Bible Studies
Showing 401–447 of 447 resultsSorted by latest
Isaiah : Trusting God In Troubled Times (Student/Study Guide)
$12.00Add to cartSometimes we look at our lives or our world and wonder what good could possibly come out of it. That’s exactly what we find in the book of isaiah. Here you’ll see how the prophet raises a cry for revival in the midst of a rotting society. And you’ll find comfort for your own troubled times. This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study. Includes 22 studies for individuals or groups.
Luke : New Hope New Joy (Student/Study Guide)
$12.00Add to cartGood news. It was good news not only of Jesus’ birth but of what he offered to everyone throughout his ministry. To the sick he offered healing. To the hurting, comfort. To the outcast, acceptance. In this study guide you will discover that this message of hope and joy is for you as well. This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study. 26 studies in 2 parts for individuals or groups.
Attitudes Of A Transformed Heart (Student/Study Guide)
$14.95Add to cartChristians and non-Christians alike often embrace a low view of God, and consequently a casual view of sin and Scripture. This low view of God is reflected in their attitudes about God, their attitudes about Scripture, and their attitudes of the heart. This book is about being “transformed” by the renewing of your mind” and not being “conformed to this world” (Romans 12:2).
Your Heart is who you are on the inside. It is what you think, your motives, and your desires. Our hearts have been conformed to the world’s way of thinking. Paul wrote, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” (Romans 12:2). It takes grace from God and work on our part for our minds to be transformed to think God-honoring thoughts and to truly discern unbiblical philosophies.
If you have a teachable heart, this book will help you truly honor God by what you think. Study questions are at the end of each chapter. -
Epistle To The Romans
$24.99Add to cartEffectively minister from the book of Romans as it comes alive in this verse by verse commentary. The Epistle to the Romans is a valuable tool for theological study, referencing, bible study, sermon preparation, teaching, and instruction, as well as a tremendous source for personal enrichment.
Proverbs : Learning To Live Wisely (Student/Study Guide)
$12.00Add to cartThe book of Proverbs is the Bible’s how-to manual. The proverbs teach us how to be successful and prosperous in our work, our dealings with family and friends, and our relationship with God. The direction and guidance they give us is practical, concrete, reasonable and fruitful. By reading Proverbs we discover the vital importance of learning to live wisely. Now available in IVP’s revised LifeGuide Bible Study format, Proverbs features questions for starting group discussions and for personal reflection, as well as a new “Now or Later” section following each session. 10 studies, for individuals or groups.
1 Corinthians : The Challenges Of Life Together (Student/Study Guide)
$12.00Add to cartLife among Christians can be great. But it can also be exasperating! The joys of fellowship in Christ too often give way to division and debate. You may find yourself drawn into arguments over such things as the correct form of worship or the proper role of charismatic gifts. Perhaps you wonder, Why don’t we get along together as we should? Or How can we recapture the unity of the early church? Surprisingly, the first Christian believers didn’t always live in harmony either! As Paul Stevens and Dan Williams lead you through this study of 1 Corinthians, you will see that the issues facing the Corinthian church are little different from the ones your church struggles with year after year. Here in 1 Corinthians is a portrait of Christian community not as it was meant to be, but as it often really is. But here too is practical advice for overcoming the challenges of life together.
Exodus : Learning To Trust God (Student/Study Guide)
$12.00Add to cartAs you study the book of Exodus, you’ll see that Israel faced similar struggles to trust God completely. In this story of hardship and hope, you’ll discover along with Israel that God–and God alone–is worthy of our trust. This LifeGuide Bible Study features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection. Leader’s notes are included with information on study preparation, leading the study and small group components as well as helps for specific Bible passages covered in the study. Presented in a convenient workbook format and featuring the inductive Bible study approach, LifeGuides are thoroughly field-tested prior to publication; they’re proven and popular guides for digging into Scripture on your own or with a small group.
Matthew : Being Discipled By Jesus (Student/Study Guide)
$12.00Add to cartWhat if you were Jesus’ disciple? What would he teach you? Find out when you study Matthew’s Gospel. This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and an extra “Now or Later” section in each study.
Sermon On The Mount (Student/Study Guide)
$12.00Add to cart1. Unexpected Blessings – Matthew 5:1-12
2. God’s Way To Make A Difference – Matthew 5:13-16
3. The Importance Of Obeying God’s Law – Matthew 5:17-20
4. What’s Wrong With Private Sins? – Matthew 5:21-30
5. Faithfulness Inn Marriage And Speech – Matthew 5:31-37; 19:3-9
6. How To Really Love Your Enemies – Matthew 5:38-48
7. How Not To Be Religious – Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18
8. A Pattern For Dynamic Prayer – Matthew 6:7-15
9. What God Thinks Of My Ambitions – Matthew 6:19-34
10. Relationships That Encourage – Matthew 7:1-12
11. Detecting The Lies Of Our World – Matthew 7:13-20
12. Making The Choice Of A Lifetime – Matthew 7:21-29Additional Info
What does it mean to seek first the kingdom of God in life? Hear Jesus’ amazing answers when you study the greatest sermon ever preached. -
Daniel : Spiritual Living In A Secular World (Student/Study Guide)
$12.00Add to cartA permissive society, a power-hungry people, a nation without God. Daniel’s situation in Babylon sounds quite a bit like our own. In the midst of such forces, how can we remain loyal to biblical values? How can we have a positive impact on those around us? Daniel gives us practical and personal help with these questions.
This LifeGuide Bible Study features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection. Leader’s notes are included with information on study preparation, leading the study and small group components as well as helps for specific Bible passages covered in the study. Presented in a convenient workbook format and featuring the inductive Bible study approach, LifeGuides are thoroughly field-tested prior to publication; they’re proven and popular guides for digging into Scripture on your own or with a small group.
Fruit Of The Spirit (Student/Study Guide)
$12.00Add to cartLove, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. To be spiritually mature is to show the fruit of the Spirit of Christ in our lives. These nine New and Old Testament passages highlighting each quality will allow the Spirit’s fruit to ripen in our lives. This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal, together with expanded leader’s notes and an extra “Now or Later” section in each study.
Joshua : The Power Of Gods Promises (Student/Study Guide)
$12.00Add to cartThe book of Joshua reads like an exciting novel-from the miraculous crossing of the Jordan to the crash of the walls of Jericho and the sun stopping in the sky. Through it all, we see God’s faithfulness and power. Studying Joshua encourages us to persevere in our own daily battles, arming us with the powerful weapons we need- God’s promises. This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and an extra “Now or Later” section in each study. 12 studies for individuals or groups.
Old Testament Characters (Student/Study Guide)
$12.00Add to cartAbraham gives us an unforgettable portrait of faith. Daniel is a classic exmple of holiness. And through her willingness to rish her own life, Esther shows us what commitment means. This LifeGuide explores the lives of these and other Bible characters. Their example helps us live in the present by learning from people of the past.
Psalms : Prayers Of The Heart (Student/Study Guide)
$12.00Add to cartThe Psalms show us how to relate to God as we pray our doubt, fears, and anger. They show us how to respond to God in praise. Here we find the best place to explore who we are and what God means to us. This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and an extra “Now or Later” section in each study.
Genesis : Gods Creative Call (Student/Study Guide)
$12.00Add to cartDo you struggle to know and to follow God’s call for you in the world? Genesis tells us that even the giants of faith- Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph-struggled to obey their Creator. But Genesis also reveals the amazing truth that the God who called a world and a nations in to being also calls each of us to serve Him.
Galatians : Why God Accepts Us (Student/Study Guide)
$12.00Add to cartThe human acceptance we long for often comes only if we are attractive, smart, wealthy or powerful. And God’s standards seem even higher. We think we must work harder, live better, pray longer and witness to more people to get on God’s good side. In Galatians Paul shows us the true source of our acceptance–Jesus Christ. This revised LifeGuide Bible study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and an extra “Now or Later” section in each study.
Romans : Becoming New In Christ (Student/Study Guide)
$12.00Add to cartOur prayer life becomes stagnant. We forget why we are serving God. And the world’s ways subtly become our ways. Romans addresses these problems and shows us how we can break out of old patterns and become new in Christ. The revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and an extra “Now or Later” section in each study.
Heaven : Finding Our True Home (Student/Study Guide)
$12.99Add to cart1. Preparing A Place
2. The Last Frontier
3. Rapture Ahead
4. Run To Win
5. Practicing Our Praise
6. Welcome To The Party
7. Working For Your Father
8. Looking For A CityAdditional Info
Heaven is hard for us to picture. We think of floating on clouds and playing harps or waling on streets of gold. While we know we want to go there, we are a little nervous about what it will be like. This study provides us with a biblical perspective on heaven-something richer and more exciting than we could even imagine. -
Ephesians : Wholeness For A Broken World (Student/Study Guide)
$12.00Add to cartBroken marriages, shattered friendships, racial divisions, war between nations-we live in a fractured world. How can the pieces be put back together? In Ephesians Paul lifts the veil from the future to allow us to see God’s plan to unite everyone and everything in Christ. Studying this book will renew your hope.
Philippians : Jesus Our Joy (Student/Study Guide)
$12.00Add to cartIt is easy to be happy when things go well. But what would it be like to have a sense of joy that continues even in times of trouble? Such was the deep joy that the apostle Paul experienced-even in prison. His contentment was neither dependent on circumstances nor changed by difficulty. In his brief letter to the Philippians, Paul teaches us how to live joyfully in every situation.
Mark : Follow Me (Student/Study Guide)
$12.00Add to cartIn the book of Mark we meet Jesus, the man who is King. He shatters our expectations. He comes to serve and not to be served. He eats with sinners rather than royalty. And His crown is made of thorns. This is the one who calls us to follow Him. This is a revised LifeGuide Bible Study with new questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, expanded leader’s notes, and a “Now or Later” section with each study
Spiritual Warfare : 9 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)
$12.00Add to cart1. Detecting The Deceiver – 2 Corinthians 11:1-15
2. Facing Temptation – Matthew 4:1-11
3. The Serpent’s Strategy – Genesis 3:1-6
4. The Armor Of God – Ephesians 6:10-20
5. The War Within – James 4:1-10
6. Defeating The Destroyer – Mark 5:1-20
7. Overcoming Our Accuser – Revelation 12:7-12
8. Surviving Satan’s Attacks – Job 1–2
9. Standing Firm – 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17Additional Info
What is spiritual warfare? What does it look life? How does it affect us? The Bible has much to say about the battles we face. These studies will deepen our understanding of our supernatural struggle and direct us to sources of power and hope. This LifeGuide Bible Study in the new revised format features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, as well as a new “Now or Later” section in each study. -
Parables : The Greatest Stories Ever Told (Student/Study Guide)
$12.00Add to cartEveryone loves a good story. But the parables of Jesus are a special kind of story. They sneak up on us, catching us off guard. The familiar suddenly takes an unexpected twist, and we find our secret thoughts exposed in the healing light of Jesus. In this guide John White, author of the bestselling book The Fight, helps us explore twelve of the greatest stories ever told.
Hebrews : Life Changing Encounter With Gods Word From The Book Of Hebrews (Stude
$14.99Add to cartThis is a study of HEBREWS a, which reigns unchallenged as the New Testament’s finest commentary on the relationship between Christ and the Old Testament. It contains a chal lenging message to live wholeheartedly for Christ in every situation. In this Bible study participants will learn historical in- sights and word definitions. Also included are discussion questions, asssignments, and a leader’s guide. Format: Workbook Audience: New Christian Number of Lessons: 19 Average Number of Questions: 18 Prep Time: Medium
Mark : A Life Changing Encounter With Gods Word (Student/Study Guide)
$14.99Add to cartLIFECHANGE Bible studies allow the Bible to speak for itself. You’ll see for yourself what it says–not what someone else thinks it says–and develop the skills and desire to dig even deeper into God’s Word.
In this, probably the earliest of the four Gospels, Mark vigorously defends the claim that Jesus was the true Messiah and that His own people, the Jews, rejected Him because He came not as the glorious warrior-king they expected but as a suffering servant. The intensity of Mark’s writing and his enthusiasm for Christ’s Gospel bring us a powerful message of salvation, inspiration, and encouragement. -
Psalms : A Life Changing Encounter With Gods Word From The Book Of Psalms (Stude
$9.99Add to cartThis addition to the popular LifeChange series takes readers into a deeper understanding and richer experience of prayer through the many examples in Psalms. Not only are their prayers enriched but they also acquire a new revelation of the God who invites them into lifelong conversations. Includes ten lessons, background information on Psalms, resource recommendations, and a “How to Use This Study” section.
Genesis : A Life Changing Encounter With Gods Word From The Book Of Genesis (Stu
$14.99Add to cart216 Pages In 19 Chapters
Additional Info
The first book of God’s revelation to man Is a book of genesis-beginnings. God creates the heavens. The earth. Man and woman. But rebellion breaks out, and God begins the task of mending His relationship with mankind. The events that unfold In this extraordinary, book give form to the entire Bible, right to the end of Revelation and God’s plan for a new beginning.THE LIFECHANGE SERIES of Bible studies on books of the Bible can help you grow in Christlikeness through a life- changing encounter with God’s Word. You’ll benefit in these important ways:
You’ll gain a firm understanding of the book-its historical context, purpose, structure, and meaning;
You’ll apply its powerful, relevant wisdom to needs and issues you are currently working through; and
You’ll acquire personal study skills and a thirst to return to the book on your own-so you can keep going deeper into its life-transforming truths. -
1 Corinthians : A Life-Changing Encounter With God’s Word (Student/Study Guide)
$12.99Add to cart1. Paul And Corinth (Overview)
2. To The Called (1:1-9)
3. Foolishness (1:10-2:5)
4. True Wisdom (2:6-16)
5. Fleshly And Spiritual Attitudes (3:1-23)
6. Apostles Of Christ (4:1-21)
7. Dealing With Immorality (5:1-13)
8. More Moral Laxity (6:1-20)
9. Marriage (7:1-40)
10. Freedom And Rights (8:1-9:27)
11. Freedom And Temptation (10:1 -11:1)
12. Propriety In Worship (11:2-34)
13. Spiritual Gifts: 1 (12:1-31)
15. Resurrection: 1 (15:1-34)
16. Resurrection: 2 (15:35-58)
17. Personal Words (16:1-24 And Review)Additional Info
To a proud and prosperous church, the Apostle Paul writes a stern reminder take your eyes off impressive externals, and practice purity, humility, and love. His practical instructions concerning factions, sexuality, spiritual gifts, and worship remain profoundly relevant for believers pursuing genuine spiritual maturity. -
James : A Life Changing Encounter With Gods Word From The Book Of James (Student
$11.99Add to cartBy faith we are reborn Into the family of God. Absolutely, agrees James. But God wants more than justified infants; He wants mature daughters and sons. Faith is foundational, but it must be genuine, proven faith, evident to the world. James’s exhortation is a challenge to Christians of every age to keep growing up.
Philippians : A Life Changing Encounter With Gods Word (Student/Study Guide)
$11.99Add to cartAlthough in prison for proclaiming Jesus Christ, the Apostle Paul writes a joyful letter of encouragement and challenge to his “partners in the gospel,” the Christians at Philippi. Paul aims to inspire his readers to persevere in the work of Christ, and he tells them how to find peace and contentment in a perilous world.
We, too, can discover the secret of Paul’s joy and experience his triumphant confidence in Christ.
Sit Walk Stand
$5.99Add to cart1. Sit
2. Walk
3. Stand51 Pages
Additional Info
In Sit, Walk, Stand, Watchman Nee takes an inspiring look at Ephesians and the believer’s association with Christ, the world, and Satan.Watchman Nee (1903-1972) is remembered for his leadership of an indigenous church movement in China as well as for the books that continue to enrich Christians throughout the world. Beginning in the 1930s, he helped establish local churches in China that were completely independent of foreign missionary organizations and were used to bring many into the kingdom of God. From them came many of the house churches that continued a faithful witness when Western missionaries were forced to leave the country. Arrested in 1952 and found guilty of a large number of false charges, Watchman Nee was imprisoned until his death in 1972.
Revelation : The Triumph Of God (Student/Study Guide)
$12.00Add to cartIn every age people have felt sure that the book of Revelation described events in their time. As nations arm themselves for war, we think of Armageddon. As evil rulers grow in power, we look for the antichrist. As the powers of darkness threaten to overwhelm us, we cry, “Come, Lord Jesus!” Amid the uncertainties of our age, Revelation asures us of the triumph of God. 14 studies for individuals or groups.
James : Faith That Works (Student/Study Guide)
$12.00Add to cartWe all want a faith that won’t let us down in times of trouble or loss, uncertainty or fear. A faith that can pull us through the worst – and best – times in our lives. This is the kind of faith that James writes about. It is the faith that we practice day by day. Studying James will help us grow a steadfast faith that can carry us through life. This revised LifeGuide study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a new “Now or Later” section in each study. Includes nine studies for individuals or groups.
All The Angels In The Bible
$19.99Add to cartThe classic “All Series” books have graced the shelves of pastors, students, and laypeople alike for decades. ALL THE ANGELS IN THE BIBLE continues in the series’ tradition of offering a faithful and comprehensive treatment of biblical subjects.
This is a book of angel stories. It describes in detail angelic encounters with men and women through thousands of years-from our first parents, Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden, to the last words of angels spoken to the apostle John during his imprisonment on the remote island of Patmos. This is about all the angels in the Bible, their nature, and their ministry.
Lockyer shows us that the Bible speaks clearly about angels. He lists every biblical reference to angels and describes the angels of the Old Testament and the angels of the New Testament. Through angels, God has provided for centuries of believers. Lockyer’s book encourages us that God will continue this provision.
Old Testament Survey (Reprinted)
$9.99Add to cartOld Testament Survey is designed to give a patterned glimpse at each book of the Old Testament. This has been done by applying these ten points to each book: (1)Titles, (2)Author, (3)Date, (4)Key Words and Phrases, (5)Key Verses, (6)Purpose, (7)Message, (8)Outline, (9)Summary, and (10)Christ Seen.
New Testament Survey (Reprinted)
$6.99Add to cartNew Testament Survey addresses the New Testament in succinct understandable points, understanding the part and relating them to the whole. It is designed to give a patterned glimpse at each book of the New Testament. This has been done by applying these ten points to each book: (1) Titles, (2)Author, (3)Date, (4)Key Words and Phrases, (5)Key Verses, (6)Purpose, (7)Message, (8)Outline, (9)Summary, and (10)Christ Seen.
Tabernacle Of David
$33.31Add to cartThe Tabernacle of David is the second work in Conner’s trilogy concerning the three major dwelling places of God in the Old Testament. This text answers many vital questions concerning the tabernacle in the Old Testament and its significance to New Testament revelation. The Tabernacle of David is a devotional, typical, theological and practical book and clearly shows the vast differences between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant methods of worship. It presents an exciting and stimulating challenge to the believer who is hungry to learn more about the move of the Holy Spirit today.
Tabernacle Of Moses
$17.99Add to cartThis book by Australian Bible teacher Kevin Conner strives to present readers with a reasonable working knowledge of the Tabernacle of Moses, finding in the elements of the Tabernacle insights that relate to the story of divine redemption. Study includes: A look at the significance of the Tabernacle layout An explanation of the Tabernacle’s place in Jewish society Design and symbolism of the Tabernacle futniture. Tabernacle construction and purpose And more
Temple Of Solomon
$31.65Add to cartThe Temple of Solomon: discover how the ancient Hebrews worshiped God in splendor. In this temple that stood until its destructionin Jeremiah’s day, all Israel could come and offer sacrifices to Him. Study the order of worship as found in the Temple of Solomon and examine the many distinctions that separate it from the Tabernacles of Moses and David. The Temple of Solomon includes: Chronological look at the temple from its initial design to completion; historical background and significance on the dedication of the Temple; a brief view of the life of Solomon; insightful study on the sacrifices performed in the Temple; thorough discussion on the use and symbolism of Temple furniture; a picture of Redemption’s plan seen through the Temple; charts and pictures of priestly garments and Temple objects; and supplemental material on other temples found in Scripture.
All The Teachings Of Jesus
$19.99Add to cartThe classic “All Series” books have graced the shelves of pastors, students, and laypeople alike for decades. All the Teachings of Jesus continues in the series’ tradition of offering a faithful and comprehensive treatment of biblical subjects.
Herbert Lockyer begins this enlightening book by writing that the words of Jesus “were not only ‘thoughts that breathe, and words that burn,’ but mighty words that were to shape the destinies of men and nations.” With the wisdom that comes from years of preaching and studying the Bible, Herbert Lockyer provides his readers with insights into the teachings of Jesus and encourages us to allow those teachings to shape our lives.
One of Jesus’ main purposes during his time on earth was to teach. In this useful, heart touching book, Herbert Lockyer examines the nature and authority of the Great Teacher himself. He points readers to the life giving words Jesus spoke to his disciples and the multitudes. Jesus taught on a variety of topics that are as significant to believers today as they were then: sin, forgiveness, money, sickness and death, love, ministry, and many more. In his teaching Jesus invited repentance and belief in the gospel, and he instructed his followers in how to live sanctified lives.
Walk Of Repentance (Student/Study Guide)
$19.99Add to cartThe Walk Of Repentance is a 24 week study about repentance: what it is, what it brings about and what kind of behavior and attitudes we must repent of. This study has not been formulated to give a person more “head knowledge”, the idea of it is to help the Word of God take root in your heart so that you can experience that true repentance. Each week of this curriculum has a theme, with a different Bible study each day. Each day you will have different types of studies on the same theme. On day six and seven of each week you will find the story of the Church woven through character studies of different Christians down through the centuries. Your walk of faith will be deeply affected as you encounter the level of devotion of others and what Christianity is really all about.
Lessons On Assurance (Student/Study Guide)
$5.99Add to cartLESSONS ON ASSURANCE presents short Bible studies on five basic promises God gives to Christians, assurance of salvation, answered prayer, victory over sin, forgiveness, and guidance. Each study concentrates on a Bible passage which presents one of God’s promises. As you meditate on these five passages and compare them with other Scripture, you’ll want to memorize and make them part of your life.
Laying The Foundation
$19.99Add to cartHere is a solid catechism for Christians who realize the need to become more thoroughly grounded in their faith. It’s a serious attempt to achieve a radically biblical formulation without trying to defend any particular tradition, Catholic, Protestant, or otherwise. It covers:
– Repentance from Dead Works
– Faith toward God
– Doctrine of Baptisms
– Laying on of Hands
– Resurrection of the Dead
– Eternal Judgment -
Bible Workbook Volume 2 New Testament (Workbook)
$9.99Add to cartSystematic, individual study of the Bible is a basic requirement for a thorough biblical understanding.
Bible Workbooks present a meaningful study of this vital Book.
The student learns by doing-information is given and questions are asked to test his understanding.
Volume 2 gives an overview and book-by-book study of the Old Testament and Volume 1 covers the New Testament.
Interesting, stimulating, informative-Bible Workbooks provide an understandable and enjoyable means of personal Bible study.