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    • Adventures Of Sugarman The Pony 1


      Meet Sugarman the Pony.

      He’s a white pony with a mysterious mark and a sparkle in his eyes. Sugarman’s first adventure begins with a bang and he doesn’t waste one minute! He’s busy rescuing a mouse, standing up for what’s right against a rather large, angry bull named Big Red, and discovering what his special mark is all about.

      Sugarman is a messenger of love and he teams up with his playful barnyard friends to teach children the importance of helping others every day through his fun adventures at Morning Glory farm. There’s never a dull moment and each page is packed with lots of giggles and grins! As Rudy the rooster likes to say, “Wowzee-kaPOWzee!”

      It’s an interactive book that teaches great moral and character development. There’s a fun Look and Find page, cookie recipe page and a Discussion page to promote growth and imagination. The fun, catchy Sugarman Song is included with the book and you can watch the music video to the song on YouTube.

      Come along as Brenda W. Powell introduces us to the very adorable and spunky pony named Sugarman.

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    • Minute Motivators For Graduates


      After the cap and gown are turned in, graduates face big changes and new demands. This book is full of practical and powerful hints for getting this new phase of life off to a productive start.

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    • 30 Days To Overcoming Emotional Strongholds


      Emotional strongholds come in all shapes and sizes–doubt, rejection, poor self-esteem, pride, stubbornness, a victim mentality, or defeatism. Which of these are you battling? Which ones are undermining your confidence and eroding your spiritual strength? Tearing down emotional strongholds so they no longer dominate your thoughts and actions can come only through an intentional alignment of your thoughts with God’s truth in the Bible. Join Dr. Tony Evans in examining key emotional strongholds and their corresponding biblical truths that you can declare and apply to bring victory into your life.

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    • Winning Dad : How To Finish First With Your Kids


      Being a good dad is a challenge, but you can be the father you’ve always wanted to be. Laced with tips and quotes from NASCAR greats like Dale Jarrett, Darrell Waltrip, and Ernie Irvin, The Winning Dad gives every man the confidence to be a good dad.

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    • Total Quality Life


      Successful pastor and seasoned mentor Stan Toler invites you to experience TQL, a total quality life. He outlines the four main areas in which you need to achieve higher levels of effectiveness and satisfaction–thought life, physical well being, asset management, and spiritual life. Loaded with proven principles and practical applications, Total Quality Life gives you the tools you need to nourish, maintain health, and grow in each of these four areas. The result will be increased levels of satisfaction, confidence, and effectiveness at work and at home. You’ll see changes in your life–for the better. You’ll experience a Total Quality Life!

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    • Stan Tolers Practical Guide To Hiring Staff


      Getting the right staff at the right time can make or break a congregation’s momentum. Drawing from his vast experience as a senior pastor and leader of large organizations, Toler shares the secrets that will make your first hire the right one. Subjects include: casting the vision for staff expansion, funding a new position, communicating vision to staff members, setting staff expectations, interviewing, the first thirty days, and how to be a great boss.

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    • Secret Blend : A Parable Of Rich Relationships


      So begins the journey of a lifetime as Joe returns to the coffee shop time and time again and learns the meaning of true wealth. It s a journey of discovery about the most important priority of life: relationships.

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    • Rethink Your Life Inspirational Journal


      In this companion journal to ReThink Your Life, you will find inspiration, encouragement, and reinforcement in your quest for a renewed, transformed mind. Forty-two daily entries provide inspirational stories, Bible verses, prayers, and journal prompts to engage your thinking and help you persevere.

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    • Relational Leader : A Parable Of Business Success


      The Relational Leader: A Parable of Business Success offers powerful principles you can

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    • Minute Motivators For The Military


      As a member of the armed forces, you know what it takes to maintain determination in the face of adversity, to serve with integrity, and to lead by example. But even soldiers need encouragement to face the challenges that lie ahead. In this collection, you’ll find practical wisdom for the issues most relevant to military life, including honor, loyalty, perseverance, and courage. With every page of meaty, thought-provoking motivation, you’ll be fortified to persist in your service with renewed purpose and strength.

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    • Minute Motivators For Dieters


      Dieting isn’t just about what goes into your mouth. It’s also about what goes into your mind. Right food choices, direction, determination, and discernment all work together for a successful diet plan. This book is the perfect recipe for helping people lose weight without losing their minds.

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    • How To Shape Up Your Health


      Contains 6 weeks of daily devotional studies including a devotional reading, questions for reflection, a prayer and action steps for moving closer to a Total Quality Life. Maintaining a healthy body can be a daily struggle. But when we experience victory in this struggle, we not only become healthier; we become better parents, spouses, employees, and friends.

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    • How To Gain Control Of Your Finances


      Contains 6 weeks of daily devotional studies including a devotional reading, questions for reflection, a prayer and action steps for moving closer to a Total Quality Life. Financial security has nothing to do with the size of your bank account. With these biblical principles and practical guidance, you can learn to live well, give well, and realize true satisfaction.

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    • Exceptional Leader : A Parable Of Leadership Development


      Written as a dialogue between a seasoned leader and a young businessman, the one-on-one conversation reveals proven, common-sense leadership principles and instruction on how to lead holistically, with heart and soul.

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    • You Can Really Grow


      1. I Know I Ought To Grow…
      2. I Don’t Really Want To Grow…
      3. I Don’t Really Know How To Grow…
      4. Audacious Requests
      5. How Bible Reading Can Stunt Your Growth
      6. Growing As Your Church Does
      7. Seeing Jesus In Creation
      8. People And Their Stories
      9. The Nitty-gritty Of Growth
      9. How Suffering Can Grow Us
      10. How Sin Can Grow Us
      11. Where We’re Growing To

      Additional Info
      God does not want us simply to survive in our faith. He wants us to thrive, to enjoy growing as part of his family.

      Many of us want to grow, but don’t know how to. Many of us feel stuck in a rut in our faith, or are following routines that don’t seem to work. John shows us what growth actually is… why growth is hugely exciting… and how to grow into the people we long to be. You can really grow, and this books shows you how.

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    • Engaging With Muslims


      1. Who Are These Muslims We Meet Every Day?
      2. Prayer
      3. Presence
      4. Proclamation
      5. Persuasion
      6. Love Your Muslim Neighbor

      Additional Info
      Many Christians in the west are fearful of engaging in conversations about their faith with Muslims-believing that they will be hostile to Christian beliefs and discussions about the Bible.

      This short book is designed to help both Christians and whole churches understand more about the variety of Muslims there are living in the West, and to reach out to them with the good news of the gospel. Written at a level that everyone can understand, this book emphasizes the the importance of forming loving relationships-something that all Christians are able to do.

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    • Supernatural : What The Bible Teaches About The Unseen World And Why It Mat


      Dr. Michael S. Heiser, a Scholar-in-Residence at Faithlife Corporation, presents fifteen years of research on what the Bible really says about the unseen world of the supernatural unfiltered by tradition or by theological presuppositions. People shouldn’t be protected from the Bible, Dr. Michael S. Heiser says, but theological systems often do just that, by explaining away difficult or troublesome passages of Scripture because their literal meaning doesn’t fit into our tidy systems.

      Who were the sons of God ? Who were the Nephilim? Where do angels fit into the supernatural hierarchy? Why did God find it necessary to have the Israelites destroy the populations of entire cities man, woman, and child? What relation does Jesus bear to the rest of the supernatural world? Dr. Michael S. Heiser tackles these questions and many more in his books Supernatural and The Unseen Realm.

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    • Instructions For The Living Room


      Feeling as if your plans, your dreams, or even your life is falling apart? You may be entering a living room!

      Nearly a decade after her award-winning book Reflections from the Waiting Room, Keturah invites readers on another fascinating journey, this time into the living rooms of their lives. Conceived during her own living room experience — a time filled with unprecedented personal, professional and spiritual crises — Keturah shines a contemporary lens on a timeless truth: sometimes life does not work out according to our plans.

      What emerges is a practical yet challenging study of Psalm 37, David’s psalm of encouragement. Keturah reminds us that when our plans fall apart and we unexpectedly face a living room experience, we have at least two choices: we can simply go through these experiences or we can determine to grow. Allow these 12 1/2 rules to enable you to develop the uncommon grace required to produce lasting growth from each of your unexpected living room experiences.

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    • Living Without Worry


      Worry is an extremely common yet unchallenged problem, and many people don’t know how to practically stop worrying, even if they know they need to.

      This warm and pastoral book by Tim Lane helps readers to see when godly concern turns into sinful worry, and how scripture can be used to cast our concerns upon the Lord. Christians will discover how to replace anxiety with peace, freeing them to live life to the full.

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    • Confronted By Grace


      “I found myself joining in his joyful ‘Amen!’ to all of the promises that we have in Jesus Christ.” –Michael Horton

      In this rich collection of sermons, John Webster considers the power of the gospel and the truth of God’s grace. Born from years of theological and biblical study, these reflections serve to challenge, stimulate, and inspire, demonstrating the grace of God at work in the complexities of life.

      By pointing us toward Christ, Confronted by Grace helps us grow in our understanding of the truth of the gospel.

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    • Gods Way Day By Day DayBrightener


      God desires to meet your needs. He is always seeking to develop a closer and more intimate relationship with you. He is molding and fashioning you into the person with whom He desires to spend all eternity. With excerpts from his best-selling book, Charles F. Stanley reveals what it means to be in fellowship with a gentle Savior who walks closely with us day by day.

      Product Details:

      Padded cover
      Wire coil
      366 dated pages
      Stand-up easel
      Beautiful four-color art inside and out
      Great gift for any gift-giving occasion

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    • Grace For The Moment DayBrightener


      “God gently calls us to Him, wanting to be our daily support, our daily comfort, our daily answer. All we need to do is ask.” Best-selling author, Max Lucado, shows us how God gives us what we need just when we need it – timely, adequate, loving assistance. No matter what is happening in our lives, God will provide ‘Grace for the Moment.’ Great gift for any gift-giving occasion

      Product Details:

      Padded cover
      Wire coil
      366 dated pages
      Stand-up easel
      Beautiful four-color art inside and out

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    • Side By Side


      Everyone needs help from time to time, especially in the midst of painful circumstances and difficult trials. In this short book, a highly respected biblical counselor and successful author offers practical guidance for all Christians-pastors and laypeople alike-who want to develop their “helping skills” when it comes to walking alongside hurting people. Written out of the conviction that friends are the best helpers, this accessible introduction to biblical counseling will equip believers to share their burdens with one another through gentle words of wisdom and kind acts of love. This book is written for those eager to see God use ordinary relationships and conversations between ordinary Christians to work extraordinary miracles in the lives of his people.

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    • Uncovering The Life Of Jesus (Student/Study Guide)


      1. Standing Room Only
      2. Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner?
      3. You Can Go Home Again!
      4. Everybody Is Somebody To Jesus
      5. Game Over…?
      6. The Son Also Rises

      Additional Info
      Every Christian knows that Jesus is good news for everyone. Yet most of us struggle to share this good news with the people closest to us. Becky Pippert has spent years talking to people about Jesus and her experience shines through on each page of these six Bible studies in Luke.

      Uncovering the life of Jesus has been designed to make it easy for any Christian to share their faith with friends and family. The expertly crafted questions are designed to open up conversations as you look at six encounters with Jesus from the Gospel of Luke.

      This flexible resource allows you to share your faith with one or more of your friends wherever they’re at spiritually and wherever you happen to meet up. All you need is a coffee and a copy of Uncovering the life of Jesus for everyone. Even the Bible passages are included inside.

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    • Young Woman After Gods Own Heart


      This young woman’s version of Elizabeth George’s bestselling book A Woman After God’s Own Heart(R) shares the intentions and blessings of God’s heart with teen girls. On this journey they discover His priorities for their lives–including prayer, submission, faithfulness, and joy–and how to embrace those priorities in daily life.

      Elizabeth’s mentor style, the “Heart Response” messages of reflection, and the age-significant themes make this an excellent book for groups or for personal study. And best of all, girls will discover that God is a faithful, caring, and loving presence during this exciting and sometimes difficult time in their lives.

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    • I Dare You Not To Bore Me With The Bible


      The Bible is filled with passages that are so baffling we tend to ignore them. Yet the passages that seem weird might be the most important. This collection of essays from Bible Study Magazine will shock you, intrigue you, and completely change the way you view the Bible. Dr. Michael S. Heiser visits some of the Bible’s most obscure passages, unveiling their ancient context to help you interpret them today. Read this book, and you’ll never be bored by the Bible again.

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    • Pursuit Of God


      The Pursuit of God; The Human Thirst for the Divine by A.W. Tozer is the beloved, timeless, classic, work on man’s desire to continually draw closer to God.

      Whether you are thirsting for more of God or do not yet know of the “mighty longing after God” that so consumed A.W. Tozer’s life and ministry, The Pursuit of God will draw you into a deep, abiding relationship with the One who nourishes the soul.

      This is the spiritual masterpiece that exposes the roadblocks that keep us from fully knowing God.

      It also reveals our responsibility of the pursuit and ultimately leads us into the very presence of God Himself.

      In the middle of day-to-day life, have you somehow forgotten that Christianity is a living, vibrant relationship with a personal God? Tozer reminds you, and challenges you to renew your relationship with the loving God. In each of 10 chapters, he explains one aspect of waiting on God, and ends with a prayer.

      This book is clearly the number one best seller of all of A.W. Tozer books and is called “one of the all-time most inspirational books” by a panel of Christian magazine writers.

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    • Believing God


      “Is it working? Your belief system, that is. Is it really working? God’s intention all along has been for the believer’s life to work. From divine perspective toward terrestrial turf, God meant for his children to succeed. . .Are our Christian lives successful? Are they achieving and experiencing what Scripture said they would? In a recent sermon my son-in-law preached, Curt told us the only way we were going to impact the world and the next generation is to prove that our faith in Christ is real and that it works. For countless Christians I’m convinced it’s real. My concern is whether or not we have the fruit to suggest it works.”-Beth Moore; Believing God

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    • New Adapters : Shaping Ideas To Fit Your Congregation


      Jacob Armstrong shares time-tested principles for church pastors and leaders with a brief introduction at the beginning of each chapter from mega-church pastors Adam Hamilton and Michael Slaughter. Armstrong demonstrates how classic principles are being translated in a variety of new contexts, by a new generation of leaders. The book provides guidance for pastors and leaders on how to translate ideas and practices for their own context and reflects the sense of opportunity and hope that is beginning to flourish in some mainline churches today. These principles are adaptable for any size congregations across denominations.

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    • All Gods Bugs


      SKU (ISBN): 9781496403179ISBN10: 1496403177Laura Derico | Illustrator: Matt SmithBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2015Faith That SticksPublisher: Tyndale House Publishers

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    • Jesus Loves Me


      Jesus loves us, this we know, and he wants us his love to show! This book illustrates the beloved children’s song and teaches children to show Jesus’ love to others.

      Faith That Sticks books are filled with fun-to-read stories and activities that teach children about God while they are learning to read. Faith That Sticks books include stickers, discussion questions, and other activities designed to bring enjoyment and deepened learning experiences for kids.

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    • Brave And Beautiful Queen Esther


      SKU (ISBN): 9781496403148ISBN10: 1496403142Jennifer Holder | Illustrator: Terry JulienBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2015Faith That SticksPublisher: Tyndale House Publishers

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    • Inn At Oceans Edge


      A vacation to Sunset Cove was her way of celebrating and thanking her parents. After all, Claire Dellamore’s childhood was like a fairytale. But with the help of Luke Elwell, Claire discovers that fairytale was really an elaborate lie . . .The minute she steps inside the grand Inn at Ocean’s Edge, Claire Dellamare knows something terrible happened there. She feels it in her bones. Her ensuing panic attack causes a scene, upsetting her parents. Claire attempts to quiet her nerves with a walk on the beach, to no avail. She’s at too great a distance to make out details, but she believes she witnesses a murder on a nearby cliff. When local police find no evidence of foul play, they quickly write off the “nervous” woman’s testimony as less than credible.

      But Luke Elwell, home on leave from the Coast Guard, has reason to believe Claire. Years ago when his mother went missing, Luke’s father suspected she’d been murdered. He died never having convinced the police to investigate. So when an employee of the grand hotel doesn’t show up for work, Luke steps in to help Claire track down the missing woman.

      As Claire and Luke put together the pieces of a decades-old mystery, they discover that some family secrets refuse to stay buried. And some passions are worth killing for.

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    • MacArthur New Testament Commentary Set Of 34 Volumes


      This set includes the entire collection of the MacArthur New Testament Commentary series: Matthew 1-7, Matthew 8-15, Matthew 16-23, Matthew 24-28, Mark 1-8, Mark 9-16, Luke 1-5, Luke 6-10, Luke 11-17, Luke 18-24, John 1-11, John 12-21, Acts 1-12, Acts 13-28, Romans 1-8, Romans 9-16, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians & Philemon, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter & Jude, 1-3 John, Revelation 1-11, and Revelation 12-22.

      The MacArthur New Testament Commentary series continues to be one of today’s top-selling commentary series. These commentaries from respected Bible scholar and preacher John MacArthur give a verse-by-verse analysis in context and provide points of application for passages, illuminating the biblical text in practical and relevant ways.

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    • Mark 9-16


      “Mark 9-16” begins “The MacArthur New Testament Commentary’s” look at the second of the four gospels. The commentary provides a verse by verse and phrase by phrase exposition of the text, taking into account the cultural, theological, and Old Testament contexts of each passage. Interpretive challenges are fully dealt with, and differing views are fairly evaluated.

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    • Mark 1-8


      Mark 1-8 begins The MacArthur New Testament Commentary’s look at the second of the four gospels. The commentary provides a verse by verse and phrase by phrase exposition of the text, taking into account the cultural, theological, and Old Testament contexts of each passage. Interpretive challenges are fully dealt with, and differing views are fairly evaluated.

      These study guides, part of a set from noted Bible scholar John MacArthur, take readers on a journey through biblical texts to discover what lies beneath the surface, focusing on meaning and context, and then reflecting on the explored passage or concept. With probing questions that guide the reader toward application, as well as ample space for journaling, these are invaluable tools for Bible students of all ages.

      Use this volume of The MacArthur New Testament Commentary series to assist you in your study of this cherished New Testament book.

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    • Peace In His Presence


      SKU (ISBN): 9780718034160ISBN10: 0718034163Sarah YoungBinding: Cloth TextPublished: April 2015Publisher: Thomas Nelson

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    • Resolution For Women


      With Everything You Have to Do, Have You Taken The Time to Decide Who You Want to Be?

      From best-selling author and speaker, Priscilla Shirer, in partnership with the creators of The Love Dare, challenges all women in The Resolution for Women to be intentional about embracing and thriving in God’s beautiful and eternal calling on their lives.

      Layered with biblical truth and seasoned with daily encouragement, this book will inspire the woman you see in the mirror to trust God’s perfect plan for her life, resolving to become “purposefully feminine, surprisingly satisfied, and faithfully His.” Shirer explains how today’s women can and should live out their own resolution. It is “a defining banner that hangs over your life, written in the ink of your own choices.” A woman’s banner should be an accurate reflection of who she desires to be-someone completely Christ-centered who blesses and changes things in her world for the better. Written in partnership with the movie Courageous and Stephen and Alex Kendrick’s book, The Resolution for Men, it is designed to inspire a revolution.

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    • Life God Intended


      The Life God Intended Book – The simple but potent truths of becoming naturally supernatural.

      *Practical ways to develop your spirit.
      *Fresh insights into spirit, soul and body.
      *What it means to ‘walk in the Spirit’
      *Do I have to pay a price for this new life, or is it free?
      *The blessing of obedience; obey is not a 4-letter word.
      *Overcoming the idols in our lives.

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    • Losing A J


      Some of the best stories to read are those that were not pleasant to experience. Losing AJ is a book that reveals the story of an honest journey. And, while revealing, the pages invite us to notice our own stories, our own tension, our own pain.

      To be able to present such a drama, Adam needed to face the realities of his own disappointments. He has. And he has faced them without escaping or denying; he has faced them while crying, while praying, while wanting, while grieving. He has faced them with God.

      His story lets us gaze into his pain. While observing, we just might begin noticing our own. And we might begin noticing God in a new way. As Adam writes, “This book will encourage you to search out help and realize that you are not admitting that you are weak in doing so. You are admitting that you are human. You are worth saving.”

      I invite you to welcome this story. Visit the storm. Notice the wounds.

      The valley of the shadow of death isn’t just a line from Psalm 23. It is life. It is story. But not the end of a story, just a portion in the journey toward healing.

      And those stories are worth saving.

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    • Daniel : Staying Strong In A Hostile World (Student/Study Guide)


      How can we remain faithful to our God in a world that rejects him?
      Is it even worth standing firm, when his kingdom often seems so very far away?
      And is it possible to be a blessing to our nations, and show the power and goodness of God, in our day?

      Those are pressing questions for us in a time when living as a Christian increasingly means being misunderstood, maligned and even mistreated. And since this is the context in which Daniel found himself, the book that bears his name will reassure, challenge and thrill us as we read it today.

      In these seven studies you will see Daniel and his friends seek to remain faithful in a foreign land; and then you will watch and listen in on a series of visions Daniel received, outlining how God would bring his people home, to live in his kingdom and under his king.
      Let the book of Daniel show you what you can expect from this life, and how you can and must stay strong in a hostile world.

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    • Daniel For You (Student/Study Guide)


      Series Preface
      Section One: At Home In Babylon (chapters 1-14)
      Section Two: Getting Home From Babylon (chapters 15-26)

      Additional Info
      We live in difficult times to be people who obey God and worship him alone. How can we be confident under pressure and faithful in the fire?

      In this readable, accessible, exciting volume walking through one of the best-loved books of the Bible, David Helm shows how Daniel and his friends learned how to live in Babylon, far from their home in God’s land-and how we can do the same.


      * Can be read as a book; used as a devotional; and utilized for leading in teaching and preaching
      * Closely examines the text of a Bible book in an accessible, engaging and applied way
      * Seventh in the best-selling God’s Word For You series

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    • Honest Evangelism : How To Talk About Jesus Even When Its Tough


      1. What They Don’t Tell You
      2. So Why Talk About Jesus?
      3. The Other Half Of The Story
      4. Why You (still) Won’t Evangelize
      5. I Must Remember…
      6. What Do I Say?
      7. Be Yourself
      8. Getting Going
      9. Workers Wanted

      Additional Info
      Hostility and hunger that’s the response to the message of Jesus. The first is painful, the second is wonderful, and Rico Tice is honest about both.

      Short, clear, realistic and humorous, this book will challenge you to be honest in your conversations about Jesus, help you to know how to talk about him, and thrill you that God can and will use ordinary people to change eternal destinies.

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    • 1 O Clock Miracle Coloring And Activity Book


      32 pages of coloring, puzzles, mazes and activities for children.

      Use alongside The One O’Clock Miracle to discover a true story about trusting Jesus.

      Awesome present for parents, godchildren, and anyone who can hold a pencil/crayon/paintbrush!

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    • Other Worldview : Exposing Christianity’s Greatest Threat


      A cataclysmic change has occurred over the past few decades. Our culture as a whole has switched worldviews.

      According to Peter Jones, all the religions and philosophies of the world can be divided into two basic worldviews. These two perspectives differ on the fundamental nature of reality. Is everything essentially one? Or does an irreducible distinction exist between creation and Creator?

      In The Other Worldview, Jones explains the difference between what he calls “Oneism” and “Twoism.” He exposes the pagan roots of Oneism, and he traces its spread and influence throughout Western culture. Most importantly, he shows us why Oneism is incapable of saving anyone or truly changing the world for the better.

      “For bodily holiness and transformed thinking . . . we depend entirely on one amazing thing: the incredibly powerful message of the Gospel to a sinful world, which is the ultimate expression and goal of Twoism. The only hope is in Christ alone.”

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    • Promises And Blessings DayBrightener


      God’s Word is full of promises and blessings with unsurpassed power and beauty.

      Product Details:

      Padded cover
      Wire coil
      366 dated pages
      Stand-up easel
      Beautiful four-color art inside and out
      Great gift for any gift-giving occasion

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    • 1 O Clock Miracle


      Second in the new Tales that Tell the Truth series comes The One O’clock Miracle.

      Based on the healing of the official’s son in John chapter 4, this wonderful storybook will teach children about the instant power of the words of Jesus, and that they should trust Jesus because he is God’s Son.

      Stunningly illustrated by Catalina Echeverri, author and illustrator of several bestselling children’s books, including Monty’s Christmas, as well as the first two storybooks from The Good Book for Children, Alby’s Amazing Book and The Christmas Promise.

      Written by Alison Mitchell, author of The Christmas Promise and several of our children’s tracts.

      This book is perfect for children aged 3-6 years old and makes a beautiful gift.

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    • 3 Minute Devotions For Guys


      Got 3 minutes? . . . You’ll find just the wisdom and encouragement you need in ;3-Minute Devotions for Guys. This practical devotional packs a powerful dose of inspiration into 3 short minutes. Minute 1: scripture to meditate on; Minute 2: a just-right-sized-for-you devotional reading; Minute 3: a prayer to help you jump-start a conversation with God. Each day’s reading meets you right where you are and is a great way for you to begin or end your day.

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    • 3 Minute Devotions For Teen Girls


      Got 3 minutes? . . . You’ll find just the wisdom and encouragement you need in 3-Minute Devotions for Girls. This practical devotional packs a powerful dose of inspiration into 3 short minutes. Minute 1: scripture to meditate on; Minute 2: a just-right-sized-for-you devotional reading; Minute 3: a prayer to help you jump-start a conversation with God. Each day’s reading meets you right where you are and is a great way for you to begin or end your day.

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    • Wisdom For Each Day DayBrightener


      As you spend time alone with God, these daily devotionals by Billy Graham will help strengthen you and give you the wisdom needed to live boldly for Christ and grow stronger in your faith. A great gift idea for any occasion!

      366 dated pages
      High quality padded cover
      Metal spiral bound
      Free standing for table or desktop

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