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Showing 101–150 of 828 results

  • Fragile Designs


    There’s only one thing more dangerous than family secrets.

    Since her police-officer husband Eric’s mysterious murder, Carly Harris has been struggling to support herself and their infant son. Her career as an antique dealer isn’t sustainable, nor is her dream of becoming a novelist. So when her grandmother proposes she and her two sisters restore the family’s large Beaufort home and turn it into a bed-and-breakfast, she immediately gets to work clearing out the house. In the process, she uncovers a family secret that Eric kept hidden. And an heirloom that the wrong person wouldn’t hesitate to kill for.

    Homicide detective Lucas Bennett isn’t his neighbor’s biggest fan, not since she broke his brother’s heart years ago. But when Carly turns to Lucas for help, believing she’s found a lost Faberge egg that would be worth millions and that could put her family’s lives in danger, he can’t help but get involved. Soon, they’re entangled in a mystery with threads that lead all the way to the Russian mafia. Lucas has gotten in deep, and while he trusts his ability to keep Carly and her family safe, he begins to realize he’s vulnerable to an unexpected kind of danger. And he’s helpless to stop the freefall. As they continue working closely together, Carly and Lucas realize they may have found something more precious than gold. Yet it’s only a matter of time before Carly–or, worse, someone she loves–gets hurt.

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  • Seamstress Of Acadie


    As 1754 is drawing to a close, tensions between the French and the British on Canada’s Acadian shore are reaching a fever pitch. Seamstress Sylvie Galant and her family–French-speaking Acadians wishing to remain neutral–are caught in the middle, their land positioned between two forts flying rival flags. Amid preparations for the celebration of Nol, the talk is of unrest, coming war, and William Blackburn, the British Army Ranger raising havoc across North America’s borderlands.

    As summer takes hold in 1755 and British ships appear on the horizon, Sylvie encounters Blackburn, who warns her of the coming invasion. Rather than participate in the forced removal of the Acadians from their land, he resigns his commission. But that cannot save Sylvie or her kin. Relocated on a ramshackle ship to Virginia, Sylvie struggles to pick up the pieces of her life. When her path crosses once more with William’s, they must work through the complex tangle of their shared, shattered past to navigate the present and forge an enduring future.

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  • Fire


    A Brentwood Press Title

    THE SEVEN time-travel adventure series follows a group of kids given gifts of incredible powers all on the same day then find each other over the course of the book series. They unite to battle a villain who is trying to disrupt Bible history. In book 2 of the series FIRE, Josh and his friends travel to the middle east to save their friend Haji and witness the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. The work to make sure Lot and his family get out before fireballs (and Dr. Bales) wipes them out.

    THE SEVEN carefully follows biblical history and even throws in some archaeology to show the truth behind the Bible. Books 2-7 will release in 2024 and 2025. Every book has a secret code adventurers can decipher, testing to see how carefully they are reading.

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  • Flood


    A Brentwood Press Title

    THE SEVEN time-travel adventure series follows a group of kids who are given incredible powers (mapping to the gifts of the spirit) which begin day then find each other over the course of the book series. They unite to battle a villain who is trying to disrupt Bible history. In the first book of the series FLOOD, Josh Davidson’s dad, Edison, has created a time travel backpack that is stolen by the evil Dr. Bales, who uses it to travel to Noah’s day to sink the ark! Josh and his newfound friends, with the help of Big Mike, an operative with a secret, covert organization, follow Dr. Bales to stop him before all of humanity (and nature) is completely destroyed.

    THE SEVEN carefully follows biblical history and even throws in some archaeology to show the truth behind the Bible. Every book has a secret code adventurers can decipher, testing to see how carefully they are reading.

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  • Year Of Goodbyes And Hellos


    Two sisters seek a new balance in work, family, and love when one receives a diagnosis that sets the clock ticking.

    Determined to save Sherri’s life, Kristen drops everything to guide her sister on the harrowing cancer treatment journey. When she’s unable to balance the strain of caring for her patients, being a wife and mother, and her frantic efforts to save her sister, Kristen’s carefully balanced life crumbles, starting with her marriage. Desperate to regain her footing, she vows to rebuild her broken relationships . . . as soon as she’s sure Sherri will beat the odds stacked against her.

    Unlike her sister, Sherri Reynolds has worked to cultivate balance in her life. Her children, her job as a teacher, and her strong faith keep her grounded–until her diagnosis sends her spiraling into the scary world of what-ifs and unknown outcomes. Sherri faces the agonizing realization that family history may be about to repeat itself. With the clock ticking, she’s determined to use whatever time she has left to heal old wounds and restore relationships.

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  • Calling On The Matchmaker


    Haunted by the death of her sister, Finola Shanahan has resolved that she’s not worthy of a family of her own and commits to spending her days caring for immigrants in the slums. Unwilling to consider marriage, Finola has perfected the ability to sabotage the relationships her parents arrange for her. At wit’s end, her father calls upon the local Irish matchmaker, who pairs her with successful wagonmaker Riley Rafferty. After her usual tricks fail, Finola quickly realizes she can’t outsmart or outwit the dashing, determined, and daring man.

    A candidate in the St. Louis mayoral election, Riley is confident a union with the wealthy Shanahan family will help solidify his chances of winning–and even more assured he and Finola can make a difference together. When a cholera outbreak begins to take St. Louis by storm, they must navigate a burgeoning attraction and growing danger testing all they know about love and sacrifice.

    Escape to 1849 St. Louis for a daring and romantic tale from the talented pen of bestselling author Jody Hedlund.

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  • Heart Of Belonging


    Heart of Belonging is the sixth book in a series that travels alongside four friends as they deal with teen life in Riverbend, Indiana. The novel inspires young women to deepen their relationships with God as they face real-life issues and solve their problems in God-honoring ways.

    Shay desperately wants to feel loved and wanted-to be part of a real family. She thought that finally meeting her real father, a famous horse trainer, might change her life for the better. And it did. Sort of. She’s more inspired to work with horses now, for sure, but a “normal” family-like her friends talk about-doesn’t seem like it’s in her future. Living with her aunt and working with horses every day doesn’t seem to give her the love and acceptance that she longs for.

    So Shay finds looks herself looking for acceptance elsewhere-on the internet, looking at stuff she doesn’t think she can ever tell anyone about. She’s ashamed of where this takes her, and she suspects her friends, especially Izzy, would reject her if they found out.

    Can Shay begin to recognize the blessings she already has-that God’s true love, the acceptance of her friends, and the kindness of her aunt might just be enough?

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  • Juliet Code


    Newlyweds Lord and Lady Astley Finally Reach Their Honeymoon Destination Only to Encounter a New Mystery in Need of Solving

    Frederick and Grace Percy finally make it to Italy to enjoy a delayed honeymoon and explore the beauties of the historic city of Venice. To their surprise, their friend, Detective Jack Miracle, is also in the city, investigating a series of art heists starting at the house of eccentric millionaire, Laraby Covington. Drawn into a world of boat races, mysterious houses, and parties of the rich and unusual in Venice, Frederick and Grace learn of the existence of the Juliet paintings, (Renaissance paintings feature Shakespeare’s tragic heroine) rumored to hold a secret code to an underground vault of similarly treasured artwork assumed lost over the centuries. As Freddie and Grace are pulled deeper into the mystery and their beloved Detective Jack disappears, can they use their wits and work as a team to find the thieves and Jack before it’s too late.

    The Juliet Code is a Freddie and Grace Mystery, sequel to The Mistletoe Countess and The Cairo Curse.

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  • Ruths Ginger Snap Surprise


    Ruth Defies Authority to Hold on to her Family Farm

    Full of faith, hope, and romance, this new series takes you into the Heart of Amish country.

    Ruth Helmuth has never been rude in her life; trust her to choose the bishop of her Amish community for her first time!

    Ruth has worked hard to keep body and soul together since her husband, Levi’s, death. She tends her herd of goats, making her living from the milk and fiber she gets from them, all while running a farm and household by herself–and very competently, thank you! How could she imagine the bishop suggesting she should give it all up to another family, who will “make better use of the space”?

    Enter widower Jonas Hershberger, owner of a pair of adorable dimples and father of a charming 4-year-old daughter. Jonas is in need of a larger place to house his growing business. Ruth’s big red barn may be just the ticket. Little Abigail is in need of a new mother. Ruth might be just the ticket there, too!

    Can two independent souls learn to work together for their mutual good? And will they be willing to explore what grows between them? Or will Ruth’s fear over her “big secret” and Jonas’s caution about allowing someone new to get close to his young daughter, kill their love before it has a chance to grow?

    Luckily for both of them, God’s plan involves the stubborn pair getting a little help in the form of a wise, elderly friend; a quirky orange kitten; and a smart little girl who takes one look at Ruth and decides she would make her the perfect new mother!

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  • Winter By The Sea (Large Type)


    When the Duke and Duchess of Kent rent neighboring Woolbrook Cottage for the winter, the Summers sisters are called upon to host three of the royal couple’s male staff in their seaside house. But they soon realize they’ve invited mysterious secrets and the sweet possibility of romance into their home.

    Meanwhile, Emily Summers approaches a local publisher in hopes of fulfilling her dream of becoming an author. When he turns her down, his dashing competitor promises to consider her novel if she will first write a new Sidmouth guidebook for him. Emily accepts and begins researching with the help of the Duke of Kent’s handsome private secretary. But a surprise visitor from her past shows up at Sea View, leaving Emily torn between the desires she used to hold dear and her budding dreams for the future.

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  • Winter By The Sea


    When the Duke and Duchess of Kent rent neighboring Woolbrook Cottage for the winter, the Summers sisters are called upon to host three of the royal couple’s male staff in their seaside house. But they soon realize they’ve invited mysterious secrets and the sweet possibility of romance into their home.

    Meanwhile, Emily Summers approaches a local publisher in hopes of fulfilling her dream of becoming an author. When he turns her down, his dashing competitor promises to consider her novel if she will first write a new Sidmouth guidebook for him. Emily accepts and begins researching with the help of the Duke of Kent’s handsome private secretary. But a surprise visitor from her past shows up at Sea View, leaving Emily torn between the desires she used to hold dear and her budding dreams for the future.

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  • Winter By The Sea


    When the Duke and Duchess of Kent rent neighboring Woolbrook Cottage for the winter, the Summers sisters are called upon to host three of the royal couple’s male staff in their seaside house. But they soon realize they’ve invited mysterious secrets and the sweet possibility of romance into their home.

    Meanwhile, Emily Summers approaches a local publisher in hopes of fulfilling her dream of becoming an author. When he turns her down, his dashing competitor promises to consider her novel if she will first write a new Sidmouth guidebook for him. Emily accepts and begins researching with the help of the Duke of Kent’s handsome private secretary. But a surprise visitor from her past shows up at Sea View, leaving Emily torn between the desires she used to hold dear and her budding dreams for the future.

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  • Just Once : A Love Story


    The #1 New York Times bestselling author “known for her deeply heartfelt novels” (Woman’s World) writes a sweeping and unforgettable World War II love story about a young woman torn between two brothers.

    In 1941, beautiful Irvel Ellis is too focused on her secret to take much notice in the war raging overseas. She’s dating Sam but in love with his brother, Hank, and Irvel has no idea how to break the news when the unthinkable happens–Pearl Harbor is attacked. With their lives turned upside down overnight, Sam is drafted, and Hank wants to enlist. But Sam insists Hank stay home, where he and Irvel take up the battle on the home front.

    While Sam fights in Europe, an undeniable chemistry builds between Irvel and Hank but neither would dare cross that line. Then a telegram comes, and the news is devastating. Hank enlists the next day and has just two weeks until he ships out. Will either brother make it home alive? Or will Irvel lose everything?

    And can love find a way, even from the ashes of the greatest heartbreak?

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  • What A Wave Must Be


    From master storyteller Angela Hunt, a powerful story of a family’s journey toward healing and hope after an unimaginable loss.

    Seventeen-year-old Maddie is left reeling after the unexpected passing of her beloved father. No one has any idea why he betrayed them all so spectacularly, but that’s exactly what his death feels like: a betrayal. With their world shattered, Maddie’s grieving mother sends her to spend a few months with her grandparents, thinking a change of scenery will do her good.

    Susan and Frank, Maddie’s grandparents, are heartbroken over the loss of their son, but they welcome Maddie as an addition to their long-empty nest. Maddie settles in and makes friends at her new school, but she still wrestles with why her father took his own life. Then an unexpected twist throws all their lives into fresh turmoil, testing the very fabric of their faith. How Susan helps her granddaughter find hope, even as they both struggle with grief, makes this touching tale of love and recovery a must-read.

    Contains discussion questions, making it ideal for book groups.

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  • Secrets Of The Highlands


    He’s uncovered ancient secrets at a great cost. Now he must embrace his destiny to unleash the truth.

    Jack Reynolds is the only one who can wield the power of Eden’s Star, but can he control it before it destroys him? Hunted across international cities and secret realms, Jack and his diverse group of boarding school friends are desperate to find the ancient artifacts of the Cherub tribes before it’s too late.

    Fighting against her own heartbreak, Emma Bennett struggles to stop the dark forces capturing innocent Cherub and stealing their powers for their own sinister schemes. As the truth of a haunting prophecy is revealed, and an ally turns to the dark side, Jack and Emma must decide together if trusting a narrow path is worth the sacrifice.

    Dive into this heart-pounding sequel to Hunt for Eden’s Star.

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  • Hannahs Hope


    From a New York Times bestselling author comes a heartwarming tale of a girl whose only wish is to be held by the father she never knew.

    Hannah Roberts is the golden only-child with a perfectly scheduled life, raised in a prominent political family.

    Living with her wealthy, unaffectionate grandmother while her parents work abroad, Hannah prepares to spend a lonely Christmas when she learns a shocking truth: the man she believed was her father is not her parent after all. In an effort to find answers, she begins a desperate search for her real father, Army helicopter pilot Mike Conner, who she discovers to be the man of her distant childhood memories.

    Local politicians and the city’s newspaper catch wind of her quest, and the entire state joins in Hannah’s hope that she’ll find her father before Christmas.

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  • Million Little Choices


    Sometimes secrets just won’t stay hidden . . .

    Now from USA Today bestselling author and Christy Award Hall of Fame inductee Tamera Alexander comes the story of two women from different centuries living in the same house who share strikingly similar journeys.

    Claire Powell’s life is turned upside down when her beloved husband admits to a “near affair.” But when Stephen accepts a partnership with an Atlanta law firm without consulting her and buys a historic Southern home sight-unseen-it pushes their already-fractured marriage to the breaking point. Claire’s world spirals, and she soon finds herself in a marriage she no longer wants, in a house she never asked for.

    In 1863, Charlotte Thursmann, pregnant and trapped in a marriage to an abusive husband, struggles to protect her unborn child and the enslaved members of her household. Desperate, she’s determined to right the evils her husband and others like him commit. But how can one woman put an end to such injustice? Especially if her husband makes good on his threat to kill her?

    Both Claire and Charlotte discover truths about themselves they never realized, along with secrets long hidden that hold the power to bring God’s restoration-if only they choose to let it.

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  • Peasant King : A Novel


    Jemmah has always thought of herself as perfectly ordinary . . . until she faces extraordinary circumstances.

    When her mother, the Persian king’s famous senior scribe, is kidnapped, Jemmah and her sister must sneak undetected into enemy territory to rescue her. But infiltrating their adversary’s lands proves easier than escaping them. Fleeing through dangerous mountain passes, their survival depends on the skills of a stranger they free from prison: a mysterious prince named Asher.

    Asher is not who the world believes he is. Despite his royal blood, he has had to climb his way out of poverty to forge success from nothing. A manufacturer of some of the best weaponry in the East, Asher has only one goal: to destroy his father. But following his escape from prison, Asher is irresistibly drawn to Jemmah, unaware that she guards her own secret.

    Jemmah must convince Asher to give up everything he has worked for, all for the sake of a higher purpose he’s not sure he believes in. The fate of the Persian empire-and possibly the Judean people-hang in the balance and in the persuasive power of one ordinary woman.

    Bestselling author Tessa Afshar delivers another adventurous novel filled with romance and imagination, reminding readers of what Publishers Weekly calls her “amazing talent for packing action and intrigue into the biblical setting for modern readers.”

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  • Rangers Guide To Glipwood Forest


    Whether a first-time visitor or a repeat traveler to the always mysterious and sometimes treacherous Glipwood Forest, this illustrated guide is an invaluable addition to any Wingfeather fan’s knapsack.

    A Ranger’s Guide to Glipwood Forest expands the legend and lore of this treacherous land of fatal flora and fanged beasts–and the history of the first adventurers daring enough to brave the forest depths. Through detailed line art, maps, and directions, travelers can safely marvel at the majestic glipwood trees, poke around the (possibly haunted) Anklejelly Cavern, dip their toes into the Mighty River Blapp (if they dare!), and avoid falling off a cliff edge into the Dark Sea of Darkness and being swallowed by a sea dragon.

    Both longtime Wingfeather fans and readers new to the series will be enthralled, tickled, delighted, and occasionally disturbed by never-before-known nuggets, familiar factoids, and all-new stories about the forest and the brave rangers who made passage into its dark depths possible. Don’t attempt an exploration, journey, or meander through Glipwood without it!

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  • Sarahs Song


    A New York Times bestselling author weaves a heartwarming tale of redemptive grace and the spirit of Christmas.

    Every year, Sarah Lindeman celebrates Christmas the same way: placing one special ornament on her tiny tree on each of the twelve days of Christmas.
    It is her time to remember where she came from, who she is today, and how, long ago, a song gave her another chance at love. But this year the ritual is different.

    This year, a desperate young woman is listening–a nurse who cares for Sarah at the Greer Retirement Village. Sarah senses a familiar struggle in the woman’s soul and shares the story of her song in the hope that it will help her find healing, too, as it did Sarah so long ago.

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  • When A Secret Kills


    Investigative reporter Jillian Carter knows it’s time to put the past to rest. She’s tired of looking over her shoulder, letting a killer go free. She’s no longer the scared kid who changed her name and disappeared. Now, no matter what the cost, Jillian must do what she is trained to do–find the truth and expose it. And the truth is that Senator Frank Hoffman committed murder ten years ago–and Jillian watched it happen.

    Didn’t she?

    Not even the enigmatic and attractive Colton Brady–her ex-boyfriend and the nephew of the killer–will be able to get her to leave this alone. The truth is coming out . . . even if it kills her.

    This pulse-pounding book from USA Today bestselling author Lynette Eason has a fresh new look for readers who can’t get enough of her romantic suspense.

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  • When A Heart Stops


    As a medical examiner, Serena Hopkins is used to dealing with death. But that doesn’t make it any easier when she’s called to the eerie scene of a murder–especially when Serena realizes that she knows the victim. Nearly as unnerving is the presence of FBI agent Dominic Allen, her childhood crush.

    As evidence mounts and points to a serial killer with disturbingly familiar methods, Serena and Dominic must work to find a pattern and stop the killings before the murderer strikes again. And when Serena’s own life seems at stake, she must decide if the secret she has been keeping has put her next on the killer’s hit list. Can she trust Dominic with the truth of what happened all those years ago before it’s too late?

    This fast-paced book from USA Today bestselling author Lynette Eason has a fresh new look for readers who can’t get enough of her romantic suspense.

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  • When The Smoke Clears


    After a brush with death due to equipment failure, smokejumper Alexia Allen is ordered to take time off while the incident is under investigation. She makes a last-minute decision to recuperate at her mother’s home and attend her high school reunion–despite the fact that all she wanted when she graduated ten years ago was to get the heck out of the town that served as the setting for so much personal misery.

    Within hours of arriving home, trouble finds Alexia in the form of an armed intruder, a dead body, and Hunter Graham, a handsome detective who had a crush on her back in high school. It’s clear that someone is out to get her, but the conflicts ahead are nothing compared to the ghosts of her past. As she struggles to accept and forgive her family’s failings, she must also decide if she can trust Hunter with the secret she’s been guarding for the last ten years.

    This edge-of-your-seat book from USA Today bestselling author Lynette Eason has a fresh new look for readers who can’t get enough of her romantic suspense.

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  • Rocky Mountain Promise


    Lorelei Collins possesses a soft heart for any animal in need, so when she finds a buffalo calf bawling beside its lifeless mother, she can’t help but bring it home to raise on the ranch she and her sisters are building in the Rocky Mountain wilderness. Little does she realize that its white coloring is rare and considered sacred by Native Americans, which makes it highly valuable to them and European trappers alike. Men soon begin to visit their ranch to regard the marvel, with some trying to woo Lorelei into marriage and others trying to steal the calf outright.

    When the men’s advances become more sinister, Lorelei approaches Tanner Mason, the quiet and mysterious owner of the new trading post, with an idea: she and the calf will move to his post, along with her family’s trusted Blackfoot friend. This will solve both their problems by bringing customers to his trade room and protecting her family from the trouble brought on by so many strangers. Yet as the danger travels with her, Lorelei and Tanner are faced with a threat greater than anything they’re prepared for–one that will test the limits of their abilities and the love growing between them.

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  • This Passing Hour


    After the death of her parents, Mennonite Brenna Zimmerman relocates to the Lancaster County farm of her Old Order Amish grandparents. There, she befriends Rylan Sanders, a disabled veteran, and commits to rising above her own grief to help him as much as she can. But when things take a turn for the worse, Brenna finds herself at a loss for what to do.

    As Brenna struggles, her Mennonite friend Johann Mazur, a soldier in the Ukrainian Army, encourages her to distance herself from Rylan. But when she discovers that Rylan’s army buddies are withholding secrets that could help with his psychological healing, Brenna is torn between her feelings for Johann and her commitment to help Rylan.

    Inspired by the story of her distant relative who served with the Red Cross and supervised German POWs during World War II, Brenna considers her own future and must decide whether she has the courage to give up the comforts she craves for the life she truly wants.

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  • Starstruck : A Novel


    Can a small-town waitress capture the heart of a world-famous heartthrob?

    For Heather Gordon, life in her small North Carolina town has always been simple and uneventful. Until one night when a rowdy food fight breaks out in her family’s restaurant where she’s a waitress. The culprits? The internationally famous rock band, Kirwan. And when Alex Kirwan, the charming and enigmatic lead singer, wants to make amends for his brothers’ (and bandmates’) behavior and invites her to attend one of their concerts as a guest of the band, Heather’s world is turned upside down . . . and sparks fly.

    Alex has always loved music, but his rock-star life isn’t all glamorous people and parties. It’s also paparazzi and online tabloids, a new city every week, and the loneliness of touring–even if he has his brothers with him. But with Heather things are different, and he’s instantly smitten and determined to get to know the sweet, pretty woman who has absolutely no interest in his fame. If only he can convince her to take a chance on his crazy life.

    Once Alex leaves on tour, he and Heather begin exchanging messages and calls. Despite the distance between them, they find themselves learning they have more in common than they ever could have imagined. But even while Heather and Alex’s relationship deepens, they must face the harsh realities of fame and the pressures it puts on their personal lives. Will their love be enough to overcome the challenges that come with celebrity, or will the rigors of distance and Alex’s life on the road tear them apart?

    Filled with heart and the intoxicating allure of possibility, Starstruck is a must-read for anyone who has ever dreamed of finding love in surprising places.

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  • Last Girl Breathing


    Eight years ago, tragedy struck. Eight years ago, Lucy Michaels’ life changed forever. But under the surface of her small town lies a secret that could pull her under.

    No one expected it to rain that much. But the rain kept coming, the dam broke, and lives were lost. Including five-year-old Clay Michaels, who was swept away in the floodwaters. Clay’s sister, Lucy, has never forgiven herself for her little brother’s death. She was supposed to hold on to him, to keep him from harm during that terrible night. She was supposed to protect him.

    Now eight years later, seventeen-year-old Lucy is focused on two things: making the US Olympic air rifle team and protecting everyone in her life from any type of trauma. However, with graduation and the Olympics on the horizon, her world is once again shaken when tragedy strikes Grand Junction, and Lucy is right back in the middle of it.

    Two of her closest friends have been hunted down in the nature preserve adjoining the town–the same plot of land where her younger brother died–and the fingers of suspicion are pointing everywhere in the community. The prime suspect? Lucy’s ex-boyfriend. The more Lucy uncovers about the secrets of those around her, the more she realizes that she, too, is a target–and that now is the time to face her past if she wants to have a future.

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  • To Spark A Match


    After five unsuccessful Seasons on the marriage mart, Miss Adelaide Duveen has resigned herself to the notion that she’s destined to remain a spinster forever–a rather dismal prospect, but one that will allow her to concentrate on her darling cats and books. However, when she inadvertently stumbles upon Mr. Gideon Abbott engaged in a clandestine activity during a dinner party, Adelaide finds herself thrust into a world of intrigue that resembles the plots in the spy novels she devours.

    Former intelligence agent Gideon Abbott feels responsible for Adelaide after society threatens to banish her because of the distraction she caused to save his investigation. Hoping to return the favor, he turns to a good friend–and one of high society’s leaders–to take Adelaide in hand and turn her fashionable. When danger surrounds them and Adelaide finds herself a target of the criminals in Gideon’s case, the spark of love between them threatens to be quenched for good–along with their lives.

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  • 2nd Storm


    The Second Storm is the fourth book in the High Water series. It blends contemporary mystery and suspense, dramatic situations, and high adventure that readers 12 years old and older will love.

    A Category 5 hurricane is heading for southern Florida, and Parker Buckman’s friend Wilson Stillwaters is caught in its crosshairs. It’s going to be bad, and Wilson will need help. But that means going back to the Everglades-a place filled with some bad memories.

    Angelica will do anything she can to get her friend Parker back home safely. What she doesn’t realize is the real threat-the second storm-is threatening to be far more deadly for Parker and his friends than the hurricane. The storm has allowed Clayton Kingman to escape from prison, and he has a big surprise in store for the group, one he intends to deliver personally.

    An even bigger storm is brewing . . . and there’s no way to stop it.

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  • Saving Grayson : A Novel


    An inspiring fiction story from the bestselling author of War Room

    Grayson Hayes doesn’t remember things as well as he used to, but he’s sure his time is running out. Diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s, he realizes he has a small window of time left to right a terrible injustice-he just can’t remember what it is.

    Convinced of the importance of his mission, he embarks on a journey to the small West Virginia town of his childhood hoping he can put together the fractured pieces of his memory and set things right. But as the past becomes more clear, he wonders if God forgives the sins he can’t remember.

    A thought-provoking story with challenging themes, this book deals with issues like

    *what it’s like to care for a loved one with memory loss,
    *how to live when you feel like you’re losing yourself,
    *what it is that gives value to a human life, and
    *the eternal power of forgiveness and second chances.

    Saving Grayson is a wrenching yet hopeful story of a journey to right unknown wrongs and of holding on to what you know even when it feels like everything is slipping away.

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  • Peasant King : A Novel


    Jemmah has always thought of herself as perfectly ordinary . . . until she faces extraordinary circumstances.

    When her mother, the Persian king’s famous senior scribe, is kidnapped, Jemmah and her sister must sneak undetected into enemy territory to rescue her. But infiltrating their adversary’s lands proves easier than escaping them. Fleeing through dangerous mountain passes, their survival depends on the skills of a stranger they free from prison: a mysterious prince named Asher.

    Asher is not who the world believes he is. Despite his royal blood, he has had to climb his way out of poverty to forge success from nothing. A manufacturer of some of the best weaponry in the East, Asher has only one goal: to destroy his father. But following his escape from prison, Asher is irresistibly drawn to Jemmah, unaware that she guards her own secret.

    Jemmah must convince Asher to give up everything he has worked for, all for the sake of a higher purpose he’s not sure he believes in. The fate of the Persian empire-and possibly the Judean people-hang in the balance and in the persuasive power of one ordinary woman.

    Bestselling author Tessa Afshar delivers another adventurous novel filled with romance and imagination, reminding readers of what Publishers Weekly calls her “amazing talent for packing action and intrigue into the biblical setting for modern readers.”

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  • Chosen Called By Name


    The Chosen: Volume 1 contains original graphic novel depictions from the television show,
    The Chosen, through the eyes of world-class artists.
    Illustrated scenes of Jesus turning water into wine, His meeting with the Samaritan woman at the well, His healing of a paralyzed man, and more, will both excite and draw readers closer to Him.

    From catacomb paintings to stained glass windows, Christians have always used art to not only tell but show the gospel story. To that end, The Chosen uses television. But by working with new and talented artists, Season 1 has been adapted into a fully illustrated graphic novel, including scenes like:

    – Mary Magdalene being called from darkness into light
    – Simon and Andrew and the miraculous catch of fish
    – The paralyzed man who was lowered through the roof–and then healed
    – Nicodemus and his secret meeting with Jesus under cover of night

    Based on the groundbreaking TV show, graphic novel lovers of all ages will be moved and drawn closer to the Hero of the story as they visually experience these age-old truths in a distinctive way.

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  • Warsaw Sisters : A Novel Of WWII Poland


    On a golden August morning in 1939, sisters Antonina and Helena Dabrowska send their father off to defend Poland against the looming threat of German invasion. The next day, the first bombs fall on Warsaw, decimating their beloved city and shattering the world of their youth.

    When Antonina’s beloved Marek is forced behind ghetto walls along with the rest of Warsaw’s Jewish population, Antonina turns her worry into action and becomes a key figure in a daring network of women risking their lives to shelter Jewish children. Helena finds herself drawn into the ranks of Poland’s secret army, joining the fight to free her homeland from occupation. But the secrets both are forced to keep threaten to tear the sisters apart–and the cost of resistance proves greater than either ever imagined.

    Shining a light on the oft-forgotten history of Poland during WWII and inspired by true stories of ordinary individuals who fought to preserve freedom and humanity in the darkest of times, The Warsaw Sisters is a richly rendered portrait of courage, sacrifice, and the resilience of our deepest ties.

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  • Her Secret Hope


    Almost two years after Lilly Kurtz first traveled to Pinecraft, Florida, with friends, she’s decided to make a fresh start there. She’s ready to be new-and-improved Lilly, a Lilly without a past, a Lilly with no secrets. At first, everything goes well. She gets a job, her coworkers feel like family, and she enjoys reconnecting with her friends. But it turns out the past is reluctant to be left behind.

    When Lilly meets hardworking farmer Eddie Byler, she can’t get him off of her mind. But then she discovers that Eddie actually lives just a few miles from her hometown in Ohio. Lilly knows that he’s not going to like it when he finds out what secrets she’s been running from. And she knows she could never follow the man she’s falling in love with back to a place where she’s never felt accepted.

    Will Lilly have to give up on love in order to find peace? Or could it be that love is actually the solution to all of her problems?

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  • Knowing You (Large Type)


    Could a captivating art exhibit hold the key to truth–and love?

    Budding artist May Parker is captivated by the Japanese exhibits at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition and longs to know more about her mother’s heritage–which her mother refuses to speak of because of the heartache she left behind in Japan. Wanting to experience more of the exhibits, May works as a Camera Girl–but her curiosity leads her into danger when a suit of samurai armor becomes the target of an elusive art forger.

    After ten years apart, May is reunited with her childhood friend Lee Munro, a police detective assigned to keep a watchful eye on the exposition. Their friendship immediately begins to blossom with hints of something more, but when they become entangled in a dangerous heist involving the samurai armor and their love is threatened, can they overcome the odds against them?

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  • Knowing You


    Could a captivating art exhibit hold the key to truth–and love?

    Budding artist May Parker is captivated by the Japanese exhibits at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition and longs to know more about her mother’s heritage–which her mother refuses to speak of because of the heartache she left behind in Japan. Wanting to experience more of the exhibits, May works as a Camera Girl–but her curiosity leads her into danger when a suit of samurai armor becomes the target of an elusive art forger.

    After ten years apart, May is reunited with her childhood friend Lee Munro, a police detective assigned to keep a watchful eye on the exposition. Their friendship immediately begins to blossom with hints of something more, but when they become entangled in a dangerous heist involving the samurai armor and their love is threatened, can they overcome the odds against them?

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  • Knowing You


    Could a captivating art exhibit hold the key to truth–and love?

    Budding artist May Parker is captivated by the Japanese exhibits at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition and longs to know more about her mother’s heritage–which her mother refuses to speak of because of the heartache she left behind in Japan. Wanting to experience more of the exhibits, May works as a Camera Girl–but her curiosity leads her into danger when a suit of samurai armor becomes the target of an elusive art forger.

    After ten years apart, May is reunited with her childhood friend Lee Munro, a police detective assigned to keep a watchful eye on the exposition. Their friendship immediately begins to blossom with hints of something more, but when they become entangled in a dangerous heist involving the samurai armor and their love is threatened, can they overcome the odds against them?

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  • Kingdom of Love : 3 Medieval Romances


    Kidnapping. . .Murder. . .Revenge. If Only the Fortress Walls Could Talk!

    From bestselling author Tracie Peterson come 3 unique historical novels, rereleased for old and new fans alike. Liberty and love–even life itself–are fragile commodities those living in medieval England. Will God’s love and power triumph in the lives of these three courageous women? Arianne is finally finding love and kindness in an arranged marriage until her past overpowers the castle gate and threatens to take her hostage. Helena must overcome a king’s decree, escape a savage stepbrother and devious stepsister, and try to enter thick walls of safety…for herself and her heart. Mary, a physician’s daughter, brings life and health to others at the threat of her own safety. Will a shining knight come to her rescue? If the castle walls could talk, would they warn of peril or promise romance? Find out in soul-searing historical novels of romance and suspense!

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  • Plain And Fancy


    When Love Is an Unwelcomed Complication

    Is it good for two people–one plain, the other fancy–to fall in love? Laura Meade loves her modern life, yet she fascinated by the Amish culture in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, where she is studying interior design. Upon their first meeting, she is immediately attracted to Eli Yoder, one of the Plain People, but Laura has no real concept about faith, God’s love, and forgiveness of sins. Eli is also enamored with Laura, but to marry outside his faith would be forbidden. What then is the hope for love?

    Plain and Fancy is book 3 in the Brides of Lancaster County series.

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  • Merry Heart


    A Bitter Heart Is a Lonely Companion

    Miriam Stoltzfus is a young Pennsylvania Amish woman once filled with dreams for a future with a man. . .who jilted her. Now she is known as the old maid schoolteacher with a heart of stone. Could a forbidden romantic friendship with an English newspaper reporter stir the embers of her heart? Or, will she follow the traditional path and settle for a marriage of convenience born out of the sake of a child? Either way, she must find the key to letting go of the bitterness that binds her ability to love.

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  • Looking For A Miracle


    Rebekah Stoltzfus asks God for a miracle–
    a way to become self-supporting.

    As a child, Rebekah Stoltzfus suffered a freak accident that left her legs paralyzed. Now, confined to a wheelchair, she feels she’ll never measure up to the expectations of her Pennsylvania Amish community that a woman should marry and raise a family. She longs to be loved, yet she prays for a way to be self-supporting. Daniel Beachy wants to court Rebekah, but she believes that she is a burden and has convinced herself that love is not for her. Will Rebekah’s search for a miracle come true? Or, will she miss God’s gift in her battle between self-pity and the determination to be independent?

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  • Hope Chest


    Is It Wrong to Hope for the Impossible?

    Rachel Beachy wants something she can’t have-her sister Anna’s boyfriend. Silas Swartley has been in love with Anna since they were children, and Rachel has loved Silas nearly as long. Rachel feels that her swiftly moving days are spent without hope, but when Anna unexpectedly leaves the Amish faith, Rachel’s hope is rekindled. She begins filling her hope chest as she initiates a campaign to win Silas’s heart. Can Silas set the pain of Anna’s rejection aside and see Rachel as anything more than a child? Will Rachel be disappointed in Silas and in God, or will she learn the true meaning of hope?

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  • Children Of The Shadows


    Detective Daniel Swann and debutante Juliette Thorndike once again team up to solve a dangerous mystery–while trying to keep their growing romance secret.

    Someone is preying upon the street children of Regency London. They seem to think no one will notice when urchins go missing–and even if they are noticed, who will care?

    Daniel needs to do something about the missing children. But with recent revelations about his past and an unexpected, somewhat unwelcome inheritance to deal with, this is a terrible time to dive back into the seedy underbelly of the crime world. Nevertheless, he’s still a Bow Street runner, and his partner Lady Juliette is sensitive to the plight of these wayward youngsters. They’re on the case, searching shadowed alleys and coal-drenched streets to find the missing.

    But the tangle of expectation and the dynamics of power cannot be easily ignored, even if there are children in danger. When Daniel’s past threatens to overwhelm his future, he will need a miracle and the help of his friends to both apprehend the villain and unravel his tangled family web. And it may be that his new responsibilities demand that he leave the children of the shadows to their terrible fate–or lose everything.

    Erica Vetsch’s popular Regency mystery series concludes with a bang, sure to satisfy readers who have hung on every page since book one.

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  • Appalachian Song


    Forever within the memories of my heart.

    Always remember, you are perfectly loved.

    Bertie Jenkins has spent forty years serving as a midwife for her community in the Great Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee. Out of all the mothers she’s tended, none affects her more than the young teenager who shows up on her doorstep, injured, afraid, and expecting, one warm June day in 1943. As Bertie and her four sisters tenderly nurture Songbird back to health, the bond between the childless midwife and the motherless teen grows strong. But soon Songbird is forced to make a heartbreaking decision that will tear this little family apart.

    Thirty years later, the day after his father’s funeral, Walker Wylie is stunned to learn he was adopted as an infant. The famous country singer enlists the help of adoption advocate Reese Chandler in the hopes of learning why he was abandoned by his birth parents. With the only clue he has in hand, Walker and Reese head deep into the Appalachian Mountains to track down Bertie Jenkins, the midwife who holds the secrets to Walker’s past.

    For fans of historical and Southern fiction comes a poignant story of love and sacrifice set in the heart of Appalachia, from award-winning author Michelle Shocklee.

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  • Sugar Birds : A Novel



    For years, Harris Hayes has taught his daughter, Aggie, the ways of the northern woods, where she sketches nests of wild birds as an antidote to sadness. Then her depressed, unpredictable mother forbids her to climb the trees that give her sanctuary and comfort. Angry, ten-year-old Aggie accidentally lights a tragic fire and flees downriver. She lands her boat near untamed forest, then hides among trees and creatures she believes are her only friends–determined to remain undiscovered.

    A search party gathers hours after Celia arrives at her grandmother’s nearby farm. Hurting from her parents’ breakup, she also plans to run. But when she joins the hunt for Aggie, she meets two irresistible young men who compel her to stay. One is autistic; the other, dangerous.

    Ideal for fans of Under the Magnolias, Where the Crawdads Sing, and The Great Alone, Sugar Birds is a layered, riveting story set in the breathtaking natural world–where characters encounter the mending power of forgiveness, for themselves and for those who have failed them.

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  • Maggies Miracle


    Years after one magical summer, a high-powered attorney reconnects with a grieving man from her past — and learns that the miracles she prayed for could be right beside her.
    Megan Wright spent one unforgettable summer week with a boy when they were both teens. And despite a lifetime of heartache and bad choices, she has never let go of his magical definition of love, even if she has trouble believing in it. After college Megan settled for a relationship of convenience. Now she’s a high powered attorney and, after the death of her husband two years ago, has been looking for help with her lonely young son.

    Across town, Casey Cummins is still dealing with the tragic loss of his wife. His search for meaning and hope leads him to contact the Manhattan Children’s Organization, who connects him with a fatherless child. Life suddenly takes a series of unusual twists, and soon Megan will learn that the teenage boy from all those years ago actually kept his promise, and the miracle she prayed for as a girl is only a breath away.

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  • Gideons Gift


    In this powerful holiday story, a man who lost everything has his whole life changed after a little girl’s letter reminds him of the true meaning of Christmas.

    Ten years later Big Earl meets Gideon, a seven-year-old leukemia patient who believes with all her heart that “Christmas means never having to ask God how much he loves us.” Gideon is determined to reach this lonely and hurting man who hates Christmas — and he is just as determined to rebuff her. It will take a miracle for Earl to come to understand the true meaning of Christmas. But if he can accept what Gideon wants to give him, he might find that he can return the favor with a precious gift of his own.

    In Gideon’s Gift, Karen Kingsbury reminds us that Christmas is still a time of miraculous possibilities if only we reach out to those around us.

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  • Out Of The Far North


    Moscow Is Furious–and Plotting Revenge

    Tensions are at a breaking point. The Western markets that once relied on Russian gas have turned to Israel for their energy needs. Furious, Russia surreptitiously moves to protect their interests by using their newfound ally, Iran, and Iran’s proxy militias.

    As Israel’s elite fighting forces and the Mossad go undercover, they detect the Kremlin is planning a major attack against Israel. Hunting for clues, Mossad agents Nir Tavor and Nicole le Roux plunge themselves into the treacherous underworld of Russian oligarch money, power, and decadence.

    With each danger they face, le Roux’s newfound Christian faith grows stronger. And battle-weary Tavor–haunted by dreams from his past–must confront memories and pain he’d sought to bury.

    In this electrifying thriller, hostilities explode as Tavor and le Roux fight to prevent a devastating conflict. Will they be able to outwit their enemies, or will their actions have catastrophic consequences? And how can Tavor’s Kidon team possibly survive when forces beyond the Mossad’s control step in and turn the whole operation upside down?

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  • Smoke In The Air


    From bestselling author Bill Myers comes another hilarious, warmhearted, and action-packed adventure starring the Mulligan family.

    Still used to life on the streets, Hector is having a hard time fitting in at school, unless you count regular fights with other boys as “fitting in.” But now he’s got a few friends who seem willing to accept him . . . if he can prove he belongs. But the actions of this gang may prove perilous for the Mulligan Wild Animal Park. Can he learn to make better choices in the friends he hangs out with and accept the grace and love of his new family?

    Speaking of grace, Janelle is learning to extend bucketloads of it to the girl who plays her sister in the school musical: the snobby, super rich Chloe Richardson. But now a message from home informs Janelle that she’ll need to spend even more time with Chloe. Can she survive the night with the all-pro mean girl?

    Meanwhile, back at the animal park, the rest of the Mulligans are dealing with one emergency after another when a wildfire breaks out in the grasslands of the park. Many of the animals need to be evacuated to another location. Now the Mulligans must do what they do best: work together to make sure everyone gets home safe.

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  • Letter Tree


    Mere words can’t end their families’ feud, but the Campbell heir and the Bradshaw heiress plan to write a future together.

    Buffalo, NY, 1924

    Laura Bradshaw adores stories with happily ever afters. But since her mother died seven years ago, the Bradshaw Shoe Company heiress has been as good as locked away in a tower. Her overbearing father cares little for her dreams, throwing himself instead into his tireless takedown of his competitor, the Campbell Shoe Company. However, Laura has been gifted with a reprieve: a mysterious friend with whom she’s been exchanging letters.

    As heir to the Campbell Shoe Company, Isaac Campbell is a sought-after bachelor who has never felt an inkling of desire for the women who constantly bat their eyes at him. His thoughts are consumed by an oak tree in the Buffalo Zoo–or rather, the mystery woman he exchanges letters with courtesy of the tree. She’s been one of Isaac’s only joys in a life consumed by his father’s tireless hatred of Bradshaw. A hatred that, Isaac is coming to realize, may affect him more personally than he ever imagined.

    When Laura’s father orchestrates a match between her and an important business owner, she resolves to pursue her only chance at freedom. But Isaac believes their story isn’t bound for a tragic ending. He’s certain there’s more to the Bradshaw-Campbell feud than meets the eye. And he won’t stop digging until he uncovers the truth that might bridge the divide between him and the woman whose words have captured his heart.

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