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    • When God Died


      Mediations for Lent

      “Did Christ die as God, or did He die as man? The answer to such a question is that He died as neither. What gives efficacy to the cross is the fact that Christ died as the God-man….The blood He shed, therefore, has abiding efficacy, seeing that it was the blood of an extraordinary nature, namely, the blood of God and Man combined.”

      How could God, the deathless One, die? In When God Died, legendary Bible teacher Dr. Herbert Lockyer explores the person of Christ-both His divinity and humanity-in an effort to show the majesty of His death and resurrection, and what they mean to us today.

      This series of Lenten meditations will open your eyes to the purpose, power, and beauty of Christ’s crucifixion. Among the topics you will explore are:
      *The magnanimity and honor of Christ
      *The cleansing power of His blood
      *The sovereign power of His grace
      *The last seven words Christ spoke from the cross

      May we take the time to lovingly remember Christ’s sacrifice-the means of His extraordinary grace and power to save dying sinners-so that we may stand in rightful relationship with Christ, in awe of His holiness, power, and wisdom, with a heart of gratitude for all He has done.

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    • Life More Abundantly


      “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”
      -John 10:10

      A 31-Day Study of God’s Greatest Gift

      In this monthlong study, famed pastor and evangelist A. B. Simpson delves into the meaning of life itself, helping the believer to develop an understanding and appreciation of the indwelling Christ as the source of victory.

      “The most humble and uncultured saint, perhaps the poorest new convert in the jungles of Africa, or a lowly laborer, toiling in some factory or mine, can look in the face of the most brilliant human genius who knows not God in personal faith and fellowship, and say, ‘I live in a higher world than you, for I have spiritual life, I have eternal life, I have a life that death cannot destroy and sin cannot defile and judgment cannot dismay, and eternal ages can never end. I have everlasting life.'”
      -A. B. Simpson, Life More Abundantly

      Christians were never meant to lead insignificant lives devoid of impact or achievement. By focusing on the abundant life that God offers, you can make the most out of the days you have been given.

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    • LifeQuest : Navigating The Gap Between Your Current Reality And Your Future


      Moving from Unconscious Living to Wide-awake Destiny!

      Are you stuck in an unfamiliar place where nothing looks or works the way it used to? Do you feel stranded on strange seas without a map or compass? Are you drifting rudderlessly through life without meaning and direction?

      Welcome to the gap-a messy but miraculous patch of real estate that lies between your current state of reality and the location of your destiny. Traversing that gap is a vital step in every human journey. But how does one navigate the unknown?

      Many Christians have been taught that God controls everything about their lives. He doesn’t. God never handed you a script to memorize and follow. Instead, He created you with the capacity to invoke, evoke, and provoke your personal destiny. That’s right-you have all you need to call your destiny into being.

      Through LifeQuest, pastor and life coach Mark Chironna will guide you to chart a course for your life’s journey by helping you to ask the right questions, encouraging you to explore the perilous gap, and showing you that change is not your enemy. This is your journey, and you get only one. Don’t waste another minute of it. Get started on your quest today!

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    • Spiritual Gifts For Spiritual Warfare


      What are spiritual gifts, and why are they important? Perhaps you have never heard of spiritual gifts outside of their few appearances in the New Testament, or perhaps you are wondering how a concept to seemingly ancient is still applicable to you today.

      Spiritual gifts are important tools in battling and overcoming Satan, and God freely gives them to His followers. The church need not be ignorant any longer. In Spiritual Gifts for Spiritual Warfare, Tom Brown presents the spiritual gifts and describes their uses in spiritual warfare, equipping you to…
      *Recognize the various spiritual gifts
      *Receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit
      *Activate the spiritual gifts in your life
      *Appropriate the gifts of revelation, power, and speech
      *Become wise by discerning God’s will
      *Impart wisdom and other spiritual gifts to others

      You are not alone. You have a Helper, the Holy Spirit, who wants to assist you in overcoming temptation and defeating the enemy in your life. Don’t be alarmed by Satan’s work. The Spirit who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. (See 1 John 4:4.) So, stand up and use the tools you’ve been given to walk boldly in the way of truth!

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    • Passionate Pursuit : Getting To Know God And His Word


      “You were created with an internal void that only God Himself can fill.”

      “The depth of your hunger for God is the length of your reach to Him.”

      “You can be as close to God as you want to be.”

      Many of us have heard these statements-or similar ones. Are they mere cliches? Or do they point to a truth that is so profound it should be the main focus of our life?

      The mighty God of the universe is also your heavenly Father who loves you deeply. He understands you inside and out, and He desires for you to know Him personally, too. Author James W. Goll joyfully guides you past the cliches and into the spiritual reality of knowing God’s heart through an intentional, ongoing relationship with Him.

      Passionate Pursuit shows you how to open your heart to encounter the living Lord. As your discovery of God unfolds, and your relationship with Him deepens, you will be surprised and delighted to hear His voice, to learn from Him-and to touch His heart. You will be filled with the life of God, and you will always desire to come back for more. In the process, you will gradually be transformed to become like Him and to reflect His image to others.

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    • Real Salvation


      “I believe that God is putting the question of the text to every man and woman, to every Christian, and to everyone who is not a Christian. ‘Where art thou?’ Where do you stand as regards spiritual and eternal things? Where do you stand as regards God, as regards heaven, as regards righteousness, as regards Christ, as regards eternity? ‘Where art thou?’ Every wise man will be glad to face and answer that question. Every truly intelligent man desires to know just where he is.”

      Discover why what you believe is so important. In Real Salvation, R. A. Torrey explores what God has revealed to us of the afterlife-heaven, hell, and eternity. Join him as he endeavors to answer many of the questions that are still grappled with today, such as:
      *What does it mean to be saved?
      *Who can be saved?
      *What can we expect heaven and hell to be like?
      *What are the characteristics of an effective soulwinner?
      *How can we find true rest and joy?

      In this thought-provoking book, Torrey challenges readers, even those who have not yet decided what they believe, to wrestle with age-old questions of faith, redemption, and salvation. His lucid, cogent writing is sure to compel both Christians and non-Christians to seek the truth.

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    • Evaluating Your Friendship Skills


      Are you a faithful friend…or a burdensome buddy? Find out where you stand with Evaluating Your Friendship Skills. Good friendships take work. Use this 72-question self-evaluation, based on twelve biblical friendship characteristics, to identify areas in which you may be weak. Then use the discussion of each characteristic to help you set goals and determine practical ways to improve. Sharpen your friendship skills to become more like Jesus and a better friend. Great for individuals and for groups preparing for Friend Day!

      Includes: questionnaire and self-scoring two-part answer sheet

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    • LEAD Personality Survey


      The L-E-A-D Personality Inventory will provide you with an in-depth study of the unique characteristics of each type of personality. Your entire family, church members-even employees-will benefit from gaining a complete knowledge and understanding of their own personalities. Improve communication and relationships as you identify and better understand your own personality type, find out what motivates/demotivates people, and learn how others are most/least effective based on personality type. Includes questionnaire; answer sheet; instructions; profiles of the different personality types such as the Leader, Expresser, Analyst, and Dependable; and descriptions of different personality patterns. 13 pages.

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    • Team Decision Making Inventory


      This inventory will help you identify how each of your church members or business leaders functions best-whether a Doer, Collector, Planner, or Analyzer. Then you can determine if you need additional help due to a lack of input, skills or gifts in your own team. Includes questionnaire; 2-part, self-scoring answer sheet; and instructions.

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    • Leadership Management Inventory


      Every leader and manager has a unique style for leading and managing whether a Producer/Workaholic, Visionary/Arsonist, Survivalist/Deadwood, Administrator/Bureaucrat, Integrator/Compromiser. This quick, easy-to-use, self-scoring inventory will help you and your ministry or business leaders discover your personal leadership/management style and learn the positive and negatives of each style. Includes questionnaire with answer sheet and description of each style, giving the pros and cons of each.

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    • Team Mate Teen Planner Youth Version


      The Right Tool for Implementing Youth TEAM Evangelism. This pocket-sized booklet offers teens a fun and convenient method of praying for and following up on the progress of friends and relatives they wish to see come to Christ. Your teens will enjoy learning the principles of team evangelism, the importance of faithful prayer, and the benefit of keeping a record of those for whom they are praying. This booklet will encourage teens to touch the lives of their prospects by spending time with them and helping meet their practical needs.

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    • Set Apart Motherhood


      Being a mother is tough, and sometimes life can be hectic and disorganized. The truth is, moms don’t have to accept the chaos or resign themselves to the attitude of “this is just the way it is.” By God’s grace, every mother can purpose not to settle for anything less than His pattern for motherhood, and His pattern is victorious, triumphant, and glorious.

      Now, women who first met Leslie Ludy in When God Writes Your Love Story and Authentic Beauty can continue journeying with her through the realities of motherhood. Leslie will encourage, inspire, and equip moms to be successful in raising their kids, managing their homes, and keeping Christ at the center of their mothering. Written from the perspective of a mom who is currently “in the trenches” with several young children at home, Leslie will help guide readers to become mothers who are set apart for God’s purposes.

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    • 12 Tribes Of Israel Pamphlet


      Enjoy having a simple overview on the 12 Tribes of Israel at your fingertips. See each tribe’s symbol, meaning, history, and other fascinating facts at a glance. Includes incredible visual aids, such as a full-color map, family tree, Tabernacle diagram, and more.

      Almost every person in the Bible belonged to one of the 12 Tribes of Israel based on their ancestry: From Moses who was a Levite to the Apostle Paul who was Benjaminite. Each tribe had its own history, land, and heritage. Now you can easily grasp the “backstory” of each tribe and see key information at a glance! For example, find out the significance of Jesus being called the “Lion of Judah.” For each of the 12 Tribes of Israel, you will get-
      *A quick overview of its meaning, size, family history, location, and more.
      *A picture of the tribe’s symbol (such as the lion from the Tribe of Judah)
      *Simple summary of Jacob’s blessing, Moses’ blessing, and other key events related to each tribe. (Find out the major battles, controversies, and scandals that impacted each tribe. Plus, see which important Bible people came from each tribe of Israel.)

      Perfect for individual or group use. 14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long.

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    • Believers Baptism Pamphlet


      Baptism is one of the most important practices in the church, something that Jesus calls his followers to do. It reminds us of Jesus’ death and resurrection and the new life we have in him! Enjoy having an easy-to-understand overview on what the Bible says about baptism at your fingertips. Packed with simple summaries, this baptism pamphlet covers what baptism is, why we should be baptized, and more. Perfect for individual use, group Bible studies, a New Believers’ class, baptism gift, baptism class, etc.

      Enjoy having this easy-to-understand overview on baptism at your fingertips. This pamphlet clarifies the basics and reassures believers about this important step–church leaders may use this to help those who may be nervous or hesitant.

      Answers these questions–
      *What is baptism? (Explains believer’s baptism and symbolism of immersion)
      *Why we should be baptized? (Gives 5 reasons to be baptized)
      *What happens during baptism? How do I know if I am ready to be baptized?
      *What does it mean to be baptized in Jesus’ name?
      *What does the Bible say about baptism? (It fulfills Jesus’ command (Matt. 28:19), Jesus set the example (1 John 2:6), it is a testimony to others (Romans 6:5), and more.)

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    • Hebrews Pamphlet : A Study In The Book Of Hebrews


      Find out how to persevere, remain faithful, and live a life that glorifies God with this incredible in-depth Bible study on Hebrews. See how the early church withstood intense persecution and experience the peace that comes from recognizing Christ as our perfect High Priest. Includes section-by-section commentary, quick-reference charts, and simple summaries!

      Hebrews was written during a time of intense persecution against Christians in the Roman Empire. During that time, believers needed encouragement to follow Christ- just as we do today. By showing Jesus’ superiority to the Old Covenant, the letter encourages believers (then and now) to be faithful to Jesus even during the toughest of times! Enjoy having a fantastic overview on the entire book of Hebrews at your fingertips-get incredible insight into Jesus’ superiority to the old covenant and be encouraged by 15 heroes of our faith who resisted the urge to give up and stood firmly in their faith!

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    • Hiding The Word In My Heart


      Scripture memorization is a holy habit that has huge benefits for every believer! Then, why don t we do more of it? There are several reasons. We ve never really become convinced of its value. The routine has never been established. It feels too BIG. And, we just don t know the techniques of memorizing that make it easier. When we do memorize scripture, we usually get it into our short-term memory, but never move it to long-term memory. This book offers help and encouragement to get started, or to get back into the habit. It is divided into three main sections: Part 1 gives 14 keys to memorization, including why we memorize scripture and methods of memorization Part 2 includes games and activities for exploring the Scriptures, reviewing passages, recalling Scriptures, and reviewing multiple verses. Part 3 provides an outline, along with lesson plans, for an intensive six-week program where you memorize large portions of scripture. Whether you re leading the children at church in scripture memorization, doing it as a personal discipline, or including it as part of family worship, the games, outlines, lesson plans, memorization techniques, and ways to explore the passage to gain understanding are all packaged in this one-of-a-kind resource. Let s learn how to hide God s Word in our hearts for the long haul! Features and Benefits Offers encouragement and methods for memorizing scripture. Includes games, outlines, lesson plans and memorization techniques. Divided into three parts: Keys to Memorization, Games and Activities, and an Outline and Lesson Plan for a six-week program where participants memorize large portions of scripture. Teaches ways to explore the passage to gain understanding. Methods have been tested by author in children s ministry settings. Ideal resource for children s ministry, personal study or family worship.

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    • Bible Fun Activity Book


      These fun little activity books and story books are a great way to help children learn the Bible while keeping busy. The Bible story activities help reinforce Bible story lessons, and include puzzles, mazes, secret codes, dot-to-dot, and much more.

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    • Its All About Jesus


      These fun little activity books and story books are a great way to help children learn the Bible while keeping busy. The Bible story activities help reinforce Bible story lessons, and include puzzles, mazes, secret codes, dot-to-dot, and much more.

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    • Sermon On The Mount Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


      SKU (ISBN): 9781430032281ISBN10: 1430032286Jen WilkinBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2014Publisher: LifeWay Christian Resources

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    • Ready To Launch Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


      SKU (ISBN): 9781430032052ISBN10: 1430032057J.D. Greear | Veronica GreearBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2014Publisher: LifeWay Christian Resources

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    • Nicodemus And Jesus


      This new Arch(R) Book retells the story of Nicodemus from the Gospel of John (3:1-21), with an emphasis on Jesus as Savior of the world.

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    • Losing Cooper : Finding Hope To Grieve Well


      A true story of hope in the midst of great personal tragedy. Losing Cooper – Finding Hope to Grieve Well, is the moving story of the Jasper family after the tragic death of their five-year-old son Cooper. The book chronicles their journey through darkness, but offers real hope to anyone experiencing trouble, trials or tragedy. It shows how a strong Christian family deals with shock, loss and grief from a Biblical perspective.

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    • Big Picture Story Bible


      No child is too young to begin learning about the greatest love story of all-God’s love for his people, as portrayed in the Bible. In this best-selling book, David Helm and Gail Schoonmaker have created a colorful collection of Bible stories written especially for children ages 2-7. This book presents the big picture of Scripture, recounting the unified story that runs through both the Old and New Testaments. Simply written and beautifully illustrated, this book teaches children the Bible’s overarching message so they can begin to appreciate the fulfillment of God’s promises to his people.

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    • How Will The World End


      Introduction: Why Is It All So Complicated?
      1. How Will The World End?
      2. What Will Happen Before Jesus Comes Back?
      3. How Will Jesus Come Back?
      4. Will Jesus Come Back Before Or After The “Millennium”?
      5. What Happens After Jesus Comes Back?
      6. How Should We Live Until Jesus Comes Back?

      Additional Info
      Christians believe that history is moving towards a dramatic conclusion – that one day Jesus Christ will return in glory to judge the living and the dead. But there seem to be so many different views about how this will happen, and when it will take place. How can we make sense of it all?
      This short, readable book explains clearly and simply the liberating reality of what the Bible is actually saying about the return of Christ and the end of the world.

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    • Super Duper Knock Knock Jokes For Kids


      Is there anything better than a knock-knock joke? How about hundreds of them? You are going to love this collection of laugh lines stupendous enough for a super duper joker. With so many, you have plenty of humor to knock-knock some silly sense into your friends, family, and anyone else who is willing to say “who’s there?”

      This is good, clean fun that will entertain you and others for hours. It’s perfect for those times when you are waiting after school or between activities or during a long Saturday afternoon.

      Knock, Knock
      Who’s there?
      Woo who?
      Woo-who these jokes are fun! Let’s have a party.

      If you or your family are getting tired staring at the TV or computer screen, it’s time to scream–with laughter. And this outrageous, hilarious jumble of jokes will make that happen instantly.

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    • Whole Soul : Rescripting Your Life For Personal Transformation


      Transform your life as you change your thoughts. A key to wholeness is found in this simple yet profound truth. The Whole Soul offers simple solutions to earth-shattering, overwhelming, every day life crises. Transformation has never been easy, yet we have the solution to every issue we encounter. Imagine living a lifestyle where you literally have the power to walk over every circumstance, every obstacle, and every challenge. A lifestyle where you have authority to take captive every debilitating thought and toxic mindset-changing your life permanently. Eternity is in the hearts of men/women (Eccl. 3:11) giving dominion over every thought. You see, the circumstances we face every day are simply the result of our perception and how we navigate our thought life. In the pages of this book you will find the opportunity to choose victory over defeat.

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    • Live Handbook : Your Life With Christ (Student/Study Guide)


      How To Use This Booklet
      1. How Do I Know It Is Real?
      2. What Is The Good News?
      3. Is It Worth It?
      4. A Time For Commitment
      5. New Life In Christ
      Extra Information

      Additional Info
      Thousands of people go on evangelistic courses each year. And then… what next?
      Countless Christians would love to brush up on the foundations of their faith. But… how to?

      Internationally renowned speaker, evangelist and author Becky Manley Pippert’s newest resource is the What Next and the How To. In five interactive, informal sessions combining DVD clips, Bible study, discussion times and testimony footage, Becky explores the truth and content of the gospel, and how to begin and keep going in the Christian life.

      This course is perfect for new believers, not-yet-believers, and Christians who want to be refreshed in their faith. Use the handbook alongside the course DVD and the free online leader’s guide.

      Becky says: “LIVE continues the journey from enquirer to disciple to spiritual maturity. My guess is there are people in your church who will really benefit from this course.”

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    • How Can I Be Sure


      Introduction: The Many Faces Of Doubt
      1. What Is Doubt?
      2. Why Is Doubt Dangerous?
      3. What Do I Have To Believe To Be A Christian?
      4. How Can I Overcome Doubt As A Christian?
      5. How Can I Develop A Confident Faith?
      Conclusion: Living With Faith And Doubt

      Additional Info
      Many Christians experience times of doubt and uncertainty. At various times we can ask: Does God love me? Am I really a Christian? – and even Is there a God at all?!

      This short, readable book unpacks the difference between good and bad doubt, shows us where it comes from and how to deal with it in ourselves and others.

      It explains clearly and simply the liberating reality of what the Bible tells us about doubt, assurance and the Christian life.

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    • Can I Really Trust The Bible


      The Bible makes big claims for itself. But do those claims stand up?
      Aren’t the stories just legends? Hasn’t the information been corrupted over time? Isn’t the Bible full of mistakes? And isn’t it culturally outdated?
      In this absorbing little book, Barry Cooper explores these questions – and many others – with warmth, wit and integrity.

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    • Praying The Psalms Changes Things


      Praying the Psalms Changes Things is the fourth book in a very popular series by Lloyd Hildebrand that involves praying the Scriptures.
      The Bible says, And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us. and if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.

      This spiritual confidence comes from praying God’s Word, and the Psalms are particularly powerful sources of prayer for every believer. The Book of Psalms is known as the Bible’s prayer book, and so many of the Psalms are prayers that we can personalize for ourselves.

      Dietrich Bonhoeffer called the Psalms, …a great school of prayer…, and Praying the Psalms Changes Things is a very helpful textbook in that important school. As you read and pray, God will reveal His will to you and you will be changed.

      How does praying the Psalms change things? It helps you to know the truth about the situations and circumstances of your life. It will build your faith and give you a glimpse of what God wants for you. As a result, you will grow spiritually, your perspective on things will change, and you will see things changing around you.

      The Author writes, The Psalms reveal God’s heart to us. Filled with promises from Him, the 15 chapters in the Book of Psalms tell us what He wants for us and how to obtain His blessings in our lives. As you read and pray the Psalms, you will see how much God loves you.

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    • Faith After Failure


      Failure. It knocks at the doors of our lives and hopes to find permanent residence. The haunting words of our past…you failed…you should be ashamed…you’ll never measure up…resound over and over in our minds until we come to the realization that in God there is no failure! Every obstacle in life is an opportunity for our faith to be renewed and witness the miracle of God’s transforming power. God has never expected his children to be perfect; in fact He seeks to prove His love and faithfulness by perfecting us as we walk through the challenges of life. This book is all about the times we find ourselves in the pit of despair and are then equipped by God’s grace to move forward once again and experience complete fulfillment in Christ. There is no mission impossible for God. “Mission Possible” awaits you as you read Faith After Failure: Reconnecting With Your Destiny.

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    • New Life In The Boarding House


      The author, a husband and father of a young family, was messed up. Like many men, he was unable to talk to anyone about what was wrong-partly because he felt it would make him look weak and partly because he didn’t really know why nothing was right in his life. Anger became his fuel, controlling his life. Conflict was his daily routine. He suffered many sleepless nights, plagued by fear, worry, and buried emotional wounds. Haunted by his father’s rejection, an inner voice screamed at him, “I want a new life!”
      Chilling thoughts of ending it rapped at his consciousness.
      In a night of crisis, he dug out an unused Bible, leading to a startling introduction to Jesus and depositing the author on a virtual tour of a once magnificent stately home, fallen into use as a neglected, chaotic boarding house. With the Holy Spirit as his guide, he meets interesting people, learns to understand himself, and discovers that not only is it possible to have a new life-but there’s a way to get it.
      As a child he heard stories of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, but as an adult he didn’t think they existed and he certainly had no idea of how to find them. This book, based on daily journal accounts, describes how they found him.
      And not only are they real, they still make house calls.

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    • Worlds Best Customer


      “Sher Valenzuela represents the new breed of leaders that America needs now more than ever. She is a leader capable of creating sustainable and scalable systems and processes, balancing budgets, leveraging strengths, optimizing efficiencies, and reaching out to others to get things done.

      More than simply a case study, formula or model, The World’s Best Customer captures and conveys what is best about America-entrepreneurism, free enterprise, capitalism, government, and public-private partnerships. Every entrepreneur should read this book with pen and paper in hand and learn how you too can add The World’s Best Customer to your client list!

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    • Songs Of Christmas


      This book retells the Christmas story through the songs found in the Bible: Mary’s Song: The Magnificat, the song of the angels’ announcement to the shepherds, Simeon’s Song of Praise when Jesus is presented in the temple (“let your servant depart in peace …”), and concludes by reminding the reader that we sing about Jesus at Christmas. Additional Christmas Arch Books are available.

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    • Complete Illustrated Childrens Bible


      Lead your child into a lifetime love of the Bible with this colorful storybook. With nearly 300 beautiful two-page illustrations to capture even the youngest child’s imagination and heart, this vast collection of the Bible’s most-loved stories is just right for sharing together or reading alone throughout the day.

      The Illustrated Children’s Bible is the perfect picture and storybook for young ones and an ideal first reader your children will treasure.

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    • Almost Out Of Grace


      Have you ever felt that you let God down in the way you handled your dating or marriage relationship? How about that deja vu feeling that you’ve had the same bad experience before-yet you can’t help repeating behavior you know doesn’t work. Emotions related to our relationships are constantly shifting from highs to lows. Sometimes, even when we know we are not in the right relationship, we still try to convince ourselves or our partner otherwise. Living in that kind of denial can lead us away from God, Christian friends, family, and the church. Does this describe you? And if so, do you ever wonder whether all your rationalizations and poor choices have exceeded the limits of God’s patience? Do you feel that you are Almost Out of Grace? If so, this book is for you.

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    • Spiritual Disciplines For The Christian Life Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      This updated companion guide to Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life (see description below) takes you through a carefully selected array of disciplines that will help you grow in godliness. Ideal for personal or small-group use.

      Drawn from a rich heritage, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life will guide you through a carefully selected array of disciplines. By illustrating why the disciplines are important, showing how each one will help you grow in godliness, and offering practical suggestions for cultivating them, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life will provide you with a refreshing opportunity to become more like Christ and grow in character and maturity. Now updated and revised to equip a new generation of readers, this anniversary edition features in-depth discussions on each of the key disciplines.

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    • Great Transfer Of Wealth


      You Can Be a Part of God’s Great Release of Wealth!

      “Your gates shall be open continually; they shall not be shut day or night, that men may bring to you the wealth of the Gentiles.”
      -Isaiah 60:11

      The Bible proclaims a coming day when God will release a great transfer of the world’s wealth into the hands of His people. Why would God divert the world’s wealth in such a manner? Is it driven by greed or the evil spirit of mammon? Or might there be a higher purpose?

      Revered author C. Peter Wagner delves deeply into this amazing prophecy, showing how God will bring about a miraculous, worldwide financial transformation so that the Great Commission will be fulfilled and His kingdom will be established on earth. And these things will be witnessed by this generation! With great wisdom and clarity, Wagner describes…
      *The proper uses of this wealth
      *The mechanism of its distribution
      *The goals it is intended to achieve
      *How the newly financed church will use its “seven mountains of influence” to change the world

      God is poised to shake the world’s financial foundations to their core. All Bible-believing Christians need to take steps to be prepared, for they will be the ones God uses to receive this blessing, influence the world, and help to fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission.

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    • Acts : A 12 Week Study


      The Knowing the Bible series is a new resource designed to help Bible readers better understand and apply God’s Word. Each 12-week study leads participants through one book of the Bible and is made up of four components: (1) Reflection questions designed to help readers engage the text at a deeper level; (2) “Gospel Glimpses” highlighting the gospel of grace throughout the book; (3) “Whole-Bible Connections” showing how any given passage connects to the Bible’s overarching story of redemption culminating in Christ; and (4) “Theological Soundings” identifying how historic orthodox doctrines are taught or reinforced throughout Scripture. With contributions from a wide array of influential pastors and church leaders, these gospel-centered studies will help Christians see and cherish the message of God’s grace on each and every page of the Bible. The book of Acts chronicles some of the most important events in Christian history: the scattering of Jesus’s disciples across the known world, the coming of the Holy Spirit, the birth of the early church, and more. This accessible study-designed for individuals and small groups alike-guides readers through this central New Testament book, helping them understand the figures and events that ultimately gave rise to one of the most successful religions of all time.

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    • Overeating : Freedom From Food Fixation


      SKU (ISBN): 9781596369467ISBN10: 1596369469June HuntBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2014Hope For The HeartPublisher: Aspire Press – Hendrickson Publishing Group

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    • Financial Freedom : How To Manage Your Money Wisely


      SKU (ISBN): 9781596369412ISBN10: 1596369418June HuntBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2014Hope For The HeartPublisher: Aspire Press – Hendrickson Publishing Group

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      There’s little question that he actually lived. But miracles? Rising from the dead? Some of the stories you hear about him sound like just that—stories. A reasonable person would never believe them, let alone the claim that he’s the only way to God! But a reasonable person would also make sure that he or she understood the facts before jumping to conclusions. That’s why Lee Strobel—an award-winning legal journalist with a knack for asking tough questions—decided to investigate Jesus for himself. An atheist, Strobel felt certain his findings would bring Christianity’s claims about Jesus tumbling down like a house of cards. He was in for the surprise of his life. Join him as he retraces his journey from skepticism to faith. You’ll consult expert testimony as you sift through the truths that history, science, psychiatry, literature, and religion reveal. Like Strobel, you’ll be amazed at the evidence—how much there is, how strong it is, and what it says. The facts are in. What will your verdict be in The Case for Christ?

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