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Bible Studies

Showing 301–350 of 472 results

  • Gods Rhythm Of Life


    God’s Rhythm of Life, by Rev. William J. Morford, explains the Seasons of the Lord as given in Leviticus 23. The traditions of the Jewish people are described so we can see spiritual meanings in these Holy days. This book encourages churches to return to the Scriptures and to obey the Lord’s commands to observe His Seasons. God’s Rythm of Life exhorts believers to seek Divine wisdom in following Scripture to celebrate the same Holy Days that Jesus celebrated.

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  • 1 Kings 1-11 (Student/Study Guide)


    He was a king who rose to dizzying heights. An empire renowned wisdom breathtaking buildings incredible wealth Solomon had it all. And under him, Gods chosen people Israel enjoyed a golden age.

    But he was also a king who fell ruinously. His reputation became tarnished his kingdom was divided his achievements did not last. Solomon’s life and rule are a fascinating study of wealth and powerand their corrupting influence.

    But his rule is not primarily a morality tale. Solomon’s reign, and the blessings Gods people enjoyed under him, point us to a greater king, who will never fall. The king and his kingdom turn out to be just a shadow of the reality that is to come in Christ. Its rise shows us how wonderful it is when Gods people live in Gods land under Gods king. Its fall reminds us that the best is yet to come.

    The eight studies in this Good Book Guide will help ordinary Christians get to grips with the first eleven chapters of 1 Kings. They will encourage and challenge you as you seek to live as Gods people today. And they will excite you as you look forward to the eternal glory of living under great Solomons greater SonJesus Christ.

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  • Man Talk (DVD)


    The Man Talk is what it sounds like – a discussion about what it’s like to be a Man today. It’s a real talk, a meat and potatoes approach to issues pressing us from all sides: * Being the best Father I can be. How to lead my family spiritually. * What it’s like to be a Husband and a Servant. Christian men and sex. * Christian dating: A how-to. Everyone needs a good talking to at some point. And, this is one for you. Real Men who aren’t afraid to talk about Man stuff, and who are better for it

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  • Nombres De Dios – (Spanish)


    Los nombres de Dios revelan su favor y su amor inmensurable por nosotros. El es nuestro Sanador, Proveedor, Pacificador, Conquistador y mucho mas.

    Al saber como Dios expresa su amor por nosotros por medio de sus nombres, usted puede:
    profundizar su comunion con El
    descubrir su proposito en la vida
    encontrar seguridad y paz en su presencia
    recibir sanidad para su cuerpo
    derrotar la influencia de Satanas en su vida

    Al entender la naturaleza de Dios, usted cosechara las bendiciones de sus muchas promesas, vivira el gran plan que El tiene para su vida y vera satisfechas sus necesidades mas profundas.

    Aqui esta la llave para abrir el tesoro… las miles de promesas hechas por Dios a cada uno de nosotros. !Reclamelas hoy!

    God’s names reveal His favor and immeasurable love for us.
    He is our Healer, Provider, Peacemaker, Conqueror, and much more.

    By knowing how God expresses His love for us through His names, you can:
    Deepen your fellowship with Him
    Discover your purpose in life
    Find security and peace in His presence
    Receive healing for your body
    Defeat Satan’s influence in your life

    By understanding the nature of God, you will reap the blessings of His many promises, live out the great plan He has for your life, and have your deepest needs met.

    Here’s the key to unlocking the treasure…the thousands of promises made by God to each one of us. Claim them today!

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  • Jonah : The Depths Of Grace (Student/Study Guide)


    The story of Jonah and the whale is one of the most famous in the Bible: but its message is perhaps one of the most ignored. It’s a story about storms and sailors, rebellion, and rescue, preaching and protest. And it s a story about one reluctant evangelist’s experience of speaking to people who knew nothing about God. So its message has great relevance today for God’s people, living in an increasingly non-Christian culture. Jonah’s story will encourage believers who find themselves ill-equipped to share God s message with colleagues, friends and family: and it deeply challenges our priorities in life. But most of all this is a story about God. The book of Jonah reveals to us the depths of God’s grace, both to outsiders and to insiders. It shows us God’s compassion for the lost and His patience with His wayward people. Use this guide to uncover the wonderful message of Jonah, and to come face to face with the greatest evangelist of all the Lord our God Himself.

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  • Promises Kept : The Whole Story Of The Bible (Student/Study Guide)


    One Saturday, less than a decade after the end of Jesus of Nazareth s life, a man named Paul stood up in a Jewish synagogue with a mind-blowing message.

    We tell you the good news, he said. What God promised our fathers, he has fulfilled for us, their children, by raising up Jesus (Acts 13 v 33-34). In many ways, in these two sentences Paul was summing up the story of the whole of the Bible.

    God is a promise-making God. Throughout history, He has made huge, extravagant, wonderful promises to humanity. Crucially, God is also a promise-keeping God. What He says, He does. And at a particular point in history, He fulfilled all of His promises in the life, death, resurrection and rule of one human Jesus, a carpenter from a small Jewish town. The good news is that God’s promises are promises kept.

    This Good Book Guide will take you on a rapid tour of the whole story of the Bible. Over nine sessions, you ll travel from the beginning of the past, through our present, to the future. Each session you’ll discover one of God’s wonderful promises, and see how He kept it in Jesus.

    It s a whirlwind tour. It s a breathtaking tour. And it s a tour we re part of…

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  • Ruth : Poverty And Plenty (Student/Study Guide)


    This woman from ancient times was no powerful princess – just a young, vulnerable widow, an impoverished outcast. The story records no famous events or places – just a struggling family facing hard times in a small, agricultural community occupied with their livelihoods and customs.

    But the hidden hand of God is at work in the lives of these ordinary people, and wonderfully at work in history. God transforms hardship from bitterness to joy; God’s word liberates people to become a community filled with loving kindness towards outsiders; God’s people reach out to their enemies. And most significantly, God’s great plan, to send a promised savioursavior King to redeem people of all nations, is being worked out.

    Like those in the story, we may be just ordinary people, unable to see how the events of our lives will turn out. But by encountering the God who works through the circumstances of life, we too can discover the God who can turn our ‘poverty’ to ‘plenty’ through Jesus Christ.

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  • Discipleship Explored International Student Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Before We Begin
    Week 1: How Can I Be Sure I’m A Christian? – Philippians 1:1-11
    Week 2: What Am I Living For? – Philippians 1:12-26
    Week 3: Together For Christ? – Philippians 1:27 – 2:11
    Week 4: How Should I Live For Christ? – Philippians 2:5-18
    Week 5: Can I Be Good Enough For God? – Philippians 3:1-9
    Week 6: How Can I Know Christ Better? – Philippians 3:10 – 4:1
    Week 7: How Can I Rejoice In Christ? – Philippians 4:2-9
    Week 8: How Can I Be Content In Christ? – Philippians 4:10-23
    Extra: An Example To Follow? – Philippians 2:19-30

    Additional Info
    Discipleship Explored is ideal for new Christians, but is also great for anyone who wants to grow in their Christian life. Participants are taken on a life-changing journey into Philippians as the eight interactive sessions bring them to the heart of what it means to be a Christian. Carefully-crafted Bible-study questions, detailed guidance for leaders, and day-by-day Bible reading notes for participants are all included.

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  • Discipleship Explored Universal Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    Section 1: How To Run The Course
    Planning Your Discipleship Explored Group
    Preparing Yourself And Your Co-leaders
    Introducing Philippians
    Running The Sessions
    What To Do If…
    Working With English Speakers
    Cross-cultural Discipleship
    You Never Stop Learning To Be A Disciple
    Section 2: Study Guide
    Before We Begin
    Week 1: How Can I Be Sure I’m A Christian? – Philippians 1:1-11
    Week 2: What Am I Living For? – Philippians 1:12-26
    Week 3: Together For Christ? – Philippians 1:27 – 2:11
    Week 4: How Should I Live For Christ? – Philippians 2:5-18
    Week 5: Can I Be Good Enough For God? – Philippians 3:1-9
    Week 6: How Can I Know Christ Better? – Philippians 3:10 – 4:1
    Week 7: How Can I Rejoice In Christ? – Philippians 4:2-9
    Week 8: How Can I Be Content In Christ? – Philippians 4:10-23
    Extra: An Example To Follow? – Philippians 2:19-30

    Additional Info
    Essential for every leader. Written in clear and simple English to help the leader use straightforward English while guiding the group through the studies. This study includes weekly Bible studies, talk outlines and training material on how to unpack any deeper concepts that may arise.

    Discipleship Explored is for anyone who wants to make the most of their Christian lives, but especially for people who have recently completed an evangelistic course and decided to follow Christ.

    This Universal Edition Leader’s Guide can be used in conjunction with both the Universal Edition Study Guide and the International Student Study Guide.

    The Discipleship Explored: Universal Edition features a series of Bible studies through Philippians which can be used on their own, or in conjunction with the Discipleship Explored DVD.

    The studies are designed to be universally accessible with a special emphasis on clear and simple English, making them suitable for use with internationals who are learning English and for anyone else who appreciates really clear and simple language. The Bible studies could also be used in regular Bible-study groups or with anyone who has recently completed a Christianity Explored course.

    Key features:
    – 8 Bible studies through Philippians (plus 2 extra optional studies)
    – Written in simple and clear English
    – Training section on cross-cultural discipleship
    – Can be used with the Discipleship Explored DVD
    – Additional resource material available as free downloads.

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  • Discipleship Explored Universal Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Before We Begin
    Week 1: How Can I Be Sure I’m A Christian? – Philippians 1:1-11
    Week 2: What Am I Living For? – Philippians 1:12-26
    Week 3: Together For Christ? – Philippians 1:27 – 2:11
    Week 4: How Should I Live For Christ? – Philippians 2:5-18
    Week 5: Can I Be Good Enough For God? – Philippians 3:1-9
    Week 6: How Can I Know Christ Better? – Philippians 3:10 – 4:1
    Week 7: How Can I Rejoice In Christ? – Philippians 4:2-9
    Week 8: How Can I Be Content In Christ? – Philippians 4:10-23
    Extra: An Example To Follow? – Philippians 2:19-30

    Additional Info
    The Discipleship Explored: Universal Edition study guide is for each participant on the course. Each study includes an introductory discussion question, 10-12 questions on the Bible passage and a closing suggestion for prayer.

    Discipleship Explored is for anyone who wants to make the most of their Christian lives, but especially for people who have recently completed an evangelistic course and decided to follow Christ.

    The DE: Universal Edition features a series of Bible studies through Philippians which can be used on their own, or in conjunction with the Discipleship Explored DVD.

    The studies are designed to be universally accessible with a special emphasis on clear and simple English, making them suitable for use with internationals who are learning English (see the International Version of the study guide) and for anyone else who appreciates really clear and simple language. The Bible studies will also suit regular Bible-study groups and anyone who has recently completed a Christianity Explored course.

    Key features:
    – 8 Bible studies through Philippians (plus 2 extra optional studies)
    – Written in simple and clear English
    – Can be used with the Discipleship Explored DVD
    – Additional resource material available as free downloads.

    This Study Guide should be used in conjunction with the Universal Edition Leader’s Guide.

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  • Every Man Gods Man (Student/Study Guide)


    How to be a man after God’s own heart – relentlessly

    Discover life-changing encouragement and practical, man-to-man guidance in your Christian walk. Tailor-made for any man who feels incomplete in his commitment to God, Every man, God’s Man is for those who want to become even more authentic, more courageous, and more intimate with God in every area of his life. It’s for every man who desires to walk in true spiritual integrity every moment of the day. Like all the books in the Every Man series, this one gets into your head, gives you hope and equips you to persevere in your individual pursuit of God.

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  • Matthew (Student/Study Guide)


    A fresh new look at the Bible, from beginning to end, and what it means in your life
    We’ve asked some of the leading Bible scholars and teachers to help us with a new kind of Bible study. Immersion remains true to Scripture but always asks, “Where are you in your life? What do you stuggle with? What makes you rejoice?” and then helps you read the text to discover the Scriptures’ deep, abiding truths. Immersion is about God and God’s word, and it is also about you-not just your thoughts but your feelings and your faith.

    In each study you will preview the focus of the Bible reading, prayerfully read and reflect upon it, then identify ways you can put into practice what you have learned from the reading. This process of engagement with the biblical foundations of Christian faith is intended to help people deepen their faith and grow in love of God and neighbor.

    Immersion makes use of, but is not limited to, an exciting new translation of Scripture, the Common English Bible (CEB). Immersion, like the CEB, will offer adults:

    the emotional expectation to find the love of God
    the rational expectation to find the knowledge of God
    reliable, genuine, and credible power to transform lives
    clarity of language

    Whether you are using the Common English Bible, the New Revised Standard Version, the New International Version, the King James Version, or another translation, Immersion Bible Studies will offer a refreshing plunge into God’s word, your own life, and your life with God.

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  • Be Equipped Deuteronomy


    SKU (ISBN): 9781434700520ISBN10: 1434700526Warren WiersbeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2010BEPublisher: David C. Cook

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  • Be Distinct 2 Kings And 2 Chronicles


    SKU (ISBN): 9781434700513ISBN10: 1434700518Warren WiersbeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2010BEPublisher: David C. Cook

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  • Be Concerned Minor Prophets


    SKU (ISBN): 9780781403375ISBN10: 0781403375Warren WiersbeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2010BEPublisher: David C. Cook

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  • Be Responsible 1 Kings


    SKU (ISBN): 9781434700544ISBN10: 1434700542Warren WiersbeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2010BEPublisher: David C. Cook

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  • Be Holy Leviticus


    SKU (ISBN): 9781434700537ISBN10: 1434700534Warren WiersbeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2010BEPublisher: David C. Cook

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  • John Introducing Jesus (Student/Study Guide)


    Its only when you sit down and talk with someone that you start to discover what they are really like.

    What would it be like to have an intimate conversation with Jesus? What would you ask Him? What might He say to you?

    In his Gospel, John records for us a series of conversations that Jesus had with different people. They include a confused minister and a desperate woman; a lifelong loser and an anxious politician.

    From each conversation there emerges something new about Jesus who He is, what He came to do and what His priorities and concerns are. And each time we also hear Jesus speaking directly to us. He addresses our
    doubts and our desires, our fears and our failings, our sorrows and setbacks, and challenges us to think differently about God, life and eternity.

    Use these studies to deepen your understanding of Jesus Christ, or perhaps even to be introduced to Him for the first time.

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  • Be Available Judges


    SKU (ISBN): 9781434700483ISBN10: 1434700488Warren WiersbeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2010BEPublisher: David C. Cook

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  • Be Heroic Minor Prophets


    SKU (ISBN): 9780781403351ISBN10: 0781403359Warren WiersbeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2010BEPublisher: David C. Cook

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  • Be Restored 2 Samuel And 1 Chronicles


    SKU (ISBN): 9781434700490ISBN10: 1434700496Warren WiersbeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2010BEPublisher: David C. Cook

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  • Be Satisfied Ecclesiastes (Revised)


    With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

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  • Be Delivered Exodus (Revised)


    With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

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  • Be Ready 1-2 Thessalonians (Revised)


    With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

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  • Be Successful 1 Samuel (Revised)


    With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

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  • Daniel : A Life Changing Encounter With God’s Word


    How do we hold on to godliness when the world we live in is so secularized? In the newest addition to the popular LifeChanges series, readers discover the amazing relevance of the book of Daniel and how to live with influence in a secular culture and trust in God’s sovereignty when the world seems to have gone mad? Includes twelve lessons, background information on Daniel, resource recommendations, and a “How to Use This Study” section.

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  • Be Compassionate Luke 1-13 (Revised)


    With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

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  • Be Counted Numbers (Revised)


    With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

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  • Be Alert 2 Peter 2-3 John Jude (Revised)


    With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

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  • Be Courageous Luke 14-24 (Revised)


    With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

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  • Experiencing God : Finding True Passion Joy Peace And Rest In Christ (Student/St


    Have you had an experience of God? Its a question that provokes mixed reactions.

    The word experience may set alarm bells ringing for some Christians, as they imagine the word means supernatural encounters, strange visions, voices or other revelations.

    But the Bible, Gods final, complete revelation, reveals a different, yet no less marvellous experience of God. The wonderful truths of the Gospel, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit give Christians a unique experience of God, seen and felt in many ways. A love for Christ and for others. Peace in place of anxiety and joy in all circumstances. And a passion for doing good, and a deep sense of fulfilment and freedom.

    These studies stem from the conviction that a deeper understanding of Gods gospel leads us to a genuine, life-transforming experience of the living God in Christ, which leaves us hungry to know Him more, and serve Him more faithfully. Work through them yourself, with a friend, your partner or in a Bible-study group to discover the riches that are yours in Christ.

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  • Ephesians : Gods Big Plan For Christs New People (Student/Study Guide)


    Why Study Ephesians?
    1. Blessed In Christ (Ephesians 1 V 1-3)
    2. Saved By God (Ephesians 1 V 4-14)
    3. Eyes Opened By The Spirit (Ephesians 1 V 15-23)
    4. Raised With Christ (Ephesians 2 V 1-10)
    5. United In Christ (Ephesians 2 V 11-22)
    6. Given God’s Message (Ephesians 3)
    7. Growing In Christ (Ephesians 4 V 1-16)
    8. Clothed With New Life (Ephesians 4 V 17 – 5 V 17)
    9. Filled With The Spirit (Ephesians 5 V 18 – 6 V 9)
    10. Ready For Battle (Ephesians 6 V 10-24)
    Leader’s Guide

    Additional Info
    “Why should I be a member of a local church? I’m a part of the body of Christ. Isn’t that enough?”

    An increasing number of people think of the Christian faith primarily in terms of themselves as individuals. Faith is not only a personal but also a private matter. For these believers, church has become an optional extra, a matter of convenience and personal choice.

    In his letter to the Ephesians, the apostle Paul says a firm “no” to this idea. The church of Christ far from being an optional extra; it is the display of God’s wisdom to the universe! The church is God’s handiwork, made up of people from every conceivable background, living under the gracious rule of Jesus himself. To be a part of the church is to be hand-selected by God through Christ to make visible the mystery of God’s electing love.

    In short, Christianity is far more corporate and public than we might first expect. We are redeemed as individuals, but we are placed in a family. And living out the Christian life requires we live together with others who love the same Lord. It requires we actively participate in the church, for the church is God’s only plan to raise us to full maturity in Jesus Christ.

    “Ephesians is one of the most beautiful books in the Bible,” Thabiti said. “The symmetry between rich theology and applied living can hardly be matched. So, if a Christian wants to think carefully about what he/she believes and then walk out their beliefs, Ephesians is an excellent book to study. I also love the book because of the honored place the book gives to the local church. If we would be healthy Christians, we would be wise to build our lives around the kind of church that emerges from the book of Ephesians.”

    The ten studies in this Good Book Guide will help groups and individuals discover the richness of God’s grace towards His people, and grow as the body of Christ.

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  • Be Encouraged 2 Corinthians (Revised)


    With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

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  • Be Decisive Jeremiah (Revised)


    With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

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  • Be Strong Joshua (Revised)


    With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

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  • Be Wise 1 Corinthians (Revised)


    With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

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  • Be Basic Genesis 1-11 (Revised)


    With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

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  • Be Obedient Genesis 12-24 (Revised)


    With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

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  • Be Diligent Mark (Revised)


    With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

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  • Be Authentic Genesis 25-50 (Revised)


    With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

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  • Becoming A Woman Of Faith (Student/Study Guide)


    What does it really mean to be a woman of faith? Is there something more, something that equips a woman to face all of life’s struggles and surprises with unshakeable confidence?

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  • Key To Living By Faith


    Kay Arthur’s life-changing New Inductive Study Series has sold more than 1.4 million copies. Each exciting examination of a different book of the Bible brings readers face-to-face with the truth of God’s precepts, promises, and purposes-in just minutes a day. Ideal for individual study, one-on-one discipleship, group discussions, and quarterly classes. This inductive study of Hebrews reveals the assurance that Jesus is our high priest who makes intercession for all of God’s children. As readers learn to keep their focus on Jesus and rely on His faithfulness in all situations, they gain a deeper understanding of God’s grace and provision. Brief exercises provide tools to help readers note key words, list important insights, question and reflect on the text, and discover God’s answers for themselves.

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  • Advent Of The Savior


    These six studies, edited by Cindy Bunch, will introduce you to the circumstances surrounding the birth of Jesus, remind you of God’s faithfulness and power to fulfill his promises, and draw you more deeply into the love that brought Christ to earth.

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  • Be Daring Acts 13-28


    Why go through life as a spectator?

    In this practical study of Acts 13-28, Dr. Wiersbe explains how God equips and calls ordinary people to do extraordinary tasks. He answers such questions as:
    * What is a call to service?
    * How does God equip His servants?
    * How can I determine His will for my life?
    * What is God’s program for world outreach?

    Don’t just watch what’s happening! Be a dynamic part of the excitement and action of Christian service right where you are. Yes, it’s time to BE DARING.

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  • Be Dynamic Acts 1-12


    “The ministry of the Holy Spirit is not a luxury; it is an absolute necessity,” writes celebrated author and respected pastor Warren Wiersbe. In his first of two books covering Acts, Be Dynamic focuses on Peter’s ministry, mostly in Israel and centered in Jerusalem. Through explaining Luke’s record of the Gospel’s advancement and church expansion, Wiersbe opens the door to understanding the work of the church today.

    Using hard-hitting quotes from recognized names like St. Augustine and John Bunyan, Wiersbe proves himself as a well-read author and gifted writer. The depth of his study is astounding, yet the accessibility of his text for every age group is evident as well. He proves what Luke intended-for Acts to be interpreted not as the apostles’ glorious acts, but as the life-changing acts of the Holy Spirit. The same Spirit lives in believers today, the same God calls followers to expand His church, and the same basic problems still arise within the church, but the same power available then is still available now to change the nations.

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  • Be Patient Job


    Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people? Warren W. Wiersbe tackles this question as he explores the life of Job in his commentary Be Patient. Through Job’s story, we are reminded of God’s sovereignty and encouraged to endure the suffering in our own lives.

    In a single day, Job’s wealth was plundered, his ten children were killed, and his health was taken. His friends judged him and his wife did not stand by her man. But Job held on to his trust in Almighty God-a Father who is always good and always faithful. In addition to restoring his wealth and relationships, God gave Job a much greater blessing: a deeper knowledge of Himself and His ways.

    Trust the pastor’s pastor, Warren W. Wiersbe, to guide readers into a better understanding of God’s sovereignty as they face trials in their own lives.

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  • Be Free Galatians


    SKU (ISBN): 9781434767479ISBN10: 1434767477Warren WiersbeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2009BEPublisher: David C. Cook

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  • Be Determined Nehemiah


    You Can Make a Difference in Tough Situations

    God is looking for people who will make a difference in the difficult places of life!
    * People with vision who see possibilities, not problems
    * People with courage who will finish the job
    * People with faith who believe God can use them Nehemiah was that kind of person.

    He was a layman called by God to give Jerusalem a new beginning. In spite of opposition, Nehemiah stayed on the job and saw the holy city restored. Nehemiah was a successful leader who teachers us:
    * How to encourage others to serve the Lord
    * How to detect and defeat the enemy’s tactics
    * How to keep going when the going is tough
    * How to make prayer a vital part of your life

    Satan is tearing things down in this world, but Jesus Christ is building things up. For which one are you working? No matter how difficult the situation may be, get acquainted with Nehemiah and learn how to Be Determined!

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  • Be Real 1 John


    SKU (ISBN): 9781434767448ISBN10: 1434767442Warren WiersbeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2009BEPublisher: David C. Cook

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  • Be Hopeful 1 Peter


    How to Win When Fiery Trials Come

    The people who first read Peter’s epistle were familiar with suffering and persecution because of their loyalty to Christ. But Peter warned that something new would soon happen: a “fiery trial” of official persecution was about to begin. Peter wanted to tell them how they could be triumphant for the glory of God. We can expect to suffer for our faith, but we can also be hopeful. God’s grace is ours for the asking! Suffering in the will of God leads to the glory of God.

    We can prepare for the best of God’s blessings rather than fear the worst of man’s hatred.

    Look to Jesus Christ and BE HOPEFUL

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