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    • Boundaries In Marriage


      Learn when to say yes and when to say no_to your spouse and to others_to make the most of your marriage

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    • God Has Your Miracle On His Mind


      What changes would you need to make for His will to be fulfilled in you? What would it take for you to be healthy – whole, undamaged and intact – in every area of your life?

      Would it take a miracle? If so, your answer is closer that you think – because God has a miracle for you. He has just what you need. He is the God of the miraculous…and He has your miracle on His mind.

      Gloria Copeland’s God Has Your Miracle on His Mind will help you discover how to:
      * expect the impossible
      * take action and “position yourself” for your miracle
      * and stand strong – even when it seems like it’s too late. So what do you need from God today? Whatever it is, He has more than you can imagine in store. Get ready…God Has Your Miracle On His Mind!

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    • Secret Of Intercession


      Intercession is more than persistent prayer. Prayer is mighty, but intercession has the power to move the hand of God. The power to change the world. Andrew Murray will show you how to join in the determined pursuit of God’s will. You will find:
      How to cultivate an intimate relationship with the Lord
      God’s purpose for your life
      Mighty power in prayer that can influence nations
      How to be persistent in prayer when you can’t immediately see results
      The ability to pray as Christ prayed As you read, your life and faith will be strengthened, and the world around you will feel the effects of your pleading on its behalf. God wants to pour out His blessings and favor on the world.

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    • From Pride To Humility


      Taken from the heart of The Exemplary Husband by Stuart Scott is this expanded version of the chapter on humility. God has given us a model to follow, in order to be what He wants us to be, and that model is the person of Jesus Christ. The humility of Jesus Christ is His most stunning attribute, and the sin of pride is probably the most detestable to God. Here is an exhaustive list of manifestations of pride, followed by the challengiing attributes of humility. a handy reference guide.

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    • Exemplary Husband Teachers Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      Here is a biblical blueprint for the mandate God has given to husbands in the covenant of marriage to love their wives, even as Christ loved the Church. Dr. Stuart Scott has responded chapter by chapter to the biblical teachings put forth in Martha’s popular book. Where Martha writes about a wife’s submission, Stuart responds with a chapter on the husband’s leadership.

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    • Gods Wisdom For Little Boys


      Following the success of the best-selling God’s Wisdom for Little Girls, now the wonderful teachings of Proverbs come to life for young boys, age 4-7, too! In this book, memorable rhymes by Jim and Elizabeth George play alongside watercolors by Judy Luenebrink for a charming presentation of truths to live by. With each turn of the page, parents and their children discover that God’s little boy is: prayerful, brave, kind, responsible, thankful, truthful, and so much more! This charming book is a gift that will make an eternal impression on every special boy in your life.

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    • Make Fear Bow


      So many times you’ve tried to talk yourself out of the terror that gnaws within, but it hasn’t worked. You’re riddled with tension and guilt. You try to move forward, but unseen fears lurk around every corner, causing you to imagine the worst. You’re frozen in your tracks, held captive by fear. But life doesn’t have to be this way. You can live in confidence and peace. Using time-tested biblical principles, you can conquer your fears and walk in freedom. You can Make Fear Bow today!

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    • Exemplary Husband : A Biblical Perspective (Revised)


      The official companion book for The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace is a biblical blueprint for the mandate God has given to husbands in the covenant of marriage to love their wives, even as Christ loved the church. Dr. Stuart Scott has respoonded chapter by chapter to the biblical teaching put forth in Marth’s popular book. It is suitable for men’s small group Bible studies, or for couples prayerfully seeking God’s very best in marriage.

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    • Exodus Leviticus Numbers


      SKU (ISBN): 9780805494624ISBN10: 0805494626Editor: Max Anders | Glen MartinBinding: Cloth TextPublished: July 2002Holman Old Testament Commentary # 2Publisher: B and H Publishing Group

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    • Be Distinct (Student/Study Guide)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780781433037ISBN10: 0781433037Warren WiersbeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2002BEPublisher: David C. Cook

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    • True Vine


      In this thirty-one day devotional, Andrew Murray draws upon the gospel parable of the vine and its branches to illustrate the beautiful relationship we are meant to have with Christ. Find out in these inspiring pages how you can: dwell in God’s rich love; receive answers to your prayers; weather life’s difficult storms; establish unbroken communion with Christ; replace fear and doubt with lasting peace; rest in God’s secure protection; and produce eternal results. The fullness of God’s merciful loving kindness awaits you. You can come through life’s greatest difficulties safely, and every longing of your heart can be satisfied. Discover that as you daily abide in the Vine, your branch will grow and bloom, enriched by the nourishing presence of the Lord.

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    • Your Life In God


      In this ultimate book on success, R.A. Torrey shares principles basic to growth and fulfillment in the Christian life. Whether you are establishing a firm spiritual foundation, resolving perplexing doubts, or seeking strength and courage, the author’s counsel and sound teaching will lead you into a successful and fruitful walk with the Lord. Here are the tools that will make your life flourish. Not only will your relationship with God be strengthened, but so will your interactions with other Christians.

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    • How To Be The Happy Wife Of An Unsaved Husband


      From personal experience, Linda Davis explains the most effective types of prayers and shares many testimonies of husbands won to the Lord. She includes the key to understanding an unsaved husband’s rejection and hostility. Here is the scriptural way to bring your husband to Jesus.

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    • Prayer Is Invading The Impossible


      Jack Hayford writes, “Prayer can change anything. The impossible doesn’t exist. His is the power. Ours is the prayer. Without Him, we cannot. Without us, He will not.”

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    • Shine : Make Them Wonder What Youve Got


      Extra, read all about it! Experience the passion that drives the (News)boys in the band both onstage and off as they share the God-hunger that molds their music. Follow them as they travel through seasons of personal and spiritual growth, undergo struggles, experience faith-stretching circumstances, and seek to sing, shine, and live authentically for Christ.

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    • Why You Should Speak In Tongues


      Norvel Hayes shares that speaking in tongues is for believers today according to the New Testament. Readers will learn important reasons why this gift is so vital to their Christian walk including: identification, bearing fruit, and receiving comfort from the Holy Spirit. Norvel Hayes also shares how to receive this gift from God and lists the Scriptures readers need to know for their own reference.

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    • Joy Of Answered Prayer


      Do you sometimes wonder: will I ever receive an answer to my prayers?; do I dare ask God for what I really need?; is this just an exercise in futility?; does God even hear me?; and why would God want to answer me anyway? Questions like these may have plagued you for years. In all likelihood, you know what the “rubber-ceiling syndrome” is from personal experience. Perhaps fear and shame over past failures and sins have even silenced your prayers altogether. Even so, the good news is that you are not alone. The even better news is that this book is tailor-make for you. Here D.L. Moody shares secrets of successful prayer and insights into reaching the heart of God. Discover how you can become truly intimate with the Lord and know The Joy of Answered Prayer!

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    • Strongest Strongs Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible (Large Type)


      Like a redwood that towers above all other trees, THE STRONGEST STRONG’S LARGER PRINT EDITION takes James Strong’s classic concordance to unprecedented heights. It is packed with features including cross-references, Hebrew and Greek dictionaries, Word counts, fast-tab locators, Strong’s numbering system, words of Christ highlighted, and more. Better still, this larger print edition is gentle on your eyes.

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    • Answered Prayer


      The utmost possibilities of prayer have rarely been realized. The promises of God are answered to those who truly pray. His promises to answer, to do, and to give “all things,” “anything,” “whatsoever,” and “all things whatsoever” are so very large, so very great, and so exceedingly broad that it almost staggers our faith and causes us to hesitate with astonishment. All God asks is that, when we pray, we believe Him and that His promises in His Word are true.

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    • Gods Image Of You


      Charles Capps teaches how God sees you, in His Own image, and how that image God puts in His Word is the image you should have of yourself. This is so important, since it has been proven that what or who you imagine yourself to be determines your fate in life. Your self-image can carry you to heights of success or plunge you into the depths of defeat and despair.

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    • Johns Letters : Discovering Genuine Christianity (Student/Study Guide)


      When we strip away what is superficial, cultural or traditional, what is the essence of genuine Christianity? What qualities and beliefs must be present in a living and life-changing faith? John’s letters focus on the three most important aspects of the Christian life. With power and simplicity, he helps us focus our attention on what really matters- both now and for eternity. This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and an extra “Now or Later” section in each study.

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    • Drawing Near : Daily Readings For A Deeper Faith


      We know that we must nourish our bodies every day with food and water or our health will decline. But we may forget that’s true spiritually as well. When we neglect to regularly feed on the Scriptures, our faith becomes weak and we start to lose touch with our Savior. But a diet of fast food is bad for the body, too. Likewise, your soul needs more than a quick fix. John MacArthur offers a solution–and an alternative to the typical thematic or topical devotionals–by taking an in-depth approach to Bible exposition in this daily companion. Stimulating and instructive, the selections take you on a well-crafted, guided tour of dynamic Bible doctrines and their application to life. There are also practical suggestions for prayer, ideas for further exploration, and an easy-to-use guide for prayer, ideas for further exploration, and an easy-to-read guide for reading through the Bible in a year. Through this daily devotional you will gain a firm grasp of many of the great texts of the Bible. And just as importantly, you will learn how to feed on Scripture on your own, developing the study skills needed to open up the Bible and enjoy its rich, marvelous truths.

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    • Prayer : An Adventure With God (Student/Study Guide)


      You pray for your own needs and for the needs of others. You pray in the face of conflict, and you pray for forgiveness. You pray to pour out your heart to God and to gain a glimpse of God’s heart for you.

      As David Healey leads you through the prayers of men and women in the Bible (Mary, Abraham, Moses, Daniel and more!), you will gain new insights into why, what and how to pray. And you will experience more fully the adventure that prayer can be.

      Now available in IVP’s revised LifeGuide Bible Study format, Prayer features questions for starting group discussions and for personal reflection, as well as a new “Now or Later” section following each session.

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    • Ecclesiastes : Chasing After Meaning (Student/Study Guide)


      Are you tired of getting pat answers when you ask hard questions about faith? The writer of Ecclesiastes is not afraid to ask the big questions like “Where can I find fulfillment when I seem to be going in circles?” and “Who is really in control when the world looks topsy-turvy?” In the process, he discovers how faith in God is meaningful in the real world. This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and an extra “Now or Later” section in each study. Includes 12 studies.

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    • Covenants And Blessings


      They say promises are made to be broken and, too often, we’re quietly cynical about them, even when they come from God. But, His word is true, and He’s promised to infuse our lives with His grace and blessings! It’s a solemn promise–Scripture calls it an everlasting covenant–and you can count on it. Andrew Murray explains: The secret of abiding joy; God’s strength for daily living; freedom from the power of sin; the delight of blessing others; and the intimacy of a Spirit-filled life. Why struggle to live for God when you can experience the joy of the Spirit of Christ living in you, and receive His promises of new life?

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    • Joy Of Being Forgiven


      You can live in freedom from the pain, guilt, and shame of the past! Andrew Murray’s in-depth study explains the wonderful effects of being forgiven. As you read and follow the principles in the book, you will discover that: your burden of sin is lifted; your guilt is washed away; you know the freedom of forgiveness; you are able to live in God’s presence; and your joy overflows. You can receive the forgiveness you have been seeking!

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    • Women Of The Old Testament (Student/Study Guide)


      These twelve lessons on important women in the Old Testament are part of LifeGuide, a popular line of Bible study guides which provide solid biblical content and raise thought-provoking issues in an easy-to-read format.

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    • Life Of Jesus Wall Chart Laminated


      The bright colorful chart shows kids 25 major events in Jesus life, His birth, miracles, healings, His death, burial, and ascension. The chart may be cut into strips and used as a time line.

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    • Palm Sunday To Easter Wall Chart Laminated


      Palm Sunday to Easter Map
      This highly detailed map shows Jerusalem at the time of Christ and points out every place Jesus went during the week before his crucifixion. See a bird’s-eye view of Jerusalem, the Temple, Bethany, the Mount of Olives, Golgotha, and the Garden of Gethsemane. It is also a time line that shows what happened each day. The artist is Hugh Claycombe who illustrated the NIV Study Bible. Available laminated or unlaminated.
      Topics include: angels in tomb, arrest of Jesus, Bethany, Bethphage, Bible map, communion, crucifixion, crucifixion timeline, cutaway of tomb, Easter, easter Sunday, Easter timeline, Easter week, Golgotha, Jerusalem, Jerusalem map, Jesus clears temple, Joseph of Arimathea, Kidron valley, last supper, Lords Supper, map of Jerusalem, Mount of Olives, Mt. of Olives, Palm Sunday, Passion Week, Passion Week timeline, Passover, resurrection, rolling stone tomb, sabbath, tomb, tomb cutaway, tomb of Christ, trial of Jesus, Triumphal Entry

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    • Middle East And Central Asia Map Wall Chart Laminated


      Middle East and Central Asia Map Includes the 10-40 Window
      This bright colorful map shows the countries in the Middle East and Central Asia, along with population and religion information about each one. Helps you pray for missionaries and persecuted Christians in Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Egypt, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and more. Perfect for studying the 10-40 window. On the back: teaching tips and reproducible pages which include a mini-map, statistics about each country, and how to talk with Muslims about Christ. Available laminated or unlaminated.
      Topical index: 10-40, 10-40 window, Afghanistan, Arabian Sea, Aral Sea, Baghdad, Bahrain, Bible map, Bible maps, Cairo, Caspian Sea, Central Asia, Cyprus, Ethiopia, Euphrates, Gaza, Georgia, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Oman, India, Indian Ocean, Indus River, Israel, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Mecca, Medina, Mediterranean Sea, missions, missions map, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Riyadh, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Suez, Tajikistan, Tel Aviv, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, West Bank, Yemen

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    • Christian History Time Line Pamphlet


      Unfolds To 33″ Long.
      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

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      2,000 Years of Christian History At A Glance!
      Christian History Time Line shows 2,000 years of church history at a glance. Includes brief explanations of more than 200 key people and events that all Christians should know. Special emphasis on world missions, the expansion of Christianity, and Bible translation into other languages. Pamphlet has 14 panels and fits inside a Bible cover

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    • Bible Knowledge Commentary Old And New Testament 2 Volume Set


      Help from expert scholars in understanding the scriptures

      – What does that verse mean?
      – How should I interpret this passage?
      – What is the significance of this word or phrase in Hebrew or Aramaic?
      – How do Bible-time customs help me understand the meaning of this passage?
      – How can this alleged contradiction be explained?
      – How does the information on the author, historical background, and features of a Bible book help interpret that book?

      The Bible Knowledge Commentary answers these and other questions about the Scriptures, discussing all the Bible verse by verse and often phrase by phrase. In addition, maps, charts, and diagrams help you grasp the meanings of the biblical text. Unlike most others this commentary is by authors from one school-Dallas Theological Seminary. The Bible Knowledge Commentary-popular in style and scholarly in content-will deepen your understanding of God’s written Word.

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    • Daniel


      SKU (ISBN): 9780805494761ISBN10: 0805494766Editor: Max Anders | Kenneth GangelBinding: Cloth TextPublished: January 2002Holman Old Testament Commentary # 16Publisher: B and H Publishing Group

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    • Josefina Story Quilt Level 3


      Faith’s Pa says there’s no room on a wagon train for Josefina, a chicken who’s too tough to eat and too old to lay eggs. But Faith loves her pet. Can Josefina show Pa that she still has a few surprises left in her?

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    • Frog And Toad All Year Level 2


      Friends all year.
      In winter, spring, summer, and fall, Frog and Toad are always together. Here is a wise and wonderful story for each seasonof the year-and one for Christmas, too.

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    • Day With Frog And Toad


      SKU (ISBN): 9780064440585ISBN10: 0064440583Arnold LobelBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2002Publisher: Harper Collins Publishers

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    • Charlottes Web


      This beloved book by E. B. White, author of Stuart Little and The Trumpet of the Swan, is a classic of children’s literature that is “just about perfect.”
      Some Pig. Humble. Radiant. These are the words in Charlotte’s Web, high up in Zuckerman’s barn. Charlotte’s spiderweb tells of her feelings for a little pig named Wilbur, who simply wants a friend. They also express the love of a girl named Fern, who saved Wilbur’s life when he was born the runt of his litter.
      E. B. White’s Newbery Honor Book is a tender novel of friendship, love, life, and death that will continue to be enjoyed by generations to come. It contains illustrations by Garth Williams, the acclaimed illustrator of E.B. White’s Stuart Little and Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House series, among many other books.

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    • God Loves Me


      These coloring/activity books are not only fun but also educational. Easy-to-understand text and applicable pictures make Bible stories come alive. Our color-coded system enables parents and teachers to choose age-appropriate books for each stage of a child’s development. order in multiples of six

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    • Morning And Evening (Revised)


      For tens of thousands of Christians over the last century, Charles Haddon Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening has been a daily devotional guide through life’s ups and downs. New generations can once again enjoy Spurgeon’s beautiful prose and elegant command of the English language in this completely revised edition. Morning and Evening offers readers the best of Spurgeon’s insight and wise counsel on themes that are as relevant to our day as they were in his day. In this updated version, Spurgeon’s work is returned to its former brilliance while retaining the beautiful language of the original King James Version.

      Special Features:
      Each day’s devotions are presented on a two-page spread for complete ease of use.
      Each of the 732 devotions alone for every morning and evening of the year provides inspiring meditations on portions of Scripture drawn from every book of the Bible.
      A new topical index helps readers discover Spurgeon’s thoughts on various topics important to Christian life.
      An index of texts lets readers find what Spurgeon had to say about a particular Bible verse. Spurgeon has penned meditations, expressed simply but eloquently, that continue to draw readers to faith and obedience.

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    • Anatomy Of God


      208 Pages

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      Special Order Title
      God is a Spirit, yet, throughout Scripture, He describes Himself in anatomical terms and images we are familiar with. His eyes wink and squint. His mouth whispers, His smile radiates, and He inclines an attentive ear to our cries. God has hands, arms, and fingers that build, shape, give, protect, and deliver. His heart can be broken, and His nostrils flare when He is angry. His face reveals His glory and His favor. This book God is an invitation to see God at work in us, for us, and through us. With appropriate humor and humility, Dr. Kenneth Ulmer introduces us to the Father as we seldom see Him-touchable, emotional, and accessible. He navigates the seemingly unfathomable depths of the person of God with a pastor’s care, a teacher’s skill, and a preacher’s passion, guiding us into deeper, more meaningful communion. This book is for every man or woman who desires to know God, or to know Him better. It is for anyone who questions God’s closeness, or doubts His concern. The Anatomy of God brings us closer to God by bringing God closer to us.

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    • How To Stop The Pain


      We all experience pain! Every day millions of people live in a world of heartache. We’re forced to smile and pretend that everything is all right. You’ve been wounded, and you just can’t seem to heal. You try to get on with your life, but you just can’t move on. You forgive, but you can’t forget! Every day exhumes the pain you try to bury. It cripples your relationships with people, God, and life itself. It destroys your ability to pursue your dreams. This paradigm-shattering book will free you from the forces that would turn you into a victim. It will lead you step-by-step through a simple process that will free you from the pain of the past and protect you from the pain of the future. Discover the emotional freedom that everyone wants but few experience!

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    • Morning Devotional


      Surviving in today’s fast-paced world seems almost impossible at times. You wake up each morning with your agenda racing through your mind–troubles at work, the needs of your family, the grass needs to be mowed, the car needs to be washed, you need groceries, then there’s dinner…and the daily list goes on! Where do you find the strength for it all! D.L. Moody will help you start your morning right with a blend of Scriptures and quotes from well-known Christian leaders. When you meditate on God’s promise each morning, you will receive strength, guidance, and wisdom that will last throughout the day. Discover the peace of mind and the strength that come from devoting time each morning to God.

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    • Survey Of The New Testament Everymans Bible Commentary (Revised)


      The New Testament is worthy of a lifetime of study, as it answers the most signifigant questions people have asked, says Paul Benware. What is the purpose of life? Is there any real hope? What is God like? Can I be freed from guilt and sin? Jesus Christ is the only answer to those questions. He is the key to God’s New Covenant, the central theme of the New Testament. In order to fully appreciate that New Covenant, you must explore the lives and times of Christ and the New Testament writers. Survey of the New Testament organizes this essential information around the anticipation, institution, and fulfillment of the New Covenant. Dr. Benware, along with his book-by-book study of the 27 New Testament books, includes a chronological study of the life of Christ, a look at political forces and ideologies of the first-century Roman world, and a glimpse into the intertestamental period. To clarify the order and pattern of the New Testament, Dr. Benware links each epistle to its historical base, the book of Acts. Thirty helpful charts have been included as well.

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    • Survey Of The Old Testament Everymans Bible Commentary (Revised)


      Most Christians do not have a clear understanding of the pattern, unity, or progression of the Old Testament. They can tell stories of Moses, Noah, and David but aren’t sure how all these events fit together. And they don’t fully appreciate the doctrines found in the thirty-nine books between Genesis and Malachi. But the Old Testament does not have to be mysterious or confusing. Newly revised, Dr. Benware offers a chronological approach to give you a bird’s-eye view of the historic value of the Old Testament, while his book-by-book analysis reveals important details and emphases. If you want a better understanding of the whole Bible, Survey of the Old Testament is the place to start.

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    • Foxes Book Of Martyrs (Revised)


      In 1563, John Foxe began a memorial of martyrs starting with Stephen, the first to die for the cause of Christ, and ending with the most recent martyrs of his day; those killed during Bloody Mary’s reign. He knew that dangers lay in forgetting the martyrs–in being insensitive to their struggles. Martyrdom is not a thing of the past; every day the Christian church is persecuted in countries all over the world. More Christians were afflicted in the twentieth century then all the past centuries combined. If the Church is not reminded of the cost to follow Christ, she will die. Be vulnerable to the cries of the martyrs. Let their courage, their faith, their love–touch your life. This updated version includes reports on modern martyrs of the 20th and 21st century, a full color timeline of selected events and people for historical reference, and has been carefully edited into Modern American English for today’s reader.

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    • Diet Alternative With Study Guide (Revised)


      You want to lose weight. Sometimes you even manage to shed those pounds. But you always gain them back–and maybe a few extra. Diets treat the symptom and not the problem. Diane Hampton will revolutionize the way you look at food. You can find relief from the power food has over you. This is not a diet. There are no pills, no menus, and no foods to avoid. You won’t have to count calories, fat grams, or carbohydrates. You can consume anything you desire and still lose weight: eat sweets, have a dessert, munch on chips and dip whenever you want. This book contains time-tested principles that get results. No diet can promise a consistent loss of 3-4 pounds a week, but this book isn’t a diet. It’s freedom. Learn to use your body’s natural “hungry” and “full” responses. Discover God’s meal plan. Then keep the same size for the rest of your life!

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    • Prayer Guide


      How do you “pray without ceasing”, and how can you be free from worry? Here are subjects to pray for and hints for making your prayers more effective.

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    • Grace The Power To Change


      Christians everywhere have been missing the truth about grace–and living in defeat as a result. Grace is God’s ability working in you to do what you cannot. It is the power to change. Take to heart the principles in this book, and discover the dimension of Christian living that Jesus called “easy and light.” Jesus has finished the work, so relax and let His grace change your heart!

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    • Secret Place : Passionately Pursuing His Presence


      240 Pages

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      You hunger to live in the presence of God. You yearn to know the Father’s heart in an intimate way. You desire revelation and passionate encounters with the Almighty. You long to spend time in the Secret Place, getting to know the Father in a deeper way. This book will lead you into that place of revelation, the place that will satisfy your hunger for more of God. If you long to experience a greater intimacy with the Father, The Secret Place will draw you in and change your life!

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    • Morning By Morning


      As day breaks, experience 365 daily devotionals by renowned preacher, Charles Spurgeon, revised into plain, modern English to encourage God’s people. With 1400 Scripture references and notes, Morning By Morning includes a sequential index from Genesis to Revelation for each day’s passage; a biography of Spurgeon; lovely period illustrations; and a four-color historical time-line on both inside covers

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