Mon-Sat 8:30am - 5:30pm, Closed Sunday | 800 N Main St, Shelbyville, TN | (931) 684-8878




    Kim Maas

    • Finding Our Muchness


      You are a part of a great company of women who are called and empowered by God.

      At the forefront of every move of God have been women. These women found their muchness–their ability to be brave, dream big, take risks, rise to their calling, and advance the Kingdom. It’s time for a new generation to find their muchness, too.

      With fresh prophetic insight and practical wisdom, Kim Maas calls you away from the competing voices in culture by reminding you of the brave women in Scripture. Battling struggles, loss, and judgment amid cultural oppression and religious suppression, these women were politically savvy, prophetically perceptive, and covenantally obedient. And their lives give you permission to be audacious, showing you how to:

      ? break through cultural barriers, religious traditions, and political limitations
      ? refuse to be defined by your circumstances
      ? dream, risk, and fight again
      ? discover your Kingdom identity and purpose

      Now is your time to rise up in faith, move forward with boldness, and fulfill your role in God’s plans for our time.

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    • Way Of The Kingdom


      The times we live in are overwhelmed with aggression, darkness, and crisis. The counterfeit kingdom of darkness is moving violently on the earth; intimidation and violence are the name of the enemy’s game. How should believers respond?

      Kim Maas, international speaker and prophetic voice, guides readers to discover the answer to this question by showing our need to become like the sons of Issachar–men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do–in order to understand how to war using the weapons of the kingdom of God: violent love, violent mercy, violent forgiveness, and the violence of healing, deliverance, and salvation.

      It is time for the people of God to know the times and seasons and how to advance the kingdom of God!

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