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Showing 201–250 of 830 results

  • Now I Become Myself


    The experience of shame is more common than we think. It isn’t confined to those who have failed or gone through trauma or who have been told as children they would never amount to anything. People who are immensely successful also struggle with a sense they are deficient in some way.

    Drawing on a wide range of sources including scripture, spiritual formation classics, psychology, and relational neuroscience, and using a rich variety of stories from his own life, Ken Shigematsu shows how a deep, experiential encounter with the love of God can heal us of our shame, make us whole, and inspire us to fulfill our purpose by making a faithful contribution to the world.

    Now I Become Myself will help you to break free of envy and will reveal how beauty and the experience of joy can help us overcome shame. It is for anyone who has a sense of not being enough in some way–whether you’ve experienced suffering or success–who longs to live out of a healthy sense of security and freedom.

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  • Language Of The Soul


    For over fifteen years, writer Jeff Crosby has been searching for a language of the soul–a way to articulate our deepest longings. Through the years he gathered clues from within global music styles, from different cultures, from his own Christian tradition and its sacred texts–and from deep within himself.

    A lover of words, he sought not only to translate our longings into words but to understand why these seemingly universal yearnings have long remained unnamed. Now in these pages, Crosby gifts us with those so-often-untranslatable desires of our hearts, guiding us to finally find the words and luminous insights for our own longings for home, for friendship, for forgiveness, and for transformation–and how God meets us in the midst of these longings. Eschewing easy answers, Crosby begins the naming process, helping us to make connections–and to recognize, within ourselves and our faith, our heart’s true home.

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  • Dont Look Back


    Moving on is not a one-time decision. It’s a way of living

    There are times in life when we look back and feel desperate to make time stand still, particularly when we get blindsided by unexpected changes. But we can’t stop the flow of life, and we can’t stop time. What’s more, looking back doesn’t enable us to go back. More often than not, it just makes us stuck. In a place. In a space. In a memory. In a mindset. In a habit.In John 17:32, Jesus drops three little words: Remember Lot’s wife. We don’t know her name, history, or story. All we know is that when she was fleeing Sodom and Gomorrah, she was told not to look back, and she did the one thing she was asked not to do. She looked back and turned into a pillar of salt. And out of the 170 women referred to in the Scriptures, she’s the only one Jesus told us to remember.

    With a rallying cry to Remember Lot’s wife, Bible teacher, international speaker, activist, and bestselling author Christine Caine motivates us to stop looking back, to get unstuck and to keep moving forward into God’s promises and purpose for our lives.

    We may not know all God’s plans for us. We may not know where we are going, how long it will take us, or what we will encounter along the way, but with the strategies Christiane Caine gives, we can move on from where we are to where God wants us to be. In this new book, Christine will motivate you to:

    *stop looking back and start looking to Jesus;

    *invite Jesus in to help you get unstuck from the many places we often find ourselves;

    *move on from where you are into all God’s plans, purposes, and promises for your life; and

    *look forward to the future and keep moving toward it in faith–especially when your world is nothing like it once was.

    Jesus is beckoning us onward into the newness of what lies ahead. Stop disqualifying yourself by getting stuck in the past. It’s time to remember Lot’s wife and not look back but move forward boldly.

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  • Spirit Led Living In An Upside Down World


    What if the greatest power you could ever tap into is right in front of you?

    After reading this book, you will have the confidence to walk in the victory Christ died for and begin living exceedingly and abundantly beyond anything you ever could have hoped for or imagined.

    There is a power so great it can help you not only survive but thrive in this crazy world, a power that can give you joy and peace, result in miracles, and make you victorious no matter what. It’s a power that comes from the third member of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit. It’s the power that took the teachings of a young carpenter from Galilee and turned upside down the most ruthless empire of its era, overcoming the paganism that went with it.

    It’s a power that seemed dormant for almost two millennia but has been restored to the church as was told in the Bible. And it’s available today to help you understand the future, have faith to believe for miracles, and know unspeakable peace and happiness no matter your circumstances.

    Spirit-Led Living in an Upside-Down World takes you on a journey to help you understand how you can experience this power and know the Holy Spirit intimately. After covering the work of the Holy Spirit for more than four decades as a journalist, Stephen E. Strang helps readers understand that power is there for the asking–even if others misuse or ignore it. It’s there to give you victory over the forces of evil, help you stand strong when the culture wants you to compromise, and give you the tools to prosper in body, soul, and spirit.

    When he was a young newspaper reporter, Strang experienced this power in a way “exceedingly abundantly above” all he could have asked or thought (Eph. 3:20), and you will too.

    This power will open your spiritual eyes to help you hear from God, deepen your prayer life, and explain the groanings that cannot be uttered. Sharing stories from his own experience and from dozens of modern heroes of the faith, Strang will uplift you and inspire you to:

    *connect with God in new, fresh ways;
    *be a powerful influence on your family, friends, and community;
    *deepen your faith so you can move mountains;
    *learn to be led by the Spirit to uncover your heart’s deepest desires; and
    *overcome challenges and fulfill your dreams and purpose in life.

    Spirit-Led Living in an Upside-Down World is not only one of the most important books you’ll ever read but also one of the most profound. It will reveal the most stunning secrets and

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  • Receiving Gods Promises (Revised)


    God’s Promises for Every Need

    God is inviting you on a journey through the land of His promises and provision-the riches of your inheritance in Christ. The process by which you enter into your inheritance is similar to the journey made by the Israelites in the promised land. God gave them a specific way to gain possession of that land: step by step, stage by stage, area by area. He pledged, “Every place on which the sole of your foot treads, I have given it to you” (Joshua 1:3 NASB).

    Likewise, as you step into each promise of God-in every area of your life-you will possess that much more of your inheritance as an heir of His kingdom. Every day, we face challenges that can be met through God’s powerful provision. In a very practical way, internationally renowned Bible teacher Derek Prince shows you how to address your difficulties and have your needs supplied by applying the specific promises appropriate for each situation. You can receive the blessings of wisdom, guidance, favor at work, good relationships, financial prosperity, healing, peace of mind, and many others.

    God’s provision is in His promises, and His promises are our inheritance-not only in eternity but right now. Start walking through the land of God’s promises and claim your inheritance.

    “[God] has given us everything we need…. He has given us His very great and precious promises” (2 Peter 1:3-4 NIV).

    Revised and updated edition. Includes topical listing of Bible promises.

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  • Little Way : Reflections On The Joy Of Smallness In God’s Infinite Love


    We want to love God with all our hearts, but we often find ourselves striving in our efforts to please Him, acutely aware of our weaknesses. As our failures pile up, we become frustrated and discouraged.

    Have we missed the essence of the gospel? Is there a simple but true way to serve God that can fill us with joy and peace rather than fear and discouragement?

    St. Therese of Lisieux faced similar struggles. As a young woman who desired to abandon herself to God, she felt daunted at the thought of climbing “the steep stairway of perfection.” Therese searched the Scriptures until she discovered a path to freedom she called her “little way.” This is “the way of spiritual childhood, the way of trust and absolute surrender.” It is a recognition that while we are small and imperfect, we have a mighty God who reaches out to us with infinite love, grace, and strength to take care of all our needs.

    As Therese followed this new path, she considered herself a “little flower” in Jesus’s garden. She understood that she was beloved by her heavenly Father and delightful in His eyes. And she could bloom right where He planted her as she daily demonstrated His unconditional love to others in small but meaningful acts of kindness and interceded on their behalf.

    This beautiful book highlights St. Therese’s deep insights into faith and devotion, while visually capturing, through simple floral illustrations, the theme of simplicity that permeated her life. As you read excerpts from St. Therese’s autobiography, poetry, and letters, with accompanying Scripture verses, you will learn to rest in the loving arms of your heavenly Father, allowing your own faith to grow and flourish.

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  • Her Calling : A Woman’s Guide To Fulfilling Her God-Given Destiny


    What Every Woman in Ministry Needs to Know

    Her Calling is a mentor in a book. Dr. Jamie Morgan uses her decades of experience and insightful leadership to inspire women to fulfill their God-given destinies. All women called to ministry will be blessed by the practical guidance and wisdom shared by Jamie Morgan. Regardless of what God has called you to do in your ministry, this book will become one of your most valuable resources.

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  • Disobedient God : Trusting A God Who Goes Off-Script


    What do you do when God doesn’t give you what you want?

    When the people of Israel, those who had witnessed the most abundant and inexplicable acts of God, grew tired of waiting for Moses to come off the mountain, they made a calf of gold. It was easier for them to make a new god than to continue serving a God that didn’t conform to their schedule and expectations.

    Just like the Israelites in the desert, we are all fundamentally longing for God… but who and what are we actually reaching for and serving? Disobedient God addresses the things we do when we feel ignored, inconvenienced and frustrated by God. What things are we reaching for in our life? Are we reaching for porn when we long for intimacy? Reaching for success when we long for security? We would never say that we have replaced God, but our actions tell a different story. Whether we are trying to replace God, trying to run away or trying to perform for Him, we have no mindset to deal with a disobedient God. Disobedient God is a book for people dealing with this disappointment and interested in properly understanding and loving the God they’ve misunderstood.

    This is not a step-by-step instruction manual for how to react when things are difficult; rather, it is a way of understanding God that leads people to discover the relationship with God that they were always meant for.

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  • Authentic Worship : The Path To Greater Unity With God


    What Does It Mean to Truly Worship the Lord?

    Worship is central to our relationship with God. Yet it is more than just singing in church on Sunday morning and going through the motions. God himself shows us examples of true worship in the Bible.

    Knowing the importance and power of worshiping God, A.W. Tozer preached on the topic regularly throughout his life. Here, for the first time in print, are his thoughts on what it really means to praise and honor God for who He is. Digging into Scripture, Tozer reveals how understanding God’s character directly impacts and deepens both our worship of Him and our relationship with Him.

    The worship we begin here on earth should have its roots in heaven–and how we worship today will prepare us to worship God Almighty throughout eternity.

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  • Created To Dream


    God has a dream for your life–and in this concise yet powerful volume, beloved pastor and trusted teacher Rick Warren explains the process God uses to fulfill the dream he gives you.

    The Bible is full of stories of people whose God-given dreams became reality–but not without first going through the six phases of faith. In Created to Dream, Pastor Rick will help you understand how God uses these phases to grow people to spiritual maturity while fulfilling the dreams he gives them. Each phase is a test of your faith.

    The process God uses to grow your faith:

    *Phase 1: Dream–God puts an exciting dream in your heart.
    *Phase 2: Decision–You make the decision to go after the dream.
    *Phase 3: Delays–God allows delays to get you ready for the dream.
    *Phase 4: Difficulties–You face problems that grow your character.
    *Phase 5: Dead Ends–Your situation becomes impossible.
    *Phase 6: Deliverance–God miraculously fulfills the dream!

    Knowing these biblical six phases of faith will allow you to stop wondering, “Why is this happening to me?” and begin cooperating with God’s process of growing you and your faith. You’ll find yourself thinking, “So that’s why that happened!” and you’ll be prepared for all that God has dreamed up for your future.

    This one book can lead to big changes in your life. Read it, then share it with a friend.

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  • Your Mess Gods Miracle


    What if your pain and struggles were not punishments to endure–but opportunities to showcase God’s glory?

    Inspired by the story of the blind man in John 9, bestselling author and pastor Samuel Rodriguez shows us that sometimes Jesus makes your situation a muddy mess first–and out of that mess emerges a miracle. With biblical inspiration, scientific findings and true stories, Pastor Sam lays out the practical, hope-infused roadmap for anyone with the audacity to replace fear with faith, wash away the mud of the past and walk through their mess into God’s miracle.

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  • Winning The War In Your Mind For Teens


    Do your thoughts and your life feel out of your control? Have you found yourself in a spiral of unhealthy thinking? Let God’s truth become your battle plan to win the war in your mind!

    As teens, it can feel difficult to find a way out of our bad habits and unhealthy thought patterns, too often feeling like our thoughts are running out of control and finding ourselves off-track from where we want to be. Pastor and New York Times bestselling author Craig Groeschel deeply understands this daily battle against self-doubt and negative thinking, and in this book adapted from his bestselling Winning the War in Your Mind, Groeschel explains how you too can challenge your thinking and change the course of your life for the better, revealing the strategies he’s found that help.

    Drawing upon Scripture and the latest findings of brain science, Groeschel lays out practical strategies that will free you from the grip of harmful, destructive thinking and enable you to live the life of joy and peace that God intends you to live. With all-new stories, science that explores the unique realities of how the teenage brain is wired, and visually-engaging callouts and short sections that appeal to teenage readers, Winning the War in Your Mind for Teens will help you:

    *Learn how your brain works and see how to rewire it
    *Identify the lies the enemy wants you to believe
    *Recognize and short-circuit your mental triggers for negative thinking
    *See how prayer and praise will transform your mind
    *Develop practices that allow God’s thoughts to become your thoughts

    God has something better for your life. It’s time to change your mind so God can change your life.

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  • Way Of The Victorious


    Are you tired of stale Christianity? Do you desire to spend time with God, but have no idea what to actually do? Are you both fascinated and intimated by spiritual disciplines like prayer, fasting, solitude, and biblical meditation? Way of the Victorious reveals how these ancient disciplines are actually pathways to greater intimacy with Jesus, and keys to unlocking revival power.

    Parker Green was living life as a Christian but knew there could be so much more. Then he discovered that following Jesus could actually be PRACTICED in everyday life, not just thought about and talked about. This revolutionized his life and gave him genuine hope that it is possible to model your life after Jesus.

    Through a clear and simple approach to the spiritual disciplines, author and revivalist, Parker Green leads you into the same supernatural results experienced by early church fathers and mothers.

    Way of the Victorious will give you:

    *Powerful vision for what each of the spiritual disciplines can produce in your life
    *Practical steps for getting the most out of prayer and Bible reading
    *Simple strategies on what to do during your devotional time
    *A spiritual compass for cultivating a fruitful and dynamic devotional life
    *Keys to creating and enjoying your secret place with God

    Break free from lukewarm faith! Walk in the ancient paths, and experience the same intimate relationship with Jesus that empowered the early church!

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  • So Many Lions So Few Daniels


    Like Daniel in Babylon, Christians today are exiles in a hostile culture. Every day, we face the lions–the easier road of moral compromise, the lure of earthly wealth and influence, the temptation to give into our fears or our apathy. Yet we are called to obey God rather than man, and we need courage to do it.

    Award-winning apologist Ray Comfort wants to help you develop the fortitude to look into the mouths of lions without flinching, trusting that God will not only bring you to the other side of the trial but that he is refining you through it.

    This encouraging and practical book draws on inspiring stories from Scripture to help you identify the lions you face and build a strategy for combatting them, recognizing that nothing catches God off guard and reminding you that, by his power, you have victory over the darkness.

    For any Christian who is feeling beaten down, burned out, or ready to give in, this book offers a spiritual shot in the arm.

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  • Im A Christian Now What


    Where to begin when you’ve begun with Christ

    If you are a new Christian, you are on a new path. But where are you going and how do you get there? As an adult convert, Aaron Armstrong had to face these questions himself. In I’m a Christian–Now What? A Guide to Your New Life With Christ, Aaron helps you take those important first steps, including:

    *How to read the Bible and pray
    *How to think about your favorite TV show
    *How to find the right church
    *How to disagree with other Christians
    *How to rethink sex and marriage

    You probably have a lot of questions. You might not even know which questions to ask. This practical and friendly book helps make sense of your new life with Jesus. It ends with suggestions for how you can take the next step by helping other new Christians.

    I’m a Christian–Now What? is a perfect handbook for new believers and those who want to disciple them.

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  • Gods Joy In Your Heart


    The Joy of the Lord Is Strength for All Christians!

    In God’s Joy in Your Heart, legendary preacher Charles Spurgeon shows how to receive joy that will remain despite the struggles, trials, and temptations of daily living. He reveals the secrets of how believers can obtain it, maintain it, and share it with others.

    Enjoy a refreshing break for twenty-one days with these heartwarming devotional readings as the “Prince of Preachers” shows you how to:

    *Take refuge in the safety of God’s arms
    *Build a strong faith
    *Know the loving comfort of the Holy Spirit
    *Receive all that God has for you
    *Find deliverance from heartaches and troubles
    *Experience God’s ever-present help

    Through these encouraging words, you will come to know the peace that passes all understanding and find the confidence to minister God’s love to others.

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  • Calm Your Anxiety:


    Does your anxiety constantly make you question whether you have control, if you’re safe, or if you have the power to change? Anxiety often creates an intense, excessive, and persistent worry and fear that makes your normal day-to-day feel challenging and overwhelming. You know that phrase . . . practice makes perfect. What if practice could help you create a better relationship with your anxiety?

    Pastor and bestselling author, Robert Morgan understands your struggle because he has lived with anxiety his entire life. He can teach you how to change your life by learning how to deal with your anxiety. In Calm Your Anxiety: Winning the Fight Against Worry, you’ll learn how to:

    *use biblical insight to help you better understand and cope with your anxiety.
    *create joy, nearness to God, and peace.
    *develop new daily habits that will help you deal with anxiety.
    *identify triggers and how to be proactive in your daily routine.

    We all know that there is no cure for anxiety. It is something you live with, but that doesn’t mean it has to take over your life. You are in control, and with God’s help, you can wage war against anxiety and live a more fulfilling life.

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  • Medicine For The Heart


    The awareness of being a single individual with eternal responsibility before God is the one thing needful. –Sren Kierkegaard

    What gives life meaning? For the incomparable nineteenth-century Dane, Sren Kierkegaard, it was “a question of understanding my own destiny, of seeing what God really wants me to do; the thing is to find a truth which is truth for me, to find the idea for which I am willing to live and die.”

    Medicine for the Heart is a guide to the extraordinary richness of Scripture seen through Kierkegaard’s eyes. He wrote about Scripture as none other, a literature of surpassing artistry and rare moral power. Kierkegaard described a new believer who discovered that life was beautiful, that it was a new gloriousness of faith that no human being can give to another, but that every human being has what is highest, noblest, and most sacred in humankind. It is original in him, and every human being has it if he wants to have it.

    The author is an internationally recognized professor of cardiology whose research has been devoted to understanding and explaining the workings of the human heart.

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  • Love Stories Of The Bible Speak


    Biblical Studies

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    The Bible is full of “love” stories. But the Biblical idea of love is so much bigger than we imagine.

    Love is at the heart of the Bible. From the moment Adam declared Eve “flesh of my flesh”…to the sacrificial love of Joseph for Mary…to the deep friendship of David and Jonathan…to the abounding and never-changing love of God: The Bible is a love story. But it also redefines the way the world tells us we should think about love.

    The Bible reveals not just butterflies and broken hearts. In Scripture, we see God’s beautiful design for the partnership of marriage. We witness friendships that cross all boundaries. We watch as families navigate the many seasons of life. Our guiding example for them all is the deepest, most abiding, foundational love ever known: God’s unconditional love for His people.

    In The Love Stories of the Bible Speak, Shannon Bream draws lessons from the good, the bad, and the ugly of Biblical romances, friendships, and families. She shows how God’s love is often very different from ours, turning upside down our assumptions about life, relationships, and each other.

    The Love Stories of the Bible Speak reminds us that, no matter where we find ourselves, God’s unwavering love will sustain and guide us. These insights into biblical relationships will uplift and encourage you, and reveal new dimensions to the most central Christian duty: to love God and your neighbor.

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  • End Of Spectator Church


    Moving from Passivity to Purpose

    For many Christians, church is defined by attending an occasional Sunday service mired in an audience mentality. Virtually ineffective and having no impact, we have become a cultural Christianity that creates passive believers. Yet the Church is meant for so much more!

    Tony Cooke challenges the way some see church with biblical and historical evidence that paints a radically different picture.Through New Testament exhortations, Tony mobilizes the body of Christ to action. He reminds us to be a living, fully engaged body carrying life to those who are lost and without hope.

    The End of Spectator Church launches you from inactivity to full participation across the street, across town, or across the ocean. Tony writes with contagious zeal and encouragement as he reveals:
    *Your divine purpose for such a time as this
    *Hurting people are waiting on the gifts inside you
    *The body of Christ only functions fully when each part is in place
    *What the true “priesthood of all believers” looks like today

    The call to radical engagement is sounding, and it’s time to answer. Take your place in a fully awakened and activated Church!

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  • Strong Like Water


    There’s a cost to being a certain kind of strong.

    When it comes to difficult circumstances, we’ve all heard the platitudes: “No pain, no gain.” “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” But if we spend our lives trying to be “the strong one,” we become exhausted, burned-out, and disconnected from our truest selves.

    What if it were different? Could there be a different way to be strong? Could strength mean more than pushing on and pushing through pain, bearing every heavy burden on our own? What if, instead, true strength were more like the tide: soft and bold, fierce and gentle, moving together as one powerful force?

    In Strong like Water, author and trauma therapist Aundi Kolber offers a framework for true flourishing. With each page, you’ll:

    *Learn how your nervous system shapes your experience so that we can move through pain instead of being stuck in it.

    *Explore various practices, rhythms, and resources to support you in challenging circumstances with compassion and hope.

    *Discover how to internalize connection, love, and safety empowering you with greater resilience.

    A different, more expansive way of healing, wholeness, and possibly especially strength is possible. We were made to be strong like water.

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  • Moving In Miracles And Healing


    A Powerful Guidebook to Operating in the Miraculous

    Though many believers hear stories about healings and miracles, they fail to see them in their lives. Why?

    International healing evangelist, Jean-Luc Traschel believes we have missed the five biblical cornerstones of healing that empower you to walk in the supernatural as an everyday lifestyle not just an occasional occurrence.

    Jean-Luc started praying for the sick when he was sixteen years old. Today, after more than three decades of supernatural power encounters, he offers insights, personal experiences, biblical foundation, and practical instruction for you to believe for and experience miracles in your life!

    In Moving in Miracles and Healing, Jean-Luc Traschel empowers you to overcome every barrier and see the supernatural break in by applying the five cornerstones for biblical healing.You will:

    *Encounter Jehovah Rapha, the God Whose very name is Healer

    *Discover the legal foundation for healing that will help you build unshakable faith for the miraculous

    *Operate in the realm of Kingdom Demonstration where you shift from being an ordinary believer to a Kingdom-minded ambassador

    *Move in the realm of faith where you learn how to pull the possible into the impossible

    *Be led by the Holy Spirit and partner with His unique healing methods for each situation

    Don’t settle for less than the miraculous! Unlock the simple key to moving in the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit, and see the Kingdom of God break into your world

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  • Starved : Why We Need A Spiritual Diet Change To Move Us From Tired Anxious


    We’re consuming, we’re filling up, we’re taking in, but at the end of the day, our souls are still starving.

    So many of us feel dissatisfied and empty emotionally, physically, and even spiritually. Our lives are rushed, overflowing, and we’re low on joy, fulfillment, peace, and purpose. In our spare moments, we turn to our phones, social media, and a million other little things, desperate for relief, but over time, these distractions become an unhealthy diet for our souls uplifting us for a moment but ultimately denying us the nourishment we need. When we overconsume these imposters that promise a temporary boost but actually leave us weak and weary, we become anxious, fearful, and depleted. These addicting substitutes keep us coming back for more, never providing satisfaction.

    But there is hope. We don’t have to stay stuck and malnourished. We can become free of shame, disappointment, and anxiety.

    In Starved, popular author and teacher Amy Seiffert shows readers how to stop ingesting spiritual junk food and offers simple and replenishing practices like silence, service, and Sabbath that can bring us closer to Jesus. She encourages us to put down our phones, set aside our pride, and let go of the hustle so that we can receive a spiritual diet change that will leave us delightfully content, spiritually healthy, and free to experience the goodness of Jesus.

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  • Toward A More Perfect Faith


    There has hardly ever been in my ministry a series of sermons to which I have given more time, more pain and more prayer than I did to this series from Philippians 3.

    A. W. Tozer called these sermons the most important he ever preached. Looking closely at Philippians 3, he describes the Christian as a modern-day Lazarus who hears the call to arise–but can’t escape the grave clothes. In this new series of sermon transcriptions, Tozer shows us how to live with freedom.

    Toward a Deeper Faith gives us Tozer’s sermons on:

    *Considering Perfection in the Christian Life
    *Four Kinds of Christians
    *Discovering the Loveliness of Jesus Christ
    *The Will of God and Its Relationship to Our Cross
    *The Obstacle of Self Trust
    *Living in His Righteousness . . . and more.

    We are heirs to the King, and Tozer wants us to reclaim our heritage. Return again and again to Tozer’s twelve sermons that will bring you into a deeper life of love and maturity in Jesus Christ.

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  • Why Do I Do What I Dont Want To Do


    We live in an upside-down culture. We wink at our vices as coping strategies while restricting our virtues to our online personas, where they won’t interfere with our real lives. And we wonder why we feel empty, exhausted, and directionless. But why do we do things that we know are harmful for us?

    Jonathan “JP” Pokluda wants you to know there’s a better, more fulfilling way to live, and it doesn’t involve looking inside yourself for the answers–because that’s not where you’ll find them. With his signature wit and wisdom, he explains, unpacks, and expands on the age-old virtues we’re told to pursue in Scripture: humility, forgiveness, generosity, diligence, self-control, authenticity, rest, and optimism. Far from being restrictive, these God-given goals for living free us to love and live as we wish we would.

    Practicing virtues is not just something you do–it’s something done in you, slowly but surely transforming you into the person you were meant to be all along. Whether you’re 18 or 80, it’s never too late to redefine what’s important to you and reclaim a life of virtue.

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  • Present : The Gift Of Being All In Right Where You Are


    Present is an invitation to a deeper, richer, quieter life with God. So often we sleepwalk through our days, but there is a tremendous gift in practicing awareness right where we are.In a world marked by transience, envy, and rootlessness, committing to staying put is a radical, unusual act. Hungry for rootedness, Courtney Ellis and her family decided to truly commit to a place and a people God had given them for a season, to grow some deep roots and discover what it would mean to be “all in.” Through winsome storytelling, Courtney demonstrates that there is tremendous growth when we stop holding a community at arms’ length and open ourselves to the blessing of stability, the grace of limits, and the joy of presence. This book is divided into these three major sections, with chapters devoted to each of the gifts that come with our increased attention to being all in fully present, right where we are.

    Join Courtney for a thoughtful, funny, and realistic exploration of stability, limit, and presence as means of grace. Journey deeper into the heart of God that calls us to cultivate community being present to what God has placed before us and discovering the gifts of the present. Delve into reasons readers might experience transience, how to press in when called to that, and how to know when it’s time to move on. Explore the ways borders and boundaries in our lives are for our good. When we are able to say, “This is my place, and these are my people,” and then, like Ruth, really commit, beautiful things can happen. With humor and honesty, Courtney draws in readers who are longing for that rootedness, trying to figure out how to make this place their own in other words, those who are figuring out how to be all in, right where they are, for the time God has given them.

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  • Dangerous Jesus : Why The Only Thing More Risky Than Getting Jesus Right Is


    No one was more dangerous than the Lord Jesus.

    From the moment He arrived on the scene, Jesus posed a threat to the unjust, a threat to the oppressors, and a threat to every semblance of authority wielded by the kingdom of darkness. He invaded the world with love for the forgotten, hope for the hopeless, and freedom for the bound. His ideas were disruptive, subversive, and scandalous to the world around Him.

    Jesus was so dangerous, the powers that be killed Him.

    Today, our generation is seeing a surge of people walking away from the Christian faith. But what’s repelling people isn’t Jesus; it’s that what is often propagated as mainstream Christianity is simply not worthy of His name.

    Jesus is the most admired figure in history. He is also the most ignored, weaponized, reinterpreted, and misappropriated figure in history. The question is . . . who do you think He is?

    In Dangerous Jesus, Kevin “KB” Burgess award-winning rapper, podcaster, and international speaker reintroduces us to the true Jesus, the one who poses a living threat to the status quo. He’s a threat to our division. He’s a threat to our rebellion. He is the kind of dangerous that is so infused with power from on high that nothing stays the same when He walks into the room. His love is so strong, it’s intoxicating. His truth is so good, it sets people free.

    We need to reconnect with this Jesus.
    We need to become a threat to the threats.
    We need to be dangerous.

    If you’re ready to meet the real Jesus . . . If you’re ready to join in the fight . . . If you want to make the church a genuine threat to evil once again . . . join KB in Dangerous Jesus and encounter the enemy-loving, world-changing, good-dangerous Savior.

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  • I Believe : A Concise Guide To The Essentials Of The Christian Faith


    Who is God? Why am I here? How should I live? These are a few of the crucial questions about life that must be answered. What’s exciting is that God has provided those answers in Scripture. In I Believe, Thom Rainer outlines the essentials of the Christian faith in a clear and succinct way. You’ll learn about prayer, church, angels, heaven, the Trinity, and much more.

    Read and discuss these Christian beliefs in a small group at your local church. It was within a church that Thom Rainer first experienced the power of these profound yet simple truths to utterly transform his life.

    The urgent need of our day is for Christians to understand who they are, what they believe, and how that affects what they do. The best place to answer those life questions is in the context of the local church. It’s nothing short of miraculous what God will do through a group of devoted Christians who become committed and selfless church members.

    Studying I Believe with a small group of Christians will give you a solid base of truth on which to anchor your life in Christ.

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  • Look What Youve Done


    From Dove Award-nominated artist Tasha Layton, Look What You’ve Done is a diverse collection of stories and intimate self-reflections to encourage readers to follow where God leads them.

    Inspired by her powerful song of the same title, Look What You’ve Done delves into Tasha’s journey of finding freedom in Jesus through life’s twists and turns. Tasha takes readers through her early days in small town South Carolina, to her big breakthrough as background singer on stage with Katy Perry, to the mission field in Kenya and beyond. Across many countries and all her days, the truest constant in Tasha’s life has been the presence of God in both the highs and the lows.

    As her inspirational stories reveal the ways God has guided her journey, Tasha also shares vulnerable reflections on the struggles she’s faced in her life of faith and music. Readers will identify with Tasha as she describes the lies that she allowed herself to believe as she struggled with comparison, self-image, and the uncertainty of finding her purpose. Through challenges like these, God continues to bring Tasha wisdom and truth regarding who He is, and who she is meant to be.

    Look What You’ve Done helps readers to:

    *Discern God’s truth from the world’s lies
    *Find freedom, truth, security, and identity in Jesus
    *Become increasingly bold in prayer
    *Live as a Christian in an uncertain world
    *See God’s miracles in their life
    *Begin to embrace seasons of waiting

    Look What You’ve Done: The Lies We Believe & The Truth That Sets Us Free will inspire you to walk in boldness and love, sharing the goodness of God revealed in your life.

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  • Renovation Of The Heart For Students


    This practical student edition of Dallas Willard’s classic Renovation of the Heart helps you enjoy the greatest adventure in life: to follow Jesus and to become more like him.

    To be transformed-like a caterpillar into a butterfly-opens up a whole new world of possibility. To be changed from the inside out, into a life lived as though Jesus himself were living it, is good for you and healing for the world around you.

    Renovation of the Heart offers a vision for life change that’s not a matter of managing sin but of giving yourself increasingly to God-from your heart to your mind to your body to your relationships. Experience God in a full, true, and intimate way. See your world through different eyes. Walk in the assurance that God is with you and for you. Love your neighbor as yourself.

    This interactive student edition of Renovation of the Heart brings insights from one of the most important thinkers of the past century into your everyday life and includes:

    *engaging activities and exercises
    *reflections for deeper insight
    *prayers tailored to today’s students
    *prompts for group use

    Experience the joy of life with God in the company of your friends by combining the Christian classic Renovation of the Heart with the updated interactive student edition.

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  • Free At Last


    Does your family history or that of a loved one have a common thread of dysfunction, marital problems, sickness, or abuse that goes from generation to generation? If so, this book is for you. There are countless ways you can be affected by the hurtful patterns that have been knowingly and unknowingly passed down through the generations. But you can break free.

    Here, Pastor Larry Huch reveals powerful truths from Scripture to show you how to break generational curses and begin to receive God’s blessing in every area of your life. Learn from his powerful testimony as he shares how a family curse plagued him until he turned to Jesus Christ for healing, and find your freedom.

    Does your family always seem to fall into the same sins, the same harmful actions? Do you have a history of sickness or marital problems or abuse? The past does not have to determine the course of your future. Let Larry Huch teach you about generational curses and how they affect you and your family.

    Learn how to…

    *Break generational curses
    *Regain your joy
    *Experience health and prosperity
    *Repair broken relationships
    *Claim dominion over things you touch and places you walk

    Find your freedom!

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  • Heart On Fire


    You are alive right now for a reason–your purpose predestined for such a time as this.

    As the world slips deeper into darkness, most Christians feel stuck, powerless to effect change. Yet changing the world–your world–starts with you, right where you are, with a heart full of fire for Jesus.

    Grounded in biblical teaching and drawing from his own renewal experiences, pastor and revivalist Glen Berteau emboldens you to get fed up with the ineffectual status quo, showing you how to:

    * ignite the supernatural power God has placed in you
    * be filled up with the Holy Spirit
    * get fired up for what God can do through you
    * see beyond your current circumstance
    * and live a faith without limits

    You’re a Kingdom weapon, energized by God’s mighty power and forged to stand strong for what you believe, tear down strongholds, eradicate hatred and bring dead things to life. You are chosen to change the world.

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  • Who Are You Following


    If influencers have power over us, who are you allowing to influence you?

    In an online world obsessed with follows and likes, it’s important to consider what you’re really searching for. When you follow someone, it’s typically because you want to be like them or live like they do-but who have you placed as your role models?

    In Who Are You Following? bestselling author and social media personality Sadie Robertson Huff dives deep into exploring who we are allowing to influence our daily thoughts and actions. With an excellent grasp of scriptural truths, using current research, surveys, and personal and biblical stories, Sadie draws on her own experience as a social media influencer and addresses topics such as

    *how to go from being liked to being truly loved
    *our true motives for fame
    *being seen from the outside versus being known
    *comparing ourselves to others
    *questioning why did I post that?!
    *how to respond to cancel culture
    *wondering does God still love me?

    This book is perfect for young Christians wondering how they can live a vibrant, bold, and uncompromising life of faith in God by following the Messiah-the ultimate influencer. Discover the love, purpose, and fulfillment that is found only in Jesus.

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  • Pierced By Love


    In Pierced by Love: Divine Reading with the Christian Tradition, Hans Boersma invites Christians to retrieve this ancient and meditative way of reading the Bible.

    *Practice lectio divina.
    *Experience an ancient but fresh way of reading the Bible.
    *Learn from Augustine, Anselm of Canterbury, Bernard of Clairvaux, and others.

    Jesus is the point of reading the Bible. Christians read Scripture to encounter Christ and be conformed to his image. Scripture is no mere human text; it is God’s living word. So how should we read it? For Christians throughout the centuries, the answer has been lectio divina-“divine reading.” Lectio divina is a sacramental reading. It aims to take us more deeply into the life of God. Through practicing the four movements of lectio divina-attentive reading, extended meditation, prayerful reflection, and silent resting-we have a structured and simple way to focus on Christ, listen to the Spirit, and rest in God’s love. We no longer simply read the words of Scripture; instead, we read the face of God in the eternal Word.

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  • New Kind Of Love


    The two greatest forces in the world today are love and selfishness. Natural human love has failed because it is based upon selfishness.

    Does God have a solution for this problem? We believe that He has. It is The New Kind of Love that has been overlooked by the church but has recently been rediscovered.

    This book unveils the new kind of love that Jesus brought to the world. This love comes into a barren life and makes it blossom as a rose. It takes away the hardness and bitterness of life. There will be no empty lives, no barren lives. Every life may become a garden of delight. God has made it possible.

    To walk in love is actually to live in God. It is the realm where the Word dominates, where faith functions. Faith grows in the atmosphere of love. It becomes a dominating and creative force when love really rules.

    This new kind of love, agape, was born in the realm of divine revelation. It is a deep and profound sacrificial love that transcends and persists regardless of circumstances.

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  • Grace Ambassador : Bringing Heaven To Earth


    As believers, we have received unimaginable grace from the Father. Unfortunately, we often stop there. We live contained lives, separating our faith from our everyday interactions, passive about passing on the grace given to us. And then we wonder what good we are doing in the world.

    With depth and insight, Dr. John Jackson shows that we are positioned for the greatest season of revival in history–and grace distributed is the key. Through biblical teaching and prophetic revelation, Dr. Jackson helps you step into your role as a heavenly ambassador and partner with the Holy Spirit to share the grace you’ve been given wherever you go.

    The world is desperate for what you have, aching for sweeping social change, hope, and revival. When your life and faith intersect, you can unleash the redemptive presence of Jesus in your home, workplace, and community. Transformation happens when we bring heaven to earth.

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  • Make Time For Joy


    Does your prayer time consist of an ever-lengthening list of requests for yourself and other people? Perhaps you spend a lot of time praying for the health of family or church members, guidance for a child or grandchild, or that God would intervene in global crises. But did you know that you can pray about more than just the things in life that seem to be going wrong? In fact, you can pray that God will transform your anxious and tired heart into a joyful one!

    It’s time to set aside the trials of life for a while and make joy a priority. Not sure how? Let this collection of Scripture-powered prayers from beloved author Linda Evans Shepherd be your guide. Packed with prayers of gratitude, praise, and hope, this inspiring collection will change your perspective, your life, and your heart as you press into pure, God-given joy.

    The perfect gift for yourself or someone else, Make Time for Joy will help you transform sadness into gladness as you rest on the love, joy, and provision that comes from God.

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  • Permission To Live Free


    Pastor, Bible teacher, and women’s ministry leader Dr. Jackie Greene encourages you to cast off counterfeit living and live freely in God! He’s already given you permission to live an authentic life–what are you waiting for?

    A self-described fast-talking, fiery, anointed preacher, Dr. Jackie is the copastor of Forward City Church with her husband and Grammy-nominated recording artist Travis Greene. She’s on a mission to spread the gospel and let women everywhere know that God has given them all the permission they need to live an abundant life in him.

    After years of struggling with people-pleasing, daddy issues, and living unauthentically, Dr. Jackie had a revelation that God had designed her precisely the way he wanted her–quirks and all. That revelation changed her life! And she wants it to change her readers’ lives too.

    Through her popular Permission Conferences, Permission World Facebook group, newly launched podcast, Permission Talk, and Dig Deep Bible studies, Dr. Jackie reaches thousands of women. In Permission to Live Free she encourages readers to embrace the truth of who they are as God’s precious daughters, believing that they are born an authentic, choice treasure, fashioned by the hand of God.

    Permission to Live Free will show readers how to recognize the seven signs of a woman who’s not yet living with permission:

    *She fails to prioritize a vibrant personal relationship with God.
    *She clings to worldly things that fail to give her worth.
    *She does not allow God to transform her mind.
    *She does not fellowship with those who affirm who she really is.
    *She clings to her own will over God’s will.
    *She ignores the hurts of her past.
    *She settles for good enough.

    As she reveals the importance of recognizing and taking hold of what God says is true about them, Dr. Jackie challenges women to rise above and let go of behaviors that hinder them from living in the fullness of who God uniquely designed them to be. And she calls them to live free from the world’s constraints, remembering that God has already given them the keys to unlock what is inside them. Permission is granted. No more counterfeit living. You were made for more!

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  • By Bread Alone


    Bread is central to God’s story, and to your story too.

    Our spiritual lives are deeply connected to bread the bread we break with family and friends and the Bread that is Christ’s Body, given and broken for us. It’s easy to choose the cheapest, most convenient option, but the life of Jesus and the story of Scripture, as well as the substance of bread itself, shows us that there is more. In By Bread Alone, Kendall Vanderslice, a professional baker and practical theologian who spends her days elbow-deep in dough, reveals that there is no food more spiritually significant than bread whether eating, baking, sharing, or breaking.

    Kendall has struggled with hunger ever since she can remember hunger for bread, yes, but also for community and for the ability to “taste and see” the goodness of God. She knows the tension of bread as blessing and bread as burden but has learned that bread also offers a unique opportunity to heal our relationship to the body of Christ and to our own bodies. In By Bread Alone, she weaves her own faith-filled journey together with original recipes and stories about the role of bread in church history, revealing a God who draws near to us and creatively provides for our daily needs.

    When words fail, when we cry out in longing and loneliness, when God feels impossibly far away, By Bread Alone displays the tangible expression of God’s presence and provision for us in the form of bread. It’s the story of hunger and family, of friendship and unmet longing. It’s the story of a God who meets us in both sacred and mundane ways. In the mixing and kneading, in the waiting and partaking, may God also meet you.

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  • Say The Right Thing


    Words are powerful. They sink deep into our minds and our spirits. They can build others up or put others down. Many of us want to “say the right thing” and make a difference to others with our words, but we don’t know how to. Others of us struggle to control our speech and want help to be more godly in this area of our lives.

    This positive, constructive book delves into the Bible to show us how to overcome specific temptations, such as gossip or angry words. But it also goes much further. It shows us how we can use our speech to bring beauty, hope, truth and comfort into the lives of those around us–and to give glory to God.

    Full of gracious words and practical help, this book will help readers to find out how to let the gospel shape their speech and enjoy the blessings that flow from this.

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  • Authentic : The Confidence To Be Yourself, The Courage To Release Your Grea


    Discover True Greatness by Discovering the True You

    When you look in the mirror, are you blinded by inadequacy and inferiority? Do you question your value and wonder if you can achieve your God-given potential?

    You don’t have to be resigned to just existing. From the day you were born, God equipped you for success! Fulfilling your purpose begins with uncovering the greatness of who He created you to be.

    In Authentic, David S. Winston, ministry executive and entrepreneur, helps you conquer inferiority and chart a course to your divine destiny so you can live secure in your God-given value and purpose. Through profound truths, practical insights, and helpful exercises, David offers you a step-by-step guide to identifying and achieving your destiny.

    Authentic will empower you to…

    *Uncover your hidden potential
    *Become confident in your uniqueness
    *Navigate personal limitations
    *Avoid the pitfalls of comparison
    *Find strength through transparency

    Don’t cost yourself greatness. Embark on a new journey to discover your greatness and claim your divine destiny!

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  • Why Bad Looks Good


    Overcome deception with biblical perception.

    Have you ever misjudged a situation that appeared desirable but ended in disaster? Have you been betrayed by a friend, coworker, or love interest? We all face challenging, heartbreaking experiences that require us to make important decisions. Unlike worldly advice, God’s advice is perfect.

    Why Bad Looks Good uses biblical wisdom to improve your perception of the people and world around you. Using relatable, real-life examples, career prosecutor Dr. Wendy Patrick teaches you how to:

    *assess people and circumstances clearly and accurately,
    *identify healthy sources of power,
    *surround yourself with trustworthy people, and
    *transform rose-colored glasses into reading glasses.

    We are drawn to talent, wealth, and beauty, yet all of those things come from God. Apply his divine wisdom to live peacefully but proactively, compassionately yet carefully, and adopt a fresh, uplifting outlook on life.

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  • Power To Change Workbook (Workbook)


    There are few things in life more frustrating than knowing you need to change, wanting to change, trying to change, but not changing. Sure, you’ve tried to change. You’ve made decisions, commitments, resolutions, and attempted to set goals. You have made the decision to finally do something about the issue–again and again and again. Yet, so far, nothing has worked and you wonder if you’re capable of change.

    In The Power to Change Workbook, which accompanies the book of the same name, pastor and bestselling author Craig Groeschel draws on stories from his own life to offer the promise that change is possible. More importantly, he cites evidence from the Bible on how God has promised again and again that change is possible and available to everyone.

    However, as Craig notes, there is a reason why change doesn’t come, and it is because people try to change in the wrong way. But the good news is that anyone can learn how to change by mastering the habits in our lives that matter the most. In each section of the workbook, readers will discover:

    *How to evaluate how they think of themselves and their view of God
    *The value of training over just trying harder
    *Why habits rather than hope lead to lasting change
    *How the reap-sow principle can change the trajectory of their future
    *How God’s power is the true catalyst for lasting life change

    The Power to Change offers a clear biblical path to get where you have always wanted to go.

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  • Awe Of God


    Do you long for an intimate relationship with your Creator, but He seems elusive? Perhaps it is because something utterly essential is missing-holy fear. Don’t let this frighten you. Fearing God is very different than being afraid of God. It’s the key to everything.

    The fear of the Lord is not a topic you’ll hear much about these days. But if you want to build a faith that stands strong through troubled times, you cannot afford to ignore this book.In The Awe of God, John Bevere invites you to take a fresh look at what it means to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. This healthy, holy, and largely forgotten virtue is the uncommon path to a more fulfilled and fruitful life. In this book you will see why godly fear is the foundation of:

    *Wisdom, understanding, and knowledge
    *Foresight, clarity, and divine direction
    *Maturity and conformity to the image of Jesus Christ
    *Building an eternal legacy
    *Confidence, fearlessness, and security
    *Freedom from the fear of man as all lesser fears are eclipsed

    If you look at the men and women in Scripture, the ones who lived and finish well all have one thing in common: they are marked by holy fear.

    The Awe of God was designed to be read slowly and intentionally. At the end of each of the 42 chapters are five tools to help you deepen your understanding and apply what the Spirit of God is teaching you. Experience the intimate relationship with God that you have always longed for by unlocking this countercultural message.

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  • Find Your Purpose In Life


    Have you determined your unique “why” for existing on planet earth? Instead of coasting along, hoping everything will somehow work out, it’s time to take control and actively participate in the course of your life. When we envision a joyful, gratifying, hope-filled future, we can better flesh out our purpose and allow it to shape our goals, inspire us to service, and guide our daily decisions. Find Your Purpose in Life helps readers understand the power of purpose and the many pathways of purpose, then guides them to pursue their passions with purpose.

    Dr. Gregory Jantz believes that our most essential purpose is to honor and enjoy God each day. With this principle as our True North, our unique vocational, family, creative, and social purposes become clear. He emphasizes that our purpose is rooted not only in what we’re good at but also in our true desires. It’s important to examine how past obstacles may have dampened our deepest longings, then commit to freely pursue them. Throughout the book, Dr. Jantz weaves in probing questions and helpful exercises for clarifying the why and how of our unique purpose. Packed with encouragement to forge a new path ahead, Find Your Purpose in Life inspires and motivates readers to reconnect with their passions and embrace their God-given calling.

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  • Power To Change


    Feeling stuck no matter how hard you try to make positive changes in your life? You can start living the life you want through the practical, biblical, and highly doable strategies in The Power to Change.

    Few things in life are more frustrating than knowing you need to change, wanting to change, and trying to change, but not changing. Craig Groeschel knows what it’s like to be caught in that demoralizing cycle. That was his own story–until he discovered practical principles for experiencing lasting change. Since then, Craig has helped countless others find true change in their relationships, habits, and thoughts.

    In The Power to Change, Craig helps you understand:

    *How God’s power, not your willpower, leads to true transformation
    *The real reasons you do what you do
    *Why falling isn’t failure
    *The power of creating small habits that lead to big change
    *How to choose what you want most over what you want now

    A powerful blend of biblical wisdom and fascinating psychology, The Power to Change includes helpful exercises, real-life stories, and life-changing spiritual insights. Whether you are trying to lose weight, breathe new life into your marriage, read the Bible more, get out of debt, or give up an addiction, Craig’s step-by-step, time-tested strategies will equip you to start living the life God wants for you.

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  • Made To Belong


    Author and pastor David Kim shares his experiences with loneliness as a Korean American immigrant and delivers compelling research about belonging that includes the revolutionary five anchors for developing meaningful relationships.

    Even though we are connected more than ever–through social media, video calls and texts, and advanced travel opportunities–we’re also drowning in loneliness and isolation. As discipleship pastor of WestGate Church in Silicon Valley, David Kim decided to research the reasons why–and uncovered surprising answers.

    When Kim moved to America from South Korea as a child, he experienced isolation during his school years. Differences in language, food, and culture spiked an immense desire for an accepting, supportive community. As an adult, he read widely about belonging, and in his survey of more than 1,300 Christians, he discovered that the number-one struggle shared by them is loneliness. Left to ourselves, Kim says, we naturally drift away from God and others, and we begin to believe the lies of the enemy:

    *You are all alone. No one else feels this way.
    *No one cares about you. How could they?
    *God has abandoned you. You were just imagining things before.

    In Made to Belong, Kim combats those lies with the incredible hope found in the revolutionary Five Practices for Meaningful Connection:

    *Priority: People first, no regrets.
    *Chemistry: What, you too?
    *Vulnerability: Dangerously safe.
    *Empathy: I hear and see you.
    *Accountability: I can’t carry it, but I can carry you.

    True belonging takes intentional effort, but Kim reminds us that we are made to belong–to each other and to Jesus. Through sound wisdom from the Bible, proven research from the social sciences and his own data, and examples from his pastoral ministry and moving personal anecdotes, Kim shows us that we are uniquely designed by God to belong to one another for our flourishing.

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  • Essential Christianity : The Heart Of The Gospel In Ten Words


    Drawing on passages from Romans 1 to 12, J.D. Greear unpacks the essential aspects of the Christian message, showing both secular and religious people what the gospel is and how it addresses our most pertinent questions. The gospel, as he explains, is not just about life after death; it’s about reclaiming the life we’ve always yearned to live.

    Whether you are exploring the core concepts of Christianity or you are a weary Christian wanting to rediscover the excitement and joy of knowing God, this warm and compelling explanation of the goodness, truth and power at the heart of the Christian faith is for you.

    As J.D. says in his introduction:

    “The gospel is not just the diving board off which you jump into Christianity–it’s the swimming pool in which you swim. See this book as your invitation to rediscover the goodness, the excitement, the liberation and the power of the gospel.”

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  • Walking Free : Small Steps To A Big God


    Renowned Christian music artist and former youth pastor Micah Tyler helps readers set out on the path to a free and meaningful life in his first book, Walking Free.

    Inspired by his brother’s three-time battle with cancer, Micah Tyler’s Walking Free: Small Steps to a Big God encourages believers to pursue a deeper relationship with Jesus, regardless of external circumstances. The journey from where we are to where God wants us to be is filled with challenges and obstacles. Walking Free uplifts readers with the truth that God will never leave us behind.

    Micah applies Scripture and Biblical wisdom in his teaching alongside personal stories which illuminate the path before us. With 42 steps, Walking Free includes questions and personal reflections that will encourage readers to grow in their relationship with God.

    Walking Free also includes:

    *A six-week plan for pursuing God like never before
    *42 steps covering the many of life’s challenges
    *Over 120 questions for self-reflection or discussion
    *Practical guidance for transforming your spiritual life
    *A glimpse into Micah Tyler’s life and insights.

    Walking Free will help you overcome life’s challenges by taking small steps to experience the mercy and mission of a closer connection with God.

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  • Orphaned Believers : How A Generation Of Christian Exiles Can Find The Way


    In the wake of the culture wars of the 1980s and 1990s, many young evangelical Christians found themselves untethered, disillusioned, and–ultimately–orphaned as they grappled with the legalistic, politically co-opted churches of their youth and embarked on a search for a more loving, more biblical expression of the faith and discipleship taught by Jesus.

    Sara Billups was one of those orphans. She knows the grief of loving Jesus while watching political pundits twist her faith to support their power struggles and exclusionary policies. She knows the feeling of being alone, misunderstood, and maligned. In this honest yet hopeful book, she invites fellow orphaned believers to process their pasts so they can move boldly forward into a future where they know without a doubt that they are beloved by Christ and belong to the family of God. With love and compassion, she binds up the wounds of the broken and points them toward a new expression of faith that is motivated to make the world a better place.

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