Mon-Sat 8:30am - 5:30pm, Closed Sunday | 800 N Main St, Shelbyville, TN | (931) 684-8878





    • Im A Christian Now Younger Kids Activity Book Revised (Revised)


      I’m a Christian Now: Younger Kids Activity Book is revised to include a parent-friendly focus. This eight-week activity book helps kids know more of spiritual disciplines and the next steps of going deeper in discipleship.

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    • Job Bible Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Joy is the constant companion of the woman who trusts in the Lord. And while you can find it in friends, family, and circumstances, unfailing, persistent joy will only ever overflow from your relationship with Jesus.

      Just ask Job, the man from Uz who clung to God’s goodness while all his worldly joys were stripped away.

      But how is it possible to hold onto such joy in times of sorrow?

      In this 7-session study, discover the redemptive facet of Job’s suffering. Learn to view pain as a way to strengthen your faith, point others to the gospel, and trust in the Lord. Because His providence will never take you to a place where His grace will not sustain you.


      –Leader helps to guide questions and discussions within small groups
      –Personal study segments to complete between 7 weeks of group sessions
      –Seven interactive teaching videos, approximately 30-35 minutes per session, available for purchase or rent
      –Moving interviews with Christine Caine, Scott & Tracie Hamilton, Natalie Grant, and more


      –Learn to trust in God’s character.
      –Repair past or current wounds.
      –Realize God welcomes your difficult questions.
      –Let go of complacent Christianity.
      –Pursue joy even in the midst of personal pain.

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    • Meeting Jesus : 18 Profound Encounters With Christ


      Meeting Jesus explores 18 unique and profound encounters that individuals had with Jesus Christ, each teaching us something different about him. These are people who had met Jesus in real life and whose stories enable us to get to know Christ more personally and love him more dearly. People like Mary Magdalene who met the Friend of Sinners, Pontius Pilate who me the King, Thomas who went from sincere doubt to genuine praise, and many more.
      Whether you have been a believer for decades, or you have recently come to faith in Jesus, Meeting Jesus will draw you closer to your beloved Lord and Savior, Companion and Friend.

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    • House At Saltwater Point


      Ellie Blackmore is making a name for herself as a young house flipper. But when her sister disappears, she can’t focus on anything but finding out what really happened. Blood on the floor might indicate that MacKenzie was killed and her body was removed.

      Ellie is at odds with Grayson Bradshaw, the handsome Coast Guard intelligence officer who thinks MacKenzie faked her own death and is off enjoying her ill-gotten gains: billions of dollars in cocaine.

      They both want the truth, but truth–and family–is often more complex than it may first appear.

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    • I Can Only Imagine For Little Ones


      Encourage your children’s sense of wonder and faith with I Can Only Imagine for Little Ones, inspired by the hit song by MercyMe. This delightful board book will capture your family’s childlike faith and imagination.

      I Can Only Imagine for Little Ones asks questions a child might ask about God and invites families to wonder together: What is heaven like? What does God do? What would it be like to spend a day with Jesus? Children will see that although experiencing the glory of heaven may be far off, we can enjoy a friendship with Jesus every day – right here on earth. Whimsical, playful illustrations and thought-provoking questions make this a book families will cherish.

      Fun and vibrant illustrations offer a vivid visual and will help your children see that God can be found everywhere, every day.

      The more I imagine, the more I wish I knew.

      I wonder, would God like pancakes with extra syrup too?

      And if God and I spent the day together, what exactly would we do?

      Would God feel what I feel? Would He see what I see?

      Would He like to explore and see the world with me?

      The Christian worship song “I Can Only Imagine” touched countless lives with its glorious representation of being in the presence of God, and this beautifully illustrated board book invites you and your little ones to imagine those same wonders. Share the joy of a personal relationship with the Lord with your family today through the creative, faith-filled book I Can Only Imagine for Little Ones.

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    • Bible Orientation Volume 2 Poetry And Major Prophets


      Welcome to “Bible Orientation”.

      This curriculum:
      – teaches children to read the Bible themselves
      – includes a lesson for every Bible book
      – requires minimal preparation
      – is fun and interactive
      – is linear and flexible; move at your own pace
      – demands few materials, this book and a Bible for each student
      – includes an optional visual aid component
      – is suitable for Sunday School, Christian School and Home School
      – is ideal for grades 2-6

      In this volume (Job-Daniel) children discover metaphors for God in the praise and prayers of the Psalms. They find Jesus in Isaiah. They replay Job’s conversations with his friends and measure their own thinking by the Proverbs. Pictionary and mime bring the prophecies of Jeremiah and Ezekiel to life. Then they meet teenaged Daniel, the dream teller, and follow him up to the king’s palace and down to the lion’s den.

      Enjoy growing Bible-smart kids!

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    • Hope Of Azure Springs (Reprinted)


      Seven years ago, orphaned and alone, Em finally arrived at a new home in Iowa after riding the orphan train. But secrets from her past haunt her, and her new life in the Western wilderness is a rough one. When her guardian is shot and killed, Em, now nineteen, finally has the chance to search for her long-lost sister, but she won’t be able to do it alone.

      For Azure Springs Sheriff Caleb Reynolds, securing justice for the waifish and injured Em is just part of his job. He’s determined to solve every case put before him in order to impress his parents and make a name for himself. Caleb expects to succeed. What he doesn’t expect is the hold this strange young woman will have on his heart.

      Debut author Rachel Fordham invites historical romance readers to the charming town of Azure Springs, Iowa, where the people care deeply for one another and, sometimes, even fall in love.

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    • Born This Way


      Lady Gaga’s song “Born This Way” has become an anthem for homosexual rights, asserting in a simplistic fashion that same-sex attraction is a trait much like hair or skin color. In Born This Way?, the author surveys the most common scientific arguments in favor of homosexuality and respond to pro-homosexual arguments. A review of the research will show that, while there are some genetic or biological factors that correlate with a higher incidence of same-sex attraction and homosexual behavior, as of yet there is no proof of genetic or biological causation for homosexuality.

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    • How To Win Souls And Influence People


      Wendy Potter shares “how” she witnesses to people in every walk of life. She also shares why she does it – to win souls because the King is coming, and she wants as many people as possible to experience the light and life of Jesus Christ.

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    • Impact Preaching : A Case For The One-Point Expository Sermon


      This comprehensive and engaging manual aids preachers in keeping the transformative meaning and impact of the biblical text intact through all hermeneutical and homiletical processes. While this approach applies to all sermon structures, the book focuses on the less familiar one-point expository message rather than the more common three-point sermon, or verse-by-verse approach.

      Drawing upon the strengths of their backgrounds as homiletic and biblical studies professors, the authors help the reader identify which biblical texts fit the one-point expository sermon structure, explain how to develop the sermons, and provide sermon samples that illustrate the approach.

      The authors explore the features of each major literary genre and how it helps to shape the sermon. With their shared expertise in biblical studies and homiletics, they offer a book brimming with insights and usefulness.

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    • Making Connections : A Workbook For Finding Your Place In God s Story (Workbook)


      Making Connections is a hands-on aid to learning the grand story of the Bible. It can be used as a standalone resource, but is best suited to be used alongside the textbook by the authors Telling God’s Story (Broadman & Holman) in addition to the Bible. It is designed to be used in the local church for Bible studies, pastor-led studies, and Sunday school.

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    • New Apostolic Reformation


      This critique provides a framework for understanding and interpreting the widespread but little-known New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement. As the authors state in the preface: “We write this book with two major goals in mind. First, to give people an idea of the sheer size and reach of the NAR movement. And second, to systematize its key teachings and practices and evaluate them on the basis of Scripture and careful reasoning – . In our judgment, the NAR perspective crosses these boundaries [that is, certain broad parameters, revealed in Scripture and practiced in the historical orthodox church], and it does so in part because of flawed theology rooted in a flawed understanding of Scripture. We wish to warn readers about a possible confusion: Some critics have linked the NAR movement with mainstream Pentecostalism and charismatics. We do not do this. In fact, it is our contention that the NAR movement deviates from classical Pentecostal and charismatic teachings. This movement has emerged out of independent charismatic churches and, thus, has gained a foothold in many of those churches in varying degrees.”

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    • Biblical Theology Volume 2


      The second of three volumes, this study explores the Old Testament special grace covenants: the Abrahamic, Mosaic, and Davidic. The third volume examines the final and culminating special grace covenant: the New covenant. The three volumes taken together present the covenant as an expression of God’s nature, and show a paradigm of activity by which God works in covenantal relations, first to create the world and then, through a redemptive program after the fall, to redeem what was lost. The proposed paradigm, by which all the divine-human covenants are expressed and understood, is a new and, it is hoped, helpful way of portraying God’s covenant making dynamic, and it also thereby illustrates the divine consistency. The work also develops further the idea that all divine-human covenants are both unconditional and conditional, in contradistinction to prevailing terminology and understanding of the covenants as either conditional or unconditional, or unilateral or bilateral. Ancillary to the discussion of the covenants is a fresh exploration and demonstration of covenant making and covenant sustaining terminology.

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    • Biblical Greek Made Simple


      Diligent study of God’s Word involves engaging with it in the language it was written.

      Learning Greek can be a challenging experience for seminary students but it is a critical piece of their education. Engaging with the Bible in its original language will lead to deeper understanding, new insights, and provide tools to enter into the conversation surrounding God’s Word.

      Biblical Greek Made Simple is a one–semester textbook that teaches the basics of biblical Greek. Designed with the modern student and curriculum in mind, this grammar introduces all the essential elements of biblical Greek while also utilizing the tools and features of Logos Bible Software to help retain and enhance knowledge of Greek. Each chapter includes exercises tailored to its contents as well as additional teaching material for further advancement. Daniel Zacharias provides a solid overview of the entire biblical Greek system, while challenging students to understand how this ancient language is relevant to meaning and translation.

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    • Revelation And Reason In Christian Theology


      Do revelation and reason contradict?

      Throughout the church’s history Christians have been tempted to make revelation and reason mutually exclusive. But both are essential to a true understanding of the faith.

      The inaugural Theology Connect conference–held in Sydney in July 2016–was dedicated to surveying the intersection of revelation and reason. In Revelation and Reason in Christian Theology Christopher C. Green and David I. Starling draw together the fruit of this conference to provoke sustained, deep reflection on this relationship. The essays–filtered through epistemological, biblical, historical, and dogmatic lenses–critically and constructively contribute to this important and developing aspect of theology.

      Each essayist approaches revelation and reason according to the psalmist’s words: “In your light we see light” (Ps 36:9). The light of faith does not obscure truth; rather, it enables us to see truth.

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    • Woman Of Wisdom


      What does it mean to live “in covenant” with the living God? “Woman of Wisdom” guides you to discover the answer to that question and the key elements of covenant, such as the exchange of robes and more.

      Utilizing the book of Ruth to emphasize covenant’s practical application for today, you’ll be drawn into God’s plan for all of us to come into a relationship with Him.

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    • Secrets Of The Past And Murder


      Sally Cameron, an attractive willowy blond federal attorney, receives a mysterious telephone call late in the middle of the night from a distraught dear old aunt in Regina. She’s about to be arrested and needs help. The case has something to do with blackmail and the killings of two young girls believed to be prostitutes. Confused, Sally flies out the next day.

      But to her surprise, she discovers that her uncle doesn’t want her help-and in fact, he wants her to leave. With nowhere to go, she joins forces with a handsome Indigenous journalist who comes to her aid. Together, they must solve the murders as the threat of blackmail and dark family secrets swirl around them.

      Will Sally solve the case before she becomes the murderer’s next victim?

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    • Forgiven : A Story Of Redemption


      She was only 5 years old when she would encounter her first experience of betrayal with the unwelcomed and inappropriate touch of someone she trusted. When these experiences escalated throughout her childhood, and teenage years, she evolved from a free-spirited little girl, into an angry woman who needed to survive.

      Then one day, everything changed. Redemption visited her in the night. The 5 year old little girl that had been trapped inside of her was freed! Complete healing happened to her and in a moment of time, and the shame and rage that had kept her bound for so many years, melted away in the loving arms of Jesus. This is her story.

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    • We Were Royal Refugees


      Six. That was the number of people killed every minute of every hour of the day, for one hundred days. The dead lay there mutilated, raped, disfigured, and dismembered. They were strewn across the African countryside, piled up in empty churches, and thrown in the lakes and rivers.

      Alphonse and Thacienne had their dream life. They were in love, they had five children, and they pastored a great church in Rwanda’s capital city of Kigali. But in 1994 it all came to a cataclysmic end as almost one million people were slaughtered in an eruption of violence that lasted three months. As Alphonse is trapped in his church fighting to stay alive, Thacienne embarks on a courageous journey to get her children to safety, holding hope that she will be reunited with her husband.

      Written by one of the survivors,We Were Royal Refugees is the gripping and heart-wrenching true story of the horror, loss, forgiveness, and triumph of a family in one of the worst tragedies in modern history, the Rwandan genocide.

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    • Psalms Volume 2


      Psalms, Volume 2, which is part of the NIV Application Commentary Series, helps readers learn how the message of the Psalms can have the same power impact today that it did when they were first written.

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    • Book Of Mysteries


      Jonathan Cahn, who caused a national and international stir with the New York Times best seller The Harbinger and then The Mystery of the Shemitah, now brings us a treasure chest, which contains some of the greatest mysteries of all time. The reader will discover life-transforming secrets, mind-blowing realities, and heart-changing revelations in such mysteries as The Face in the Waters, The Leper King, The Land of Gezarah, The Secret of the Third Prince, The House of Spirits, The Mystery of the Rains, How to Alter Your Past, The Second Scroll, The Similitude, The Mystery of the Eighth Day, and much more. The Book of Mysteries takes the readers on a journey of divine revelation through ancient scriptures, the laws of creation, the deep of God’s Word, the hidden streams of history, the most important keys of spiritual truth, end-time mysteries, and the secrets of life.

      The Book of Mysteries opens up with a traveler and his encounter with a man known only as “the teacher.” The teacher takes him on an odyssey through desert mountains, valleys, gardens and plains, encounters with nomadic tent dwellers, caverns and ancient ruins, chambers of scrolls and vessels, and more. The reader is taken along to partake in the journey and in all the teachings and revelations. The traveler keeps a journal, in which he writes down each of the mysteries given to him by the teacher in his one-year odyssey–365 different mysteries–one for each day of the year. Thus, on top of everything else, The Book of Mysteries is also a daily devotional unlike any other. And each mystery contains a special mission for each day of the year, a mission that takes the revelation and applies it to reality for a life-changing journey.

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    • Great Is Thy Faithfulness


      “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” is the theme that runs throughout this collection of Our Daily Bread meditations. Each was selected to remind you that God is with you in all circumstances-and in Him, you will find “strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow.” Just as the Scripture-based hymn highlights God’s steadfastness, these meditations encourage you to trust and thank God through all seasons of life.

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    • Kidologys Ultimate Toolbox For Childrens Ministry


      Kidology’s Ultimate Toolbox for Children’s Ministry has everything you need to run a children’s ministry that transforms the lives of children, encourages and empowers volunteers, and gives each leader the vital help they need. This all-inclusive handbook by renowned kidologist Karl Bastian is chock-full of handouts, downloadable forms, PDFs, and step-by-step guides. It covers all the key areas of ministry you need with personal tools, leader tools, teaching and training volunteer tools, and outreach tools. This book will offer additional videos, downloads, and resources that complement the materials in the book from the Kidology website and the included CD-ROM! This is your one-stop musthave toolbox.

      Best-selling points:

      – All the tools you need to run a successful children’s ministry

      – All handouts, worksheets, and forms are fully reproducible

      – Included CD-ROM offers PDF files of some of the material, for copying, adapting, and sharing

      – Dozens of reproducibles and workshop materials

      – Top resources for:

      Personal Growth Tools
      Leadership Development Tools
      Volunteers Training and Recruitment Tools
      Teaching Tools
      Outreach Tools

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    • Holy Land New Testament Then And Now Relief Map


      Explore the rivers, hills, and valleys of the Holy Land, and revolutionize your understanding of the New Testament landscape. This “then and now” map allows you to see where biblical locations were, with present-day locations, cities, and boundaries overlaid in red. Printed on heavy chart paper and laminated for durability and use with dry-erase markers. Measures 19.5″ x 26″.

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    • Sermon On The Mount Pamphlet


      Rose Publishing pamphlets are known for their accessibility and concise presentation of in-depth topics for Christians of all walks of faith. The Sermon on the Mount pamphlet offers Jesus’ best known teachings from Matthew 5-7, and easily fits into most Bibles as a handy reference. This pamphlet includes:
      *The Beatitudes
      *The Lord’s Prayer
      *Teaching on believers as salt and light
      *Fulfillment of the law
      *Storing treasures in heaven
      *The wise and foolish builders
      *And much more!

      Perfect for individual use, Bible studies, and new believers classes. Jesus’ beloved teachings on finding hope and joy offer a true picture of God’s blessings for believers.

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    • James Bible Study Book: (Student/Study Guide)


      SKU (ISBN): 9781462742905ISBN10: 1462742904Matt ChandlerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2018Publisher: LifeWay Christian Resources

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    • Pinkalicious And The Pirates Level 1


      Argh! Join Pinkalicious and Peter in their pinkamazing adventures with pirates in this Level One I Can Read story.

      Pinkalicious and Peter go to the hidden cove to meet their friend Aqua, but the mini-mermaid is nowhere in sight. Instead, they see pirates…ARGHH! Beginning readers will love this Level One I Can Read pirate adventure about bravery, creativity, and making unlikely new friends.

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    • New City Catechism For Kids


      The New City Catechism: Children’s Edition is a modern-day resource aimed at teaching the core doctrines of the Christian faith to children ages 2-11. This 64-page booklet contains each of the 52 easy-to-understand questions and short answers found in The New City Catechism designed to help children understand who God is and what he has done. With answers that are short enough for children to read, understand, and memorize, this low-cost booklet is designed for bulk distribution and is ideally suited for Sunday school classes, Christian schools, and homeschooling families. This resource is sold individually and as part of the curriculum kit.

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    • Joy Project : An Introduction To Calvinism With Study Guide (Expanded)


      True happiness is not found. It finds you.

      We think of our chase for joy as a fundamental right-and it’s no surprise. By nature we are pleasure-seekers, though chronically unsuccessful at finding the type of joy that will endure for more than a passing moment.

      But what if long-lasting joy isn’t found at all? What if the deepest and most durable happiness breaks into our lives, overcomes our boredom, and ultimately finds us? What if true joy is out of our reach, but reaches for us?

      (This updated edition now includes a Study Guide for each chapter.)

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    • Growing In Gratitude


      As women, we are often encouraged to “count our blessings.” But truly biblical gratitude is much more than this. Mary K. Mohler unpacks Scripture to help us grow in gracious gratitude (thanking God for who he is) as well as natural gratitude (thanking him for his blessings) and to identify and deal with some of the things that hinder us to help us rediscover the joy of a thankful heart. This thoroughly Bible-centered unpacking of the reasons for gratitude builds on Mary K. Mohler’s 25 years experience in mentoring seminary wives at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Discussion questions at the end of each chapter make this book ideal for group use as well as for individuals.

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    • Honoring The Son


      Before the New Testament or the creeds of the church were written–the devotional practices of the earliest Christians indicate that they worshipped Jesus alongside the Father.

      Larry W. Hurtado has been one of the leading scholars on early Christology for decades. In Honoring the Son: Jesus in Earliest Christian Devotional Practice, Hurtado helps readers understand early Christology by examining not just what early Christians believed or wrote about Jesus, but what their devotional practices tell us about the place of Jesus in early Christian worship.

      Drawing on his extensive knowledge of early Christian origins and scholarship on New Testament Christology, Hurtado examines the distinctiveness of early Christian worship by comparing it to both Jewish worship patterns and worship practices within the broader Roman–era religious environment. He argues that the inclusion of the risen Jesus alongside the Father in early Christian devotional practices was a distinct and unique religious phenomenon within its ancient context. Additionally, Hurtado demonstrates that this remarkable development was not invented decades after the resurrection of Christ as some scholars once claimed. Instead, the New Testament suggests that Jesus–followers, very quickly after the resurrection of Christ, began to worship the Son alongside the Father. Honoring the Son offers a look into the worship habits of the earliest Christians to understand the place of Jesus in early Christian devotion.

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    • 1 And 2 Thessalonians Verse By Verse


      When we overlook Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians, we miss out.

      Paul’s letters to the church in Thessalonica are often considered two of the less important of his letters, but they were written to a very important city with very important issues. In addition to addressing the issue of Christ’s return and the problem of people who refused to work, these letters model a truly loving relationship between a pastor and a congregation.

      In 1 & 2 Thessalonians Verse by Verse, respected New Testament scholar Grant R. Osborne shows us that in a world that centered on the divinity of the emperor and the demands to participate in the worship of the gods, the Thessalonians desperately needed to be given resources that would help them withstand the pressure to conform. These letters provide us with a thrilling example of affection among believers in extremely hard times and help us see how that affection can make severe trials bearable.

      The Osborne New Testament Commentaries, by respected professor and author Grant R. Osborne, are for people seeking a straightforward explanation of the text in its context, avoiding either oversimplification or technical complexity. Osborne brings out the riches of the New Testament, making each book accessible for pastors and all who consider themselves students of Scripture.

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    • Soul Rest : Reclaim Your Life, Return To Sabbath


      In the midst of a cacophony of noise, finding true soul rest is nearly impossible.
      With so many responsibilities and distractions vying for our attention, too many of us have built unhealthy cycles of rest. As a result, we burn ourselves out, striving and straining against God’s intent for our lives. We can only sustain a life of purpose if we learn to truly rest.

      In Soul Rest, Curtis “CZ” Zackery reveals how our misaligned view of rest has its roots in an identity that is out of rhythm with God. Taking steps toward understanding Sabbath in the way that God intends can dynamically affect every aspect of our lives. This thoughtful reflection on rest calls us to the hard work of self–examination, helping us move towards a purposeful and sustainable life with Jesus.

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    • I Spy At Christmas


      Do you love Christmas? The presents, the decorations and fun! There are so many great things at this time of year – but when we look at the snow, and hear the carols sung we should remember that Jesus Christ is the reason we celebrate. He came to the World as God’s Saviour.

      With fun illustrations throughout and things to spot on each page, I Spy at Christmas will get you in the festive spirit!

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    • 1 2 3 Hide And Seek Jesus


      Where is Jesus? He can’t be found anywhere. He really has found the best hiding place ever. Not to worry, though-Mama has an idea of where he might be.

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    • Hat Girl : A Sequel To A Box Of Hats


      Nan’s hair is just starting to grow back after her chemo treatments. To keep her head from feeling cold, she wears a hat to school every day. She has a problem, though-some of the children tug her hats off and tease her about not having hair. After telling Nan to take her hat off in class, the substitute teacher realizes why Nan is wearing it, but not before the teasing starts again. When Nan tells her mother about it, they talk about Nan’s courage when dealing with her illness and how she could use that courage to work out a solution.

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    • What Matters Most Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


      The world has always been full of trials, disappointments, temptations, fractured friendships, and financial hardships. Yet Paul’s letter to the Philippians claims we can discover contentment and joy in the midst of it all by prioritizing what matters most-Christ.

      Over 7 sessions, study the ever-relevant Letter of Philippians to deepen your relationship with Jesus, turn your worries into worship, and develop gospel-centered tools for navigating relational conflict and thriving in Christian love.

      -Leader helps to guide questions and discussions within small groups
      -Personal study segments to complete between 7 weeks of group sessions
      -Seven interactive teaching videos, approximately 25-30 minutes per session, available for purchase or rent
      -Verse-by-verse study for comprehension and application

      -Learn to live in joy despite your circumstances.
      -Unearth the secret of contentment-knowing Christ.
      -Banish anxiety by implementing biblical practices to rest in the peace of Christ.
      -Prioritize the Lord above all else.
      -Develop gospel-centered tools to navigate relational conflict.

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    • Christianity Considered : A Guide For Skeptics And Seekers


      Christianity is more than a religion: it is also a complex intellectual tradition. Christians and non-Christians who want to understand the world as it is today have to understand Christianity, too.

      Christianity makes objective claims, but also presents a new way of thinking about the world. In A Guide to Christianity for Skeptics and Seekers, renowned theologian Dr. John Frame introduces the reader to the Christian religion and its unique intellectual framework, describing the key pillars of Christian thought and how these shape the Christian worldview.

      Covering a range of topics, from the resurrection to the Christian posture toward politics, A Guide to Christianity for Skeptics and Seekers is a valuable guide to understanding the Christian faith as an intellectual tradition.

      Useful for both the Christian reader looking for a better understanding of the faith and the skeptical reader who seeks to understand the intellectual tradition that has done much to shape the modern world.

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    • Beauty Of The Lord


      Why is God’s beauty often absent from our theology?

      Rarely do theologians take up the theme of God’s beauty–even more rarely do they consider how God’s beauty should shape the task of theology itself. But the psalmist says that the heart of the believer’s desire is to behold the beauty of the Lord.

      In The Beauty of the Lord Jonathan King restores aesthetics as not merely a valid lens for theological reflection, but an essential one. Jesus, our incarnate Redeemer, displays the Triune God’s beauty in his actions and person, from creation to final consummation. How can and should theology better reflect this unveiled beauty?

      The Beauty of the Lord is a renewal of a truly aesthetic theology and a properly theological aesthetics.

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    • Hillbilly Elegy : A Memoir Of A Family And Culture In Crisis


      From a former marine and Yale Law School graduate, a powerful account of growing up in a poor Rust Belt town that offers a broader, probing look at the struggles of America’s white working class.

      Hillbilly Elegy is a passionate and personal analysis of a culture in crisis–that of white working-class Americans. The decline of this group, a demographic of our country that has been slowly disintegrating over forty years, has been reported on with growing frequency and alarm, but has never before been written about as searingly from the inside. J. D. Vance tells the true story of what a social, regional, and class decline feels like when you were born with it hung around your neck.

      The Vance family story begins hopefully in postwar America. J. D.’s grandparents were “dirt poor and in love,” and moved north from Kentucky’s Appalachia region to Ohio in the hopes of escaping the dreadful poverty around them. They raised a middle-class family, and eventually their grandchild (the author) would graduate from Yale Law School, a conventional marker of their success in achieving generational upward mobility.

      But as the family saga of Hillbilly Elegy plays out, we learn that this is only the short, superficial version. Vance’s grandparents, aunt, uncle, sister, and, most of all, his mother, struggled profoundly with the demands of their new middle-class life, and were never able to fully escape the legacy of abuse, alcoholism, poverty, and trauma so characteristic of their part of America. Vance piercingly shows how he himself still carries around the demons of their chaotic family history.

      A deeply moving memoir with its share of humor and vividly colorful figures, Hillbilly Elegy is the story of how upward mobility really feels. And it is an urgent and troubling meditation on the loss of the American dream for a large segment of this country.

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    • Wounded Heart : Hope For Adult Victims Of Childhood Sexual Abuse (Reprinted)


      Sexual abuse knows no religious or social boundaries. Studies indicate that at least one in three women has been sexually abused as a child. Fixed on biblical foundaitons, Dr. Dan Allender shows that there is hope and healing when survivors call on the Great Physician for relief from their suffering.

      Now repackaged but with the same life-giving insights, survivors and their loved ones will find professional skill and spiritual direction to learn that they can heal from the trauma of abuse.

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    • Preparing For Marriage (Revised)


      Desiring God
      John Piper wants to help you faithfully walk the road to becoming husband and wife. Here you’ll find his counsel on topics like engagement, wedding planning, finances, and sex. Plus, he presents his most important word on marriage, a vision grander than many have ever dared to dream, a vision of what God is doing in every Christian marriage.

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    • Son Of God Volume 2


      This Bible study workbook is designed to assist you in examining

      the second half of the Gospel of Mark in an inductive way. Inductive study means to read the passage in context and ask

      questions of the text with the purpose of deriving the meaning and

      significance from the text itself. We do this automatically every day

      when we read the newspaper, blogs, or even recipes. When we study the Bible inductively we are after the author’s original intent; i.e., what the author meant when he wrote the passage to his original audience. In this workbook, you will unpack the meaning by answering a series of questions about the text, paying close attention to the words and context of the passage. After discovering the meaning of the text, there will be questions to help you apply it to your life.

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    • 3 Minute Devotions From The Psalms


      SKU (ISBN): 9781683224006ISBN10: 1683224000Vicki Kuyper | MariLee ParrishBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 20183 Minute DevotionsPublisher: Barbour Publishing Inc.

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    • Bible Overview KJV Authorized Version Pamphlet


      Want a quick overview of the entire King James Bible? Enjoy having a simple summary of all 66 books of the Bible at your fingertips with this slimline pamphlet (KJV edition)! See what you need to know at a glance with this full-color, ultra-slimline pamphlet! This edition includes the same quick-reference charts, summaries, and outlines as Rose’s popular Bible Overview pamphlet, but quotes Scriptures only from the trusted King James Version. For each book of the Bible, it shows the name of the book, the author, topic, where and when it was written, purpose, and a key verse from the KJV! Enjoy having these features at your fingertips:

      *Easy-to-understand overview on ALL 66 books of the Bible, answering key questions:
      *Who wrote the book?
      *Where was it written?
      *When was it written?
      *Why was it written?

      *Basic outline for each book of the Bible along with a key Scripture from the KJV.

      *Color-coded-See which books are grouped together: Pentateuch, historical books, poetry, major prophets, Gospels, Paul’s Epistles, and more!

      *Slimline-Easily fits inside most Bible covers making it easy to pull out and reference!

      Whether you’re a new believer or a longtime Christian, enjoy the clear headings, easy-to-read summaries, and concise information in Rose’s Bible Overview: KJV Authorized Version pamphlet. Perfect for Sunday school, church libraries, giveaways, group and individual use, discipleship, new believers, church membership classes, and more.

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    • True Heart Girls Devotional Gods Promises For Me


      SKU (ISBN): 9781628627701ISBN10: 1628627700Sherry KyleBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2018Publisher: RoseKidz

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    • Armor Of God


      This study provides historically accurate background of a Roman centurion’s armor, then draws vital correlations to the spiritual armor God gives his children: the Belt of Truth, the Breastplate of Righteousness, Feet Prepared with the Gospel of Peace, the Shield of Faith, the Helmet of Salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit. Helps those you teach learn to “stand firm in the faith.” Capitalizing on the recognized excellence of Rose’s visual elements, Rose Visual Bible Studies are packed with charts, graphs, images, and fascinating facts. These Bible studies are easy enough that the new believer understands, but in-depth enough that the longtime churchgoer still comes away learning something new.

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    • Super Sized Book Of Bible Games Ages 5-10


      Packed with over 250 exciting games for every occasion, The Super-Sized Book of Bible Games is a giant, humongous book for kids 5-10! Each game includes a Bible lesson, step-by-step instructions, and a memory verse. Features over 250 Bible games for Sunday school, homeschool, and more!

      From icebreakers to outdoor games, this book doesn t just offer one type of game-it offers 14 different types, with more games than almost any other book on the market! Each game comes with:

      A simple overview
      Step-by-step instructions
      Supply list
      Scripture connection
      Discussion questions
      A teachable moment that connects God s Word to the activity

      Quickly and conveniently find what you are looking for with the helpful quick-reference index that is arranged by topic, type, and Scripture.
      Jam-Packed With Over 250 Games for All Occasions!

      The variety of games in this book make it well suited for use in any setting: weekend ministry, midweek, VBS, mission trips, or anytime a group of children is together. From water balloon obstacle courses and snowball activities to an Armor of God craft and Bible story dominoes, all the games you need in one place will make this book your top go-to resource! This book includes game types like:

      Old Testament & New Testament
      Indoor, Outdoor, and Wet & Wild Water
      Small Group and Large Group
      Lesson Review & Memory Verse Review
      Quick No-Prep & Quiet Games
      And much, much more!

      Includes Hours of Bible Learning for Your Sunday School Kids with Hands-On Games!

      Guide your children through Sunday school lessons for key books in the Bible, all designed as fun games and DIY activities! Flexible enough to work into your Bible lesson or to use on the fly! Take your kids through:

      Lesson plans about popular Old Testament stories: Moses and the Red Sea, David and Goliath, and much more!
      Lesson plans about popular New Testament stories: Fruit of the Spirit, Armor of God, Jesus’ Birth, and much more!
      Important biblical themes: loyalty, patience, forgiveness, sharing, trust, faith, and so much more!

      4 Key Features of The Super-Sized Book of Bible Games by RoseKidz(R)
      1. Age-Appropriate

      Enjoy having exciting games and activities to engage your students in important Bible lessons. Includes fun, kid-friendly Bible topics to get even the shortest attention spans engaged! Anyone can lead these games, and your kids will love playing them as you t

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    • Pete The Cats Groovy Bake Sale My First I Can Read


      Join Pete the Cat as he tries to bake a yummy treat in the fourteenth Pete the Cat My First I Can Read tale from New York Times bestselling author-illusrator, James Dean.

      When it’s time for the school’s bake sale, Pete wants to bake the most delicious yummy treat ever. Unfortunately, he is not a very good baker. But after a series of failed attemtps, Pete gets a sweet idea for one awesome dessert! Will everyone love it though?

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    • In His Image


      After first teaching women to go deeper in their study of the Bible in Women of the Word, and then unpacking why our limits are a good thing in light of God’s limitlessness in None Like Him, best-selling author and Bible teacher Jen Wilkin helps readers see what human beings are to be like as they reflect the image of their Creator. In His Image explores 10 attributes of God that Christians are called to reflect-they are called to be holy, loving, just, good, merciful, gracious, faithful, patient, truthful, and wise. This book calls readers to discover the freedom and purpose in becoming all that God made them to be.

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