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Showing 501–550 of 857 results

  • Beholding And Becoming


    Become What You Behold

    You are in the process of becoming. Every day is an opportunity to be shaped and formed by what moves your heart…drives your thoughts…captures your gaze. Is it any wonder that where you direct your eyes and your heart matter in your day-to-day?

    We become what we behold when we set our hearts and minds on Christ and His redemption story here in the details of our daily lives. Not just on Sunday, not just on holidays, not just when extraordinarily hard or wonderful things happen…but today.

    Bestselling author and artist Ruth Chou Simons invites you on a new journey to Beholding and Becoming. With more than 850 pieces of intricate, original artwork, Ruth encourages you to elevate your gaze to the One who created all things.

    Today is an opportunity for God to demonstrate His love and His faithfulness in the midst of your mundane. No circumstance is too ordinary or too forgotten for Him to meet you there in worship. His transforming grace turns your “everyday ordinary” into a holy place of becoming.

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  • How To Keep Your Head On Straight In A World Gone Crazy


    We are living in a day when countless multitudes have lost their way both morally and spiritually. Like a ship without anchor, this last day’s generation is being tossed to and fro by a flood of deception and wrong influences that is tragically causing people to lose their moorings. What should we do to make sure we don’t get sucked in to the chaotic swirl of moral and spiritual confusion sweeping the world today? That is the vital question prolific author and Greek scholar Rick Renner answers in this riveting and timely book.

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  • Creados Para Un Proposito – (Spanish)


    Usted no es un accidente. Su presencia en esta tierra no es un error. Tampoco es insignificante. Por el contrario, usted es querido aqui–!y necesitado!

    Usted es una creacion de Dios con un proposito unico. Muchas personas “hacen” cosas para tratar de ganar aceptacion por parte de otros, para poder “ser” alguien. Se convierten en esclavos de la opinion publica y nunca saben realmente quienes estaban supuestos a ser.

    Cuando sabemos que somos hijos amados de Dios, elegidos desde la fundacion del mundo, y descubrimos quien El nos diseo para ser, pensaremos y actuaremos desde esa perspectiva. Todo lo demas se desarrollara a partir de nuestra identidad y existencia en El. Esa identidad va aun mas alla de nuestro proposito personal hasta el punto de alcanzar los planes eternos de Dios para el mundo y el emocionante rol que desempeamos en ellos.

    Dios creo a todos los seres humanos para tener dominio sobre la tierra. Y El nos ha asignado a cada uno de nosotros una porcion del “territorio” donde podemos ejercer la medida de nuestro dominio en la tierra. Este dominio se basa en la fe, la uncion y los dones que El nos ha dado. Nuestras palabras y acciones son mas efectivas cuando estamos en el territorio que Dios nos ha asignado y cuando estamos buscando primero Su Reino. Este poder “territorial” no es meramente simbolico. Es una realidad en la que debemos vivir. El territorio en el que vamos a ser fructiferos no es fortuito o general, sino especifico.

    En Creados para un proposito, usted descubrira el plan de Dios para su vida como un miembro amado y valioso de Su creacion, que significa ser llamado por Dios y como conocer y vivir en su proposito a lo largo de su vida.

    Usted no es un accidente. Usted esta presente en esta tierra por una razon importante. !Descubra quien esta usted supuesto a ser!

    You are no accident. Your presence on this earth is not a mistake. Neither is it insignificant. On the contrary, you are wanted here–and needed!

    You are a creation of God with a unique purpose. Many people “do” things to try to gain acceptance by others, so that they can “be” someone. They become slaves to public opinion and never really know who they were meant to be.

    When we know that we are God’s beloved children, chosen from the foundation of the world, and discover who He designed us to be, we will think and act from that perspective. Everything else will develop from our identity and existence in Him. That identity goes beyond even our

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  • Created For Purpose


    You are no accident. Your presence on this earth is not a mistake. Neither is it insignificant. On the contrary, you are wanted here–and needed!

    You are a creation of God with a unique purpose. Many people “do” things to try to gain acceptance by others, so that they can “be” someone. They become slaves to public opinion and never really know who they were meant to be.

    When we know that we are God’s beloved children, chosen from the foundation of the world, and discover who He designed us to be, we will think and act from that perspective. Everything else will develop from our identity and existence in Him. That identity goes beyond even our personal purpose to God’s eternal plans for the world and our exciting role in them.

    God created all human beings to have dominion over the earth. And He has assigned each of us a portion of “territory” where we can exercise the measure of our dominion on earth. This dominion is based on the faith, anointing, and gifts He has given us. Our words and actions are most effective when we are in the territory God has assigned to us and are seeking first His kingdom. This “territorial” power is not merely symbolic. It is a reality in which we must live. The territory in which we are to be fruitful is not random or general but specific.

    In Created for Purpose, you will discover God’s plan for your life as a loved and valuable member of His creation, what it means to be called by God, and how to know and live in your purpose throughout your life.

    You are not an accident. You are present on this earth for a significant reason. Find out who you were meant to be!

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  • Best Of Smith Wigglesworth


    A collection of excerpted chapters from ten of Smith Wigglesworth’s most cherished and best-selling books, including:
    *Smith Wigglesworth on Faith
    *Smith Wigglesworth on Healing
    *Smith Wigglesworth on Heaven
    *Smith Wigglesworth on Spirit-Filled Living
    *Smith Wigglesworth on Spiritual Gifts
    *Smith Wigglesworth on the Anointing
    *Smith Wigglesworth on the Holy Spirit
    *Smith Wigglesworth Only Believe
    *Smith Wigglesworth Ever Increasing Faith
    *Smith Wigglesworth on God’s Power

    Together, these books have sold more than 900,000 copies. Wigglesworth was one of the pioneers of the Pentecostal movement. His life led him from simple plumber to one of the world’s premier healing evangelists. Now, in one volume, readers can savor his inspirational teaching on an array of subjects, including prayer, spiritual healing, miracles, the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the realities of heaven, and how to develop the faith to ask for miracles. This is the perfect introduction to Wigglesworth’s teachings for the new Christian or a cherished addition to the library of a seasoned believer.

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  • Prophet : Creating And Sustaining A Life-Giving Prophetic Culture


    Every believer is prophetic!

    The Bible calls prophets a gift to the body of Christ. This is not because prophets hear God in our place; rather, prophets carry an impartation to connect all believers to the frequencies of Heaven with fresh clarity so they can receive and release the word of the Lord with new confidence.

    James Goll is an internationally bestselling author and prophet to the nations. In this groundbreaking book, James connects you to the speaking voice of the Spirit at a greater dimension than ever before.

    This comprehensive and revelatory work is broken up into four sections, focusing on Prophetic Beginnings, Development, Diversity and Commissionings.

    James teaches you how to:
    *Live in a realm of prophetic sensitivity
    *Recognize the four levels of prophetic ministry and how they operate
    *Understand the anatomy of a prophetic word
    *Receive and release the gift of prophecy
    *Avoid common pitfalls of prophetic ministry
    *Seize your prophetic destiny
    *Operate prophetically in you the sphere of influence

    These words from a respected general of the prophetic movement are saturated with divine empowerment, calling forth a generation to declare words from Heaven with power, integrity and accuracy!

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  • Women Of The Word


    Women of the Word has sold over 250,000 copies since its initial release in 2014. In this updated edition with new study questions, popular Bible teacher Jen Wilkin challenges women to go deeper in their study of Scripture, offering a clear and concise plan they can use each time they open their Bible. Many Christian women know it’s important to study God’s Word-but often don’t know where to start. If they’re not careful, they can let their emotions rule their study of Scripture and forget that the Bible is primarily about God and not us. This book will equip women to engage God’s Word in a way that both trains their minds and transforms their hearts.

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  • Living With No Regrets


    Say Goodbye to Regrets!

    No matter what you’ve been through, God has made it possible for you to be free from your past and excited about your future!

    God is not mad at you!

    He knew we weren’t going to be perfect. He knew we would need forgiveness from our sins and healing for our broken hearts. That’s why Jesus came! In fact, Jesus paid a high price for our failures, and the last thing He wants is for us to spend the rest of our lives looking back with regrets.

    In Living with No Regrets, Greg Fritz shares simple yet profound truths from God’s Word that will set you free and give you a new lease on life.

    It’s time to move on! Wave goodbye to sadness, guilt, and shame. Get ready for your future by getting over your past.

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  • iBelong : Finding Your Place In The Body Of Christ


    Do you ever feel like you’re on the outside looking in – that maybe you don’t belong? Do you know people who just can’t connect? Veteran author, Robert Gay, provides real-world answers for ending your isolation and getting anchored in a local church. iBelong concisely articulates the need for every Christian to belong to a body of believers. With both scriptural and practical principles, you will understand that as we join ourselves to other believers, destiny and purpose are revealed. Through this book, you will satisfy your God-given need for acceptance and increase your kingdom fruitfulness.

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  • Power Of Prophetic Vision


    Translate dreams into destiny!

    All of us have been called to something bigger than ourselves–a dream or a vision that only God can help us fulfill. But often, the gap between promise and reality seems insurmountable.

    Healing minister and bestselling author, Joan Hunter, is fulfilling a prophetic vision of seeing nations transformed by the power of God. This was the result of practicing simple, but revelatory principles–even in the midst of crisis. Through it all, the Lord taught Joan how to redeem pain, embrace process, and advance forward!

    In The Power of Prophetic Vision, Joan mentors you through these same simple steps.

    Discover how to:
    *Speak resurrection life back into your dreams
    *Identify and remove blockages to your dream
    *Break agreement with lies that war against your destiny
    *Overcome failures, setbacks and mistakes
    *Confidently stand in the calling of God for your life
    *Partner with the Holy Spirit to walk out the process step by step

    Now is your time! Wake up to your Dreams!

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  • Defined : Who God Says You Are


    Inspired by the Kendrick brothers’ new movie OVERCOMER, and written by the #1 New York Times best-selling author team behind The Love Dare and The Battle Plan for Prayer, comes an exciting new resource about discovering your God-given identity and embracing the wonder of who you were created to be.

    At this very moment, what you believe about your own purpose and value affects almost every area of your life–including how you think and feel, the way you react to circumstances, and how you approach God and your relationships. But what is guiding your core beliefs? Are they healthy and founded upon solid truth? Or are they constantly shifting with the opinions of others or your own emotions?

    Based upon powerful insights from the scriptural book of Ephesians, and seasoned with personal stories and practical wisdom, Defined challenges you to let the One who knows you best be the One who guides your heart the most. It’s time for all of us to live in the amazing light of His acceptance, abundance, and strength.

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  • In Between : The Journey Between Your Dream And Destiny


    Designed to reignite passion and give new life to your dreams through showing how to navigate the gap In-Between where you are and where you dream to be. You will discover unique insights into the personality of God concerning your dream and your destiny as well as practical and actionable steps to take on your journey towards fulfillment.

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  • Strike The Mark (Audio CD)


    Prayers that strike the mark are specific prayers authorized by the Holy Spirit and endowed with divine power to accomplish the will of God in your life and for the needs of the world. On the cross, Jesus fulfilled the ultimate answer to all of our prayers, but He awaits our invitation to come into our situations and circumstances. When people of prayer intercede, they create a meeting place between the heavenly Father and His children. God comes upon the person who is praying and moves them from the natural to the supernatural. Empowered by God, the intercessor has the authority to cut down enemy forces and pick out “targets” for God’s lightning bolts of glory, bringing victory and breakthrough.

    Intercession could be called “extreme prayer” because it links extreme needs with the extraordinary power of God. Inserting ourselves into the gap between God and a need, we call upon the Holy Spirit, our Helper, who is ready to move us from finite ability to infinite ability, take hold of difficult situations, and help accomplish the will of God. We have the great honor of being called to “paint targets” on cities, churches, ministries, family members, contemporary “Sauls” (those who persecute or cause difficulty), and even ourselves. Our believing, persistent prayers will Strike the Mark!

    ” He covers His hands with the lightning, and commands it to strike the mark” (Job 36:32 NASB).

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  • Bondage Breaker : Overcoming Negative Thoughts Irrational Feelings Habitual (Exp


    You Can Break the Chains Holding You Captive

    Harmful habits, negative thinking, and irrational feelings can all lead to sinful behavior and keep you in bondage. If you feel trapped by any of these strongholds in your life, know that you are not alone–you can break free.

    Neil Anderson has brought hope to millions facing similar spiritual attacks. In this significantly revised and updated edition of this popular bestselling book, he offers a wholistic approach to spiritual warfare that is rooted in the Word of God. As you read stories of others who have been locked in spiritual battles, you will learn the underlying whys and hows behind these attacks, and discover the truth that sets people free in Jesus.

    You don’t have to live as if you are in chains. Break through your spiritual battles, and find freedom in Christ with The Bondage Breaker.

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  • Heaven On Earth


    Jesus taught us how to experience heaven on earth. It’s actually pretty straightforward. He called it the Kingdom of God. There’s nothing complicated about it. This book is written, based on Jesus’ teaching, to unravel the Mystery of the Kingdom.

    Jesus said He came to give us the abundant life. The Greek word for life is “zoe.” Its literal meaning is: the quality of life possessed by the one who gives it! In other words, Jesus wants us to have the same quality of life He is experiencing with God!

    This book has one very simple purpose! I want to give you the information and the tools needed to experience the very best quality of life possible, while you are on planet earth: the abundant life.

    Intention Statement: As you begin this book, let the following intention statement direct your reading and understanding as you read.

    I intend to live the abundant life! I will read this material with an open mind, remaining loyal to the scripture, while allowing the Holy Spirit to be my personal teacher! I desire to live, move and have my being in the realm Jesus called the Kingdom of God, and enjoy all the associated benefits!

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  • Unstuck : A Nine-Step Journey To Change That Lasts


    Step 1: Get Grounded
    Step 2: Scavenger Hunt
    Step 3: Understand You
    Step 4: Look Around
    Step 5: Gauge Your Reactions
    Step 6: Look Underneath
    Step 7: Make The Connection
    Step 8: Relate In Real Life
    Step 9: Move Ahead
    Case Study
    Appendix: Put The Nine Steps Together

    Additional Info
    Is there is an area in your life that you want to change, but you don’t know how?

    Is there a behavior that you’ve tried to stop, but you just can’t seem to do it?

    Is there a negative thought pattern that you have attempted to move on from, but nothing you try ever works?

    Is there a relationship that you want to repair, but despite all your best intentions, nothing seems to make things better?

    In other words, do you want to change, but feel stuck?

    Tim Lane takes you on a nine step journey towards lasting change. This practical and biblical guidance recognizes that the path to lasting change can only be found by growing in grace as we look to Christ and are empowered by the Holy Spirit. So these steps are much more than strategies: they are truths that are rooted in Scripture.

    Whatever your struggle, this warm and encouraging book will empower you to break free from unwanted habits and behaviors that don’t seem to go away.

    Use this book on your own, with a friend, or in a one-to-one mentoring relationship. Each step ends with a “work it through” exercise to really help you put what you’re reading into practice, so that you can make a change in your life that lasts.

    Whatever your struggle, this warm and encouraging book will help you to get unstuck as you look to Christ in the day-to-day pressures of life.

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  • Warrior Within : Young Men Standing Strong In A Reckless World


    You have a voice in this culture…a culture that is literally spinning out of control.

    The Warrior Within will strengthen, encourage and challenge you to be the young man God has called you to be. Not a perfect man, but a man who trusts and believes his God.

    The Warrior Within addresses many topics: how the media is selling seduction to capture your mind and heart through pornography; wisdom in friendships; the girls in your life; the battle of sexting; becoming that warrior within. This book speaks candidly about sexual integrity. (I know you just rolled your eyes!) But the culture has thrown so many lies at you for years regarding this topic, and it is necessary to be up front and honest about it. To be a warrior within and a warrior for your generation, it is imperative that you understand the fight. You are the most influential player for your generation.

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  • Live Life FREE


    Mountain Top Ministries Title

    What Limits Your Freedom Today? Everyone faces limitations and challenges to living a life of true freedom, but you can Live Life FREE in every area of your life! You may be facing challenges in life that make you feel confined, controlled or even owned by unseen forces such as fear, debt, strongholds, pleasure, love of money, possessions, greed, your profession – even your ministry! What starts out in life as a simple attraction, may lead to habitual, limiting behaviors that can even become enslaving. Limitations begin to occur when you place things that bring pleasure or delight above your desire for your Creator. God made you to be fulfilled through close relationship and fellowship with Him. You know you face limitations when you are never truly satisfied, but instead experience an insatiable, constant desire for more of the things you crave. You know you are seriously limited when an unknown compelling or driving force takes over and begins to control your thoughts, motives, actions, finances, and relationships. Only God can truly set you free to be all He has created you to be.

    This book will minister to your deepest needs and instruct you how to fight the good fight of faith to overcome your limitations. Inside these pages are five basic steps designed to bring complete freedom and restoration to every area of your life- spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and relationally. This revelation is about God’s truth, love, and grace that is extended to you through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ in His death, burial and resurrection. There are Questions and Answers at the end of each section to help you take immediate action toward transformation. As you read this book, allow the Holy Spirit to shift and change you from glory to glory, into the image of the God who created you to Live Life FREE!

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  • Beyond Outstanding : Using The Principles Of Daniel To Live Your Best God G


    The greatest gift is the gift of eternal life. The best inheritance that parents can give to their children is the gift of salvation. This was exactly the case of Daniel. As a young boy, he was taken captive to the land of Babylon, but his relationship with God set him above his peers. Despite his tumultuous experience at the palace of King Nebuchadnezzar, he ignored the pressures around him and resolved in his heart to retain his divine identity. This book will expose you to some important, life-changing principles from the book of Daniel that will transport you beyond outstanding and help you live your best God-ordained life.

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  • Run To Win


    Plan to Run, Train to Run…Run to Win

    Anyone can start a race, but it takes planning and training to finish it.

    A good long-distance runner knows the importance of planning his race. As he passes the starting line he is already considering how he will cross the finish line. As he takes his first easy step, he has planned how he will take his last grueling step.

    As a Christian man, you are already running the race of life. You are not competing against other people, but against the deadly enemies of the world, the flesh, and the devil. How do you plan to maintain your pace throughout this race? To obtain the prize, you will need to run to the very end. You will need to cross that finish line. And to do that, you will need to plan your race. You will need to plan the ways you will run today so you can continue to run in the difficult days ahead. That is what this book is all about.

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  • What Happens When Women Walk In Faith


    LysaTerKeurst knows what it means to walk in faith, starting from the cry she uttered years ago, “How do I take my broken life and allow God to use it for His glory,” to her current position as president of Proverbs 31 Ministry.

    Walking in Faith will change the way the reader…
    *recognizes God’s opportunities for growth
    *hears God speak through His Word
    *understands herself as a unique creation of her Heavenly Father
    *survives life’s hardest places

    Lysa’s new book is filled with stories, Scripture, and encouragement for readers to discover the deeper truths of God.

    As a bonus, Lysa has provided a Bible study section to help readers apply the principles in Walking by Faith

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  • Its All Under Control


    Jennifer Dukes Lee never thought she struggled with control. After all, she was a fully surrendered follower of Christ! She had all the right Bible verses underlined and everything! Seriously: as long as everything went exactly the way she wanted it to, she was totally flexible.

    But then she discovered what happens when you live like this too long. You get burned out on hustle. You toss and turn more at night, and you laugh less during the day. And your shoulders start to flat-out hurt from carrying the weight of the world.

    It’s All under Control is a book for every woman who is hanging on tight, trying to get life right. Join Jennifer on the journey of learning how to:
    *Develop better habits and make choices that align with God’s best for your life
    *Overcome the daily anxieties and worries that burden your heart
    *Find freedom through a new “Do, Delegate, Dismiss” approach to your tasks
    *Let go of what God has not asked you to do, so you can shine where he has

    Discover a new way of living that will free you to be you, and experience the freedom of knowing that it really is all under control: God’s.

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  • Astonished By God


    This book is a revised, improved version of Doctrine Matters.

    For more than thirty years, John Piper pastored in the rough and tumble realities of downtown Minneapolis, preaching his people through the ups and down of life one Sunday at a time. When it came to capturing a generation of joy in one final sermon series, he turned to ten trademark truths to leave ringing in his peoples’ ears.

    These ten are world-shaking truths-each astonishing in its own way. First they turned Piper’s own world upside down. Then his church’s. And they will continue to turn the whole world upside down as the gospel of Christ advances in distance and depth. These surprising doctrines, as Piper writes, are “wildly untamable, explosively uncontainable, and electrically future-creating.”

    Join a veteran author, pastor, and Christian statesman as he captures the ten astonishing, compassionate, life-giving, joy-awakening, hope-sustaining truths that have held everything together for him.

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  • Enjoying God : Experience The Power And Love Of God In Everyday Life


    Mike And Emma’s Monday Morning
    In Every Pleasure We Can Enjoy The Father’s Generosity
    In Every Hardship We Can Enjoy The Father’s Formation
    In Every Prayer We Can Enjoy The Father’s Welcome
    In Every Failure We Can Enjoy The Son’s Grace
    In Every Pain We Can Enjoy The Son’s Presence
    In Every Supper We Can Enjoy The Son’s Touch
    In Every Temptation We Can Enjoy The Spirit’s Life
    In Every Groan We Can Enjoy The Spirit’s Hope
    In Every Word We Can Enjoy The Spirit’s Voice
    In One Another We Can Enjoy God’s Love
    In Daily Repentance And Faith We Can Enjoy God’s Freedom
    Under The Hood

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    We believe in God, we serve God, we trust God, but would we say that we experience God on a day to day basis? Do we really know him personally? What exactly does a relationship with God look like, and how is it even possible?

    In this seminal work by Tim Chester, we’ll see how the three persons of the Trinity relate to us in our day-to-day lives and how to respond. We’ll discover that as we interact more with God, and understand how awesome he is, we will experience the joy of being known by the creator of the universe.

    Every Christian will benefit from discovering the key to enjoying God in every moment of everyday.

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  • 10 Keys To Spiritual Growth Pamphlet


    Followers of Christ want to grow spiritually, but aren’t always sure how to get started. This slimline pamphlet offers 10 ways to grow your faith and recognize the Holy Spirit’s work in your life. Packed with simple summaries and practical applications, Rose’s 10 Keys to Spiritual Growth covers essential discipleship topics in an easy-to-understand way, making it perfect for individual or small group use.

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  • Church In Babylon


    How do we live faithfully in a country becoming more and more hostile to our faith in Christ?

    Like the Israelites in Babylon, we must find a way to maintain our faith in the midst of a pagan culture. But that requires we answer two crucial questions:
    *How did we get here?
    *How do we prepare for the dark and difficult days ahead?

    In The Church in Babylon, Dr. Lutzer answers both of these questions as he looks at the book of Jeremiah. He will walk you through the many parallels between the Church in America and God’s people in Babylon, and embolden you to be a Gospel witness. You’ll be encouraged not to compromise your faith even when under constant pressure from all corners of society. And more than all this you will have a fresh encounter with Jesus Christ, as you consider the biblical role of those in exile.

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  • What Happens When Women Say Yes To God


    The God of the Universe Wants to Use You

    Does the thought of stepping out in absolute obedience feel too overwhelming-simply too much?

    Don’t let fear keep you from knowing the unparalleled joy and satisfaction of following God’s lead! In this book, Lysa TerKeurst will help you…
    *determine what holds you back so you can release excuses and receive God’s best
    *uncover five questions to ask when you need to distinguish between God’s will and your own thoughts
    *find inspiration to serve God in delight-not out of duty-so you will stay the course

    With the encouragement you need and an included Bible study to walk you through each powerful lesson, you’ll be prepared to embrace the growth and blessings God has just for you.

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  • Stay The Course



    Pastors and church leaders desperately want to make disciples, but they often find themselves veering off the road of discipleship-or even heading toward a cliff. The many challenges of ministry cause churches to stray from effectively making disciples.

    Stay the Course keeps leaders on the path, so they can help people follow Jesus until the end.

    Church consultant and lead pastor Brandon Guindon uses seven essential practices-or “guardrails”-to guide you along the road of disciple making in your local context. These core practices come from his experience in various church contexts-from church plants to churches in transition-and guard you from danger on your journey.

    Embrace these seven practices as Stay the Course challenges and inspires you. This resource helps you apply them to your personal life and implement them in your church, resulting in churches that faithfully make disciples and disciples who stay on track.

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  • How To Strengthen Your Faith


    Learn how to increase your faith by focusing on praise, prayer, thanksgiving, meditation, fellowship and ministry.

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  • How To Capture Your Thought Life


    This study will help you capture your thoughts and surrender them to the Lordship of Christ.

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  • Discipleship Explored Leaders Handbook (Teacher’s Guide)


    Section 1 – How To Run Discipleship Explored
    * Getting Started
    * Introducing Philippians
    * Being A Discipleship Explored Leader
    * Before Discipleship Explored
    * During Discipleship Explored
    * After Discipleship Explored
    Section 2 – Handbook Questions And Answers
    * Questions About Christian Belief
    * Questions About Philippians
    * Film Scripts

    Additional Info
    What’s the best love you’ve ever known?

    Discipleship Explored is for anyone who wants to make the most of their Christian lives, but especially for people who have recently completed an evangelistic course and decided to follow Christ.

    The Discipleship Explored Leader’s Handbook contains everything you need to lead this eight-session course. It includes comprehensive training material and advise, and answers to all the questions from the course.

    Each session starts with a Bible study from Philippians, followed by a short talk or video (from the accompanying DVD or available to download), after which the group discusses what they have heard or watched.

    Follow Up material is included to help course participants follow up each theme during the week.

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  • Discipleship Gospel Workbook (Workbook)



    Solid disciple-making curriculum is hard to find. That’s why Ben Sobels and Bill Hull-pastors, practitioners, and authors of The Discipleship Gospel-created this workbook, which guides your discipleship group through the Gospel of Mark chapter by chapter to multiply disciples. Disciple makers use this sixteen-week group discipleship study to train people to understand the Bible and put into practice what they’re learning while learning the gospel Jesus preached.

    Using the essential elements of The Discipleship Gospel, this interactive study encourages you to step outside your comfort zone, vulnerably share your journey, and embrace gospel-motivated action. Help your discipleship groups clarify their understanding of Jesus’ kingdom gospel, practice obedience to Jesus, and multiply disciples. Make this your church’s disciple-making curriculum for new disciples, yet-to-be disciples, and disciple-making experts alike. Use this tool to multiply disciples with Mark’s Gospel.

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  • Discipleship Gospel : What Jesus Preached We Must Follow



    Many today preach a gospel that makes converts, but not disciples. This is the result of “non-discipleship gospels,” which exclude the necessity to follow Jesus from their message. The Discipleship Gospel challenges the church today with a fresh reading of Jesus’ gospel-one that we must learn to preach again.

    “The gospel you preach determines the disciples you make,” the authors write. Bill Hull and Ben Sobels use key biblical texts to describe why discipleship is not just an add-on to the gospel, but an essential part of it. The authors define seven essential elements of Jesus’ gospel and why you must include each one in your gospel if you want to make disciples, not just converts. In this book, they help you clarify your understanding of the gospel, learn how to contextualize your message, and create a plan to make disciples who embrace the full gospel-in your church and beyond.

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  • Battlefield Of The Mind For Kids (Revised)


    The newest edition of BATTLEFIELD OF THE MIND FOR KIDS, based on Joyce Meyer’s most popular book of all time, offers children peace of mind and the spiritual encouragement that’s just right for them.

    Kids will learn:
    *How to identify and be guided by their own thoughts, instead of following the crowd,
    *How to better understand the Bible, becoming secure in God’s best for them,
    *And how to take control of their thought life, a foundation for happy, successful school years.

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  • Take Heart : Christian Courage In The Age Of Unbelief


    1. Which C?
    2. How We Got To Where We Are
    3. Finding Courage: The God We Look To
    4. Finding Courage: The Story We Live In
    5. Finding Courage: The Ground We Stand On
    6. The Surprising Place We Display Our Courage
    7. The Call

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    Christendom is dead. And that’s a good thing.

    The Christian culture that has underpinned Western society for centuries has been eroded. We’re now at the point where to disagree with people on issues such as marriage and sexuality, is seen as hateful. Christians are no longer seen as honorable, but as bigots. But history testifies that the more people try to destroy Christianity, the more it grows. So we are entering an exciting period of time because we’re back in the place where Christ’s church can thrive – at the margins of society.

    In this stirring, passionate book, Matt Chandler shows us we need Christian courage like never before, and how to live with compassion and conviction, able to look around positively and reach out confidently.

    It encourages us not to be thwarted by fear, but to depend on God and have confidence that Christ will build his church, despite continual marginalization. A must-read for any Christian who wants to understand how to stand firm and walk forwards in an increasingly secular culture.

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  • Discipleship Explored Leaders Kit


    1 X Discipleship Explored DVD
    1 X Discipleship Explored Leader’s Handbook
    1 X Discipleship Explored Handbook
    1 X Quick Start Guide
    1 X Video Download Card
    Publicity Samples

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    What’s the best love you’ve ever known?

    Discipleship Explored is an 8-week journey through Philippians where participants will discover how good it is to be a follower of Christ and how he calls his disciples to live for him today.

    This new Leader’s Kit features a stunning new design and contains a comprehensive Leader’s Handbook, a guest Handbook, a DVD and a code to download digital copies of the video sessions.

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  • Discipleship Explored : Whats The Best Love Youve Ever Known (DVD)


    Episode 1 – Confident in Christ
    Episode 2 – Living in Christ
    Episode 3 – Standing together in Christ
    Episode 4 – Transformed by Christ
    Episode 5 – Righteous in Christ
    Episode 6 – Knowing Christ
    Episode 7 – Rejoicing in Christ
    Episode 8 – Content in Christ

    Additional Info
    What’s the best love you’ve ever known?

    Discipleship Explored is an 8-week journey through Philippians where participants will discover how good it is to be a follower of Christ and how he calls his disciples to live for him today.

    This DVD, shot on location around the UK, contains a talk for each of the eight sessions as well as trailers and subtitles for the hard of hearing.

    Please note: While this DVD now has a new cover to match the new-look Discipleship Explored course, the DVD contents are identical to the previous Discipleship Explored DVD. These eight videos are also available to buy as SD downloads.

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  • Discipleship Explored Handbook (Student/Study Guide)


    1. Confident In Christ (Philippians 1:1-11)
    2. Living In Christ (Philippians 1:12-26)
    3. Standing Together In Christ (Philippians 1:27 – 2:11)
    4. Transformed By Christ (Philippians 2:12-30)
    5. Righteous In Christ (Philippians 3:1-9)
    6. Knowing Christ (Philippians 3:10 – 4:1)
    7. Rejoicing In Christ (Philippians 4:2-9)
    8. Content In Christ (Philippians 4:10-23)
    Extras: Map And Background To Philippians

    Additional Info
    What’s the best love you’ve ever known?

    Discipleship Explored is for anyone who wants to make the most of their Christian lives, but especially for people who have recently completed an evangelistic course and decided to follow Christ.

    The Handbook contains everything a guest needs to take part in this eight-session course.
    Each session starts with a Bible study from Philippians, followed by a short talk or a video (from the accompanying DVD or download), after which the group discusses what they have heard or watched.

    Follow Up material is included to help course participants follow up each theme during the week.
    Product details

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  • Spirit Of Leadership


    You were born to lead. Now it’s time to become a leader. Leaders may be found in boardrooms, but they may also be found in families, schools, and organizations of all kinds-anywhere people interact, nurture, create, or build. Contrary to popular opinion, leadership is not meant for an elite group of people who, by fate or accident, become leaders while everyone else is consigned to being a lifelong follower. After personally training thousands of leaders from around the world, best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe reports that while every person possesses the potential of leadership, many do not understand how to cultivate the leadership nature and how to apply it to their lives. In The Spirit of Leadership, Dr. Munroe defines the unique attitudes that all effective leaders exhibit, explains how to eliminate hindrances to your leadership abilities, and helps you to fulfill your particular calling in life.

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  • Notes From Jesus


    Jesus is the stuff best friends are made of–especially if you’re a kid!

    He’s always up for hearing how the day went, listening to worries, and laughing at silly jokes. And he wants to share about himself, too, as best friends do.

    Notes From Jesus are his messages to new friends. Each playfully illustrated note includes:
    * Answers to common faith questions kids ask, like “”What happens when I mess up?”” and “Is it okay to pray with my eyes open?””
    * An inspirational Bible verse for kids to tuck away in their hearts
    * Doable, kid-sized ideas for readers to become even better friends with Jesus

    Each note reminds kids that Jesus enjoys their company, and he wants a lifelong friendship that deepens with each new conversation.

    This is the perfect gift for kids just starting a relationship with Jesus…for young families joining a church…or as a meaningful birthday, holiday, or Christmas gift!

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  • True Discipleship : Growing In The Knowledge Of Jesus


    True Discipleship is a fresh approach to the issue of discipleship. Although evangelical Christians are fairly united as to the goal of discipleship (Christ-likeness), there is a lack of clear direction as to how to get there. Having a correct destination in mind without clear directions in hand is frustrating at every turn. This book seeks to provide that needed direction by laying before believers the biblical light God has provided on how we grow toward Christ-likeness. God’s treasure map for that destination calls for us to grow in the knowledge of Jesus. Explaining what that means and how that works is the purpose of this book.

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  • Set An Example


    God means for your life to be a canvas, the setting for a beautiful work of art. And he also expects this work of art to be seen, admired, and imitated…

    I want to speak to you if you are 16 or 18 or in your 20s, if you are in high school or college or just moving into marriage and career. I want to speak to you and want to speak with you.

    There are many ways to invest your time at this stage of your life, but the Bible has convinced me that none is better than the pursuit of godliness. In Paul’s letter to young Timothy, you (yes, you!) are called to be an example to your peers and even to older Christians. He calls you to set an example of maturity and godliness in your speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity.

    Join me as together we explore these areas and see how they apply to what you think, what you say, what is hidden in your heart, and what is broadcast in your life.

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  • Character Of The Christian


    Learn to be a model of Christian maturity.

    D.A. Carson has pointed out that the list of qualifications for elders is “remarkable for being unremarkable.” Why? Because these traits are repeated elsewhere as qualities that ought to characterize all believers.

    Are you growing in godliness? How would you even know?

    A good place to begin is understanding and imitating the character qualifications the Bible lays out for elders. While elders are meant to exemplify these traits, all Christians are to display them. And, with just one exception, each of them is related to character.

    Join me as I explore the Bible to consider how we can better exemplify the highest Christian virtues. As we consider the character of the Christian, we will spur one another on to love, good works, and Christlikeness.

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  • Shaped By God


    God wants your heart.

    The whole Bible teaches truth and awakens emotions, but the Psalms are in a category of their own. They do not just awaken heart; they put it in the foreground. They do not just invite our emotions to respond to God’s truth; they put our emotions on display.

    The Psalms are not just commanding; they are contagious. We are not just listening to profound ideas and feelings. We are living among them in their overflow. We touch pillows wet with tears. We hear and feel the unabashed cries of affliction, shame, regret, grief, anger, discouragement, and turmoil. But what makes all this stunningly different from the sorrows of the world is that all of it–absolutely all of it–is experienced in relation to the totally sovereign God.

    This book is an invitation. God wants our hearts. He will take them as he finds them. And then, with the healing contagion of the Psalms, he will shape them. Accept his invitation to come.

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  • Sipping Saltwater : How To Find Lasting Satisfaction In A World Of Thirst


    Part 1: Idolatory Redefined
    1. Our Nagging Thirst
    2. Our Drink Of Choice
    3. The Saltwater Cycle
    Part 2: Idolatory Destroyed
    4. Living Water
    5. Drinking Fountains
    6. Quenched
    Part 3: Idolatory In Your Life
    7. God – Garbage – Gift
    8. Money
    9. Sex
    10. Control
    11. Comfort
    12. Work
    13. Relationships
    14. Religion
    15. Self

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    A unique take on explaining idolatry, particularly in our contemporary culture of numerous hidden idols.

    The uniqueness of this book comes in the metaphor of sipping saltwater. Our idols promise us a certain level of satisfaction; they fail to quench our thirst; they leave us thirstier than we were before drinking them; and we are left with a devastating hangover (i.e. the consequences of sin) in the end. Ultimately, we must spit them out and drink Christ’s living water, the only drink that will ever truly satisfy us.

    This book enables readers to identify their own source of saltwater, and how to quench their thirst by drinking Jesus’ living water.

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  • Power Of Purpose


    Why am I here? Why is the church here? Do we still have a place in the world? What is our purpose?

    In an age when formerly great churches struggle to survive, baptismal pools are dry and altars empty, and the church is aging, seemingly indifferent to the next generation, we are tempted to believe we have no purpose. We are tempted to give up on living the meaningful, countercultural lives to which Christ has called us, and to give in to a world that encourages us to go with the flow. How will we respond?

    In his letter to the Philippians, Paul gives advice that is invaluable to the 21st-century church. The Philippians were assembled in the middle of a corrupt, sensual society, fighting against the norms of the world around them. They were God’s representatives in a secular society, and they maintained a singular focus, vision, and purpose.

    In The Power of Purpose, Pastor Michael Catt walks us through this letter to the Philippians, exploring how God is still calling His church, even in the rapidly changing world of the 21 st century, to be his representatives. He is calling us to maintain a singular focus and vision. He is calling us to the power of purpose.

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  • Is God Really Good


    Bill Johnson helps answer some of your most controversial and challenging questions about the goodness of God!

    The goodness of God is a really big deal. What you believe about His goodness will impact every area of your life. How you think, respond to crisis, pray, relate with God. Even how you relate God to others.

    To build your life on the solid foundation of God’s goodness you must be willing to ask the tough questions.

    In Is God Really Good?, Pastor Bill Johnson draws from over 40 years of ministry leadership and experience with God to Biblically help answer some of your most frequently asked questions about God’s goodness. These include:
    *Is God really in control of everything?
    *Does God cause everything, or are there other factors influencing circumstances?
    *Is the God in the Old Testament the same as the God in the New Testament?
    *If God is good, and wants to heal people and perform miracles, why do people still get sick and die?
    *Is God always in a “Good mood?”

    While one book cannot answer every question about God’s goodness, it’s possible for the truth contained in these pages to help you answer the most important question.

    Is God really good?

    Yes He is!

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  • Boundaries Updated And Expanded Edition (Expanded)


    This New York Times bestselling and award-winning book helps readers set healthy boundaries in order to be the loving people God created, and now offers a whole new chapter.

    Are you in control of your life?

    Christians often focus so much on being loving and giving that they forget their own limits and limitations. Have you ever found yourself wondering: Can I set limits and still be a loving person? How do I answer someone who wants my time, love, energy, or money? Why do I feel guilty when I consider setting boundaries?

    In this Gold Medallion Award-winning book and New York Times bestseller, Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend give you biblically based answers to these and other tough questions, and show you how to set healthy boundaries with your parents, spouses, children, friends, coworkers, and even with yourself. This updated and expanded edition specifically addresses boundaries in the digital age, online dating, single parenting, and the workplace.

    Boundaries are personal property lines that define who you are and who you are not, and influence all areas of your life – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.

    Unpacking ten laws of boundaries, Drs. Cloud and Townsend show you how to bring new health to your relationships. You’ll discover firsthand how sound boundaries give you the freedom to walk as the loving, giving, fulfilled individual God created you to be.

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  • Guide Your Mind Guard Your Heart Grace Your Tongue


    Christian women tend to have regrets the size of Mount Rushmore. They regret how they have used their time; they regret how they have spent their money; they regret how much chocolate they have eaten; and most of all, they regret the hurtful words they have spoken to the people they love the most and know the best.

    Every woman with a heart that beats has spoken words “under the influence” of warped feelings and slurred thinking. And every woman wishes that she had the magical power to take those words back. This book may just be the solution.

    Carol McLeod reveals that before the words are spoken, they brew in the heart and are formed in the mind. It’s our thoughts and emotions that determine what words will come out our mouths. Guide Your Mind, Guard Your Heart, Grace Your Tongue is an innovative blueprint that will enable all women to take back control of their minds and feelings in order to grace their tongues. You won’t find pat answers here, but rather powerful strategies based on the Word of God to reroute disordered thinking and cure rotten emotions so your words can be humbly grateful instead of grumbly hateful.

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  • Power Of Faith


    Enter into the fullness of God’s possibilities and provision for your life-through the dynamics, the promises, the power of faith. Renowned international Bible teacher Derek Prince answers your questions about faith, such as: What is faith? Why is faith necessary? How, in practical terms, can I live my life by faith? How can my faith grow stronger? He also explains how you can…
    *Immediately receive what you pray for.
    *See your spiritual, emotional, physical, and financial needs met.
    *Obtain spiritual gifts.
    *Hear what God is saying to you.
    *Enjoy abundant life in close relationship with the Lord.

    Discover principles that will strengthen your walk of faith and empower you to do what would otherwise be impossible. Easy to read, practical, and with a strong scriptural foundation, The Power of Faith is a potent resource for receiving the promises of a faith-filled life.

    “This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.” (1 John 5:4 NIV)

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