Youth Ministry
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Life With Jesus Youth Edition
$9.99Add to cartWhat is it actually like to live with Jesus at the center of your life?
This 12-session youth discipleship course covers all the basics of what it means to be a Christian. It also explores what living your life with Jesus in charge actually looks like and why it’s “life to the full”.
These easy-to-lead sessions are designed to promote lively discussion and get into the practicalities of following Jesus in every area of life. Appropriate for teenagers who are still looking into becoming followers of Jesus as well as those who have already made a personal commitment.
Each session includes:
*a short story to help teens engage with the topic.
*a short Bible study that connects with the story.
*two pages of teaching to read, interspersed with discussion questions.
*an activity or game.
*a reflection/prayer idea.Can be used in youth groups or one to one. Buy copies for each leader and each participant.
Luke In The Land Teen Girls Bible Study Book With Video Access (Student/Study Gu
$21.99Add to cartIn our Bibles, we have four Gospels describing Jesus’s time on earth: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The land of Israel-the place Jesus walked and taught during His earthly ministry-is often referred to as the “fifth Gospel.”
Follow Kristi McLelland through Israel as we study snapshots from the Gospel of Luke to see where the stories of the Bible took place. Over seven sessions, teen girls will get to join in the journey as Kristi teaches from locations in Israel like Bethlehem, the Sea of Gallilee, Gethsemane, Jerusalem, and the road to Emmaus. Along the way, they’ll see how Jesus, the Messiah, brought His kingdom to earth for everybody.
*7 video teaching sessions shot in Israel with Kristi McLelland, available via redemption code printed in the Bible study workbook
*Beautiful color photography that helps you visualize places where Jesus ministered
*6 weeks of personal study
Made Worthy Teen Girls Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)
$15.99Add to cartYou Are Worthy
To truly know our worth, we must first understand that Jesus is the only One who can make us worthy. Nothing we can do on our own will ever measure up. We don’t have to earn Jesus’s love to know that He loves us. In fact, because He is the One who has made us worthy, we can live boldly as an example of what true worth looks like. We can quit trying to check every box and rest in the One who made us and sees us.
In this five-session Bible study, Mary Margaret West teaches teen girls what it means to be made worthy of Christ as she examines the lives of people in the Bible whom God called worthy because of their faith.
*Five small group sessions?
*Leader Guide in the back of the Bible study book to guide questions and discussion with small groups?
*Biblically rooted and gospel-centered?
*Personal study opportunities for ongoing spiritual growth?
*Free leader resources, including promotional video and social media assets available for download at
This book will lead girls to…?
*identify who God is and how He made them??
*understanding they cannot earn love from God??
*know what it means to find their worth in God alone??
*live boldly because of where their worth is found?? -
Faith Beyond Youth Group
$24.99Add to cartMost typical youth ministries today produce nice, obedient kids who behave themselves–and then leave the church and the faith. Even those who remain struggle to extend their own faith beyond youth group. They seem like “good kids,” but their lives and decisions outside youth group aren’t oriented towards Jesus. Clearly that is not our goal. So what are we doing wrong? And how can we better serve the unique needs of the most anxious, adaptive, and diverse generation in history?
If you’re tired of youth ministry that fails to change lives, it’s time to change youth ministry. Building on two decades of the Fuller Youth Institute’s work and incorporating extensive new research and interviews, Faith Beyond Youth Group identifies the reasons youth ministry often fails both short-term and long-term, and offers five ways adult youth leaders can cultivate character for a lifetime of growing closer to Jesus rather than drifting away. It shows leaders how to cultivate trust, model growth, teach for transformation, practice together, and make meaning so that the teenagers can become adults who hold fast to the truth 24/7 and boldly live out a robust faith in a watching world.
What To Wear
$12.99Add to cartHelping kids fall in love with God and His Word as they study the Bible for themselves.
What to Wear is your kids’ journey into their truest identity–Jesus Christ!
The Apostle Paul tells us that our identity is in Christ, and we need to dress the part. All who follow Jesus–kids included–must take off and put on certain things. What to Wear is an eight-part study of these items of “clothing” Paul teaches about in Colossians 3. How do we put on compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, patience, forbearance, forgiveness, and love?
This study shows your kids how Jesus perfectly embodies these virtues and how He enables us to grow in them. Apart from Jesus Christ, our attempts to form these traits in our children will fail. Yet when tied to identity in Christ and our belonging in the church, we see the fruit of these qualities developed in our minds and hearts.
Kids are encouraged to learn algebra, science, instruments, and athletics. The goal of this study is to help our kids live into their calling to know and love Jesus by studying His Word. In this study, kids will learn the method of observation, interpretation, and application. As kids learn how to read the Bible for themselves, they’ll also grow to delight in God’s Word.
What to Wear provides the encouragement and guidance needed for your kids journey into looking like Jesus!
Jesus And Women For Teen Girls Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)
$26.65Add to cartBiblical Studies, Kristi McLelland
Additional Info
“Take heart, daughter.” Matthew 9:22
Jesus brought comfort, restoration, and salvation to women thousands of years ago. And this gospel hope is available to you today, too. Join biblical culturalist Kristi McLelland as she takes you back to Jesus’s first-century world, explaining the historical and cultural climate of His day to help you know Him more dearly.This 8-session teen Bible study is a thoughtful look at several of Jesus’s interactions with women in the Bible that will fuel your worship of the Living God.
Ruth Teen Girls Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)
$15.99Add to cartRuth: Loss, Love & Legacy by Kelly Minter is a Bible study for teen girls that traces Ruth’s journey of unbearable loss, redeeming love, and divine legacy. This 6-week study delves into the virtuous character of Ruth, her unique relationship with her mother-in-law, Naomi, and her blossoming love with Boaz. If you’ve ever felt devastated, struggled as a stranger, longed to be loved, or wept along the way, you’ll find a loyal sister in Ruth.
Next Gen Faith
$18.99Add to cartWhen the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth? (Luke 18:8)
Jesus’s question is one that should bother all Christians. Increasing numbers of people don’t go to church. Only 4 percent of those born between 1998 and 2013 have a biblical worldview. The rest don’t believe in the Bible, absolute moral truth, or a loving, all-powerful Creator. They don’t even believe in the concept of sin.
We have failed. We have not taken to heart the biblical admonishment to pass on our faith from one generation to the next.
Yet youth pastor Jeff Grenell believes that once American teens and young adults discover that God is even more amazing than Stranger Things, “they will be hooked.”
He notes, “Our world is familiar with the supernatural, but the church is foreign to it. If this changes in the church today, we may have one of the best apologetic tools to reach this generation because the supernatural is in the DNA of the church and its message. Most American teenagers and youth culture are drawn to the spectacular and the spiritual.”
Jeff has written Next Gen Faith: 12 Spiritual Practices for Youth in an effort to reverse the godless trend among the next generations. Written in the vein of the classic Christian book The Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster, Next Gen Faith is designed to provide key steps for spiritual formation for both Christian adults who work with youth as well as teens and young adults themselves.
Formation For Mission
$29.99Add to cartHelping the next generation live for Christ
As Christian adolescents develop into adults, they face unique questions and challenges. But this stage of life also provides unique opportunities for all who care about the spiritual flourishing of the next generation. Created in partnership with the Wheaton College Billy Graham Center, Formation for Mission empowers those who interact with teenagers and young adults. Gathering wisdom from a diverse variety of veteran teachers and weaving together research–informed social, theological, and practical insights, each chapter examines essential features in the missional development, formation, and contexts of young people. Questions for reflection and discussion move the conversation forward.
Each generation is commissioned to pass the faith on to the next and help them live for Christ, enter congregational life, and engage in Christian mission. With cultural awareness and sensitivity to the challenges of today, Formation for Mission offers hopeful advice to those who are invested in supporting the spiritual thriving of emerging adults.
Everyday Theology Teen Girls Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)
$26.65Add to cartTheology is the study of God, what He has done, is doing, and will do in the world. And it’s not just for those with formal education or those who work at your church. It’s for you in your everyday moments, questions, and decisions. It’s for the big and little, the exciting and mundane. Our theology is the basis of our faith and touches every part of our existence.
In this 8-session study, teen girls will explore the essential doctrines of Scripture, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, humanity, salvation, the church, and the end times to know God more deeply through these foundational truths.
Youth Ministry As Mission
$21.99Add to cartEquipping youth ministers with the tools of a crosscultural missionary
The parallels between ministry within youth culture and global missions have long been touted by youth ministry experts, yet few resources exist to help youth workers benefit apply the insights of missiologists. In Youth Ministry as Mission, Brian Hull and Patrick Mays fill this gap with an introduction to missiology, missions practice, and missionary witness tailored especially for a youth ministry context.
Youth ministers will discover missiological language that not only describes realities they face regularly, but also provides practical cross-cultural activities that translate well to youth ministries. Hull and Mays address issues such as these:
*Avoiding ethical relativism while understanding historical and methodological changes in missions
*Translating stories and practicing storytelling as preparation for witnessing
*Training for witness in a multi-religious context
Youth Ministry as Mission will be a valuable guide for college and seminary students but will also be a breath of fresh air to those already working as youth directors and youth ministers.
Experiencing God Teen Bible Study Book Revised (Revised)
$15.99Add to cartJesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10). Would you believe me if I told you Jesus wants you to experience life to the fullest? God has offered you a standing invitation to an intimate love relationship with Him-a relationship that will enable you to…
*hear when God is speaking to you,
*find out where God is working and join Him,
*discover that God pursues a love relationship with you that is real and personal,
*face crises of belief as you join God where He’s working, and
*experience God doing through you what only God can do.Join Mike Blackaby and Daniel Blackaby as they walk with you through this timeless 8-week study, and get ready to see God at work in your life.
Hes Where The Joy Is Teen Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)
$15.99Add to cartThe Trinity.
Does just hearing that phrase make your eyes glaze over and your mind begin to reel? Are you paralyzed, afraid someone will ask you to explain who or what the Trinity is?
It’s easy to believe that the Trinity is such a lofty and mysterious idea it’s not even worth your time to try and grasp it. But God wants you to know Him and He reveals what might sometimes seem like intimidating doctrines of faith through His Word and the power of the Holy Spirit.
As you grow in your understanding of the Trinity, you’ll deepen your intimacy with God. In He’s Where the Joy Is, you’ll see that drawing closer to God ushers you into more peace and abundant life than you imagined possible-in His presence you’ll find fullness of joy.
In this seven-session study, Tara-Leigh Cobble carefully and biblically pulls back the curtain to help you get a clearer view of the Trinity. You’ll look at the Trinity as a whole and examine each of the Persons of God individually-Father, Son, and Spirit. You’ll see how knowing God in His three-in-oneness transforms how you relate to Him. A richer understanding of who God is will begin to inform everything about the way you make peace with your past, live in the present, look to the future, and interact with others.
What you learn about God will shape you for the rest of your life. He’s waiting to delight you with who He is.
Anxious Teen Girls Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)
$15.99Add to cartWe live in a broken, sad, scary place. We don’t need to watch the natural disasters and political unrest in the news to know it; our own bodies tell us. Our bodies get sick. Our minds are fragile. The mortality rate for humans is astonishingly high. There is plenty to worry about. And the world is full of faulty solutions for our anxiety. But peace comes when we learn to hold God’s Word up to what worries us. There, we learn we can’t fix ourselves; we can’t protect ourselves.
Instead, the Bible tells us we can rest, knowing that Jesus walked into the broken, sad, scary place to rescue us and love us. When we fear the Lord rather than the brokenness in our world, we are able to take hold of the perfect peace that is only available in Him.
Peace is found in the already finished work of Christ, revealed to us over and over again in God’s Word, through prayer, and with our Christian community. When those of us who live with sinkhole awareness and constant cancer concern see the power of Jesus in the pages of the Bible, we can say with certainty, “The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” (Ps. 118:6).
Better Than Life Teen Girls Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)
$15.99Add to cartWhat does it mean to delight in God’s Word?
Faith and Fun don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Studying the Bible without a plan can be frustrating-kind of like trying to cook without a recipe. In Better Than Life: How to Study the Bible and Like It, Caroline Saunders offers a straightforward recipe girls can understand and enjoy by intentionally and creatively combining humor with the skills they need to get the most from their time in Scripture.
Girls will discover how God’s “steadfast love is better than life” (Ps. 63:3) as Caroline leads them through an in-depth study of Psalm 63, teaching them to consider the context, observe, interpret, apply, and delight in God’s Word.
Manga Majesty : The Revelation Of The End Times!
$12.99Add to cartManga Majesty: The Revelation of the End Times! is a biblically accurate retelling of the book of Revelation presented in authentic Japanese Manga style. This last book in the six-volume series from NEXTmanga combines cutting-edge illustration with fast-paced storytelling to deliver biblical truth to an ever-changing, postmodern culture. More than 10 million books in over 40 different languages have been distributed worldwide in the series. Manga is the visual language of the world’s largest unreached people group: the worldwide youth culture. NEXTmanga brings the story of the Bible into the heart language of young people everywhere using this innovative graphic novel format.
Because Of Gracia A Film And Faith Conversation Guide (Student/Study Guide)
$14.99Add to cartThe Because of Gracia Film and Faith Conversation Guide is a different kind of resource from most movie discussion guides, and it’s different from most bible studies. It’s a 45-day experience to spark conversations on the challenges students face every day as Christians. Based on the themes of Because of Gracia, each week’s conversation has info on group activities and then follows up with five days of devotional reflections for a student and his or her conversation partner. Topics and conversations include Practicing Friendship (teen dating and relationships), Choosing Life (pro-life values and ministering to those facing teen pregnancy), and Voicing Faith (defense of one’s faith in public). These Because of Gracia conversations will help students know how to handle the life-altering choices they face everyday– friendships and relationships, dating and falling in love, how to choose life and support those facing teen pregnancy, and how to confidently voicing your faith and beliefs in public. So let this film and faith conversation be a part of their faith journey, and get real with these real-life questions on God, friendship, and love.
Because Of Gracia A Film And Faith Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)
$9.99Add to cartBecause of Gracia: A Film and Faith Leader’s Guide equips youth pastors and small group leaders to explore the key themes in this award-winning film through a life-changing discipleship curriculum. The nine-week guide contains three weeks of “Conversations” on three core topics from the film, Practicing Friendship (God’s Design for Relationships), Choosing Life (Teen Pregnancy and the Sanctity of Life), and Voicing Faith (Defending Christianity in Public). The Because of Gracia Leader’s Guide is designed for use with the related Because of Gracia Film and Faith Conversation Guide for students, a unique hybrid experience that offers complementary material for small group sessions, as well as daily reflections for students to use throughout the week in “conversation partner” pairs. The resulting 45-day experience allows young Christians to pursue discipleship with others, while helping them to wrestle with the difficult issues they’re facing today. The Because of Gracia curriculum was created to affirm that with God’s amazing and empowering grace, young people CAN live in a new way.
Take your students on a spiritual journey alongside Gracia, Chase, and the rest of Eastglenn High as they face life-altering decisions, learning that grace is both the gift of mercy when we fail and our empowerment to live in truth and light.
Foundations For Kids (Student/Study Guide)
$14.99Add to cartFoundations for Kids is a 260-day reading plan for kids that highlights the foundational passages of Scripture every disciple should know. Foundations for Kids follows the H.E.A.R. method. The acronym H.E.A.R. stands for Highlight, Explain, Apply, and Respond. Each of these four steps contributes to creating an atmosphere to hear God speak:
HEAR: Kids will study God’s Word and memorize a verse.
EXPLAIN: Kids will read an explanation of the verses.
APPLICATION: Kids will work an activity to help them apply the Bible truth.
RESPOND: Kids will have the opportunity to respond in prayer. -
Plan To Protect US Edition
$59.99Add to cartA protection plan for children and youth;
A protection plan for those who work with them.Plan to Protect (TM) is not about what we need to do to run programs and activities, and it is not about placing a hardship on your staff and volunteers. Abuse prevention and protection of children and young people is not something we have to do, but something we have the privilege of doing. It is a privilege to create a safe environment in order to have our communities trust us with their family members.
As you implement Plan to Protect (TM) your efforts are a ministry in itself to:protect children
protect young people
demonstrate your care for your staff and volunteers
demonstrate care to parents and family members
empower and nurture the healing of victim-survivors
demonstrate grace, restoration and welcome to the offender that comes into your church
demonstrate accountability and integrity and
bring Glory to God
Skinny On Communication
$6.99Add to cartEverything you do and say sends a message to the people around you. So what message are you sending to the teenagers in your youth group-and to their parents and to other people connected to your ministry? It’s impossible to meet teenagers’ foundational needs without effective communication. And the more effectively you communicate, the better you can give your students exactly what they’re seeking and needing.The Skinny on Communication isn’t about formulas or a five-step plan that will solve your communication problems as a youth worker. But it will guide you through specific principles that can move you closer toward mastering this vital skill. You’ll explore practical ideas for communicating effectively with teenagers, parents, and other partners in your ministry-and you’ll see how all of these practices can be rooted in Christ-like love. Prepare to be challenged, and allow yourself to be surprised. And along the way, re-examine your assumptions and seek a fresh perspective on communicating effectively as a youth worker.
Skinny On Service
$6.99Add to cartTake a look around at the brokenness in this world and its spiritual poverty. Jesus wants to change all of that, and he’s looking for teenagers who want that change to start in them. Youth worker, that’s where you come in! When your students serve others, they’re serving Jesus. Serving helps teenagers draw closer to Jesus and become more like him. And serving creates opportunities to talk about Jesus and share his amazing good news. Ultimately, every act of genuine Christian service points to Jesus’ act of service on the cross.The Skinny on Service unpacks the powerful reasons why it’s important for you and your students to serve others, but you’ll also get page after page of practical ideas on how to serve. You’ll be equipped to help teenagers discover the joy of serving faithfully “before,” even if they don’t personally get to see the fruit “after.” Teenagers aren’t just looking for a great youth worker-they’re looking for a Christ-follower who is leaving footsteps they can step into. And when you lead the way by serving, that’s exactly what you’re doing.
Skinny On Outreach
$6.99Add to cartDoes the idea of outreach excite you? Does it intimidate you? Does it frustrate you? In the context of youth ministry, outreach is simply looking beyond yourself and equipping teenagers to do the same. It’s about a commitment to encouraging and equipping teenagers to engage in a lifestyle of sharing the world-altering message of Jesus. Jesus commands us to reach out, compassion compels us to reach out, and true discipleship calls us to reach out. The Skinny on Outreach delivers specific, tangible ideas for building a youth ministry where teenagers discover how every area of life offers ongoing opportunities for relational evangelism. This book will fuel your passion for reaching out and sharing the message of Jesus-and for inviting teenagers into this exciting adventure, too. When your teenagers are on a mission with Jesus and telling people about him, they’ll also grow deeply in him. Help your students become life-changing ambassadors for Jesus’ message of grace and hope. And join Jesus in the quest for the unreached teenagers in your community!
Skinny On Parents
$6.99Add to cartParents are the biggest influence on the lives of teenagers-a fact that research has proved again and again. Yet interactions with parents can be one of the trickiest areas for a youth worker to navigate well. Great youth ministries are passionate about helping parents-the key influence on teenage faith-succeed in their God-given roles. That’s the foundational message of The Skinny on Parents, which will lead you toward a place where you focus more of your energy on resourcing, equipping, partnering with, and empowering parents. Parents are not the enemy. Ignoring them will diminish the impact of your ministry. Most parents struggle with fears but also want help. And you can come alongside them to partner in helping teenagers fully step into a life of faith. This book is filled with practical ideas that will energize your ministry to parents and families. And if you as a youth worker provide help in a way that allows parents to feel more equipped and confident, then everyone wins: families, teenagers, and your youth ministry!
Skinny On Volunteers
$6.99Add to cartA youth ministry needs a solid group of volunteers to be truly effective. We youth workers all know this-but how do we make it happen? Many of us don’t do much when it comes to mobilizing volunteers and equipping them for ministry. Our plate is already full, and building a great team sounds like yet another task to add to the list. But what if your efforts to mobilize and equip volunteers actually lightened your schedule? What if this investment of time actually paid back double, quadruple, or even tenfold?The Skinny on Volunteers will help you concentrate on three simple skills that will help you mobilize and equip leaders: recruiting, keeping, and training volunteers. Yes, volunteers take time. But you’ll discover the rewards of investing in a team of people who will love teenagers, connect with them, and disciple them.
Team Mate Teen Planner Youth Version
$3.99Add to cartThe Right Tool for Implementing Youth TEAM Evangelism. This pocket-sized booklet offers teens a fun and convenient method of praying for and following up on the progress of friends and relatives they wish to see come to Christ. Your teens will enjoy learning the principles of team evangelism, the importance of faithful prayer, and the benefit of keeping a record of those for whom they are praying. This booklet will encourage teens to touch the lives of their prospects by spending time with them and helping meet their practical needs.
99 Thoughts For Small Group Leaders
$7.99Add to cartLives are changed. Decisions are made. Jokes are shared. Lifelong friendships are formed.
If you’re a small group leader, you probably ask yourself lots of questions. Am I making a difference? Am I wisely investing my time, energy, and resources? How can I maximize my impact in these kids’ lives?
Find the answers you’re looking for in 99 Thoughts for Small Group Leaders. Like other books in our 99 Thoughts series, Joshua Griffin’s latest book delivers insights, tips, and veteran advice for small group leaders. When put into play, these bite-size, consumable pieces of wisdom can help leaders “knock it out of the park,” setting them up to win.
If you’re a small group leader, you’ll come back to this book again and again for encouragement, inspiration, and direction.
And if you’re a leader of leaders, you’ll want to put this book into the hands of every small group leader-an investment in their lives and the lives of students in your youth ministry.
On The Spot No Prep Games For Youth Ministry
$5.99Add to cartThe phrase on the spot usually has negative connotations. Ever been put on the spot at work? Perhaps you’ve been called upon to offer an impromptu speech in front of a group of unsympathetic peers. Nothing brings on the flop sweat like being put on the spot.
Well, we’re turning that phrase upside-down. Now on the spot is all about fun, not fear. It’s all about possibility, not panic. Are things dragging in your youth group meeting? You can fix that on the spot. Just choose a game from these pages and liven things up in an instant. Find yourself with a moment between activities, surrounded by a crowd of restless teenagers? Flip to a game in this book and turn that boredom into fun.
On the Spot games are easy to lead and require no props (except for the occasional chair or items group members already have in their possession). In fact, these are so easy to use, you don’t have to plan ahead at all. (Thus, the whole on the spot theme we’ve been promoting.) The games in this book work well as crowdbreakers or time-eaters or just-for-fun-ers.
You’ll be cheered as a hero for saving the day. Revered for your ability to “think on your feet.” (Okay, maybe “read on your feet” is more accurate. But it’s still a valuable skill worthy of reverence.) Or maybe you’ll just end up turning a down time into an up one.
Forget the flop sweat. Have fun with your group instead. Right where you are. Right now.
On the spot.