
    8. Patience
    9. Heavenly Citizens
    10. Needing This World Less
    11. Loving This World More

    Additional Info
    Our view of the future affects how we feel and act in the present. Stephen Witmer excites us about where the world is heading, gives certainty about where we as individuals are heading, and thrills us about how eternity really does change everything in our daily lives.
    If you are worried about your future… or if your future doesn’t seem to make any difference to your now… or if you simply want to get more excited about where you will spend eternity… read this book!

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  • Supernatural Transformation


    The central organ of the human body is the heart. It circulates the blood throughout the whole bodily system, pumping oxygen and nutrients to the other organs and pulling toxins away from them.

    Yet we human beings have another “heart”-a spiritual one-that is the true center of our existence. Our spiritual heart is our identity. It is the foundation of our whole being, from which our desires, designs, purposes, will, thoughts, and attitudes originate.

    Yet, as a result of the fall and our sinful nature, we all have symptoms of “heart disease,” and we need to know how to become spiritually heart-healthy. As the Scriptures say, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9). Every spiritual, mental, and emotional matter-and many physical ones-is rooted in the heart. The state of our spiritual heart affects all aspects of our daily living. Therefore, the condition of our heart will be the condition of our life.

    Join Apostle Maldonado in a journey of discovery into the purpose, motivations, and potential of our spiritual heart. God wants us to understand how, in Christ, our heart is designed to “pump” life to our entire being-producing mental, emotional, and physical health and removing the toxins of sin.

    We were created to reflect the heart of our heavenly Father. And God is ready even now to change our heart to be like His through a supernatural transformation!

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  • Ideal Life Listening For Gods Voice Discerning His Leading


    Shortly after the death of Scottish evangelist and scholar Henry Drummond, his family celebrated his life by publishing this collection of his sermons, prefaced with memorials by evangelist W. Robertson Nicoll and theologian Ian Maclaren.

    Drummond addresses such topics as the nature of Christ, human sin and guilt, and salvation, and he suggests ways in which Christians can lead lives that are pleasing to God. Although determining the will of God for one’s life can often seem difficult, Drummond stresses the importance of prayer in listening for God’s voice and discerning His leading.

    Especially admired by young people during his life, Drummond’s warm character shines through in these heartfelt messages.

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  • Bait Of Satan 20th Anniversary Edition


    The twentieth-anniversary edition of one of our most popular books The Bait of Satan exposes one of the most deceptive snares Satan uses to get believers out of the will of God-offense. This trap restrains countless Christians, severs relationships, and widens the gulfs between us. With testimonials from people whose lives have been changed by his message, the book will inspire readers to stay free from offense and its destructive power, answering tough questions like: ·     Why am I compelled to tell “my side” of the story? ·     How can I fight thoughts of suspicion or distrust? ·     What can I do to stop rehearsing past hurts? How can I regain trust after someone deeply offends me?

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  • Purpose Driven Life What On Earth Am I Here For Expanded Edition (Expanded)


    Translated into over 50 languages, The Purpose Driven Life is far more than just a book; it is a guide to a spiritual journey that has transformed millions of lives. Once you take this journey, you’ll never be the same again. This new, expanded edition of The Purpose Driven Life, created for a new generation of reader, includes: Video introductions by Rick Warren to chapters 1-40 An audio Bible study at the end of each chapter, with over 30 additional hours of teaching by Rick Warren. Two new bonus chapters on the most common barriers to living a purpose driven life. Access to an online community where you can discuss your journey to purpose, get feedback, and receive support. Living out the purpose you were created for moves you beyond mere survival and success to a life of significance—the life you were meant to live. On your journey you’ll find the answers to 3 of life’s most important questions: The Question of Existence: Why am I alive? The Question of Significance: Does my life matter? The Question of Purpose: What on earth am I here for? Transform your life. Start your journey today.

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  • Aligning With The Apostolic 3


    Volume 3 includes Apostolic Intercession, Apostolic Character & Maturity, and Apostolic Education

    Written by Seventy Apostles and Apostolic Leaders from around the world and across the Seven Mountains (Spheres) of Culture, Aligning With the Apostolic is a pioneering, groundbreaking study and practical application and demonstration of the role and function of modern apostles in both the marketplace and the ecclesiastical realm, as well as the apostolic movement sweeping the earth today. Aligning With the Apostolic provides an unprecedented overview of the scope, nature, depth and breadth of the calling, function, gift, and office of apostles, and their role and function in the broader society and Kingdom of God as well as the church.

    This historic, five-volume series is edited by Dr. Bruce Cook, with Forewords by Drs. Peter Wagner, Bill Hamon, Lance Wallnau, Paula Price, Gordon Bradshaw, John Muratori and other leading apostles such as Rich Marshall, Lynn Scarborough, Johnny Enlow, and the late Kent Humphreys. The anthology also includes endorsements from John Eckhardt, Elisabeth Cochrane, Dr. Chuck Pierce, Dr. Elizabeth Hairston, and numerous others.

    Contributing Authors include Bill Johnson, Dr. Rick Joyner, Kent Humphreys, Dr. Tommi Femrite, Alice Patterson, Stephanie Klinzing, Dr. Joseph Umidi, Dr. Joseph Mattera, Mark Pfeifer, Sharon Billins, Jon Grieser, Ray Hughes, Axel Sippach, Al Caperna, Tom Webb, Ken Beaudry, Dr. Tim Hamon, John Anderson, Dr. Mark Kauffman, Ed Turose, Dennis Wiedrick, Lorne Tebbutt, Dr. Gayle Rogers, Candace Long, Paul Cuny, Dick and Dr. Arleen Westerhof, Christopher James, Daniel Geraci, Dr. Gordon Bradshaw, Dr. John Muratori, Dr. Paula Price, LaRue Adkinson, Larry Tyler, Fernando Guillen, Dr. Lee Ann Marino, Max Greiner Jr., Tim Taylor, Charlie Fisher, Dr. Doug Atha, Laurie Boyd, Kari Browning, Lloyd Phillips, Dr. Kluane Spake, Dr. Stan DeKoven, Dr. Tony Dale, Dr. Philip Byler, Dr. Michael Scantlebury, Curtis Gillespie, Dr. Stan Jeffery, Gary Beaton, Wende Jones, Dr. Carl White Jr., Dr. Erik Kudlis, Dr. John Burpee, Robert Henderson, Bob Cathers, Dr. Nick Castellano, Duncan Campbell, Dr. David Andrade, Dr. Ted Baehr, Dr. Berin Gilfillan, Dr. A.L. (Papa) Gill, Henry Falany, Dr. Michelle Morrison, James Nesbit, Cal Pierce, Walt Pilcher, Morris Ruddick, Mark Henderson, and Dr. Bruce Cook.

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  • Aligning With The Apostolic 1


    Volume 1 includes Introduction & Overview

    Written by Seventy Apostles and Apostolic Leaders from around the world and across the Seven Mountains (Spheres) of Culture, Aligning With the Apostolic is a pioneering, groundbreaking study and practical application and demonstration of the role and function of modern apostles in both the marketplace and the ecclesiastical realm, as well as the apostolic movement sweeping the earth today. Aligning With the Apostolic provides an unprecedented overview of the scope, nature, depth and breadth of the calling, function, gift, and office of apostles, and their role and function in the broader society and Kingdom of God as well as the church.

    This historic, five-volume series is edited by Dr. Bruce Cook, with Forewords by Drs. Peter Wagner, Bill Hamon, Lance Wallnau, Paula Price, Gordon Bradshaw, John Muratori and other leading apostles such as Rich Marshall, Lynn Scarborough, Johnny Enlow, and the late Kent Humphreys. The anthology also includes endorsements from John Eckhardt, Elisabeth Cochrane, Dr. Chuck Pierce, Dr. Elizabeth Hairston, and numerous others.

    Contributing Authors include Bill Johnson, Dr. Rick Joyner, Kent Humphreys, Dr. Tommi Femrite, Alice Patterson, Stephanie Klinzing, Dr. Joseph Umidi, Dr. Joseph Mattera, Mark Pfeifer, Sharon Billins, Jon Grieser, Ray Hughes, Axel Sippach, Al Caperna, Tom Webb, Ken Beaudry, Dr. Tim Hamon, John Anderson, Dr. Mark Kauffman, Ed Turose, Dennis Wiedrick, Lorne Tebbutt, Dr. Gayle Rogers, Candace Long, Paul Cuny, Dick and Dr. Arleen Westerhof, Christopher James, Daniel Geraci, Dr. Gordon Bradshaw, Dr. John Muratori, Dr. Paula Price, LaRue Adkinson, Larry Tyler, Fernando Guillen, Dr. Lee Ann Marino, Max Greiner Jr., Tim Taylor, Charlie Fisher, Dr. Doug Atha, Laurie Boyd, Kari Browning, Lloyd Phillips, Dr. Kluane Spake, Dr. Stan DeKoven, Dr. Tony Dale, Dr. Philip Byler, Dr. Michael Scantlebury, Curtis Gillespie, Dr. Stan Jeffery, Gary Beaton, Wende Jones, Dr. Carl White Jr., Dr. Erik Kudlis, Dr. John Burpee, Robert Henderson, Bob Cathers, Dr. Nick Castellano, Duncan Campbell, Dr. David Andrade, Dr. Ted Baehr, Dr. Berin Gilfillan, Dr. A.L. (Papa) Gill, Henry Falany, Dr. Michelle Morrison, James Nesbit, Cal Pierce, Walt Pilcher, Morris Ruddick, Mark Henderson, and Dr. Bruce Cook.

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  • Pursuit Of God (Reprinted)


    The Pursuit of God is the enduring Christian classic written by renowned pastor and theologian A. W. Tozer. More than 65 years later, the words Tozer penned on a train from Illinois to Texas echo across the decades to resonate with power in the heart of anyone longing for a deeper experience with God. This devotional masterpiece is at once thought-provoking and spirit-enlivening, an invitation to think deeply about your faith even as you come alive to God’s presence surrounding, sustaining and–yes–pursuing you. “This book is a modest attempt,” Tozer wrote, “to aid God’s children so to find Him.” If you are hungry, The Pursuit of God will lead you to the only One who can satisfy the soul.

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  • Dark Threads The Weaver Needs


    Suffering is an age-old question that has puzzled the people of God since time began. After all, if our God is both a loving and an all-powerful being, why does He allow such pain and suffering in the world?

    At the age of eighty-two, legendary Bible scholar Dr. Herbert Lockyer took on this question. As he watched his wife of sixty-six years slowly fade from loving spouse to an incapacitated person who needed his constant care, it caused him to look upon her afflicted, helpless form, and ask, O my God, why?

    In this outstanding work, Lockyer does not present ideas on how to cope with suffering but teaches how to pass through it, removing self-pity and using personal trials as a springboard to help others. In the midst of his darkest hour, Lockyer examines the problem of human suffering in light of God’s love and His eternal plan.

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