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    Carol Witte

    • Evidence For The Resurrection Wall Chart Laminated


      SKU (ISBN): 9781890947965ISBN10: 1890947962Gretchen Goldsmith | Carol Witte | Compiled by: RW Research Inc.Binding: OtherPublished: January 2005Publisher: Rose Publishing

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    • How To Study The Bible Wall Chart Laminated


      How to Study the Bible wall chart
      Whether you are teaching people with no Bible experience or those who have been Christians a long time, this chart will provide an excellent introduction to studying the Bible.
      Your students will learn the basics of Bible study and develop the confidence to read it themselves.
      * Approaching the Bible “inductively”-asking “What does the Bible
      teach?” rather than “How do I prove my opinions by using the Bible?”
      * Bible passages and topics to study.
      * Applying the teachings of the Bible to everyday life.
      * Memorizing Scripture-12 key verses.
      * Using Bible dictionaries, concordances, and cross references

      Contirbutors: Bill Reynolds (“Mr. Bible”); Dr. Robert Cubillos; Carleen Shrag, Dr. Peter Loizeaux, Carolyn Loizeaux, Dan Mahaffie, Delores Withers, Dave Wilke.

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    • Genesis Time Line Wall Chart Laminated


      Now you can see all the key people and events from the Book of Genesis at a glance. This fantastic chart includes a time line and maps, so you can quickly understand the life and travels of Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, Jacob, Leah, Rachel, Esau, Jospeh and more. See important events, such as Creation, Adam and Eve, the Fall, Cain and Abel, the Flood, the Table of Nations, and the Tower of Babel. If you are studying Genesis, you will want the wall chart for your classroom.

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