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Showing 101–150 of 198 results

  • Promised Child : When God Answers Your Prayers In One Area, He Can Do It In


    Danrey and Christie Amoyo knew that they wanted to be parents, but when their happy announcement turned into the worst possible scenario they found out that becoming parents was not to be an easy path for them.

    This book is a written testimony of how determination, coming from a new revelation of faith, can change lives. It will demonstrate that the promises we read about in the Bible are for us today, even if we don’t yet know how they apply to the situations we’re living through.

    Be encouraged by the Amoyos experience as, after years of heartbreak and loss, the Word becomes real and they put their faith first.

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  • Stirring My Soul To Sing


    “Stirring My Soul to Sing: Overcoming ADHD Through Song” shares the personal events of W. Ian Walker’s life as an arts consultant, musician, “singer-actor,” chorister, and music director. His life story is one of faith and arts awareness in overcoming many obstacles associated with attention deficit hyper-activity disorder-ADHD. Behind the lyrics, melodies, and ovations, Ian experienced verbal abuse, school bullying, poor academic standing, employment instability, financial hardship, and divorce. Offering insight into an “artistic life” as an alternative to medication, Ian shares very personal details of the joys and sorrows of adapting to this disorder.

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  • We Were Royal Refugees


    Six. That was the number of people killed every minute of every hour of the day, for one hundred days. The dead lay there mutilated, raped, disfigured, and dismembered. They were strewn across the African countryside, piled up in empty churches, and thrown in the lakes and rivers.

    Alphonse and Thacienne had their dream life. They were in love, they had five children, and they pastored a great church in Rwanda’s capital city of Kigali. But in 1994 it all came to a cataclysmic end as almost one million people were slaughtered in an eruption of violence that lasted three months. As Alphonse is trapped in his church fighting to stay alive, Thacienne embarks on a courageous journey to get her children to safety, holding hope that she will be reunited with her husband.

    Written by one of the survivors,We Were Royal Refugees is the gripping and heart-wrenching true story of the horror, loss, forgiveness, and triumph of a family in one of the worst tragedies in modern history, the Rwandan genocide.

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  • Magnolia Story


    National Bestseller–New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Publisher’s Weekly

    New book coming from the Gaines in 2018! W editor will ad description at a later date.

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  • Devoted : Great Men And Their Godly Moms



    History tells of women whose love for the Bible shaped its earliest and most prominent teachers. It tells of women who were great theologians, yet whose only students were their children. It tells, time and again, of Christian men who owe much to their godly mothers. Come take a brief look at eleven of them. from the church’s earliest days to now.

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  • My Affliction For His Glory


    Who am I? What am I here for? Does anyone love me? Do I have worth?

    Adversity can lead to doubt on the deepest levels: compared to others who have it “all together,” our lives, with our difficulties, can seem beyond our ability to deal with daily tasks, let alone bigger topics like purpose, love, or faith.

    Daniel Ritchie was born facing a unique kind of adversity: he was born without arms. Yet after he surrendered his life to Christ as a young man, he learned that only in Christ could true worth and purpose be found-freeing him from others’ comparisons and restrictions to live a full life that seemed impossible.

    Daniel’s story will teach you to tackle life’s challenges with grace and creativity-as he shows you how to see your life through Christ’s eyes.

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  • Christopher : The Story Of Ottawa Senators Right Winger Chris Neil


    Christopher spent many hours as a youngster in Ron and Cathy Pegg’s home, providing the author with personal, first-hand knowledge of Neil the hockey player and the man. That friendship continues to this day. In this engaging biography, you’ll meet the Neil family and the personalities from the world of hockey that guided and formed Chris Neil throughout his life-a life of athletics, community involvement, and faith.

    Christopher played over a thousand games in the NHL, all as a member of the Ottawa Senators. He became one of just over fifty players in the history of the league to play a thousand games with one team. The one thousandth game was played in Los Angeles, with his wife, Cait, and all the members of the Pegg family present.

    Christopher is not the final word on Neil’s career, as he continues to serve the hockey community off the ice, but it does tell the tale of a life well lived so far and will inspire hockey fans and people of faith alike.

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  • Iron Annie And A Long Journey


    When Charlotte met Albert, the handsome Lufthansa pilot, she was sure their lives together would be nothing but bliss and happiness. Little did she know what was in store for her and her family.

    It was the 1930s and the clouds of war were gathering all around them. Albert, by now a Major in the Luftwaffe had been deployed to Hitler’s private fleet of planes.

    When WWII broke out Charlotte and Albert’s world fell apart. They would endure long separations, the losses of children, their home and eventually their country.

    This is a family story of epic proportions, a thrilling page turner with incredible twists and turns of fate and destinies; heartbreaking as well as hilariously funny at times.

    Will Albert and Charlotte survive? Will their love for each other be strong enough?

    And who is Iron Annie? Be surprised, it is not who you think.

    Immerse yourself in a true story of an ordinary German family caught up in the horrors of war.

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  • Not Alone : How God Helped Me Battle Depression


    Angry and hurt, Andrea didn’t want to have anything to do with God. How could she when, one day shy of her eighteenth birthday, she had to watch her mother being wheeled into the operating room of Toronto General Hospital to receive a liver transplant? How could a God that “loved” His people allow them to suffer so badly? Why did she have to spend so much time in and out of hospitals, watching the strongest woman she knew endure test after test? Watching this happen, Andrea came to the conclusion that no god would do that.

    Then, on April 27, 2011, it was time to say goodbye. After ten long months of waiting for a second organ donation, Andrea’s mother made the decision to let go-it was the hardest thing Andrea had ever dealt with up to that point. The loss of her mother led her into a downward spiral of depression, PTSD, and anxiety. Andrea lost years of her life and still battles to this day with keeping her depression under control.

    Jesus reached down and opened Andrea’s eyes at the darkest point of her depression. Searching for a way to deal with her pain, she called out to Jesus, who answered her prayers and called her back into His loving arms. What He has done in her life is nothing short of amazing-Jesus gave her purpose again!

    This is her story…

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  • Finding Shelter : A Child’s Memoir Of WW2


    It has been said that with the outbreak of the Second World War, Europe entered her darkest period in history. What was it like for a young child to live through those years of conflict and carnage in the Netherlands? Angelina Fast-Vlaar shares a tender, personal story of her impressions, questions, and panic against the backdrop of a loving extended family, living just thirty kilometres from the enemy border. She observes her parents deal with the Hitler-induced restrictions and atrocities with courage, resilience, and an unshakable faith in a loving God, while at the same time reaching out to provide food and shelter to the starving and homeless. The deafening noise of battle echoes on, as she innocently plays with siblings and cousins in their somewhat-protected back yard.

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  • Newsweek Billy Graham Special Commemorative Edition


    Newsweek Special Editions is proud to present a 100-page tribute to the most prolific preacher in American history. Billy Graham brought the message of the Gospels to more individuals than any other Christian in history: It’s a legacy that is unlikely to be eclipsed, and we’re celebrating his unique and decades-long career through photos, interviews and exclusive content from the Newsweek archives. This is one-of-a-kind tribute to America’s favorite preacher.

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  • Deep Undercover : My Secret Life And Tangled Allegiances As A KGB Spy In Am


    One decision can end everything . . . or lead to unlikely redemption.
    Millions watched the CBS 60 Minutes special on Jack Barsky in 2015. Now, in this fascinating memoir, the Soviet KGB agent tells his story of gut-wrenching choices, appalling betrayals, his turbulent inner world, and the secret life he lived for years without getting caught.

    On October 8, 1978, a Canadian national by the name of William Dyson stepped off a plane at O’Hare International Airport and proceeded toward Customs and Immigration.

    Two days later, William Dyson ceased to exist.

    The identity was a KGB forgery, used to get one of their own a young, ambitious East German agent into the United States.

    The plan succeeded, and the spy’s new identity was born: Jack Barsky. He would work undercover for the next decade, carrying out secret operations during the Cold War years . . . until a surprising shift in his allegiance challenged everything he thought he believed.

    Deep Undercover will reveal the secret life of this man without a country and tell the story no one ever expected him to tell.

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  • Following The Fire


    Bill seems to have a thing about fire. From setting a fire in a hollow tree stump as a child visiting his grandparents in Greece, to taking the heat from a bully, and getting burned by a drug deal gone bad, Bill goes from one hot spot to another. Follow the trail of fire as Bill tells of growing up in a traditional Greek family transplanted to Canada, and feeling the searing pain of his father’s disappointment. But his burning desire to find God is not easily quenched. Now a new passion flames, and Bill invites his readers to join him as he follows the fire.

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  • Phyllis Tickle : A Life


    Authorized text, initiated with Phyllis Tickle’s active involvement – Covers the full range of her life and work By the time of her death in 2015, Phyllis Tickle was one of the most beloved and respected figures in American religious life, and her writing offers a unique combination of the down-to-earth, deep spirituality, and scholarship. In this comprehensive new volume, Jon Sweeney, official biographer of Tickle’s literary estate, explores every aspect of her life, a more than 50-year legacy of poetry; plays; literary, spiritual, and historical/theological work; and advocacy. Himself an author and editor in the religion field, Sweeney examines Tickle’s personal and professional roots, from her family, long marriage, and life on The Farm in Lucy, Tennessee, to early academic career and move into book publishing, where her role as founding editor of the Religion Department at Publishers Weekly influenced the growth of spiritual writing and interfaith understanding during the 1990s. Sweeney also looks at pivotal relationships with John Shelby Spong, Marcus Borg, and Brian McLaren, as well as her great influence on the increasing number who adopted fixed-hour prayer, the Episcopal Church as a whole, and the Emerging Church, for which she served as historian, forecaster, and champion. A look at her early, passionate advocacy for the LGBT community, lecture circuit controversies, and projects left unfinished completes the picture.

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  • Unspeakable Joy : Sydnee’s Story


    The true story of parents who were blessed to be the parents of a child born with a rare syndrome and how they felt God’s presence every step of the way during all the medical procedures in her short life. They show that God’s word is true and can be trusted no matter the circumstances of life.

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  • Rise Above : My 500 Days Of Faith Forgiveness And Fighting Back


    A broken leg nearly ended Steve Zakuani’s career. But he came back stronger than ever. This book, drawn from journals written during his recovery, will give you a raw, honest look into Steve’s story.

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  • Blood Covenant Expanded Edition (Expanded)


    Mob boss Michael Franzese had it all–money, power, prestige. From the time he took a blood oath that bound him body and soul to New York’s Colombo crime family, Franzese became a force to be reckoned with in organized crime. Named one of the biggest moneymakers in the mob since Al Capone by Vanity Fair, he quickly crept into the upper echelon of Mafia authority in this country. By the age of thirty-five, he was the youngest mobster listed on Fortune magazine’s survey of the fifty most wealthy and powerful Mafia bosses in America. Then, he did the unthinkable: he quit the mob. Today, Michael is a Christian, finding his own Damascus Road that began with his wife Camille. The story of his conversion is a testament of God’s willingness to reach into the heart of any man regardless of their past or the present condition of their lives. In one of the most fascinating books ever written about today’s Mafia, Michael reveals the answers to the many mysteries surrounding his incredible life. Find out how and why he did what no one else managed to do–and live. Journey with Michael through a life defined by two blood covenants. The first bound him to the mob. The second set him free.

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  • Banana Man


    The true story of how a demeaning nickname opened amazing doors for the gospel–and how you can overcome your own fears in sharing your faith.

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  • Do You Get It


    Any expectant parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle can attest to the joy and excitement of first learning that a new arrival will soon be in their lives. But what happens when this excitement does a 180-degree turn a month before the baby’s due date? In Do You Get It?, a new mother and cancer survivor, Lin-Pei, shares her personal roller-coaster journey of healing and self-awareness. See how physical, spiritual, mental, social and psychological factors turn an unforeseen misfortune of dealing with a preterm baby and a terminal cancer diagnosis into a rewarding life worth living.

    This book offers a unique insight to those who have faced or know someone who is facing life-changing encounters, providing perspective and appreciation of the shock, struggle and pain of having multiple adverse events occur together.

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  • Polygamists Daughter : A Memoir


    “My father had more than fifty children.”

    So begins the haunting memoir of Anna LeBaron, daughter of the notorious polygamist and murderer Ervil LeBaron. With her father wanted by the FBI for killing anyone who tried to leave his cult-a radical branch of Mormonism-Anna and her siblings were constantly on the run with the other sister-wives. Often starving and always desperate, the children lived in terror. Even though there were dozens of them together, Anna always felt alone.

    She escaped when she was thirteen . . . but the nightmare was far from over.

    A shocking true story of murder, fear, and betrayal, The Polygamist’s Daughter is also the heart-cry of a fatherless girl and her search for love, faith, and a safe place to call home.

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  • 2nd Chance


    In THE SECOND CHANCE, Missionary Mira Sousa shares her life journey which begins as a poor young girl in Brazil. Her life was full of poverty and heartaches where she felt no one in the world cared about her until she came to a saving grace in the Lord Jesus Christ. Mira found out she was not alone and through her faith in God, she would overcome in this life. Prayer-her connection with God-has been her mainstay. Learn about the love of God and the power of prayer through this inspirational story. This book tells her life trajectory and how God gave her a second chance. From these pages, you are invited to not only read Mira’s story, but also experience the love of God in your life and discover the God of the second chance.

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  • Blitz Your Life


    If you’ve ever dreamed of something more in life, this book is for you. Blitz Your Life is a collection of reflections from a former NFL linebacker on a life lived fearlessly and challenges from a man with a sense of urgency for impact. These powerful stories range from Tim’s time on the football field to the radically different life and goals that resulted from his diagnosis with ALS in 2014. Tim also shares stories of ordinary people who have faced everyday challenges and accomplished extraordinary things. Whether they sweep floors or rebuild neighborhoods or make music, all are living lives that make a difference. At times funny and others serious, Tim encourages readers to “write” their own goals and stories while pursuing their dreams. Through his “whiteboard challenges,” he provides practical help that takes readers on a road to success. From his NFL days to his support of ALS awareness, this fighter’s message is a courageous call to find and enjoy a life with purpose.

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  • Redemption At Hacksaw Ridge


    Remant Publications

    “When we go into combat, Doss, you’re not comin’ back alive. I’m gonna shoot you myself!”

    The men of the 77th Infantry Division couldn’t fathom why Private Desmond T. Doss would venture into the horrors of World War II without a single weapon to defend himself.

    “You’re nothing but a coward!” they said. But the soft-spoken medic insisted that his mission was to heal, not kill.

    This page-turner will keep you riveted to your seat as you discover how Desmond Doss became the first conscientious objector to receive the Medal of Honor.

    Desmond’s dramatic true story of integrity, redemption, and heroism will inspire you to live by the courage of your convictions.

    * Original book that inspired Mel Gibson’s movie, Hacksaw Ridge
    * Story inspires faith, trust, courage, commitment, and dedication
    * An exciting true story of an incredible war hero

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  • Flash : The Homeless Donkey Who Taught Me About Life Faith And Second Chanc


    The heartwarming tale of an irrepressible donkey who needed a home-and forever changed a family.

    Rachel Anne Ridge was at the end of her rope. The economy had crashed, taking her formerly thriving business along with it. She had been a successful artist, doing work she loved, but now she felt like a failure. How would her family pay their bills? What would the future hold? If only God would somehow let them know that everything was going to be all right . . . and then Flash the donkey showed up.

    If there is ever a good time to discover a wounded, frightened, bedraggled donkey standing in your driveway, this wasn’t it. The local sheriff dismissed Flash as “worthless.”

    But Rachel didn’t believe that, and she couldn’t turn him away. She brought Flash into her struggling family during their darkest hour-and he turned out to be the very thing they needed most. Flash is the true story of their adventures together in learning to love and trust; breaking down whatever fences stood in their way; and finding the strength, confidence, and faith to carry on. Prepare to fall in love with Flash: a quirky, unlikely hero with gigantic ears, a deafening bray, a personality as big as Texas, and a story you’ll never forget.

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  • God And Churchill


    When Winston Churchill was a boy of sixteen, he already had a vision for his purpose in life. “This country will be subjected somehow to a tremendous invasion . . . I shall be in command of the defences of London . . . it will fall to me to save the Capital, to save the Empire.

    “It was a most unlikely prediction. Perceived as a failure for much of his life, Churchill was the last person anyone would have expected to rise to national prominence as prime minister and influence the fate of the world during World War II. But Churchill persevered, on a mission to achieve his purpose. God and Churchill tells the remarkable story of how one man, armed with belief in his divine destiny, embarked on a course to save Christian civilization when Adolf Hitler and the forces of evil stood opposed. It traces the personal, political, and spiritual path of one of history’s greatest leaders and offers hope for our own violent and troubled times.

    More than a spiritual biography, God and Churchill is also a deeply personal quest. Written by Jonathan Sandys (Churchill’s great-grandson) and former White House staffer Wallace Henley, God and Churchill explores Sandys’ intense search to discover his great-grandfather-and how it changed his own destiny forever.

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  • Kidnapped By A Cult


    As a founder of the China Gospel Fellowship, one of the largest underground churches in China comprising millions of believers, Pastor Shen Xiaoming knew the meaning of persecution. Time and again, while preaching and traveling throughout Tanghe County, Pastor Shen experienced deprivation, disease, and imprisonment for the sake of the incredible spread of the gospel.

    But April 16, 2002, brought the persecution to a new level. Pastor Shen was kidnapped by the murderous Eastern Lightning cult after being lured into a supposed Bible conference. This dangerous cult believes that Christ returned in the form of a female Chinese leader in 1992, and they use force, torture, and indoctrination to convert others. For two months, Pastor Shen was held captive.

    As Eastern Lightning slowly gains worldwide attention for their violence, Pastor Shen’s first-person account of his life and work in Tanghe County and his persevering stand against this murderous sect will both inspire and inform.

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  • My Journey Of Faith An Encounter With Christ


    The true story of Charles Mulli’s journey of faith, told from his own perspective. Led by God to sell everything he owned and begin rescuing street children from the slums of Kenya, his story describes his incredible life of faith, with love, miracles, and powerful answers to prayer, persuasively demonstrating what a close walk with God can do.

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  • New Wine Is Better


    The lively, amusing, and true story of Robert Thom traces his downward trek from a twelve-bedroom South African mansion to an orphanage to the hopeless world of an alcoholic on the verge of suicide. Then he met Mrs. Walker and his life was forever changed. She introduced him to the saving grace of Jesus Christ and soon he was walking in a world or faith, power, and joy, with one of the most power prophetic healing ministries in the twentieth century. Robert Thom’s story is a modern-day miracle that reveals the secret of faith-how it worked in the life or Robert Thom and how it can work for you.

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  • Rees Howells Intercessor


    Publisher Marketing: How did the faith and prayers of a humble coal miner affect the course of WWII? Find out in Norman Grubb’s updated biography of Rees Howells, who progressed in faith until his prayers affected even world events. Written with humanity and humor, this book uncovers the rich truths of the Spirit.

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  • Walking With C S Lewis A Companion Guide


    Walking with C. S. Lewis is an ideal guide for longtime Lewis fans and new readers alike to dive into the man, his works, and his impact alongside well-respected voices in the Lewis community. Each segment in this ten-segment video series focuses on a different book or topic in Lewis’ life, showing for each how the writings flowed out of Lewis’ life and thought. Professor Tony Ash also tells the story of his discovery of Lewis when he was a young man in transition and how Lewis has continued to shape his life and view of God in subsequent years. The richly detailed companion guide provides helpful summary of Lewis’ works and helps readers see the deeper connections between the books and the man who wrote them. In the video series, viewers will follow Professor Ash, seasoned biblical studies scholar and longtime Lewis aficionado, with many segments filmed on-location in Lewis’ Oxford. In the companion guide, Ryan Pemberton–former president of the Oxford University C. S. Lewis Society and author of Called: My Journey to C. S. Lewis’s House and Back Again provides an eloquent but accessible framework to better understand Lewis himself as well as a helpful supplementary discussion on many of his best-known works. The videos and companion guide are ideal for individual or group study, alongside one of his books or as a standalone inquiry into the man who has shaped the thought and faith of so many readers.

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  • Let Your Light Shine


    A little girl and her two siblings are raised by their grandmother, which is court-ordered after years of abuse and neglect from her parents. She grows up, moves away from home, and falls in love with a very special man. She gets married and has her own family, still carrying a secret in her heart that has affected her all her life.

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  • My Homesteaders Heritage


    My Homesteader’s Heritage is an account of the bravery and perseverance of two families who left family and friends in Europe to immigrate and homestead in Canada. They overcame the difficulties and hardships of a frontier land to pass on a legacy of faith, determination, hard work, and success for their children to follow and emulate.

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  • My Fathers Daughter


    On a bitterly cold day at thirty-five years of age, Saskia Hommes discovers a heart-stopping truth about her identity.

    Saskia lived a privileged life. It was a life that looked perfect to the outside observer. In reality, it was filled with sadness, alcoholism, domestic dysfunction, and pain.
    As a teenager, Saskia became intrigued by the events of the Second World War. Having her interest piqued, her attention turned to the activities of her own parents during the war. Her questions about their activity went largely unanswered and opened a dark hole of mystery to Saskia, who was desperate only to know the truth.
    Nothing could have prepared her for the answers she found.

    This is a story of intrigue, Nazi connections, mystery and complexity, and totally unexpected events, but ultimately it is a story of grace–God’s amazing grace in saving and keeping His child until she was ready to accept what He offered.

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  • Music Ministry And Miracles 2


    In my first book-“Music, Ministry & Miracles”-I shared stories from my life as it touched the Christian television ministry “It’s A New Day” during our years as partners and board members. Using the ministry as a touchstone, I was able to share various experiences within the ministry as well as further afield. Before, during, and after my life with Christian television, my life has been full of other ministries: prison ministry, women’s ministry, youth ministry, seniors’ ministry, workplace ministry, and funeral ministry-just to name a very few. Why write a similarly titled book? Because I am called by my King to share the blessings of my life in the Kingdom with others so they can see how great our God is and how He desires to work in surrendered, common folk-like you and me. I hope that sharing my experiences will entice others to dive in to the Kingdom experience

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  • Gods Generals The Martyrs


    In his sixth God’s Generals volume, Roberts Liardon chronicles some of the great martyrs for the faith-and some of the lesser-known ones. Their inspirational testimony, acts of courage, and even seasons of doubt both encourage and point awareness toward the persecuted church of the twenty-first century.

    The book includes profiles on…
    *Apostle Paul and Stephen the Faithful (c. 100 AD)
    *Polycarp of Smyrna, Justin Martyr, and Ignatius of Antioch (c. 100-175 AD)
    *Perpetua, Blandina, and Irenaeus and Fabian (c. 175-350 AD)
    *William Tyndale, John Wyclyffe, Patrick Hamilton, and John Hus (c. 1300-1530)
    *Anne Askew, John Foxe, Hugh Latimer, and Thomas Cranmer (c. 1530-1560)
    *Martyrs from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
    *Dietrich Bonhoeffer, John and Betty Stam, and Jim Elliot (c. 1900-1950)
    *Wang Zhiming, Gaspar Makil, and Archbishop Oscar Romero (c. 1950-1990)
    *Martyrs from the twenty-first century, in regions such as the Philippines, Iraq, Libya, and Syria

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  • Joy In The Mourning


    Only God knows what it takes to walk down dark roads and to fight the good fight of faith. Ruby and her family have walked a close walk with God in direct opposition to hopelessness and the ugliness of cancer, and through “Joy in the Mourning,” have brought us with her. This is a book of the faithfulness of God Almighty. This is a book of compassion, understanding, and hope for those who have faced and are face-to-face with the ugliness of cancer.

    Daren and Angie Werk, Newlife Victory Fellowship, Senior pastors

    You’re looking forward to the best years of your life. Retirement isn’t far away, the kids are grown up, and the grandchildren are coming along. Life is looking good!

    Suddenly your dreams and plans take a nosedive and it’s all you can do to breathe deeply and take one step at a time.

    Is it possible to hold onto faith in the face of dire circumstances? Will you ever feel joy bubbling up inside you again? When a hope-filled solution is presented to you your spirits soar, only to come crashing down again when failure raises its ugly head.

    You go to the only place where faith, hope, and joy can be restored. Even there you find you will need to make a choice: walk or wallow? Sing or sigh? Help or hurt? What will you choose?

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  • Bonhoeffer : Pastor Nazi Resistor Martyr (DVD)


    Bonhoeffer is the compelling true story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German theologian who was imprisoned and killed by the Nazis for his connection to the German Resistance and their failed attempts to assassinate Adolf Hitler. Heavily influenced by the death of his brother in World War I and the teachings of Swiss theologian Karl Barth, Bonhoeffer commits his life at a young age to studying the teachings of Christ as found in the Bible and being a man of faith, even in the midst of incredible darkness.

    Featuring rare archival footage, interviews with family members and former students like Eberhard Bethge, and the voice of Klaus Maria Brandauer (Out of Africa), this powerfully moving documentary sheds light on his underground seminary, his travels to America and Harlem that had a profound impact on his feelings toward social injustice, his calls to change the world for better, and his noble response to Nazi Germany as a Christian.

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  • Shattered Prayers : The Testing Of A Fathers Faith


    Kenneth Ching lived a comfortable life–with a great job, a big house, and an easy faith. He went to church and believed in God’s goodness. But when his son is born with a serious and rare genetic condition, his life is thrown into terrifying chaos.

    In this honest and raw memoir, Ching brings to life his experience of letting go while learning to truly trust the Savior he claims to know. Ching doesn’t shy away from asking the hard questions: Why does God answer some prayers but not others? How does prayer work? Is God even listening?

    Shattered Prayers is ultimately a story about recognizing God’s presence and faithfulness in the midst of brokenness. And how one man thought God ruined his life by giving his son a terrible disease, but eventually realized God was actually fighting to save his faith and his son’s life.

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  • Faith Keeper : Long Down The Road Where Our Hearts Break


    A young woman is involved in a potentially life threatening car accident, but her life is mysteriously spared, changing her path forever. Long down the road, despite her strong faith, she becomes overwhelmed with sorrow and suffering and life’s demands. She wonders if God is truly enough. As she searches for answers, she is challenged by scripture to “wake from her slumber” (Romans 13:11). A rescue prayer forms on her lips testifying to a renewed longing to trust in her Saviour. Life altering circumstances follow. Will she find the courage to surrender to Jesus Christ, who has never stopped keeping her faith?

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  • I Met Jesus At The Gym


    In this beautifully transparent and gutsy story, Jenny Rumancik guides us through the process of healing from childhood and adult traumas, opening her heart and her life in a refreshingly vulnerable manner. Born on a Hutterite colony, before leaving with her family at a young age, Jenny goes through a process of self-discovery, learning that the love of God isn’t just a churchy phrase, but the true source of hope. Her faith is tested in ways that would make many consider giving up, but as Jenny seeks God, she discovers the kind of intimate encounter we all hope for.

    Jenny’s story includes traumatic loss, the divorce of her parents, being an unwed mother, finding the man of her dreams, and working out her faith in difficult circumstances-before meeting Jesus at the gym. Readers will be encouraged by the hope of this love story on both human and divine levels.

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  • Unexpected Journeys : My Search For Adventure Love And Redemption On The Ot


    Unexpected Journeys is a spiritual memoir about a twenty-something who walks away from a hectic life and into a three-month adventure to the Asia-Pacific that both grabs his wonder and forces him inward to confront his deep-set fears, painful memories, and dark questions about himself, those closest to him, and God.

    Paul’s travels take him from Bali to Thailand to India; from surfing to scooters to red light districts; from an anguished reunion with his brother, to a lonely isolation in paradise, to companionship from unlikely locals; from the extravagant love of an orphanage, to the end of a precious relationship.

    On the journey, Paul gradually lowers his straight-A expectations of himself. God loosens his emotional stoicism, sets free his shame, and unclamps a visceral fear that anything-anything at all-could deaden his divine calling to thoroughly, beautifully live life.

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  • Life Of Faith


    Imagine a woman in the early 1900s who is passionate about Pentecost. Now imagine her spunk and determination when she chooses to move to Mexico as a missionary when this was highly unconventional for a woman. Blessed with a healing ministry and a heart for the lost, Cornelia Nuzum was not only a minister but also a prolific writer. Her collection of compelling devotionals The Life of Faith is a Spirit-empowered classic that has remained in print for almost eighty years.

    With an emphasis on faith and the blood of Jesus, she shares her exciting experiences on the mission field as she relied on God’s Word to help others overcome temptation, find strength, and experience the joy of living in God’s will. This timeless account will inspire you to seek a refreshing of your faith and a deeper experience of Pentecostal faith.

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  • Wigglesworth Standard


    God confirmed Smith Wigglesworth’s ministry with powerful signs, including cancers being cured, hearing being restored to the deaf, and fourteen people being raised from the dead. This study of Wigglesworth’s life will build and inspire your faith, deepen your compassion, and explode your vision.

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  • Love Is Something You Do


    On January 12, 2010, a 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck the country of Haiti.

    The world watched in horror the news reports of the devastation. Immediately responding to the catastrophe were Love A Child ministry founders Bobby and Sherry Burnette, who had somehow escaped death. In the days following, they came to believe they had been spared in order to minister to the desperate needs all around them.

    When the earthquake hit, Bobby and Sherry had served in Haiti for many years. Love Is Something You Do is the extraordinary narrative of the Burnettes’ lifelong journey of faith and compassion. If you love a great story, find a place to settle in and read one fascinating account after another. Travel the path that led them to Haiti; a land of mountains, colorful cultures, and insightful proverbs, but also of extreme poverty, oppressive voodoo, and despair. Experience their early years in street ministry, their life-threatening adventures and accidents, their incidents of miraculous healings and financial provision, and their standoffs with witch doctors and evil spirits. Above all, be renewed by their message of hope and peace, through which they continue to transform people’s lives spiritually, physically, educationally, and vocationally; giving Haitians a life of dignity and purpose they had never dreamed possible.

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  • Blind Descent : Surviving Alone And Blind On Mount Everest


    Former Navy air rescue swimmer Brian Dickinson was roughly 1,000 feet from the summit of Mount Everest-also known as “the death zone”-when his Sherpa became ill and had to turn back, leaving Brian with a difficult decision: Should he continue to push for the summit or head back down the mountain? After carefully weighing the options, Brian decided to continue toward the summit-alone. Four hours later, Brian solo summited the highest peak in the world. But the celebration was short lived. After taking a few pictures, Brian radioed his team to let them know he had summited safely and began his descent. Suddenly, his vision became blurry, his eyes started to burn, and within seconds, he was rendered almost completely blind. All alone at 29,035 feet, low on oxygen, and stricken with snow blindness, Brian was forced to inch his way back down the mountain relying only on his Navy survival training, instincts, and faith. In Blind Descent, Brian recounts his extraordinary experience on Mount Everest, demonstrating that no matter how dire our circumstances, there is no challenge too big for God.

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  • World Upside Down


    As he approached the final decade of his life, Martin Luther observed that the beginning and end of all his theology was simple faith in Christ. This faith in Christ brought peace and joy to his soul, and also turned 1500s Europe upside down through the Reformation. A World Upside Down is a collection of four essays that describe this faith. 1). The first essay describes the intersection of this faith with Luther’s remarkable life, giving him great assurance before God, yet placing him at war with the world. 2). In the second essay, Luther’s Understanding of the Gospel is discussed: what faith in Christ is, the need we all have for the Savior, and the Christian’s humble dependence on the good news of God’s unchanging grace. 3). The third essay, That No Flesh Should Glory in God’s Presence, shares Luther’s teaching that the gospel outlined in chapter two gives all glory to God: a) God’s wisdom revealed in the gospel message humbles man’s pride and wisdom and exalts God alone. b) The gospel produces good works in the believer’s life to the glory of God. 4). The final essay, Christ’s Church, shares Luther’s thought that the forgiveness of sins through faith in Christ is central to the life of the church. The church is made up of forgiven and weak sinners who are dearly loved by God and carried by him through their earthly pilgrimage. This essay summarizes the book, applying Luther’s theology to us in the 21st century. Martin Luther’s life and theology are shared with the hope that we, like Luther, would grow in having simple, uncluttered faith in Christ alone for the glory and honor of God.”

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  • Ornament : Faith Joy And Hope Of Kristen Fersovitch


    Kristen Fersovitch was a twenty-eight-year-old wife and mother of three boys under four when she was diagnosed with inoperable cancer and given only months to live. Ornament is the inspiring story of Kristen’s faith, joy and hope in the midst of hardship, heartache and loss. The book shares memories and beautiful photos from her home and performances in the Canadian Christmas event the Edmonton Singing Christmas Tree.

    She was beautiful and real and funny. She challenged us to live the best life we can in the face of tragedy, in the face of despair. Not by telling us to, but by leading by example.

    Ornament is a response to the many people who have asked, How could I have a faith like Kristen’s? Each chapter features an ornament from the Fersovitch family Christmas tree and an insight into Kristen’s relationship with God, which was characterized by faith in the face of adversity, joy in spite of circumstances, and hope that was rock solid. There is a practical application at the end of each chapter to help you grow in your own faith.

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  • Hiding Place : Young Readers Edition (Reprinted)


    Bestselling, Timeless Book Now Abridged for Young Readers

    Corrie ten Boom was loved the world over for her heroism and remarkable faith. The first of her bestselling books, The Hiding Place, tells the riveting true story of how her gentle Dutch family risked their lives during World War II to help Jews escape the Nazis. She and many of her family members were arrested and sent to concentration camps. But this middle-aged watchmaker survived, and spent the rest of her life spreading the truth that no matter how deep the pit, God’s love is deeper still.

    This timeless message now reaches a new generation in this special edition, which has been crafted especially for ages nine through twelve. Young readers will learn that every experience we face is the perfect preparation for the future only God can see.

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  • Losing A J


    Some of the best stories to read are those that were not pleasant to experience. Losing AJ is a book that reveals the story of an honest journey. And, while revealing, the pages invite us to notice our own stories, our own tension, our own pain.

    To be able to present such a drama, Adam needed to face the realities of his own disappointments. He has. And he has faced them without escaping or denying; he has faced them while crying, while praying, while wanting, while grieving. He has faced them with God.

    His story lets us gaze into his pain. While observing, we just might begin noticing our own. And we might begin noticing God in a new way. As Adam writes, “This book will encourage you to search out help and realize that you are not admitting that you are weak in doing so. You are admitting that you are human. You are worth saving.”

    I invite you to welcome this story. Visit the storm. Notice the wounds.

    The valley of the shadow of death isn’t just a line from Psalm 23. It is life. It is story. But not the end of a story, just a portion in the journey toward healing.

    And those stories are worth saving.

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  • I Stand With Christ


    “My name is Zhang Rongliang, and I am an unashamed follower of Jesus Christ….It is considered quite dangerous for me to share the contents of this book, but these are stories that need to be told for God’s glory and the encouragement of the church.”

    So begins the extraordinary first-person account of a prominent leader of one of the largest underground churches in China. A former Communist Party member, Zhang took a stand for Christ and was targeted for prison, work camps, and torture, all the while helping to build a network of millions of faithful believers. Spanning the time of Mao’s regime to today, Zhang testifies of God’s supernatural movements, as well as the sacrifice of countless Christians who loved and served Christ-regardless of the cost.

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