Mon-Sat 8:30am - 5:30pm, Closed Sunday | 800 N Main St, Shelbyville, TN | (931) 684-8878





    Walk Thru The Bible

    • Moments Of Strength


      Today, let God fill your spirit with His strength.

      As men, we often work hard to prove ourselves, live well, and take care of the people we love. But with all the demands on our time and energy, life can get overwhelming. Thankfully, God never intended for us to go it alone, in our own power. He designed us to function best (and be strongest) when we regularly take time to connect with Him through His Word and in prayer.

      Moments of Strength is an invitation for you to spend a few minutes each day in conversation with God. As you connect with Him, you will be revitalized and challenged to place your trust in the hands of the all-powerful God of the universe-and to walk fully in the strength of His love, mercy, and grace.

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    • Moments Of Hope


      Connect with God in a new way and find the hope in every moment.

      As women, we deeply desire wisdom, encouragement, and hope amid the busyness and distractions of our everyday lives.

      In Moments of Hope we are encouraged to redirect our thinking to understand ourselves, our world, and our God accurately. Complete with Bible verses, helpful stories, and practical application, these short daily devotions are designed to move us further along that path of having our hearts refreshed, our lives transformed, and our hope restored.

      Moments of Hope will encourage women to discover biblical wisdom and purpose so they can see how God’s love, kindness, and compassion for them is where true hope can be found.

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    • Rest : 40 Days Of Refreshment For Women


      Take time to connect with God and fill your spirit with peace.

      Rest often feels like an elusive goal in a world that never seems to shut down-or even slow down. Given all the demands on our time, energy, and resources, our longing for calm, quiet, and stillness seems unrealistic and impossible.

      Complete with Bible verses, helpful stories, and practical application, Rest offers short devotions on a variety of everyday issues that will leave you refreshed and help you deepen your walk with God so you can serve Him more fully. This book will speak to the heart of any woman looking to meet with God in a new way.

      Rest is an invitation for you to spend a few minutes each day in quiet contemplation with the only source of true peace and restoration: God Himself.

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    • 1 Year Walk With God Devotional


      Learning to think God’s way is a process. That’s what these daily readings are about – relying upon the Word to redirect our thinking so we accurately understand ourselves, our world, and our God. They are designed to move us further along that path toward renewed minds and transformed lives. As you read this book, let the Spirit of God shine the light of true wisdom on you. This special edition is an experience for the soul – and the senses – with a flexible, LeatherLike binding and ribbon bookmark.

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