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Jenny Cote

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  • Declaration The Sword And The Spy


    It’s March 1775, and Patrick Henry’s cry of ‘Liberty or Death!’ has declared that war is coming. The Voice of the Revolution says that the time for pleading with King George III and Parliament is over-the colonies must prepare to fight, but they will not fight their battles alone. France must secretly enter the cause of American Independence, but it will take the best spies operating on both sides of the Atlantic to pull this off. While the Sons of Liberty secretly plan, a spy in their midst threatens to crush the patriots before they can arm. Paul Revere’s heart-pounding midnight ride soon announces that British regulars are marching from Boston to Concord, but who will fire the first shot at Lexington and launch the American Revolution? As that shot is heard around the world, France’s young Marquis de Lafayette immediately commits his sword to fight for American independence, but King Louis XVI has other plans for the reluctant courtier. Patrick Henry picks up his gun but is quickly branded an outlaw by Lord Dunmore and must avoid capture on his way to the Second Continental Congress where George Washington becomes the Sword of the Revolution: Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army. After the bloody Battle of Bunker Hill, Washington faces the impossible task of forming and supplying an undisciplined, rag-tag army to fight the mightiest army on earth. It will take young bookseller Henry Knox to bring him a noble train of artillery from Fort Ticonderoga to drive the British from Boston. But while the cannons boom, the Voice of the Revolution is needed once more-this time for a resolution to declare independence. The Enemy seeks to crush the patriots and their commander on the field, but which will be the most dangerous-the enemy without or the enemy within?

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  • Voice The Revolution And The Key


    Picking up where The Roman, the Twelve, and the King left off, with the 1743 London premiere of Handel’s Messiah, the Order of the Seven animal team must split up for their next mission: the birth of a new nation. Team leader Gillamon tells them, “Each of us will be witness to a unique point in history because of a unique generation of world leaders. Most of them are just children now, or have not yet even been born. Take note of how important one generation of children can be. Marvel at each child and the power they have to change the history of the world for the good of all.” Liz, Max, Nigel and Clarie sail for the colony of Virginia to deliver a letter that will impact Liz’s assigned human: Patrick Henry. Liz must help young Patrick find his true purpose in life-to become the Voice of the Revolution. She begins her quest when he is a seven year-old boy who cares more about fishing and exploring the forest in Virginia than about school. Her task will take time, as Patrick Henry will fail at everything he tries. Liz eventually leads Patrick to take up law, and finally accomplishes her mission when he finds his powerful voice in a courtroom. Little does Patrick Henry or the colony of Virginia know that his voice will set the ball of the American Revolution in motion. Henry will be the only one bold enough to first speak out against the tyrannical King of England, calling for the colonies to rise up and fight for independence. “Liberty or death!” becomes the battle cry to unite thirteen solitary colonies as one nation under God to fight the mighty British lion. Meanwhile, Max must see to the protection of young George Washington, who inadvertently starts the French and Indian War. The enemy will mount continual assaults on Washington, from enemy snipers to treasonous members of his military staff. If he is lost, all is lost. Nigel goes on a high-flying kite assignment with Benjamin Franklin to ensure the success of an experiment that will impact the outcome of the war in ways no one could imagine. Al remains in London to live in the royal palace, gathering intelligence right under the nose of King George III. The simple-minded cat will be responsible for delivering some Common Sense to America. Clarie is assigned to the richest orphan in France, the young Marquis de Lafayette, who is crucial to the entire quest for Independence. If he doesn’t make it to America, the Declaration of Independence will lead not to liberty, but to death for America

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  • Fire The Revelation And The Fall


    Paul’s third missionary journey is underway as he heads to Ephesus where he’ll establish a ministry base for Asia, and as Max, Liz and Nigel work behind the scenes to make vital connections, uncover plots and inspire the formation of a New Testament. Little does Paul realize that his letters to the Philippians, Romans, and Corinthians will become the sentinel letters of the Christian faith. Reunited with Dr. Luke, Paul uncovers a plot on his life by the Jews yet boldly travels on to Jerusalem where he is arrested and imprisoned in Caesarea for two years. Luke takes advantage of this time to interview Mary, John and other eyewitnesses of Jesus to capture in his journalthe greatest story ever told. All the while murder plots and power struggles abound in Rome with the rise of the infamous Nero as emperor. When Paul finally appeals to Caesar before Governor Festus, so begins a treacherous voyage to Rome and a surprising encounter with the next generation of the Roman family of Antonius, Julius the Roman Centurion. After months at sea and a harrowing shipwreck on Malta, Paul arrives in Rome yet must spend two years under house arrest before his trial before Emperor Nero. Julius arranges for his brother Theophilus to be Paul’s legal counsel in Rome, and Luke writes two letters (Luke and Acts) to help him prepare Paul’s case. Hope abounds when Nero releases Paul and drops the charges of the Jews. He is finally free to continue his mission to spread the good news of Jesus. But the Enemy has other plans, and manifests once more as the evil lion Lucifer to come after the Christians. A wave of persecution sweeps across the Roman Empire as believers are forced underground and face horrific death through Nero’s cruel whims or in the arena with lions. Peter and Paul are finally arrested and sentenced to death in Rome, but not before they write several last letters to strengthen the church. Nero’s excesses spell his doom, and a new era of emperors is ushered in with the rise of the Flavian Dynasty. With the rise of Domitian comes increased persecution of the church and the exile of John on Patmos. He laments being the last remaining disciple but his hope is restored by the Revelation and release from Patmos. This heart-gripping, action-packed adventure concludes a two-book saga that brings to life the events of Acts and the birth of Christianity while showing how each book of the New Testament came to be.

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  • Wind The Road And The Way


    Eleven terrified disciples cower in the Upper Room, wondering what is to become of them. Jesus is dead, crucified on a cruel Roman cross. It’s only a matter of time before the Jewish leaders come after them to crush what their self-proclaimed” Messiah started with ‘The Way’ movement. Little do these men know that soon they will boldly turn the world upside down as they fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission. A self-righteous, model Pharisee named Saul sets out on a zealous quest to arrest and murder as many followers of ‘The Way’ as he can, beginning with Stephen. Little does this Christian killer know he’ll soon be stopped in his tracks on the road to Damascus to become the greatest Christian that ever lived. Through his pen he’ll prove that no one is beyond hope: ‘if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation. After a brief, joyous reunion with Jesus and the exhilarating arrival of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, the Order of the Seven animals split up for multiple missions as Christianity explodes onto the world’s stage. Max, Liz and Nigel set off with Paul as he faces beatings, rejection and imprisonment to bring the Good News to the world. Al accompanies his favorite fisherman-turned-Apostle Peter to find the first Gentile convert while creating a perfect secret symbol for the Way. Kate is blessed to protect Mary and John in Jerusalem where the Church gets its start. The team must face a dark, pagan world riddled with false gods, arrange crucial introductions, assist with jail-breaks, and plan risky escapes while overseeing the writing of a New Testament that will inspire and guide believers for centuries to come. But they still find time for fun and games with a monkey named Noah and a lizard named Nate as the Animalympics are born during the human Isthmian Games. This heart-gripping, action-packed adventure begins a two-book saga that brings to life the events of Acts and the birth of Christianity while showing how each book of the New Testament came to be. The Wind, the Road, and the Way covers Resurrection morning through Paul’s second missionary journey. The Fire, the Revelation and the Fall (2015) completes the events in Acts, Peter and Paul in Rome, Roman Christian persecution in the arena and John’s Revelation on Patmos. Watch the miraculous rise of the Church through the fiery trials sent by an Enemy who will stop at nothing to kill anyone who dares to be called Christian.

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  • Prophet The Shepherd And The Star


    The Prophet, the Shepherd, and the Star launches the Epic Order of the Seven series, picking up where The Amazing Tales of Maxand Liz left off. The Maker has been building a team of animal friends for thousands of years to be his envoys for pivotal points of history. With this new, critical mission, the team will finally be completed by Messiah and known forevermore as the Order of the Seven. A talking, musical scroll, a pigeon-flyingand-camel-driving mouse, a writing cat, a courageous lamb, and two lion-fighting dogs provide non-stop action in this adventure that brings the Christmas story to life as never before. You will be astounded at the accuracy and perfection of the prophecies and God’s unfolding plan to bring Jesus into the world.The seven hundred-year mission begins long before the Nativity, as animal friends Max, Liz, Al, Kate, and Nigel work with Isaiah, who prophesies about the coming Messiah. The team intervenes with the Assyrians that threaten to take Jerusalem and prove Isaiah’s prophecies false. They go with faithful Daniel and friends into the Babylonian captivity for the heart-pounding thrills of the fiery furnace and the lions’ den. They meet Gabriel as he appears to Daniel, and hide a secret scroll of prophecy for the wise men to someday discover as they study the Star. The book climaxes with the unfolding Christmas story as the animals once again see Gabriel with Zechariah, Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds. Experience the hardships of Mary and Joseph as they obediently accept their calling to parent Messiah. Joyfully watch God provide for their every need through a lovable Jewish rabbi who dares to believe them and an unlikely Roman soldier who protects them. The shepherds and the wise men never know their steps are guided by these small animals that lead them to baby Jesus. Relentless in his pursuit is the evil lion, who seeks to devour them and stop the unfolding events leading to Messiah’s birth.

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  • Dreamer The Schemer And The Robe


    After waiting for centuries, Max and Liz finally receive their mission from the Maker to work behind the scenes in the life of Joseph. All looks hopeless for the young teenager as his brothers sell him into slavery in Egypt, but Max and Liz orchestrate a spectacular turn of events with Potiphar and Pharaoh to get Joseph to the right place at the right time. If Max and Liz fail in this mission, all of Egypt and surrounding nations will suffer from famine, and the Hebrew nation will never be born.

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