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Annie Downs

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  • Leamos Los Evangelios – (Spanish)


    La autora mas vendida del New York Times, Annie F. Downs, sabe por experiencia personal que cuando empiezas a leer los Evangelios, ellos empiezan a cambiar tu vida. Como un experimento, leyo los cuatro evangelios: Mateo, Marcos, Lucas y Juan, en 30 dias. Cuando termino, tomo otra traduccion de la Biblia e hizo lo mismo, una y otra vez. De repente se dio cuenta de que no podia guardarse esta experiencia para ella y nacio el podcast “Let’s Read the Gospels” (Leamos los Evangelios). Annie quiere que tengas el mismo cambio de vida al experimentar la lectura de los Evangelios como ella lo hizo. Esta guia diaria te lo facilita porque:

    *te muestra que leer ese dia
    *ofrece preguntas para pensar y escribir un diario
    *puedes utilizarlo una y otra vez, tantas veces como quieras

    Unete a esta creciente comunidad de personas que estan viendo cambiar sus vidas, actitudes y relaciones a medida que se sumergen en la historia de Jesus.

    New York Times bestselling author Annie F. Downs knows from personal experience that when you start to read the Gospels, they start to change your life. As an experiment, she read all four Gospels–Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John–in 30 days. When she finished, she picked up another translation of the Bible and did it again. And again. Suddenly she realized she couldn’t keep this experience to herself, and the “Let’s Read the Gospels” podcast was born. Annie wants you to have the same life-changing experience reading the Gospels as she has, and with this guided journal, she makes it even easier. Each of the 30 entries:

    *Shows you what to read on that day
    *Offers questions to think about and journal through
    *Can be used again and again, as many times as you go through the Gospels

    Join this growing community of people who are seeing their lives, attitudes, and relationships change as they immerse themselves in the story of Jesus.

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  • Lets Read The Gospels


    New York Times bestselling author Annie F. Downs knows from personal experience that when you start to read the Gospels, they start to change your life. As an experiment, she read all four Gospels–Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John–in 30 days. When she finished, she picked up another translation of the Bible and did it again. And again. Suddenly she realized she couldn’t keep this experience to herself, and the Let’s Read the Gospels podcast was born.

    Annie wants you to have the same life-changing experience reading the Gospels as she has, and with this guided journal, she makes it even easier. Each of the 30 entries

    – shows you what to read on that day
    – offers questions to think about and journal through
    – can be used again and again, as many times as you go through the Gospels

    Join this growing community of people who are seeing their lives, attitudes, and relationships change as they immerse themselves in the story of Jesus.

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  • So Happy To Know You


    The best thing about you is YOU!

    No matter what you’re good at, what you look like, or what you hope to do someday . . . whether you like to read or run or paint or play . . . the best thing about you is that you are uniquely YOU!

    Help your children learn early (and often) that being exactly who they are is the greatest gift! Join New York Times bestselling author Annie F. Downs and “Little Annie” as they celebrate every kid’s fun, fabulous, and unique design. With delightful illustrations and an A-to-Z look at character qualities, children (and adults!) will learn how to treasure what makes them special rather than trying to fit into others’ expectations of them.

    The positive, empowering message in So Happy to Know You will help kids accept themselves and show them the joy of accepting others for who they are designed to be.

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  • 100 Days To Brave For Kids


    100 Days to Brave for Kids helps kids see they were always meant to be brave. From dealing with fears, anxiety, and difficult changes in life, Annie F. Downs presents honest wisdom and humor giving kids ages 8 to 12 the courage and confidence to embrace the plan God has for their lives.

    100 Days to Brave for Kids is your guide to help your kids not allow fear to hold them back. With 100 days of devotions and advice, they will discover:
    *How to be the best version of themselves they can be
    *How to defeat fear so it doesn’t hold them back
    *Their unique gifts and how to create daily habits that will help them face any circumstance

    100 Days to Brave for Kids is perfect for:
    *Readers 8 to 12 who are facing new life events, loneliness, or changes in their everyday lives
    *Helping children through difficult transitions
    *Youth groups
    *Birthday gifts and holiday giving

    Kids today are going through a lot! With anxiety and loneliness at all-time highs, these 100 days can help your child discover they are braver than they know and stronger than they thought possible.

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