Mon-Sat 8:30am - 5:30pm, Closed Sunday | 800 N Main St, Shelbyville, TN | (931) 684-8878




    Daniel Kolenda

    • Mystery Of The Magi


      In The Mystery Of The Magi, Evangelist Daniel Kolenda gives you a powerful, inspiring and insightful teaching on the Christmas story, bringing a unique perspective to these particular participants. He explores the history and roots of the Magi, explaining their role and significance to the Christmas story. Evangelist Kolenda allows you to see this story with new eyes as he explains how God used the Magi as part of His redemptive plan. Could their journey inspire yours?

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    • Tribunal De Cristo – (Spanish)


      From the Lost Treasures Series Rediscover the amazing TRUTHS that surround the Judgment Seat of Christ, one of the great forgotten treasures of Scripture. It is a theme central to the doctrine of the New Testament authors and especially to Jesus Christ Himself. Yet it is often missing in modern preaching and teaching. RECEIVE a life-changing eternal perspective! Once awakened to this theme, it will be hard to read even one page of the New Testament without seeing it plainly, or feeling its influence.THIS is REAL. How you live matters. What you do matters. THIS is what you NEED to KNOW before you GO into ETERNITY!

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    • Vive Antes De Morir – (Spanish)


      Te dispones a cumplir tu destino?

      El Dios eterno, omnipotente y omnisciente te creo con sus propias manos. Incluso, antes que nacieras, !ya tenia un sueo para tu vida! Pero a veces es dificil saber cual es ese sueo o como ir tras el.

      Daniel Kolenda toma las Escrituras, asi como partes de su propia experiencia para ayudarte a descubrir el llamado de Dios y seguirle. Con consejos practicos e inspiradores, el autor revela:
      *Cinco secretos para descubrir la voluntad de Dios
      *Como dar los primeros pasos en la diereccion correcta
      *Que hacer cuando Dios nos dice que esperemos
      *Como permanecer en la voluntad de Dios
      *Y mucho mas.

      Aunque tu camino te lleve al campo misionero, a la facultad de medicina, a ser obrero de la construccion, a ser madre y ama de casa, negociante, a ensear en una escuela, a ser chef o pastor, puedes vivir la maravillosa voluntad e DIos con tu vida y la aventura que tiene preparada para ti.

      !Ya es tiempo de concretar tu destino!

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    • Live Before You Die


      God has a purpose for everyone. Do you know yours?

      Evangelist Daniel Kolenda has ministered around the world, and no matter the country, continent, race, culture, gender or age, people everywhere want to discover and fulfill God’s purpose for their lives. In ‘Emerge’, he draws from scripture and his experience as president of Christ for All Nations, an international evangelistic ministry founded by Reinhard Bonnke, to help readers overcome their fears and tune in to God’s call. Among his advice: use your talents and interests for God’s glory, serve someone else’s vision, use what’s in your hand, stop procrastinating, and don’t bow to your fears.

      We are alive for the purpose of propelling forward God’s eternal kingdom. This is what makes life worth living. This book is not about reaching your dreams or becoming a star. It is about discovering how our lives fit into God’s plan for His glory and His kingdom.

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