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    Death and Dying

    • Paradise Of God


      In this captivating book, The Paradise of God, you will discover what the Bible says about creation and the role of the Church from now throughout eternity. You don’t have to guess because it’s not a mystery. The truth is already laid out in the Scriptures.

      The following items are covered in chronological, biblical detail:

      *The fall of Lucifer and his angels
      *The creation of man and the Garden of Eden
      *The resurrection of Jesus and the birth of the Church
      *The catching away of the Church (Rapture)
      *The Judgment Seat of Christ
      *The Bride of Christ
      *The Great Tribulation and the Antichrist
      *The Second Coming of Jesus
      *The Millennial Reign of Christ on earth (1,000 years)
      *The Great White Throne Judgment
      *The New Jerusalem
      *The Paradise of God in Heaven

      Jesus is coming back soon! Your thoughts should not be filled with fear and worry about the Antichrist or Satan. Be encouraged! Even though things on the earth are dark right now, as a Christian your future is bright! Fill your thoughts with the wonderful anticipation of a future with the Lord Jesus Christ, because when you search the Scriptures, you’ll find that your best days are yet to come!

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    • Parents Guide To Talking About Death


      Death is hard to process at any age, so how can you begin to discuss it with your teen? Learn practical strategies to process the pain of loss by gently addressing commonly asked questions with confidence.


      *Why is talking about death so hard?
      *Why should you talk about death?
      *How should you talk to your teen about death?

      This guide also includes parent questions for personal reflection and teen discussion questions for honest conversations.

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    • Is Hell For Real


      Introduction: The Problem Of Judgment
      1. Images Of The Afterlife
      2. God Of Justice
      3. God Of Love
      4. The Problem Of Evil
      5. Deserving Causes
      6. Love Really Does Win
      Conclusion: If Hell Is For Real Then…

      Additional Info
      The word Hell conjures up all kinds of nightmares in people’s minds. But also presents a difficulty for many Christians. How can a God who the Bible says literally “is love” condemn anyone to an eternity of torment? Will punishment be eternal? Is Hell for real?

      In this short, accessible book, pastor and author Erik Raymond reviews this important subject for everyone with pastoral warmth and biblical clarity.

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    • Assisted Suicide


      1. A Complex Problem
      2. A Growing Problem
      3. The Right To Die?
      4. The Case Against
      5. Facing Death
      Further Reading
      Discussion Guide

      Additional Info
      In this short book, Vaughan Roberts briefs Christians on the complex questions surrounding assisted suicide. He surveys the Christian worldview and helps us to apply its principles as we navigate life and death in a society with contrasting values.

      Talking Points is a series of short books by Vaughan Roberts, designed to help Christians think, talk and relate to others with compassion, conviction and wisdom about today’s big issues.

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    • Joy In The Mourning


      Only God knows what it takes to walk down dark roads and to fight the good fight of faith. Ruby and her family have walked a close walk with God in direct opposition to hopelessness and the ugliness of cancer, and through “Joy in the Mourning,” have brought us with her. This is a book of the faithfulness of God Almighty. This is a book of compassion, understanding, and hope for those who have faced and are face-to-face with the ugliness of cancer.

      Daren and Angie Werk, Newlife Victory Fellowship, Senior pastors

      You’re looking forward to the best years of your life. Retirement isn’t far away, the kids are grown up, and the grandchildren are coming along. Life is looking good!

      Suddenly your dreams and plans take a nosedive and it’s all you can do to breathe deeply and take one step at a time.

      Is it possible to hold onto faith in the face of dire circumstances? Will you ever feel joy bubbling up inside you again? When a hope-filled solution is presented to you your spirits soar, only to come crashing down again when failure raises its ugly head.

      You go to the only place where faith, hope, and joy can be restored. Even there you find you will need to make a choice: walk or wallow? Sing or sigh? Help or hurt? What will you choose?

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    • God Lives In Detroit


      There are times and circumstances that generate a pain so deep that even the most seasoned believer can feel separated from God-a pit so consuming and dark that the thought of finding Him again, and feeling His touch, seems impossible.

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    • What Happens When I Die


      1. Why Is Death A Problem?
      2. How Can I Be Sure?
      3. What Will Happen To My Body?
      4. What Will It Be Like To Die?
      5. How Do We Cope With Bereavement?
      6. What Will Life Be Like In Eternity?

      Additional Info
      We all have questions about death. Despite the strong assurance the Bible gives us about life beyond the grave, Christians are often troubled by other questions. What will happen on the day of judgement? Will we have bodies in heaven? Will there be rewards?

      These short, simple books are designed to help Christians understand what God has said about these questions in the scriptures.

      Suitable for all Christians – especially those with questions about death.

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    • Heaven Tours : Astonishing Journeys


      Heaven Tours is Rita Bennett’s second book on the fascinating topic of Heaven. Through biblical teaching and the stories of people who have visited heaven and have had near-deth experiences, this book clearly presents Heaven as a real place of unconditional love, tangible peace, phenomenal beauty, radiant light, and great glory.This is a book of comfort, spiritual understanding, and emotional healing, and for those who have lost
      loved ones, this book will give reassurance, peace, and hope. The author openly and directly answers questions about Heaven and eternal life.

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    • Heaven Or Hell


      Special Order Title
      What will happen when you die? The Bible clearly teaches that heaven and hell exist and that everyone will go to one or the other after death. If you are already a believer, this book will make both hell and heaven more real to you and will help you find the rest and joy that God has promised you.

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