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    • Easter Fix


      An engaging retelling of the Easter story that will help young children understand why Jesus died and came alive again.

      This is the story of how God sent someone to fix everything. That someone was Jesus.

      But Jesus didn’t come just to fix a few things. He gave his life to fix the thing that makes everything broken… our broken friendship with God.

      This engaging retelling of the Easter story will help young children understand why Jesus died and came alive again.

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    • Daniel


      In this volume from the Evangelical Exegetical Commentary, Paul Tanner argues that the book of Daniel is the Old Testament blueprint of the Bible’s overarching eschatological narrative. Tanner examines key aspects of the book of Daniel such as the revelation of Israel’s future in relation to gentile kingdoms, God’s exaltation of Daniel as a channel through whom he reveals his will and God’s sovereign control of the nations under whom Israel is being disciplined. Tanner provides exegetical insight to help readers better understand not only how God worked in Israel’s history through Daniel, but how he sovereignly directs all of world history – for all time.

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    • Healing Garden : Sometimes The Heart Is The Hardest Soil (DVD)


      An aging military chaplain and a young girl from a broken home join forces to plant a miracle garden touched by God. The Healing Garden is a faith-based film, laced with warmth and comedy. It celebrates the healing of families and communities through faith. The story touches on important topics such as marriage, a child’s need for a nuclear family, love of country and our Vets, that miracles can still happen when you walk with Christ and how people should behave like everyday is Christmas.

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    • Cross Purposes : Sometimes Beginnings Start At The End (DVD)


      Andrew Morrison is an ambitious, driven professional determined to prove himself to be a top medical student. To pad his school application, he reluctantly takes a temporary job as a nurses’ assistant and sets out to prove what an excellent doctor he will make. Jamie Walker is a precocious sixteen-year-old long-term patient whose life has been put on hold with an illness that threatens his future. Playful, lively, and extremely bored, Jamie is looking for a purpose of his own. When these two men find themselves in a hospital room together one wants to prove he is a “model” doctor and the other is anything but an “ideal” patient. Together, they discover their determination makes them more alike than they ever dreamed. Using Proverbs 19 as its theme, this story looks at the true meaning of “purpose” in life.

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    • Faith Hope Love (DVD)


      Six college students respond to an email from, what they believe to be, the well-known author Oscar Fielding. In so doing, they find themselves thrown together for a wintry weekend, in a cabin nestled in the Rocky Mountains, with the understanding they will be aiding Fielding by providing research for his latest book. In the process, these six strangers discover that a dialogue about love, relationships, faith, past struggles and conflicts leads them to uncover who they really are, and what they really believe.

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    • Being The Bad Guys


      How to live confidently for Jesus in a culture that sees Christians as the bad guys.

      The church used to be recognized as a force for good, but this is changing rapidly. Christians are now often seen as the bad guys, losing both respect and influence.

      In our post-Christian culture, how do we offer the gospel to those around us who view it as not only wrong but possibly dangerous? And how do we ensure that the secular worldview does not entice us away with its constant barrage, online and elsewhere, of messages about self-determinism?

      Author Stephen McAlpine offers an analysis of how our culture ended up this way and explains key points of tension between biblical Christianity and secular culture. He encourages Christians not to be ashamed of the gospel as it is more liberating, fulfilling and joyful than anything the world has to offer.

      He also offers strategies for coping in this world, with its opposing values, and for reaching out to others wisely with the truth.

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    • Boy Who Shared His Sandwich


      An engaging retelling of the feeding of the 5,000 that helps young children discover how Jesus gives life that lasts for ever, not just for now!

      Thousands of people came to Jesus-and they were all hungry. But one boy had a sandwich to share. So Jesus prayed and then shared the sandwich with the huge, hungry crowd. Everyone was amazed and wanted him to be King.

      But Jesus said, “You’re just thinking about getting your dinner, which is all finished now. I’ve come to give you something that’s never finished and always enough!”

      In this engaging retelling of the feeding of the 5,000 from John 6 v 5-35, young children discover how Jesus gives life that lasts for ever, not just for now!

      Notes for parents at the back help explain what Jesus says about himself in John 6 v 26-27 and 35.

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    • Signs Of The Messiah


      That you may believe

      Have you ever asked God for a sign? Throughout Scripture, God gave signs to his people, whether mighty acts during the exodus or miracles through Elijah and Elisha. Jesus was also asked for a sign. Yet despite giving seven remarkable signs, his people refused to believe him.

      In Signs of the Messiah, Andreas KAstenberger–veteran New Testament scholar and expert on the Gospel of John–guides readers through John and highlights its plot and message. John’s Gospel is written to inspire faith in Jesus. By keeping the Gospel’s big picture in view, readers will see Jesus’ mighty signs and be compelled to trust more fully in the Messiah.

      Readers will have a deeper grasp of John’s message and intent through this short and accessible introduction.

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    • Better Day Is Coming


      What happens when you don’t find your “best life now”?Are you tempted to envy the easy lives of ungodly people?How do you rise above the disappointments and frustrations of this life?

      Perhaps a reminder of ultimate realities would help. For true followers of Jesus, a better day is coming. Guaranteed. It may be by the miraculous intervention of a loving and resourceful God. Or it may be in the ultimate perfection of His eternal presence. But no matter how hard this life gets, you’ll ultimately win.

      In 180 devotional readings, A Better Day Is Coming shows that God is certainly strong and generous enough to heal your disease, protect your job, restore your marriage or give you someone to love.

      But though He can and sometimes will do these things, for His own mysterious reasons, He also often withholds them. What we can say for sure is that your day is coming-that day you actually live with Him, when the perfection of heaven is your eternal reality, when sin and sickness and sorrow are banished forever from His (and your) presence.

      Take the long view of this short life. God will make sure you’re covered. A better day is coming.

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    • Bible Cryptograms


      Love Bible puzzles?

      Looking for something new?

      Give Bible Cryptograms a whirl!

      If you enjoy Bible puzzles, you’ll love Bible Cryptograms. Here are 404 puzzles drawn from the breadth and width of the King James Version. Each cryptogram features a Bible passage with substituted letters that you’ll need to decode to solve the verse. Covering the people, places, things, and ideas of scripture, Bible Cryptograms will entertain and educate you with important Bible truths in an enjoyable puzzle package. It’s a great way to pass time-on plane trips, in the doctor’s waiting room, through rainy evenings-whenever and wherever. With Bible Cryptograms, you’re in for hours of challenging fun!

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    • Crisis Y Oportunidades – (Spanish)


      Nadie esta exento de pasar por crisis, unas a causa de situaciones individuales y otras provocadas por circunstancias ajenas a nuestro control, como la pandemia que atravesamos. Cualquiera que sea la causa, Efren Ruiz Arregui abre la puerta de la oportunidad pues, como asegura, “por cada problema que enfrentamos hay una solucion”. Cada capitulo plantea una crisis, y a traves de diferentes experiencias personales, aplicacion de principios y frases de sabiduria, el autor propone puertas hacia caminos diferentes que te guiaran para abrir tus propias puertas y resolver asuntos del pasado y del presente, o para plantearte un futuro en especifico. Esta habil propuesta para examinar tus crisis esta diseada para que encuentres tus soluciones y veas tus oportunidades en 30 dias.

      No one is exempt from going through crises, some due to individual situations and others caused by circumstances beyond our control, such as the pandemic we are experiencing. Whatever the cause, Efren Ruiz Arregui opens the door of opportunity because, as he assures, “for every problem we face there is a solution.” Each chapter raises a crisis, and through different personal experiences, application of principles and phrases of wisdom, the author proposes doors to different paths that will guide you to open your own doors and resolve issues of the past and present, or to consider a specific future. This clever approach to examining your crises is designed to help you find your solutions and see your opportunities in 30 days.

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    • Mending The Net


      In 1981, Doug Stringer was a fitness instructor with his own exercise studio. He knew there was a God, but he lived as if God didn’t exist. Tired of his own hypocrisy, disgusted with his life, he sat down in the back room of his studio one night, put his head in his hands, and prayed: “Lord, if You can use someone like me after all I have done to wound Your heart, I make myself available to You.”

      What happened soon afterward started a ministry that reaches out to thousands of lost and hurting people around the world.

      Mending the Net: Bringing Hope in a Hurting World updates and expands upon Doug’s book, Somebody Cares: A Guide to Living Out Your Faith, which was originally published in August 2001. Obviously, much else has changed in the world since then. Doug himself has changed, having gone through a battle with stage four cancer. But what hasn’t changed is Doug’s undefeatable spirit and love for others, which shine through in his books, his ministry, and everything he touches.

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    • Christian Antisemitism : Confrontng The Lies In Today’s Church


      Hate isn’t a thing from history.

      The Jewish people and Israel have been described as “a dominant and moving force behind the present and coming evils of our day”; “a monstrous system of evil…[that] will destroy us and our children” if not resisted; and a group that seeks “the annihilation of almost every Gentile man, woman, and child and the establishment of a satanic Jewish-led global dictatorship.” What’s worse is that these comments were all made by professing Christians.

      In Christian Antisemitism, respected Messianic Bible scholar Michael L. Brown, PhD, documents shocking examples of modern “Christian” antisemitism and exposes the lies that support them. Carefully researched, this book shows that church-based antisemitism is no longer a thing of the past. Rather, a dangerous, shocking tide of “Christian” antisemitism has begun to rise. In Christian Antisemitism, Dr. Brown shows you how to stem this tide now and overcome the evil of “Christian” antisemitism with the powerful love of the cross!

      This book will show you how to confront everyday antisemitism in all areas of your life and become a champion for the people of Israel.

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    • Business And Economics


      Kuyper on the Positive Potential of Business

      In his vast treasury of writings, Abraham Kuyper addressed nearly every sphere of society, including politics, science, and the arts. But his views on business and economics are often overlooked because he rarely engaged with that sphere directly. Still, his doctrine of common grace has great significance for showing how Christ is at work in the workplace.

      In this anthology of essays, speeches, and reflections, we see Kuyper’s attempts to think positively and creatively about the calling and potential of business. Included are his ideas about economic freedom, the eternal value of earthly work, stewardship and philanthropy, economic globalization, the workings of God’s grace in business, and the social function of money.

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    • Though I Walk


      “The truths of the past are often the hardest to face. When Grace Stewart’s fiance Stephen leaves Halifax in 1937 to pursue his dream of becoming an archaeologist in Greece, neither of them expect that war will soon engulf the world, keeping them apart for nearly ten years. As Stephen gets caught up in the resistance movement on the island of Crete, Grace immerses herself in the war effort at home, held up by her faith and praying for his safe return. Though her prayers are eventually answered and she and Stephen are finally reunited, he is never able to speak of the things he saw in Greece. After his sudden death in 1967, however, Grace discovers among his effects the journal he kept during that dark time… a journal which allows her to, at long last, piece together the unimaginable story of the man she thought she knew.”

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    • Infected : How To Stop The Global Spread Of Rage, Deception And Insanity


      A spiritual virus more devastating than COVID-19 has infected the global population. It has triggered rage, offense, and murdeous attacks that have exploded in our nation and around the world. If left unchecked, this virus leads to insanity, affecting the mind and body. We see the results all around us and people have no idea it is ruling their lives.

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    • Glory Of The Cross


      Walk in the victory that defined the lives of the apostles and the early church-it’s still possible today!

      Spiritually, the single most powerful moment in history is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Often, that which is the cornerstone and centerpiece of the Christian faith has been reduced to something many believers assume they grasp, understand, or have figured out. It’s as if we think the cross is elementary in our understanding of Christianity. Yet, it’s applying The Glory of the Cross that grants us access into the very depths of intimately knowing and experiencing God Almighty.

      The cross makes it possible for you to apply the victory of Jesus over every area of life that His death and resurrection impacted.

      Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda, pastors of All Nations Church and leaders of Chavda Ministries, provide dynamic teaching coupled with miraculous stories, of how applying the glory of cross grants you access to supernatural miracles, divine healing, encounters with the Holy Spirit, reconciliation to God, understanding of your spiritual identity, applying the power of Jesus’ blood, six keys to victory in spiritual warfare, and so much more.

      When Jesus died on the cross a supernatural explosion of glory was released, sending shock waves throughout the entire human experience. Jesus’ death and resurrection were cataclysmic events that impact more than your eternal destiny – they can change every moment of your life today!

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    • How Happiness Happens DayBrightener


      DaySpring Inspirational DayBrighteners are undated flip calendars, packed with 366 pages of daily wisdom, affirmations and Scriptures just for you. You’ll be encouraged every day of the year.

      Could you use a little day to day happiness right now?

      In How Happiness Happens, trusted pastor and best-selling author Max Lucado unpacks a proven happiness plan, based upon ten key principles found in the Bible – the “one another” statements. These others-oriented directives, such as love one another, serve one another, and forgive one another, embody what the Bible teaches and research affirms: doing good does good for the doer. This 366-day devotional DayBrightener will walk you through a year of learning and applying Max’s insights in your daily life.

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    • Finding Hope In Crisis


      Life changes in a nanosecond when storms sweep in, often without warning. With minds barely able to think clearly, we often set our Bible aside. In reality, that’s when we need its comfort and strength most. This devotional is written for those in crisis, for those longing for hope but lacking the ability to focus on a lengthy Scripture passage.

      This book contains 90 devotions. Each day’s entry follows a pattern:

      *Key Verse
      *Pause (devotion)
      *Ponder (application question or action step)
      *Pray (short prayer)
      *Relevant quote

      This book is for those who are in crisis. This looks different for everyone. For some, it means facing the fallout of betrayal or divorce. For others, it means a cancer diagnosis, the death of a loved one, experiencing job loss or home foreclosure, or watching an adult child make choices that carry lifelong consequences. Some would say that hitting a relationship roadblock with a friend or family member constitutes crisis, while others would say it’s losing their family pet.

      Regardless, their greatest need is hope. They need reassurance that God’s love will never let them go, his presence will never leave them, and His strength will carry them through. Finding Hope in Crisis addresses these needs.

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    • Chosen Book Two 40 Days With Jesus


      The healing of the crippled man at the pool of Bethesda. The Sermon on the Mount. The calling of Simon the Zealot.
      The Chosen – Book Two features forty brand-new devotions that each contain a Scripture, a unique look into a Gospel story, suggestions for prayer, and questions that lead you further in your relationship with Christ.

      See Jesus through the eyes of those who knew him best and explore the backstories of people like Simon the Zealot, Philip the Apostle, and the Samaritans.

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    • Walking With God (Large Type)


      Read the beloved Walking With God Devotional in large print when you pick up a copy of the Walking With God Large Print Saddle Tan Faux Leather Devotional. David Jeremiah is a New York Times bestselling author who pairs down the Word of God into 365 beautifully crafted devotional readings that will help guide your walk of faith.

      The saddle tan faux leather front cover of the Walking With God Large Print Devotional is heat debossed with a beautiful nature scene that includes a majestic mountain peak in the background and a pine tree forest in the foreground. The scene is framed by a gold foiled border with a heat-debossed shadow frame. The title is gold foiled on the front cover and spine and accented with heat-debossed scroll elements.
      Walking With God

      This 365-day devotional is printed in large print that is easy on the eyes. David Jeremiah writes the introduction to the devotional. Each day’s reading starts with a Scripture verse, followed by a short devotional, and ends with a quote from an author.

      The Walking With God Large Print Saddle Tan Faux Leather Devotional features select Bible verses and quotations from well-loved authors, including C. S. Lewis, Charles Spurgeon, A. W. Tozer, J.I. Packer, D. L. Moody, to name but a few.

      A satin ribbon marker ensures you never lose your place, and the 384 pages are gilt-edged. The interior pages are printed in full color.

      The Walking With God Large Print Saddle Tan Faux Leather Devotional is an ideal Christmas gift for an elderly friend or family member that needs a larger print.

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    • Military Guide To Armageddon


      We are at war right now. The forces of light and darkness are lined up in battle array as the world moves closer to the end of the age.

      Using both military and spiritual warfare tactics, this U.S. Army colonel and Pulitzer Prize-nominated journalist equip you as a believer to be battle-ready. This training manual will teach you to:
      – be empowered to counter the darkness of approaching end-times forces

      – develop your spiritual gifts so you can walk in the supernatural power and protection of the Holy Spirit

      – move into a new level of spiritual warfare based on biblical and military principles

      – study the Bible more intently as real-time world events and biblical prophecies intersect

      As the end times draw near, prepare to be fully equipped and trained in the weapons of spiritual warfare. You are gifted by the Holy Spirit–now be empowered, disciplined, and courageous, ready to do battle with the forces of this present darkness in these last days.

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    • Tidewater Bride


      Selah Hopewell seems to be the only woman in the Virginia colony who has no wish to wed. True, there are too many men and far too few women in James Towne. But Selah already has her hands full assisting her father in the family’s shop. And now she is in charge of an incoming ship of tobacco brides who must be looked after as they sort through their many suitors.

      Xander Renick is perhaps the most eligible tobacco lord in the settlement. His lands are vast, his crops are prized, and his position as a mediator between the colonists and the powerful Powhatan nation surrounding them makes him indispensable. But Xander is already wedded to his business and still grieves the loss of his wife, daughter of the Powhatan chief.

      Can two fiercely independent people find happiness and fulfillment on their own? Or will they discover that what they’ve been missing in life has been right in front of them all along?

      Bestselling and award-winning author Laura Frantz takes you to the salty shores of seventeenth-century Virginia in this exploration of pride, honor, and the restorative power of true love.

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    • Dreams Of Savannah


      Cordelia Owens can weave a hopeful dream around anything and is well used to winning the hearts of everyone in Savannah with her whimsy. Even when she receives word that her sweetheart has been lost during a raid on a Yankee vessel, she clings to hope and comes up with many a romantic tale of his eventual homecoming to reassure his mother and sister.

      But Phineas Dunn finds nothing redemptive in the first horrors of war. Struggling for months to make it home alive, he returns to Savannah injured and cynical, and all too sure that he is not the hero Cordelia seems determined to make him. Matters of black and white don’t seem so simple anymore to Phin, and despite her best efforts,

      Delia’s smiles can’t erase all the complications in his life. And when Fort Pulaski falls and the future wavers, they both must decide where the dreams of a new America will take them, and if they will go together.

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    • Endless Mercy


      Madysen Powell has always been a forgiving person, but when her supposedly dead father shows up in Nome, Alaska, her gift for forgiveness is tested. With the recent loss of her mother, she searches for answers, leaning on Granny Beaufort, a neighbor in town, who listens with a kind heart. Still, Madysen is restless and dreams of performing her music around the world. The arrival of a traveling show could prove just the chance she needs, and the manager promises more than she ever dreamed.

      Daniel Beaufort arrives in Nome, searching for his own answers after the gold rush leaves him with only empty pockets. Still angry about the death of his loved ones, he longs to start fresh but doesn’t have high hopes until he ends up helping at the Powell dairy making cheese. Drawn to the beautiful redhead with big dreams, will deceptions from the past tear apart any hope for the future?

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    • Glimpses Of Heaven


      SKU (ISBN): 9780800739560ISBN10: 0800739566Trudy HarrisBinding: Mass MarketPublished: January 2021Publisher: Revell

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    • Great Easter Egg Hunt


      Join the Veggies as they hunt for eggs and discover the true meaning of Easter in this fun and exciting board book.

      The Great Easter Egg Hunt is finally here! The Veggies can’t wait to see what’s inside their eggs. Petunia wants an egg with something sparkly and pretty, Laura and Junior are hoping for candy, and Larry is searching for silliness, as usual. But when Junior finds his egg empty, he soon discovers that it is the best egg of all, because it represents the empty tomb and Jesus’ Resurrection on Easter. Perfect for little ones embarking on Easter egg hunts of their own, this sturdy board book teaches children the true reason for Easter in a fun and engaging way.

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    • Berenstain Bears Learn About Heaven


      Encourage children to ask big questions in this new, inspiring story from the Berenstain Bears Living Lights collection.

      Something has been on Sister Bear’s mind lately … heaven. Sister asks all the usual folks she knows just might have the answers-from Lizzy Bruin to Grizzly Gran to Cousin Fred. She wonders where heaven is, what it is like, and how you get there. Does she get the answers she is looking for? Or will Preacher Brown explain it all on Sunday?The Berenstain Bears Learn About Heaven:

      *Is an inspiring book from the bestselling The Berenstain Bears brand
      *Gently encourages children 4-8 to ask big questions about heaven
      *Is a welcome addition to the popular Zonderkidz Living Lights series, with over 8.5 million copies sold since 2008

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    • Prayer Map For A Less Stressed Life


      THE ORIGINAL Prayer Map!

      What Does Prayer Look Like? . . .
      Find out in The Prayer Map for a Less Stressed Life.

      This unique prayer journal is an engaging and creative tool to help alleviate your stresses as you experience the power of prayer. Each page features a lovely 2-color design that guides you to write out specific thoughts, ideas, and lists. . .which then creates a “map” for you to follow as you talk to God. Each map includes a spot to record the date, so you can look back on your prayers and see how God has worked in your busy life. The Prayer Map for a Less Stressed Life will not only encourage you to spend time talking with God about the things that matter most. . .it will also help you build a healthy spiritual habit of continual prayer for life!

      This lovely journal, perfect for personal quiet time or small groups, features:

      *A user-friendly spiral binding–lays flat!
      *Delightfully designed two-color interior
      *Space to record the date on each Prayer Map
      *Prompted sections guide the creation of each Prayer Map–from start to finish
      *Carefully selected scripture on every spread

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    • God Of Creation Bible Study Book Revised (Student/Study Guide)


      The opening lines and chapters of Genesis teach us fundamental truths about God. We watch Him bring light after darkness, order after chaos, and rest after toil-all through the power of His Word.

      Over 10 sessions of verse-by-verse study, dive into the first 11 chapters of Genesis by following three critical stages of understanding: comprehension, interpretation, and application. Teaching videos are key in understanding this study. Revisit familiar stories and historical figures, challenge your basic knowledge, and discover deeper meanings in the text. As God reveals Himself through Scripture, we can only begin to understand ourselves when we first glimpse the character, attributes, and promises of our Creator.

      Additional purchase or renting of the video teaching sessions is recommended for the best experience of this Bible study book.

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    • No Bailes Con La Muerte – (Spanish)


      Una noche de viernes en la que se mezclan musica, drogas y alcohol. Un verano que cambiara la vida de unos jovenes para siempre. Pero no todos acabaran igual. Todo dependera del compaero de baile que elijan… No bailes con la muerte es una novela realista, que aborda con estremecedora franqueza la cara oculta de fiestas, discotecas y drogas que muchos jovenes y adultos desconocen. Una gran labor de investigacion en circulos juveniles y en ambitos medicos y policiales ha concluido con una historia que no dejara indiferente a nadie.

      A Friday night when music, drugs, and alcohol mix. A summer that will change the lives of a group of young people forever. But not all of their stories will end the same way. Everything will depend on the dance partner they choose. . . . No bailes con la muerte (Don’t Dance with Death) is a realistic novel that candidly addresses the hidden face of parties, disco clubs, and drugs that many young people and adults are unaware of.

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    • Outreach 2020 Edition


      SKU (ISBN): 9781581351804ISBN10: 1581351801Translation: New American Standard Bible (NASB)Language: EnglishColor: Full ColorBinding: PaperPublished: January 2021Publisher: Foundation Publications Inc.

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    • Every Mans Bible Large Print


      Now available in an easy-to-read Large Print edition, the popular NIV Every Man’s Bible is designed to help every man develop a fuller, richer relationship with Jesus as he understands what the Scriptures have to say about the challenges he faces. The Every Man’s Bible has thousands of notes on topics just for men- work, sex, competition, integrity, and more. This Bible also includes trusted advice from the pros: Stephen Arterburn, Tony Evans, David Jeremiah, Tony Dungy, Chuck Smith, Jr., Dallas Willard, Michael Youssef, Gordon MacDonald, Bill McCartney, J. I. Packer, Joe Stowell, Chuck Swindoll, Henry Blackaby, Stuart Briscoe, Stephen Broyles, Don Everts, John Fischer, Leighton Ford, Ken Gire, Bill Hybels, Greg Laurie, James MacDonald, Josh McDowell, James Robison, and Gary Rosberg. All of the features and notes were written specifically for men.

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    • Every Mans Bible Large Print


      Now available in an easy-to-read Large Print edition, the popular NIV Every Man’s Bible is designed to help every man develop a fuller, richer relationship with Jesus as he understands what the Scriptures have to say about the challenges he faces. The Every Man’s Bible has thousands of notes on topics just for men- work, sex, competition, integrity, and more. This Bible also includes trusted advice from the pros: Stephen Arterburn, Tony Evans, David Jeremiah, Tony Dungy, Chuck Smith, Jr., Dallas Willard, Michael Youssef, Gordon MacDonald, Bill McCartney, J. I. Packer, Joe Stowell, Chuck Swindoll, Henry Blackaby, Stuart Briscoe, Stephen Broyles, Don Everts, John Fischer, Leighton Ford, Ken Gire, Bill Hybels, Greg Laurie, James MacDonald, Josh McDowell, James Robison, and Gary Rosberg. All of the features and notes were written specifically for men.

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    • Every Mans Bible Large Print Deluxe Explorer Edition


      Now available in an easy-to-read Large Print edition, the popular NIV Every Man’s Bible is designed to help every man develop a fuller, richer relationship with Jesus as he understands what the Scriptures have to say about the challenges he faces. The Every Man’s Bible has thousands of notes on topics just for men-work, sex, competition, integrity, and more. This Bible also includes trusted advice from the pros: Stephen Arterburn, Tony Evans, David Jeremiah, Tony Dungy, Chuck Smith, Jr., Dallas Willard, Michael Youssef, Gordon MacDonald, Bill McCartney, J. I. Packer, Joe Stowell, Chuck Swindoll, Henry Blackaby, Stuart Briscoe, Stephen Broyles, Don Everts, John Fischer, Leighton Ford, Ken Gire, Bill Hybels, Greg Laurie, James MacDonald, Josh McDowell, James Robison, and Gary Rosberg. All of the features and notes were written specifically for men.

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    • Every Mans Bible Large Print


      Now available in an easy-to-read Large Print edition, the popular NLT Every Man’s Bible is designed to help every man develop a fuller, richer relationship with Jesus as he understands what the Scriptures have to say about the challenges he faces. The Every Man’s Bible has thousands of notes on topics just for men- work, sex, competition, integrity, and more. This Bible also includes trusted advice from the pros: Stephen Arterburn, Tony Evans, David Jeremiah, Tony Dungy, Chuck Smith, Jr., Dallas Willard, Michael Youssef, Gordon MacDonald, Bill McCartney, J. I. Packer, Joe Stowell, Chuck Swindoll, Henry Blackaby, Stuart Briscoe, Stephen Broyles, Don Everts, John Fischer, Leighton Ford, Ken Gire, Bill Hybels, Greg Laurie, James MacDonald, Josh McDowell, James Robison, and Gary Rosberg. All of the features and notes were written specifically for men.

      The New Living Translation is an authoritative Bible translation rendered faithfully into today’s English from the ancient texts by 90 leading Bible scholars. The NLT’s scholarship and clarity breathe life into even the most difficult-to-understand Bible passages-but even more powerful are stories of how people’s lives are changing as the words speak directly to their hearts.

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    • Every Mans Bible Large Print Deluxe Explorer Edition


      Now available in an easy-to-read Large Print edition, the popular NLT Every Man’s Bible is designed to help every man develop a fuller, richer relationship with Jesus as he understands what the Scriptures have to say about the challenges he faces. The Every Man’s Bible has thousands of notes on topics just for men-work, sex, competition, integrity, and more. This Bible also includes trusted advice from the pros: Stephen Arterburn, Tony Evans, David Jeremiah, Tony Dungy, Chuck Smith, Jr., Dallas Willard, Michael Youssef, Gordon MacDonald, Bill McCartney, J. I. Packer, Joe Stowell, Chuck Swindoll, Henry Blackaby, Stuart Briscoe, Stephen Broyles, Don Everts, John Fischer, Leighton Ford, Ken Gire, Bill Hybels, Greg Laurie, James MacDonald, Josh McDowell, James Robison, and Gary Rosberg. All of the features and notes were written specifically for men.

      The New Living Translation is an authoritative Bible translation rendered faithfully into today’s English from the ancient texts by 90 leading Bible scholars. The NLT’s scholarship and clarity breathe life into even the most difficult-to-understand Bible passages-but even more powerful are stories of how people’s lives are changing as the words speak directly to their hearts.

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    • Every Mans Bible Large Print Deluxe Explorer Edition


      Now available in an easy-to-read Large Print edition, the popular NLT Every Man’s Bible is designed to help every man develop a fuller, richer relationship with Jesus as he understands what the Scriptures have to say about the challenges he faces. The Every Man’s Bible has thousands of notes on topics just for men-work, sex, competition, integrity, and more. This Bible also includes trusted advice from the pros: Stephen Arterburn, Tony Evans, David Jeremiah, Tony Dungy, Chuck Smith, Jr., Dallas Willard, Michael Youssef, Gordon MacDonald, Bill McCartney, J. I. Packer, Joe Stowell, Chuck Swindoll, Henry Blackaby, Stuart Briscoe, Stephen Broyles, Don Everts, John Fischer, Leighton Ford, Ken Gire, Bill Hybels, Greg Laurie, James MacDonald, Josh McDowell, James Robison, and Gary Rosberg. All of the features and notes were written specifically for men.

      The New Living Translation is an authoritative Bible translation rendered faithfully into today’s English from the ancient texts by 90 leading Bible scholars. The NLT’s scholarship and clarity breathe life into even the most difficult-to-understand Bible passages-but even more powerful are stories of how people’s lives are changing as the words speak directly to their hearts.

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    • Personal Size Giant Print Bible Filament Enabled Edition


      The new Tyndale KJV Personal Size Giant Print Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition, has readable text and an attractive layout in an easy-to-carry size. And while it has the same low price as basic, text-only Bibles, the KJV Personal Size Giant Print Bible offers much more. Along with the trusted and revered King James Version (KJV) text, it also includes the groundbreaking Filament Bible app, which turns this Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, offering more to expand your mind and touch your heart than you can possibly hold in your hand-at no additional cost, no additional bulk or weight. Read this Bible on its own, or dig deeper with the Filament Bible app. Use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page to a vast array of related content.

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    • Personal Size Giant Print Bible Filament Enabled Edition


      Bible Reading: Illuminated

      The new Tyndale NLT Personal Size Giant Print Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition, has readable text and an attractive layout in an easy-to-carry size. And while it has the same low price as basic, text-only Bibles, the NLT Personal Size Giant Print Bible offers much more. It not only features a bold new design and the trusted and much-loved New Living Translation (NLT) but also includes the groundbreaking Filament Bible app, which turns this Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, offering more to expand your mind and touch your heart than you can possibly hold in your hand-at no additional cost, no additional bulk or weight. Read this Bible on its own, or dig deeper with the Filament Bible app. Use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page to a vast array of related content.

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    • Personal Size Giant Print Bible Filament Enabled Edition


      Bible Reading: Illuminated

      The new Tyndale NLT Personal Size Giant Print Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition, has readable text and an attractive layout in an easy-to-carry size. And while it has the same low price as basic, text-only Bibles, the NLT Personal Size Giant Print Bible offers much more. It not only features a bold new design and the trusted and much-loved New Living Translation (NLT) but also includes the groundbreaking Filament Bible app, which turns this Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, offering more to expand your mind and touch your heart than you can possibly hold in your hand-at no additional cost, no additional bulk or weight. Read this Bible on its own, or dig deeper with the Filament Bible app. Use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page to a vast array of related content.

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    • Personal Size Giant Print Bible Filament Enabled Edition


      Bible Reading: Illuminated

      The new Tyndale NLT Personal Size Giant Print Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition, has readable text and an attractive layout in an easy-to-carry size. And while it has the same low price as basic, text-only Bibles, the NLT Personal Size Giant Print Bible offers much more. It not only features a bold new design and the trusted and much-loved New Living Translation (NLT) but also includes the groundbreaking Filament Bible app, which turns this Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, offering more to expand your mind and touch your heart than you can possibly hold in your hand-at no additional cost, no additional bulk or weight. Read this Bible on its own, or dig deeper with the Filament Bible app. Use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page to a vast array of related content.

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    • Personal Size Giant Print Bible Filament Enabled Edition


      Bible Reading: Illuminated

      The new Tyndale NLT Personal Size Giant Print Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition, has readable text and an attractive layout in an easy-to-carry size. And while it has the same low price as basic, text-only Bibles, the NLT Personal Size Giant Print Bible offers much more. It not only features a bold new design and the trusted and much-loved New Living Translation (NLT) but also includes the groundbreaking Filament Bible app, which turns this Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, offering more to expand your mind and touch your heart than you can possibly hold in your hand-at no additional cost, no additional bulk or weight. Read this Bible on its own, or dig deeper with the Filament Bible app. Use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page to a vast array of related content.

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    • Son Of Truth


      In Book 7 of Saga 1, BRAVE Books and Graham Allen partner together to discuss the fundamental topic of truth through the picture book, Son of Truth. The story follows Valor, a white tiger, and the son of Arthur, the renowned leader of Freedom Island. Valor is a star student at Shivermore Warrior Academy and aims to one day be the Top Commander of Freedom Island.

      One day, a letter comes with information revealing that one of the Top Commander candidates is the son of the notorious villain, Black Heart. The truth will rock Shivermore Warrior Academy and all those who attend. Will Black Heart’s scheme work or will truth prevail?

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    • Paws Off My Cannon


      In Book 6 of Saga 1, BRAVE Books and Danna Loesch have joined forces to discuss the importance of the Second Amendment through the story Paws Off My Cannon. This story follows Bongo, a daring and hungry gorilla, who loves eating food, especially mushroom-shaped cupcakes. But one day, a villainous hyena shoots a coconut at Bongo and his friend Bonnie. Bonnie is so upset at this misuse of coconut cannons that she suggests the village ban all coconut cannons. Bongo thinks that the hyenas are the problem, not the coconut cannons.

      Their debate splits Mushroom Village, and when the hyenas come back, their views are put to the test. Will Bongo and Bonnie finally see eye-to-eye or will one side prevail?

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    • Peter And Cornelius (DVD)


      Each DVD teaches children timeless moral truths and life lessons through the captivating, Bible-based adventures of two time-traveling children and their robot friend

      Unparalleled biblical accuracy in both scene design and character dialogue

      Immersive experience supported by Superbook Bible App and website

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    • Joshua And Caleb (DVD)


      Each DVD teaches children timeless moral truths and life lessons through the captivating, Bible-based adventures of two time-traveling children and their robot friend

      Unparalleled biblical accuracy in both scene design and character dialogue

      Immersive experience supported by Superbook Bible App and website

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    • Bible Promises For The Enneagram


      Simple, powerful resource that points each Enneagram type to Biblical truths for practical application.

      The popularity of the Enneagram has surprised everyone-it has become one of the most invaluable guides in ones’ journey toward self-understanding and self-development. But the Enneagram alone falls short without the application of God’s Word. Bible Promises for the Enneagram is a simple, but powerful resource for anyone wanting insights into their unique makeup. This resource book points each number to specific Biblical truths they need to hear, memorize, and stand on the most. The nine sections include a brief overview including list of strengths, key challenges, needs, and similar Bible characters, followed by lists of Scriptures categorized by need-based topics. This quick guide not only helps you learn more about yourself, but also about the people around you. Want to know which verses your #4 spouse needs to hear when he/she isn’t feeling noticed? This reference book will help you know exactly what to say to encourage and support all the numbers in your life.

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    • 3 Minute Devotions For Courageous Girls


      Got 3 minutes, courageous girl?

      Take a few moments of your day to quiet your spirit, think on God’s amazing love for you, and make a meaningful connection with your heavenly Father with these 3-minute readings designed just for you!

      Minute 1: meditate on a scripture selection
      Minute 2: read through a devotional created just for you
      Minute 3: read a prayer designed to help jump-start your conversation with God

      In only 3 short minutes, you’ll be on your way to a beautifully courageous spirit! This delightful devotional packs a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, and inspiration into dozens readings designed to meet you right where you are in life.

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    • Wonderful Names Of Jesus


      SKU (ISBN): 9781643527031ISBN10: 1643527037MariLee ParrishBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2021Publisher: Barbour Publishing Inc.

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