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    Hold Fast United States Military Veteran (Small T-Shirt)


    We will never forget the brave actions of the men and women who serve this nation in uniform. This Veteran T-Shirt by Hold Fast in Charcoal Heather is designed to honor those who have served, and to remind those who see it to pray for and support veterans in their community. God gave each of these brave warriors a special calling to stand up and fight for the United States of America, and we are grateful for your courage.

    John 15:13 says, Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one s life for one s friends. You gave your time, talent, and energy to serve and protect this country; your fellow citizens are indebted to you for the freedom and safety we are blessed to enjoy. We pray for those who didn t come home, and their families. There is no adequate way to say thank you for the work you ve done on behalf of America.

    You served with honor, and we look up to you now. Take pride in the sacrifices you made to stand up for this nation and her people. God bless each member of the United States Armed Forces past and present, and may God bless America. #HoldFast #Pray4Veterans

    1 in stock

    SKU (UPC): 612978528570

    Color: Gray
    Apparel class: Mens
    Manufacturer: Kerusso


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