Program Resources
Showing 101–150 of 230 resultsSorted by latest
Fruit Of The Spirit Bible Study
$11.99Add to cartDo you think you know the fruit of the Spirit? Think again! In this six-session Bible study, you will rediscover the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, faithfulness, kindness, goodness, self-control, and gentleness. Learn the context around Paul’s writings about the fruit, and hone in on each fruit understand fully what it means to keep in step with the Spirit. Full color visuals, thought-provoking questions, Bible passages for further reflection, and more will offer a deeper look into a familiar topic. Gain new insights as you focus on the power of the Holy Spirit at work in your life.
*Cover all nine fruits of the Spirit in six sessions
*Know the meaning and Greek word for each fruit
*Biblical examples of spiritual fruit-filled lives
*Fruit of the Spirit vs. acts of the flesh
*”Fruitful” action steps anyone can do to walk in the Spirit
*The who, what, where, when and why of Paul’s letter to the GalatiansRose Visual Bible Studies are packed with full-color visuals that show key information at a glance! With their easy-to-use format-read it, know it, explore it, and live it-these 6-week inductive studies are perfect for gaining a deeper insight into God’s Word.
Exodus Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)
$19.99Add to cartExodus is the Rosetta Stone for unlocking the Old Testament and the thread of redemption throughout Scripture. In this new series designed to tell the fuller story of Scripture, participants will walk through the first 15 chapters of Exodus. You’ll relive the experience as God hears the cries of His people and responds by sending a deliverer, ultimately giving us a pattern for recognizing His work in the world. (6 sessions)
Everyday Theology Teen Girls Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)
$26.65Add to cartTheology is the study of God, what He has done, is doing, and will do in the world. And it’s not just for those with formal education or those who work at your church. It’s for you in your everyday moments, questions, and decisions. It’s for the big and little, the exciting and mundane. Our theology is the basis of our faith and touches every part of our existence.
In this 8-session study, teen girls will explore the essential doctrines of Scripture, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, humanity, salvation, the church, and the end times to know God more deeply through these foundational truths.
Spiritual Gifts Bible Study Book
$14.99Add to cartThe topic of spiritual gifts is both popular and often misunderstood. This Bible study examines spiritual gifts theologically and biblically, helping participants see what the gifts are (and are not). Each session answers a specific common question about spiritual gifts, including how to discover and use the gifts God has given you. (6 sessions)
Truthfilled Bible Study Book With Video Access
$20.99Add to cart“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.” -Colossians 3:16a
Many of us want God’s Word to dwell richly in us, but life can get in the way.
We’d never intentionally write chapters of confusion, failure, loss, pain, conflict, or suffering into our stories. No one plans to wrestle with her identity in Christ, to struggle to love her husband, to feel lonely in ministry, or to feel helpless in motherhood. Yet we often find ourselves in these seasons, struggling to embrace the gospel hope we need to fill our discouraged souls.
Join Ruth Chou Simons in this 7-session study of the book of Colossians as she leads us through a practice of preaching gospel truth to ourselves by studying Paul’s example. In every changing season of life, we can rest in God’s character, rehearse our identity in Christ, respond in faith, and remember God’s provision for us. In today’s culture, there’s no shortage of self help, easy fixes, and worldly advice, but only the truth of God’s Word was meant to fill you up and satisfy you fully.
Jude Bible Study Book With Video Access
$33.31Add to cartWhile often overlooked, the book of Jude remains as relevant today as the time it was written. God has commanded His beloved church to do the necessary work of contending for the faith in a world of unbelief, and as we do, He will keep us from falling into the same deception.
In this 7-session study from Jackie Hill Perry, dive into themes of being called, loved, and kept, and learn how to point others to Jesus in grace and truth. We serve others well when we share the whole gospel with them, not just the parts deemed attractive by our culture
Jesus And Women Bible Study Book With Video Access
$24.99Add to cartImagine walking the dusty roads of Galilee with Jesus of Nazareth-braving jostling crowds just to touch the edge of His cloak and hear Him say, “Take heart, daughter, your faith has healed you.”
Those words, once meant to comfort a hurting woman’s soul thousands of years ago, were also meant for you.
Join biblical culturalist Kristi McLelland on those dusty roads as she transports you back to Jesus’ world, following in the footsteps of the women who came face-to-face with the Living God. Over 7 sessions, examine the historical and cultural climate of first-century Middle Eastern society to not only understand Jesus more deeply but to fuel your worship of Him today.
Isaiah Bible Study Book With Video Access
$21.99Add to cartIsaiah served as God’s mouthpiece to the nation of Judah but also to the surrounding nations. His message echoes into our lives today as we read his call to rely on the Lord. Using the genres of poetry, narrative, and prophecy, Isaiah communicated clearly that followers of God could trust in Him.
As you study the chapters Isaiah wrote-from his challenging words to the nation of Israel to his prophecies of the Messiah to come-learn to rest in God’s promises and grow in trust. Unpacking Isaiah’s words will reveal that you can trust God more than your own human effort or the counterfeits the world suggests. You won’t be striving harder, but instead trusting more deeply the Faithful One who is so worthy of our utter dependence. In Him you’ll find the comfort and peace you need to sustain you.
Gospel On The Ground Bible Study Book With Video Access
$24.99Add to cartCome along with biblical culturalist Kristi McLelland as she unpacks the life of the early church in the book of Acts and shows us that the kingdom of God is always on the move, always looking outward to bring meaning and joy to a world searching for true fulfillment and hope. Explore the call of Jesus to His disciples then and to us today. See how God’s Word can sustain us even in the most difficult of times and embrace the transformative grace we experience as children of God in His kingdom of celebration.
Experiencing God Teen Bible Study Book Revised (Revised)
$15.99Add to cartJesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10). Would you believe me if I told you Jesus wants you to experience life to the fullest? God has offered you a standing invitation to an intimate love relationship with Him-a relationship that will enable you to…
*hear when God is speaking to you,
*find out where God is working and join Him,
*discover that God pursues a love relationship with you that is real and personal,
*face crises of belief as you join God where He’s working, and
*experience God doing through you what only God can do.Join Mike Blackaby and Daniel Blackaby as they walk with you through this timeless 8-week study, and get ready to see God at work in your life.
Experiencing God Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)
$7.99Add to cartExperiencing God Leader Guide includes printed content for 12 sessions, tips for leading a group, and “How to Use This Study” directions. It also includes instructions for planning and hosting Experiencing God Weekends or churchwide spiritual growth emphases.
Over the years God has used the truths of Experiencing God to awaken believers to a radically God-centered way of life. As a result, millions have come to know God intimately, to recognize His voice, and to understand His will for their lives. This new edition is revised, updated, and ready to help you again-or for the very first time-experience your Creator.
God is inviting you into an intimate love relationship through which He reveals to you His will, His ways, and His work. When you recognize where God is working, you can join Him in what He is doing. Carefully listening to His voice will anchor you in His plan, and set you free to live it with boldness and freedom. Then you will experience God doing through you what only He can do
Bible In A Year Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)
$16.99Add to cartWe live in a day and age when the demands on a woman’s time are great, and our hearts are pulled in countless directions. It’s no surprise that many of us struggle to implement daily Bible reading as a practice. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Like Mary who “made the right choice” (Luke 10:42) when she stepped back from the busyness of life to sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to His teaching, God wants you to experience the life change that happens when you prioritize spending time with Him.
In this one-year journey from Genesis through Revelation, walk through key passages of the Bible at a manageable, five-days-per-week pace. Based on the 260-day Foundations Bible reading plan, you’ll engage with daily devotional content, interactive questions, and Scripture memorization challenges, all designed to grow your relationship with God and your knowledge of Him. By using the H.E.A.R.T. journaling method, you’ll learn to highlight, explain, apply, respond to passages, and record the truths you find in Scripture, allowing for practical application throughout the year-long plan.
Undistracted Study Guide With DVD (Student/Study Guide)
$49.99Add to cartThis study guide with DVD includes:
*Individual access to five streaming video sessions
*Discussion and reflection questions with video notes
*Personal study for between sessions
*Leader’s GuideDisappointments are a fact of life. Setbacks will happen to us all at some point. It is easy to allow such events to steal our joy and distract us from our true purpose. But we don’t have to fall into that trap. We can choose to keep our focus on Christ even in turmoil and be the kind of people who get busy moving in another direction.
In this five-session video study, bestselling author Bob Goff shares some of the stories from his life that have helped him understand what it truly means to be joyful in every situation. As he notes, the hard truth is that most of us live our lives consumed by worries and fears about things over which we have no control. We struggle to know how we should interact with family or friends. We fret about our finances and our faith. We question our college major and career choice. Add to this that we’re following a God we can’t see, for a lifetime we can’t measure, to a heaven we can’t comprehend, because of grace we didn’t earn.
We’re all trying to figure it out as we go. This leaves more offramps than onramps, more chances for confusion than certainty and more ambiguity than clarity. All of this vagueness plays right into the hands of darkness. The enemy doesn’t seek to destroy us with an obvious all-out assault. No, he wants to distract us, keep us locked up in worries, and prevent us from experiencing those things that will give us true joy in life.
This is the goal of this study–to provide a roadmap to defeat discouragement and regain joy in life by becoming captivated by something better. Joy will provide practical steps to help participants make that journey.
Sessions and run times include:
1. Undistracted in Our Attitude (16:30)
2. Undistracted in Our Service (15:30)
3. Undistracted in Our Relationships (16:30)
4. Undistracted in Our Faith (17:30)
5. Undistracted in Our Purpose (17:30)This pack contains one study guide and one DVD.
Experiencing God Bible Study Book With Video Access
$43.92Add to cartExperiencing God Bible Study Book includes revised printed content for 12 sessions, personal study between group sessions, and applicable Scripture. Also, each Book contains unique codes that enable you to access teaching videos for each session.
Over the years, God has used the truths of Experiencing God to awaken believers to a radically God-centered way of life. As a result, millions have come to know God intimately, to recognize His voice, and to understand His will for their lives. This new edition is revised, updated, and ready to help you again-or for the very first time-experience your Creator.
God is inviting you into an intimate love relationship through which He reveals to you His will, His ways, and His work. When you recognize where God is working, you can join Him in what He is doing. Carefully listening to His voice will anchor you in His plan and set you free to live it with boldness and freedom. Then you will experience God doing through you what only He can do.
Seamless Bible Study Book With Video Access (Student/Study Guide)
$19.99Add to cartIn 7 sessions, Seamless covers the people, places, and promises of the Bible, tying them together into the greater story of Scripture. You’ll gain an overarching understanding of the fundamental layout and meaning of God’s Word.
Seamless will help replace the insecurity that holds you back with clarity and helping you move forward with confidence in their understanding of Scripture. Each week of study features key information that ties all of Scripture together into the seamless truth of the gospel message and is accompanied by maps, general Bible facts, and word studies.
Armor Of God Bible Study Book With Video Access
$41.65Add to cartAll day, every day, an invisible war rages around you – unseen, unheard, yet felt throughout every aspect of your life. A devoted, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you: your heart, your mind, your marriage, your children, your relationships, your resilience, your dreams, your destiny.
But his battle plan depends on catching you unaware and unarmed. If you’re tired of being pushed around and caught with your guard down, this study is for you.
The enemy always fails miserably when he meets a woman dressed for the occasion. The Armor of God, more than merely a biblical description of the believer’s inventory, is an action plan for putting it on and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory.
God Of Deliverance Bible Study Book With Video Access
$41.65Add to cart“Blessed be the Lord, who has delivered you.” -Exodus 18:10
With that introduction, we enter into the story of the Hebrew people in the book of Exodus. No longer under the protection of their forefather Joseph, the children of Israel became slaves to the Egyptians. But God was raising up a deliverer in Moses, to lead His people from bondage to freedom so they could worship Him.
The exodus of the Israelites shapes our understanding of the whole Bible, its themes reverberating all the way to Revelation. Exodus is the birth narrative of a nation unmistakably guided by the Great Deliverer.
In this 10-session verse-by-verse study of Exodus 1-18, Jen Wilkin shows us that Israel’s story is our story: the same God who delivered Israel also delivers all those He loves from slavery to sin and from service to the pharaohs of this world. He lifts our eyes to the promised land He has prepared where we dwell with I AM and worship Him as the one true God.
Finding I AM Bible Study Book With Video Access
$38.31Add to cartWhat is the deep cry of your heart? The ache in your soul just waiting to be fulfilled? The prayer you keep repeating without end? Jesus not only cares about this deep, spiritual wrestling, but He also wants to step in and see you through it.
Join Lysa TerKeurst on the streets of Israel to explore the I AM statements of Jesus found in the Gospel of John, ultimately trading feelings of emptiness and depletion for the fullness of knowing who Jesus is in this in-depth Bible study.
In View Of Gods Mercies Bible Study Book With Video Access (Student/Study Guide)
$21.99Add to cartRomans is a passionate letter written by Paul, a man completely captured by the beauty, mercy, and majesty of God and His glorious salvation. Paul wanted his readers, then and now, to know how amazing and all-encompassing this salvation actually is-that it’s powerful, planned, eternal, free, and leads to a transformed life.
In this 9-session study, walk through the Book of Romans, focusing on specific passages to discover that salvation doesn’t just change your eternal future; it changes your present reality. Because of God’s salvation, hope, peace, life, faith, trust, and endurance are yours.
Learn that after God saves you, He invites you to join Him on His two-fold mission- to sanctify and transform you into the image of Jesus and to send you out into the world to share the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ.
3:16 Video Study Updated Edition (DVD)
$29.99Add to cartIn this updated classic, bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado unpacks the meaning behind John 3:16, one of the best-known and most-beloved passages in the Bible. This simple verse came out of an unusual conversation that Jesus had under the cover of night with a Pharisee named Nicodemus. From the start, Nicodemus made it clear he inhabited a land of good efforts, sincere gestures, and hard work. Give God your best, his philosophy said, and God does the rest. Jesus’ response? Your best won’t do. Your works don’t work. Unless you are born again, you can’t even see what God is doing.
Born again. The word born, by definition, implies a passive act. The enwombed child contributes nothing to the delivery. Postpartum celebrations applaud the work of the mother who does the delivery. And the Greek term that Jesus used for again implies that the one who did the work the first time will repeat it. In other words, the original Creator will re-create his creation! Born: God exerts the effort. Again: God restores the beauty. We don’t try again. We need, not the muscle of self, but a miracle of God.
The thought bewildered Nicodemus. “How can this be?” he asked. Jesus answered by leading him to the Hope diamond of the Bible: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” A twenty-six-word parade of hope: beginning with God, ending with life, and urging us to do the same. A verse brief enough to write on a napkin or memorize in a moment . . . yet solid enough to weather 2,000 years of storms and questions. As this study will reveal, the heart of the human problem is the heart of the human. And God’s treatment for the human heart is prescribed in John 3:16: “He loves. He gave. We believe. We live.”
The five sessions include:
1. The Most Famous Conversation in the Bible
2. Hope for the Hard Heart
3. The Heart He Offers
4. Heaven’s “Whoever” Policy
5. The Last Word on LifeDesigned for use with 3:16 Study Guide plus Streaming Video, Updated Edition. (sold separately).
Stories Jesus Told Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)
$19.99Add to cartStories Jesus Told Bible Study Book includes printed content for six sessions, personal study between group sessions, applicable Scripture, “How to Use This Study,” a leader guide, tips for leading a group, and a Bible reading plan.
Everyone loves a good story. Whether it’s a novel, film, or song, we are products of the narratives that have formed us-for good or bad. If you need fresh inspiration or are stuck living under the weight of a story you can’t shake off, consider this study of the parables of Jesus.
Through six sessions, you’ll hear directly from Jesus through the Word. His parables not only form (or reform) who we are, they reveal more about God than we ever thought possible. They provide the hope we’re looking for, speaking above all the other noise we may be experiencing.
Session topics:
1. Why Parables?
2. The Parable of the Soils
3. The Parables of Lost Things
4. The Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds
5. The Parable of the Prodigal Son
6. The Parable of the Talents -
Hope Explored Picture Cards
$4.99Add to cartHope Explored is a three-session evangelistic course that invites people to discover the lasting hope, peace and purpose that Jesus offers.
This Picture Pack contains 12 images to use as an opening activity to break the ice and prompt discussion about each session’s theme. Simply spread the images in front of your group, ask the question in the Guest handbook and see where conversation leads. For the best guest experience, you’ll need one set of pictures for each small group.
Hope Explored Leaders Kit
$29.99Add to cartThere are few emotions more powerful than hope. But these days, hope often feels hard to come by. Where can we find a hope that won’t disappoint us?
Looking at the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel, this three-session series from Christianity Explored Ministries shows that Christianity is about real hope: a joyful expectation for the future, based on true events in the past, which changes everything about my present.
It sounds good… but is it true? Whatever people do or don’t believe, Hope Explored offers them an opportunity to explore, to discuss and to discover the hope, peace and purpose Jesus offers.
With only three sessions, Hope Explored does not require a huge time commitment from guests and is one of the easiest ways to introduce someone to Christianity. The Christianity Explored series can then be run as a follow-up course for those eager to explore the Christian faith more.
This Leader’s Kit contains everything you need to evaluate and run your course:
– a Leader’s Guide
– a guest handbook
– picture cards
– a DVD
– a code to access video downloadsThe videos are presented by Rico Tice, Founder of Christianity Explored Ministries. They introduce the concepts for each session (Hope, Peace, Purpose) and deliver compelling Bible teaching from Luke’s Gospel. The ideas are then discussed as participants look at the Bible passage together.
Hope Explored Handbook
$3.99Add to cartThere are few emotions more powerful than hope. But these days, hope often feels hard to come by. Where can we find a hope that won’t disappoint us?
Looking at the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel, this three-session series from Christianity Explored Ministries shows that Christianity is about real hope: a joyful expectation for the future, based on true events in the past, which changes everything about my present.
It sounds good… but is it true? Whatever people do or don’t believe, Hope Explored offers them an opportunity to explore, to discuss and to discover the hope, peace and purpose Jesus offers.
This easy-to-use guest Handbook contains everything a participant needs for Hope Explored.
With only three sessions, Hope Explored does not require a huge time commitment and is one of the easiest ways to discover more about Christianity. It can be run in person or on video-meeting technology, in small groups or .
Leaders of this series will need a Leader’s Handbook and the video sessions, which are available as downloads or on DVD.
The videos are presented by Rico Tice, Founder of Christianity Explored Ministries. They introduce the concepts for each session (Hope, Peace, Purpose) and deliver compelling Bible teaching from Luke’s Gospel. The ideas are then discussed as participants look at the Bible passage together.
Hope Explored Leaders Handbook (Teacher’s Guide)
$9.99Add to cartThere are few emotions more powerful than hope. But these days, hope often feels hard to come by. Where can we find a hope that won’t disappoint us?
Looking at the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel, this three-session series from Christianity Explored Ministries shows that Christianity is about real hope: a joyful expectation for the future, based on true events in the past, which changes everything about my present.
It sounds good… but is it true? Whatever people do or don’t believe, Hope Explored offers them an opportunity to explore, to discuss and to discover the hope, peace and purpose Jesus offers.
With only three sessions, Hope Explored does not require a huge time commitment from guests and is one of the easiest ways to introduce someone to Christianity. The Christianity Explored series can then be run as a follow-up course for those eager to explore the Christian faith more.
The videos are presented by Rico Tice, Founder of Christianity Explored Ministries. They introduce the concepts for each session (Hope, Peace, Purpose) and deliver compelling Bible teaching from Luke’s Gospel. The ideas are then discussed as participants look at the Bible passage together.
Hope Explored : What’s The Best Future You Could Ever Imagine (DVD)
$14.99Add to cartThere are few emotions more powerful than hope. But these days, hope often feels hard to come by. Where can we find a hope that won’t disappoint us?
Looking at the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel, this three-session series from Christianity Explored Ministries shows that Christianity is about real hope: a joyful expectation for the future, based on true events in the past, which changes everything about my present.
It sounds good… but is it true? Whatever people do or don’t believe, Hope Explored offers them an opportunity to explore, to discuss and to discover the hope, peace and purpose Jesus offers.
With only three sessions, Hope Explored does not require a huge time commitment from guests, so it is one of the easiest ways to introduce someone to Christianity. It can be run in person or on video-meeting technology, in small groups or . The Christianity Explored series can then be run as a follow-up course for those eager to explore the Christian faith more.
On this DVD, Rico Tice, Founder of Christianity Explored Ministries, introduces the concepts for each session (Hope, Peace, Purpose) and delivers compelling Bible teaching from Luke’s Gospel. The ideas are then discussed as participants look at the Bible passage together.
God Of Freedom Bible Study Book With Video Access (Student/Study Guide)
$24.99Add to cartEvery book of the Bible tells us what is true about God. In Genesis we see Him as Creator and Covenant Maker. In Exodus we see Him as our strong Deliverer who sets us free from sin and death.
In this 10-session study of Exodus 19-40, journey through the story of how God shepherds His newly-liberated children into an understanding of what their freedom means: lives consecrated for service to God and to one another. Revisit familiar scenes of the giving of the Ten Commandments, the idolatrous worship of a golden calf, and of the intricate details of the tabernacle. And with fresh perspective, ask what these stories teach God’s children today about how to live as those set free.
In every page of the Bible, learn to see Christ through the stories of His people. And discover how the God who created you and made a covenant with you will deliver you from death to life, for His name and renown.
Additional purchase or renting of the video teaching sessions is recommended for the best experience of this Bible study book.
Encountering God Bible Study Book
$28.31Add to cartIn Encountering God, Kelly Minter explores how essential spiritual disciplines are to our faith experience and everyday lives. She’ll unpack the biblical foundation for these sacred habits along with approachable ways to practice disciplines like prayer, study, worship, rest, simplicity, hospitality, and celebration.
Over 8 sessions, you’ll discover that spiritual disciplines aren’t just one more thing to add to your to-do list, but they can actually create more margin in your life, resulting in deeper peace, communion, and rest. And perhaps most importantly, cultivating habits of faith help you know God more, as you release control to Him, express your need for Him, and walk in glad submission and worship of Him.
Hes Where The Joy Is Teen Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)
$15.99Add to cartThe Trinity.
Does just hearing that phrase make your eyes glaze over and your mind begin to reel? Are you paralyzed, afraid someone will ask you to explain who or what the Trinity is?
It’s easy to believe that the Trinity is such a lofty and mysterious idea it’s not even worth your time to try and grasp it. But God wants you to know Him and He reveals what might sometimes seem like intimidating doctrines of faith through His Word and the power of the Holy Spirit.
As you grow in your understanding of the Trinity, you’ll deepen your intimacy with God. In He’s Where the Joy Is, you’ll see that drawing closer to God ushers you into more peace and abundant life than you imagined possible-in His presence you’ll find fullness of joy.
In this seven-session study, Tara-Leigh Cobble carefully and biblically pulls back the curtain to help you get a clearer view of the Trinity. You’ll look at the Trinity as a whole and examine each of the Persons of God individually-Father, Son, and Spirit. You’ll see how knowing God in His three-in-oneness transforms how you relate to Him. A richer understanding of who God is will begin to inform everything about the way you make peace with your past, live in the present, look to the future, and interact with others.
What you learn about God will shape you for the rest of your life. He’s waiting to delight you with who He is.
Hes Where The Joy Is Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)
$15.99Add to cartIn this 7-session study, Tara-Leigh Cobble carefully and biblically pulls back the curtain to help you get a clearer view of the Trinity. You’ll look at the Trinity as a whole and examine each of the Persons of God individually-Father, Son, and Spirit. You’ll see how knowing God in His three-in-oneness transforms how you relate to Him. A richer understanding of who God is will begin to inform everything about the way you make peace with your past, live in the present, look to the future, and interact with others.
What you learn about God will shape you for the rest of your life. He’s waiting to delight you with who He is.
Women Of The Bible
$11.99Add to cartLoaded with charts, graphs, images, and fascinating facts, the Women of the Bible: Old Testament Bible Study is easy enough that the new believer understands, but in-depth enough that the longtime churchgoer still comes away learning something new.
This six-session Bible study explores the impact of incredible women from the Old Testament. With fascinating historical insights and engaging discussion questions, you’ll learn about Old Testament women such as:
*The outspoken matriarch Rebecca
*Five daughters who reshaped the law for women in ancient Israel
*The outstanding judge Deborah and the feisty warrior Jael
*A life-saving wise woman of a city under siege
*The hospitable woman of Shunem
*Lady Wisdom from the book of Proverbs who is the picture of wise living -
Growing With The Enneagram Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)
$14.99Add to cartWhen people discover the Enneagram, they are excited to learn more about their type–and curious about the typology of others in their lives. The problem is, not everyone is familiar with the Enneagram or aware of what their type might be.
To solve this problem, Elisabeth Bennett wrote Growing with the Enneagram: Guiding All Types in Spiritual Growth. Written specifically for group leaders to facilitate discussion, discovery, and spiritual discernment through the Enneagram, this study guide is designed to be used in conjunction with Elisabeth’s nine sixty-day Growing as an Enneagram devotional books that are tailored for each type.
Growing with the Enneagram enables groups to embark on a journey through Elisabeth’s Enneagram devotional series, meeting once a week for eight weeks or every other week for sixteen weeks. It could be used in a church organization setting, a college residence hall, a book club, or among a group of friends. Participants will:
*Develop a better understanding of their unique personality and everyday struggles
*Learn more about the whole Enneagram, not just their own type
*Find a community of like-minded Christians who are looking for spiritual growth
*Gain grace and understanding for other Enneagram types
*Have an opportunity to grow in relationship with others through deep conversation and activities based on each week’s topic
*Grow in their relationship with God as they better understand the ways in which we reflect Him
*Increase their faith journey through a devotional that speaks directly to them
Growing with the Enneagram includes group activities, frequently asked questions, and videos to aid the discussion leader.
Gentle And Lowly Study Guide And DVD
$39.99Add to cartIn his best-selling book, Gentle and Lowly, Dane Ortlund takes readers into the depths of Christ’s very heart for sinners. Focusing on Jesus’s words that he is “gentle and lowly in heart,” Ortlund dives deep into Bible passages that speak of who he is, encouraging readers with the affections of Christ for his people.
This Gentle and Lowly study guide and DVD set equips small groups and Sunday school classes to explore these biblical truths together. The Gentle and Lowly Video Study (DVD) features author Dane Ortlund introducing the study followed by eight 10-20 minute teaching sessions and a concluding message. Each of these 8 lessons corresponds to discussion questions in the Gentle and Lowly Study Guide that can be completed individually or discussed as a group.
Gentle And Lowly Book And Study Guide
$29.99Add to cartIn his best-selling book, Gentle and Lowly, Dane Ortlund takes readers into the depths of Christ’s very heart for sinners. Focusing on Jesus’s words that he is “gentle and lowly in heart,” Ortlund dives deep into Bible passages that speak of who he is, encouraging readers with the affections of Christ for his people.
This Gentle and Lowly book and study guide set is ideal for small groups and individuals looking to read the book and reflect further on these key biblical truths. The study guide features discussion questions organized into 8 lessons, with each lesson covering 2-3 chapters from the book. This set can also be used in conjunction with the Gentle and Lowly Video Study, sold separately.
Gentle And Lowly Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)
$11.99Add to cartA Study Guide Companion to the Best-Selling Book Gentle and Lowly
In his best-selling book, Gentle and Lowly, Dane Ortlund takes readers into the depths of Christ’s very heart for sinners. Focusing on Jesus’s words that he is “gentle and lowly in heart,” Ortlund dives deep into Bible passages that speak of who he is, encouraging readers with the affections of Christ for his people.
Designed as a supplement to the book, the Gentle and Lowly Study Guide helps readers reflect further on these key biblical truths. This helpful resource written by Dane Ortlund features discussion questions organized into 8 lessons, with each lesson covering 2-3 chapters from the book. Perfect for small groups and individuals alike, the Gentle and Lowly Study Guide can be used together with the book, the Gentle and Lowly Video Study, or both.
Anxious Teen Girls Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)
$15.99Add to cartWe live in a broken, sad, scary place. We don’t need to watch the natural disasters and political unrest in the news to know it; our own bodies tell us. Our bodies get sick. Our minds are fragile. The mortality rate for humans is astonishingly high. There is plenty to worry about. And the world is full of faulty solutions for our anxiety. But peace comes when we learn to hold God’s Word up to what worries us. There, we learn we can’t fix ourselves; we can’t protect ourselves.
Instead, the Bible tells us we can rest, knowing that Jesus walked into the broken, sad, scary place to rescue us and love us. When we fear the Lord rather than the brokenness in our world, we are able to take hold of the perfect peace that is only available in Him.
Peace is found in the already finished work of Christ, revealed to us over and over again in God’s Word, through prayer, and with our Christian community. When those of us who live with sinkhole awareness and constant cancer concern see the power of Jesus in the pages of the Bible, we can say with certainty, “The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” (Ps. 118:6).
Anxious Bible Study Book With Video Access (Student/Study Guide)
$19.99Add to cartWe live in a broken, sad, scary place. We don’t need to watch the natural disasters and political unrest in the news to know what our bodies already know. Our bodies get sick. Our minds are fragile. The mortality rate for humans is astonishingly high. There’s plenty to worry about, and the world is full of faulty solutions for our anxieties.
But true peace comes when we learn to hold God’s Word up to what worries us. There, we learn we can’t fix or protect ourselves. Instead, the Bible tells us we can rest, knowing Jesus walked into the broken, sad, scary place to rescue and love us. In this 8-session study, learn that when we fear the Lord rather than fearing the brokenness in our world, we are able to take hold of the perfect peace that is only available in Him.
How Much More Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)
$15.99Add to cartHave you ever wished certain passages weren’t in the Bible?
It can be all too easy to trade the truth of God’s grace and mercy for a skewed view of certain biblical texts that seem to paint God as oppressive, distant, or difficult to understand. Upon closer examination, this harsh view of God is the exact opposite of His true character. God welcomes His children with deep compassion and care, while holding all power and authority.
In this 7-session study, discover God’s extravagant love in some of Scripture’s most misunderstood passages. Because the God of the Old Testament is the same redemptive, loving, and grace-filled God we see through Christ in the New Testament.
How Much More will show you that God is for you-even in the places He may have seemed silent before.
John 1-3 Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)
$14.99Add to cartDrawing from the first 3 chapters of John’s Gospel, this study shows group members that Jesus became like us so that we could become like Him.
*Videos featuring author Matt Chandler
*12 small-group sessions with personal study between sessions
*Session video previews featuring author Matt Chandler
*Personal study opportunities for ongoing spiritual growth
*Promotional video
*Social media assets for the group leader -
Love Your Church
$14.99Add to cartGod calls us to be devoted to one another in love (Romans 12:10). What does this look like for us today? How can we be the kind of church member who makes a real difference?
This engaging book by Tony Merida explores what church is, why being part of it is exciting, and why it’s worthy of our love and commitment. He sets out eight privileges and responsibilities of a church member: to belong, to welcome, to gather, to care, to serve, to honor, to witness and to send.
As we see how wonderful it is to belong to God’s family and be a part of his amazing witness to both the earthly and the heavenly realms, we’ll grow in our love for and commitment to our local church.
This is a great book for every churchgoer to read, whether they’re new or have been attending for some time but need re-energizing with God’s vision for the local church.
With a discussion guide at the end of the book, Love Your Church is also a great resource for small groups.
With Us In The Wilderness Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)
$15.99Add to cartThe Book of Numbers is a story of identity, wilderness, and God. Numbers continues the historical narrative begun in Exodus, the story of God’s people newly freed from Egypt’s shackles and wandering toward the promised land. While Numbers accounts for the next 39 years of their wilderness wandering, it’s also a story of God’s presence among His beloved. Even when they rebelled-and this book tells of many rebellions-God’s love and promises remained. It’s in that love and those promises the children of Israel found their identity and where we must find ours today. (7 sessions)
God Of Creation Bible Study Book Revised (Student/Study Guide)
$26.65Add to cartThe opening lines and chapters of Genesis teach us fundamental truths about God. We watch Him bring light after darkness, order after chaos, and rest after toil-all through the power of His Word.
Over 10 sessions of verse-by-verse study, dive into the first 11 chapters of Genesis by following three critical stages of understanding: comprehension, interpretation, and application. Teaching videos are key in understanding this study. Revisit familiar stories and historical figures, challenge your basic knowledge, and discover deeper meanings in the text. As God reveals Himself through Scripture, we can only begin to understand ourselves when we first glimpse the character, attributes, and promises of our Creator.
Additional purchase or renting of the video teaching sessions is recommended for the best experience of this Bible study book.
Elijah Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)
$28.31Add to cartOld Testament heroes are best known for their most celebrated, highlight moments: Moses dividing the Red Sea; David slaying Goliath; Gideon routing an insurmountable army; Joshua marching around the defiant walls of Jericho.
And Elijah-calling down fire on Mount Carmel.
Blinded by the remarkable narratives of our biblical heroes, we can forget they each had a backstory-months and years of development, even difficulty, which fortified their spiritual muscle and prepared them for the tasks that made their lives unforgettable.
This 7-session Bible study, on one of the premier ancient prophets, is your invitation to surrender to that process.
Every serious believer longs to summon up the kind of boldness and faith that can stand firm on Mount Carmel and pray down heaven into impossible situations. Yet few are willing to go through the process required to get them there. Strength of faith, character, and boldness can only be shaped in the hidden fires of silence, sameness, solitude, and adversity. Those who patiently wait on God in the darkness emerge with their holy loyalty cemented, their courage emblazoned, and their confident belief in Him set afire.
Join author and Bible teacher Priscilla Shirer on a journey through the life and times of Elijah. Discover how the fire on Mount Carmel was forged in the valley of famine. And how the emboldened, fiery faith you desire is being fashioned by God in your life right now.
Habakkuk : Remembering God’s Faithfulness When He Seems Silent
$15.99Add to cartWhy does God seem silent when I need Him most?
The prophet Habakkuk faced great storms in life. His fears of the future crippled him with doubt and left him questioning God. How is it, then, that he is now a shining example of how the righteous live by faith?
Learn how the storms of life can become opportunities to activate your faith in Habakkuk: Remembering the Faithfulness of God When He Seems Silent. You’ll study the book of Habakkuk-which maybe you’ve never done before!-and discover how remembering is essential to understanding the faithfulness of God. Through daily Scripture, prayer, and meditation, you’ll enter the life of this prophet, and:
*Gain freedom to express your fear and frustration to God
*Remember that God is at work-even when He seems silent
*Increase your capacity to practice the art of waiting on God
*Learn how to navigate through the storms of life to live free from fear and full of joyThis six-week study provides daily interactive Bible study and an easy-to-use leader’s guide for group participation. Dannah Gresh also hosts a six-session podcast series to kick off each week of study. Find it at
Better Than Life Teen Girls Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)
$15.99Add to cartWhat does it mean to delight in God’s Word?
Faith and Fun don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Studying the Bible without a plan can be frustrating-kind of like trying to cook without a recipe. In Better Than Life: How to Study the Bible and Like It, Caroline Saunders offers a straightforward recipe girls can understand and enjoy by intentionally and creatively combining humor with the skills they need to get the most from their time in Scripture.
Girls will discover how God’s “steadfast love is better than life” (Ps. 63:3) as Caroline leads them through an in-depth study of Psalm 63, teaching them to consider the context, observe, interpret, apply, and delight in God’s Word.