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    • Hem Of His Garment


      Hope for When the Pain Won’t Quit

      Everyone experiences pain at times. It can manifest physically, emotionally, relationally, or spiritually. It can follow tragic accidents, great loss, sudden betrayal, or unexpected and unwanted change. Often it is temporary. But what do you do when it isn’t? When the pain just won’t go away, when healing does not come, when the grief and hurt settle in?

      Drawing on her own experience of chronic pain and her years as a board-certified clinical neuropsychologist, Dr. Michelle Bengtson provides a countercultural perspective on pain. Offering hope without any false promises or empty platitudes, Dr. Bengtson unwraps the complex emotional aspects of dealing with pain. She gives you permission to question God, helps you identify the lies you’ve believed about your pain, and reorients your perception based on the truth of God’s Word. Each chapter ends with a recommended playlist, reflection questions, and a prayer.

      Your pain may not change, but your experience of it can.

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    • Coming To Faith Through Dawkins


      Richard Dawkins = Christian evangelist?

      Editors Denis Alexander and Alister McGrath gather other intelligent minds from around the world to share their startling commonality: Richard Dawkins and his fellow New Atheists were instrumental in their conversions to Christianity.

      Despite a wide range of backgrounds and cultures, all are united in the fact that they were first enthusiasts for the claims and writings of the New Atheists. But each became disillusioned by the arguments and conclusions of Dawkins, causing them to look deeper and with more objectivity at religious faith. The fallacies of Christianity Dawkins warns of simply don’t exist.

      Spending time in this fascinating and powerful book is like being invited to the most interesting dinner party you’ve ever attended. Listen as twelve men and women from five different countries across a variety of professions–philosophers, artists, historians, engineers, scientists, and more–explain their journeys from atheism to faith. In the end, you may come away having reached the same conclusion: authentic Christian faith is in fact more intellectually convincing and rational than New Atheism.

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    • Pocket Bible Dictionary


      The perfect tool for everyday Bible study.

      The Pocket Bible Dictionary provides concise definitions for 2,500 of the Bible’s most important people, places, things, and ideas.

      Based on the King James Version, but with cross references to more modern translations, this study resource also features black-and-white illustrations and helpful phrase entries (for example, “Image of God” and “Half-Tribe of Manasseh”). Entries are carefully selected for their biblical significance, and you’ll love the brief, no-nonsense way they’re explained.

      The Pocket Bible Dictionary is an excellent resource for everyday Bible study.

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    • Jesus Calling Advent And Christmas Prayers


      Celebrate Advent and Christmas with this read-aloud children’s prayer book by Sarah Young, bestselling author of Jesus Calling, Jesus Always, and Jesus Listens. This board book includes an Advent calendar of 25 prayers alongside a simple retelling of the Christmas story that invites the hope of Jesus and the joy of the nativity into little hearts.

      This beautifully illustrated board book for children ages 0 to 4

      *includes 25 simple prayers counting down to Jesus’ birth

      *helps toddlers and preschoolers understand the true meaning of Christmas and the hopeful expectation of Advent

      *is the perfect short daily devotion time for your family this holiday season

      *provides a simple tool for parents, grandparents, and church teachers to explain Jesus’ arrival as a baby and return as King

      Jesus Calling Advent and Christmas Prayers will remind children that Jesus loves them so much that He left heaven to be born as a tiny baby in a stable so He can be with them forever.

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    • Tapestry Of Love


      The second book in the New Directions series following Weaving of Life, this Amish romance will keep you guessing until the end!

      Susan Lapp is back in Lancaster and ready to begin a serious relationship with Levi Yoder. After all the ups and downs of her time out west, it’s good to be back in the familiar routines of church, family, and working at the market and housecleaning. Nothing stays simple for long, though, and Susan finds herself trying to help her sister Kate navigate her complicated and painful marriage that is taking a toll on their entire family.

      As Susan and Levi continue to court and wedding season comes into full swing, Susan wonders whether a proposal is imminent. Each wedding the two attend together makes her think more and more about her future with Levi. He’s charming, kind, and familiar by now, but is he the man God wants for her to marry?

      When Susan hears that a child she nannied for in Wyoming goes missing, she is desperate to help find him. What follows is a wild ride of adventures, emotions, and new discoveries.
      Author Linda Byler is an active member of the Amish church and writes all her novels by hand with a pen and notebook. She offers a unique and fascinating look into Amish history and culture.

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    • Prayers To Share 100 Pass Along Notes To Cultivate Kindness


      Dr. Tony Evans’ invites you to show kindness to the world around you through this new addition to DaySpring’s best-selling Prayers to Share series.

      Prayers to Share: 100 Pass-Along Notes to Cultivate Kindness gives you 100 opportunities to be kind to others by letting them know you are lifting them up t o God, the One who cares for them, loves them unconditionally, and longs to have a personal relationship with them. An excellent way to start changing hearts and minds through acts of radical kindness. Each share a prayer card include select Scriptures, inspirational quotes, and a QR Code that leads to an inspiring video message from Dr. Tony Evans himself. If you wish, there’s ample space on the back of each kindness note to write a personal handwritten note. These pages make it easy?just tear and share a prayer!

      Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you. EPHESIANS 4:32 NASB

      Prayers to Share Features and benefits:

      *100 opportunities to encourage, comfort, and inspire the people in your life with kindness and God’s unfailing love! Everyone could use a little reminder that they are loved. There are so many ways to spread God’s joy, hope and love to others.

      *Each perforated easy tear-out note features a heartfelt prayer, a meaningful Bible verse, and an inspirational quote with cheerful modern artwork to inspire the world around you. If you wish there is also space on the back of your prayer note for your own personal handwritten note. An encouraging note is an excellent way to brighten someone’s day.

      *Slip these prayer to share notes into your purse, bag or console of your car and you’ll be equipped to offer encouragement on any occasion, everywhere you go.

      *Fun ways to share your prayer notes: Hand-deliver it with flowers, tape it to the bathroom mirror, pop it into a loved one’s bag or briefcase, place it in a student’s backpack, insert it in a child’s lunch box, slip it under their door, leave it (along with a tip) for your server, tuck it under a windshield wiper, drop it in the mail for a friend who is far away, slide it into a locker at the gym, share it with a neighbor or co-worker.

      *DaySpring offers Christian Cards and gifts for All Occasions?Birthday, Christmas, Encouragement, Sympathy, and More?Cards to Help Encourage, Celebrate, and Connect with Others!

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    • Philippians A Study Guide With Leaders Notes


      Josiah Bancroft guides readers in a study of Philippians, showing how a deep and abiding joy is possible in every circumstance when we understand who Jesus is and who we are in him.

      When times are hard and overwhelming, the command to Rejoice! can feel mocking or even cruel. How can we have joy when circumstances in our lives and those around us are so difficult? Studying the book of Philippians helps us know and understand the implications of all that Christ has done for us, in us, and among us and how rooting ourselves in our identity in Christ can bring unshakeable freedom and joy, regardless of circumstances.

      Philippians: Finding Joy When Life Is Hard helps participants see that through the power of the gospel we can rejoice in the Lord and live confidently on earth as citizens of heaven, no matter what we face.

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    • Saints : Enjoying A Relationship With Jesus When You’re Disillusioned With


      Discover the storyline of Scripture as you follow people, places, or things in the Bible. Maybe you are practiced in dissecting a passage and pulling things out of the text to apply to your life. But now you may feel as though your faith is fragmented. The Storyline Bible Studies help you put the pieces back together. You’ll discover cohesive, thematic storylines with literary elements and appreciate the Bible as the literary masterpiece that it is.

      In Saints, we will look at characters and themes that are cautionary tales for Christians and Christian leaders. None of us are above the actions described in the Bible, and all of us are in need of the redemption and restoration of God. In the Saints Bible study, we will explore:

      *John 3, 7, and 19: Nicodemus, the Pharisee disoriented by Jesus’ testimony;
      *John 6, 12, 13, and 18: Judas, the disciple who sold Jesus out;
      *John 11 and 18 and
      *Acts 4: Caiaphas, the high priest unwilling to steward his power generously;
      *John 18 and 21: Peter, the disciple who denied association with Jesus; and
      *Acts 8 and 1 Timothy 1: Paul, the Pharisee who persecuted Christians.

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    • Whos Who In The Bible


      While many books exist on the subject, Who’s Who in the Bible Made Easy offers a more concise, easier-to-read format than most. Alphabetical entries cover important information about main characters from the Old and New Testaments, from Adam to the apostles. Makes an excellent Bible-study aid for looking up key facts about the patriarchs, prophets, important kings, and other major players in the Old Testament, as well as who’s who in the Gospels and Epistles.

      Sample entry:

      Titus Recipient of the epistle of Titus; 2 Cor. 2:13; 7:6-7, 13-15;8:6, 16-24; 12:18; Gal. 2:1-3; 2 Tim. 4:9-10

      Titus likely became a Christian through Paul’s preaching and accompanied him to the Jerusalem Council, where he served as an example of an uncircumcised gentile believer. Later he joined Paul on his missionary journeys as a faithful and trusted companion. Paul sent Titus to Corinth when it was reported there were divisions within the church. When Paul and Titus reunited, Titus brought the good news that the Corinthian believers had repented. Titus later returned to collect an offering for the Christians in Judea. Paul took Titus with him to preach the gospel on the island of Crete and later wrote the epistle of Titus to encourage him as he oversaw the church there. Titus went on a mission to Dalmatia, located northwest of Macedonia, but according to tradition, he returned to Crete and served there for many years.

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    • Help For The Hungry Soul


      Encouragement to Treasure the Bible and Grow in Your Desire for God’s Life-Giving Word

      In our never-satisfied world, our souls hunger for more, and it’s tempting to reach for the wrong “food” to satisfy our needs. Thankfully, Jesus is the bread of life who offers us himself through the life-giving and sustainable feast of Scripture (John 6:35). But how often do we sit at Christ’s table, truly hungry for his word?

      Help for the Hungry Soul offers 8 encouragements to spur an appetite for God’s word. Through searching questions, practical ideas, and moving testimonies, author Kristen Wetherell will help readers to reflect on their journey with their Bible and uncover how it is possible to treasure God’s word. For those feeling discouraged or guilty about a waning desire for Scripture, Wetherell will spark excitement in their spiritual life-ultimately encouraging them to put God and his word at the center of it all.

      *Encourages Readers to Love God’s word: Teaches why readers should treasure the Bible to spark enthusiasm for reading Scripture

      *Interactive Elements: This practical book provides reflection questions, habit trackers, and scriptural interaction to spur appetite for the word

      *Contains Anecdotal Stories: Each chapter ends with an individual’s unique testimony related to their personal journey with the Bible

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    • Impossible Christianity : Why Following Jesus Does Not Mean You Have To Cha


      Bestselling Author Kevin DeYoung Offers Hope for Those Who Feel Like Christianity Has Become Hopelessly Crushing and Complex

      The apostle Paul described the Christian life as a race, but to many believers it feels more like a punishing obstacle course. Fearing they’ll never be able to do enough or give enough or be enough, they see themselves as spiritual failures. But Scripture offers good news: even in ordinary life, Christians can be faithful, fruitful, and pleasing to God.

      Impossible Christianity reassures readers that they don’t need to feel a collective sense of guilt for sins in the past and solve every societal problem in the present. Through biblical wisdom and engaging personal stories, Kevin DeYoung challenges the misconception that we need 40 hours in the day just to be good Christians. By reflecting on what Jesus actually taught about Christian discipleship, readers will be newly encouraged to pursue single-minded devotion to God and find lasting joy in a life of sincere and simple obedience.

      *By Bestselling Writer Kevin DeYoung: Author of books including The Biggest Story; Just Do Something; and Crazy Busy

      *Applicable: Written in a conversational tone, this book addresses Christian life issues including guilt, corporate responsibility, personal disciplines, assurance of salvation, and righteousness

      *Offers Strength for Weary Christians: Helps believers answer the question, Can we please God and live a happy life in this anxious age?

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    • My Love God Is Everywhere


      Encounter God’s unlimited presence and unconditional love in this joyful picture book that helps kids discover God in all parts of creation, from the mountains to the anthills and, most of all, in our hearts amid joy, sadness, calm, and chaos.

      In this poetic book for 4- to 8-year-olds, a child asks her mother “Is God here, or is God there?” and begins to understand that God’s attention, kindness, and comfort are everywhere. Young children will learn:

      *God is present in all parts of nature
      *God is present with them when they are scared or brave, happy or sad, and in all situations
      *each person is loved and good because they are God’s child and God is present within them

      Written by two ministers and featuring vivid illustrations in rich colors, My Love, God Is Everywhere honors the natural way that children see and love the world while affirming each child’s identity as the handiwork of a loving God. Kids and adults alike will enjoy spending time with our good God as they reflect on the truth that God is everywhere.

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    • Bold Pursuit : A 90 – Day Devotional For Men Seeking The Heart Of God


      At the core of every man’s true purpose and lasting success is a singular pursuit: seeking the heart of God. This practical, easy-to-use devotional equips men–in just a few minutes each day–to pursue God and build a life-changing relationship with him.

      Every man yearns for a life of meaning and purpose. Every man wants to use his strengths and abilities to achieve something that matters. But no pursuit compares with seeking–and finding–God himself. And yet, many Christians struggle to find the time and resources to connect meaningfully with God in this age of busyness and distraction.

      This devotional is here to help. In this accessible devotional, popular Bible teacher and YouTuber Daniel Maritz equips men with the tools they need to start their day right. Each daily reading combines a Bible passage with a short devotional that speaks to the issues and questions men face, providing spiritual strength, encouragement, and inspiration. And the application section features prayer prompts, reflection questions, or action items to bring focus and purpose to each day.

      Maritz makes it simple and straightforward to develop the vital habits of

      *hearing from God through scripture by providing clear, accessible teachings on some of the most powerful and meaningful passages of the Bible;

      *connecting with God at a deeper level through prayer;

      *overcoming distractions to prioritize a closer walk with Jesus; and

      *abiding in Christ to produce the fruit of the Spirit at all times.

      Maritz reminds men that of all the things they could be pursuing–success, status, power, relationships, or any number of worldly goods–only one pursuit truly matters: becoming a spiritual man of God. Only through walking with God daily, in both the good and the difficult times, can men discover their true joy and purpose.

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    • Purposefooled : Why Chasing Your Dreams, Finding Your Calling, And Reaching


      Author and Bible teacher Kelly Needham reveals how we’ve been fooled into chasing meaning in all the wrong places, identifies the source of our hunger for the extraordinary, and shows us the steps we can take today to build a purpose-filled reality without turning our lives upside-down.

      Many of us are exhausted from dreaming big and chasing the extraordinary lives we long for, but when we try embracing the everyday and find meaning in the mundane, we fear we’re settling for a boring life. Are we missing something?

      Kelly Needham has been the keynote speaker, the person folding T-shirts backstage, and the mom dealing with the ups and downs of daily life. By sharing her experiences with both the extraordinary and the humdrum–and wrestling with feelings of disappointment along the way–Needham helps readers discover for themselves the truth that changes everything: we weren’t made to do something, but to know Someone. And it’s that Someone who can infuse our lives with infinite purpose and meaning. In Purposefooled she explains

      *why we feel like we were made for more and shows us the freeing answer to our longings,

      *the ways modern technology affects our desires and dreams–and how to live free from its pressures and pitfalls,

      *how familiar Bible stories reveal that being a world-changer is more accessible and simpler than we think,

      *why we need to reclaim our imaginations from culture and steward them with eternity in mind, and

      *what it looks like to live a deeply meaningful life today instead of wearing ourselves out trying to reach the next big thing.

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    • John Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


      The Gospel of John is one of four books that describes the life of Jesus. John’s gospel is organized in two big divisions, the book of the signs and the book of the suffering servant.

      The first part introduces us to Jesus through the lens of 7 key miracles or signs that Jesus does to disclose His identity and prove His divinity. These signs are meant to show us who Jesus is and what He is like. They disclose to us what He cares about and point us back to God.

      For all of us following Jesus or maybe those who are just looking into Jesus, these signs will point us on a path to the Savior.

      Session topics:

      1. Follow Me
      2. I Am He
      3. I Am Working Also
      4. Believe in the One He Sent
      5. I Am the Light of the World
      6. I Am the Resurrection and the Life
      7. I Will Draw All People to Myself

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    • Ruth Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


      SKU (ISBN): 9781087783550ISBN10: 1087783550LifeWay AdultsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2023Storyteller Bible StudyPublisher: LifeWay Christian Resources

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    • Countdown


      A stalker who wants to finish what he started. A US Marshal who’s vowed to protect his charge. And one woman who is determined to put the past in the past.

      Flight paramedic Raina Price has been running so long it’s hard to stop. To escape a dangerous stalker, she changed her name and disappeared, building a new life with the help of a friend from her time in juvie. It feels good to put her energies into saving people’s lives, but because her stalker was never found, she’s never stopped looking over her shoulder. And one can only run so far before the past finally catches up.

      US Marshal Vincent Corelli’s job is to hunt down fugitives and protect those who are assigned to him. When Raina is almost killed right in front of him, he vows to protect her at all costs–whether it’s his job or not. Together they work to solve the mystery of Raina’s past. But someone is out to make sure Raina doesn’t live long enough to do it.

      Countdown is the breathless conclusion to USA Today bestselling author Lynette Eason’s thrilling Extreme Measures series.

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    • Worry Free Parent Workbook (Workbook)


      The Tools You Need to Stop the Spread of Worry

      Anxiety has an amazing ability to spread. But there are practical things you can do to fight back. In this encouraging, well-designed companion workbook to The Worry-Free Parent, veteran counselor and parenting expert Sissy Goff helps you dig deeper into the roots of your anxiety and identify targeted ways to overcome it.

      Through clinically tested questions and exercises, learn how to:

      * uncover more of what keeps you stuck in worry
      * reframe your concerns with worry-fighting truths and Scripture
      * implement joy-filled practices to foster deeper connection in your family
      * find practical ways to experience freedom in your daily life

      Here are the space and tools you need to grab hold of peace, embrace grace, and become the person, parent, and family you want to be.

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    • Worry Free Parent


      Worry is contagious…
      but you can stop its spread

      Anxiety has an amazing ability to spread. Time and time again, when veteran counselor and parenting expert Sissy Goff has an anxious child or teen in her office, she’s found they have at least one very well-intentioned but anxious parent. Anxiety is contagious, and it’s likely affecting your kids, distracting you in the present, and making you feel like it will define your family’s future.

      It doesn’t have to be this way. With over 30 years of experience helping both children and adults, Sissy offers you practical, well-researched tools that will make a difference in your life–and the lives of your children. Learn how to:

      * uncover the roots of your own anxiety
      * process anxiety in healthy ways rather than passing it on
      * model bravery
      * discover a place of deeper, freer connection to your kids

      Here is the help you need to experience freedom from anxiety, raise confident, courageous kids, and become a worry-free family in an increasingly anxious world.

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    • All The Genealogies Of The Bible


      The Bible contains hundreds of genealogies that fulfill multiple purposes, yet the significance of these genealogies can admittedly be difficult to grasp. In All the Genealogies of the Bible, author Nancy presents every genealogy in the Bible in a simple, visual format. Esteemed biblical scholars Eugene Merrill and Andreas Kostenberger supplement Dawson’s work with brief commentary on each genealogy. Dawson works with both complete genealogies and partial lists, piecing together names in different passages to illustrate the interrelationships of various biblical characters for deeper study.

      Including more than 340 genealogies, All the Genealogies of the Bible is organized in biblical order and is equipped with tools you’ll need to navigate the book easily:

      *A detailed table of contents
      *A Complete Index of Names
      *Comprehensive cross-referencing

      A one-of-a-kind reference work, All the Genealogies of the Bible will be useful for pastors, Bible teachers, students, and anyone wanting to study the Bible more deeply from the unique vantage point of its many genealogies.

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    • Zondervan 2024 Pastors Annual


      Countless preachers have turned to the Zondervan Pastor’s Annual to save them time in sermon and service preparation. This tried-and-true resource makes your demanding job as a pastor a lot easier. Use its contents as is, or tailor it to fit your unique approach.

      The Zondervan 2024 Pastor’s Annual supplies you with:

      *Morning and evening services for every Sunday of the year
      *Sermon topics and texts fully indexed
      *Definitive and usable sermon outlines
      *Devotionals and Bible studies for midweek services
      *Fresh and applicable illustrations
      *Appropriate hymn selections
      *Special-day services for church and civil calendars
      *Meditations on Lord’s Supper observance
      *Wedding ceremonies and themes
      *Funeral messages and Scriptures
      *Basic pastoral ministry helps
      *Messages for children and young people
      *Offertory prayers

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    • Uncharted Leadership : 20 Case Studies To Help Ministry Leaders Adapt To Un


      Ministry is complicated, and every leadership challenge is unique. How can you lead effectively when there isn’t a clear path forward?

      Real life ministry is complicated–far more complicated than is typically captured in leadership books. There are moving parts and people who require adept, agile, adaptive leadership. Unlike technical challenges with a clear or known solution, adaptive challenges are complex and dynamic, requiring creative leaderships. Adaptive leadership is art, not science. It is an exercise in wisdom, not just knowledge. It requires leaders to ascertain the issues, values, and stakes unique to a given situation, to consider the potential courses of action, and decide which courses are best.

      The case study method is a proven and effective tool to help leaders chart their course by learning from complex, real-life situations. Leaders learn to integrate multiple leadership strategies and concepts by reading and reflecting on multiple case studies, helping them clarify their own unique context, values, challenges, opportunities, and potential actions. Like real ministry, case studies are complex. There is not always an easy solution, or even a fast understanding of the real problem(s). The case studies in Uncharted Leadership promote learning at the deepest level: helping leaders move beyond simple answers to deep individual and organizational understanding and transformation.

      Uncharted Leadership applies the case study method to ministry leadership. Through a series of relevant, real-life case studies in ministry leadership, Angie Ward brings the classroom to the reader, using thought-provoking questions, commentary, and recommended resources to expand the leader’s empathy, understanding, awareness, and skill.

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    • God Is Love FaithBuilders


      Experience and share the overflowing love of God in a tangible way with the cards in the God is Love FaithBuilders(TM) Set. This set of 20 beautifully designed cards features Scriptures that proclaim God’s love for us.

      The flip-open card pouch is elegantly adorned with a small boat anchored at a river’s shore and embossed with gold-foiled text, making it an elegant and inspirational gift.

      God is Love

      With 5 repeats of 4 designs, you can share the message of God’s love with multiple people. These cards are perfect for writing a personal note on the blank back and passing them along to loved ones. The compact size and plastic sleeve make it easy to carry the God is Love FaithBuilders(TM) Set wherever you go, so you can always have a reminder of God’s love at hand.

      Use these cards as a giveaway at Easter or as a way to share God’s love with a loved one who needs it most. You can give them to a friend who’s going through a tough time or add them to a care package for a son in the military. You can even use them as a bookmark or a daily reminder of God’s love in your own life. Whatever the occasion, the God is Love FaithBuilders(TM) Set is a meaningful and heartfelt way to share the love of God with those around you.

      Serene docked boat image

      Gold-foiled text

      God is Love

      Full-color printed cards

      20 cards per set

      5 repeats of 4 designs

      Packaged in a plastic sleeve

      Set size: 4″ x 2.7″ x 0.4″ (102 x 69 x 10mm)

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    • Grace For Today FaithBuilders


      Faithbuilders are small, pocket-sized cards that easily fit into your hand. Each card shows a meaningful Scripture verse paired with a beautiful natural background.

      * Theme: Grace For Today
      * Full-color printed cards
      * 20 cards per set
      * 5 repeats of 4 designs
      * Space for name or message on the back
      * Packaged in plastic sleeve
      * Set size: 69 x 100 x 08mm

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    • Promises From God FaithBuilders


      The God’s Promises For You FaithBuilders(TM) Set is a small yet powerful collection of 20 cards that can fit right in your pocket but hold enough truth to comfort the whole world. You can trust that God’s Words are sure and unchanging, and these cards are a tangible reminder of His love and faithfulness.

      Each card in the pack is adorned with a captivating image. The flip-open card pouch features a stunning image of a snowy mountain peak while the title is set over it in large gray letters.

      God’s Promises For You

      The verses on these cards speak directly to God’s purpose for our lives, His unfailing care for us in times of fear and discouragement, and His steadfast presence in our lives. With 5 repeats of 4 designs, you can share comfort and hope with anyone, anywhere.

      Want to make someone’s day? Just write a short note on the blank back, include your name, and pass it on to a friend or even a stranger. Packaged in a convenient plastic sleeve, these cards can travel with you wherever you go – in your purse, backpack, or briefcase.

      Use these handy cards for comfort or inspiration whenever the opportunity presents itself – in a lunchbox, with a gift, as a bookmark, or even as a calling card! The promises on these cards are personal and powerful, and sharing them can make a difference in someone’s life. So, whether you’re facing a difficult season or know someone who is, the God’s Promises For You FaithBuilders(TM) Set is here to remind you that God is faithful and His promises are true.

      Stunning misty mountain image

      Gray text

      God’s Promises for You

      Full-color printed cards

      20 cards per set

      5 repeats of 4 designs

      Packaged in a plastic sleeve

      Set size: 4″ x 2.7″ x 0.4″ (102 x 69 x 10 mm)

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    • Hope For A Weary Soul FaithBuilders


      Transform the way you uplift and inspire others with the cards in the Hope for A Weary Soul FaithBuilders(TM) Set. This collection of 20 beautifully designed cards features Scripture verses that offer strength and encouragement to those who need it most.

      Each card in the pack is adorned with a captivating image of a lighthouse, an enduring symbol of hope that shines brightly in the darkness. The flip-open card pouch features a stunning portrait of a lighthouse standing firm on a rocky shore. The title is displayed in bold blue uppercase letters.

      Hope For A Weary Soul

      The verses on these cards speak to God’s joy, guidance, and faithfulness, reminding us of His plan for our lives. With 5 repeats of 4 designs, you can share comfort and hope with anyone, anywhere.

      The blank back of each card provides ample space for you to add a personal touch, whether it’s a word of encouragement or your contact information. Packaged in a convenient plastic sleeve, this set is perfect for those on-the-go moments when you feel the Holy Spirit prompting you to uplift a stranger or friend.

      The Hope for A Weary Soul FaithBuilders(TM) Set is more than just a tool for sharing comfort. Use them for daily inspiration, as a reminder of God’s promises, or as a thoughtful addition to a gift. They’re also perfect for Bible studies, prayer groups, and church events. With the Hope for A Weary Soul FaithBuilders(TM) Set, you can be a beacon of hope and share comfort with those around you, one card at a time.

      Beautiful lighthouse image

      Blue text

      Hope For A Weary Soul

      Full-color printed cards

      20 cards per set

      5 repeats of 4 designs

      Packaged in a plastic sleeve

      Set size: 4″ x 2.7″ x 0.4″ (102 x 69 x 10 mm)

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    • Living Words Of Jesus FaithBuilders


      The Living Words of Jesus FaithBuilders(TM) Set is the perfect way to share the timeless wisdom and boundless love of Jesus Christ. This set includes 20 exquisitely designed cards, each featuring one of four powerful sayings of Christ. With these cards, you’ll have a powerful tool to point people toward knowing Christ and to help them experience the fullness of life that comes with faith.

      Each card in the pack showcases a stunning image from nature that reflects the majesty and power of the Creator. The flip-open card pouch features a breathtaking photo of a misty mountain vista, evoking a sense of wonder and awe. The title is boldly presented in white uppercase letters with a black shadow line to make it stand out.

      Living Words of Jesus

      The text on these cards speaks to Jesus’ character, mission, provision, sacrifice, and commands. With 5 repeats of 4 designs, you can share the message of Jesus and the Bible with anyone you meet, no matter where you are.

      What’s more, the blank space on the back of each card allows you to add a personal touch by including your name or a short message. These pocket-sized cards are easy to carry with you wherever you go, making them the perfect way to share the love and hope of Jesus Christ with others.

      The Living Words of Jesus FaithBuilders(TM) Set is not just a lifegiving introduction to the Savior when you hand one to a friend. They are versatile and can be used for many other purposes too. Use them for daily inspiration, Bible study, and Scripture memorization, add one to a thank-you card, or send a package to deployed soldiers for comfort. Don’t miss this opportunity to introduce someone to Jesus in a low-key, disarming way. The Living Words of Jesus FaithBuilders(TM) Set is a powerful and effective tool to help others experience the transformational power of Jesus Christ in their lives.

      Bold nature images

      White text with black shadow line

      Living Words of Jesus

      Full-color printed cards

      20 cards per set

      5 repeats of 4 designs

      Packaged in a plastic sleeve

      Set size: 4″ x 2.7″ x 0.4″ (102 x 69 x 10 mm)

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    • Prayers From The Bible FaithBuilders


      The Prayers from the Bible FaithBuilders(TM) is the perfect tool for anyone seeking comfort and inspiration through prayer. With 20 beautifully designed cards featuring 5 powerful prayers from the Bible, this pack is an essential addition to any devotional collection.

      Each card in the pack boasts a serene nature theme that evokes a sense of calm and tranquility. The flip-open card pouch features soft grasses with a lighthouse in the background, while the bold blue letters of the title make it stand out.

      Prayers From The Bible

      The prayers captured on these cards are carefully chosen to meet universal needs such as blessing, peace, wisdom, and protection. With 5 repeats of 4 designs, you can share these powerful prayers with anyone, anywhere.

      What’s more, the blank space on the back of each card allows you to personalize them with your name or a short message. These small and portable cards make them the perfect addition to your pocket, purse, or backpack.

      There are so many unique ways to use these cards. Hand them out to strangers you meet at the park, tuck them into lunchboxes, or even add them to a Bible you give as a gift. The cards from the Prayers from the Bible FaithBuilders(TM) set are a fantastic way to enrich your prayer life and guide others in theirs.

      *Soft nature images
      *Blue text
      *Prayers from the Bible
      *Full-color printed cards
      *20 cards per set
      *5 repeats of 4 designs
      *Packaged in a plastic sleeve
      *Set size: 4″ x 2.7″ x 0.4″ (102 x 69 x 10 mm)

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    • Advent : The Season Of Hope


      “Christians believe not just in one coming of Christ, but in three.”

      We tend to think of Advent as the season of anticipation before Christmas–and while it is that, it’s also much more. Throughout its history, the church has observed Advent as a preparation not only for the first coming of Christ in his incarnation but also for his second coming at the last day. It’s also about a third coming: the coming of Christ to meet us in our present moment, to make us holy by his Word and Sacrament.

      In this short volume, priest and writer Tish Harrison Warren explores all three of these “comings” of Christ and invites us into a deeper experience of the first season of the Christian year.

      Each volume in the Fullness of Time series invites readers to engage with the riches of the church year, exploring how its traditions, prayers, Scriptures, and rituals all point us to Jesus.

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    • Winter Fire : Christmas With G.K. Chesterton


      It may be because I am silly, but I rather think that, relatively to the rest of the year, I enjoy Christmas more than I did when I was a child. My faith demands that such be the case. The more mature I become the more I need to embrace the joys of the incarnation. The more mature I become, the more I need to be but a child. – G. K. Chesterton

      Experience the warmth of Christmas through the winsome wit and wisdom of beloved writer G. K. Chesterton. This devotional–perfect for the Christmas season–includes selections of Chesterton’s writings, accompanied with commentary, Scripture readings, and reflections.

      Be encouraged by Chesterton’s insight, charmed by the Victorian-inspired artwork, and delighted by the traditional English recipes. Make Chesterton’s poetry, short stories, and essays a part of your Christmas tradition!

      A festive celebration of childlike wonder, the beautifully illustrated Winter Fire is a unique and meaningful gift.

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    • Peace Came To Earth


      The Peace Came to Earth daily devotional is a quick and easy option to learn more about the Christmas story throughout the Advent season. With a fully-quoted Bible verse, a devotion, and a prayer for each day from December 1st to January 6th, remind yourself of the true reason of the Christmas season.

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    • Advent Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


      Experience the Christmas season anew this year with this 5-session study on Advent, why we celebrate it, and how it fuels our worship of Jesus. Understand the anticipation and waiting the Old Testament world endured. And experience the joy of new life signaled by the coming of Christ, and the way Advent points to the glory of God still to come. First released in 2019, this study is expanded with tools for Scripture memory to help you savor this Advent season.

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    • Women Remembered : Jesus’ Female Disciples


      Inspired by their popular Channel 4 documentary Jesus’ Female Disciples, historians Helen Bond and Joan Taylor explore the way in which Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Mary, Martha and a whole host of other women – named and unnamed – have been remembered by posterity, noting how many were silenced, tamed or slurred by innuendo – though occasionally they get to slay dragons. Women Remembered looks at the representation of these women in art, and the way they have been remembered in inscriptions and archaeology. And of course they dig into the biblical texts, exposing misogyny and offering alternative and unexpected ways of appreciating these women as disciples, apostles, teachers, messengers and church-founders.

      At a time when both the church and society more widely are still grappling with the full inclusion and equality of women, this is a must-read for anyone interested in the historical and cultural origins of Christianity.

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    • 3 Dimensional Leader


      A comprehensive manual for Christian leadership

      Christian leaders need biblical character, spiritual power, and practical skills. Yet, often one of these aspects is overemphasized and the others are neglected. The Three-Dimensional Leader: A Biblical, Spiritual, and Practical Guide to Christian Leadership recognizes that these traits need to be unified in Christian leaders. Jesus exemplified these most effectively, so we must look to him for our vision of leadership.

      Authors Rod Dempsey, Dave Earley, and Adam McClendon bring together their decades of experience developing disciples into leaders for the work of the kingdom. The Three-Dimensional Leader provides a biblical basis, practical examples, and a helpful assessment tool that directs the Christian leader toward growth.

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    • Deep Waters Of The Disciple


      Do you feel as if you’re drowning? As if between waves of doubt, despair, and grief, you’re struggling to stay afloat? Perhaps it’s a crisis in your marriage, the loss of a loved one, or financial problems that threaten to sink you. Maybe you’re facing shame or a scary illness. You’re clinging to life in desperation and tempted to ask: where is God in this?

      You’re not alone. When Peter started to sink in deep waters, he called out to Jesus. Jesus’s strong hand held him fast. He was in control of the storm all along.

      With pastoral compassion, Michael Cassidy comforts people facing deep waters of many kinds. He has lived through over 85 years of life’s ups and downs, including battling Leukemia. He shares stories of colleagues and people he has counselled who testify to God walking them through unimaginable trials.

      Michael provides insight into specific types of suffering, including:

      *Disease and Illness
      *Despair and Depression
      *Marriage Troubles

      When everything is shaken, you can ground yourself in the biblical wisdom of Deep Waters of the Disciple. Not only will this volume help you with your own challenges, but it will equip you to understand and help others with theirs.

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    • Book Of Revelation Made Easy


      Often considered the most complicated book in the New Testament, Revelation has proven to be an interesting challenge to scholars and lay readers alike. Its apocalyptic imagery and prophetic messages of judgment, salvation, and final redemption have captured the imagination of the church for two thousand years, giving rise to differing interpretations and confusion among Christians. Book of Revelation Made Easy presents these viewpoints in easy-to-follow charts, offering a framework for understanding how this important, final book of the canon has been historically understood. Topics include:

      *The Seven Churches: their historical context and modern-day application

      *Chart explaining four views on the book of Revelation: (1) Futurist, (2) Historicist, (3) Idealist, (4) Preterist

      *Chart exploring four views on the Millennium: (1) Dispensational Premillennialism, (2) Historical Premillennialism, (3) Amillennialism, (4) Postmillennialism

      *Helpful summaries of Revelation’s “sevens”: 7 churches, 7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 symbolic histories, 7 bowls, 7 judgments, 7 visions

      These helpful explanations and comparison charts will remove the guesswork for readers who want to make sense of the many perspectives on Revelation. Regardless of interpretation, however, Revelation’s message assures Christians of God’s ultimate victory over the powers of evil and death. Explore the who, what, when, and why of Revelation in an easy-to-read format that translates complexity into clarity.

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    • What Did The Cross Achieve


      A Classic Essay on Penal Substitutionary Atonement from Theologian J. I. Packer

      Penal substitutionary atonement-the belief that Jesus’s death on the cross satisfied God’s wrath against sin-is central to the Christian faith, but frequently debated. Is it just to punish an innocent person in place of the guilty? How can the temporary death of one substitute for the eternal death of many? Why doesn’t the cross grant Christians unlimited permission to sin?

      In this famous essay, late theologian J. I. Packer analyzes Scripture and the works of early Reformers to defend the truth of Christ’s substitutionary suffering and death, the heart of the Christian gospel. Considered one of the most significant short works on penal substitutionary atonement from the 20th century, this careful, concise essay has influenced prominent theologians and is essential reading for students, pastors, and laypeople.

      *From Renowned Theologian J. I. Packer: This work was originally delivered as a Tyndale Biblical Theology Lecture

      *Part of the Crossway Short Classics Series: Other titles include The Lord’s Work in the Lord’s Way and No Little People; The Life of God in the Soul of Man; and Fighting for Holiness

      *Includes a Foreword by Mark Dever

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    • Tricky Times


      Even the most reluctant reader will be drawn into the adventures of Patrick Wigglesworth in this hilarious chapter-book-meets-graphic-novel.

      Tricky Times picks up where the first Patrick Wigglesworth’s Bizarre Bible Adventure book, Over My Head, left off. Patrick is now in fifth grade and at a brand new school. He and his best friends are confronted by a new crop of cool kids. These kids have moved up from Silicon Valley, CA, and are threatening to do away with the Gasket way of life. Patrick, wading into politics for the first time, decides to run for student council president in order to thwart the school takeover. Things don’t turn out at all the way he planned in his fifth-grade political career.

      The same is true for his Bizarre Bible Adventure (BBA for short) which takes him through the Bible books from Joshua through Job. The newly appointed leader of the Israelites, Joshua, serves as Patrick’s tour guide and shows him that taking the Promised Land is just as messy as Patrick’s life!

      Will Patrick’s faith and skill rise to the occasion for success in school politics?

      Will he be able to thwart the takeover of the Silicon Valley transplants?

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    • Created For Compassion


      Your smile can lift someone’s spirits. Your words can bring hope to someone’s heart. You can change the trajectory of someone’s day… or even their entire life. As followers of Christ, we’re designed for compassion. While compassion doesn’t always come easily to us, it does to God. He provides us with the spirit of compassion we need to change minds, hearts, lives, and the world-one act of kindness at a time!

      In this devotional guide, you’ll join Dr. Tony Evans on a journey to cultivate the godly compassion that can radically change communities and culture. For thirty days, you’ll dive into a selection from Scripture, a devotional reading from Dr. Evans, answer personal application questions, and apply what you’re learning with a daily kindness challenge to inspire the world around you. Before you know it, you’ll be a compassionate agent of transformative change…an ambassador of Kingdom kindness in a hurting world!

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    • Sinners : Experiencing Jesus’?? Compassion In The Middle Of Your Sin, Strug


      Discover the storyline of Scripture as you follow people, places, or things in the Bible. Maybe you are practiced in dissecting a passage and pulling things out of the text to apply to your life. But now you may feel as though your faith is fragmented. The Storyline Bible Studies help you put the pieces back together. You’ll discover cohesive, thematic storylines with literary elements and appreciate the Bible as the literary masterpiece that it is.

      In Sinners, we will discover God’s tender compassion on anyone regardless of their social status, troubled past, or the labels placed upon them. And we are going to notice the counterintuitive ways “sinful” people respond to Jesus in righteous acts of faith. You’ll start to see a theme unfold: The people considered sinful often act with greater faith than the most religious people of Jesus’ day. In the Sinners Bible study, we will explore:

      *Luke 7: the sinful woman who anointed Jesus with the perfume from her alabaster jar and whose faith saved her;

      *Luke 7: the Roman centurion who advocated for his sick servant and whose faith saved the servant’s life;

      *Matthew 9: the former tax collector and disciple named Matthew who had left his tollbooth to follow Jesus and whose faith confused the religious;

      *Matthew 15: the Canaanite mom who begged Jesus to heal her demon-possessed daughter and whose faith led to her daughter’s healing; and

      *John 4: the Samaritan woman at the well who was approached by Jesus and whose faith started revival in her town.

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    • Emotionally Healthy Relationships Expanded Edition Workbook Plus Streaming (Expa


      As Part 2 of the Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Course, Pete and Geri Scazzero developed Emotionally Healthy (EH) Relationships over a 27-year period to directly address core biblical principles to guide you and others into an experience of discipleship that will deeply change your life. In EH Relationships Expanded Edition, everyone will learn 8 practical relationship skills to develop mature, loving relationships with others such as:

      *Stop Mind Reading and Clarify Expectations
      *Incarnational Listening
      *Climb the Ladder of Integrity
      *Clean Fighting

      And since loving others and loving God cannot be separated, each person will also grow in their personal, first-hand relationship with Jesus by incorporating stillness, silence, and Scripture as daily life rhythms. Part 2 of the Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Course also includes the newly filmed Emotionally Healthy Relationships video and the Emotionally Healthy Relationships Day by Day devotional.

      This workbook includes:

      *Individual access to eight streaming video sessions
      *Session introductions, group discussion questions, and personal action steps
      *Between-sessions personal study
      *Leader’s Guide and valuable appendices

      Join us for a powerful journey that will walk you through a door that will change forever the way you love God, others, and yourself.

      *Streaming video access code included. Access code subject to expiration after 12/31/2028. Code may be redeemed only by the recipient of this package. Code may not be transferred or sold separately from this package. Internet connection required. Void where prohibited, taxed, or restricted by law. Additional offer details inside.

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    • Cast It Out


      If Jesus spent one-third of His ministry casting out demons, why do so many churches virtually ignore deliverance?

      By reading this book, I will understand the purpose behind casting out demonic entities and why all Christians are called to help set the captives free.

      For years, Baptist pastor Greg Locke believed deliverance ministry and supernatural signs and wonders were just hyped-up “charismaniac” nonsense. But then God removed his denominational lenses and showed him what the Bible actually says about the gifts of the Holy Spirit–and his life and ministry haven’t been the same . Suddenly, people started getting healed in his services. Miracles and wonders abounded. And Locke was casting out demons in Sunday services that lasted until 2:30 the next morning.

      Today, the firebrand preacher is well-known for his popular documentary Come Out in Jesus’ Name and teaches others how to help people get free of demonic oppression. In Cast It Out, the third book in his Spiritual Warfare Series, Locke testifies of what the Lord has done in his life and ministry and shares the biblical truth and inspired revelations God used to erase all his doubts about the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit. In what he considers his most important work yet, Locke addresses:

      *What the Bible says about deliverance
      *Whether Christians can be demonized
      *Popular objections to deliverance ministry
      *How Jesus dealt with demons

      Locke believes the church is on the cusp of the most important spiritual awakening in the history of Christianity and we must all be prepared to engage in what Jesus spent one-third of His ministry doing: casting out demons. In this book, he offers biblical answers to the most pressing deliverance questions and equips readers to help others find true freedom and healing in Christ.

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    • American Immigrant : A Novel


      A Colombian American journalist tries to save her career by taking an assignment somewhere she never thought she’d go–Colombia–in this heartwarming debut novel about rediscovering our family stories.

      Twenty-five-year-old Melanie Carvajal, a hardworking but struggling journalist for a Miami newspaper, loves her Colombian mother but regularly ignores her phone calls, frustrated that she never quite takes the time to understand Melanie’s life. When the opportunity arises for a big assignment that might save her flagging career, Melanie follows the story to the land of her mother’s birth. She soon realizes Colombia has the potential to connect her, after all these years, to something she’s long ignored: her heritage, the love of her mother, her family, and the richest parts of herself.

      Colombia offers more than a chance to make a name for herself as a writer. It is a place of untold stories.

      Inspired by real-life events, An American Immigrant is a story of culture and community, of abiding commitment to family, and of embracing our culture and the generations that have come before.

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    • Everyday Prayers For Patience


      Moms have their patience tested on almost a daily basis. How many times must we pull apart fighting siblings or listen to the same complaints over and over? How often do we need to encourage our kids to endure without complaining when we feel like our own patience has run out? And how do we find patience to wait for Goda(TM)s timing when it seems like wea(TM)ve been waiting forever?

      In this thirty-day devotional and reflective journal, author Brooke McGlothlin invites you to:
      consider that patience is:

      *Getting to know Jesus
      *Knowing the cost of salvation
      *Loving through the hard
      *Seeing God in all things
      *Confidence in what we cana(TM)t see
      *Waiting with expectation
      *Trusting God with the fight
      *And so much more.

      Everyday Prayers for Patience: Giving Yourself and Your Kids the Grace to Grow includes Bible verses on patience, space for journaling, and questions for deeper reflection. The prayers will help you seek Goda(TM)s heart to discover surer ways to have patience with your children and yourself. Your life and theirs can become beautiful reflections of His great patience with us.

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    • Recipes For A Sweet Child


      Practical Help for the Overwhelmed Mom

      Searching for answers to your toughest parenting problems, like how to turn your children’s grumbling into gratitude? Are you trying to navigate ongoing issues like sibling rivalry, tattling, unforgiveness, peer pressure, or bullying?

      Author Katie J. Trent combines her counseling and ministry expertise with her own parenting experiences to provide you with a creative guide to work past challenging childhood issues in a winsome way.

      Recipes for a Sweet Child will help you:

      *Teach your kids, from toddlers to teens, how to apply biblical wisdom in any situation.

      *Gain invaluable insights to help your kids overcome thirty-six of the most pressing emotional, behavioral, and relational battles that they face.

      *Discover simple tools to bring peace and joy into your home with easy, interactive activities and Bible lessons.

      *Engage the whole family in fun games and in-depth conversations.

      *Build kindness and character in your children so that they become the young ladies and gentlemen God wants them to be.

      *Enjoy making delicious recipes with your kids. Full-color photos are included.

      Katie J. Trent, a licensed clinical social worker, has over a decade of experience equipping and encouraging families through counseling and ministry. The author of Dishing Up Devotions: 36 Faith-Building Activities for Homeschooling Families, a popular blogger, and speaker, Katie loves to create resources to simplify life for busy moms by infusing faith and fun to build strong families. Katie puts the fun back into the fundamentals of family discipleship.

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    • Hymns We Love Songbook


      Older adults are the fastest-growing age demographic across the Western world, and yet there are few materials to support churches who want to help this older generation hear about God’s love.

      Hymns We Love aims to fill that gap. It is a gentle which uses well-loved hymns to share the good news of Jesus and key truths about God’s character in an accessible way. Many in this generation have grown up singing these hymns at school, church or Sunday school, and they have therefore proved to be a non-threatening and accessible way to connect with seniors and help them to engage with the gospel.

      The series comprises five video sessions. Each one tells the story of the hymn writer, how the hymn came to be, and the Christian message behind it. Across the five sessions, Hymns We Love will help bring the core truths of the Christian story alive in a way that is gentle, warm and clear.

      The video sessions also feature beautiful renditions of the hymns, filmed in a historic English village church, along with testimonies and prayers.

      There are also three introductory sessions: for Christmas and for Easter and a third which can be used at any time of the year.

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    • Finding Assurance With Thomas Goodwin


      Glory in nothing but that you are in Christ

      In Finding Assurance with Thomas Goodwin, Andrew S. Ballitch explores how deeply the doctrine of assurance of faith impacted Goodwin’s life and how Christians can learn from him today. Doubt is a common Christian experience, and assurance of faith is a universal Christian desire. The Puritans were acutely aware of this reality–none more than Thomas Goodwin (1600-1680). Goodwin wrestled with doubt for seven years after his conversion. When assurance came, it was with joy and confidence that Christ was for him personally. His confidence fueled a life of holiness, service, and perseverance. Ballitch highlights how Goodwin’s life informed his theology and vice versa, so that readers can experience for themselves the joys of assurance.

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    • When God Is Silent


      For Christians, one of our earliest lessons–and greatest gifts–is learning how to pray. And yet many of us believe our prayer lives fall short. In When God Is Silent, John Koessler reassures us that this has nothing to do with motivation or method. Our problems are relational, and recognizing this is the first step to having a better prayer life.

      Prayer is a conversation that moves primarily in one direction: from the believer who prays to the God who hears. If God appears silent, that does not mean that he is unresponsive. We always have God’s attention. This book does more than answer questions like how and why we should pray–it also invites us to gain a sense of God, of his goodness, and the rich welcome that is waiting for us every time we approach him in the name of Jesus Christ.

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    • Girl With The Special Shoes


      Hilda’s family didn’t know she had muscular dystrophy. They just knew their preschooler was losing her ability to walk. But they were determined to find a cure.

      Being disabled in Cameroon meant not only obstacles to transport, but visits to diviners and evangelists, threats of sexual assault, discrimination, and a crisis of faith. Despite the hardship Hilda has faced, her family’s unwavering support and God’s unwavering grace have helped her persevere to become a national broadcaster. Her inspiring triumph over adversity will give you hope, no matter how dark your trials. Walk a mile in Hilda’s shoes and learn how:

      *She lost her mobility and found her purpose.
      *A gutsy girl broke the glass ceiling of disability.
      *People saw her broken body, but God saw a worthy vessel.
      *She and her family searched for healing, but God had other plans.
      *She didn’t need to stand to be outstanding.
      *God was on the move when she was stuck.
      *Her hope overcame hardship.

      The Girl with Special Shoes is the witty and heartfelt story of a family’s sacrificial love and a God who refashions pain into purpose.

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    • Mastering Ministry : Key Principles For Every Pastor


      It seems nothing completely prepares you to be a pastor. Education and training certainly help, but some things you simply must learn through the trial and error of personal experience. Or do you?

      Gleaned from real-world experiences, Mastering Ministry was written with today’s pastorates in mind. Within its pages you will:

      *Discover seven ministry-defining values to move from floundering to flourishing;
      *Learn practical time management strategies to flatten the frenzied pace; and
      *Explore over 30 ministry-related topics to face difficult issues with finesse.

      While most traditional pastoral resources assume a one-pastor- one-church model, Mastering Ministry recognizes pastors today are often responsible for multiple congregations and includes pointers from the author’s book The Multi-Church Pastor: A Manual for Training Leadership in a Multi- Church Setting.

      Whether you are a new or seasoned pastor of a single congregation or several, you will find Mastering Ministry to be a valuable resource as you impact your community for Christ.

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