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    James Dobson

    • Como Criar A Los Varones – (Spanish)


      Aqui tenemos consejos sensatos y aliento solidario por la autoridad mas confiable en la crianza de los hijos, el Dr. James Dobson, para criar a los varones.

      Con tanta confusion sobre el papel de los hombres en nuestra sociedad, no es de extraar que tengamos preguntas sobre como educar a los varones. Por que hay tantos varones en crisis? Que cualidades debemos tratar de inculcar en los hombres jovenes? Nuestra cultura ha vilipendiado la masculinidad y, como resultado, una generacion entera de nios varones crece sin una idea clara de lo que significa ser hombre.

      En el exito de venta Como criar a los varones, el Dr. Dobson se basa tanto en su experiencia en psicologia infantil y consejeria familiar como en investigaciones extensas para ofrecerle consejos y aliento basados en un firme cimiento de principios biblicos.

      Here’s sensible advice and caring encouragement on raising boys from the nation’s most trusted parenting authority, Dr. James Dobson.

      With so much confusion about the role of men in our society, it’s no wonder so many parents and teachers are asking questions about how to bring up boys. Why are so many boys in crisis? What qualities should we be trying to instill in young males? Our culture has vilified masculinity and, as a result, an entire generation of boys is growing up without a clear idea of what it means to be a man.

      In the runaway bestseller Bringing Up Boys, Dr. Dobson draws from his experience as a child psychologist and family counselor, as well as extensive research, to offer advice and encouragement based on a firm foundation of biblical principles.

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    • Bringing Up Boys


      Sensible advice and caring encouragement on raising boys from the nation’s most trusted parenting authority, Dr. James Dobson.
      With so much confusion about the role of men in our society, it’s no wonder so many parents and teachers are asking questions about how to bring up boys. Why are so many boys in crisis? What qualities should we be trying to instill in young males? Our culture has vilified masculinity and, as a result, an entire generation of boys is growing up without a clear idea of what it means to be a man. In the runaway bestseller Bringing Up Boys, Dr. Dobson draws from his experience as a child psychologist and family counselor, as well as extensive research, to offer advice and encouragement based on a firm foundation of biblical principles. (This new edition is part of Dr. James Dobson’s Building A Family Legacy initiative.)

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    • Dads And Daughters


      She’ll always be your girl.

      Whether your daughter is still small or all grown up, she holds a special place in her dad’s heart forever. Today, celebrate the gifts and blessings of the unique relationship between dads and their girls with this inspirational book by family counselor and widely acclaimed parenting expert Dr. James Dobson.Based on the New York Times bestseller Bringing Up Girls, Dads and Daughters is a beautiful tribute to a dad’s role in his daughter’s life. It’s an insightful collection of wisdom for dads on developing and preserving a truly exceptional connection with their daughters. And it’s a joyful celebration of the lifelong bond of love they share.

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    • Como Criar A Las Hijas – (Spanish)


      La presion. Los desordenes alimenticios. Las demandas academicas. Las metas y como lograrlas. Las decisiones acerca del amor, acerca del romance, acerca del sexo. Estos son solo algunos de los muchos desafios que las chicas encaran hoy en dia, y la edad en la que los enfrentan es cada vez mas y mas precoz.

      Como esta usted guiando a su hija en el camino a ser una mujer adulta? La esta equipando para que tome decisiones sabias? Aunque ella todavia juegue con muecas o este en el medio de los a menudo turbulentos aos de adolescencia. Esta verdaderamente segura en su identidad como su hija amada y valorada?

      Este libro de gran exito de ventas del The New York Times, Como criar a las hijas del conocido autor y consejero familiar, el Dr. James Dobson, lo ayudara a encarar los desafios de educar y criar a sus hijas para que lleguen a ser mujeres fuertes, sanas y seguras que sobresalgan en la vida.

      Peer pressure. Eating disorders. Decisions about love, romance, and sex. Academic demands. Life goals and how to achieve them. These are just some of the challenges that girls face today-and the age at which they encounter them is getting younger and younger. As a parent, how are you guiding your daughter on her journey to womanhood? Are you equipping her to make wise choices? Whether she’s still playing with dolls or in the midst of the often-turbulent teen years, is she truly secure in her identity as your valued and loved daughter? In the New York Times bestseller Bringing Up Girls, parenting authority and trusted family counselor Dr. James Dobson will help you face the challenges of raising your daughters to become strong, healthy, and confident women who excel in life.

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