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    Family Concerns

    • XTB Easter Unscrambled


      Easter Unpacked Is Based On John’s Gospel. There Are 21 Days Of Undated Pages With Bible Readings And Various Games And Puzzles To Help Children Grasp The Point Of Each Lesson. At Day 21 The Book Switches From XTB To Table Talk. The Passages Are The Same Each Day For XTB And Table Talk So You Can Use Them Together Or On Their Own.

      Additional Info
      Easter Unscrambled is designed to help children and families explore the Bible together over the Easter holidays. Three weeks of Bible readings help you focus on what Easter is really all about. Meet Dr Luke as he tells you all about God’s rescue plan. Find out Who the rescuer is and Why we need rescuing. Beautifully presented with full-color illustrations, it is actually two books in one:

      XTB (eXplore The Bible) will help 7-11 year olds to get into the Bible for themselves. It’s packed with pictures, puzzles and loads of help to follow the clues to see who Jesus is and why He came.

      Table Talk – is designed for families (or groups) to use together. Based on just a few verses from the passage that XTB uses, it is suitable for families with children aged from 4 upwards. Table Talk forms the basis for a short family time together – maybe just five minutes at the breakfast or diner table, or whenever best suits you.

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    • XTB Christmas Unpacked


      Christmas Unpacked Is Based On Luke’s Gospel. There Are 21 Days Of Undated Pages With Various Games And Quizzes To Help Children Grasp The Point Of Each Lesson. At Day 21 The Book Switches From XTB To Table Talk. The Passages Are The Same Each Day For XTB And Table Talk So You Can Use Them Together Or On Their Own.

      Additional Info
      Christmas Unpacked is a great resource to help children and families explore the Bible together over the Christmas holidays. Three weeks of Bible readings help you focus on what Christmas is really all about. Meet Dr Luke as he tells you all about God’s rescue plan. Find out Who the rescuer is and Why we need rescuing. Beautifully presented with full-color illustrations, it is actually two books in one:

      XTB (eXplore The Bible) will help 7-11 year olds to get into the Bible for themselves. It’s packed with pictures, puzzles and loads of help to follow the clues to see who Jesus is and why He came.

      Table Talk – is designed for families (or groups) to use together. Based on just a few verses from the passage that XTB uses, it is suitable for families with children aged from 4 upwards. Table Talk forms the basis for a short family time together – maybe just five minutes at the breakfast or diner table, or whenever best suits you.

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    • XTB Issue 6


      Days 1-20 Look At Mark Chs 4-8
      Day 21 Starts Joshua And Continues Until Day 40 Ending In Ch 8
      Days 41-55 Continue In Ephesians
      And Back Into Joshua Chs 21-24 From Days 56-65
      A Series Of Puzzles And Questions At The Very End Of The Book Offer A Chance To Look Into Other Parts Of The Bible Not Covered Here And Some Budding Comedians Try Their Hand At Making You Laugh (or Groan) On The XTB Joke Page.

      Additional Info
      Venture into the Promised land with the Israelites in Joshua.

      Read more about why Jesus came in Mark’s Gospel.

      Issue Six of XTB is called Footprints. Three months of Bible readings to help you investigate who Jesus is and why He came in Mark’s Gospel, explore the promised land with the Israelites in Joshua (where battles await!), and unravel the end of Paul’s prison letter to the Ephesians.

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    • XTB Issue 5


      Days 1-20 Look At Mark
      Days 21-34 Make A Start In Numbers Chs 1-11, With A Brief Look Back At Exodus Over Days 23 & 24
      Day 35 Gives A Chance To Look Quickly At 1 Thessalonians
      Day 36-50 Opens Up The Letter To The Ephesians
      Back To Numbers Chs 11-21 Over Days 51-61, Touching On John’s Gospel, Relevant To Numbers
      Days 62-65 Looks At Chs 31-34 Of Deuteronomy
      A Series Of Puzzles And Questions At The Very End Of The Book Offer A Chance To Look Into Other Parts Of The Bible Not Covered Here.

      Additional Info
      Zoom in on the Great book of Numbers

      Find out more about Jesus in Mark’s exciting Gospel

      Take a peak into Paul’s letter to the Ephesians

      And use the Prayer diary to help you talk to God about what you learn

      Issue Five of XTB is called The Promise Keeper. Three months of Bible readings to help you investigate who Jesus is and why He came in Mark’s Gospel, continue journeying with the Israelites in Numbers and Deuteronomy, and unravel one of Paul’s prison letters – to the Ephesians. Also included is a free Prayer Diary.

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    • XTB Issue 3


      The First 15 Days Go Through Acts Chs 15-18
      Day 16 Dives Into Exodus And Looks Through Chs 1-4 Over 9 Days
      We Then Pick Up In Matthew Chs 13-18 Between Days 26-45
      Day 46 Brings Us Back To Exodus And We Go Through Chs 5-12 Until Day 61
      A Quick Flashback To Genesis On Day 62, Relevant To Exodus
      And Then Back Again The Next Day To Exodus, Until Day 65, Ending In Ch 14
      A Series Of Puzzles And Questions At The Very End Of The Book Offer A Chance To Look Into Other Parts Of The Bible Not Covered Here. There Are Also Some Pretty Serious Maps Of Paul’s Journey On The Very Last Page.

      Additional Info

      Zoom in on Exodus, Matthew and Acts.

      Use the Map Book to see for yourself where everything happens.

      Issue Three of XTB is called Comings and Goings. Three months of Bible readings to help you investigate Jesus’ miracles and teaching in Matthew’s Gospel, escape from Egypt with the thrilling book of Exodus, and join Paul on a dangerous journey in the book of Acts. Includes a free XTB Mini Map Book.

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    • Sheet Music : Uncovering The Secrets Of Sexual Intimacy In Marriage


      246 Pages

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      Get ready to make beautiful music together! Dr. Leman’s practical guide will help any couple stay “in tune” for an active God-designed sex life. Addressing a wide spectrum of individuals—with positive, negative, or no experience—his frank descriptions, line drawings, and warm and friendly tone will help couples find greater harmony through intimacy.

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    • 60 Things God Said About Sex


      In many TV shows, the characters move from partner to partner, making sex the be-all and end-all of the male-female relationship. In many magazines, the advertised topics are centered on sex-good sex, better sex, more sex. The entertainment shows are focused on who’s having sex with who. Sex, sex, sex. It’s everywhere! But the only thing that seems to be a definite is that people are trying to find happiness through sexual relationships. God created sex for a specific purpose–and created it good. Sex is a gift from God. The Bible candidly deals with sex (more so than many modern sex manuals!), and this book is forthright in presenting the biblical view of sex as a gift from God, its intended use, and the spiritual parallel of a husband and wife’s sexual union as a symbol of the sacred consummation of Christ and His bride–the church. In this straightforward explanation of the biblical view of sex, Lester Sumrall will show you that the best way to have sex is God’s way. This book is perfect for couples about to get married, parents who think it’s about time to have “that talk” with their child, or anyone who finds that the world’s view of sex isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

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    • Boundaries In Marriage


      Learn when to say yes and when to say no_to your spouse and to others_to make the most of your marriage

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    • Exemplary Husband Teachers Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      Here is a biblical blueprint for the mandate God has given to husbands in the covenant of marriage to love their wives, even as Christ loved the Church. Dr. Stuart Scott has responded chapter by chapter to the biblical teachings put forth in Martha’s popular book. Where Martha writes about a wife’s submission, Stuart responds with a chapter on the husband’s leadership.

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    • Exemplary Husband : A Biblical Perspective (Revised)


      The official companion book for The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace is a biblical blueprint for the mandate God has given to husbands in the covenant of marriage to love their wives, even as Christ loved the church. Dr. Stuart Scott has respoonded chapter by chapter to the biblical teaching put forth in Marth’s popular book. It is suitable for men’s small group Bible studies, or for couples prayerfully seeking God’s very best in marriage.

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    • Excellent Wife Teachers Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      24 Chapters

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      The Excellent Wife was proven seaworthy on its maiden voyage and now the Revised Edition is impacting lives and marriages in an even greater way. Here is a scripturally based blueprint for the woman who really wants to be the wife God intended her to be. This book is based on Proverbs 31:10, “An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels.” Thousands of women have already discovered the worth of this volume and testify to lives and marriages changed because of a commitement to the principles presented here. If this is a commitment you have made, or want to make, The Excellent Wife answers the difficult questions facing you today.

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    • Excellent Wife Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      24 Chapters

      Additional Info
      The Excellent Wife was proven seaworthy on its maiden voyage and now the Revised Edition is impacting lives and marriages in an even greater way. Here is a scripturally based blueprint for the woman who really wants to be the wife God intended her to be. This book is based on Proverbs 31:10, “An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels.” Thousands of women have already discovered the worth of this volume and testify to lives and marriages changed because of a commitement to the principles presented here. If this is a commitment you have made, or want to make, The Excellent Wife answers the difficult questions facing you today.

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    • Excellent Wife : A Biblical Perspective (Expanded)


      The Excellent Wife was proven seaworthy on its maiden voyage and now the Revised Edition is impacting lives and marriages in an even greater way. Here is a scripturally based blueprint for the woman who really wants to be the wife God intended her to be. This book is based on Proverbs 31:10, “An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels.” Thousands of women have already discovered the worth of this volume and testify to lives and marriages changed because of a commitement to the principles presented here. If this is a commitment you have made, or want to make, The Excellent Wife answers the difficult questions facing you today.

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    • Exemplary Husband Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      The much-anticipated companion book for “The Excellent Wife” by Martha Peace is finally available. Here is a biblical blueprint for the mandate God has given to husbands in the covenant of marriage to love their wives, even as Christ loved the Church. Dr. Stuart Scott has responded chapter by chapter to the biblical teachings put forth in Martha’s popular book. Where Martha writes about a wife’s submission, Stuart responds with a chapter on the husband’s leadership.

      In previewing Dr. Scott’s manuscript, Martha said, “This material is fantastic, Ladies! It will be just as convicting to the husbands as The Excellent Wife has been to the wives. I am very excited about this.”

      This volume is suitable for men’s small group Bible study, or to be studied by a couple prayerfully seeking God’s very best in marriage.

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    • Supernatural Childbirth : Experiencing The Promises Of God Concerning Conce


      Pregnancy and childbirth are often depicted as a time of sickness and mood swings for women followed by twelve to twenty hours of pain and hard labor. Many women have been told they can never conceive. Others have suffered the pain of conceiving and miscarrying. Have you had enough of this picture?

      Supernatural Childbirth is a practical and realistic look at God’s promises for conception, pregnancy and delivery. This is not “pie-in-the-sky”-This is a personal testimony of how one couple overcame defeat and triumphed in God’s plan! Jackie Mize had been told she could never have children. However, by unlocking powerful truths and dynamic faith principles she and her husband, Tery found in the Bible, they now have four miracle children! This exciting book shares with you these truths and faith principles.

      You will learn these things:

      * How to put faith principles into action for your very own supernatural childbirth
      * How you can be a living example of God’s promises in action
      * How to deal with fear during pregnancy and delivery
      * How and when to use your faith for pregnancy and delivery

      Also included in Supernatural Childbirth:

      * Faith-inspiring testimonies from women who have followed these principles and experienced their own supernatural childbirth
      * Confessions and prayers for a supernatural conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and all-circumstances surrounding each stage
      * A powerful teaching section by Terry Mize ex-planning the curse on Eve in the Garden of Eden

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    • 1 Year Book Of Family Devotions 1


      So you’re looking to begin (or freshen up) your family devotion time. Tough assignment. But here’s a boost for parents of 6 to 10 year olds. This previously released success has been updated for even more impact. You’ll find everything you need, including:

      *a year’s worth of delightful stories
      *a Bible passage from the New Living Translation printed on each page
      *”how about you? section to personalize the lesson

      Since the Scripture passages are printed right with the stories in the readable New Living translation, this book is all you’ll need. We’ve even included a key at the end of each devotional that summarizes in just three to five words how children can apply the lesson. And because the stories all come to us from the Children’s Bible Hour, you know your kids with listen, again and again!

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