Mon-Sat 8:30am - 5:30pm, Closed Sunday | 800 N Main St, Shelbyville, TN | (931) 684-8878




    Communication Cards 50 Pack


    New Layout with Tear-off Prayer Request Card that fits perfect in bulletins!


    Tell Me More About:
    (check box) Joining the church
    (check box) Small groups/Bible studies
    (check box) Serving opportunities

    Please Tell Us:
    How did you hear about us? (blank line)
    What are you looking for in a church? (blank line)
    What do you like about our church? (blank line)
    Whate do you not like about the church or service you attended today?
    (blank line)
    Additional questions or comments (blank line)
    (blank line)

    Prayer Requests (continued)

    Visitor cards provide space for obtaining information from attendees. A useful tool for churches in building a relationship with newcomers and for record keeping.

    Packaging: Shrink-wrapped package of 50

    1 in stock

    SKU (UPC): 730817355221

    Color: White
    Manufacturer: Warner Press


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