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    James Strong

    • New Strongs Expanded Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible Super Saver


      SKU (ISBN): 9781418542375ISBN10: 1418542377James StrongBinding: Cloth TextPublished: April 2010Publisher: Thomas Nelson

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    • New Strongs Expanded Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible


      Only one concordance includes the best of Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words: The New Strong’s Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. The Hebrew and Greek dictionaries now have three times more word study information than any other edition. Plus additional cross-references from leading dictionaries make this the ultimate reference tool for pastors, teachers, and all students of the Bible.

      Features Include:

      The only Strong’s that includes Vine’s Complete Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words
      Words of Christ in red
      Complete topical index of the Bible
      Hebrew and Greek dictionaries now have three times more word study information than any other edition
      Additional cross-references and word study helps from leading dictionaries

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    • New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible (Large Type)


      Find every word, every time in this truly essential Concordance This truly is a one-of-a-kind Concordance – The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. Not only can you find any Scripture passage in the KJV, you’ll find every Hebrew or Greek word behind the English words. Its computer generated which gives you greater accuracy and the Strong numbering system links you directly to the original Greek and Hebrew words. This is a resource for serious Bible study and is essential for your library.

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    • Strongs Exhaustive Concordance To The Bible Updated Edition


      This updated edition of Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance takes James Strong’s monumental work and updates it to be even more useful to the modern reader.

      It maintains all of the features that have made Strong’s indispensable for over 100 years:
      * Allows the reader to easily find all biblical occurrences of a word in the King James Version
      * Points the reader to the underlying Hebrew and Greek words
      * Uses the Strong’s numbering system which is used in many of the new study tools of today

      And adds new features that make it even more useful:
      * Corrected, updated, and expanded using the latest computer technology
      * Extra-clear typesetting and page design make this edition readable and easy to navigate
      * Updated and improved Hebrew and Greek dictionaries tie each word to the Greek or Hebrew root
      * Includes maps and additional Bible study aids
      * Clear edge-tab indexing for handier use

      An indispensable resource for better Bible study
      * Easy-to-read, extra-clear typeface
      * Find every occurrence of any word in the King James Version Bible
      * Discover the Hebrew and Greek words underlying the KJV English using the Strong’s numbering system
      * Use the updated Hebrew and Greek dictionaries to find brief definitions of each word of the original languages
      * Quickly find your place with clear edge-tab indexing

      “Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance deserves a place next to your Bible as one of the most valuable and versatile tools of Bible study ever developed. Students of the Bible have long used concordances to go in search of lost riches within the pages of Scripture. Few, however, make full use of the wealth of resources offered in Strong’s – from doing word and thematic studies to probing the deeper meanings embedded in the original languages of the Bible… Go beyond mere searches for lost verses and hone your skills by utilizing this tool’s more advanced features.”
      -from the Introduction

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    • New Strongs Concise Concordance Of The Bible (Reprinted)


      If you want the essentials of Strong’s scholarship in a convenient compact size, this is the concordance for you. The New Strong’s(R) Concise Concordance of the Bible helps you locate the references you need quickly and easily. A trustworthy concordance that won’t slow you down.

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    • New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible


      The classic Bible reference tool for more than a century – now in a limited edition deluxe gift format.

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    • Strongest Strongs Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible (Large Type)


      Like a redwood that towers above all other trees, THE STRONGEST STRONG’S LARGER PRINT EDITION takes James Strong’s classic concordance to unprecedented heights. It is packed with features including cross-references, Hebrew and Greek dictionaries, Word counts, fast-tab locators, Strong’s numbering system, words of Christ highlighted, and more. Better still, this larger print edition is gentle on your eyes.

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    • New Strongs Concise Concordance And Vines Concise Dictionary Of The Bible


      A multi-purpose Bible study resource tool. All the essentials you need to study the biblical text without having to know Hebrew or Greek. Provides definition, explanation, and concordance entries. Dr. James Strong, formerly professor of exegetical theology at Drew Theological Seminary, spent more than thirty-five years preparing his landmark concordance. First published in 1890 with the help of more than one hundred colleagues, Strong’s remains the definitive concordance compiled on the King James Version of the Bible. W. E. Vine, M.A. (1873-1949) was a classical scholar, skilled expositor, and a trustworthy theologian. Recognized internationally for his outstanding Greek scholarship, his Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, first published in 1939, represents the fruit of his lifetime labors and is an unsurpassed classic in its field.

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