Mon-Sat 8:30am - 5:30pm, Closed Sunday | 800 N Main St, Shelbyville, TN | (931) 684-8878





    Pamela Kennedy

    • Otter B Friendly


      Otter B Friendly is the twelfth in a series of children’s books that teach young children basic biblical values. In this story, Otter B learns how to make friends with someone who seems different.

      When a family that’s new and different moves to the neighborhood, Otter B isn’t quite sure what to think. Will Otter B and his buddies make friends with this new arrival?

      Each book in the series ends with a rhyme that reinforces the lesson and includes an appropriate Bible verse.

      “When there’s someone you don’t know
      or someone new you see,
      just be a friend and say hello.
      It’s how you Otter Be!”

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    • Otter B Forgiving


      Otter B Forgiving is the eleventh in a series of children’s books that teach young children basic biblical values. In this story, Otter B’s friend Roscoe accidentally wrecks Otter B’s new birthday present. Roscoe says he’s sorry, but Otter B is too upset to forgive his friend.The next day, Otter B is riding bikes with his other friends and accidentally knocks Tabitha off her bike. When Otter B apologizes, Tabitha forgives him right away. Otter B is so relieved that he runs right over to Roscoe’s house. Not only does he forgive Roscoe for damaging his boat, he also asks Roscoe to forgive him for being so upset. When Otter B says his prayers that night, he asks God to bless all of his friends, especially Roscoe. Then he sleeps soundly, thankful that he’s been forgiven too.

      Each book in the series ends with a rhyme that reinforces the lesson and includes an appropriate Bible verse.”When a friend does something wrongand you’re mad as mad can be,saying I forgive you’ helps.It’s how you Otter Be!” (Ephesians 4:32)

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    • Otter B Thankful


      Otter B: Thankful is the tenth in a series of children’s books that teach young children basic biblical character traits.

      In Thankful, Otter B’s friend Franklin takes a trip to the Race Car Museum, and Tabitha gets a new scooter–but instead of being happy for them, Otter B is jealous. While Otter B is feeling sad, Felicia and Roscoe arrive with their Gratitude Jars. Together, they show Otter B all the things they have to be grateful for. Otter B stops feeling sad about the things he wants and learns to be thankful for everything he has.

      Each book ends with a rhyme that reinforces the lesson and includes an appropriate Bible verse.

      “When you’re sad ’cause you can’t get
      the things you want or see,
      try giving thanks for what you have.
      It’s how you Otter Be!”

      (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

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    • 5 Minute Bedtime Stories


      In this sweet collection of bedtime stories, you’ll meet twenty-three animals-from Little Hedgehog to not-so-little Elephant-and the mamas and daddies who love them. Each fun and furry friend has a peaceful adventure in store for the day, and preschoolers can come along each night to learn gentle lessons on courage, friendship, and character.

      With soft and delightful illustrations, each story ends with a “Snuggle Time” Scripture, prayer, and Bible word, all designed to leave your little one comforted and cuddled and ready for sweet sleep.

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    • Otter B Trustworthy


      Otter B Trustworthy is the sixth in a series of six children’s books that are intended to teach young children basic biblical character traits. In this book, when Otter doesn’t put back his parents’ things like he promised, they get wet in the rain. He learns what it means to be trustworthy.

      Each book includes an appropriate Bible verse, and Otter B Trustworthy ends with this rhyme about the lesson:

      “When you keep your promises, then others soon will see
      that they can put their trust in you.
      It’s how you Otter Be!”

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    • Otter B Helpful


      Otter B Helpful is the fourth in a series of six children’s books that teach young children basic biblical character traits. In this book, Otter learns to be helpful when his grandparents come for a visit.

      Each book includes an appropriate Bible verse, and Otter B Helpful ends with this rhyme about the lesson:

      “There’s always lots of work to do in every family.
      God says that helping out is best.
      It’s how you Otter Be!”

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    • Great And Small Prayers For Babies


      Thank You, God, for great and small animal friends!

      Join these adorable animal pairs in a board book that’s meant for little hands to hold and explore. Each spread features a large animal and his little friend, who is hiding under the flap. A short thank-You prayer on each spread models simple thankfulness, and the text includes animal sounds to make the reading even more fun.

      Six pairs of great-and-small friends to meet, six chunky flaps to lift and discover, and six simple prayers to pray–all to delight little hands and hearts.

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    • Otter B Kind


      Otter B Kind is the second in a series of six children’s books that are intended to teach young children basic biblical character traits. In this book, Otter is upset when his friend Franklin the frog can’t play with him because he’s sick. He decides to make Franklin a present to cheer him up. Each book in the series ends with a rhyme that reinforces the book’s theme:

      “Kindness doesn’t cost a thing
      And thoughtfulness is free.
      So when you have a chance, be kind.
      It’s how you Otter Be!”

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    • Otter B Honest


      Otter B Honest is the first in a series of six children’s books that are intended to teach young children basic biblical character traits. In Otter B Honest, Otter breaks his father’s watch while playing pirates with his friend. After trying to hide the broken watch from his father, he learns that honesty is best. Each book in the series ends with a rhyme that reinforces the book’s theme:

      “Sometimes you will make mistakes
      You hope no one will see.
      But always choose to tell the truth,
      It’s how you Otter Be!”

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    • Otter B Brave


      Otter B Brave is the third in a series of six children’s picture books that are intended to teach young children basic biblical character traits. In this book, Otter is afraid to do show-and-tell at school. After Otter’s dad tells him that God gives us friends to help us be less afraid, Otter decides to use his friend as his show-and-tell item. Each book in the series ends with a rhyme that reinforces the book’s theme:

      “If you are feeling nervous
      And you’re shaky in the knees,
      Try asking God to make you brave
      It’s how you Otter Be!”

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