Mon-Sat 8:30am - 5:30pm, Closed Sunday | 800 N Main St, Shelbyville, TN | (931) 684-8878





    Lisa Harper

    • Promise And Power Of Easter Bible Study Guide Plus Streaming Video: Remembe


      Easter is so much more than a holiday.

      Easter isn’t just a date on the calendar; it’s the most significant event in human history. It’s the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, and His victory over everything that holds us back in our earthly lives. It’s the day we focus on the promise and power of Jesus and draw closer to Him.

      Join Christine Caine and Lisa Harper in a transformative study that goes beyond tradition. Walk with them through four weeks of the Lenten season taking in the details of Jesus’ life, the agony of His death, and the overwhelming joy of His resurrection.

      Relive His steps with a heart full of hope. See it all with eyes of faith. You’ll be ready to celebrate Easter in more ways than you ever have and be inspired to share the joy only Jesus could make possible.

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    • 12 Daring Women Of The Bible Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Gui


      In this twelve-session video Bible study, some of today’s best-loved Christian authors and speakers look at the spiritual lessons learned from twelve daring women in the Bible and what they mean for you today.

      As you look at each of these women’s lives, you will discover how to:

      *Apply biblical lessons to your own modern-day struggles.
      *Live through your failures as well as your successes.
      *Draw near to God in a world filled with trials.
      *Find lasting contentment in every situation.
      *Overcome rejection and insecurity . . . and much more.

      You’ll study the lives of . . .

      1. Shulamite Woman: We Had God at Hello (Lisa Harper)
      2. Deborah: Fight Like a Girl (Bianca Juarez Olthoff)
      3. Proverbs 31 Woman: How Not to Do It All (Karen Ehman)
      4. Ruth: Staying Focused in a World of Distractions (Chrystal Evans Hurst)
      5. Puah and Shiphrah: How to Fight Your Fears (Margaret Feinberg)
      6. Esther: Letting God Be in Control (Courtney Joseph)
      7. Priscilla: Living a Life of Blessed Ordinary (Karen Ehman)
      8. Mary and Martha: Finding Life in Death (Bianca Juarez Olthoff)
      9. Bent Woman: We’ve Got God’s Complete Attention (Lisa Harper)
      10. Woman with the Issue of Blood: When Persistence Pays Off (Chrystal Evans Hurst)
      11. Elizabeth: How to Win the Waiting Game (Margaret Feinberg)
      12. Anna: How to Live a Life Devoted to God (Courtney Joseph Fallick)

      This study guide includes:

      *Individual access to twelve streaming video sessions
      *Background information on each woman
      *Video notes and a comprehensive structure for small group discussion time
      *Personal study and reflection materials for in-between sessions
      *Group leader helps

      Previously published as Twelve More Women of the Bible.

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    • Luke Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Guide)


      Lisa says, What I’m drawn to most in Luke’s account of the gospel is its humanity, the consistent theme that the Living Hope of Jesus Christ is for everyone-Jews and Greeks, men and women, rich and poor. There’s no one who exists beyond the compassionate reach of our Messiah.

      Luke’s gospel account is a literary masterpiece, but it doesn’t celebrate the elite. Instead, it’s like the biblical version of Shakespeare whose main characters are paperback kind of people like lepers, prostitutes, and tax collectors who were absolutely stunned by the compassion Jesus extended toward them despite their cultural status as outcasts. This book proves that the pretense of perfection is overrated and certainly isn’t a prerequisite for a relationship with God. All twenty-four chapters present real people in real need of a real Savior. And while not everyone will be saved, Luke reminds us that anyone can be saved!

      In this eight-session video Bible study, Bible teacher Lisa Harper exposes the utter humanity and compassion of Jesus shared by Luke, defined consistently and overtly in the original Greek, splagnitzomai, otherwise known as gut-level compassion. Dive deep into the well of perhaps the most common-man exposition of what a gift Jesus is in this new Beautiful Word Series study. This study guide has everything you need for a full Bible study experience, including:

      *The study guide itself-with discussion and reflection questions, video notes, and a leader’s guide.

      *Personal study of Scripture and context.

      *Scripture memory cards and coloring pages.

      *An individual access code to stream all eight video sessions online. (You don’t need to buy a DVD!)

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    • Believing Jesus Bible Study Guide Plus Streaming Video


      Journey through the biblical stories of the early Christian movement, and see what kind of wild adventures await those who truly believe Jesus.

      Throughout the book of Acts, believing Jesus and what he said is the core value that marked every believer in the first church. Because they believed Jesus, the early Christians, including Peter, Paul, Stephen, and Timothy:

      *Consistently chose risk over comfort–even at the cost of some of their lives.
      *Persistently opened their homes and arms, giving all they had to the Jesus way.
      *Radically pursued Christ over culture–until they began to shape the culture around them.

      In this eight-session video Bible study (streaming included), Lisa Harper launches into the book of Acts to discover how Jesus’ command to spread the gospel changed the lives of those who believed and shaped the culture that surrounded the growing church.

      At the end of this journey together, not only will you have studied this wild, adventurous, risk-taking book of the Bible; but you’ll see how God supernaturally orchestrated the events in Scripture to bring about the message of salvation that the early believers preached in the book of Acts.

      Today, we are faced with the same decisions the early church faced. Will we, like them, truly believe the words of Jesus and allow them to transform every part of our lives?

      This study guide has everything you need for a full Bible study experience, including:

      *The study guide itself–with discussion questions, conversation starters, video notes, and a leader’s guide.

      *An individual access code to stream all eight video sessions online (you don’t need to buy a DVD!).

      Sessions and video run times:

      1. The Declarations that Define Us (21:30) – The book of Acts, an extension of Luke’s gospel

      2. Earth, Wind, and Celestial Fire (19:00) – The Holy Spirit’s dramatic entrance

      3. Checkered Pasts Can Make Incredible Preachers (21:00) – The powerful preaching of Peter and Paul

      4. What’s Mine Is Yours (20:00) – Finding freedom in freely giving

      5. Loving More People, More (16:00) – A challenge to welcome everyone

      6. The Need to Be ReGospeled (19:30) – Even Peter and Paul made mistakes along the way

      7. Turning Your World Upside Down (20:00) – A closer look at THIS Jesus: the one we’re following

      8. Bearing the Chain Because (24:00) – Anything is worth seeing the gospel suddenly click for someone

      Watch on any device!

      Streaming video access code included. Access code s

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    • Fortune : How Race Broke My Family And The World–and How To Repair It All


      Drawing on her lifelong journey to know her family’s history, leading Christian activist Lisa Sharon Harper recovers the beauty of her heritage, exposes the brokenness that race has wrought in America, and casts a vision for collective repair.

      Harper has spent three decades researching ten generations of her family history through DNA research, oral histories, interviews, and genealogy. Fortune, the name of Harper’s first nonindigenous ancestor born on American soil, bore the brunt of the nation’s first race, gender, and citizenship laws. As Harper traces her family’s story through succeeding generations, she shows how American ideas, customs, and laws robbed her ancestors–and the ancestors of so many others–of their humanity and flourishing.

      Fortune helps readers understand how America was built upon systems and structures in ways that blessed some and cursed others, allowing Americans of European descent to benefit from the colonization, genocide, enslavement, rape, and exploitation of people of color. As Harper lights a path through national and religious history, she clarifies exactly how and when the world broke and shows the way to redemption for us all. The book culminates with a vision of truth telling, reparation, and forgiveness that leads to beloved community. It includes a foreword by Otis Moss III, illustrations, and a glossy eight-page black and white insert featuring photos of Harper’s family.

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    • How Much More Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


      Have you ever wished certain passages weren’t in the Bible?

      It can be all too easy to trade the truth of God’s grace and mercy for a skewed view of certain biblical texts that seem to paint God as oppressive, distant, or difficult to understand. Upon closer examination, this harsh view of God is the exact opposite of His true character. God welcomes His children with deep compassion and care, while holding all power and authority.

      In this 7-session study, discover God’s extravagant love in some of Scripture’s most misunderstood passages. Because the God of the Old Testament is the same redemptive, loving, and grace-filled God we see through Christ in the New Testament.

      How Much More will show you that God is for you-even in the places He may have seemed silent before.

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    • Job Bible Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Joy is the constant companion of the woman who trusts in the Lord. And while you can find it in friends, family, and circumstances, unfailing, persistent joy will only ever overflow from your relationship with Jesus.

      Just ask Job, the man from Uz who clung to God’s goodness while all his worldly joys were stripped away.

      But how is it possible to hold onto such joy in times of sorrow?

      In this 7-session study, discover the redemptive facet of Job’s suffering. Learn to view pain as a way to strengthen your faith, point others to the gospel, and trust in the Lord. Because His providence will never take you to a place where His grace will not sustain you.


      –Leader helps to guide questions and discussions within small groups
      –Personal study segments to complete between 7 weeks of group sessions
      –Seven interactive teaching videos, approximately 30-35 minutes per session, available for purchase or rent
      –Moving interviews with Christine Caine, Scott & Tracie Hamilton, Natalie Grant, and more


      –Learn to trust in God’s character.
      –Repair past or current wounds.
      –Realize God welcomes your difficult questions.
      –Let go of complacent Christianity.
      –Pursue joy even in the midst of personal pain.

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    • Gospel Of Mark Leader Kit (Teacher’s Guide)


      SKU (ISBN): 9781430040262UPC: 634337491592Lisa HarperBinding: Boxed SetPublished: March 2016Publisher: LifeWay Christian Resources

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    • Gospel Of Mark Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


      Immediately. Let’s go. Right away. Now. Get up. Then … Mark’s narrative moves quickly and you sense the action in the story of Jesus’ life. It’s teaching presented as the gospel – good news powerfully announced in a world of bad news. This gospel emphasizes not only that Jesus is “the Son of God” (1:1; 15:39) but also that this fact demands a response. The Gospel of Mark highlights Jesus’ unparalleled spiritual power and authority, leading us to consider for ourselves the question, “Who do you say that I am?” (Mark 8:29) The Gospel of Mark: the Jesus we’re aching for partners the compassion of Jesus with the passion of Christ. We see how the heart of God is moved by the heart of humanity and His response to our loud cry for help. We discover the world-changing result of being recipients of His compassion and the reason for His passion, all the way to the cross. Ultimately, Mark intends for the action-packed presentation of who Jesus is to lead us to acknowledge Jesus, find salvation in Him, and follow Him.

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    • Hebrews Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


      Hebrews helps women make the connection between God the Father and God the Son and reminds us that Jesus is supreme, but He is also compassionate, and loving to no end. Join Lisa as she journeys through this bridge between the Old and New Testaments to get to the heart of the matter: Jesus is our accessible King.

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    • Believing Jesus : Are You Willing To Risk Everything A Journey Through The


      Are you truly willing to risk everything? In Believing Jesus, Bible teacher and author Lisa Harper retraces the steps of the apostles in the book of Acts, while throwing in a few of her own crazy adventures along the way. The disciples didn’t have much of a road map after Jesus ascended to heaven, but God’s grace and spirit filled in the gaps as they moved forward. It required their willingness to risk everything to establish a new community that would change the future world.

      As a regular speaker on the Women of Faith tour, Lisa has earned a reputation as a true theological scholar and hilarious storyteller-not necessarily in that order! Best-selling author and pastor Max Lucado calls Lisa one of the “best Bible tour guides around.

      “Believing Jesus will highlight both of Lisa’s strengths as she tackles every chapter of the Book of Acts with biblical wisdom and modern wit. Lisa keeps it real, telling stories on herself and pointing readers back to Jesus, the only one who can truly lead.

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