Mon-Sat 8:30am - 5:30pm, Closed Sunday | 800 N Main St, Shelbyville, TN | (931) 684-8878




    Lisa Bevere

    • Fight For Female


      The very idea of womanhood is being assailed on all fronts: sexualized by our culture, eliminated from language, and silenced by the church. For decades, both sexes have been systematically undermined and stripped of their strength. Male and female were originally created as a power union, but that turned into a power struggle. For years, women listened to the lie that to be powerful they needed to act like men. Now the tables have turned, with men acting like women.

      This attack is more than cultural, it is spiritual. Revelation 12:17 portrays a dragon enraged with women who has declared war on our children. Our enemy, terrified of what–and whom–we were made to reflect, seeks to blur the lines, distorting the very idea of what it means for women to bear God’s divine image.

      We were made for this fight. It will require honest, intimate conversations to emerge with God-inspired answers equal to the challenges of our day. Our marriages, children, churches, communities, and futures depend on it. It’s time to unite, confident in our divine identity, clear in our commission, and courageous in our calling, to confront the darkness with love and light. It’s time to fight for female!

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    • Ferozmente Amada – (Spanish)


      Es hora de cambiar la forma en que piensas que Dios piensa acerca de ti. Cuando Dios piensa en ti, no esta buscando una razon para descalificarte, repudiarte o juzgarte. El no esta esperando que fracases. !Nunca! El es quien nos redime cuando fallamos, el que nos califica y adopta. Somos nosotros los que nos fijamos en nuestros fracasos, no nuestro Padre.

      Lo que David escribio en el Salmo 139: 17-18 (NTV) sigue siendo cierto hoy: “Que preciosos son tus pensamientos acerca de mi,] oh Dios. !No se pueden enumerar! Ni siquiera puedo contarlos; !suman mas que los granos de la arena! Y cuando despierto, !todavia estas conmigo!” No hay un momento, ya sea que estes despierto o dormido, en el que Dios no tenga pensamientos salvajes de amor feroz hacia ti. Todo cambia cuando sabes esto y es importante que nunca mas lo dudes.

      Eres ferozmente amada, bien pensada y profundamente querida.

      En este devocional de 90 dias, la autora de exitos de ventas del New York Times, Lisa Bevere, quiere cambiar tu perspectiva del concepto de ser alguien a quien simplemente se tolera, a alguien a quien se ama ferozmente. Cada dia explora otra faceta de nuestra identidad, verdad y la conexion intima de Dios con sus hijos.

      It’s time to change the way you think God thinks about you. When God thinks about you, He isn’t looking for a reason to disqualify, disown, or judge you. He’s not watching for you to fail. Never! He is our qualifying, adopting, and redeeming failsafe. We are the ones who fixate on our failures, not our Father.

      What David wrote in Psalm 139 is still true today: “How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!” (17-18 NLT). There is not a moment whether you are awake or asleep that God is not thinking wild thoughts of fierce love towards you. Everything changes when you know this and it’s important for you to never doubt it again.

      You are fiercely loved, well thought of, and deeply wanted.

      In this 90-day devotional, New York Times bestselling author Lisa Bevere wants to shift your perspective from the concept of being someone who is merely tolerated to someone who is fiercely loved. Each day explores another facet of our identity, truth, and God’s intimate connection with His children.

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    • Madrinas – (Spanish)


      Hay un papel exclusivo de las mujeres, que abandonamos facilmente. Vivimos cerca la una de la otra, pero no la una con la otra, ni la una para la otra. No queremos entrometernos ni juzgar y, tal vez, no queremos vernos realmente exitosas. El mundo esta feliz con este estado infeliz de las mujeres, uno que nos empuja a conformarnos a un patron de desconfianza, desconexion y competencia. No es de extraar que nos hayamos perdido, y hayamos perdido nuestro camino.

      En su libro mas personal y poderoso hasta el momento, la autora de libros de exitos de venta del New York Times, Lisa Bevere, ofrece a las mujeres una vision catalizadora y transformadora de una forma diferente de vivir, una que abraza la presencia de una madrina: las mujeres mayores y mas sabias, fuertes, a las que puedes acudir y de las que puedes aprender, que se asocian a nosotros en la vida. !Y todas necesitamos una!
      Basandose en su propia vida, las mujeres biblicas y el mundo de los cuentos de hadas, Lisa le mostrara como transformar lo que tiene en lo que Dios quiere que tenga, seguir hacia delante durante las temporadas de duda, y amarlo lo suficiente como para decir la verdad sobre la vision mas grande y expansiva de Dios en su vida. Las palabras sinceras y compasivas de Lisa son su mejor primer paso para vivir como hija de Dios, rodeada de relaciones fuertes y confianza en su llamado.

      There is a role unique to women that we abandon easily. We live near each other, but not with each other–and not for each other. We don’t want to intrude or judge and, maybe, we don’t want to see each other truly succeed. And the world is happy with this unhappy state for women–one that pushes us to conform to a pattern of distrust, disengagement, and competition. It’s no wonder we’ve lost ourselves, and our way.

      In her most personal, powerful book yet, New York Times bestselling author Lisa Bevere offers a catalytic, transformative vision for women of a different way to live–one that embraces the presence of a godmother–the older, wiser women you can go to and learn from, the strong women who partner with us through life. And everyone needs one! Drawing from her own life, biblical women, and the world of fairy tales, Lisa will show you how to transform what you have into what God wants you to have, push you forward during seasons of doubt, and love you enough to speak truth about God’s larger, expansive view of your life. Lisa’s candid, compassionate words are your best first step to living as

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    • Adamant : Finding Truth In A Universe Of Options (Reprinted)


      With passion and biblical insight, New York Times bestselling author Lisa Bevere calls readers to stand firm in Christ in a world of constantly shifting values.

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    • Sin Rival – (Spanish)


      Hay una razon por la cual nos miramos unos a otros como rivales, y nos limitamos a compararnos y competir. Tenemos un enemigo atacando nuestra mente, nuestra voluntad y muestras emociones, con la esperanza de que nos tornemos uno contra otro, y contra nosotras mismas. Es un ciclo que nos aisla de conexiones intimas, crea confusion sobre nuestra identidad, y limita nuestro proposito.

      En Sin Rival, la autora de exitos de ventas Lisa Bevere, comparte como una revelacion del amor de Dios rompe estos limites. Aprenderas como dejar de ver a otros como rivales, y hacer las conexiones profundas con tu Creador que tu deseas; conexiones que tienen la promesa de identidad e intimidad verdaderas. Con sabias enseanzas biblicas llenas de vision profetica para nuestros dias, Lisa usa el humor y la pasion para desafiarte a:
      *Darle la vuelta a la rivalidad para que saque lo mejor en ti
      *Dejar de esconderte de conversaciones de las que necesitas ser parte
      *Responder al argumento de que las mujeres son ineptas, faciles de engaar, y credulas
      *Desarma la rivalidad de genero, y trabaja con los hombres en tu vida
      *Es tiempo de dar el paso adelante para vivir una vida sin rival.

      In this day of challenge and opportunity, women have been the victims of constant comparison and rivalry. It has robbed the church of the feminine voice and contribution that would make her strong.

      In a wild, vibrant, and relatable style, Lisa challenges women to:
      *embrace the fact that God loves us uniquely rather than equally
      *realize their undisputed calling
      *reconnect to their divine identity
      *dismantle the rivalries that keep us from God’s fullness

      There has never been a more desperate need for each of us to discover who and why we are a daughter without rival, loved by a God without rival, entrusted with a promise without rival, to complete an assignment without rival, that is destined for an eternity without rival.

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