Christian Living
Showing 2201–2250 of 3139 resultsSorted by latest
All The Wild Pearls
$17.99Add to cartEvery pearl has a story to tell.
We see our wounds and lose hope of ever being lovely, but this is not the story of the pearl…
…or the Gospel.Every time the Gospel meets a wound, a redemptive story forms. Where we see dirty, Jesus sees beauty soon set on display. Just as pearls start from affliction, so too our redemptive stories start in our cut places.
Join lawyer, speaker and author Heather DeJesus Yates as she creatively guides our generation through the transformational hope of the Gospel using both her own redemptive stories and those of an unlikely companion…a wild oyster.
Discover your own collection of redemptive stories, the ways Jesus has transformed your pain, and find hope for those pearls yet forming in your soul. Experience confidence in knowing your redemptive stories, so you can pass them down for generations to cherish, so you can say:
“Here, daughters of the next generation…these are all my wild pearls.”
Father Teach Me How To Love Again
$13.99Add to cart“Father Teach Me How to Love Again” outlines the power of God’s love in strong, biblical and practical ways that inspire readers to live a love-inspired life. The modern world is crowded with pressures that are causing an erosion of community spirit and family values.
Have you lost the ability to love due to life’s experiences?
Have you suffered broken relationships with friends, relations, spouses?
If you have given up the hope of ever finding love, this book is for you.The author explains that we are running on empty because we cannot give what we do not have. Our love tanks are running on empty.
“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:13).” Using this scripture, the author encourages the reader to focus on love on a daily basis.
Topics include:
*The recipe for love
*The intimacy of love -
Pull It Off
$22.00Add to cartAward-winning musical artist and conference speaker Julianna Zobrist urges women to be confident and discover their true identity in Christ.
Julianna answers the question that probes many modern women today: How can we be completely transparent and vulnerable with ourselves and others, and yet be secure and confident enough to walk through life without fear? PULL IT OFF is broken down into three parts that will address the issues of authority, identity, and security, in order to reveal the root issue of where our fears stem from. Through personal anecdotes and research, Julianna walks readers through how to maximize our true identities and lean into our unique gifts due to a grounded belief in our acceptance of others, our acceptance by God, and ultimately, the acceptance of ourselves.
Julianna’s message and music is for anyone who wants to express the joy and freedom of knowing that Christ gives them the strength to be bold, fearless, and confidently vulnerable knowing that you don’t have to measure up to what others think of you but rather, knowing your true strength can shine because of who you are in Christ. “Only when we can come to grips with our worthwhileness, will we ever begin to step out in bravery and confidence and brilliance,” she says.
When we are secure, Julianna says, we believe that we are worthwhile and can, indeed, pull it off.
Let The Real You Step Forward Now
$18.99Add to cartDo you struggle with knowing who you really are and enjoying the freedom to live the real you? Do you long for deeper, more meaningful relationships? Are you feeling frustrated, stuck, or confused about your unique purpose and don’t know what’s really holding you back?
Research confirms that feelings of success result from having a sense of meaning, purpose, and fulfillment. True fulfillment flows from having meaningful connections, living true to your unique design, and positively contributing to the lives of others. The greatest gift you can give others is to live your authentic self from a place of wholeness and spiritual freedom.
Walking in wholeness and freedom is easier than you think! Let Lisa Vanderkwaak help you discover why living the real you is essential to unlocking your purpose. By implementing the keys outlined in this book, you can experience shifts in your closest relationships, your beliefs, your approach to life, and feel empowered to do more than you ever thought possible. These keys, rooted in both spiritual principles and practical research, will give you a simple process to understand how to:
– Develop more intimate, authentic relationships.
– Overcome emotional blocks that keep you from moving forward and experiencing wholeness and freedom every day.
– Gain greater clarity about who you are and what your purpose is.
– Break through to higher levels of personal and professional growth.Life is too short! It’s time to step forward now and discover the joy of engaging your heart, awakening your spirit, and experiencing a life of wholeness, freedom, and greater fulfillment!
Patient Heal Thyself
$17.99Add to cartFinally! A solution for those suffering with Cancer, Heart Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, Asthma, IBS, and more!
Today, Jordan Rubin is a doctor of naturopathic medicine and founder of Garden of Life(R), the fastest-growing nutritional company in America. But at the age of 19, Jordan was diagnosed with Chrone’s Disease–an incurable digestive ailment. In one of the most dramatic natural healing stories ever told, Jordan discovered a natural path to complete healing and sustained health.
In this updated and expanded edition of Patient, Heal Thyself (originally published in 2002), Jordan Rubin shares his monumental discoveries, teaching you how to take control of your own health and unlock your body’s phenomenal healing potential.
In this book, you’ll discover…
*How the body can overcome virtually any health challenge by following the Maker’s Diet
*The key to attaining and maintaining vibrant health lies in your gastrointestinal tract
*Which specific foods, not found in our modern diet, hold the key to healing a wide range of health conditions
*Complete protocols for diet and nutritional supplementsThe simple, life-changing strategies and ancient principles found in this book can help you chart a path for wholeness. Get in the driver’s seat and take control of your health journey today!
Seeing Behind The Veil
$16.99Add to cartBegin each day with a supernatural encounter! Every day is a fresh invitation to encounter the Holy Spirit in a new way!
In this unique supernatural devotional, seer, prophet, and missionary, Ana Werner shares insights she has received through prophetic encounters, angelic visitations, and supernatural visions.
These inspirational entries-drawn from Ana’s personal history of encounters with God-are words from Heaven that are sure to infuse every day with hope, encouragement, healing, and assurance of God’s nearness.
Including both Scripture passages and prophetic words, these devotionals offer powerful insights on:
*Dwelling in God’s Presence: living with a consistent aware of the Holy Spirit’s nearness.
*Spiritual warfare: how winning spiritual battles can impact your everyday life.
*Amplifying God’s voice: positioning yourself to hear God’s words just for you.
*Comfort, strength, courage and faith: anchors of hope for the daily challenges you face.
*Angelic activity: how to partner with the Heavenly hosts to release God’s plans for your life.Gain new strength by encountering the supernatural presence of God, every day!
Way Of Life
$23.99Add to cartExperience the Supernatural as a Natural Way of Life!
Bill Johnson, respected pastor, bestselling author and senior leader of Bethel Church, lives in a culture of the miraculous. In his groundbreaking new book, The Way of Life, he shares not as a theological spectator, but as an active participant in a historic move of God that has been sweeping the nations.
From over 40 years of personal experience with the Holy Spirit, Bill mentors you on how to:
*Create a supernatural “greenhouse effect” that impacts the world around us through practicing Kingdom values.
*Sustain a flow of God’s supernatural power in your life, your family and your church community.
*Develop a culture that values wholeness-body, soul and spirit-where the Kingdom has tangible impact on every area of our lives.
*Building supernatural relationships through honor and seeing the significance of every person.
*Walk in the completed work of the Cross because you are grounded in an “It is Finished” theology.
*Partner with the Presence of the Holy Spirit to transform the everyday places where God leads you.
*Run towards impossible situations and release the supernatural solutions of Jesus. -
Descubre Tu Proposito – (Spanish)
$19.99Add to cartHay personas que participan en proyectos importantes, pero no estan viviendo su proposito. Ni siquiera conocen cual es, y menos saben como cumplir con un proposito que ni siquiera conocen. Proposito, o Idea Central Permanente (ICP) como lo denomina el autor Tiago Brunet, es el principal motivo por el cual haces lo que haces; es lo que te motiva en los dias dificiles. Es lo que define tu identidad. Una persona con proposito esta blindada contra la depresion, el miedo, las criticas, las ofensas y las dudas. En este libro vas a descubrir tu proposito, y cuando lo descubras, 5 cosas cambiaran en tu vida automaticamente: los amigos que tienes, la forma en la que inviertes el tiempo, tu manejo del dinero, la fe que posees, y el diseo de tu destino. Tu vida cobra sentido solamente cuando vives tu proposito. Descubre tu proposito. !Quien tiene proposito ya vencio!
Some people may be involved in important ventures, but they may not be living their purpose. They don’t even know their purpose, much less are they fulfilling it. Purpose or Idea Central Permanente (ICP, Permanent Central Idea), the way the author Tiago Brunet calls it, is the main motive for whatever you do; it is what keeps you moving through hard times. It is what defines your identity. A person with purpose is protected against depression, fear, doubts and offense. Through this book you will discover your purpose and when you find it, five things will change immediately in your life: the friends you have, the ways you spend time, the way of dealing with money, the faith you have, and design of your destiny. Your life has meaning only when you live in your purpose. Discover Your Purpose. Whoever has purpose is already a winner!
Choose A Changed Mind
$7.99Add to cartThoughts are powerful. When we take personal responsibility for our thoughts and their consequences, we can reject destructive patterns. Replacing them with quality values brings order to our inner world. As we submit to Jesus Christ through the Word of God, the dynamics of Holy-Spirit-controlled thinking produces profound transformation in our minds. This book challenges us that we can always choose to change the way we think and experience a renewed mind.
Listen God Is Calling
$13.99Add to cartHelen Pasanen had a conversion experience at the age of twenty-five, coming to Christ after watching Dr. Billy Graham on television. Subsequently, a near-death experience brought her closer to God and instilled in her a greater sense of mission to tell others that He is only a prayer away. That mission deepened in the mid-1980s, when God began speaking to her in a very deep and personal way, activating in her the gift of prophecy. Ever since, she has been writing and sharing those messages with the world.
“Listen, God Is Calling” presents prophetic messages in a 365-day devotional, allowing you to more easily meditate each day on the Lord and wonder at the breadth and power of His love. These words of wisdom are especially important to believers in these last days, as He seeks to reveal His heart more urgently than ever to a hurting world.
Being Joseph : The Brother Who Restored A Family And Nurtured A Nation
$14.99Add to cartHave you ever felt betrayed by a family member? Have you ever needed even a glimpse of hope to help you through a tough situation? In the Old Testament, we read that Joseph was thrown into a pit and then sold by his own brothers. This great betrayal left him feeling alone and in despair. Unfortunately, this was only the beginning of his troubles.
“Being Joseph” takes a closer, pastoral perspective on perseverance through hardships, the value of forgiveness even when it’s near impossible, and the redemptive hope of reconciliation. Joseph’s story expands on dreams, slavery, seduction, imprisonment, and the restoration of a family. In the worst moments of Joseph’s life, we can see that God never left his side. The lessons we can learn from this book can help enrich our daily lives in this difficult world today.
All ages will benefit from this captivating commentary on a real family, just like yours.
Meeting Jesus : 18 Profound Encounters With Christ
$14.99Add to cartMeeting Jesus explores 18 unique and profound encounters that individuals had with Jesus Christ, each teaching us something different about him. These are people who had met Jesus in real life and whose stories enable us to get to know Christ more personally and love him more dearly. People like Mary Magdalene who met the Friend of Sinners, Pontius Pilate who me the King, Thomas who went from sincere doubt to genuine praise, and many more.
Whether you have been a believer for decades, or you have recently come to faith in Jesus, Meeting Jesus will draw you closer to your beloved Lord and Savior, Companion and Friend. -
Making Connections : A Workbook For Finding Your Place In God s Story (Workbook)
$22.99Add to cartMaking Connections is a hands-on aid to learning the grand story of the Bible. It can be used as a standalone resource, but is best suited to be used alongside the textbook by the authors Telling God’s Story (Broadman & Holman) in addition to the Bible. It is designed to be used in the local church for Bible studies, pastor-led studies, and Sunday school.
En Lo Secreto – (Spanish)
$16.99Add to cartEn algun momento todos necesitamos una palabra de consejo, consuelo o esperanza, que nos de fuerzas para continuar. Quisieramos reunirnos a solas con alguien que sepa como ayudarnos, nos guie, y nos de una estrategia para salir de una situacion o entrar en una. Llegamos a desear que alguien nos hable claro, sin mascaras ni diplomacia, ni falsedad, nos guste o no lo que te pueda decir, pero que lo haga con amor y sinceridad. Tal vez deseamos que tan solo nos escuchen sin hablar, sin juzgarnos, y que nos comprendan. O soamos con el momento y lugar donde podamos descansar y sentir una genuina paz.
Ese lugar y esa persona existen. El te espera ahi, en lo secreto. Ahi encontraras las respuestas a muchas preguntas, direccion a muchas salidas y entradas, consuelo y esperanza. Ahi recibiras una confrontacion sana y constructiva que te mostrara las cosas del caracter y la vida que deberias mejorar o cambiar. Ahi encontraras transformacion.
Este libro reune 52 consejos y reflexiones por cada semana del ao, pero estan presentados sin orden especifico, para que acudas a ellos segun tu necesidad. Ponerlos en practica tendra un impacto muy grande en tu vida, y encenderan en ti una pasion de buscar de Dios en la intimidad, y dejar que El te hable de una manera especial y personal. //
At any moment in life, we all need advice, a comforting word of hope, to regain strength to go on. We long to meet with that someone who can guide us, someone who is able to give us a strategy to get out of or into a situation. We wish we had someone to speak to us clearly, frankly, and without falsehood or nice words, even when we don’t like what we hear…but to do so with love and honesty. Or maybe we just need someone to listen in silence, without judgment, but with understanding. We dream of the time and place in which we can rest and enjoy feeling truly peaceful.
That place and that person are real. He is waiting for you there, in the secret place. There you will find answers to many questions, ways to get out and get in, and receive comfort and hope. You will encounter that healthy and constructive confrontation that may show you character traits you should change or improve. There is where you will find transformation.
This book has fifty-two lessons and thoughts for every week of the year. However, you also may read them as you need them. They will impact your life and ignite a passion to pursue intimacy with God, allowing Him to speak to you in a personal and speci
Made For Friendship
$19.99Add to cartWhile most people have companions, acquaintances, or spouses, do they know what it means to have true friends? With studies showing increasing rates of loneliness and isolation in our society, it is clear there is a need for many to rediscover the true meaning and value of friendship. Filled with biblical insights and real-world examples, this book explores the universal need for friendship, what true friendship really looks like, and how to cultivate relationships that go deeper than enjoying similar tastes or shared interests. As readers discover the biblical vision of true friendship, they will be encouraged to pursue it with enthusiasm and joy.
Growing In Gratitude
$15.99Add to cartAs women, we are often encouraged to “count our blessings.” But truly biblical gratitude is much more than this. Mary K. Mohler unpacks Scripture to help us grow in gracious gratitude (thanking God for who he is) as well as natural gratitude (thanking him for his blessings) and to identify and deal with some of the things that hinder us to help us rediscover the joy of a thankful heart. This thoroughly Bible-centered unpacking of the reasons for gratitude builds on Mary K. Mohler’s 25 years experience in mentoring seminary wives at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Discussion questions at the end of each chapter make this book ideal for group use as well as for individuals.
Soul Rest : Reclaim Your Life, Return To Sabbath
$15.99Add to cartIn the midst of a cacophony of noise, finding true soul rest is nearly impossible.
With so many responsibilities and distractions vying for our attention, too many of us have built unhealthy cycles of rest. As a result, we burn ourselves out, striving and straining against God’s intent for our lives. We can only sustain a life of purpose if we learn to truly rest.In Soul Rest, Curtis “CZ” Zackery reveals how our misaligned view of rest has its roots in an identity that is out of rhythm with God. Taking steps toward understanding Sabbath in the way that God intends can dynamically affect every aspect of our lives. This thoughtful reflection on rest calls us to the hard work of self–examination, helping us move towards a purposeful and sustainable life with Jesus.
Punto De Partida – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartEl mensaje es claro: no podemos darnos el lujo de esperar a que el futuro sea presente para darnos cuenta de que no es lo que soabamos. Tampoco podemos sentarnos a esperar que tan solo “ocurra”, mientras hacemos hoy lo que no nos va a llevar a donde queremos. Mucho menos podemos planear el futuro soado, contaminados con lo que ocurre en nuestro presente, y lo que llevamos en la mente. El tema es: el punto de partida para disfrutar tu maana es tu futuro. Asume tu derecho a descubrir tu futuro, y disealo hoy desde la perspectiva de maana.
The message is loud and clear: we cannot afford to wait for the future to become our present in order to realize that it is not the future we have dreamed of. Neither we can sit down and wait for the future to just “happen,” especially when the things we are doing today will not take us to the tomorrow we desire. We are not able to plan the future we wish because our minds are polluted by our present-day thinking. The issue is this: the starting point to building a better future is to enjoy your tomorrow. Claim your right to unveil a better future, and create it today with a vision that starts tomorrow.
In His Image
$15.99Add to cartAfter first teaching women to go deeper in their study of the Bible in Women of the Word, and then unpacking why our limits are a good thing in light of God’s limitlessness in None Like Him, best-selling author and Bible teacher Jen Wilkin helps readers see what human beings are to be like as they reflect the image of their Creator. In His Image explores 10 attributes of God that Christians are called to reflect-they are called to be holy, loving, just, good, merciful, gracious, faithful, patient, truthful, and wise. This book calls readers to discover the freedom and purpose in becoming all that God made them to be.
Apostles Creed : A Guide To The Ancient Catechism
$18.99Add to cartDo you believe?
Today, we’re flooded with opinions and ideas. And they all might be interesting, but are they true? Would you die for them?
Benjamin Myers re-introduces the Apostles’ Creed, helping us to see how difficult and counter-cultural the Creed really is. It doesn’t give us sweet, empty words. It’s a faith that demands we die so that we might live.
In the early church, many converts died for their faith so they needed to have a good idea what they might die for. Early church pastors and theologians used the Apostles’ Creed as the essential guide to the basics of the Christian life.
The Apostles’ Creed has united Christians from different times, different places, and different traditions. The truths proclaimed in the Creed are eternal.
Will you trust them?
5 Things To Pray For Your Heart
$7.99Add to cartEvery Christian wants to be more like Jesusand, wonderfully, that’s what God wants for us too: “It is God’s will that you should be sanctified” (1 Thessalonians 4 v 3). How will that happen? Only by asking God to transform us from the inside outbecause real heart change comes not by our own willpower, but by the Spirit’s power. Too often though our prayer lives are reduced to shopping-list-style-requests or desperate pleas to get through the day. But this little guide will help you to pray for genuine, deep and astonishing Christian growth, in your own life or somebody else’s. These are prayers your heavenly Father loves to answerbecause they’re based on his word. Each spread takes a passage of Scripture and suggests 5 things to pray for a particular area of your Christian life. Because when we pray in line with God’s priorities as found in his word, our prayers are powerful and effective (James 5 v 16)and that’s a truly thrilling prospect.
Gods Prescription For Healing
$14.99Add to cartAre you fighting a battle for your health? Are you standing in faith to see a loved one healed? GOD’S PRESCRIPTION FOR HEALING will provide you with hope, build your faith, and give you practical tools for finding and standing on the promises in God’s Word. Healing is available for you today!
Superplan : A Journey Into God’s Story
$15.00Add to cartLife is full of twists and turns, peaks and valleys, stops and starts. Chris (and his family’s) journey is like the journey of so many who have abandoned themselves to Christ’s purpose for their lives, sometimes it makes sense and often it does not! As a former West African missionary, I was drawn into the recollections of village life and the amazing connection with life in the US. As a good friend, I was humbled to hear more about how the Clayman’s came to be in NYC and the multiple ways they have trusted God in that journey. As a believer and fellow pilgrim, I was reminded again to trust the “Planner” and His Superplan for my life. Walk the Jesus’ path with Chris and see where God is taking you!
(Note: Cover is intentionally designed to look distressed)
Art Of Rest 2
$15.99Add to cartIf you’re feeling weary wishing life were more sustainable searching for a way to rest without feeling guilty suspecting that you’d enjoy godly rest if only you knew what it was look no further. This warm, realistic, humorous book will show you how rest is different to what you thought it was, and more important than you’ve realized. The world never stops. But you can. You need to. And it’s wonderful. It’s time to learn the art of rest.
Down Not Out
$15.99Add to cartDepression can lead to self-condemnationand yet the gospel tells us there is no condemnation in Christ. Anxiety leads us to inner turmoilbut the gospel assures us of the love of God and the peace that comes with knowing him. Whether you have experienced mental illness yourself, or want to understand depression and anxiety to care for somebody you love, this book provides a personal and theologically-thoughtful reflection on the challenges facing Christians in this area. Written by a pastor from his own experience of depression and anxiety. Short accessible chapters with reflection questions for each one.
A W Tozer Three Spiritual Classics In One Volume
$24.99Add to cartEncounter God. Worship more.
What Tozer lacked in formal education, he more than made up for in experiential wisdom. Tozer was a man who really knew God, and it showed. People came from all over to hear his sermons because they knew they would go home more in awe of God. That’s why millions keep coming back to his writings, but particularly these three books.
Considered to be Tozer’s greatest works, Knowledge of the Holy, The Pursuit of God, and God’s Pursuit of Man are now available in a single volume. In 3 Spiritual Classics, you will discover a God of breathtaking majesty and world-changing love, and you will find yourself worshipping through every page. Encounter Tozer and the God worth worshipping today.
Garden Of Truth
$16.99Add to cartAdorn Your Day with an Abundance of Truth
For those moments when struggles come, doubts arise, and storms descend, remind your soul of the truth you need to hear. This beautiful little book contains a garden full of Scripture-accompanied by encouraging devotional thoughts and 30 pieces of stunning floral artwork from artist and author Ruth Chou Simons. Each page will help you stay securely rooted in God’s grace, allowing your heart to flourish in every season.
Gods Hand In Our Hardship Pamphlet
$4.99Add to cartWhy Does God Let Good People Suffer? by Joni Eareckson Tada
When you read through the Bible, you can see that God hates suffering. Jesus spent much of his life relieving people’s illnesses and hurts. He calls us to do the same: to feed the hungry, clothe the poor, take care of widows and orphans and visit those in prison. So why doesn’t our all-powerful God get rid of suffering?
14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long
Why Does God Let Good People Suffer? by Joni Eareckson Tada answers the big questions about suffering:
*How can a gracious and loving God allow anyone to suffer?
*Why do “good” people have to suffer? Don’t they deserve better?
*What possible good can come through suffering?Popular author and speaker Joni Eareckson Tada helps you understand why God allows suffering and what we can learn from it in this glossy, full-color, 14-page pamphlet.
Embracing The End Time Harvest
$11.99Add to cartHave you ever asked yourself, “What is it like to be an ambassador for Christ?”
If you are hungry to discover your God-given assignment this book is for you. In this book you will explore:
-The life-changing difference between religion and a relationship with Christ.
-The vision Jesus shared concerning His church’s mission on earth.
-The three levels of spiritual growth.
-The difference between law and grace in an effective Christian life.
-The benefits of the finished work of Christ.
-Your full inheritance in Christ.The scriptural truths contained in this book will change your life!
From There To Here
$14.99Add to cartWithin a split second, life can change forever. The comforts, conveniences, and relationships we take for granted can be lost without warning. Trauma comes to us all at some point in our lives, whether as a sudden shift or a slow erosion of trust, but God’s plan for our lives-our divine destiny-will stand firm. We can be victorious through trauma and come out on the other side more whole and complete than ever before. With God leading us, trauma isn’t the end of our story … it’s just the beginning!
Gospel Comes With A House Key
$24.99Add to cartThe word hospitality often invokes a scene of a gracious, impeccably fashioned host welcoming guests into a beautifully appointed home prepared with perfectly-presented meals. However, when the Bible calls Christians to be hospitable, it’s calling them to much more. In this book, Rosaria Butterfield invites readers into her home and shows from her own life and experience how “radically ordinary hospitality” can be a bridge for bringing the gospel to lost friends and neighbors-something that she experienced herself on her journey to Christ. Such hospitality welcomes those who look, think, believe, and act differently than us into our own everyday, sometimes messy lives. Christians will be inspired and equipped to use their homes and tables as a way of showing a skeptical, unbelieving world what love and authentic faith really look like.
21 Days Of Breakthrough Prayer
$6.99Add to cart“Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:19-20).
Are there things in your personal life, your loved ones’ lives, or your church life that desperately need to change for the better?
Have you been yearning for real spiritual breakthrough in the challenging situations you face?
Have you ever considered that God is just waiting for His people to cry out to Him in prayer together?The prayer of agreement is one of the most powerful gifts that God has provided for victory in our Christian lives. He has promised us that He will respond to this time of focused prayer as we seek His face together.
Join Jim and Cathy Maxim and Daniel Henderson for twenty-one days of agreeing prayer, and see how different things can be as believers go to God together to experience a time of intimacy and intercession that will forever change the way we pray, think, and act regarding the gift of prayer.
More than just a book printed on paper, this 21-day movement is interactive. At the end of each devotional reading, you can visit and join Jim, Cathy, and Daniel for a powerful time of agreeing prayer. Enter God’s presence with them daily, praying for the power of the Holy Spirit to sweep through your circumstances with the breakthrough that you need in your life, and in the lives of those you love.
Descubre El Mayor Poder Del Mu – (Spanish)
$19.00Add to cartPocos seres humanos comprenden los poderes que existen en el universo, y los que descubran ese misterio marcaran su generacion. Dios le regalo su espiritu al hombre cuando le dio en su soplo dos cosas: vida y proposito. Ese proposito es su ICP (Idea Central Permanente), que esta dentro de usted desde su nacimiento. Su ICP nunca se ha apartado, a pesar de que usted se haya apartado de ella. Si ya descubrio su proposito en la tierra, de seguro habra entendido que para cumplirlo, necesita diferentes poderes para distintos momentos del camino. Segun la Biblia, la fe quita montaas; el dinero lo atiende todo; el amor es mas fuerte que la muerte; la sabiduria es la cosa principal; y la gracia nos basta. Pero cual es el poder que prevalece sobre todos los demas? Hay uno tan imprescindible, que si carece de el, todo lo que haga sera en vano. Este libro es fruto de una profunda investigacion sobre los poderes que mueven al mundo, y como descubrir el gran y eludible misterio de cual es el mayor de todos. Acerquese al principal descubrimiento de su vida. Entre al ambito de lo extraordinario. Dentro de usted puede encontrarse el mayor poder del mundo.
Few human beings understand the ruling powers of the universe, and the ones who unveil that mystery will mark their generation. God gave man His Spirit when He breathed into him, and thereby gave him two things: life and purpose. Your purpose is your PCI (Permanent Central Idea, ICP or Idea Central Permanente, in Spanish). That PCI has been within you since you were born. Your PCI has never detached from you, even when you have been detached from it. If you have already discovered your purpose on earth, you surely have understood that to accomplish it, you need different powers for different times on the path. The Bible states that faith moves mountains, money takes care of everything, love is stronger than death, wisdom is the first thing, and grace is enough for us. But which is the power that prevails over all the other powers? There is one so indispensable that if you don’t have it, everything you do will be useless. This book is the result of a profound investigation into the powers that move the world, and how to discover the great and evasive mystery that is the greatest power of them all. Make the major discovery of your life. Come into the realm of the extraordinary. The greatest power in the world may lie within you.
100 Days Of Bible Promises
$16.99Add to cartIn her devotional journal, 100 Days of Bible Promises, author Shanna Noel prompts you to dive into God’s unwavering truth, with topics such as freedom, comfort, grace, and gratitude. For 100 days, you’ll receive a featured Scripture, devotion, prayer, along with space for doodling, journaling, writing notes, or any other forms of creative expression. Take time to listen to the whispering voice of God, pray and reflect on His steadfast promises and allow Him to change your life. God’s promises are power for living!
Envy And Jealousy
$5.99Add to cartFrom the bestselling Bible counseling series, June Hunt’s new title addresses key problems, barriers, and solutions for overcoming envy and jealousy. Using the series’ easy-to-read layout, checklists, summaries, and overviews, discover: How to eliminate envy, how to rise above jealousy, how to have an attitude of gratitude, and much more!
Discipleship Explored Leaders Handbook (Teacher’s Guide)
$12.99Add to cartSection 1 – How To Run Discipleship Explored
* Getting Started
* Introducing Philippians
* Being A Discipleship Explored Leader
* Before Discipleship Explored
* During Discipleship Explored
* After Discipleship Explored
Section 2 – Handbook Questions And Answers
* Questions About Christian Belief
* Questions About Philippians
* Film ScriptsAdditional Info
What’s the best love you’ve ever known?Discipleship Explored is for anyone who wants to make the most of their Christian lives, but especially for people who have recently completed an evangelistic course and decided to follow Christ.
The Discipleship Explored Leader’s Handbook contains everything you need to lead this eight-session course. It includes comprehensive training material and advise, and answers to all the questions from the course.
Each session starts with a Bible study from Philippians, followed by a short talk or video (from the accompanying DVD or available to download), after which the group discusses what they have heard or watched.
Follow Up material is included to help course participants follow up each theme during the week.
Battlefield Of The Mind For Kids (Revised)
$15.99Add to cartThe newest edition of BATTLEFIELD OF THE MIND FOR KIDS, based on Joyce Meyer’s most popular book of all time, offers children peace of mind and the spiritual encouragement that’s just right for them.
Kids will learn:
*How to identify and be guided by their own thoughts, instead of following the crowd,
*How to better understand the Bible, becoming secure in God’s best for them,
*And how to take control of their thought life, a foundation for happy, successful school years. -
Take Heart : Christian Courage In The Age Of Unbelief
$14.99Add to cart1. Which C?
2. How We Got To Where We Are
3. Finding Courage: The God We Look To
4. Finding Courage: The Story We Live In
5. Finding Courage: The Ground We Stand On
6. The Surprising Place We Display Our Courage
7. The CallAdditional Info
Christendom is dead. And that’s a good thing.The Christian culture that has underpinned Western society for centuries has been eroded. We’re now at the point where to disagree with people on issues such as marriage and sexuality, is seen as hateful. Christians are no longer seen as honorable, but as bigots. But history testifies that the more people try to destroy Christianity, the more it grows. So we are entering an exciting period of time because we’re back in the place where Christ’s church can thrive – at the margins of society.
In this stirring, passionate book, Matt Chandler shows us we need Christian courage like never before, and how to live with compassion and conviction, able to look around positively and reach out confidently.
It encourages us not to be thwarted by fear, but to depend on God and have confidence that Christ will build his church, despite continual marginalization. A must-read for any Christian who wants to understand how to stand firm and walk forwards in an increasingly secular culture.
Discipleship Explored Leaders Kit
$59.99Add to cart1 X Discipleship Explored DVD
1 X Discipleship Explored Leader’s Handbook
1 X Discipleship Explored Handbook
1 X Quick Start Guide
1 X Video Download Card
Publicity SamplesAdditional Info
What’s the best love you’ve ever known?Discipleship Explored is an 8-week journey through Philippians where participants will discover how good it is to be a follower of Christ and how he calls his disciples to live for him today.
This new Leader’s Kit features a stunning new design and contains a comprehensive Leader’s Handbook, a guest Handbook, a DVD and a code to download digital copies of the video sessions.
Discipleship Explored : Whats The Best Love Youve Ever Known (DVD)
$39.99Add to cartEpisode 1 – Confident in Christ
Episode 2 – Living in Christ
Episode 3 – Standing together in Christ
Episode 4 – Transformed by Christ
Episode 5 – Righteous in Christ
Episode 6 – Knowing Christ
Episode 7 – Rejoicing in Christ
Episode 8 – Content in Christ
TrailersAdditional Info
What’s the best love you’ve ever known?Discipleship Explored is an 8-week journey through Philippians where participants will discover how good it is to be a follower of Christ and how he calls his disciples to live for him today.
This DVD, shot on location around the UK, contains a talk for each of the eight sessions as well as trailers and subtitles for the hard of hearing.
Please note: While this DVD now has a new cover to match the new-look Discipleship Explored course, the DVD contents are identical to the previous Discipleship Explored DVD. These eight videos are also available to buy as SD downloads.
Discipleship Explored Handbook (Student/Study Guide)
$4.99Add to cart1. Confident In Christ (Philippians 1:1-11)
2. Living In Christ (Philippians 1:12-26)
3. Standing Together In Christ (Philippians 1:27 – 2:11)
4. Transformed By Christ (Philippians 2:12-30)
5. Righteous In Christ (Philippians 3:1-9)
6. Knowing Christ (Philippians 3:10 – 4:1)
7. Rejoicing In Christ (Philippians 4:2-9)
8. Content In Christ (Philippians 4:10-23)
Extras: Map And Background To PhilippiansAdditional Info
What’s the best love you’ve ever known?Discipleship Explored is for anyone who wants to make the most of their Christian lives, but especially for people who have recently completed an evangelistic course and decided to follow Christ.
The Handbook contains everything a guest needs to take part in this eight-session course.
Each session starts with a Bible study from Philippians, followed by a short talk or a video (from the accompanying DVD or download), after which the group discusses what they have heard or watched.Follow Up material is included to help course participants follow up each theme during the week.
Product details -
Culture Catalyst : Seven Strategies To Bring Positive Change To Your Organi
$24.99Add to cartCulture Catalyst: Seven Strategies to Bring Positive Change to Your Organization
“Culture–not vision or strategy–is the most powerful factor in any organization. It determines the receptivity of staff and volunteers to new ideas, unleashes or dampens creativity, builds or erodes enthusiasm, and creates a sense of pride or deep discouragement about working or being involved there. Ultimately, the culture of an organization–particularly in churches and nonprofit organizations, but also in any organization–shapes individual morale, teamwork, effectiveness, and outcomes.” -from Chapter One
Often, organizational leaders confuse culture with vision and strategy, but they are very different. Vision and strategy usually focus on products, services, and outcomes, but culture is about the people–an organization’s most valuable asset. Culture Catalyst: Seven Strategies to Bring Positive Change to Your Organization offers a practical resource for discovering the deficits in an existing organization’s culture, and includes the steps needed to assess, correct, and change culture from lackluster to vibrant and inspirational, so that it truly meets the needs of the organization.
Prominent leadership consultant Sam Chand describes the five easily identifiable categories of organizational culture (Inspiring, Accepting, Stagnant, Discouraging, and Toxic), and includes diagnostic methods that leaders can use to identify the particular strengths and needs of their organization’s culture. To help in this process, there is also a separate, free, online assessment tool (
Once an organization’s culture is clearly identified, leaders can put in place a strategy for applying the seven keys of CULTURE (Control, Understanding, Leadership, Trust, Unafraid, Responsive, and Execution) that will make their culture one that stimulates people to be and do their very best and ultimately reach their highest goals.
Spirit Of Leadership
$19.99Add to cartYou were born to lead. Now it’s time to become a leader. Leaders may be found in boardrooms, but they may also be found in families, schools, and organizations of all kinds-anywhere people interact, nurture, create, or build. Contrary to popular opinion, leadership is not meant for an elite group of people who, by fate or accident, become leaders while everyone else is consigned to being a lifelong follower. After personally training thousands of leaders from around the world, best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe reports that while every person possesses the potential of leadership, many do not understand how to cultivate the leadership nature and how to apply it to their lives. In The Spirit of Leadership, Dr. Munroe defines the unique attitudes that all effective leaders exhibit, explains how to eliminate hindrances to your leadership abilities, and helps you to fulfill your particular calling in life.
Why Her : 6 Truths We Need To Hear When Measuring Up Leaves Us Falling Behi
$16.99Add to cartHave you ever made life plans and watched them painfully fall apart–all while other people, apparently doing life better than you, seem to be walking away with the dreams you’ve been denied?
Why Her? Why not you? You may not ask this question out loud, but you think it just the same.
Why does she get the flavor-filled enjoyment of the things you always wanted for yourself? And when will being forced to watch her doing it not make you feel so bitter?
In her honest, transparent, creatively crafted style, Nicki Koziarz unpacks her own experience with failed dreams, dashed hopes, and paralyzing comparisons. Using the up-close competitiveness of Old Testament sisters Rachel and Leah as her template, she walks you through a half-dozen truths from Scripture that may not completely eliminate the feeling of not measuring up to others, but can settle you in satisfying places where God’s acceptance of you is all that matters.
These “6 Truths” she’s discovered will help you walk among the wisdom of ultimate realities, accept your weaknesses as rich opportunities for exhibiting God’s grace, and become motivated by others’ successes rather than pointlessly aiming your life toward outperforming them.
Your worth is of too great a value to measured on someone else’s yardstick. You don’t have to be her. You get to be you. And no one else can do that better.
Notes From Jesus
$8.99Add to cartJesus is the stuff best friends are made of–especially if you’re a kid!
He’s always up for hearing how the day went, listening to worries, and laughing at silly jokes. And he wants to share about himself, too, as best friends do.
Notes From Jesus are his messages to new friends. Each playfully illustrated note includes:
* Answers to common faith questions kids ask, like “”What happens when I mess up?”” and “Is it okay to pray with my eyes open?””
* An inspirational Bible verse for kids to tuck away in their hearts
* Doable, kid-sized ideas for readers to become even better friends with JesusEach note reminds kids that Jesus enjoys their company, and he wants a lifelong friendship that deepens with each new conversation.
This is the perfect gift for kids just starting a relationship with Jesus…for young families joining a church…or as a meaningful birthday, holiday, or Christmas gift!