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    Christian Living

    • Woven : Nurturing A Faith Your Kid Doesn’t Have To Heal From


      In this inspiring parenting book, learn how to create space for your children to get to know God in a way that focuses on trust instead of a list of rigid rules.

      Most Christian parenting books are ready with exact practices every family should follow in order to raise obedient children. In this obedience-training model, faith is a wall, constructed brick by brick, as adults tell children what to believe and how to behave.

      But what if obedience is not the goal of Christian parenting? What if it’s our job as parents to instead help our kids get to know God and discover that God can be trusted? And what if faith is not constructed brick by brick, but rather woven strand by strand?

      Much like a spider’s web, in which anchor strands and internal threads combine to form a unique web, Woven can help children anchor to who God is and have faith practices that are rich, textured, and all their own. Kids need space to explore the Bible, ask big questions, and even change their understanding of God and faith along the way. With Woven, families can nurture the kind of faith that can flex and grow, be broken and repaired. This is the sort of faith that can stand up to the life a child will live, the doubts they will encounter, and the questions that will come up along the way.

      So many parents want to pass along their faith, but know that God is so much bigger than the list of do’s and don’ts they were taught about as children. They want to pass along a faith their child doesn’t have to heal from. Woven is the guidebook parents have been looking for. With a deep reverence for scripture and suggested activities to help your family grow in faith together, Woven is for parents who want to go beyond a list of do’s and don’ts and pass along a resilient faith based on genuine love for and trust in God.

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    • Trusting Gods Plan


      When life is messy and the outcomes uncertain, the Trusting in God’s Plan Pink Hardcover 90-Day Devotional will help you discover that God has a purpose for all pain and suffering. Authors Carolyn Larsen and Cori Cheek beautifully illustrate this profound insight through 90 devotions.

      The devotional’s pastel pink hardcover is adorned with large coral-pink flowers outlined in gold foil that bloom along its edges. At the center of this beautiful design, the title stands out in gold-foiled and black lettering.

      Trusting God’s Plan
      Discover how God moves mightily to fulfill His purpose.

      Pink foil is applied to the page edges to add a subtle shimmer. A presentation page at the front of the devotional allows you to personalize it by writing an encouraging message to the recipient. The interior of the book is printed in two colors. There are colorful pink floral illustrations in the corners of every page and pink banners that run along the outer edges. A pale pink satin ribbon marker is included to mark your page.

      This gift book is a treasure trove of 90 devotions that explore God’s purpose in our pain and trouble and explain how to find the courage, strength, faith, and trust to persevere. An introduction explains the book’s premise. Each reading features an excerpt from Scripture that sets the tone for the devotional passage that follows.

      Mother-daughter team Carolyn Larsen and Cori Cheek have teamed up for this book. Carolyn is a prolific and best-selling author and experienced speaker with a God-given passion for ministering to women and children. She has spoken at conferences and retreats around the world and has written over 50 books. Cori has spent most of her adolescent and young adult life traveling nationally and internationally, performing with a creative arts worship team. She has since settled down in Virginia with her husband and three boys, who hysterically and thoughtfully provide most of her writing material.

      Encourage and support a sister or friend by giving her the Trusting in God’s Plan Pink Hardcover 90-Day Devotional. This thoughtful gift will reveal God’s constant, redeeming, powerful love and will give her the courage, strength, and faith to carry on.

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    • Confronting The Thief


      Recover All the Enemy Has Stolen

      We’ve all felt the gut-wrenching helplessness of loss when the enemy has stolen something from us: finances, health, peace, a promise or opportunity, even family and friends. Yet even in the most hopeless of situations, you can go from victim to victor.

      With uplifting teaching and piercing prophetic insight, Jane Hamon outlines the enemy’s tactics to steal, kill, and destroy–and imparts biblical revelation, practical decrees, and prayers to:

      *take authority over the thief
      *experience full restoration
      *live in supernatural provision, prosperity, and power
      *possess your prophetic promises
      *receive a double portion of all you lost

      Jesus came to bring life to the fullest. It’s time to contend against the enemy’s death and destruction, arise in strength and wisdom, and recover all he’s stolen from you.

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    • Holy Spirit : The Curse Breaker: Experience Permanent Deliverance From Gene


      Are You the Victim of Decisions from Previous Generations?

      Does it feel like you inherited cycles of sin and bondage, addictions, tendencies, or strongholds from your family line? Do generational curses even still happen today?

      Having witnessed the supernatural power of God miraculously heal even the toughest cases of demonic oppression and bondage, bestselling author and veteran deliverance minister David Diga-Hernandez has wrestled with, and biblically researched, the popular belief of generational curses. What he found will surprise you–and give you hope!

      Diving deep into the biblical truth about curses–and how to break them–David reveals how the enemy will attack you generationally, equipping you with the wisdom, courage, and revelation you need to expose and eliminate every spiritual attack.

      Through dynamic, biblically grounded, and hope-infused teaching, David also empowers you to partner with the Holy Spirit so you can:

      *Expose the lies, myths, and false teachings of generational curses.

      *Discern the difference between curses and consequences.

      *Confront the struggles, addictions, and bondages that appear to pass down through bloodlines.

      *Close every door to the demonic in your life.

      *Make victorious decisions in everyday life.

      *Access the bloodline blessings of Jesus’ finished work of the cross.

      Stop perpetuating generational cycles of addiction, sin, and struggle. Through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, it’s time to rise up, rebuke every enemy curse, and receive your freedom in Christ!

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    • 365 Bible Affirmations For Women


      Begin and End Every Day with a Refreshing Blend of Biblical Truth and Encouragement!

      This lovely daily devotional features a positive, uplifting message from God’s Word for every morning and evening. These just-right-sized inspirational readings focus on uplifting topics like Faith, Prayer, Encouragement, Love, Joy, and more–and each will speak to your heart, drawing you ever closer to your heavenly Father. As you spend daily quiet time in prayer and study, you’ll experience a refreshing blend of biblical truth and encouragement that will affirm you as the beautiful creation God made you to be!

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    • Lead Like The Real You


      Amy Orr-Ewing has learned a lot of lessons the hard way.

      As an internationally known speaker, theologian, and apologist, she has navigated through many challenges: battling abuse, finding and using her voice, building a lasting ministry, leading with confidence, thriving in friendship, relying on God in hard times, and more.

      Now, she’s sharing the wisdom she has gained over 25 years with other women so they, too, can grow in Christian leadership. In Lead Like the Real You, Orr-Ewing pens a deeply personal and engaging collection of letters that explore the unique challenges women face.

      Rooted in honesty, practicality, and biblical guidance, these letters speak to women who lead in the workplace, classroom, church, and home, as well as those who support them. This book empowers the next generation of Christian women who hope to change the world to live and lead well, knowing they are not alone.

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    • Knowing God Through The Year


      Here is a one-year guide through one of our most treasured books: J. I. Packer’s Knowing God.

      Each day you’ll read a Scripture and a brief passage about the glory and joy of being in relationship with God. At the end of each day’s reading you will find a prompt to help you respond to God in prayer and reflection. This could be the most significant book you will read this year-or next.

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    • Hearing God Through The Year


      A Guide for Drawing Close to God

      Being close to God means communicating with him. It requires both telling him what is on our hearts in prayer and understanding what he is saying to us. The second half of this conversation is so important-and so difficult. How do we hear God?

      In these daily devotionals, Dallas Willard helps us understand how we can know the voice of God and act on it. Each day you’ll read Scripture on this topic and find suggestions for prayer, journaling, and reflection to become more open to God’s presence. You may be surprised-and even transformed-by what you discover.

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    • Lo Que Sucedera Despues – (Spanish)


      Estamos viviendo el final de los tiempos? Si es asi, que significa eso para mi? La guia optimista, accesible y no sensacionalista de Max Lucado sobre lo que dice la Biblia acerca de la linea temporal del cielo capacitara a los lectores para afrontar el futuro con fe.

      Siete aos de caos llamados la Tribulacion. Un Anticristo cruel y astuto. La temida batalla de Armagedon. Estas imagenes e ideas asociadas a la profecia pueden ser estimulantes, pero tambien innecesariamente aterradoras. Max Lucado cree que Dios quiere que estemos preparados, no asustados. En su primer libro que explora el final de esta era, Max ofrece una vision sabia, bien documentada y tranquilizadora de lo que la Palabra de Dios tiene que decir sobre un tema que a menudo crea confusion y ansiedad.

      En Lo que sucedera despues, Max explora cuatro grandes ideas que proporcionaran una base solida para comprender los planes de Dios y nos recordaran que nos dirigimos a un lugar mucho mejor que aquel en el que empezamos. Explica que:

      *fuimos creados para reinar con Cristo;
      *Dios ha hecho y cumplira sus promesas
      *el cielo tiene un calendario; y
      *a los hijos de Dios les espera una era dorada, el milenio.

      En un mundo lleno de tensiones politicas, pruebas personales y turbulencias internacionales, nos sentimos atraidos por explorar que ocurre a continuacion en la linea temporal del cielo. Tanto si los lectores se encuentran en el bando de “no puedo esperar”, “estoy casi preparado” o “no estoy seguro de todo esto”, se sentiran animados a reflexionar sobre los planes y promesas de Dios para el futuro. Con el caracteristico estilo alentador de Max, nos recuerda: “Todo es cuestion de esperanza. Todo gira en torno a El”.

      What Happens Next

      Are we living in the end times? If so, what does that mean for me? Max Lucado’s optimistic, accessible, and non-sensational guide to what the Bible says about heaven’s timeline will empower readers to face the future with faith.

      Seven years of chaos called the Tribulation. A cruel and cunning Antichrist. The dreaded battle of Armageddon. These images and ideas associated with prophecy can be stimulating but also unnecessarily scary. Max Lucado believes God wants us to be prepared, not scared. In his first book exploring the end of this age, Max provides a wise, well-researched, and reassuring overview of what God’s Word has to say on a topic that often creates confusion and anxiety.

      In What Happens Next Max explores four big ideas that will prov

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    • Crown That Lasts

      Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $17.97.

      In A Crown that Lasts, former Miss Universe and Miss South Africa Demi Tebow confesses the danger of tying our identities to our accomplishments. Discover the truth of who you were created to be and how to use your platform, no matter how big or small, for eternal impact.

      On this earth, a crown is what separates victors from the rest of the competitors, but the goal of creating a life worth living is not to gain a trophy, get a prize, or keep the crown. Our lives are not meant to be about being number one or making our own names known. While walking you through the journey of her evolving confidence–from basing her identity on temporary labels and her own efforts, to discovering the rock-solid security of anchoring her dreams in her Maker–Demi weaves her story together with the insights she’s learned along the way.

      A Crown that Lasts will show you how to:

      *Relate to the discomfort, confusion, and doubt that arises when you base your confidence on external things,

      *Discover God-confidence when your plans take unexpected detours,

      *Know what do when planted in unknown territory,

      *Use your story to grow an eternal impact, and

      *Stay grounded in the truth of who you are in Christ.

      The purpose of our lives is to love and serve God and others. Demi shows how you can be encouraged to focus not just on your aspirations, but on your greater purpose and leave behind a footprint of significance, not just success.

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    • Can I Say That


      Can God handle our hardest questions, biggest struggles, and secret doubts?

      We instinctively assume he cannot. We figure giving voice to those things will bring shame, rejection, and distance from him. But what if our hard questions don’t need to function as an off-ramp from Christianity but can lead us closer to his heart? What if he is not afraid of our doubts but instead reveals himself in them?

      In Can I Say That?, Brenna Blain brings her fresh voice to those who feel unsafe or unwelcome in the church, acknowledging the incongruity between the church’s actions and believers’ lived experiences. As a Bible teacher and an advocate for those who have experienced abuse, molestation, and mental health crises, she creates space for readers to be radically honest and ask tough questions–Am I safe here? Why does your presence feel so lonely, God?–while pointing them to biblical, foundational truth.

      Leading the way with her own raw vulnerability and authenticity, Brenna shares her journey of wrestling with God and building intimacy with him as a result. Bravely exploring these deep places with Brenna will help you:

      *Know in your guts that God accepts you as you are–even as you question, struggle, doubt, and hurt

      *Be reassured that he is bigger than anything you face and can handle anything you bring to him

      *Experience his love in the most tender and needy parts of your heart

      *Engage complex questions about the institution of the church, wrestle with its abuses, and advocate for the Body of Christ to more closely reflect his heart

      od sees you and knows you–better than you know yourself. He doesn’t need you to change in order for him to love you. He doesn’t require you to be free of struggles in order for him to be close to you. He wants you to be your true self with him and be willing to engage with him deeply, so he can wow you with the beauty of his heart and character.

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    • Remain In His Love


      Come on a 90-day journey with pastor, Bible teacher, and author Dr. Jackie Greene as she encourages you to dig deep into His Word and discover and enjoy a love that never ends.

      Do life’s challenges and distractions prevent you from developing or maintaining a deep, consistent, intimate relationship with the Father? Dr. Jackie Greene has been there but love–God’s love–changed everything for her, and it can change everything for you too. When Dr. Jackie finally learned to surrender, receive God’s love, and spend time in daily devotion with Him, resting in His love, she discovered a life-transforming revelation: His love remains consistent and unfailing despite her mistakes and flaws.

      By digging into His Word and spending time with Him, you can develop and enjoy a flourishing, reliable connection and a love that never ends. In this 90-day devotional, you will:

      *develop a daily habit of spending time with God and drawing into lasting fellowship;
      *experience healing in your areas of brokenness;
      *become anchored in your role as God’s daughter; and
      *discover your true worth and the joy of abiding in His love!

      Give yourself a priceless gift and spend the next ninety days experiencing intimacy with God through Scripture, prayer prompts, and devotional messages and gain the life-transforming revelation of the love of God and what it means to live loved and cherished.

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    • Tracing His Promise


      Rediscover Jesus through ancient stories and find renewed trust in God.

      For many believers, the Old Testament seems intimidating, what with the unfamiliar names and distant places. But author Donna Amidon demonstrates that these ancient stories aren’t simply history; they’re a vibrant tapestry pointing to Jesus and reflecting God’s unwavering promise of redemption.

      In Tracing His Promise, Amidon guides readers through twenty-five stories from Scripture that trace the promise of Jesus from creation to Bethlehem. Amidon blends rich theology with everyday application as she unlocks the Old Testament’s hidden treasures and highlights God’s faithfulness from the beginning. Along the way, readers will find discussion questions, relatable anecdotes, and beautiful artwork. They will also be invited to share these stories with their families through printable ornaments and an Advent activity called the Jesse Tree Tradition.

      Through Tracing His Promise, readers will gain a deeper understanding of the Bible as one interconnected narrative, with Jesus as the centerpiece.

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    • Now That Shes Gone


      The day your mother dies is the day you acquire a powerful and persistent new companion–grief. It is also the day you become the keeper of a legacy that has the potential to affect generations to come. Between a past you can’t let go of and a future you can hardly find the energy to think about, you stand. The ground may feel shaky, but it is sacred. And it must be tread.

      With vulnerability and honesty, Chelsea Ohlemiller walks you through her own journey of grief at the loss of her mother in order to help you along yours. These raw reflections on heartbreak, love, and hope in the midst of sorrow can help you put words to your own tangled feelings when you are speechless with grief. Chelsea does not couch her narrative in spiritual jargon or edit her feelings into “acceptable” sentiments that ultimately mean nothing and help no one. Instead, she invites you to be radically honest about your anger, disbelief, and sorrow so that you can move forward even if it feels like you will never be able to move on.

      Whether you had a great relationship with your mother or a complicated one, you will find in this book a compassionate and understanding friend for the days, months, and years to come.

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    • Pursuit Of Christian Maturity


      In today’s world of shallow pursuits, surface-level social media, and frivolous vanities, too many Christians are distracted from what really counts: a passionate pursuit of Christ. Because of that, the enemy controls us, keeping us and the Church at large from being everything God wants us to be.

      In this never-before-published compilation of teachings, A.W. Tozer dives deep into a favorite topic: growing in Christ. With passion and biblical wisdom he equips you to:

      *ignite a true desire for Christ
      *overcome hindrances to your Christian development
      *implement life-giving disciplines
      *grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ

      The deeper you mature in Christ, the less this shallow world can ensnare you. And the more you–and the Church–will truly flourish.

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    • This Is Not Forever


      Rediscover hope in the hardest seasons and embrace abundant life today in this 90-day devotional from Sarah Grace Hallas. In This Is Not Forever, daily encounter God’s promises and His presence–even when life doesn’t go the way you planned–and journey with Him to a richer, more lasting, and confident faith.

      Where do you go when it all falls apart? What do you cling to when your foundations are tested and it feels like hard times will never end? When Sarah’s life hit rock bottom, she had to reckon with who God really was in her life and what her future would be. As Sarah sought Him in the mess, she discovered that hard seasons don’t last forever and that the hope-filled, abundant life she was missing was available through a good and faithful God who had been with her all along.

      In this honest, hope-filled devotional, Sarah shares 90 heartfelt devotions to bring you encouragement when you need:

      *To encounter God in the mess
      *Renewed faith amid trials and hardship
      *Comfort when your heart is breaking
      *Confidence in God’s goodness and faithfulness
      *Compassion when you doubt and don’t have all the answers

      You can have confidence in God’s eternal promises, and His faithfulness is greater than any temporary challenge you find yourself in. Discover the hope that leads to abundant life in this beautiful and encouraging devotional. With God, there is a brighter future ahead that is more than you could ever imagine.

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    • I Will Give Thanks


      God’s goodness and grace abounds whether your heart is full or your needs are many.
      Discover how a spirit of gratitude brings peace and hope to your days in I Will Give Thanks, a 90-day devotional by author and illustrator Becky Shannon full of thoughtful reflections and beautiful original artwork.

      No matter the kind of day, messy or mundane, spending time reflecting on God’s provision and care will feed your mind and spirit by cultivating a habit of gratitude. In this uplifting book, you will find that thankfulness is not an obligation but an invitation. When you have eyes to see God’s goodness around you–whether in an unexpected note from a friend, a stunning sunrise, or even in difficult seasons of illness or anxiety–you can know Him more.

      This journey toward embracing a deeper contentment is ideal for:

      *Anyone trying to form a natural habit of thankfulness
      *Loved ones going through challenging times
      *Those who appreciate beautiful, artistic design
      *Prayer partners and small groups looking for ways to share how God is working in their lives

      Gratitude for God’s gifts is possible, worthwhile, and life-giving, whatever your circumstances. I Will Give Thanks helps you adopt a posture of receiving from God the joy, peace, and hope that only He can provide.

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    • Meet Me In The Middle


      You can have an open and trusting relationship with your teenager. Mother-and-daughter team Sandra Stanley and Allie Stanley Cooney write in alternating chapters to you and your middle school/early high school daughter in this unique, interaction-prompting book that will help you grow in connection, communication, and faith.

      Some conversations between parent and child don’t happen until a crisis forces them to occur. At that point, defenses go up, lines are drawn, feelings are hurt, and solutions seem out of reach. But what if those conversations happened before a crisis? This book helps make that happen. As leaders at one of the country’s largest churches, Sandra Stanley and Allie Stanley Cooney not only have professional backgrounds working with young people, they have walked this path together. In Meet Me in the Middle, they draw on their experience to help you:

      *Use eight planned opportunities to have comfortable discussions with your daughter about the topics you care about most

      *Learn natural ways to communicate your faith

      *Hear firsthand what your daughter is most stressed about

      *Help your daughter navigate fear and anxiety

      *Approach the tricky subjects of friends, boys, and dating

      Discussion questions, Scripture, activity ideas, and outing suggestions in Meet Me in the Middle help pave the way to a strong, trusting relationship. As you and your daughter step toward one another, you’ll explore how you both can:

      *Grow in faith as you find your identity and self-worth in Christ
      *Avoid the comparison trap
      *Nurture healthy relationships
      *Keep communication open

      Meet Me in the Middle guides you to a loving, trusting relationship with your tween or teen daughter as you grow closer, seek out God together, and enjoy each other along the way.

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    • Relaxed : Walking With The One Who Is Not Worried About A Thing


      We often try to do a lot for God–without him. Relaxed is a call to let go of spiritual performance, reject our cultural tendency to live under pressure, and find freedom to walk with God and toward God, one gentle step at a time.

      Jesus was never in a hurry to be anywhere other than where he was, trusting and obeying his Father. Could the same be said of us? We long to know peace, purpose, and contentment, but life’s stresses, the world’s discouragements, and our own striving for growth get in the way.

      In Relaxed, pastor and teacher Megan Fate Marshman explores what it means to set aside our addiction to trying to figure everything out and relish a slower, compelling, powerful, and relaxed life with God. As Megan takes us word by word through Proverbs 3:5-6, she helps us discover:

      *The joy of a continual, intimate relationship with God
      *What God calls us to do with the burden of shame and guilt
      *What it looks like to be relaxed in the midst of grief, financial stress, mistakes, and fatigue
      *The freedom and forgiveness of being found “in Christ”
      *How to incorporate rhythms of walking with God into our everyday routines

      God never intended for us to be in control. As we lean away from our own understanding and into an intentionally relaxed spiritual life, we join Jesus in trusting a God who knows what he is doing–and isn’t worried about a thing.

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    • Burnout : Regain Your Passion And Energy


      Life is hectic, stressful, and exhausting. It’s no surprise that millions of people feel depleted and unmotivated. Burnout can even lead to depression, insomnia, anxiety, and addiction. Dr. Gregory Jantz experienced the black hole of burnout when he faced the demands of his quickly growing mental health clinic. His recovery taught him six keys to healing:

      1. Streamline Your Stress
      2. Reclaim Your True Self
      3. Find Sanity through Simplicity
      4. Bolster Your Body
      5. Fortify Your Filters
      6. Choose to Replenish Yourself

      Beyond Burnout features real-life stories and practical strategies for navigating the path to recovery. Readers will be coached to reset their pace, reclaim their desires, revive their purpose, rediscover the power of fun, and more. With trusted advice from a mental health professional who has been there, this book will resonate with a frazzled generation that is seeking relief.

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    • When Faith Disappoints


      For anyone who feels the weight of injustice, trauma, and suffering, the founder of the Jude 3 Project invites you to discover how to find hope when you can’t make sense of the pain.

      Living as a Black woman in America, Lisa Victoria Fields understands the tension of relying on God in a broken world. While pursuing her calling in full-time Christian ministry–an often white, male-dominated vocation–she saw the contentions many people have with Christianity. She heard the theological questions, but instead of arguing for her faith, she listened to the barriers and heard the pain in their hearts: Why doesn’t God protect me from suffering and injustice? Others don’t seem to think I have value–does God?

      Now, in her debut book, Fields shows us how emotional pain–often more than theological concerns–is at the root of our doubt. She invites us to bring our deepest soul questions to this journey as she explores:

      – Seven pain points that might be keeping us from faith: a lack of personhood, peace, provision, pleasure, purpose, protection, and power

      – Honest talk about how Christianity doesn’t seem to meet our very valid needs

      – Why wrestling with God doesn’t negate our faith but instead deepens it

      – What it looks like to allow God to bring healing to our pain so we can see Him and others more clearly

      Through vulnerable storytelling and thoughtful use of Scripture, Fields tends to our hurting hearts and offers hope and resolve. She helps us move forward as we cling to a faith that brings us back to the truth of Christianity–not despite the pain of this world but in light of it.

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    • Youll Make It And They Will Too


      A lifeline of hope for parents of teens who feel adrift on the real and raw parenting journey, presented with wisdom and faith–and a touch of candid humor–from seasoned educator, mother, and Today Parenting contributor Amy Betters-Midtvedt.

      As a mom with five kids ages twelve to twenty-two living at home, Amy Betters-Midtvedt found that parenting teens challenged everything she thought it meant to be a “good” mom. But in the unraveling came the building of something new and more beautiful than she could have imagined: an incredible sense of love, hope, joy, and relationship–even in the mess.

      You’ll Make It (and They Will Too) is as much about navigating the minefields of anxiety and mental health as it is setting curfews, convincing kids to bring their dishes back to the kitchen, and deciding whose turn it is to have the car keys. It’s about dancing in the kitchen with soon-to-be adult kids who are taller than you. It’s making appointments with a therapist and a college admissions counselor in the same week. It’s helping your kids cling to faith even as they reject the pew on Sunday mornings.

      Through stories steeped in hope and prayer of both her professional and personal parenting journey, Amy shares:

      – words of comfort for when you feel alone, together with wisdom and strategies that will help you to not just survive the sleepless nights, but also to thrive as a stronger family unit

      – prayers to draw on God’s strength when everything feels overwhelming

      – a path forward with your teenagers that brings you into a lifelong loving relationship

      – ways to celebrate the beauty in your teens in all that they are, just as God made them

      Each chapter will leave you equipped, encouraged, and less alone by guiding you through how to listen to your own heart when parenting your precious teen.

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    • Power Of Your Dreams


      How would your life look if you gained years of wisdom, guidance, and strategy while you were asleep? That’s exactly what you receive when you tap into the power of God’s voice in your dreams!

      The average person spends twenty-six years of life sleeping. That time was created not only to enjoy the physical benefits of rest but to engage in the presence of God and access His guidance for our days. Through fascinating real-life stories, Pastor Stephanie Ike Okafor reveals how dreams have equipped her and many others throughout history, and she shows how you, too, can receive revelation from God through your dreams.

      Anchored in biblical truth, The Power of Your Dreams answers your most perplexing questions about dreams:

      – Are all dreams from God?
      – How do I know if my dream contained a message from God?
      – How do I interpret my dreams?
      – Do nightmares have any meaning?

      God spoke to His people through dreams in biblical times. Today He speaks to you in the same way, inviting you to unlock hidden treasures of wisdom. Discover richer clarity and confidence in your purpose as well as enjoy a strengthened relationship with God as you learn how to recognize and respond to His voice in your dreams.

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    • I Have My Doubts


      10 Bible Stories of Faith and Doubt to Encourage Believers through Uncertainty

      Will God do what he says he promises? Can we trust his intentions? Is he even good? Without guidance, these doubt-filled questions can hinder spiritual progress and lead to discouragement. Thankfully, the Bible offers encouraging examples of men and women who remained faithful to God even through seasons of uncertainty.

      Based on a series of Wheaton College chapel messages, this encouraging guide explores 10 Bible stories on the topic of faith and doubt to reassure readers that doubt is normal for Christians. These stories cover a wide range of questions and doubts that most Christians experience at some point in their faith journey-doubts about God’s power, protection, justice, healing, and more. Ultimately, readers will better understand the dynamic of faith and doubt, helping them renew their faith in God even through times of uncertainty.

      *Encouraging: This book bolsters faith in God and his word amid inevitable times of doubt

      *Scriptural Study: Explores 10 stories of biblical believers who experienced doubt yet remained faithful to God

      *Written by Philip Ryken: President of Wheaton College and author of Beauty Is Your Destiny; Is Jesus the Only Way?; and Loving the Way Jesus Loves

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    • On The Christian Life


      New Translation of John Calvin’s Classic Work Explores What It Means to Live the Christian Life

      For centuries, Christians have read John Calvin’s On the Christian Life to answer a fundamental question: What does it mean to live faithfully as a Christian? This fresh translation of what is often referred to as Calvin’s “Golden Booklet” features an all-new introduction, robust citations, and explanatory footnotes-introducing a new generation of readers to a classic work of Christian spirituality.

      In the book-a portion of the Reformer’s magnum opus, Institutes of the Christian Religion-Calvin suggests that a deep understanding of theology is worthless if the gospel has yet to “penetrate into the most intimate affection of the heart.” Touching on essential themes like self-denial, submission to God, bearing one’s cross, enduring suffering for the sake of righteousness, and meditating on the life to come, this accessible work will help believers reflect on their lives as Christians and lean on the grace of Jesus in everyday life.

      *A Brand-New Translation: Translated from the original Latin edition by Calvin scholar Raymond A. Blacketer-making this classic work more accessible to modern readers than ever before

      *A Fresh Introduction: Includes an all-new introduction by editor Anthony N. S. Lane, professor of historical doctrine at the London School of Theology

      *Helpful Resources: Includes robust source citations and explanatory footnotes to help pastors, students, scholars, and everyday Christians better understand Calvin’s words and context

      *Explores the Christian Life: Addresses themes including self-denial, taking up one’s cross, submitting to God, and suffering for the sake of righteousness

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    • What Do I Say When


      Answers to Tough Cultural Questions Presented to Christian Parents

      Navigating the world for the first time can be challenging, especially when popular cultural beliefs contradict the teachings of Scripture. So when inevitable questions arise, parents must be equipped with sound biblical answers to guide their children through the complexities of modern life-because if we fail to catechize our children, the world will surely step in to do it for us.

      Written by husband and wife duo Andrew and Christian Walker, this accessible and trusted guide helps busy parents quickly and effectively respond to their children’s questions on a wide range of topics, including abortion, sexuality, transgenderism, technology, political engagement, and more. Each chapter contains age-appropriate prompts for parents of children at different stages of development and maturity. Parents can refer to each chapter as specific questions arise, study hot-button topics for future reference, or access a range of conversation starters to proactively cultivate biblical truth within their child’s heart.

      *Written for Busy Parents: Empathetic in tone, this book helps parents quickly access answers to the most important topics confronting our youth today

      *Helpful Resources: Each chapter features a biblical overview, basic truths every parent should know, conversation starters, memory verses, and recommended resources

      *Current: Addresses important cultural topics, including human dignity, abortion, sexuality, transgenderism, technology, political engagement, and more

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    • Ease Into The Bible


      Want to read the Bible but not sure how? Ease in.

      Ease into the Bible removes the intimidation factor of this sacred but often overwhelming book. It gently leads readers to understand what the Bible is about and teaches them how to read, study, and be transformed by it.
      In this book you’ll discover:

      *An easy and effective way to read and study the Bible
      *The Bible’s overarching story and main point
      *Why we can trust the Bible
      *How the Bible is organized
      *Helpful Bible study tools
      *How to pick the best Bible translation for you
      *What doctrine is and how it’s helpful
      *Why church matters and how to find a good local church
      *Short Christ-focused summaries of each book of the Bible

      Ease into the Bible is the perfect introduction for new Christians, those struggling to understand the Bible, and mature believers who want a fuller Bible reading experience. Light-hearted and easy-to-understand explanations engage even the most reluctant readers. If you long to plunge into a lifetime of knowing and loving God through His Word, Ease into the Bible is for you.

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    • Whom Shall I Fear


      Just days before Pastor Richard Wurmbrand was arrested by the Romanian secret police, he read that there were 366 Instances in Scripture that would help Christians overcome fear-one for each day of the year, including leap year. This idea enhanced Richard and his wife, Sabina’s, prayerful study of God’s Word and gave then strength to stand strong for Christ in the face of opposition, imprisonment, and torture. Featuring testimonies from Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand and other persecuted Christians from throughout the history until today, Whom Shall I Fear? invites you to encounter 366 biblical passages that will take you beyond anxiety, doubt, and fear, grounding your faith In God’s character as you live obediently for Christ in the face of any opposition.

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    • Why Should I Pray How God Shares His Heart With Us


      Have you ever felt discouraged about praying? Sometimes it feels like there are more reasons not to pray than to pray. Discouraging circumstances that haven’t changed, long-standing requests that haven’t been given a yes, boring prayer meetings the list of reasons to give up can make prayer seem more like a duty instead of a delight.

      Pastor and author Scotty Smith has struggled with prayer too, but he shares how his prayer life was transformed when he learned that prayer was about talking with his heavenly Father as a dearly loved son. Prayer isn’t a spiritual duty to be performed or a spiritual vitamin to be taken. Using personal examples of how he uses Scripture to pray, Scotty Smith gives practical, encouraging guidance how prayer can transform your relationship with God and your approach to life.

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    • Grieving With Hope


      Are you facing a great loss? Perhaps a loved one or close friend has died. Great love brings great sorrow, and healthy sorrow recognizes the immensity of loss. But when death and loss come close, the temptation toward despair and hopelessness is often not far behind.

      Author Randy Alcorn encourages you to go to God with all your sorrows and to remember that Jesus, your Good Shepherd, walks with you-a suffering Savior who is well acquainted with sorrow. No one can bypass grief, but you don’t walk this dark valley alone. Jesus will lead you, and he guarantees that death is not the end and Heaven awaits. In Grieving with Hope, Randy gives perspective and practical advice to help readers on the grieving journey, so that in time, your grief will be accompanied by joy and hope.

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    • World Rejoices : The Good News Of Christmas Devotional


      The World Rejoices is a practical resource for individuals and families, encouraging a slower December pace while counting down the days to Christmas. Each short daily reflection and Scripture reading from the first two chapters of the Gospel of Luke guides you toward a deeper connection with Jesus and a meaningful understanding of the Christmas story. Engaging activities interspersed throughout the book will give you a few minutes to unwind and enjoy the season.

      Authors Eliza Huie, Cyndi Logsdon, Brook Taylor, and Ashley Arey offer unique perspectives on the stories of God’s faithfulness in a way that will focus your heart on Jesus and will encourage you to embrace a season of anticipation, reflection, and preparation for the celebration of Jesus’s birth.

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    • Filled With Dread


      Do you ever get a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach in anticipation of something you don’t want to face? This sense of foreboding and apprehension is called dread. It could be about an upcoming life change, a conflict to resolve, a difficult task, or a looming diagnosis, but whatever the situation is, you wish you could avoid it at all costs.

      Experienced counselor Jayne V. Clark explains that instead of being filled with alarm or trying to run away from hardship, we can face dread by faith. Jesus, who experienced the ultimate dread of the cross, shows us how to turn to our Father in heaven and trust his good purposes for us. We can walk securely in his peace because he is fighting for us and walks with us every step of the way.

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    • Lighthearted 100 Day Devotional


      What are the words you hold in your heart?

      Are words like afraid, dismissed, alone, and regret weighing you down? Do you feel like you are living under a thick layer of discouragement as words like shame, loss, and frustration hover overhead?

      The heaviness of life is causing many of us to become more overwhelmed and anxious than ever before. We often forget that Jesus promises us his peace and his presence no matter what we are going through. We sometimes wonder if the words in the Bible really have the power to help us live differently, peacefully, bravely, lightheartedly.

      Susie Crosby has written this refreshing combination of a promise book with a daily devotional to remind us that they do. Lighthearted will:

      *Provide several promises from Scripture for each hard emotion.

      *Include a short meditation with a keyword, prayer, and some simple ways to remember God’s faithfulness throughout the day.

      *Offer compassion, strength, truth, and help by calling readers to look to Jesus.

      Let this simple devotional help you find these promises to be lasting and true as you accept his invitation into a lighthearted life with him.

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    • Bondad Del Reino – (Spanish)


      El egoismo, el orgullo y la hostilidad dominan los titulares, las redes sociales y las interacciones cotidianas. Pero que pasaria si cada cristiano hiciera un simple acto de bondad cada semana? Que pasaria si ofrecerse a llevar la compra a alguien que esta pasando apuros pudiera provocar una revolucion?

      Con gran aliento y conocimiento biblico, el Dr. Tony Evans muestra como, cuando dejamos que la bondad de Dios nos cambie, podemos cambiar el mundo. A traves de ejemplos de la vida real y enseanzas practicas, nos capacita a cada uno de nosotros para:

      *Reemplazar el discurso hiriente con discurso util
      *Elegir el honor sobre el odio
      *Reconocer las oportunidades cotidianas para difundir el amor de Dios
      *Descubrir el valor para dar un paso al frente con bondad

      La bondad es contagiosa. Es hora de dejar que el amor de Dios encienda un movimiento contracultural que venza el mal con el bien.

      Selfishness, pride, and hostility dominate the headlines, social media, and everyday interactions. But what if every Christian did one simple act of kindness each week? What if offering to carry groceries for someone who is struggling could spark a revolution?

      With rousing encouragement and biblical insight, Dr. Tony Evans shows how, when God’s kindness changes us, we can change the world. Through real-life examples and practical teaching, he empowers each of us to:

      *Replace hurtful speech with helpful speech
      *Choose honor over hate
      *Recognize everyday opportunities to spread God’s love
      *Discover the courage to step out in kindness

      Kindness is catching. It’s time to let God’s love ignite a countercultural movement that overcomes evil with good.

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    • Helping Your Child With A Bully


      It’s hard to know what to do when you see your child struggling with a bully. Do you encourage them to tell an authority figure? Call the other child’s parents? Intervene? What is the right response?

      It’s always important to take bullying seriously and to guide your child in how to respond when it happens to them or those around them. Experienced family and children’s counselor Julie Lowe offers tips for discerning the nature of the concerning behavior, gives practical advice for the best ways to respond, and points parents to the wisdom from God that comes as we ask him for guidance and help. She encourages parents to start by being a source of comfort and understanding, helping a child identify safe people to go to, and role-playing appropriate responses to mean behavior. Reminding children that their value comes from Jesus and that he is always with them will help counteract the temptation for retribution, mishandling of conflict, or falling into isolation.

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    • Postpartum Depression : Hope For A Hard Season


      Many new mothers experience what some call postpartum “baby blues”-a short period of feeling sad, irritable, anxious, and overwhelmed. But what happens when those feelings worsen as the newborn weeks go by? What help is there for you when sleepless nights, harassing thoughts, and unpredictable moods disrupt your life and drain your joy? Is there any hope to be had in such a hard season?

      Biblical counselor and mom Christine Chappell knows the difficulty of suffering through postpartum depression. With empathetic care, she offers you biblical encouragement and practical counsel that addresses the many facets of this affliction-including your exhausted body, your overwhelming emotions, your troubled mind, and your burdened spirit. As you read, you’ll be guided through prayers that help you to engage your fears and doubts with the Good Shepherd. Even in this unwelcome darkness, God in his steadfast love will meet and sustain you.

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    • Kingdom Kindness : A Movement To Bring Civility To The Culture


      Become Part of a Counterculture of Kindness!

      Selfishness, pride, and hostility dominate the headlines, social media, and everyday interactions. But what if every Christian did one simple act of kindness each week? What if you could spark a revolution just by bringing someone a meal, offering to carry someone’s groceries, or sharing an encouraging word? Or maybe just by listening respectfully to someone you disagree with!

      With rousing encouragement and biblical insight, Dr. Tony Evans shows how, when we let the kindness of God change us, we can change the world. Through real-life examples and practical teaching, he empowers each of us to:

      *choose honor over hate
      *recognize everyday opportunities to spread God’s love
      *discover the courage to step out in kindness

      Kindness is catching. It’s time to let God’s love ignite a countercultural movement that overcomes evil with good.

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    • I Surrender All


      All To Him I Freely Give

      From Priscilla Shirer comes this fervent appeal and invitation to surrender everything to Jesus. To follow Him not just as your Savior but as your priority, your first love, your Lord. To move beyond being a believer to becoming His disciple.

      Because there is a difference.

      Salvation is a gift of God. It’s free. It’s grace. It’s the cross. Discipleship comes at a high cost. It’s surrender. It’s effort. It’s a daily choice to lay down your life and follow His. Few believers choose this route, but the ones who do will experience the abundance that only the surrendered life can offer. It’s the one choice standing between you and the life of freedom and fulfillment, of peace and purpose you’ve always wanted. I Surrender All is all about making that choice.

      The choice that changes everything.

      This book will be impossible to simply read because it beckons you to make a decision about the kind of Christian you will be. Prepare to engage, to write, to pray, and be called into a surrendered life. An abundant life. A disciple’s life.

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    • Life In Flux


      If it seems like the world is in a constant state of flux, that’s because it is. Our work, our families, our friendships, and our society are always changing, which can leave us feeling disoriented and discouraged. And while lots of people offer “tips and tricks” or “life hacks” to help us cope, the real secret to feeling like we’re standing on solid ground is deeper–and we can’t do it alone.

      In Life in Flux, leadership, career, and vocation experts Michaela O’Donnell and Lisa Pratt Slayton teach the practical skills needed in order to navigate constant change. They show you how to:

      – face the pain and longings that come with change
      – do the inner work of waking up and letting go
      – embrace the unknown with confidence
      – listen to God’s guiding voice
      – get to know yourself, really
      – find and keep friends for the journey
      – stay attuned to your rhythms and values moving forward

      When you feel truly at home in your world and with yourself, you can do hard things with great courage. Life in Flux can get you there.

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    • God Calls You Courageous Girl


      In a culture that fills your head and heart with lies about your value in the world. . .there is One who calls you courageous.

      And He can be trusted. His Word is truth.

      This delightful devotional–created just for you–will encourage and inspire your young soul with deeply rooted truths from God’s Word. Each devotional reading and heartfelt prayer will assure you that you are truly courageous–because God says so. . .and His Word is unchanging! Each of the 180 readings in God Calls You Courageous, Girl will help you to grow in your faith and increase your self-confidence as you become the strong and capable young woman the heavenly Creator intended you to be!

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    • Mustard Seed Faith (Large Type)


      Tiny Faith Can Move Mountains!

      Want to increase your faith? . . .This beautiful large print devotional offers just the encouragement, inspiration, and biblical truth you need.

      180 full-length devotional readings touch on topics important to you, including:

      *God’s faithfulness
      *God’s love
      *And more!

      This lovely package will encourage you to bloom and bask in the light of the heavenly Creator, making your quiet time with Him more precious and purposeful.

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    • 180 Prayers For A Peaceful Spirit


      Experience the Peace That Only Comes with Knowing Jesus

      You’re guaranteed to find just the encouragement and assurance your heart needs in 180 Prayers for a Peaceful Spirit. This practical book packs a powerful dose of comforting inspiration into 3 short minutes.

      Minute 1: scripture to meditate on
      Minute 2: a just-right-sized devotional prayer
      Minute 3: a question for further reflection

      Each day’s prayer meets you right where you are and is a great way for you to begin or end your day.

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    • Strength For My Path


      Step into the wonder of God’s creation.

      Escaping from the stress of daily life to a rugged cliff or the depths of a forest offers time for peaceful thought. In Strength for My Path, Maureen E. Wise shares fifty-two devotions to ponder on your next hike.

      Featuring daily Scripture and prayer, these reflections from the trail will:

      *provide hiking tips and nature facts,
      *encourage responsible creation care,
      *heighten your wonder in the world around you, and
      *deepen your love of creation and the Creator.

      Whether you’re on a day hike or only have a few minutes to spare before work, Strength for My Path is the perfect companion for quality time with your heavenly Father in the wonderful world he has made.

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    • I Thought This Would Make Me Happy


      What happened to us?

      Why is there no joy, no friendship in our marriage?

      Why don’t we feel like a team anymore?

      If you’ve ever felt this way about your marriage, you’re not alone. Marriage is hard. Every couple comes to a place of disappointment and distance at one point or another. The good news is that your relationship can get better. If you’re both willing to work at it, it can work out.

      Teacher, author, and creator of “Living the Sweet Wife” Chelsea Damon has coached thousands of couples through the hardest seasons of their marriage. In I Thought This Would Make Me Happy, she’ll help you take your first steps to a renewed and life-giving marriage. You’ll gain the tools you need to:

      *Identify the problems–Anger, bitterness, and resentment arise in all marriages. You’ll learn how to assess what the problems are and step away from destructive patterns.

      *Restore harmony–Reflection sections and journal exercises are specially designed to help you and your spouse forgive each other and communicate more deeply.

      *Cultivate the good qualities–Each chapter is designed to help you and your spouse build the characteristics that make a marriage reflect Christ and grow stronger.

      With stories, practical tips, and biblical truths, I Thought This Would Make Me Happy will show you a way forward. Your relationship with your spouse may be in a difficult season…but it can get better.

      A marriage full of joy, grace, and unity is possible

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    • Abide In Christ (Deluxe)


      Accept God’s Invitation to Unspeakable Joy

      This beautiful, hardcover edition of Andrew Murray’s classic work Abide in Christ will make a perfect gift for your loved ones or a welcome addition to your own library.
      You will find thirty-one heart-searching readings that will show you how to live each day in closer communion and fellowship with our Savior.

      Instead of accepting God’s invitation to enter His throne room, many Christians stand alone outside the door, uncertain and ashamed. Christ beckons them to His banquet table and offers them a room in His house, but they fearfully or foolishly give up the glorious life He has offered. They come to Jesus as Redeemer but never go beyond the doorway to abide in Him and dwell with the King of Kings.

      Murray discovered what it means to abide continually in God’s presence and earnestly shares his heartfelt advice with readers. His prayer was that all of God’s children would receive the rich and blessed experience of abiding in Christ. Cross the threshold now and accept God’s invitation to live joyfully with Him.

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    • Deep Roots Good Fruit


      What does the fruit of the Spirit look like in everyday life, and how can we become the people the Holy Spirit calls us to be?

      Author Kristin Elizabeth Couch invites you to explore the fruit of the Spirit through captivating stories of people she’s known: there’s a father who goes missing in a snowstorm; a boss who shouts like a drill sergeant; a neighbor with a refrigerator full of eggs; and Grandpa, who smells of Old Spice!

      By combining memorable stories with rich meditations on Scripture, Kristin encourages us to see that God is at work even in life’s mundane moments, and that although our growth may seem slow, in the Spirit’s power we really can become more like Jesus.

      As you reflect on the fruit of the Spirit, you will long for it more deeply, pray for it more fervently, and see afresh how the Spirit is at work in your own life and the lives of others. Put deep roots into God’s word and enjoy bearing more and more of his good fruit.

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    • Live Like A Guide Dog


      A guide dog ‘ s guide to life’s most important lessons!

      Michael Hingson’s inspiring true story captivated the world when he and his guide dog Roselle escaped the Twin Towers together on 9/11, a story that became the New York Times bestselling book Thunder Dog. During decades of walking with guide dogs, he had learned a surprising truth that helped save his life that day: Being afraid can be a positive thing, one that prepares us to deal with any situation that befalls us. Now, in Live like a Guide Dog, he reveals how to:

      *Get equipped for whatever obstacles or challenges you may encounter as you make your way through the world

      *Train yourself to be brave, just like a guide dog’s training equips handler and dog to prepare for the unexpected

      *Learn to use your natural fear reactions as a way to focus and concentrate to make better decisions and turn your fear into courage and confidence.

      *Apply eleven principles Michael has learned with his guide dogs to overcome the fears that you face every day

      Join Michael on the joyful adventure of walking with, loving, and learning from guide dogs!

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    • Radical Like Jesus


      You are meant for more. God has called you to live a radical life for Him– one that makes a lasting impact on this world. Like Jesus did.

      But how is this possible?

      There’s never been anyone in history as radical as Jesus. From the way that He prayed, to how He interacted with sinners, to His sacrificial death on the cross, Jesus was a revolutionary. It’s just who He was. As His followers we are called to be like him. It’s not just something we should aspire to, it’s a reality that we must strive for every day. We can live as Jesus did – be radical like He was – because as Christians, Jesus lives in us and wants to live through us. When Jesus lives his life through us, we begin to do the things that He did.

      And that’s what Radical Like Jesus is all about – putting into practice the rhythms, activities and actions that Jesus modeled throughout His life.

      Radical like Jesus is meant to challenge you with:

      *21 chapters that reflecton the life and actions of Jesus;
      *21 challenges that help you build Christ-honoring routines;
      *21 insights on how your everyday life can become revolutionary.

      Every chapter ends with a Radical Like Jesus Challenge. Some will truly stretch your faith, and all of them will help you live like Jesus lived. Take these challenges individually or do them as a group and you’ll never be the same.

      Live your life on mission. Become radical like Jesus.

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    • Journey To Biblical Masculinity


      As culture attacks men, marriages, and families, the Church has failed to empower men to connect courageously and consistently with the story God wants to write with them.

      Looking to Jesus as the model, Jake Hamiliton casts a fresh vision of Spirit-empowered masculinity that calls men to be who they were created to be. Diving into Scripture, ancient traditions, and the mythological story of Parzival, Jake reveals 12 time-tested pathways God uses to train you to:

      *own the radical responsibility God’s placed on you, no matter the cost
      *use your unique perspectives and personality to fight the evil around you
      *hold your ground with confidence, courage, and conviction
      *no longer be sidelined by shame, addiction, depression, and disconnection
      *live with purpose, clarity, integrity, and boldness

      Biblical masculinity is not toxic. It is modeled in the life of Jesus Christ. It’s what our world needs. It’s time for real heroes to rise up, stand with humble strength, and fight against all odds for your identity, marriage, children, and the Kingdom.

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    • Stronger Than Stress


      Everyone experiences seasons of stress, but you are not condemned to a lifetime of anxiety. By developing 10 spiritual practices, you can overcome your daily overwhelm with God’s strength. Stronger than Stress helps you combat chronic stress, burnout, and overwhelm by helping you to:

      – Learn the four main stress triggers that push you toward the breaking point and how to anticipate them

      – Discover exercises to help you interrupt your fight-or-flight stress response

      – Study the apostle Paul’s life and teachings as he models how to deal with daily overwhelm and leverage it as an opportunity to find strength in God

      – Win the battle of overwhelm by utilizing spiritual practices as Jesus-centered, grace-based tools

      – Wake up each day with confidence that you can live at peace and in wholeness even though you may be experiencing difficult or stressful circumstances

      If you want less stress and more peace no matter what life throws at you, let this practical book be your guide.

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