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    • Spiritual Warfare : 9 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


      1. Detecting The Deceiver – 2 Corinthians 11:1-15
      2. Facing Temptation – Matthew 4:1-11
      3. The Serpent’s Strategy – Genesis 3:1-6
      4. The Armor Of God – Ephesians 6:10-20
      5. The War Within – James 4:1-10
      6. Defeating The Destroyer – Mark 5:1-20
      7. Overcoming Our Accuser – Revelation 12:7-12
      8. Surviving Satan’s Attacks – Job 1–2
      9. Standing Firm – 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17

      Additional Info
      What is spiritual warfare? What does it look life? How does it affect us? The Bible has much to say about the battles we face. These studies will deepen our understanding of our supernatural struggle and direct us to sources of power and hope. This LifeGuide Bible Study in the new revised format features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, as well as a new “Now or Later” section in each study.

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    • Parables : The Greatest Stories Ever Told (Student/Study Guide)


      Everyone loves a good story. But the parables of Jesus are a special kind of story. They sneak up on us, catching us off guard. The familiar suddenly takes an unexpected twist, and we find our secret thoughts exposed in the healing light of Jesus. In this guide John White, author of the bestselling book The Fight, helps us explore twelve of the greatest stories ever told.

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    • Hebrews : Life Changing Encounter With Gods Word From The Book Of Hebrews (Stude


      This is a study of HEBREWS a, which reigns unchallenged as the New Testament’s finest commentary on the relationship between Christ and the Old Testament. It contains a chal lenging message to live wholeheartedly for Christ in every situation. In this Bible study participants will learn historical in- sights and word definitions. Also included are discussion questions, asssignments, and a leader’s guide. Format: Workbook Audience: New Christian Number of Lessons: 19 Average Number of Questions: 18 Prep Time: Medium

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    • Ezekiel : Bringing The Ancient Message Of The Bible Into Your World


      Most Bible commentaries take us on a one-way trip from our world to the world of the Bible. But they leave us there, assuming we can somehow make the return journey on our own. In other words, they focus on the original meaning of the passage but don’t discuss its contemporary application. The information they offer is valuable — but the job is only half done! The NIV Application Commentary Series helps us with both halves of the interpretive task. This new and unique series shows readers how to bring an ancient message into a modern context. It explains not only what the Bible meant but also how it can speak powerfully today.

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    • Acts : A Life Changing Encounter With Gods Word From The Book Of Acts (Student/S


      From tiny beginnings among Jesus’ disciples, the Church exploded into a worldwide force in just a few years. How? Jesus left His followers with a mission, and the Spirit of God moved mightily through them to fulfill it. Luke’s account of how the gospel was carried
      from Jerusalem to Rome-despite every conceivable obstacle-challenges us to know and live out our mission in the world.

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    • Let Me Be A Woman


      49 Chapters

      Additional Info
      We are called to be women. The fact that I am a woman does not make me a different kind of Christian, but the fact that I am a Christian does make me a different kind of woman. For I have accepted God’s idea of me, and my whole life is an offering back to Him of all that I am and all that He wants me to be.

      Elisabeth Elliot is one of Christendom’s most able and articulate writers. In this new book, Let Me Be a Woman, she couples her own observations and experiences of life with her careful, lifelong study of the Scripture. The book is subtitled “Thoughts on Womanhood for Valerie,” and is the gift of this talented mother to a daughter on the threshold of her own marriage.

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    • Mark : A Life Changing Encounter With Gods Word (Student/Study Guide)


      LIFECHANGE Bible studies allow the Bible to speak for itself. You’ll see for yourself what it says–not what someone else thinks it says–and develop the skills and desire to dig even deeper into God’s Word.

      In this, probably the earliest of the four Gospels, Mark vigorously defends the claim that Jesus was the true Messiah and that His own people, the Jews, rejected Him because He came not as the glorious warrior-king they expected but as a suffering servant. The intensity of Mark’s writing and his enthusiasm for Christ’s Gospel bring us a powerful message of salvation, inspiration, and encouragement.

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    • Psalms : A Life Changing Encounter With Gods Word From The Book Of Psalms (Stude


      This addition to the popular LifeChange series takes readers into a deeper understanding and richer experience of prayer through the many examples in Psalms. Not only are their prayers enriched but they also acquire a new revelation of the God who invites them into lifelong conversations. Includes ten lessons, background information on Psalms, resource recommendations, and a “How to Use This Study” section.

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    • Genesis : A Life Changing Encounter With Gods Word From The Book Of Genesis (Stu


      216 Pages In 19 Chapters

      Additional Info
      The first book of God’s revelation to man Is a book of genesis-beginnings. God creates the heavens. The earth. Man and woman. But rebellion breaks out, and God begins the task of mending His relationship with mankind. The events that unfold In this extraordinary, book give form to the entire Bible, right to the end of Revelation and God’s plan for a new beginning.

      THE LIFECHANGE SERIES of Bible studies on books of the Bible can help you grow in Christlikeness through a life- changing encounter with God’s Word. You’ll benefit in these important ways:
      You’ll gain a firm understanding of the book-its historical context, purpose, structure, and meaning;
      You’ll apply its powerful, relevant wisdom to needs and issues you are currently working through; and
      You’ll acquire personal study skills and a thirst to return to the book on your own-so you can keep going deeper into its life-transforming truths.

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    • Hinds Feet On High Places


      20 Chapters

      Additional Info
      Hinds’ Feet on High Places is one of Hannah Hurnard’s best known and best loved books. This book is a beautiful allegory dramatizing the yearning of God’s children to be led to new heights of love, joy, and victory. Follow Much-Afraid on her spiritual journey through difficult places with her two companions, Sorrow and Suffering. Learn how Much-Afraid overcomes her tormenting fears as she passes through many dangers and mounts at last to the High Places. There she gains a new name and returns to her valley of service, transformed by her union with the loving Shepherd.

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    • 1-2 Peter 1-3 John Jude


      SKU (ISBN): 9780805402100ISBN10: 0805402101Max Anders | David WallsBinding: Cloth TextPublished: October 1999Holman New Testament Commentary # 11Publisher: B and H Publishing Group

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    • Let Me Be A Woman


      Who are you?

      Many Christian women rarely, if ever, ask themselves that question. But knowing who you are as a woman–and as a Christian–can make a real difference in how you see yourself and others.

      Elisabeth Elliot, author of A Chance to Die: The Life of Amy Carmichael, explores Scripture to help you find answers that make a difference. She suggests the place to start is by asking not “Who am I?” but ” Whose am I?” In Let Me Be a Woman, she writes candidly about what it means to be a biblical woman, and she unabashedly tackles tough issues, including:

      *Godly submission in relationships
      *The single life
      *Masculinity vs. femininity
      *The right kind of pride
      *What makes a marriage work

      With advice on being a wife, following Christ, love, and faith, Let Me Be a Woman feels like sitting down for a mother-daughter conversation or a heart-to-heart with a wise friend.

      Whether you are young or not so young, single, engaged, married, or widowed, you will better understand how you fit into God’s plan, and you will come away with a wonderful sense of peace about who you are as a Christian woman.

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    • 1 Corinthians : A Life-Changing Encounter With God’s Word (Student/Study Guide)


      1. Paul And Corinth (Overview)
      2. To The Called (1:1-9)
      3. Foolishness (1:10-2:5)
      4. True Wisdom (2:6-16)
      5. Fleshly And Spiritual Attitudes (3:1-23)
      6. Apostles Of Christ (4:1-21)
      7. Dealing With Immorality (5:1-13)
      8. More Moral Laxity (6:1-20)
      9. Marriage (7:1-40)
      10. Freedom And Rights (8:1-9:27)
      11. Freedom And Temptation (10:1 -11:1)
      12. Propriety In Worship (11:2-34)
      13. Spiritual Gifts: 1 (12:1-31)
      15. Resurrection: 1 (15:1-34)
      16. Resurrection: 2 (15:35-58)
      17. Personal Words (16:1-24 And Review)

      Additional Info
      To a proud and prosperous church, the Apostle Paul writes a stern reminder take your eyes off impressive externals, and practice purity, humility, and love. His practical instructions concerning factions, sexuality, spiritual gifts, and worship remain profoundly relevant for believers pursuing genuine spiritual maturity.

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    • James : A Life Changing Encounter With Gods Word From The Book Of James (Student


      By faith we are reborn Into the family of God. Absolutely, agrees James. But God wants more than justified infants; He wants mature daughters and sons. Faith is foundational, but it must be genuine, proven faith, evident to the world. James’s exhortation is a challenge to Christians of every age to keep growing up.

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    • Philippians : A Life Changing Encounter With Gods Word (Student/Study Guide)


      Although in prison for proclaiming Jesus Christ, the Apostle Paul writes a joyful letter of encouragement and challenge to his “partners in the gospel,” the Christians at Philippi. Paul aims to inspire his readers to persevere in the work of Christ, and he tells them how to find peace and contentment in a perilous world.

      We, too, can discover the secret of Paul’s joy and experience his triumphant confidence in Christ.

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    • Underground : The Young Trib Force Fights Back


      1. Word Power
      2. Deadline Countdown
      3. The Crash
      4. Delivery Day
      5. Where’s Vicki?
      6. The Dangerous Plan
      7. Breakthrough
      8. A Friend For Ryan
      9. Fugitives
      10. Betrayed
      103 Pages

      Additional Info
      The Young Trib Force unleashed the power of the printed page through an underground newspaper at Nicolae High.

      School authorities are enraged after only a few copies of the first edition are distributed. After Judd devises a plan to distribute a copy of it to every student in the school, the authorities serach with a vengeance for the kids responsible.

      Follow Judd, Vicki, Lionel, and Ryan as they and trusted friends face one close call after another until one of them is caught.

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    • Hebrews James


      SKU (ISBN): 9780805402117ISBN10: 080540211XThomas Lea | Editor: Max AndersBinding: Cloth TextPublished: September 1999Holman New Testament Commentary # 10Publisher: B and H Publishing Group

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    • Daily Light On The Daily Path


      Thousands have experienced the spiritual rewards of daily reading these inspiring Scripture selections. Each morning and evening devotional is designed around a biblical theme and will give you new insights into powerful spiritual truths. As you read Daily Light on the Daily Path, you will . . . Build your faith, acquire newfound wisdom, uncover deep truths of the Bible, discover new purpose for your life, find fresh insight into the promises of God, receive strength to triumph in every circumstance, and refresh yourself with daily reminders of God’s love. Scripture verses are taken from the New King James Version.

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    • With Christ In The School Of Prayer


      Prepare yourself for one of the church’s most important ministries—intercessory prayer. Using Jesus’ teaching on prayer as a model, Murray begins at the elementary level and then leads you step-by-step deeper into the holiness of God. This special revised edition includes a timeline tracing Christian and secular history, and a brief illustrated biography of Murray.

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    • Christianity Cults And Religions Pamphlet


      Size 8.5″ X 5.5″ – 12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long.
      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

      Additional Info
      Compare 18 World Religions and Cults at a Glance!
      Best-seller Christianity, Cults & Religions wall chart compares the beliefs of 18 world religions and cults at a glance! Know what each group believes about God, Jesus, Salvation, and more. Researched by some of the top scholars in the field, the chart features more groups than any other side-by-side chart and contains the most up-to-date information. Includes information regarding:
      * Christianity
      * Judaism
      * Islam
      * Buddhism
      * Hinduism
      * Mormonism
      * Unification Church
      * Jehovah’s Witnesses
      * Christian Science
      * Scientology
      * Unity School of Christianity
      * New Age
      * Spiritualism
      * Hare Krishna
      * Armstrongism (latest updates)
      * Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism
      * Bahi World Faith
      * Transcendental Meditation(TM)

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    • Trinity Pamphlet : What Is The Trinity And What Do Christians Believe


      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet
      Size: 8.5″ X 5.5″ 12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long

      Additional Info
      Understand the Trinity
      The Trinity is one of the most important doctrines in Christianity, one of the key doctrines that separates Christianity from other religions. This chart explains that Christians believe in One God in Three Persons not three gods and not one God with three personalities. Available as a wall chart for the classroom and as a pamphlet for your students.

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    • New Strongs Concise Concordance And Vines Concise Dictionary Of The Bible


      A multi-purpose Bible study resource tool. All the essentials you need to study the biblical text without having to know Hebrew or Greek. Provides definition, explanation, and concordance entries. Dr. James Strong, formerly professor of exegetical theology at Drew Theological Seminary, spent more than thirty-five years preparing his landmark concordance. First published in 1890 with the help of more than one hundred colleagues, Strong’s remains the definitive concordance compiled on the King James Version of the Bible. W. E. Vine, M.A. (1873-1949) was a classical scholar, skilled expositor, and a trustworthy theologian. Recognized internationally for his outstanding Greek scholarship, his Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, first published in 1939, represents the fruit of his lifetime labors and is an unsurpassed classic in its field.

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    • Caught Up Into Heaven


      During a nine-day visionary journey, Marietta Davis saw many breath-taking aspects of heaven and hell. Here is an eyewitness account of the glorious beauty, pleasures, and joys of heaven that await every Christian, as well as a look at the coming torment for unrepentant souls.

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    • Imitation Of Christ


      For five centuries, it’s been one of the best-loved books of Christianity. This updated edition features 1,000 end-of-chapter Scripture references and notes, a section of devotional excerpts, and a topical index. Sensitively updated language makes this spiritual classic even more accessible to contemporary readers. For all seekers desiring an intimate knowledge of Christ.

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    • Smith Wigglesworth Devotional


      Smith Wigglesworth was a man who took God at his word, and God used his faith as a model for others. Explore these daily truths from Scripture and the writings of the Apostle of Faith, and you’ll quench your spiritual thirst, conquer defeating fears, be an effective soul winner, and see impossibilities turn into realities

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    • What The Bible Says About Money Pamphlet


      Hundreds of Bible passages mention money: its power and its dangers and its blessings. This pamphlet gives ten key biblical principles about money, including (1) God owns everything and has given us many blessings, (2) Everything we have came from the Lord, (3) God holds us responsible for caring for others, (4) Money is not meant to enrich ourselves or to be hoarded but to bring blessings to others, 14 panels, fits inside most Bibles.

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    • New Complete Works Of Josephus (Revised)


      The primary extrabiblical resource on the first century is now even more enlightening! Renowned scholar Paul L. Maier provides you with introductions to each of Josephus’s works, along with 50 pages of new commentary. Every paragraph is cross-referenced to the standard Loeb edition Greek text. Destined to become the standard in English for referencing Josephus’s collected writings.

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    • Bible Answer Book


      Evangelist and Bible expert R. A. Torrey answers your most baffling questions about the Scriptures. You’ll find practical advice for living an abundant Christian life in these solid, biblically based discussions. As you enter this gold mine of foundational truths for living out your Christianity, you will find the Scriptures coming alive as your faith increases. Let your heart and mind rest as you discover what God’s Word really teaches and, when applied, how it can powerfully change your life.

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    • 25 Most Treasured Gospel Hymn Stories


      Pull up a chair and listen as Osbeck tells the spellbinding stories behind 25 beloved American gospel hymns. . .stories you’ll recall each time you hear the melodies! Now you can cherish a song like “The Old Rugged Cross” with an even deeper reverence. . .and a fresh awareness of its American roots!

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    • Smith Wigglesworth On The Holy Spirit


      You can be so filled with the Holy Spirit that you will know you are in the presence of God. Christ’s love, power, and joy will flow through you to others, bringing salvation, healing, and miracles, just as they did through Smith Wigglesworth. His insightful messages reveal how you can…(1) Manifest the gifts of the Spirit (2) Witness powerfully for Christ (3) Overcome all the schemes of Satan (4) Do greater works for God through Christ (5) Live in the abundance of God (6) Find true purpose for your life and (7) Be used by God to do miracles. If your heart’s desire is to see great things happen in your life, God will work mightily in you by the power of His Spirit so that you can personally experience His miracle-working power.

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    • Smith Wigglesworth On Healing


      Experience God’s Miracles. Meet a minister’s wife with only one day to live, a bride who is dying of appendicitis, a betrayed husband who is on his way to kill his wife, and a woman who is completely paralyzed. Through Smith Wigglesworth’s words and ministry, you will discover what happened in their lives and what can take place in your own life. Here you will discover how you can personally receive God’s healing touch and how God can use you to bring healing to others, just as He did through Smith Wigglesworth. Christ’s transforming power and grace will change your life from ordinary to extraordinary.

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    • Divine Romance : Turn Back O City Turn Back O Bride Of God


      63 Chapters

      Additional Info
      A book of power, beauty, and grandeur. Rarely has a piece of Christian Love Story literature combined the simplicity of the storytelling art with the profound depths of the Christian faith. In this sweeping saga, spanning from eternity to eternity, you will discover some of the deepest riches afforded the believer. Like some mighty symphony, here is a majestic rendition of the love of God. Behold the story of the Crucifixion and Resurrection as it has never before been presented … from the view of angels! Be there when, rising from the dead, the Lord brings forth his beautiful bride. The story concludes at the consummation of the ages, when a victorious Lord takes his bride to himself. This truly is the greatest love story ever told!

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    • Daniel : From Biblical Text To Contemporary Life


      1. General Editor’s Preface
      2. Author’s Preface And Acknowledgments
      3. Abbreviations
      4. Introduction
      5. Outline
      6. Bibliography
      7. Text And Commentary On Daniel
      8. Scripture Index
      9. Subject Index
      320 Pages

      Additional Info
      1. General Editor’s Preface
      2. Author’s Preface and Acknowledgments
      3. Abbreviations
      4. Introduction
      5. Outline
      6. Bibliography
      7. Text and Commentary on Daniel
      8. Scripture Index
      9. Subject Index
      320 Pages

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    • Revelation 1-11


      One of Scripture’s more “mysterious” books is clearly explained by one of our foremost Bible teachers. Dispensational in his approach, John MacArthur gives you a verse-by-verse commentary on the first 11 chapters of Revelation, removing the shroud of obscurity to reveal the actual events of the future. A faith-affirming reference!

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    • Case Of The Jealous Lover


      Using a unique blend of personal experiences, reflections on human love, and allegorical drama, author Clifford Frazier delves deeply into the mystery of God’s love for His wayward people. Frazier’s captivating story of a jealous lover and his bride portrays the immense love Christ has for us and His ultimate self-sacrifice so that we may be forgiven and live with him forever.

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    • Revelation : The Triumph Of God (Student/Study Guide)


      In every age people have felt sure that the book of Revelation described events in their time. As nations arm themselves for war, we think of Armageddon. As evil rulers grow in power, we look for the antichrist. As the powers of darkness threaten to overwhelm us, we cry, “Come, Lord Jesus!” Amid the uncertainties of our age, Revelation asures us of the triumph of God. 14 studies for individuals or groups.

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    • James : Faith That Works (Student/Study Guide)


      We all want a faith that won’t let us down in times of trouble or loss, uncertainty or fear. A faith that can pull us through the worst – and best – times in our lives. This is the kind of faith that James writes about. It is the faith that we practice day by day. Studying James will help us grow a steadfast faith that can carry us through life. This revised LifeGuide study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a new “Now or Later” section in each study. Includes nine studies for individuals or groups.

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    • Summary Of Receipts Triplicate Report Book


      Triplicate receipt pad for recording all income, 50 triplicate sets per pad. Perforated sheets in three colors. Seven carbons in back.

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    • Boyds Church Business Minute Book


      Boyd’s Church Business Minute Book provides a clear structure for keeping track of church business. Designed with pre-printed forms for the opening of business meeting and signature lines for the presiding officers. Allows for the recording of motions and easy reference to other minute books

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    • Secrets To Spiritual Power


      Watchman Nee experienced such a close intimacy with the Lord that many remarkable insights into triumphant Christian living were revealed to him by the Holy Spirit. Now these truths are available to you so that you can have that same kind of vibrant relationship with God. This collection of Watchman Nee’s time-tested words of wisdom will inspire you to receive His powerful provision today.

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    • Greatest Thing In The World Love


      What is the Greatest Thing in the World? According to St. Paul it is not Faith but Love; The Contrast; The Analysis; The Defense.

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    • Thru The Bible Complete Index


      Topical and reference searches made easy with one handy index! Thousands of readers have journeyed Thru the Bible with J. Vernon McGee. Now they can access McGee’s comments on virtually any Bible topic with the Thru the Bible Complete Index. Created for pastors, teachers, and inquisitive students of God’s Word, this 352-page resource is the perfect companion volume for those who want to get the maximum benefit from their Thru the Bible collection. Each topic is indexed by volume and page number to the five-volume commentary set. Users of the 60-volume paperback edition can use the Scripture references included with each topical description to search for a subject. Truly comprehensive and complete, the Thru the Bible Complete Index provides quick access to nearly every Bible person, place, event, or doctrine in Dr. McGee’s work. In addition, this volume catalogs McGee’s teachings on contemporary issues, including anecdotes and his trademark “May-I-say-isms.” McGee’s unique brand of humor and homespun wisdom are easy to locate, either by using the topical portion of the index or the separate “Anecdotes” section. The Thru the Bible Complete Index is an invaluable resource for those who depend on the Thru the Bible commentary series for its scholarly Bible insights and practical teaching illustrations.

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    • Welcome To The Family


      In this book, Kenneth Copeland shares on a one-to-one basis the steps you are to follow in joining God’s family.

      He shows what God’s Word says about receiving salvation, Baptism in the Holy Spirit and healing. Heaven wouldn’t be the same without you!

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    • God Chasers : My Soul Follows Hard After Thee


      1. The Day I Almost Caught Him
      2. No Bread In The House Of Bread
      3. There’s Got To Be More
      4. Dead Men See His Face
      5. Do We Run Away Or Go In?
      6. How To Handle The Holy
      7. He’s Done It Before: He Can Do It Again
      8. The Purpose Of His Presence
      9. Dismantle Your Glory
      10. Moses’ 1,500-Year Pursuit Of God’s Glory

      Additional Info
      There are those so hungry, so desperate for His Presence, that they become consumed with finding Him. Their longing for Him moves them to do what they would otherwise never do: Chase God. But what does it really mean to chase God? Can He be “caught”? Is there an end to the thirsting of man’s soul for Him?

      Meet Tommy Tenney-God Chaser. Join him in his search for God. Follow him as he ignores the maze of religious tradition and finds himself, not chasing God, but to his utter amazement, caught by the One he had chased.

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    • Baptist Deacon


      This book comes straight from the heart of a pastor who has had deacons for breakfast, dinner, and supper for as long as he can remember. The son of a Baptist minister, Dr. Naylor was influenced from childhood by men in this noble office of divine origin. His own twenty-five years in the Baptist ministry and his successful work with deacons in many churches, large and small, well qualify him to write this long needed book.

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    • Angels To Help You


      You might not realize it, but your life is strongly influenced by angels. Find out how in this helpful, easy-to-read guide. Lester Sumrall offers scriptural answers to many often-asked questions about angels.

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    • Prisoner In The Third Cell


      Imprisoned by Herod, John the Baptist struggles to understand a Lord who did not meet his expectations–a dramatic account offering insight into the ways of God.

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    • Promise Kept


      A compelling true tale of love and devotion as a husband cares for his ill wife. He shares the story of their struggles and the remarkable lessons they have learned together about God’s love.

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    • How We Got The Bible Wall Chart Laminated


      Increase Your Confidence in the Reliability of the Bible
      How We Got the Bible will inspire your students with the stories of early Bible translators. This time line of key people and events in the history of the Bible shows ancient writing materials, such as stone and clay tablets, leather scrolls, papyrus, early hand copied books, and more. Features people who gave their lives to translating and printing the Bible, including William Tyndale, John Wycliffe, King James, Erasmus, and Johann Gutenberg.

      * Features facts about early Bibles, including the Septuagint, the Vulgate, the Wycliffe and Tyndale Bibles, the Geneva Bible, the King James or Authorized Version Bible, the Revised Version, as well as modern-day translations.
      * Special emphasis on the inspiration of the Scriptures and the reliability of the Bible as the Word of God.
      * Explains the importance of finds such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, which testify to accuracy of Bible translation throughout the centuries.

      Available as a wall chart or a pamphlet. Wall chart measures 19 3/8″ x 26.

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    • 10 Commandments Illustrated For Kids NIV Wall Chart Laminated


      The Ten Commandments (New International Version) helps children and youth understand how God’s rules apply to their lives. Includes the “promise” about honoring parents that goes with the fifth commandment. The teaching pictures help them understand concepts like “no other gods” and “no graven images.” This chart will help students memorize the Ten Commandments, and make the commandments relevant for today. Reproducible worksheets include teaching tips and ways to apply the commandments to your life.

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