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    Charismatic Interests

    • Daily Decrees For Kids


      Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” – Matthew 19:14

      Children don’t have a junior Holy Spirit, nor are they secondary members of the Kingdom of God. They, too, have been given the right to be called Kings and Priests and their words carry authority in the spiritual realm.

      Brenda Kunneman is a bestselling author and dynamic prophetic voice who has equipped believers around the world to boldly decree Heaven’s victory over every area of their lives. Now, she is equipping children with powerful, Bible-based, prophetic declarations that they can read and declare themselves!

      These decrees are specifically designed to train children to operate in their Heavenly authority, empowering them to engage the Kingdom that Jesus declared belongs to them!
      Daily Decrees for Kids contains declarations of:
      *Health and safety for themselves and those around them.
      *Alignment with their destiny.
      *Provision and abundance for their family.
      *Releasing angels to watch over them.

      As kids begin to boldly speak God’s word, the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead releases Heavenly power to see Kingdom decrees carried out! It’s time for kids to decree God’s Word over their lives!

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    • Spirit Of Prophecy


      A Supernatural Tool for End-Time Revival

      You are living in the last of the last days–a season where God is pouring out His Spirit upon believers, empowering them to walk in the greatest flood of prophetic power the earth has ever seen and usher in the end-time harvest. Are you prepared?

      Annette Capps–author, ordained minister, and daughter of well-known author and teacher, Charles Capps–invites you, the believer, into the realm of the prophetic flow of the Spirit so you can take your place in the coming revival.

      In The Spirit of Prophecy, Annette shares her own supernatural experiences and encounters with the Holy Spirit and His gifts. She offers unique insight into the seemingly contradictory prophecies being given today and in the past. Also included are prophecies delivered by Charles Capps that are still speaking power and revelation to the body of Christ.

      Subjects you will learn about are…

      *How you can flow in the gifts of the Spirit
      *Shaking the devil’s kingdom
      *Reaching beyond to the Millennium
      *Sound frequencies that open prophetic winds
      *Prophecy in prayer, preaching, and music
      *Kings, prophets, and nations
      *Women in ministry
      *Counterfeit miracles

      Rise up! It’s time to get equipped with prophetic revival tools!

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    • Night Vision : Making Sense Of Supernatural Dream Encounters


      While you sleep, the Holy Spirit is still speaking!

      What did that blue tree mean in your dream last night? Was it because of the pizza you had for dinner, or was God speaking to you?

      Many believers really want to understand their dreams but aren’t sure where to start. In Night Vision, Dr. Charles Fox lays a solid foundation by offering the biblical basis for dreams and then shares his own personal journey of actual dream encounters and their interpretations. Practical advice, common dream symbols, and prayers of activation into greater night-encounters with the Lord remind the reader to stay grounded in the Word of God.

      Night Vision will teach you how to:

      *Interpret your own dreams
      *Recognize God’s instruction, warning, and encouragement in the night seasons
      *Respond to what God is speaking to you
      *Discern the counterfeit dreams
      *Interpret others’ dreams

      There are heavenly encounters waiting for you when your head hits the pillow! Sharpen your “night vision” and begin communicating and fellowshipping with the Lord on a whole new level. Receive Dr. Fox’s wisdom and an impartation for more revelatory encounters in your dreams!

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    • Turnaround Decrees : Disrupt The Enemy’s Plans And Shift Your Circumstance


      Interrupt the plans of darkness and shift circumstances to align with God’s will!

      In our culture, the powers of darkness have been working overtime to turn a generation away from God, discipling society in wickedness, destroying families, ravaging finances, afflicting bodies, and obstructing the advance of God’s people.

      The only solution is a supernatural turnaround. The good news is that you serve the God of the Turnaround!

      In response to a radically unexpected prophetic word, prayer leaders Jon and Jolene Hamill have launched a turnaround movement to see supernatural breakthroughs take place. In this powerful new book they equip you with prayers, decrees and activations that will render turnaround verdicts from Heaven on your behalf.

      Turnaround Decrees will empower you to:

      *Prophesy divine destiny over your children and the next generation
      *Push through the limitations preventing you from advancing in your assignment
      *See instant healings and deliverances become normative
      *Pray against the assaults of the enemy upon your nation, government and leaders
      *Invoke your rights to the Covenant of Peace
      *Speak powerful decrees that issue a Writ of Assistance in the spirit realm

      The destiny of generations are at stake… but you are the turnaround catalyst! Speak these powerful declarations over every impossibility, and watch as the God of the Turnaround brings supernatural breakthrough!

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    • Dominion : Your Role In Bringing Heaven To Earth


      Every sphere of society is crying out for Kingdom transformation!

      Sadly, poor teaching and great misunderstanding have led many Christians to reject any notion of so-called “dominion theology” This has left the dominion mandate that Jesus imparted to all believers woefully unfulfilled.

      Dr. C. Peter Wagner understood that the reformation of society was never intended to come through man’s ideas and agendas; it could only be achieved through bold, empowered believers, intentional about reforming their culture through Kingdom principles and vision.

      The strategic keys and revelation Dr. Wagner presents in Dominion! are perhaps more relevant today than when he first penned them. A collection of the original book release and its revised edition, this new edition of Dominion! features Dr. Wagner’s helpful perspective on theocracy and the tragic misunderstanding of dominion theology.
      Discover vital keys to exercising authority over the powers of darkness and advancing the Kingdom of God through teachings on:

      *Entering the Second Apostolic age and the move of God that is presently upon us

      *Becoming the Church in the Workplace… by releasing Heaven’s influence and solutions into the marketplace

      *Embracing the practice of spiritual warfare… by encouraging believers to exercise Jesus’ authority over darkness

      *Anticipating the prophesied great transfer of wealth… and its role in shaping culture

      We stand in a pivotal hour of history where there is both tremendous need and opportunity for the Church to bring powerful reformation to all spheres of society. This is the hour to step into your authority and release God’s glory into every segment of your society. This is the hour for transformation!

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    • Lets Go Deeper



      The only thing holding back the spread of the gospel is the church.

      This book will teach me how to go deeper in my relationship with God so that I may become a more fully developed disciple of Jesus to help bring the gospel to the world around me.

      The Bible tells us there is one true God who sits on the throne of the universe. He is the Creator of everything, and He is worthy of all the praise and honor of the world’s people. Because He is our Creator and the Sustainer of life, He has the right to rule over us and expect obedience.

      In Let’s Go Deeper, J. Lee Grady shares how by revealing Himself to Moses, God demonstrated His true desire to be with us. Even though He is almighty, enthroned in the glory of heaven, He makes Himself accessible and available to those who love Him.

      Join in the journey of discipleship with this practical guide of thirty short and powerful lessons to take you deeper in your relationship with God. This resource will transform your Christian faith and act as a tool kit for those who are new to Christianity. Following Jesus and coming to know your Creator doesn’t have to be difficult; you just have to be willing to take the first step toward Him.

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    • Heaven Here : Experience God’s Glory This Side Of Eternity


      “…GOD IS NOT FAR FROM EACH OF US!” – Apostle Paul (Acts 17:27)

      Pastor Josh Adkins was born into a renown Christian evangelist family. Yet throughout his life, he often found himself feeling burned out, disappointed, and distant from God–until a personal encounter with the Holy Spirit changed everything!

      In his candid, often humorous style, Josh reveals through Scriptural teaching and over 50 miraculous testimonies how near God really is, how His kingdom is already breaking into the earth, and how Jesus desires all believers to daily engage with Heaven!

      In Heaven Here, you will:

      *Learn how to stop working for God, and instead start working with Him
      *Discover the keys to becoming one of Jesus’ closest friends.
      *Better recognize the Holy Spirit’s voice and variety of ways He speaks
      *Uncover secrets to daily hosting the manifest Presence of God
      *Walk in greater authority and power to heal the sick and cast out devils
      *See that nothing is impossible in God’s glory realm, even in this life

      The veil between Heaven and earth has been torn and you are invited to participate with God in demonstrating His miraculous kingdom to the earth. It’s time to discover how close heaven really is!

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    • Do Not Leave Quietly


      You were raised up for this moment to speak on behalf of Heaven.

      The battle is raging. Two realms are seeking to influence the natural world – light or darkness. There is no middle ground. Depending on how you participate and show up in life, either Heaven or Hell will advance its agenda into the Earth. The invisible world, by and large, does not simply manifest its objectives and agendas. It seeks a person and requires a voice.

      The choice is yours: will you be a voice for Heaven to advance in the Earth… or an idle endorser of Hell’s agenda to steal, kill and destroy?

      Mario Murillo is a bestselling author, popular blogger, and minister of the Gospel. He has been an evangelist for nearly 50 years. As culture has changed, Murillo’s message has remained fixed and steadfast. As culture shifts again, God is looking to raise up an army of prophetic people whose voices have impact and actually shape the direction of their nations.

      Do Not Leave Quietly is a prophetic call to action for every single reader to:
      *To fulfill your destiny, live with purpose and feel significant.
      *Give your life and voice to speaking what the Spirit of God is saying.
      *Activating the key to seeing signs and wonders flow.
      *Discover the secret to prophesying with power and holy thunder.
      *Enter the doorway to releasing deliverance.

      It’s time for the people of God to break the silence. It’s time for those who carry the Word of God to boldly speak forth in love and truth. You were born to be a voice of breakthrough!

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    • Unstoppable : Pressing Through Fear, Offense, And Negative Opinions To Fulf


      You Can’t Stop Now!

      In her book UNSTOPPABLE, Denise Renner brings fresh insight from God’s Word on how we can overcome key hindrances that the enemy exploits to try to prevent our God-given gifts and talents from being used to bless others.

      *fear of man
      *other people’s negative opinions
      *even our own poor opinion of ourselves!

      No one else can take your place; your part is absolutely crucial to God’s plan. So don’t let anyone or anything stop you from doing what Jesus wants you to do or from receiving what He wants you to receive. This book will help you be unstoppable as you push past every obstacle you are facing and keep pressing toward the glorious prize that awaits you in Christ Jesus!

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    • Love Awakening : Living Immersed In The Supernatural Love Of God


      Wear the Father’s Heart on Your Sleeve!

      You were created to love and be loved supernaturally, not as a concept or theology, but as a living experience–the very love of God, visibly manifested through you. This is the key to fulfilling your divine destiny!

      Author and international speaker Leif Hetland is recognized as an ambassador of the Father’s love–an everyday person who has received divine opportunities to bring God’s light into some of the darkest places on earth. Why? Because he walks in the powerful, supernatural Baptism of Love that breaks off shame, affirms identity, and reveals the unconditional love of the Father everywhere he goes.

      Leif equips you to carry the same anointing into your everyday life. In The Love Awakening, you will…

      *Discover the heart of Father God as the standard for true love.

      *Receive supernatural transformation as you embrace your identity as a loved child of God.

      *Become a world-changer by immersing your sphere of influence in the tangible love of God that flows out of you.

      *Sustain a supernatural lifestyle of being saturated in the tangible, experiential love of Father God.

      Your privilege as a believer is the ability to release the supernatural love of Father God in every sphere of influence. Learn to walk in the Baptism of Love and release the Kingdom of God on Earth!

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    • Everyday Supernatural : Experiencing God’s Unexpected Manifestation In Your


      Experience Miracles Wherever You Go… even in unexpected places!

      Is your heart crying out for more? Do you long to experience the supernatural? Do you want to live a life marked by Kingdom adventure? Then join Joanne Moody for a life-changing faith journey in Everyday Supernatural!

      Since experiencing her own life-changing supernatural healing, Joanne Moody has made it her mission to give away the love and miracles of Jesus everywhere she goes. She believes this is the power and privilege of every believer!

      In Everyday Supernatural, Joanne Moody serves up a spiritual feast of captivating testimonies, practical teaching, and powerful activations. You will walk away emboldened with the knowledge that God is intent on using everyday people to perform His miracles and reveal His Son to the world!

      Everyday Supernatural will empower you to:

      *Overcome the barriers to receiving your own spiritual breakthrough
      *Be filled with supernatural faith that Jesus wants to move through your life
      *Fulfill your destiny and take your place in the unfolding story of God in the Earth
      *Confidently pray for miracles by using the prayers, activations, and strategies provided
      *Operate in the authority of Christ to see salvation, healing, and supernatural power in your day-to-day life

      Jesus wants to work through you to supernaturally touch the people around you . From your local grocery store to your workplace, from your school to your favorite coffee shop, it’s time to begin releasing miracles everywhere you go!

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    • Receiving Generational Blessings From The Courts Of Heaven


      Break the cycles of sin and defeat in your family bloodline.And become the one who pioneers a new legacy of blessing and breakthrough!

      There is much talk and teaching about generational curses and how they can be spiritually transmitted through the family bloodline. But what about generational blessings? The same Scriptures that speak of curses that need to be revoked also point to multi-generational blessings that can transform our lives today and impact our children and grandchildren. What you do today in the Courts of Heaven can release generational blessings for you and your family!

      Robert Henderson is a recognized apostolic leader in the church and the bestselling author of the Courts of Heaven series. He has given his life to helping individuals, churches, and nations break legal agreements with the enemy by operating in the Courts of Heaven to step into the breakthroughs that Scripture promises. But now, writing alongside his son, Adam, a powerful new revelation is being released. It was his experience praying for breakthrough over Adam that taught Robert Henderson about both breaking curses and releasing generational blessings from the Courts of Heaven.

      You will learn how to:
      *Experience Family Freedom by bringing your loved ones before Heaven’s Courts and interceding for verdicts of blessing, freedom and salvation

      *Pray according to what’s written in the Books of Heaven for you and your family

      *Approach the Courts of Heaven for generational blessing using a 5-Step Prayer Model observed in the life of David

      *Retrieving Lost and Stolen Wealth from past generations

      *See prodigals reclaimed and restored to God as you pray Courtroom prayers on their behalf

      It’s one thing to cancel the enemy’s assignment for our life by dealing with bloodline issues and curses; it’s another dimension to proactively and powerfully enter the Courts of Heaven, partner with the purposes of God, and secure blessing today and in generations to come.

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    • Vision Con Proposito Y Poder – (Spanish)


      El Dr. Myles Munroe, autor de exitos de ventas, ofrece consejos practicos y biblicos diarios para cumplir la vision de su vida. Basado en sus populares libros Los principios y el poder de la vision y Los principios y beneficios del cambio, este devocional de 90 dias lo ayudara a descubrir el proposito de Dios en su vida, captar las claves necesarias para lograr el sueo de su vida, desarrollar un plan especifico para perseguir su vision, superar los obstaculos y aprovechar los beneficios del cambio. El devocional de cada dia incluye enseanza y aliento, una lectura de las Escrituras y un pensamiento motivador para el dia. Su exito no depende del estado de la economia, de las carreras que estan en demanda actualmente, de como esta el mercado laboral o de lo que la gente cree que usted es capaz de hacer. Usted puede aprender principios probados por el tiempo que le permitiran cumplir su vision sin importar quien sea o de donde venga. Ya sea un empresario, un gerente de departamento, un empleado, un ama de casa, un estudiante o un jefe de estado, el Dr. Munroe explica como puede hacer realidad sus sueos y esperanzas. Usted no estaba destinado a una vida mundana o mediocre. No existe solo para ganar un cheque de pago. Reviva su pasion por vivir. Persiga su sueo. Descubra su vision y encuentre su verdadera vida.

      Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe offers daily practical and biblical advice for fulfilling your life’s vision. Based on his popular books The Principles and Power of Vision and The Principles and Benefits of Change, this 90-day devotional will help you to discover your God-given purpose in life, grasp the necessary keys for accomplishing your life’s dream, develop a specific plan for pursuing your vision, overcome obstacles, and embrace the benefits of change. Each day’s devotional includes teaching and encouragement, a Scripture reading, and a motivating thought for the day. Your success is not dependent on the state of the economy, what careers are currently in demand, what the job market is like, or what people think you are capable of. You can learn time-tested principles that will enable you to fulfill your vision no matter who you are or where you come from. Whether you are a businessperson, a departmental manager, an employee, a homemaker, a student, or a head of state, Dr. Munroe explains how you can make your dreams and hopes a living reality. You were not meant for a mundane or mediocre life. You do not exist just to earn a paycheck. Re

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    • Follow Me : Make DISCIPLES The Way JESUS Did


      God has placed the next generation into our hands. Who will raise them up if the church does not?

      This book will teach you how to effectively mentor the next generation of Christians. You will learn how to disciple others in their faith while getting outside of your comfort zone to increase your relationship with God.

      If we want to change the world with the gospel, we must stop focusing on crowds and events and reclaim Jesus’ method of relational discipleship. Jesus’ final mandate to His followers was “Go and make disciples”–yet today most of the church is oblivious to what discipleship is, and few Christians are actually investing their lives in helping other believers grow spiritually. A vast paradigm shift is needed in the church today in order to reach the next generation and advance the gospel in the twenty-first century.

      In Follow Me, J. Lee Grady uses many New Testament examples, as well as his own experience in mentoring dozens of young leaders and a clear strategy for discipling others that can be used by individuals and churches. Grady makes a compelling case that Christianity was never intended to be a spectator sport where huge crowds sit and listen to one preacher on a Sunday. Jesus intended all believers to engage in ministry–and this includes the work of discipling other believers.

      So many Christians today live in a box of limitation. We must understand that the Christian life is an adventure of the Holy Spirit working through them. This book will help believers get out of that box and begin the exciting adventure of spiritual multiplication.

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    • Releasing Resurrection And Revival From The Courts Of Heaven


      Do you need to experience Resurrection or Revival in any area of your life?

      Many Jesus followers are sleepwalking through their Christian lives. They wear a smile, attend church gatherings, and try their best to make it through, but they don’t really expect answered prayers, breakthroughs, or a miraculous change in their situations. Why? Disappointment and disillusionment. The Bible calls this hope deferred. What we hoped for did not happen, and we are left with hopes and dreams that are dead.

      But remember: we serve the God of resurrection life and revival!

      Robert Henderson is the bestselling author of the Courts of Heaven series, and in this latest book he challenges you to pray for miracle reversals in every situation that seems hopeless. Resurrection thunders as a verdict from the Courts of Heaven, for it is God alone who gives life to the dead.

      This powerful new book will show you how to:

      *Discover the Seven Secrets to seeing dead things revived in your life.

      *Identify the spirit of sabotage in your life – and cancel its influence.

      *Make Lazarus Decrees over those situations that Jesus wants to resurrect and revive.

      *Dismantle the spirit of death and stop it from impacting every area of your life.

      *Receive stirring biblical examples of resurrection power released into impossible situations.

      *Break off the pain of disappointment and position yourself for answered prayer.

      Resurrection is not a one-time event; it should be the default setting of the Christian life. We are filled with Jesus’ resurrection life and power! We have been commissioned by the resurrected Jesus to see His supernatural miracle power reverse any plan of the enemy that has sought to steal, kill, and destroy.

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    • Power Of Communion With 40 Day Prayer Journey Leather Gift Version


      40 Days of Accessing Miracles through the Body and Blood of Jesus.

      For centuries, the Church has observed the Lord’s Supper as part of corporate worship, instituted by Jesus Himself. But for many Christians today, this tradition can be a confusing ritual. Are we missing something in this ancient sacrament?

      Beni and Bill Johnson–best-selling authors and senior leaders of Bethel Church in Redding, California–had a miraculous revelation while celebrating communion. In this special edition of The Power of Communion, featuring the 40-Day Prayer Journey, discover how the sacred practice of communion is an often overlooked opportunity to release God’s power in your life!

      Don’t settle for a lifeless routine. God is supernaturally present in the sacrament of Communion! Learn to embrace this prophetic act of remembrance, worship, warfare, and healing as it was always meant to be!

      Discover practical keys in this devotional for…
      *Healing: release the healing testimony of Jesus’ blood and body over sickness
      *Deliverance: announce the eternal victory of Jesus over torment, addiction, and bondage
      *Warfare: shift spiritual atmospheres over you, your family, and even world events
      *Presence: experience new dimensions of God’s glory as you apply Jesus’ victory over your life

      There are miracles just waiting to be released that Jesus’ atonement already paid for! Discover The Power of Communion today!

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    • Vision With Purpose And Power


      Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe offers daily practical and biblical advice for fulfilling your life’s vision. Based on his popular books The Principles and Power of Vision and The Principles and Benefits of Change, this 90-day devotional will help you to discover your God-given purpose in life, grasp the necessary keys for accomplishing your life’s dream, develop a specific plan for pursuing your vision, overcome obstacles, and embrace the benefits of change. Each day’s devotional includes teaching and encouragement, a Scripture reading, and a motivating thought for the day. Your success is not dependent on the state of the economy, what careers are currently in demand, what the job market is like, or what people think you are capable of. You can learn time-tested principles that will enable you to fulfill your vision no matter who you are or where you come from. Whether you are a businessperson, a departmental manager, an employee, a homemaker, a student, or a head of state, Dr. Munroe explains how you can make your dreams and hopes a living reality. You were not meant for a mundane or mediocre life. You do not exist just to earn a paycheck. Revive your passion for living. Pursue your dream. Discover your vision-and find your true life.

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    • Overcoming Familiar Spirits


      Have You Invited Demonic Enemies into Your Life? Many Christians are being tormented by unseen demonic powers called “familiar spirits” that operate inconspicuously within the fabric of people’s thoughts, emotions, and mindsets-working so secretly that they usually remain undetected. These demonic spirits can be attached to specific individuals, families, or bloodlines. Familiar spirits hinder believers’ lives in numerous ways, diminishing their spiritual vision and seeking to prevent them from fulfilling their destinies. They may block people’s ability to overcome negative patterns, attain lasting success, and even marry and conceive children. Without realizing it, we can invite such unseen enemies into our lives. We may have left open a door to their influence due to personal trauma, unforgiveness, bitterness, or false thinking. Then, we become trapped in a type of spiritual debt. We are restricted from being fully free in Christ so that we constantly live with frustration, worry, anger, or a feeling of hopelessness.Overcoming Familiar Spirits by pastor and teacher Dr. Kynan Bridges powerfully exposes Satan’s demonic agenda so you can be set free. You will learn to detect familiar spirits like the spirits of sabotage, calamity, premature death, delay, and perversion. You will gain a fresh revelation of who you are in Christ and your authority as a believer and be equipped with the tools to enjoy lasting freedom. Through his books, preaching, and counseling, Dr. Bridges has shown thousands of believers how to address hindrances in their lives. Discover how to eradicate unseen familiar spirits and be released from spiritual bondage and debt!

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    • Encounter : A Spiritual Perspective That Will Shape Your Faith For The Comi


      One of the greatest spiritual battles right now is over perspective–the way you see possibilities, limitations, and what God is doing.

      This book will help you encounter God in such a way that you are able to walk in His original design for you, which is to not only commune with Him through conversation but to be aligned with His mind. When you share His thoughts and perceptions, you will be able to live the abundant, supernatural, super-empowered life God desires for you.

      Humans are unique in that we were not just made in the image of God; we reflect His very nature. If we understood our spiritual, neurological, psychological, and even physical connection to God, we could bring solutions to every problem humanity faces–and many would be practical, even scientific, solutions.

      In this book, Shawn Bolz shares a series of rich, divine encounters that have defined his spiritual perspective so others can be released into new ways of thinking and experience an expansion of their spiritual intelligence. To walk with God, you need to know not only His heart but also His mind. As believers, we were designed to commune with God, sharing not only conversation with Him but also His thoughts and perceptions–to know His mind through His Spirit. When Adam and Eve walked with God in the cool of the day, they didn’t always need the verbal communication that so limits humanity today. They had inner communication from their connectedness.

      This is the kind of connectedness Solomon, Joseph, Daniel, Esther, and the apostle Paul experienced, and this is what God wants to restore to His people today. This book will help readers gain a fresh vision of their faith so they can walk out their spirituality exactly as God intended and take their place in the coming move of God.

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    • Supernatural Provision : Living In Financial Freedom


      Unlock the Windows of Heaven God heals believers not only physically, emotionally, and spiritually, but financially, as well. Speaking from personal experience with overcoming financial hardships, best-selling author Joan Hunter shares biblical wisdom and shows you how to: *See miraculous breakthroughs *Overcome poverty and loss *Become debt-free *Prosper in the midst of adversity *Have all your needs met *Apply wealth-building secrets *Thrive in uncertain timesYou can walk in God’s abundant blessings.

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    • Creative Glory Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Creative glory is the inspirational flow of the Holy Spiri t that shines God’s life, hope, joy, provision, and wisdom into any situation you may be facing. Best-selling author Joshua Mills explains that when we are in an atmosphere of creative glory, it becomes easy to think new thoughts or receive fresh ideas because we are in the atmosphere of the Creator’s heart and mind. Wherever we allow creative glory to flow, as we embrace the realm of divine expression, we will supernaturally flourish.

      Creative glory manifests to…
      – Usher God’s ideas and creativity into your life to accomplish His plans and meet your needs.
      – Bring forth what is new–what has never been seen or recognized by you before.
      – Cause self-discovery and awakening, enabling you to create, to invent, and to explore new possibilities.
      – Minister through spiritual “sound,” accompanied by healings, signs, and wonders.
      – Pour out the pure flow of heaven’s intentions, exhibiting heavenly realities in the earthly realm and helping God’s people to get back on track with His will.
      – Produce creative miracles, such as supernatural multiplication or restored or newly created limbs, organs, and more.
      – Release dreams and visions from God.
      – Supply supernatural provision.
      – Reproduce itself in our lives and others’.

      The Creative Glory Study Guide, which can be used by either individuals or groups, contains some brand-new material to further your understanding of the realm of divine expression. The guide is also filled with key points from the book, thought questions, review questions, and supernatural activations.

      As long as you are carried by creative glory, you always have hope because creative glory cannot fail. It will guide you to find the right solution to any difficulty or need. The flow of creative glory will lead you in a process of deep growth as you learn to see circumstances and problems in a new light to fulfill the present and future that God desires for you and the world around you.

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    • Reclaiming Revival : Calling A Generation To Contend For Historic Awakening


      Every great revival begins with a groan.

      Today, many Christians desperately cry out to God, pleading for Him to send spiritual awakening. But there is a realm of effective prayer that can tip the heavenly prayer bowls to release the historic revival we all desire.

      Throughout church history, the great saints and revivalists knew that true revival begins with a groan of awakening from the heart of hungry believers!

      Corey Russell, bestselling author and key ministry leader at Upper Room Dallas, joins with Billy Humphrey, director of International House of Prayer Atlanta to offer a timely book on spiritual preparation that releases revival.

      These veteran prayer leaders, with a combined 40 years of intercession experience, offer powerful and practical strategies to:
      *Receive a vision for revival that will dramatically shift your prayer life

      *Discover the end-times connection between revival and Jesus’ return

      *Live a Holy Spirit-saturated revival lifestyle that is not dependent on gatherings or events

      *Be ruined for dead religion and ignite your heart with fresh zeal

      *Discover historic and Biblical “revival zones” where demons, disease and principalities are confronted and destroyed by the presence of God

      It’s time for a landscape-changing revival to erupt and prepare the way for Jesus’ return! Take your place as a forerunner revivalists! It all starts with a groan.

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    • Creative Glory : Embracing The Realm Of Divine Expression


      Creative glory is the inspirational flow of the Holy Spirit that shines God’s life, hope, joy, provision, and wisdom into any situation you may be facing. Best-selling author Joshua Mills explains that when we are in an atmosphere of creative glory, it becomes easy to think new thoughts or receive fresh ideas because we are in the atmosphere of the Creator’s heart and mind. Wherever we allow creative glory to flow, embracing the realm of divine expression, we will supernaturally flourish.

      Creative glory manifests to…

      * Usher God’s ideas and creativity into your life to accomplish His plans and meet your needs.
      * Bring forth what is new-what has never been seen or recognized by you before.
      * Cause self-discovery and awakening, enabling you to create, to invent, and to explore new possibilities.
      * Minister through spiritual “sound,” accompanied by healings, signs, and wonders..
      * Pour out the pure flow of heaven’s intentions, exhibiting heavenly realities in the earthly realm and helping God’s people to get back on track with His will.
      * Produce creative miracles, such as supernatural multiplication or restored or newly created limbs, organs, and more.
      * Release dreams and visions from God.
      * Supply supernatural provision.
      * Reproduce itself in our lives and others’.

      As long as you are carried by creative glory, you always have hope because creative glory cannot fail. It will guide you to find the right solution to any difficulty or need. The flow of creative glory will lead you in a process of deep growth as you learn to see circumstances and problems in a new light to fulfill the present and future that God desires for you and the world around you.

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    • Creative Fusion : Merging Kingdom Strategies To Impact Our World


      From the beginning of time, God endowed people with His creative power, intending for them to rule and steward over all the earth.

      But Satan–once heaven’s most beautiful and creative angel–convinced Adam and Eve that the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil would give them a power that they already had. The moment that they ate the fruit, they handed their authority over to Satan. Oppression ruled the world; instead of the luminosity of heaven’s pattern advancing through the planet, creeping darkness took hold.

      The enemy knows the highly effective powers of creativity all too well. Despite being cut off from its divine origin, he uses it with vigor to effectively communicate his counterfeit and repetitive message across the world.

      Creative Fusion follows the interlinking tabernacle pattern of God laid out from Genesis through Revelation to provide Christians with the answers to reclaim the Lord’s creative energy and His DNA that He placed within us.

      Author Charity Bowman-Webb wants readers to discover the magnificent wisdom in Scripture that will help them influence every area of society and harvest souls for God’s kingdom.

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    • Open Heavens : Positioning Yourself To Encounter The God Of Revival


      Experience Continuous Revival

      Historically there have been seasons where God’s presence awakens revival – moving in powerful ways, saving souls, and releasing miracles. We often think of these seasons as isolated, unique outpourings of the Spirit.

      But is it possible to experience revival every day, as a way of life?

      Pastor Bill Johnson answers with a resounding “Yes!”

      Globally recognized bestselling author, and senior leader of Bethel Church in Redding, CA, Bill Johnson is a revivalist at heart. In his time at Bethel, the church community has experienced what can only be called a perpetual, continuous outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

      In this landmark book, pastor Bill teaches from his experience as the shepherd of this movement, imparting his own passion for revival along with practical wisdom for sustaining a move of God on both a personal and corporate level.

      Open Heavens will activate you to…

      *Upgrade your definition of “normal” Christianity to true, Biblical standards.

      *Sustain the Holy Fire burning on the altar of your heart, while continuing to cry out for a greater outpouring of the Spirit.

      *Witness revival’s overflow, as it spills into broader culture, producing societal reformation and creative renaissance.

      *Uncover revival’s reward, and be stirred to pursue it at any cost.

      *Identify common “messes” that accompany corporate revival and learn to navigate them.

      *Carry revival into every sphere of influence, taking the fire of God to your school, home, or business.

      If you are hungry for a fresh move of God in your life, church, or community, Open Heavens will guide you through preparing the altar, encountering the fire of God, and keeping it burning every day! Why settle for anything less?

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    • Authority In Three Worlds



      God has restored your authority in the earth through Jesus and given you back that which satan stole from Adam in the garden. The name of Jesus gives you authority in three worlds and the Bible states that using that name causes beings in heaven, beings in earth, and beings under the earth to yield to that name.

      Jesus delegated His authority to you to carry out His ministry. This delegated authority gives you:

      *Dominion in the Earth through Spoken Words
      *The Power to Bind the Forces of Hell
      *The Authority of the Body Anointed by the Holy Spirit
      *The Ability to Change Circumstances

      Sound too good to be true?

      Jesus Christ Himself delegated His authority to you. Every believer has a LEGAL RIGHT to exercise authority in the earth today. This authority was given to every Christian so that the sick can be healed, finances can be loosed, and those bound by satan, sin, and oppression can be free.

      It’s time for believers to rise up in the full authority that God intended! Discover your spiritual authority and start changing your world today.

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    • Way Of The Kingdom


      The times we live in are overwhelmed with aggression, darkness, and crisis. The counterfeit kingdom of darkness is moving violently on the earth; intimidation and violence are the name of the enemy’s game. How should believers respond?

      Kim Maas, international speaker and prophetic voice, guides readers to discover the answer to this question by showing our need to become like the sons of Issachar–men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do–in order to understand how to war using the weapons of the kingdom of God: violent love, violent mercy, violent forgiveness, and the violence of healing, deliverance, and salvation.

      It is time for the people of God to know the times and seasons and how to advance the kingdom of God!

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    • Happy Hunters : The Miraculous Life And Healing Ministry Of Charles And Fra


      Known as the “Happy Hunters,” Charles and Frances Hunter were nationally recognized both for their powerful healing ministry and for their unbridled, contagious joy. What few people know, however, is that Frances spent years as a “wild sinner,” and Charles was a “dried-up spiritual prune” for most of his early life.

      God miraculously used these two unlikely candidates to birth one of the most powerful healing ministries the world has ever known. Their story is one of triumph, power, and divine intervention.

      As you read this book, you will…
      *Witness thousands healed of “incurable” diseases
      *Explore the purpose and use of spiritual gifts
      *Learn a powerful method of evangelism
      *Discover how to build your faith
      *Find out how to heal the sick

      As you follow the Hunters’ incredible journeys, you will learn from their experiences and benefit from the spiritual wisdom gained from decades of ministry. See how many ordinary people are impacting the world as a direct result of yielding to God, and learn how you can impact your world, too!

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    • 30 Prayers Of Divine Protection


      30 Revelatory Teachings and Prayers for Walking in Divine Protection and Victory

      There is no denying that we are living in what the Bible calls “perilous times” (2 Timothy 3:1).

      How do we navigate through these challenging days? Is it possible to live in victory as a Christian when the world around us seems to be in crisis? The answer is yes! Even in the midst of difficulty and trouble, God is faithful and His Word remains powerful. We do not have to be fearful or anxious of any plague, war, or rumor of war, because we are citizens of an unshakable kingdom.

      In 30 Prayers of Divine Protection:Supernatural Defense and Breakthrough in Times of Crisis, Dr. Kynan Bridges shares revelatory teachings and prayers to enable you and your loved ones to walk in divine protection and victory-no matter what the news media or society around you says about the state of the world. He leads you in petitions and declarations that will thrust you into the realm of the supernatural in a fresh way, including:

      *Prayer for deliverance
      *Prayer for overcoming fear
      *Prayer for financial breakthrough
      *Prayer for freedom from depression
      *Prayer for overcoming stress
      *Prayer for healing

      The world says: “Crisis!” “Pandemic!” “Destruction!” But we must boldly proclaim that God’s kingdom is advancing and His people are protected.

      Prepare to receive spiritual downloads that will empower you to pray over your spheres of influence and release supernatural deliverance, breakthrough, and defense. Curses will be broken, strongholds will crumble, and divine provision will be manifested!

      As you apply the powerful truths in this book, receive this declaration from Dr. Kynan for you and your family:

      “Father, I declare that Your peace, power, and protection are released over the homes and communities of Your people. I declare that the shalom of God permeates the atmosphere. I declare that the rarified air of heaven fills the very rooms Your people dwell in now. I declare that nothing the enemy has planned for the people of God will be successful but that all You have planned for them will come to pass. In the name of Jesus, amen!”

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    • Walking In Prophecy Signs And Wonders


      God is prophetically speaking to us today while performing signs and wonders in the last days. These movements of the Spirit are a continuation of the signs, wonders, and other supernatural works God has done in the past to demonstrate His power and glory. Through miracle testimonies, faith-building teachings, and remarkable accounts from her personal family heritage–including miracles in the life of noted healing evangelist Maria Woodworth-Etter–Glenda Jackson shows how God can work powerfully in your life, bringing to pass what He has ordained for us and His purposes in the world. Discover what it means to be a prophetic watchman and a vessel for God’s glory in these momentous days before Christ’s return.

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    • Maria Woodworth Etter


      Catch the Holy Spirit Fire!

      There are times when looking back helps to fuel our future. Looking back at the life of evangelist Maria Woodworth-Etter, you will be emboldened by the truth that nothing is impossible to the believer who surrenders to God.

      In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Maria Woodworth-Etter, the grandmother of the Pentecostal Movement, astounded many Americans as she traveled across the country holding revivals. At these meetings, the worst sinners in the town were saved, the most diseased were healed, and her biggest critics were proven wrong.

      Pentecostal historian and minister, Roberts Liardon has compiled the complete collection of Maria Woodworth-Etter’s teaching. In this profound work, modern Christians will discover that a supernatural lifestyle can be normal for every believer.

      In this unique book, you will discover…
      *A comprehensive biography of Maria Woodworth-Etter’s incredible life
      *Timeless teaching from her original sermons
      *Astounding reports of miraculous healings
      *Detailed accounts of holy trances
      *Private encounters with God that produce supernatural results in public

      Come take a thrilling journey through the early years of the Pentecostal Movement and experience the dynamic life and ministry of Maria Woodworth-Etter!

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    • 365 Days Of Increase


      Empowered to Increase

      None of us is immune to life’s challenges, but we don’t have to be limited by them either. God’s Word can empower us to overcome our challenges and change our circumstances!

      In 365 Days of Increase, author, teacher, and broadcaster Rick Renner shares a powerful collection of prayers and confessions designed to help you increase in God’s Word, bolster your faith, and grow confident and strong in the face of changing tides and seasons.

      Each prayer and confession is based on Rick’s Greek word studies found in his devotional Sparkling Gems from the Greek 2. This compact version gives you an easy-to-use method for bringing the power of God’s Word into your life with increase so that when pressures come, His Word will keep you positioned for victory every day of the year!

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    • Angels Of Fire


      The supernatural link between angels of fire and the coming move of God’s glory!

      The angelic host has been with us from the beginning. While they are not often recognized by the human eye, they have been present all along and are vital to the work of God being fulfilled in the Earth. When you learn how to recognize these unique angels and how they are operating, you will be able to participate with them to bring about the accelerated healing, restoration, purification and all of the other end-times signs of global Holy Spirit outpouring.

      Angels are preparing the way for the greatest move of God in human history.
      Discover how you can join in with their preparation and experience this end-times outpouring today!

      Candice Smithyman is a TV host, prophetic author, and supernatural minister. She carries a powerful revelation about the vital link between the Angels of Fire, God’s End-time outpouring of glory, and how you fit in the unfolding of Heaven’s history-making, world-shaking agenda.

      Discover ancient truths about the angelic, such as:
      *Angels are Word-activated: not by human words, but by the Word of God.
      *Angels help bring God’s plans and purposes to pass in your life.
      *Angels are assigned to a person at conception.
      *Angels cooperate with people fulfilling divine assignments to see renewal and revival break out in the Earth.
      *Angelic Movement can be recognized and discerned by those moving in the Spirit.

      Angels will be ushering in the end time revival and the more we know the better equipped we will be to participate with God as He returns.

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    • Making Of A Watchman


      The “Watchman Anointing” is being released in this hour!

      If you seek to better understand the times and seasons, read on. If you are compelled by Jesus’ words to watch and to pray, this book is for you!

      Throughout Scripture, God appointed His watchmen to guard and protect Israel. The watchman’s duty was to warn of coming danger, calling God’s people to follow the Lord’s ways. A watchman’s ministry offered both warning and hope. Though they were often not well received, their message and ministry were critical. It is no different today.

      In The Making of a Watchman, veteran prophet and seer, Jennifer LeClaire draws from scriptural examples and personal experience, revealing how to operate in this crucial ministry – not only to anticipate the enemy’s schemes, but to align with God’s sovereign plan.

      The Making of a Watchman will:
      *Detail the role of a watchman.
      *Help you discern if you are called to this ministry.
      *Offer protocols for releasing words of warning paired with words of hope.
      *Provide practical prayers, exercises, and activations for operating as a watchman.

      God still appoints His watchmen over cities and nations – those who will proclaim His Kingdom and offer hope in the midst of chaos. Are you called to this office? Come along with Jennifer LeClaire and learn to respond with Kingdom perspective to the changing times and seasons!

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    • Gift Of Tongues


      Is the gift of tongues for today? Does God want me to have the gift of tongues? Should I ask for the gift of tongues? Believers have asked these questions and many others about this debated and mysterious spiritual gift.

      Offering fresh biblical insight, Robert Henderson has written an essential guide that helps readers understand and discover the power of tongues to remove limits and establish a renewed relationship with God transcending the natural realm. In these pages, you will:
      – gain biblical understanding of the mystery of tongues
      – learn how to empower your prayer life
      – defeat discouragement, depression, and disillusionment
      – receive an impartation for this spiritual gift to become a reality in your own life
      – enter a new realm of personal power, hope, and faith in the Lord

      Let go of powerless Christianity and ready yourself for the supernatural, in which the Bible declares that every believer can operate!

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    • 7 Divine Mysteries (Audio CD)


      God’s abundance is waiting for you. Are you ready to go deeper?

      There comes a point in our spiritual journey when we must no longer sit and wait. Instead, we need to stand up and walk boldly in God’s purposes for us. We have to progress toward the blessings and provision He has shown us in the glory realms.

      There isn’t a single area of your life for which God does not have a promise of victory. He has proclaimed breakthroughs, blessings, and, yes, miracles. In 7 Divine Mysteries: Supernatural Secrets to Discovering Unlimited Abundance by Joshua Mills, you will find out how to connect to the manifest promises of God as you stretch your faith, work the Word, and allow the Spirit to lead you into overflowing abundance for spirit, soul, and body. The seven mysteries include the mystery of divine vision, the mystery of the seed, the mystery of working with angels, the mystery of gratitude, the mystery of divine connection, the mystery of divine placement and positioning, and the mystery of divine timing.

      There is an entire realm of supernatural abundance just waiting for you to explore and put to work in your life. In these days, God is opening untapped abundance for restoration, healing, deliverance, relationships, finances, creative ideas, and more. Many people have been waiting for God to move in their lives, but He is waiting for us to move in faith toward His promises. We must activate what He has spoken to us about-or risk losing the opportunity. God is looking for men and women who will rise up and choose to receive every promise He has given.

      As God’s children, we can confidently ask Him for miracles and provision in areas where we have experienced difficulty or lack in the past. We just need to give Him permission to upset the daily routine of our lives and let His glory flow from heaven to earth. Then, we need to take hold of our portion as it comes down from the throne.

      Joshua Mills and his wife, Janet, have proven these seven scriptural principles in their own lives, and this book is filled with faith-building testimonies, practical keys, and activations for readers to apply directly to their own circumstances.

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    • 7 Divine Mysteries Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Connect to the Manifest Promises of God

      There comes a point in our spiritual journey when we must no longer sit and wait. Instead, we need to stand up and walk boldly in God’s purposes for us. We have to progress toward the blessings and provision He has shown us in the glory realms.

      There isn’t a single area of your life for which God does not have a promise of victory. He has proclaimed breakthroughs, blessings, and, yes, miracles. In this study guide companion to 7 Divine Mysteries: Supernatural Secrets to Unlimited Abundance by Joshua Mills, you will find out how to connect to the manifest promises of God as you stretch your faith, work the Word, and allow the Spirit to lead you into overflowing abundance for spirit, soul, and body. The seven mysteries include:

      Divine Mystery #1: Your Vision: The Pathway for Provision

      Divine Mystery #2: What You Say Prepares the Way

      Divine Mystery #3: The Word You Work Will Work for You

      Divine Mystery #4: What You Sow, You Will Grow

      Divine Mystery #5: The Art of Generous Receiving

      Divine Mystery #6: Utilizing the Strength of Angels

      Divine Mystery #7: God’s Promised Generational Blessing

      There is an entire realm of supernatural abundance just waiting for you to explore and put to work in your life. In these days, God is opening untapped abundance for restoration, healing, deliverance, relationships, finances, creative ideas, and more. Many people have been waiting for God to move in their lives, but He is waiting for us to move in faith toward His promises. We must activate what He has spoken to us about-or risk losing the opportunity. God is looking for men and women who will rise up and choose to receive every promise He has given.

      The 7 Divine Mysteries Study Guide, which can be used by either individuals or groups, contains some brand-new material to further your understanding of supernatural abundance. The guide is also filled with key points from the book, thought questions, review questions, and supernatural activations.

      Joshua Mills and his wife, Janet, have proven these seven scriptural principles in their own lives. As God’s children, we can confidently ask Him for miracles and provision in areas where we have experienced difficulty or lack in the past. We just need to give Him permission to upset the daily routine of our lives and let His glory flow from heaven to earth. Then, we need to take hold of our portion as it comes down from the throne.

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    • Gods Unstoppable Breakthrough (Audio CD)


      Experience God’ s Unstoppable Breakthrough and Blessings!

      You may be facing an issue that seems like an insurmountable mountain in your life. Or, your circumstances may be so difficult you feel surrounded by walls with no way out. You ask God to knock down those walls, just as He did for Joshua at Jericho. But they’re still standing. Sometimes, God removes the obstacles from our lives immediately and dramatically. But what can we do when the mountain doesn’t move, when the breakthrough doesn’t come, when God’s promises aren’t fulfilled, even when we pray?

      That’s when we have to plant ourselves in God’s Word and presence and let Him take us over our mountain! The breakthrough starts as our roots grow deep. This is what Joseph did when he was in the pit and the dungeon. “Joseph is a fruitful bough, a fruitful bough by a well; his branches run over the wall” (Genesis 49:22). He grew over his wall, his mountain, by adopting a heavenly perspective rather than an earthly one. The result was a multitude of blessings for him, his family, and the world.

      You can rise up over your own mountain of difficulty, opposition, or hindrance. As you do, that mountain won’t look as high as it used to. Every negative situation will divinely position you to be where you need to be in life. You will rise over circumstances you thought were too powerful for you. You will rise over the wall of limitation that once surrounded you. You will rise over the dead end or impossibility that threatened to defeat you. The trials of life have no power to stop you from being abundant and fruitful in God, receiving His blessings, and fulfilling the plans He has for you. Then, your breakthrough will become a breakthrough and blessing for others, too, enabling them to rise over their own mountains of difficulty.

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    • 7 Divine Mysteries


      God’s abundance is waiting for you. Are you ready to go deeper?

      There comes a point in our spiritual journey when we must no longer sit and wait. Instead, we need to stand up and walk boldly in God’s purposes for us. We have to progress toward the blessings and provision He has shown us in the glory realms.

      There isn’t a single area of your life for which God does not have a promise of victory. He has proclaimed breakthroughs, blessings, and, yes, miracles. In 7 Divine Mysteries: Supernatural Secrets to Unlimited Abundance by Joshua Mills, you will find out how to connect to the manifest promises of God as you stretch your faith, work the Word, and allow the Spirit to lead you into overflowing abundance for spirit, soul, and body. The seven mysteries include the mystery of divine vision, the mystery of the seed, the mystery of working with angels, the mystery of gratitude, the mystery of divine connection, the mystery of divine placement and positioning, and the mystery of divine timing.

      There is an entire realm of supernatural abundance just waiting for you to explore and put to work in your life. In these days, God is opening untapped abundance for restoration, healing, deliverance, relationships, finances, creative ideas, and more. Many people have been waiting for God to move in their lives, but He is waiting for us to move in faith toward His promises. We must activate what He has spoken to us about–or risk losing the opportunity. God is looking for men and women who will rise up and choose to receive every promise He has given.

      As God’s children, we can confidently ask Him for miracles and provision in areas where we have experienced difficulty or lack in the past. We just need to give Him permission to upset the daily routine of our lives and let His glory flow from heaven to earth. Then, we need to take hold of our portion as it comes down from the throne.

      Joshua Mills and his wife, Janet, have proven these seven scriptural principles in their own lives, and this book is filled with faith-building testimonies, practical keys, and activations for readers to apply directly to their own circumstances.

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    • Rejoice Into Joy


      “Rejoice in the Lord always.”

      It’s a simple command that holds the key to experiencing deep and abiding joy through every circumstance.

      Bestselling author and senior leader of Bethel Church, Bill Johnson is known for his teaching on how to experience Heavenly realities in everyday life. In this timely work, he addresses the often-overlooked connection between the experience of joy and the act of rejoicing.

      Pastor Bill teaches that joy is not merely an emotion. It is a posture of the heart, arrived at by consistently choosing to rejoice in the present reality of our Heavenly home, regardless of earthly circumstances.

      Written in short chapters, ideal for daily devotions or thoughtful meditations, Rejoice Into Joy will reveal how to…
      *Enter the fullness of joy through praise and worship.
      *Disarm hell with the power of thanksgiving.
      *Apply the supernatural “math of joy” to trials by “counting it all joy”.

      In whatever circumstance you’re in, choose to rejoice your way into joy, and discover the joy of the Lord as your strength.

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    • Kathryn Kuhlman A Theology Of Miracles


      Kathryn Kuhlman helped to shape a generation of Pentecostal/Charismatic theology and practice by reintroducing a depth of spirituality which harkened back to the teachings of the mystics. She introduced the concept of spiritual silence to a generation of Sawdust Trail Pentecostals known for their exuberant and lively worship services, and she popularized the experience of being “slain in the Spirit.” But her most notable innovation resulted from discarding healing lines and cards together with a healing theology based upon the faith of the adherents. Instead, she invited pilgrims into a transcendent experience of the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit, which rested upon a foundation of love.

      It is those miracles, and the way those miracles took place, or the ‘method’ or ‘praxis, ‘ that became her greatest contributions. The methodology she used and the theological basis for it are some of the most interesting and poignant aspects of her incredible life and yet what is least understood. Many have attempted to mimic her methods and to adopt her style, but few, if any, have fully understood or appreciated the theological and practical leap she made when she entered into a new realm of spiritual expression. It is this hidden manna that this book seeks to uncover.

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    • Houses Of Glory


      Supernatural strategies and Heavenly blueprints to become a resting place for God’s glory.

      As waves of global crises continue to shake the earth, those filled with the Holy Spirit must stand as unshakeable beacons of God’s glory in a dark world. Are you ready for the task?

      Charged to release prophetic words about God’s coming, cleansing work in the church, respected prophet and bestselling author, Jeremiah Johnson offers a challenging call to become all you were made to be – a vessel to carry God’s glory to the world!

      In this latest work, Jeremiah’s prophetic voice and pastor’s heart resound together, ringing out a message of challenge and hope to the entire church, and to you.

      In this timely prophetic word, you will learn how to:
      *Awaken the pioneering spirit in you that has been dormant or silenced by religion.
      *Cultivate an “Upper Room” DNA in your life, organization, family and church.
      *Take your place in the “five-fold ministry,” both within and outside of the church.
      *Operate in the Holy Spirit strategies from 1 Corinthians 14, needed now more than ever.
      *Get a prophetic vision for what God is doing in the Earth.

      Join in God’s supernatural building project, and awaken to the call to be a house for God’s glory!

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    • Gods Unstoppable Breakthrough


      Experience God’ s Unstoppable Breakthrough and Blessings!

      You may be facing an issue that seems like an insurmountable mountain in your life. Or, your circumstances may be so difficult you feel surrounded by walls with no way out. You ask God to knock down those walls, just as He did for Joshua at Jericho. But they’re still standing. Sometimes, God removes the obstacles from our lives immediately and dramatically. But what can we do when the mountain doesn’t move, when the breakthrough doesn’t come, when God’s promises aren’t fulfilled, even when we pray?

      That’s when we have to plant ourselves in God’s Word and presence and let Him take us over our mountain! The breakthrough starts as our roots grow deep. This is what Joseph did when he was in the pit and the dungeon. “Joseph is a fruitful bough, a fruitful bough by a well; his branches run over the wall” (Genesis 49:22). He grew over his wall, his mountain, by adopting a heavenly perspective rather than an earthly one. The result was a multitude of blessings for him, his family, and the world.

      You can rise up over your own mountain of difficulty, opposition, or hindrance. As you do, that mountain won’t look as high as it used to. Every negative situation will divinely position you to be where you need to be in life. You will rise over circumstances you thought were too powerful for you. You will rise over the wall of limitation that once surrounded you. You will rise over the dead end or impossibility that threatened to defeat you. The trials of life have no power to stop you from being abundant and fruitful in God, receiving His blessings, and fulfilling the plans He has for you. Then, your breakthrough will become a breakthrough and blessing for others, too, enabling them to rise over their own mountains of difficulty.

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    • Breaking The Miracle Barrier


      Throughout the Bible, we read stories of individuals praying desperate prayers–and receiving miracle answers. This leaves us with a question: What does it take to push through–to break the miracle barrier?

      In this powerful new release, apostolic leader Jennifer LeClaire reveals a surprising key to obtaining breakthrough, veiled in the prayer lives of people crying desperately to see godly desires manifested, loved ones delivered, and enemies defeated. She teaches believers how to cry out to God, and how to sustain the desperate kind of faith undaunted by obstacles, opposition, and odds–prayer in faith that breaks the miracle barrier.

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    • Smith Wigglesworth : Powerful Messages For Living A Radical Life


      Twentieth-century minister, Smith Wigglesworth was a man of radical, legendary faith-the kind that raised people from the dead and moved in signs, wonders, and miracles.

      When this simple, illiterate plumber was baptized in the Holy Spirit, he began pursuing God with a bold faith, and God responded in powerful ways. People are still talking about his faith today!

      In Smith Wigglesworth: A Man Who Walked in the Miraculous, author Roberts Liardon has compiled first hand testimonies, biographical information, and original sermons from this “apostle of faith” who has inspired millions worldwide. Some of the powerful sermons from Rev. Wigglesworth are…

      *Cry of the Spirit
      *Mean Business with God
      *Temptation Endured
      *The Clothing of the Spirit for the World’s Need
      *Praying for the Sick
      *The Secret Place

      This collection of Smith Wigglesworth teachings is still preaching faith today, and God is no respecter of persons. Catch hold of the spirit of faith that was upon him and walk in the same miraculous power!

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    • Unlocking The Code Of The Supernatural Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      The Mystery of Being a Christian

      It can be hard for us to admit we are dissatisfied with our spiritual life. That we are in a place where going to church is not yielding the victory we desire. A place where we pray things like, “God, I will never do that again,” yet find ourselves doing it again and again.

      If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are in fact a new creation. How would you like to start really experiencing that new life? Once you do, you will discover a world of unlimited spiritual possibilities.

      Being a Christian is a mystery in which Christ lives in us through a radical transformation of our spiritual DNA. We have a relationship with the living Jesus that changes every dynamic of our life. And we are given our own access code, which is the Word of God. This is how we enter into the benefits and features of our new life.

      What you need in order to overcome sin, sickness, poverty, and defeatism is to become conscious of, and intimate with, the indwelling Christ. Once you do, you will never again be manipulated by fear and insecurity. You won’t be caught in a vicious cycle of striving for God’s love and acceptance. You will be confident in your new identity, which will empower you to live the supernatural life God intends for you. You will operate in revelation knowledge, wisdom, spiritual understanding, and miracles. The bondage of sin, shame, and condemnation will be released by the power of the Holy Spirit. Demons won’t be able to oppress you because you will have an overwhelming consciousness of God’s love.

      Whether you are a new Christian or a long-time believer who has never been able to fully apply Christ’s victory to your life, this companion study guide to Unlocking the Code of the Supernatural will help you become all God created you to be. You will no longer be a victim, defeated, or broken. God wants to use you for His glory! From this day forward, there are no more limitations on your life.

      Designed for both individual and group study.

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    • Unlocking The Code Of The Supernatural


      The Mystery of Being a Christian

      It can be hard for us to admit we are dissatisfied with our spiritual life. That we are in a place where going to church is not yielding the victory we desire. A place where we pray things like, “God, I will never do that again,” yet find ourselves doing it again and again.

      If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are in fact a new creation. How would you like to start really experiencing that new life? Once you do, you will discover a world of unlimited spiritual possibilities.

      Being a Christian is a mystery in which Christ lives in us through a radical transformation of our spiritual DNA. We have a relationship with the living Jesus that changes every dynamic of our life. And we are given our own access code, which is the Word of God. This is how we enter into the benefits and features of our new life.

      What you need in order to overcome sin, sickness, poverty, and defeatism is to become conscious of, and intimate with, the indwelling Christ. Once you do, you will never again be manipulated by fear and insecurity. You won’t be caught in a vicious cycle of striving for God’s love and acceptance. You will be confident in your new identity, which will empower you to live the supernatural life God intends for you. You will operate in revelation knowledge, wisdom, spiritual understanding, and miracles. The bondage of sin, shame, and condemnation will be released by the power of the Holy Spirit. Demons won’t be able to oppress you because you will have an overwhelming consciousness of God’s love.

      Whether you are a new Christian or a long-time believer who has never been able to fully apply Christ’s victory to your life, Unlocking the Code of the Supernatural will help you become all God created you to be. You will no longer be a victim, defeated, or broken. God wants to use you for His glory! From this day forward, there are no more limitations on your life.

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    • Activate Heaven : Use The Power Of Your Voice To Win Your Battles And Walk


      Some things will not happen until you open your mouth. Your voice has the power to bring heaven to earth.

      God has given believers the ability to speak as He spoke, causing things that were not to be. The believer’s voice pulls, roots out, throws down, destroys, and builds up and plants (Jeremiah 1:10). When we speak according to the Spirit of God, our voices bring heaven to earth. When we open our mouths, heaven is speaking. When we prophesy, heaven is speaking. When we speak by the Spirit of God, heaven is speaking. No matter how much it seems like hell is raging, when we open our mouths and speak God’s Word, heaven comes.

      In Activate Heaven, John Eckhardt shows you how to use your voice to advance God’s agenda in the earth and equips you to stand against everything the enemy uses to silence your voice, from depression and confusion to sickness, pain, and rejection. The enemy would like nothing more than to silence the church. But when we open our mouths, the sick get healed, demons flee, miracles and finances are released, resulting in situations turned around. Speaking the will of God-speaking forth that which is in heaven-is the essence of the prophetic. Therefore, it’s time to stop complaining and start prophesying. It’s time to stop talking about how bad things are and begin to open our mouths and declare that as we speak heaven comes.

      This book will teach you how to use the most powerful tool you possess: Your voice. You will be empowered to rip off the muzzle placed upon you by man, and you will exercise the supernatural power of your voice.

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    • Mystery Of The Power Words


      Speak the words that make hell tremble!

      There are timeless words, straight from the Scripture, that – when spoken and applied – paralyze the devil and cause accelerated supernatural shift. These words defeat demonic powers, heal disease, accelerate financial increase, overcome temptation, and demolish strongholds. These are the power words… and Satan is absolutely intent on removing them from the believer’s vocabulary.

      It’s time to open our mouths and release the thunder of Heaven!

      Kevin Zadai, bestselling author of Praying from the Heavenly Realm and The Agenda of Angels, was taken behind the heavenly veil where the Lord revealed to him certain power words that can release the power of Heaven and bind the strategies of hell.

      These powerful words include: The Blood – Repentance – New Covenant – Kingdom Dominion – The Fear of the Lord – Resurrection Power – Holy Fire – Visitation – Habitation – Divine Prosperity and many more!

      Mystery of the Power Words will help you…
      *Understand the pathways for walking out your destiny on Earth
      *Access the battle strategies of Heaven that reveal God’s intent for your life
      *Decode the veil of secrecy that surrounds the power words God wants you to understand and boldly speak
      *Clearly discern God’s will for you and your family
      *Identify and defeat the enemies of your advancement
      *Establish a link between praying in tongues and walking in Kingdom dominion

      All of Heaven is waiting for you to release these supernatural words! Wield the power of the tongue for the sake of the Kingdom! Decree and declare words of victory over your life today!

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    • Como Formar Vencedores De Giga – (Spanish)


      Con honestidad, humor y perspicacia biblica, los autores de exitos de ventas, Bill y Beni Johnson lo ayudan a descubrir las claves para una crianza exitosa en el reino de Dios. “Padres, gobernamos con el proposito de proteccion, pero tambien servimos con el proposito de empoderar”, escriben. “Queremos liberar el destino para nuestros hijos, ese es el privilegio de ser padres”.

      En estas paginas obtendra la sabiduria, los conceptos del reino y las herramientas practicas que necesita para ayudar a criar a sus hijos al maximo.

      Descubrira como ser padre de su singularidad, dones y fortalezas, asi como tambien como puede demostrar y revelar quien es Dios para sus hijos. Los autores tambien abordan problemas apremiantes que enfrentan los padres hoy en dia, incluyendo como:

      * Comprometerse plenamente a escuchar lo que el Seor esta diciendo sobre cada nio
      * Mantener una relacion y disciplina
      * Desarrollar el caracter
      * Entrenar a tus hijos para la adoracion
      * Avivar la llama de lo que Dios ha puesto en sus corazones
      * y mas

      No importa la edad de sus hijos, tiene una oportunidad increible de moldear sus corazones, mentes y valores. Aqui esta todo lo que necesita para ayudar a sus hijos a caminar hacia el destino de sus vidas y verlos convertirse en las personas increibles que fueron creadas para ser.

      ?With honesty, humor, and keen biblical insight, bestselling authors Bill and Beni Johnson help you discover the keys to successful parenting in God’s kingdom. “Parents, we rule for the purpose of protection, but we also serve with the purpose of empowering,” they write. “We want to release our children into their destiny–that’s the privilege of parenting.”

      In these pages you will gain the wisdom, kingdom concepts, and practical tools you need to help raise your children to their best.

      You’ll discover how to parent to their uniqueness, gifts, and strengths, as well as how you can demonstrate and reveal who God is to your kids. The authors also address pressing issues parents face today, including how to:

      * be fully engaged in hearing what the Lord is saying over each child
      * maintain relationship and discipline
      * develop character
      * train your children for worship
      * fan the flame of what God has put in their hearts
      * and more

      No matter what age your kids are, you have an incredible opportunity to shape their hearts, minds, and values. Here is everything you need to help your children walk into the destiny of their lives and see

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