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    • Be Committed Ruth And Esther (Student/Study Guide)


      Be Committed
      The books of Ruth and Esther tell the stories of two very different women who shared an unshakable confidence in God.

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    • Be Right Romans (Student/Study Guide)


      Be Right
      Explore the topics of salvation, justification, and the righteousness of God through a study of Romans, Paul’s “how-to-manual” for disciples.

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    • Be Joyful Philippians (Student/Study Guide)


      Be Joyful
      This study of Paul’s epistle to the Philippians explains how believers can find life’s greatest treasure in Christ.

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    • Be Mature James (Student/Study Guide)


      Be Mature
      A practical guide to overcoming temptation, effective prayer, and how to practice what the Bible teaches.

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    • Be Victorious Revelation (Reprinted)


      With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

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    • Be Resolute Daniel (Reprinted)


      With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

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    • Be Complete Colossians (Reprinted)


      We live in an age when everyone is trying to live richer, fuller lives. We’re told to buy this, try that, eat those, and say no to the rest, as if that’s all we need to do to make our lives complete.

      Two thousand years ago, the church at Colossae faced similar challenges. The Apostle Paul wrote a letter outlining the only way we can live complete lives: Christ. What can we learn today from this ancient church?

      Called by many scholars the “most profound letter Paul ever wrote,” Colossians warrants a careful, faithful study. In this short, but exciting letter, Paul makes the case for the supremacy of Christ in all things. Best selling author and teacher Warren Wiersbe calls your attention to Paul’s essential thoughts on living a complete life-Christ alone-in this easy-to-use commentary on Colossians.

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    • Reasonable Faith : Christian Truth And Apologetics


      Written for thoughtful readers, this updated edition by a ranking apologist presents a systematic, positive case for Christianity that reflects the latest work in astrophysics, philosophy, probability calculus, the arguments for the existence of God, and Reformed epistemology.

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    • Christianity Cults And Religions (Student/Study Guide)


      As the title implies, this volume addresses Christianity in relation to cults, the occult and other religions. Comparisons of the other belief systems are set beside Christianity to illustrate the differences between them. In-depth examinations of Islam, Mormonism and Jehovah’s Witnesses are included, as these belief systems are very relevant to Christians today, and a final chapter demonstrating how one can witness to cult members make this a very useful collection of these popular guides.

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    • Prodigals And Those Who Love Them (Reprinted)


      Ruth Bell Graham knew about prodigals-two of her five children were spiritual wanderers. This is not a “how to” book that dispenses easy advice on ways to win back a prodigal. Instead, it is a collection of readings one woman turned to for comfort when her children wandered from God. It shows how Graham’s faith persevered and grew regardless of the outcome of her prodigals’ stories.

      Part One introduces readers to five prodigals who “returned to the father.” Part Two offers comfort and encouragement through Scripture, poems, hymns, prayers, and more. Readers will be touched by the honest feelings of pain, frustration, and uncertainty Graham expresses so eloquently. And they will share in the lessons she learned about God’s sovereignty and ultimate peace.

      Now beautifully repackaged, Prodigals and Those Who Love Them brings peace and hope to all parents of “wayward” children.

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    • 1 Thessalonians : Living To Please God (Student/Study Guide)


      Do you feel like an ordinary Christian. Not especially gifted or knowledgeable. Does anyone really notice your faith? Does any of it matter? Time to take a look at the Thessalonians.

      When this group of ordinary first-century pagans believed in Jesus Christ, they changed so dramatically that many others across the Roman world were imitating their faith, hope and love. The apostle Paul, thrilled to see their vibrant Christian lives, recorded his delight in this lovely warm letter, packed with advice and encouragement to keep going. This was a transformation that would change lives, cultures and destinies far beyond first century Macedonia.

      Learn through this Good Book Guide how an unremarkable, pointless existence, can be transformed into lives marked by an unshakeable faith, overflowing love and sensational hope. It is this kind of life that ordinary Christians like you are called to. So that, in the our world of suffering, hostility and trials we will be blameless and holy when our Lord Jesus comes.

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    • Contentment : Healing The Hunger Of Our Hearts (Student/Study Guide)


      We all know what it is to feel discontented with our lives with what we have, how much we can get, what we do, who we live with, how we are and what the future promises.

      The constant hunger for something more may seem like the aches and pains of growing old something that we must just put up with in this far-from-perfect world. But the Bible shows that discontent is the symptom of a lethal disease that will kill us if we do not find a cure. It was discontent that first led humans into rebellion against God, with the catastrophic consequences that have followed from that decision.

      Yet Jesus Christ promises that anyone who believes in Him will never again hunger or thirst. The apostle Paul was able to say that he had learned the secret of being content in any and every situation in need or in plenty. Discontent is a problem of our hearts not our circumstances. This Good Book Guide can help us to understand why we become discontented, how Jesus Christ alone can help us, and on a practical level, how Christian living can bring the treasure of contentment to our daily lives.

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    • Gods Generals 3


      Title Page
      Copyright Page
      Prologue: One Hundred Years Of Intercession
      1. John And Charles Wesley
      2. George Whitefield
      3. Jonathan Edwards
      4. Francis Asbury
      5. The First Camp Meetings
      6. Peter Cartwright
      7. Charles Finney
      8. Dwight L. Moody
      9. William And Catherine Booth
      10. Billy Graham
      Further Readings
      About The Author

      Additional Info
      Roberts Liardon recaptures God’s glory with these compelling spiritual biographies of some of the most powerful preachers ever to ignite the fires of revival. Liardon faithfully chronicles their work, teachings, methods, and spiritual discoveries, allowing the reader to better understand their role and influence in Christian history. The book includes biographies of John and Charles Wesley, George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Finney, D.L. Moody, Charles Spurgeon, General William and Catherine Booth, Billy Graham, and more! Liardon goes beyond the history, drawing crucial life application for the reader from the lives of these mighty warriors. Let these great revivalists inspire your life and ministry!

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    • Prophets Handbook : A Guide To Prophecy And Its Operation


      Discover God’s divine plan for the prophetic gifts and how they are meant to benefit the body of Christ. This handbook details the role and duties of the prophetic in the church, clearly explaining its necessity. No church leader should be without this indispensable reference. Dr. Paula Price’s years of research and ministry have yielded the ultimate guide to prophecy in the local church. You will learn how God awakens and prepares excellent prophets, understand the difference between prophets and psychics, and recognize and train budding prophets. Don’t let lack of knowledge keep you from utilizing one of God’s extraordinary gifts to the church.

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    • Worship Matters : Leading Others To Encounter The Greatness Of God


      Nothing is more essential than knowing how to worship the God who created us. This book focuses readers on the essentials of God-honoring worship, combining biblical foundations with practical application in a way that works in the real world. The author, a pastor and noted songwriter, skillfully instructs pastors, musicians, and church leaders so that they can root their congregational worship in unchanging scriptural principles. Bob Kauflin covers a variety of topics such as the devastating effects of worshiping the wrong things, how to base our worship on God’s self-revelation rather than our assumptions, the fuel of worship, the community of worship, and the ways that eternity’s worship should affect our earthly worship. Appropriate for Christians from varied backgrounds and for various denominations, this book will bring a vital perspective to what readers think they understand about praising God. Includes a special addendum for pastors and worship leaders.

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    • Names Of The Holy Spirit Pamphlet


      32 Names of the Holy Spirit and where they occur in the Bible are included in this pamphlet with their meanings and applications. Studying the names of the Spirit will help you get a fuller, well-rounded idea of who he is and how he operates and so allow you to worship and serve God in a fuller and richer capacity. Other articles included are: The Trinity, the Spirit and Prayer, the Fruit of the Spirit, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and the Gifts of the Holy spirit.

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    • Effective Praise And Worship Leader


      World-renowned worship leader Dr. Ron Kenoly offers his insight on the role of a contemporary praise and worship leader-a position that has been generally undervalued and grossly misunderstood. The education you will receive from this book will prepare you to properly demonstrate a balance between worship and the Word. You will learn how to prepare your heart as a worshiper and how to use the gift God gave you to create an atmosphere for God’s presence. This book is written to pastors, worship leaders, and anyone desiring to know what God is looking for in a true worshiper.

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    • Dot To Dot Coloring And Stickers 1


      This new Candle activity book includes sixteen connect-the-dots puzzles, stickers, and partly colored pictures for children to fill in. It is an excellent visual introduction to classic stories from the Bible.

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    • John 12-21


      John 12-21 completes The MacArthur New Testament Commentary’s coverage of this important book of the New Testament. This is a verse by verse and phrase by phrase treatment of the text. The cultural and theological contexts of each passage are brought to bear on the interpretation of the text. Where relevant, the Old Testament is used to explain the passage, and controversy is never avoided. The fact that the new believer is often directed to study the gospel of John, and the mature believer never forsakes its study, gives this book special value.

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    • Gods Promises For Your Every Need NKJV


      No matter what your situation, God has a promise for you! Life is tough, and when you’re faced with challenges or in need of encouragement, the best place to go is to God’s Word. But sometimes it’s difficult to know where to look. God’s Promises for Your Every Need topically arranges crucial scriptures for every student of the Word to seek out in the ups and downs of life. Over 15 million copies have been sold in the God’s Promises line. This version features a burgundy kivar cover and scriptures all from the NKJV.

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    • Discovering Church Life Teacher Edition (Teacher’s Guide)


      Discovering Church Life is a 24-lesson series designed to teach believers the foundational truths concerning life in the local church, the corporate church, and the Kingdom of God. This teacher edition of the study series shows the group leader how to assist believers in building community with a spirit of harmony and commitment toward a local church. Along with the student edition, it can be used as a church membership course, a new believer’s series, or a small group study.

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    • 7 Strategic Changes Every Church Must Make


      Author Mark Conner reveals seven strategic changes that every church must make to remain relevant and progressive in today’s culture. These shifts – from inreach to outreach, from events to relationships, from consumers to contributors, from local to kingdom – will transform your church into a powerful force in the 21st Century.

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    • What Now Discovery Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Discovering the unique path of your personal destiny can be a challenge. This 12-week guide and companion book to What Now: Making Sense of Who You Are and Where You’re Going provides a step-by-step program for understanding your potential and equips you to live with incredible passion. Ideal for small groups, intern programs, Sunday School, campus ministry, and church equipping.

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    • Gospel Primer For Christians


      Preach the Gospel to Yourself Daily

      God did not give us His gospel just so we could embrace it and be converted. He offers it to us every day as a gift that gives to us everything we need for life and godliness. This new expanded edition contains 31 “Reasons to Rehearse the Gospel Daily.” Use this book to preach the gospel to yourself daily and you will be amazed at the difference it will make in your life.

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    • Benjamins Box : The Story Of The Resurrection Eggs


      This tale of a child following Jesus during biblical times to find out who he is will teach your children lessons from the Bible you’ll want to share the whole Easter season.

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    • Keys To Financial Excellence


      Do you struggle week after week just to make ends meet? Do you wish you could give more to God’s work but end up giving the bare minimum? Many people miss the path to true prosperity because they are seeking it through incorrect ideas and false promises. The way to true abundance in all areas of your life is to discover and live in God’s economy. The Bible is filled with hundreds of truths, examples, and principles about how we are to handle our money and our relationships. These scriptural laws and illustrations give us the keys to pleasing God, reflecting His giving nature, and receiving His generous abundance in our lives. Author Phil Pringle has put these biblical truths and illustrations into bite-sized portions that you can grasp easily and apply to your life today. From his personal experience in receiving the overflow of God’s blessings, Pringle show you how to put these dynamic principles into practice. Keys to Financial Excellence is a life-changing treasure that will enable you to experience the fullness of abundant living. Discover a prosperity that will transform your life.

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    • Where To Find Favorite Bible Verses Pamphlet


      Don’t have a photographic memory? Here are the most important verses in Scripture organized by topic. Perfect for people who do not remember the exact Bible reference for their favorite passage.
      Fits inside a Bible cover
      Unfolds to 38″ long.

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    • Beatitudes Pamphlet : Jesus’ Sermon On The Mount – What Are The Beatitudes


      Jesus’ beloved teachings on finding hope and joy offer a true picture of God’s blessings for believers.
      Understanding the Beatitudes will help Christians learn how to live the “Kingdom” life. Those who follow Jesus will be inspired and challenged to live out these attributes in contrast to worldly values.
      For each Beatitude, explanation includes: What does it mean? Related Scripture and Life Application

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    • Christ In The Passover Pamphlet


      Celebrate your Jewish Roots

      The Passover is the Old Testament feast that celebrates and remembers God’s liberation of Israel from Egypt. It also foreshadow’s Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.

      * Examine the biblical origin and symbolism of the Passover to better understand the comparison of Jesus with the Passover lamb
      * Compare the Passover seder with the Lord’s Supper
      * Includes a plan for a Christian seder meal

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    • Chasing Fireflies : A Novel Of Discovery


      They have one summer to find what was lost long ago.”Never settle for less than the truth,” she told him. But when you don’t even know your real name, the truth gets a little complicated. It can nestle so close to home it’s hard to see. It can even flourish inside a lie. And as Chase Walker discovered, learning the turth about who you are can be as elusive–and as magical–as chasing fireflies on a summer night.A haunting story about fishing, baseball, home cooking, and other matters of life and death…from the author of The Dead Don’t Dance and When Crickets Cry.

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    • My John 3:16 Book


      SKU (ISBN): 9780805446340ISBN10: 0805446346Robert Morgan | Illustrator: Glin DibleyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2008Publisher: B and H Publishing Group

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    • Jesus Saves The World My First I Can Read


      SKU (ISBN): 9780310715535UPC: 025986715533Illustrator: Kelly PulleyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2008I Can Read – The Beginners BiblePublisher: Zondervan

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    • David And The Giant My First I Can Read


      SKU (ISBN): 9780310715504UPC: 025986715502Illustrator: Kelly PulleyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2008I Can Read – The Beginners BiblePublisher: Zondervan

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    • Know Your Bible


      Know Your Bible is a concise, easy-to-understand guide to God’s Word-giving you a helpful and memorable overview of all 66 books. For each Know Your Bible provides data on the author and time frame, a ten-word synopsis, a longer (50-100 word) summary, thoughts on what makes the book unique or unusual, a listing of key verses, and a “So, What?” section of practical application. It’s a fantastic resource for individuals and ministries!

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    • Sovereignty Of God


      Who’s in control of the world-God or the devil? In this best-selling classic, A. W. Pink answers such profound questions in a language the average Christian layperson will find not only understandable but totally engaging. Pink, one of the most influential evangelical authors of the last century, writes with fiery passion and brilliant clarity, giving biblical answers to our deepest questions regarding the “sadly neglected and little understood”
      doctrine of the sovereignity of God.

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    • Easter Gift


      This book retells the story of Easter (Genesis 3:15; 49:10; Matthew 1; 4:1-11; 10:1-4; 26-28; Luke 2; Hebrews 11).

      The Arch(R) Book series tells popular Bible stories through fun-to-read rhymes and bright illustrations. This well-loved series captures the attention of children, telling scripturally sound stories that are enjoyable and easy to remember.

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    • Divine Revelation Of Deliverance


      Too many believers live in clouds of frustration and defeat. They suffer unexplained attacks on their lives or the lives of their family. They wonder why they cannot overcome recurring sins and temptations. They struggle to survive amidst a culture that bombards them with evil attitudes and practices. Yet God loves us and desires to set us free from such spiritual attacks.

      With more than two million books in print, Mary K. Baxter teams with Bishop George G. Bloomer to reveal the way to recognize and experience deliverance from these demonic attacks of hell. These powerful truths can help you to…
      * Recognize and conquer hidden satanic traps
      * Break spiritual strongholds
      * Overcome your fear of the enemy
      * Lock up the destructive gates of hell
      * Defeat recurring sins and failures
      * Protect individuals, communities, and nations from demonic attack
      * Bring healing to the oppressed
      * Free people from mental bondage.

      In these end times, Jesus has given believers undeniable victory over the destructive plans of the evil one. Through our dominion authority in the earth and the powerful keys of the kingdom, we can overcome sin and defeat the enemy while leading many to salvation and new life in Christ.

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    • Serious Call To A Devout And Holy Life


      Proclaims that God does not merely forgive our disobedience, He calls us to obedience and to a life completely centered in Him. The author exposes pious hypocrisy and the corruption of the Church. His writing is fresh and sharp, as he vividly illustrates the holy Christian life as one lived totally for God. “Devotion signifies a life given, or devoted, to God. He, therefore, is the devout man, who lives no longer to his own will, or the way and spirit of the world, but to the sole will of God…by doing everything in the name of God, and under such rules as are conformable to His glory.”

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    • How To Know God Exists


      With the recent wave of books on atheism becoming New York Times best-sellers, the God debate is heating up. Because of the implications, it’s the most significant qustions of all time: Is there a God, or isn’t there? In this compelling book, Ray Comfort argues the case
      with simple logic and common sense. If there is a God, surely He has made His presence known so that anyone, young or old, scholar or schoolchild, can find Him. By applying basic logic to three clear evidences for the existence of God, Comfort will help you to:
      *Examine the case for evolution and see what top scientists are really saying about the theory
      *Explore the facts that led the world’s most notorious atheist to acknowledge a Creator
      *Investigate the evidence to discover who God is through 100% proof you can know God exists.

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    • Prayers That Avail Much Commorative Edition (Anniversary)


      You Can Pray With Power!

      Do you long to know God better? Do you want to understand Scripture more fully? Do you want to pray with power –and see results?

      Germaine Copeland’s three best-selling volumes of Prayers That Avail Much have helped Christians learn how to pray, know what to pray, and confidently claim answers to prayer. Now this all-in-one edition is your complete guide to praying according to God’s precious word!

      As you put these mighty, Scriptural prayers to work in your own life and in the lives of those around you, you will see God moving to perform His Word. You no longer need to feel helpless in the face of difficult or painful situations. You no longer need to miss God’s blessings for you and your loved ones.
      As you put these mighty, Scriptural prayers to work in your own life and in the lives of those around you, you will see God moving to perform His Word. You no longer need to feel helpless in the face of difficult or painful situations. You no longer need to miss God’s blessings for you and your loved ones.

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    • King Josiah And Gods Book


      This book retells the story of Josiah, king of Judah, and the Book of Laws (2 Kings 22-23:5).
      The Arch(R) Book series tells popular Bible stories through fun-to-read rhymes and bright illustrations. This well-loved series captures the attention of children, telling scripturally sound stories that are enjoyable and easy to remember.

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    • Widows Offering : Mark 12:41-44; Luke 21:1-4


      This book retells the story of the widow who willingly gave her mitts (Mark 12:41-44; Luke 21:1-4).

      The Arch(R) Book series tells popular Bible stories through fun-to-read rhymes and bright illustrations. This well-loved series captures the attention of children, telling scripturally sound stories that are enjoyable and easy to remember.

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    • Molech Prophecy


      Former gang member Tommy Cucinelle thought he had left his old life behind when he became a Christian. That’s why he’s surprised when his pastor asks him to use his old “skills”-finding people who don’t want to be found-to locate the church secretary after she mysteriously disappears and the church is vandalized. The police don’t have any leads. Tommy’s investigation brings him face-to-face with unpleasant memories from the past that threaten his new identity, but inner turmoil is soon the least of his worries. A local Wiccan church is at the heart of the mystery, and Tommy’s search uncovers a startling prophecy about child sacrifice to the pagan god Molech. When the missing woman’s sister-and Tommy’s newfound romantic interest-disappears as well, the quest becomes personal.

      Author Thomas Phillips wrestles with the important issues of faith, new life in Christ, and submission to God in this thrilling tale of adventure and mystery.

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    • Waging Spiritual Warfare


      The end of the age is causing the clash between the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness to intensify. Today’s church is lamentably ignorant about spiritual warfare. In this follow-up to Spiritual Warfare, Richard Ing exposes Satan’s deceptions and prepares believers for the final global conflict. This book will help you to deliver those suffering physical and psychological oppression, overcome the obstacles of religious pride and unbelief, understand the role of angels, recognize the signs of the end times, resist being deceived, and know the believer’s role in the worldwide revival to come. Know your enemy so you can defeat him!

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    • Protection From Deception


      According to Scripture, supernatural signs and wonders will multiply as we approach the end times. God isn’t the only one with a plan, however – Satan is plotting a scheme to deceive with supernatural signs and wonders of his own. In this book, Derek Prince warns Christians of deception, equipping them to recognize and resist the Antichrist, test the source of supernatural signs and wonders, and distinguish between the Holy Spirit and counterfeit spirits. By resisting Satan’s schemes and rejecting the false church, believers can beautify the true church and prepare for the end of this age, when Christ will gather those who have remained faithful.

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    • Complete Guide To The Bible


      You Need This Powerful New Bible Guide! Interesting to read and easy to consult, The Complete Guide to the Bible is a reliable, jargon-free handbook for average people who want to better understand the entire Bible. Captivating writing along with beautifully designed and illustrated pages entice readers into the book and keep them lingering throughout its pages. This latest project from Steve Miller, author of the best-selling Who’s Who and Where’s Where in the Bible, provides both the big-picture view of the whole Bible and its individual books, as well as fascinating detail on particular passages and topics.

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    • Prayers That Rout Demons


      This easy-to-use guide to prayer will help readers overcome demonic influence and oppression in their lives. Readers will be inspired and empowered as they learn:
      *The basics of spiritual warfare
      *Biblical principles for praying
      *Powerful warfare prayers and decrees taken from Scripture
      *Specific declarative prayers for every circumstance

      John Edkhardt is gifted with a strong apostolic call and is world renown for his teaching on deliverance and spiritual warfare.

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    • Fasting : Opening The Door To A Deeper, More Intimate, More Powerful Relati


      In one of the best available books on the topic, Franklin explains the spiritual power of fasting and offers a deeper understanding of God’s plan for fasting and the benefits available to those who participate. Those who seek God through fasting can expect tremendous rewards both for their personal lives and the church. They will see breakthroughs in many areas, such as healing, finances, bondages broken, and children set free.

      Jesus Himself fasted because He knew some supernatural realities could not be released in any other way. For that reason alone, Christians should make fasting a common practice.

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    • On The Spot No Prep Games For Youth Ministry


      The phrase on the spot usually has negative connotations. Ever been put on the spot at work? Perhaps you’ve been called upon to offer an impromptu speech in front of a group of unsympathetic peers. Nothing brings on the flop sweat like being put on the spot.

      Well, we’re turning that phrase upside-down. Now on the spot is all about fun, not fear. It’s all about possibility, not panic. Are things dragging in your youth group meeting? You can fix that on the spot. Just choose a game from these pages and liven things up in an instant. Find yourself with a moment between activities, surrounded by a crowd of restless teenagers? Flip to a game in this book and turn that boredom into fun.

      On the Spot games are easy to lead and require no props (except for the occasional chair or items group members already have in their possession). In fact, these are so easy to use, you don’t have to plan ahead at all. (Thus, the whole on the spot theme we’ve been promoting.) The games in this book work well as crowdbreakers or time-eaters or just-for-fun-ers.

      You’ll be cheered as a hero for saving the day. Revered for your ability to “think on your feet.” (Okay, maybe “read on your feet” is more accurate. But it’s still a valuable skill worthy of reverence.) Or maybe you’ll just end up turning a down time into an up one.

      Forget the flop sweat. Have fun with your group instead. Right where you are. Right now.
      On the spot.

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    • Holy Spirit Revelation And Revolution


      He is real. He is powerful. He is the secret dynamic of a vibrant faith. He is the Holy Spirit, the agent of divine action on earth – and God’s gift to you.

      For centuries, believers have misunderstood this neglected member of the Trinity. Yet in the past one hundred years, a Holy Spirit movement has gained momentum, transforming millions of lives around the globe. Today, chains everywhere are breaking – people are freeing themselves to experience an amazing, Spirit-led phenomenon.

      In Holy Spirit Revelation and Revolution, renowned international evangelist Reinhard Bonnke invites you to break your bonds and encounter the meaning and miracles of the Spirit. Don’t wait – it will change your life and inspire your faith. More important, it will free the Spirit, through you, to take the message of God’s incredible glory and everlasting love to the world.

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